Pace | How to Increase Pace.

Bullet Drive

T20I Captain
Oct 5, 2010
Post of the Week
How do I increase my pace as a bowler. I have good accuracy etc but I need to increase my pace and get it too around 80 mph.

I need to eat healthy etc and cut out some foods. Can some one help with everything please. This new year I want to take cricket on seriously.

I want to know what to eat and what not to eat. How often I should go gym and what to do in gym etc.

Also protein shakes and supplements, do I take them etc? How do I get my fitness high etc.

Please help. Thanks.
How do I increase my pace as a bowler. I have good accuracy etc but I need to increase my pace and get it too around 80 mph.

I need to eat healthy etc and cut out some foods. Can some one help with everything please. This new year I want to take cricket on seriously.

I want to know what to eat and what not to eat. How often I should go gym and what to do in gym etc.

Also protein shakes and supplements, do I take them etc? How do I get my fitness high etc.

Please help. Thanks.

Do Exercises, Run fast, build up your muscle by weightlifting don`t do to much or you will fill more heavier and you will run slow and may result your body be like a body builder like :akhtar

and improve your stamina and practice in the nets and
Do interval running on a treadmill instead of a one paced running method. E.g Jog at a steady pace for 1 minute and sprint for 1 minute and repeat. Cricket is a strength sport not a marathon in my opinion. Although stamina is very important the best way to increase it for cricket is to bowl more. Weight training is very important not only for pace but also you will get far less injurys. Do not be afraid to lift heavyweights but focus on your form and technique first and foremost if you are going to lift weights. I have been doing weight training for 2 years. The exercise that i feel made me bowl quicker the most was the squat and deadlift followed by bench press.

As the above poster said cardio interval training is vital in addition to weight training, do not do more reps and light weight etc it counts for nothing, the key to weight training is choose a weight which is not too heavy for you but not too light and the rest period between each set should be less then a minute and timing should only be enough to get you to the next exercise, intensity is key for the conditioning of a fast bowler.

The link above is a fantastic plan for a fast bowler, i know it is a body fat reduction plan but am sure it will work wonders for you, make sure you read it thoroughly its not too long and the diet plan is also reconmended, the regime couples weight training workouts with interval cardio training and all the relevant workouts and what you need to do exactly is in the link.

Take a look at this link also general info on a cricket training programme:

Am sure you must have checked out Dale steys fast bowling tips in this thread to there very useful.

And Remember avoid junk food at all costs!!!! maybe once every 6 weeks a small portion only if your very desperate. Your fitness as a fast bowler is EVERYTHING what you possibly may lack in skill or talent ( do work on it/not saying your rubbish ) your FITNESS will make up for everything, be an athlete. Dedication and commitment come from eliminating any mental blocks in your mind don't worry about anything else and just focus on the given moment you are perfecting your fitness/cricket skill.

As socrate said: A warrior does not give up what he loves.... he finds the love in what he does.

Good luck
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all posted above is about being athletic/having athletic body... it does not warrant nor promise pace... for pace only a smooth and proper run up will help you get there (Especially at club level)... guys have faulty run ups without any thought behind it, work on that, first and fore most work on your run up, once that is done you can than automatically find increased pace from what you were originally doing. (having an atheltic body only helps so yea, dont throw that out of the window)...

Run up means,

still head, smooth rythem in the run up (body should not be all over the place), start slow and accelerate and your last few steps should be the fastest, (most guys start fast and slow down to even a complete jerk stop at times before delivering)... or your run up should be smooth throughout its duration (ala M asif)... your hands positioning is very important as well, as to where they are, (alot of guys have them flailing around, or too stiff, or move them up down or around unnecessarily), and then a good follow through to finish it off, after pitching dont just do a jerk stop, continue with the flow of the run up... holding the ball is very important too, a lot of guys hold it wrong, there should be a finger's gap between the ball and your thumb webbing once you hold it, also think of the ball as an egg, that when you hold it you should not end up cracking it, not toooo ultra light, nor toooo tight, just light enough that should someone do a light tap on your hand the ball should fall out... gripping the ball very hard/stiff will cause more friction out of the hand thus reducing the pace...

that is the very basic, after that it is about having the person next to you to be coaching them or them practicing it diligently, don't expect to have it mastered in a day or a week, sometimes it takes even a couple of seasons, just relax work hard on it, things should start to improve after some time.

Good luck...
first get you technique right just some slight adjustments can lead to extra pace, after that is sorted start buidling muscle in certain area mainly upper boddy, the whole back are and legs.
do core stability exercises and make your body more flexibily,pace does not comes from your arm,its all from center of body,i am 17 now,one year ago i used to bowl 100-105 kmph but now pitchvision technology in my club showed my speed was around 120-125 kph with short runup,i strengthened my core,back and flexibility.if u go to gym do lots of cardio if you have fat,if your body fat percentage is below 18% i am sure,with your hard work in one year you can bowl around 120-125 kmph.dont try to increase pace suddenly.i am quick but not accurate.there are many guys in my club who played for state u-19 team in the past and bowl around 143 kmph,fastest clocked in my club was 145 kmph.damn,we are all not accurate with this pace.i would be accurate with 110-115 kmph . flexibility is to reduce the risk of injury.the most important thing to generate much pace is push the non bowling elbow very hard in your and bring your arm quickly to the release with power from total body.
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Having playes at a good u17 level club my best advice is to bowl as much as possible, its important for a fast bowler to have good core so compound exercises are the best when you bowl regularly your smaller muscles will develop automatically and remember to do your cardio because having good stamina is key for a fast bowler
Bowling with a Tennis ball (especially against the wind) also helps to build you muscles and reflexes. If you do this for a week your speed will increase when reverting back to the kookabora. I did this alot when i was youngster even Ramiz Raja agreed to this theory on Radio2000 when he was here in South Africa