One habit you are trying to give up?


Feb 16, 2011
Which is that one habit that you don't like in yourself and you are trying to give up?

I think I procrastinate too much but there has been no improvement till now :p
Not trying to give smoking up, enjoy it too much.

Trying to give up wasting time on the internet so I can study more...not trying particularly hard though.
What is this prakrastineshann awaam is talking aboot?

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Lying to almost everyone not real lies but joke lies just to puzzle people or have a laugh
Not trying to give smoking up, enjoy it too much.

Trying to give up wasting time on the internet so I can study more...not trying particularly hard though.

:)) So true, was gonna come into this thread to say that ... but realised I don't think I will, much too good a habit.

And if Shoaib does it, who am I ?! :akhtar
Lol, then I am the master blaster king kong of procrastination :sachin :ibutt

Why are you using that word though? I thought us desi's didn't use difficult words :zoni

It tends to be worse whenever Pak are playing.
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try to control my temper
what can I say, us Pathans, we are born with it.

I know how it is, I have given up trying to control my anger!

It gets dangerous when I'm watching cricket or football. I have smashed many remotes. When I do this, I see my Mom's anger. That is a sight to behold!
thinking too much into one thing and being negative about it
Sleeping too much. I love it but then I feel guilty when I wake up and think about all the things I should have done when I was awake. But thinking about those things bores me so I go back to sleep again.
sleeping patterns are all over the place.

need to fix that.
Not a physical habit,but a mental habit.

A very difficult principle,a principle which lot of people say they have,but i have hardly seen much people following it,which i always have been forced to give up,and now in the process of giving up completely simply because it has lead to many complications,and it is not possible to adopt in this society.

-"Whoever the person be it from your own family or any stranger,whatever the situation,always talk right if right,wrong if wrong,good if good,bad if bad.don't be biased against anyone. "
I unfortunately have loads of bad habits :( procrastinating, talking, nailbiting, cannot deal with stress...
But the one thing i really wanna give up is my short temperedness. I get annoyed really quickly and then end up snapping and saying stuff I deeply regret afterwards... Not proud of it at all :/
I unfortunately have loads of bad habits :( procrastinating, talking, nailbiting, cannot deal with stress...
But the one thing i really wanna give up is my short temperedness. I get annoyed really quickly and then end up snapping and saying stuff I deeply regret afterwards... Not proud of it at all :/

Another thing we have in common! :O

Mine would be, listening to music... I listen to music too much, seriously need to calm down on it.
^yea my dad gets pissed that im always listening to music...
and omg i love discovering these things we have in common dont find it weird at all :p
Another one beating up my Little brothers /shouting

Wait for them to grow up, you'll find you've dropped the habit really easily.

Plus you may acquire a new habit - getting beaten by your big 'little' brothers. :wahab
i unfortunately have loads of bad habits :( procrastinating, talking, nailbiting, cannot deal with stress...
but the one thing i really wanna give up is my short temperedness. I get annoyed really quickly and then end up snapping and saying stuff i deeply regret afterwards... Not proud of it at all :/

same here! :(

How much do you spend bro!

Matt pocchho bhai, this year from December 2010 till today (March 15, 2011) I have spent close to £1600 on 7 bats and a helmet :(

It hurts when I think of it :(

Its more than 3 days Lambo rent :(
Not warming up before a cricket/football game or training - I always tend to pull a muscle or so and also whenever Arsenal or Pakistan seem to lose, I always blame it on one of my brothers for celebrating at the wrong time or coming in the room at the wrong time, strange habits that I must get rid off!
^omg i do that i always feel bad when i get up from my chair and a wicket goes or when i enter the room and we begin to lose. the amount of times i have strongly believe that we've lost the games because of such things...


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Matt pocchho bhai, this year from December 2010 till today (March 15, 2011) I have spent close to £1600 on 7 bats and a helmet :(

It hurts when I think of it :(

Its more than 3 days Lambo rent :(

Why do you buy so many bats?

Which one do you prefer?
Why do you buy so many bats?

Which one do you prefer?

Its a shouq, indeed, a burra shouq

There are 4 which I haven't recieved yet.

Before I got into cricket equipment one poster (I am sure he would be reading this) said "be careful this is a bad habit and very expensive one" he was so damn true!!

Because he likes to go clubbing :cd

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:))) :)))

he is :sachin, don't you know?

:))) :)))
Matt pocchho bhai, this year from December 2010 till today (March 15, 2011) I have spent close to £1600 on 7 bats and a helmet :(

It hurts when I think of it :(

Its more than 3 days Lambo rent :(


It's OK bro, we all splash out when we're young!! When we're going to be married we will have our wives to stop us! :))
Eating a lot :))).
I've gone up from 82 kg to roughly 93 kg in less than 6 months.
Gotta take my diet seriously.