Pakistan removed from UK's Red List for COVID-19 risk


ODI Debutant
Oct 29, 2014
Post of the Week
Only Pakistani citizens are allowed to enter with a negative COVID test prior to leaving UK and on arrival in Pakistan AND must quarantine on arrival.

Foreign nationals are restricted from entering Pakistan if they have been to the UK during the last 10 days.


Pakistan on Monday joined a slew of countries who have closed their borders to Britain over fears of a highly infectious new coronavirus strain, heightening global panic and causing travel chaos.

A meeting of the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) placed a temporary restriction on inbound travellers from the UK (direct or indirect) to Pakistan that will come into effect on the midnight of December 22 (i.e. 00:00 hours Dec 23) and last until the midnight of Dec 29, according to a communique sent to the Civil Aviation Authority by the Aviation Division.

The restriction will apply to all persons who start their travel from the UK and are in or have been in the UK over the past 10 days, said the letter, a copy of which is available with

Transit passengers who do not leave the airside in the UK from destinations other than the UK will be allowed entry into Pakistan.

Meanwhile, Pakistani passport holders who have travelled to the UK on visitor/temporary visas will be allowed to return to the country with the following arrangements:

1) A negative PCR test, conducted within 72 hours prior to flight, will be required

2) PCR test on arrival in Pakistan under arrangement with the Directorate of Central Health Establishment or regional health staff. Passengers will be required to stay in the airport or in a government facility until the PCR test is taken

3) Mandatory enforced home quarantine for seven days

4) Trace and test will be applied to all passengers who have arrived from the UK over the past seven days as well as passengers arriving on Dec 21 and Dec 22

The NCOC also decided to make the 'Pass Track' app mandatory for all travellers arriving in Pakistan with effect from midnight Dec 22. Passengers without the app will need to fill out the web form of the Pass Track app.

A growing list of European Union nations and Canada barred travel from the United Kingdom on Sunday and others were considering similar action, in a bid to block the new strain of the coronavirus sweeping across southern England from spreading to their countries.

France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Ireland and Bulgaria all announced restrictions on UK travel, hours after British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that Christmas shopping and gatherings in southern England must be cancelled because of rapidly spreading infections blamed on the new coronavirus variant.

Johnson immediately placed those regions under a strict new Tier 4 restriction level, upending Christmas plans for millions.

France banned all travel from the UK for 48 hours from midnight Sunday, including trucks carrying freight through the tunnel under the English Channel or from the port of Dover on England’s south coast. French officials said the pause would buy time to find a “common doctrine” on how to deal with the threat, but it threw the busy cross-channel route used by thousands of trucks a day into chaos.

The Port of Dover tweeted on Sunday night that its ferry terminal was “closed to all accompanied traffic leaving the UK until further notice due to border restrictions in France.”

Eurostar passenger trains from London to Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam were also halted.

Germany said all flights coming from Britain, except cargo flights, were no longer allowed to land starting midnight Sunday. It didn’t immediately say how long the flight ban would last. Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo said he was issuing a flight ban for 24 hours starting at midnight “out of precaution”.

“There are a great many questions about this new mutation,” he said, adding he hoped to have more clarity by Tuesday.

Canada announced its own ban Sunday night. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in a statement that for 72 hours starting at midnight Sunday, “all flights from the UK will be prohibited from entering Canada.” He added that travellers who arrived Sunday would be subject to secondary screening and other health measures. A follow-up statement from the government said cargo flights were not included in the ban.

The Central American nation of El Salvador, meanwhile, said it would refuse entry to anyone who has visited Britain in the preceding 30 days.

Travellers wait for trains on the concourse at King's Cross station in central London on Sunday. — AP
The British government said Johnson would preside at a meeting of the government’s crisis committee, COBRA, on Monday in the wake of the other nations’ measures. They come at a time of huge economic uncertainty for the UK, less than two weeks before it leaves the EU’s economic structures on Dec 31, and with talks on a new post-Brexit trade relationship still deadlocked.

Johnson said Saturday that a fast-moving new variant of the virus that is 70 per cent more transmissible than existing strains appeared to be driving the rapid spread of new infections in London and southern England in recent weeks. But he stressed “there’s no evidence to suggest it is more lethal or causes more severe illness,” or that vaccines will be less effective against it.

On Sunday, British Health Secretary Matt Hancock added to the alarm when he said “the new variant is out of control.” The UK recorded 35,928 further confirmed cases, around double the number from a week ago.

Germany, which holds the rotating EU presidency, called a special crisis meeting on Monday to coordinate the response to the virus news among the bloc’s 27 member states.

The Netherlands banned flights from the UK for at least the rest of the year. Ireland issued a 48-hour flight ban. Italy said it would block flights from the UK until Jan 6, and an order signed Sunday prohibits entry into Italy by anyone who has been in the UK in the last 14 days.

The Czech Republic imposed stricter quarantine measures on people arriving from Britain.

Beyond Europe, Israel also said it was banning flights from Britain, Denmark and South Africa because those were the countries where the mutation is found.

India suspended all flights from the UK from midnight until December 31, saying that anyone arriving from Britain on transit flights would be also tested.

Poland, which like India has a large diaspora population in Britain, also said that flights from the UK were being banned from midnight while Moscow is suspending flights from the UK for a week.

Hong Kong is banning all flights arriving from the UK from midnight, and the quarantine of passengers who arrived from Britain in the last fortnight is being extended. All international arrivals must already spend 14 days in isolation in a hotel.

Turkey's Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said that flights from Britain and Denmark — where nine cases of the new strain have been detected — the Netherlands and South Africa would be suspended.

Iran's health ministry has ordered flights from Britain suspended for two weeks while Israel said it was barring entry to foreign citizens travelling from Britain, Denmark and South Africa.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office also announced tough quarantine rules for Israelis returning home from those nations.

Saudi Arabia said it was halting all flights and entry through land and sea ports for at least a week, with the option to extend for a further week.

New variant

The World Health Organisation tweeted late on Saturday that it was “in close contact with UK officials on the new #COVID19 virus variant” and promised to update governments and the public as more is learned.

The new strain was identified in southeastern England in September and has been spreading in the area ever since, a WHO official told the BBC on Sunday.

“What we understand is that it does have increased transmissibility, in terms of its ability to spread,” said Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s technical lead on Covid-19.

Studies are underway to better understand how fast it spreads and whether “it’s related to the variant itself, or a combination of factors with behaviour,” she added.

She said the strain had also been identified in Denmark, the Netherlands and Australia, where there was one case that didn’t spread further.

“The longer this virus spreads, the more opportunities it has to change,” she said. “So we really need to do everything we can right now to prevent spread.”

Viruses mutate regularly, and scientists have found thousands of different mutations among samples of the virus causing Covid-19. Many of these changes have no effect on how easily the virus spreads or how severe symptoms are.

British health authorities said that while the variant has been circulating since September, it wasn’t until the last week that officials felt they had enough evidence to declare that it has higher transmissibility than other circulating coronaviruses.

Patrick Vallance, the British government’s chief scientific adviser, said officials are concerned about the new variant because it contained 23 different changes, “an unusually large number of variants” affecting how the virus binds to and enters cells in the body.

Officials aren’t certain whether it originated in the UK, Vallance added. But by December, he said it was causing over 60pc of infections in London.

United States President-elect Joe Biden’s nominee for US surgeon general said Sunday that the emergence of the new strain doesn’t change the public health guidance on precautions for reducing the spread of the virus, such as wearing masks, social distancing and washing hands.

“While it seems to be more easily transmissible, we do not have evidence yet that this is a more deadly virus to an individual who acquires it,” Vivek Murthy said on NBC’s “Meet the Press”. “There’s no reason to believe that the vaccines that have been developed will not be effective against this virus, as well.”

Europe has been walloped this fall by soaring new infections and deaths due to a resurgence of the virus, and many nations have reimposed a series of restrictions to reign in their outbreaks.

Britain has seen over 67,000 deaths in the pandemic, the second-highest confirmed toll in Europe after Italy. Europe as a whole has recorded nearly 499,000 virus deaths, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University that experts believe is an undercount, due to limited testing and missed cases.

The European Medicines Agency, meanwhile, is meeting Monday to approve the first Covid-19 vaccine for the European Union’s 27 nations, bringing vaccinations closer for millions of EU citizens. The vaccine made by German pharmaceutical company BioNTech and American drugmaker Pfizer is already in use in the United States, Britain, Canada and other countries.

The EMA moved up its assessment of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine by a week after heavy pressure from EU governments, especially Germany, which has said that after the EMA approval it could start vaccinating citizens as early as next Sunday.

Further restrictions
In an urgent address to the nation on Saturday, Johnson ordered all non-essential shops, hairdressers and gyms in London and large parts of southern England closed and told Britons to reorganise their holiday plans. No mixing of households is allowed indoors in the region, and only essential travel is permitted. In the rest of England, people will be allowed to meet in Christmas bubbles for just one day instead of the five that were planned.

After he spoke, videos emerged online showing crowds of people at London’s train stations, apparently making a dash for places in the UK with less stringent coronavirus restrictions. Health Secretary Matt Hancock called those scenes “totally irresponsible”.

While Hancock insisted officials had acted “very quickly and decisively”, critics said Britain’s Conservative government should have moved against rising infections much earlier.

“The alarm bells have been ringing for weeks, but the prime minister chose to ignore them,” said Keir Starmer, leader of the opposition Labour Party. “It is an act of gross negligence by a prime minister who, once again, has been caught behind the curve.”
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Who would of thought this 2 years ago. Pakistan banning Brits from coming.

In another 2 years Brits could be running out the UK for a safe haven in Pakistan. If it wasnt serious it be hillarious.
When does this come in to effect

'A meeting of the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) placed a temporary restriction on inbound travellers from the UK (direct or indirect) to Pakistan that will come into effect on the midnight of December 22 (i.e. 00:00 hours Dec 23) and last until the midnight of Dec 29, according to a communique sent to the Civil Aviation Authority by the Aviation Division.'
Who would of thought this 2 years ago. Pakistan banning Brits from coming.

In another 2 years Brits could be running out the UK for a safe haven in Pakistan. If it wasnt serious it be hillarious.

Lol true, Britain is fast becoming a laughing stock
Countries around the world have imposed restrictions on travel from the UK due to fears of a new strain of the coronavirus.

Spain, Russia and India are among the latest countries to announce new measures.

It comes as France says it is working on a plan to "ensure that movement from the UK can resume" - after it banned travel including freight hauliers.

India will stop all flights from the UK until 31 December, starting on Wednesday

Russia is suspending all flights to and from Britain for a week

The Netherlands has banned flights with passengers from the UK until 1 January

Denmark has suspended all flights from Britain for 48 hours as of Monday morning

Norway has also stopped planes from the UK two days

Israel's Prime Minister has order the country to "close the skies" after a meeting of the cabinet

Belgium has banned flights and rail travel from the UK for 24 hours with more clarity expected on Tuesday

Italy has banned air passengers from Britain until 6 January and also anyone who has transited through the UK in the previous 14 days.

Residents of Italy will still be able to depart Britain to return home.

Austria has banned flights from the UK but the duration of the measure is not clear

Germany is banning flights from the UK for an unspecified duration

Spain will ban all entrants from the UK starting on Tuesday, although Spanish nationals will be allowed to return

Portugal says only Portuguese people and residents of the country can arrive from the UK.

Everyone must show proof of a negative COVID test, which can be accessed at airports

Bulgaria is suspending flights from the UK until 31 January

Switzerland has announced a travel ban on all people arriving from the UK and South Africa
Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia have agreed to ban flights from the UK until 31 January

France will bar entry for 48 hours (from Sunday night) to those coming from the UK (and accompanied freight) by road, air, sea or rail

Malta is suspending all flights to and from the UK from Tuesday

Sweden is preparing to ban entry from the UK but the details are not yet clear

Greece has extended the self-isolation time for those arriving from the UK from three days to seven days

Turkey is suspending flights from the UK, Denmark and the Netherlands, with the last two countries among those where the new strain has also been found

Hong Kong has banned all flights from the UK, and also announced that people who had recently made the journey will need to quarantine for an extra seven days - taking the total isolation time to 21 days

Canada is banning flights from the UK for 72 hours

Saudi Arabia has suspended all international flights for travellers for a week

Oman has closed it's land, sea and air borders

Kuwait has suspended all commercial flights, and will close its land and sea borderers until 1 January

Jordan has suspended all flights to and from the UK until 3 January

El Salvador has banned travellers who have been in the UK within the previous 30 days, including transit

Ireland has banned flights and ferries from the UK for 48 hours

The Czech Republic says arrivals who have spent at least 24 hours in UK territory will need to isolate

Colombia, Morocco, Chile, Finland, and Argentina have also banned travellers from the UK
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Glad Pakistan is doing the right thing, if this high contagious strain of cornona virus spread in the Pakistan, it would be disastrous .
Glad Pakistan is doing the right thing, if this high contagious strain of cornona virus spread in the Pakistan, it would be disastrous .

Come on Doc, please do explain a couple of things.

1. Why has Pakistan seen so much less deaths than the UK and US which are much wealthier nations with more medical facilities?

2. Why did the UK government say this mutation is upto 70% more likely to transmit the virus , while the BBC website says there is no concrete evidence for this?
It’s a bit stupid to ban England because of a “new strain”

This new evolved version of Covid will emerge just about anywhere it is running rampant
So what happened to the vaccine? Will it hold up against the new strain?
It’s a bit stupid to ban England because of a “new strain”

This new evolved version of Covid will emerge just about anywhere it is running rampant

Probably true but doing something is better than nothing..

What has surprised me is how quickly most countries have acted. It has been a day since the UK government announced this new strain but many countries have already put travel restrictions in place!
Come on Doc, please do explain a couple of things.

1. Why has Pakistan seen so much less deaths than the UK and US which are much wealthier nations with more medical facilities?

2. Why did the UK government say this mutation is upto 70% more likely to transmit the virus , while the BBC website says there is no concrete evidence for this?

1. Not enough testing

2. The virus is 70% more transmittable. What is not clear is if this new strain is more lethal than before or if the vaccine will be effective in this strain..
Come on Doc, please do explain a couple of things.

1. Why has Pakistan seen so much less deaths than the UK and US which are much wealthier nations with more medical facilities?

2. Why did the UK government say this mutation is upto 70% more likely to transmit the virus , while the BBC website says there is no concrete evidence for this?

As you already perpetuate here, Pakistanis have god given genes 🧬.. which can take over anything in the world.. even nuclear winter corona is nothing. Rest of the world is meek
Come on Doc, please do explain a couple of things.

1. Why has Pakistan seen so much less deaths than the UK and US which are much wealthier nations with more medical facilities?

2. Why did the UK government say this mutation is upto 70% more likely to transmit the virus , while the BBC website says there is no concrete evidence for this?

Hey KING. Why do you think there is so much less death in Pakistan??
Come on Doc, please do explain a couple of things.

1. Why has Pakistan seen so much less deaths than the UK and US which are much wealthier nations with more medical facilities?

2. Why did the UK government say this mutation is upto 70% more likely to transmit the virus , while the BBC website says there is no concrete evidence for this?

Pakistan's avg age is 24 whereas avg age of the wealthier nations are around 40. This virus is catastrophic to people of old age.

Edit: 22.8 according to google

For the second part 70% were based on models but not based on lab experiments. There is a cut the clutter episode by Shekar Gupta of print discussing on both these topics.
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Come on Doc, please do explain a couple of things.

1. Why has Pakistan seen so much less deaths than the UK and US which are much wealthier nations with more medical facilities?

2. Why did the UK government say this mutation is upto 70% more likely to transmit the virus , while the BBC website says there is no concrete evidence for this?

Same reason why players are negative after multiple tests in Pakistan but somehow are miraculously positive due to the “faulty” tests abroad
Same reason why players are negative after multiple tests in Pakistan but somehow are miraculously positive due to the “faulty” tests abroad

Brother how would "faulty" tests in Pakistan keep mortality low?

We have been going round in circles over this debate. Lesser number of tests or faulty tests can't hide or reduce the number of deaths. And no amount of media control can hide deaths-in-cluster. Not possible Sir.
Germany has extended its ban on travellers arriving from the UK to 6 January, despite the EU telling countries to lift restrictions to allow essential journeys and minimise trade disruption
Pakistan's avg age is 24 whereas avg age of the wealthier nations are around 40. This virus is catastrophic to people of old age.

Edit: 22.8 according to google

For the second part 70% were based on models but not based on lab experiments. There is a cut the clutter episode by Shekar Gupta of print discussing on both these topics.

Yeah the bolded is the most logical reason. The majority of people dying in the UK are old and old+obese.
Coronavirus: KP govt begins tracking people who arrived in Pakistan from UK

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has started tracking passengers who have arrived in the province from the United Kingdom after a new coronavirus strain was discovered in England.

According to a report by the provincial health department, authorities have sent letters to deputy commissioners that include the names of at least 101 people.

The passengers arrived from the United Kingdom and went to 12 districts of the province which include Mardan, Abbottabad, and Swat. "We will test these people after tracing them," the health department officials said.

Those who test positive for the virus will be placed under quarantine, said an official of the health department, adding that the new coronavirus strain in the UK was very dangerous.

"The virus has the capability to spread rapidly from an infected person," the official added.

Pakistan updates travel restrictions
Pakistan announced its updated standard operating procedures (SOPs) for travel restrictions imposed on inbound travelers from the United Kingdom, after cases of a highly new infectious strain of the coronavirus rose across the European country.

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) announced Tuesday that Pakistani passport holders who have been issued the Business, Visitor or Transit visas by British authorities can return to the country provided they show a negative PCR test.

The test, however, must have been taken 72 hours prior to the start of their travel to Pakistan, said the aviation authority.

The government has also allowed Pakistanis that hold study, family, work and settlement visas in the UK to return to Pakistan "if their visas are expiring within the next 30 days from the issuance of this letter while holding negative PCR Test Reports conducted within the 72 hours prior to commencement of travel to Pakistan".

The new variant

Countries across the globe shut their borders to Britain on Monday due to fears about a new strain of coronavirus, said to be up to 70% more transmissible than the original, causing travel chaos and raising the prospect of food shortages days before Britain is set to leave the European Union.

The discovery of the new strain, just months before vaccines are expected to be widely available, renewed fears about the virus, which killed about 1.7 million people worldwide.

The note of calm from the CEO about the UK mutation echoed the World Health Organization (WHO), which cautioned against major alarm, saying this was a normal part of a pandemic’s evolution.
ISLAMABAD: The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) on Monday announced that it was extending the coronavirus travel restrictions on inbound travelers from the UK till January 4.

On December 21 and 22, Pakistan announced travel restrictions for inbound travelers from the UK, after infections from a more contagious strain of the novel coronavirus started surging in the European country.

Previously, the CAA had announced that the ban would remain in effect till December 29, 2020.

A notification from the Aviation Division earlier had said that the curbs would remain in place from December 22-29, and will apply to persons who originate travel from the UK and are in, or have been in Britain over the past 10 days (from the date of the issuance of the notification).

Several countries around the world banned air travel to and from the UK, fearing the new passengers will bring the new strain of the virus to their soil as well.

The Pass Track App app — which records the basic information of passengers arriving in Pakistan — was made mandatory for people coming into the country.

A day later, Pakistan announced it had updated the travel restrictions, relaxing them for Pakistani passport holders.

The CAA had announced that Pakistani passport holders who have been issued Business, Visitor or Transit visas by British authorities could return to the country provided they had a negative PCR test.

The test, however, must have been taken 72 hours prior to the start of their travel to Pakistan, the aviation authority had said.

The government had also allowed Pakistanis who hold study, family, work and settlement visas in the UK to return to Pakistan "if their visas are expiring within the next 30 days from the issuance of this letter while holding negative PCR Test Reports conducted within the 72 hours prior to commencement of travel to Pakistan".

The CAA had said that flight crew members could disembark in Pakistan provided they get themselves tested for coronavirus upon arrival and quarantine themselves in designated hotels.

The crew members that test negative will be allowed to perform their duties in Pakistan while those who test positive will have to quarantine in the designated hotels, for a time specified by the country's health authorities.
LONDON: Pakistani nationals looking to fly back to the country have not been able to board flights at the Heathrow Airport.

According to Geo News, airlines have refused to fly back passengers despite Pakistan government's directives that Pakistani passport-holders and students would be allowed to travel to the country , provided they hold a negative coronavirus test conducted within 72 hours of the travel time.

The passengers, however, are not being allowed to board flights even with a negative COVID-19 test result. They staged a protest over the non-cooperation of the airlines at the Heathrow Airport.

Countries including Pakistan placed travel restrictions and closed their borders to the United Kingdom after a new strain of the coronavirus was detected earlier this month.

The new strain, referred to by some experts as the B.1.17 lineage, is not the first variant of COVID-19 pandemic, but it is said to be up to 70% more transmissible than the previously dominant strain in the UK.

It has since been detected in some European countries, South Africa, India, Japan and Pakistan.

What are the travel restrictions imposed by Pakistani govt?
On December 21, Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) placed a temporary restriction on inbound flights from the UK. The government had made it mandatory for people to download the Pass Track App app — which records the basic information of passengers arriving in Pakistan — before coming to Pakistan.

A day later, the authority relaxed the policy and announced that Pakistani passport-holders who have been issued Business, Visitor or Transit visas by British authorities could return to the country provided they had a negative PCR test.

The test, however, must have been taken 72 hours prior to the start of their travel to Pakistan, the aviation authority had said.

The government had also allowed Pakistanis who hold study, family, work and settlement visas in the UK to return to Pakistan "if their visas are expiring within the next 30 days from the issuance of this letter while holding negative PCR Test Reports conducted within the 72 hours prior to commencement of travel to Pakistan".

The CAA had said that flight crew members could disembark in Pakistan provided they get themselves tested for coronavirus upon arrival and quarantine themselves in designated hotels.

The crew members that test negative will be allowed to perform their duties in Pakistan while those who test positive will have to quarantine in the designated hotels, for a time specified by the country's health authorities.
COVID-19: Pakistan among new countries added to England's travel ban list

Travel from the Philippines, Pakistan, Kenya and Bangladesh is to be banned from next week, the government says.

They are being added to England's "red list" amid concerns about the spread of new Covid-19 variants.

From 04:00 on 9 April, international visitors who have travelled from or through those countries in the previous 10 days will be refused entry.

An exception is made for British or Irish passport holders, or people with UK residence rights.

But they must first pay to quarantine in a government-approved hotel for 10 days.

During their stay, passengers will have to take two coronavirus tests - but a negative test result does not mean they can shorten their time in quarantine.

Neither will they be able to end it early through the Test to Release scheme, where travellers from non-red list countries can leave home isolation after a negative test on day five.

Nice money making gimmick from the Tory's again. Plenty of other countries with higher levels of infections.

Nice money making gimmick from the Tory's again. Plenty of other countries with higher levels of infections.

There's been an incredibly rapid rise in cases despite a pretty poor testing rate, more than enough justification to add it to the list.

What if your vaccinated do you still need to quarantine, 🤔

Everyone has to quarantine at the moment, if you're coming from a country on the red list it has to be in a government designated facility.
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My brother came back 2 weeks ago and tested positive. Then he has been tested with lateral flow twice and other tests and tested negative. He was told to isolate along with his family and only came out today. The tests cost alot of money, here and in PK. Now the stay in the hotels is going to cost 100s of £ for the guys arriving back from today. Expensive
India have seen about twice as many cases per person recently but are also carrying about four times as many tests per person.

Testing means little, the infection rates or variants are the cause of bans.

The whole thing makes no sense, people can isolate at home. It seems a money making fling to help some hotels. £1750 to be encolsed in your room for 10 days is a joke. UK didnt do this 12 months ago when it would have mattered, no point now.
Testing means little, the infection rates or variants are the cause of bans.

The whole thing makes no sense, people can isolate at home. It seems a money making fling to help some hotels. £1750 to be encolsed in your room for 10 days is a joke. UK didnt do this 12 months ago when it would have mattered, no point now.

The testing rate has a massive impact on infection rates. Carry out more tests and you're naturally going to expect to find more cases. Like you say the circulation of variants in countries also has an impact on whether they get added to the list.

Just because they made a mistake 12 months ago doesn't mean they should repeat the same mistake now. I highly doubt there's much of a markup in that after accounting for the accommodation, all your meals, security, multiple tests and safe transport from and through the airport. Added to that there's few justifiable reasons to be leaving and returning to the country at the moment, especially from countries that you're at a high risk in. Many also can't be trusted.
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Testing means little, the infection rates or variants are the cause of bans.

The whole thing makes no sense, people can isolate at home. It seems a money making fling to help some hotels. £1750 to be encolsed in your room for 10 days is a joke. UK didnt do this 12 months ago when it would have mattered, no point now.

Not everyone isolates at home. We had a desi taxi driver back on the road within 3 days. He was caught and fined a £1000
My brother came back 2 weeks ago and tested positive. Then he has been tested with lateral flow twice and other tests and tested negative. He was told to isolate along with his family and only came out today. The tests cost alot of money, here and in PK. Now the stay in the hotels is going to cost 100s of £ for the guys arriving back from today. Expensive

Lateral flow tests are a joke. Accuracy is rubbish I was speaking to someone who had a lab test done which came back positive. While they was isolating they took 5 of those lateral flow tests and each one came negative. Think the government might do away with them.
The testing rate has a massive impact on infection rates. Carry out more tests and you're naturally going to expect to find more cases. Like you say the circulation of variants in countries also has an impact on whether they get added to the list.

Just because they made a mistake 12 months ago doesn't mean they should repeat the same mistake now. I highly doubt there's much of a markup in that after accounting for the accommodation, all your meals, security, multiple tests and safe transport from and through the airport. Added to that there's few justifiable reasons to be leaving and returning to the country at the moment, especially from countries that you're at a high risk in. Many also can't be trusted.

Pakistan is going through a third wave so it is no surprise its on the list. However, the list itself is very weird. It is pretty much all South American and African countries. Surprisingly, even UAE is on the list which has the highest testing rate in the world and has more than half the population vaccinated. On the other hand India, US and all European countries are exempt. There is certainly a lot of politics at play here.
Lateral flow tests are a joke. Accuracy is rubbish I was speaking to someone who had a lab test done which came back positive. While they was isolating they took 5 of those lateral flow tests and each one came negative. Think the government might do away with them.

His 1st test was positive and he was told to isolate, he then took another lab test and lateral flow tests and they were all negative.
The testing rate has a massive impact on infection rates. Carry out more tests and you're naturally going to expect to find more cases. Like you say the circulation of variants in countries also has an impact on whether they get added to the list.

Just because they made a mistake 12 months ago doesn't mean they should repeat the same mistake now. I highly doubt there's much of a markup in that after accounting for the accommodation, all your meals, security, multiple tests and safe transport from and through the airport. Added to that there's few justifiable reasons to be leaving and returning to the country at the moment, especially from countries that you're at a high risk in. Many also can't be trusted.

Do you have the official reasons/calculations as to how these decisions are made? I think you are just giving your own view here, not the governments.

Passengers are tested before they fly. Again India's rates are far more higher, this would be a bigger concern.
Not everyone isolates at home. We had a desi taxi driver back on the road within 3 days. He was caught and fined a £1000

Then have everyone in a hotel. Its not just Pakistani taxi drivers but people from all over the world have broken the rules.
Pakistan is going through a third wave so it is no surprise its on the list. However, the list itself is very weird. It is pretty much all South American and African countries. Surprisingly, even UAE is on the list which has the highest testing rate in the world and has more than half the population vaccinated. On the other hand India, US and all European countries are exempt. There is certainly a lot of politics at play here.

I'd assume the logic is that our levels of each variant is probably very similar to the rest of Europe. South America generally has high rates of cases and I'd assume the Brazilian variant is a concern whilst at the moment there's clearly a fair bit of concern about the South African variant that I'd assume is quite widespread in Africa. Take a look at the graph for the case rates of the UAE, they were added to the list at the very top of that rapid spike which I assume was a significant contributing factor (thankfully since then there's generally been a decline in cases).

Do you have the official reasons/calculations as to how these decisions are made? I think you are just giving your own view here, not the governments.

Passengers are tested before they fly. Again India's rates are far more higher, this would be a bigger concern.

No I don't have any official criteria because they're not released and clearly there's a lot of factors in play. The fact that the rate of testing is going to be considered when looking at case rates is common sense though. Yes, passengers are tested once up to 3 days before they fly. Clearly there's a reasonable chance that they either get a false negative, have covid but are in the incubation period at the time of the test, or catch covid in that up to 3 day period, when at the airport, or when on the plane. And as I said previously, there are very few justifiable reasons to be travelling out of the country and back at the moment.
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No I don't have any official criteria because they're not released and clearly there's a lot of factors in play. The fact that the rate of testing is going to be considered when looking at case rates is common sense though. Yes, passengers are tested once up to 3 days before they fly. Clearly there's a reasonable chance that they either get a false negative, have covid but are in the incubation period at the time of the test, or catch covid in that up to 3 day period, when at the airport, or when on the plane. And as I said previously, there are very few justifiable reasons to be travelling out of the country and back at the moment.

Ok thanks. I disagree but will try to get hold of the goverments reasons for some and not for others. Tory government has been lopsided, inconsistent and a complete joke in this pandemic but thats my opinion.
I'm no fan of the tories but I don't have much sympathy for these people that are out there who will now be scrambling to get back before the cut off date of April 9.

They knew they were taking a risk as the gov. made it clear that any country could be added to the list at any time without notice. Pakistan being added to that list was always on the cards with the sheer number of people going there from the UK.

It was also clear that travelling abroad was only for essential purposes or the 'legally permitted reasons' as the gov. called it. Some travelled for weddings which was fine but the conditions to which wedding you could attend changed.

But we all know most were out just for a jolly. Now it's going to be very tough to get back before the cut off due to the flights getting booked up fast and the prices shooting up. It could come down to paying an extortionate amount for flights or the extortionate amount for quarantining in a hotel.
I'm no fan of the tories but I don't have much sympathy for these people that are out there who will now be scrambling to get back before the cut off date of April 9.

They knew they were taking a risk as the gov. made it clear that any country could be added to the list at any time without notice. Pakistan being added to that list was always on the cards with the sheer number of people going there from the UK.

It was also clear that travelling abroad was only for essential purposes or the 'legally permitted reasons' as the gov. called it. Some travelled for weddings which was fine but the conditions to which wedding you could attend changed.

But we all know most were out just for a jolly. Now it's going to be very tough to get back before the cut off due to the flights getting booked up fast and the prices shooting up. It could come down to paying an extortionate amount for flights or the extortionate amount for quarantining in a hotel.

I think flights coming back will be tough too as there is no PIA direct flights any longer. Virgin have frozen their sales too, not sure why.

A layover with 2 stops is also very difficult as the stop hubs are usually Dubai, Abu Dhabi which are on the red list.

Does anyone know of any routes back which dont involve stops at red list nations?
I'm no fan of the tories but I don't have much sympathy for these people that are out there who will now be scrambling to get back before the cut off date of April 9.

They knew they were taking a risk as the gov. made it clear that any country could be added to the list at any time without notice. Pakistan being added to that list was always on the cards with the sheer number of people going there from the UK.

It was also clear that travelling abroad was only for essential purposes or the 'legally permitted reasons' as the gov. called it. Some travelled for weddings which was fine but the conditions to which wedding you could attend changed.

But we all know most were out just for a jolly. Now it's going to be very tough to get back before the cut off due to the flights getting booked up fast and the prices shooting up. It could come down to paying an extortionate amount for flights or the extortionate amount for quarantining in a hotel.

Reads like the clock has already started ticking. Ten days prior to 9th April. Ouch
Why not just enforce it properly that People do quarantine at home. Why force them to pay 1750£ to quarantine in a hotel?

Surely some under the table comissions are happening. If its a way of boosting the economy of these selected hotel chains, then its being done at the expense of a UK resident (coz only uk national and permanent residents are allowed to travel anyway).

Torries are going over board now with this hotch potch anti-covid schemes.
Why not just enforce it properly that People do quarantine at home. Why force them to pay 1750£ to quarantine in a hotel?

Surely some under the table comissions are happening. If its a way of boosting the economy of these selected hotel chains, then its being done at the expense of a UK resident (coz only uk national and permanent residents are allowed to travel anyway).

Torries are going over board now with this hotch potch anti-covid schemes.

Because enforcing quarantine at home for everyone returning is near impossible. Added to that this puts the cost on those who have gone abroad rather than on the public as a whole.
Because enforcing quarantine at home for everyone returning is near impossible. Added to that this puts the cost on those who have gone abroad rather than on the public as a whole.

Enforcing some is also impossible.

No western or majority white nation is on the red list, who would have thought. :inti
every pakistani i know in uk doesnt give a jack about the 2 week at home qurantine rule, no one follows it, they are all out and about the next day - so this news is quite welcomning and much needed.

The real question to be asked to the government is, what took them so long?
Thats not necessarily true. Many like myself adhere to the rules + now a days the government is actually checking up on people.

I had to travel 3-4 times in last 6 months and every single time i spent full 10 days in home quarantine. You need to be able enforce the laws otherwise there is no point in making them in first place.

Secondly in the US everything seems back to normal and not many ppl follow the rules strictly, so I really wonder why is it not on the Red list?
I think flights coming back will be tough too as there is no PIA direct flights any longer. Virgin have frozen their sales too, not sure why.

A layover with 2 stops is also very difficult as the stop hubs are usually Dubai, Abu Dhabi which are on the red list.

Does anyone know of any routes back which dont involve stops at red list nations?

Outside BA, Virgin, Turkish Airlines was the main one with a change at Istanbul.
Thats not necessarily true. Many like myself adhere to the rules + now a days the government is actually checking up on people.

I had to travel 3-4 times in last 6 months and every single time i spent full 10 days in home quarantine. You need to be able enforce the laws otherwise there is no point in making them in first place.

Secondly in the US everything seems back to normal and not many ppl follow the rules strictly, so I really wonder why is it not on the Red list?

its true for the majority, not everyone in the country.

..and how is gov. actully checking up on people? if you dont open the door are they going to kick it down to check your not in bed?

most people got a phone call, when they were out and about? and nothing happed to them, they just say we're at home.

its impossible for the gov. to actully enfore that. making sure there put into a gov. facility is much better
Reads like the clock has already started ticking. Ten days prior to 9th April. Ouch

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen style="width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;overflow:hidden;"></iframe>
its true for the majority, not everyone in the country.

..and how is gov. actully checking up on people? if you dont open the door are they going to kick it down to check your not in bed?

most people got a phone call, when they were out and about? and nothing happed to them, they just say we're at home.

its impossible for the gov. to actully enfore that. making sure there put into a gov. facility is much better

Yeah i see what you mean but there are ways for not forcefully putting people in Jail for 10 days. For example:
- Any one travelling to the UK is made to ve covid test immediately before the flight and also on 2nd day of arrival.
- There are further tests on day 5 and Day 8.
- People are expected to quarantine for 10 days, which can be enforced by using some kind of electronic tags or location tracking.
- Have more frequent random (in person) checks on people.

I don’t think that any other country in the world has this strange and stringent requirement of 10 days “Hotel Quarantine”.
Does this mean there will be no flights from the UK to Pak available from 9 April?
Thats not necessarily true. Many like myself adhere to the rules + now a days the government is actually checking up on people.

I had to travel 3-4 times in last 6 months and every single time i spent full 10 days in home quarantine. You need to be able enforce the laws otherwise there is no point in making them in first place.

Secondly in the US everything seems back to normal and not many ppl follow the rules strictly, so I really wonder why is it not on the Red list?

Quarantine rules in the US have always been voluntary since the beginning of covid. The state governments have just enforced lockdowns and capacity/ social distancing and masks etc. people’s movement was never restricted here. I cannot imagine how hard it would be to quarantine in government run facilities and all the money it costs.
ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Planning Asad Umar on Saturday slammed the United Kingdom for placing Pakistan on its "red list", saying that the placement raises the “question whether the choice of countries is based on science or foreign policy".

“Every country has a right to take decisions to safeguard the health of their citizens,” said Umar in a tweet a day after UK placed Pakistan on its "red list".

The minister said that the recent decision by Britain to add some countries including Pakistan to the "red list" due to rising coronavirus cases raises the “legitimate question whether choice of countries is based on science or foreign policy”.

On Friday, British High Commissioner to Pakistan Christian Turner announced that the UK has added Pakistan to its red list of travel ban countries.

"Red Listing means that only UK and Irish nationals and those with residency rights in the UK will be allowed to travel to the UK if they have been in Pakistan in the 10 days before they arrive," Turner said in a video message posted on Twitter.

The commissioner said passengers seeking to travel to the UK from Pakistan will have to pay for a mandatory quarantine stay at a hotel in the UK.

The measures will come into effect from April 9, 4:00am. The commissioner said direct flights between both countries will continue to operate as usual.

"But [their] schedules could change," Turner said.

Earlier, Geo News had learnt that the UK Government was considering including Pakistan in the high-risk "red list countries” due to the rapid spread of coronavirus in Pakistan.

Speaking to Geo News, a well-placed source had said that a high-level meeting between Pakistan and UK government officials had been held where the concerns of the British government regarding the rapid rise in COVID-19 cases in Pakistan was raised.

The Pakistani government and medical officials had earlier blamed the rise in cases on a coronavirus variant that was first reported in the UK.

The UK government had informed the Pakistani officials that it was thinking of imposing stricter requirements on Pakistani travellers.

The source said a high-level delegation was scheduled to visit London in this regard, but the plan was cancelled Wednesday evening after the British High Commission officials spoke to senior Pakistani officials and conveyed the position of the UK government.

Thousands have travelled from the UK to Pakistan in recent months as the UK went into a second lockdown. Many of them are still in the country on extended holidays.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Every country has a right to take decisions to safeguard the health of their citizens. However, the recent decision by UK govt to add some countries including Pakistan on the red list raises a legitimate question whether choice of countries is based on science or foreign policy <a href=""></a></p>— Asad Umar (@Asad_Umar) <a href="">April 3, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Not sure how long this list is expected to last but it's worth noting from a cricketing perspective that Pakistan are set to travel to the UK in just over 2 months and the government selected hotel quarantine would apply to them as well.
Its all politics
Dubai welcomes the entire world, except people from Indonesia and Nigeria and South Africa. Brazil is welcome though with the highest recent Covid numbers

UK allows India but not Pakistan, allows France but not Phlippines

Bangladesh allows UAE, but not Kuwait and Qatar. Allows India, but not a single European country

Mostly politics, with some health reasons in the background
Pretty sure UAE had this requirement.

Only Abu Dhabi. Dubai and the rest 5 cities did not.

Abu Dhabi went one better. They require most desis to quarantine in government run quarters (conditions similar to jail), but others can quarantine at home with a tracker. Only place in world where your passport determines whether you go home or to a camp

Hong Kong has a 3 weeks hotel quarantine requirement for visitors
Secondly in the US everything seems back to normal and not many ppl follow the rules strictly, so I really wonder why is it not on the Red list?

That is because cases are mostly on a downward trend in the USA in 2021. That is because the virus ran a natural course in most states.
2 days back Bangladesh banned people every single European country plus 12 others such as Jordan, Peru, Brazil etc
The UK was made exempt for whatever reason

Funnily the UK responded by blocking Bangladesh
Because enforcing quarantine at home for everyone returning is near impossible. Added to that this puts the cost on those who have gone abroad rather than on the public as a whole.

The cost is put on those travelling to Pakistan, but not to those going to France and India ? So people are targeted based on where they are from ? As it is only Brits of Pakistani origin who would travel to Pakistan, and similar for Indian Brits
The cost is put on those travelling to Pakistan, but not to those going to France and India ? So people are targeted based on where they are from ? As it is only Brits of Pakistani origin who would travel to Pakistan, and similar for Indian Brits

Yes, if you travel to a country that puts the rest of the UK population at a higher risk/a possible setback in restrictions being eased you bear the cost yourself. I doubt the level of variants in France/most of Europe is that different to the UK therefore it poses less of a risk. Added to that I'd expect the majority of people travelling from France to the UK at the moment will be truck drivers, so the regulations would have to be adjusted anyway if France was put on the red list to make them an exemption. I've already covered the fact that India's testing rate is currently several times higher than Pakistan, I still wouldn't expect them to be too far off being added to the list anyway though given the sharp rise in cases.
This was due long time ago and I hope more countries follow suit. Such a measure is necessary to prevent transmissions.

Hong Kong has had 21-day compulsory quarantine (it is 6 weeks for those coming from the UK) at government-designated hotels for all arrivals for almost a year. Usually it costs at least $21000 or £2100 for a 21-day stay per head but I believe it is well worth it to prevent community transmission.
I have no sympathy whatsoever for those who will be affected by this red list quarantine rules. There's been a lockdown for us in the UK. And yet these people have been flouting the rules by flying off to attend weddings, have holidays and the like, and then potentially bring back more variants to infect the rest of us.

Just because the govt is playing politics by not placing every country on the red list, is no justification for saying that these countries should also be excluded from the red list.
This is a very racist policy it has nothing to do with the virus anymore, these draconian laws this bojos government keeps introducing are questionable.

yet they have the gall to call out the Chinese as police state and curbing peoples freedoms.

If pakistan is banned, why is india open then surely india is no different to pakistan or Bangladesh infact india would be more dangerous just for the huge population and large areas of people living in unsanitary conditions spreading the virus
Does this mean there will be no flights from the UK to Pak available from 9 April?

They will be still Flights available but less.
People are paying over £1000 1 way to come to UK recently, prices have increased with high demands for Flights.
Best option will be get a flight to Turkey from Pakistan, stay there for 10 days then you don't need to Quarantine in UK Hotel.
Was planning to go in late May, but this may have scuppered my plans.

What a coincidence just before ramazan and the summer holidays, when many want to fly out to Pakistan.

Excellent money making move, that's for sure!!
Was planning to go in late May, but this may have scuppered my plans.

What a coincidence just before ramazan and the summer holidays, when many want to fly out to Pakistan.

Excellent money making move, that's for sure!!

You've kind of proved the point though... People shouldn't be going for holidays at the moment, the article posted by [MENTION=93712]MenInG[/MENTION] suggests there are thousands currently in Pakistan on holiday. If this discourages people even further then it's a great move. There is every chance this will be lifted by the summer holidays.
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You've kind of proved the point though... People shouldn't be going for holidays at the moment, the article posted by [MENTION=93712]MenInG[/MENTION] suggests there are thousands currently in Pakistan on holiday. If this discourages people even further then it's a great move. There is every chance this will be lifted by the summer holidays.

I'm going for a legitimate reason, one which has been given a green light by the govt!

I will get permission to go, however the financial side does make it more difficult now.
Was planning to go in late May, but this may have scuppered my plans.

What a coincidence just before ramazan and the summer holidays, when many want to fly out to Pakistan.
So the rest of us, who are in lockdown, should risk the likes of you going off for a jolly and potentially bringing back variants that could infect the rest of us?

If it was up to me, I'd put a blanket ban on all flights coming in or going out of the UK. Even UK citizens should be prevented from returning unless they can provide a damned good explanation of why they were out there and/or hadn't come back earlier.
So the rest of us, who are in lockdown, should risk the likes of you going off for a jolly and potentially bringing back variants that could infect the rest of us?

If it was up to me, I'd put a blanket ban on all flights coming in or going out of the UK. Even UK citizens should be prevented from returning unless they can provide a damned good explanation of why they were out there and/or hadn't come back earlier.

Read above!!
This is a very racist policy it has nothing to do with the virus anymore, these draconian laws this bojos government keeps introducing are questionable.

yet they have the gall to call out the Chinese as police state and curbing peoples freedoms.

If pakistan is banned, why is india open then surely india is no different to pakistan or Bangladesh infact india would be more dangerous just for the huge population and large areas of people living in unsanitary conditions spreading the virus
Nothing racist about it. These people shouldn't be out there holidaying in the first place whilst we are all in lock down. They're potentially liable to bring back variants that could infect the rest of us.

As for why not India, lets have none of this nonsense of whataboutism. Just because the govt is playing politics about which countries not being on the list does not take away the reasoning why Pakistan will be on the list.
Read above!!
There are no legitimate reasons in my book.
I'm betting each and everyone who went out there, since the rules came in, put down a 'legitimate reason' for going on the form

And if you're going because of a green light by the govt, then by the same token, you should have no issues with having to quarantine in a hotel upon your return.
There are no legitimate reasons in my book.
I'm betting each and everyone who went out there, since the rules came in, put down a 'legitimate reason' for going on the form

And if you're going because of a green light by the govt, then by the same token, you should have no issues with having to quarantine in a hotel upon your return.

It doesn't matter about your book!

Also, I'm happy to quarantine in a hotel, but not at the price they are quoting.

Just robbing money, simple as that.
It doesn't matter about your book!

Also, I'm happy to quarantine in a hotel, but not at the price they are quoting.

Just robbing money, simple as that.

The price includes the hotel and all meals for 10 days, transport, multiple covid tests and permanent security staff. I highly doubt the government are making any/much money at all on it.
Great dual policy from the British government, India has much more corona but let's just ignore that. British government has always sided with India and a certain other country.