Pakistan removed from UK's Red List for COVID-19 risk

1 adult at £2,285 and 2 x adult at £3,715

I mean this is a real bad joke. If you think it can't get any worse, the company contracted to process the MQH booking is an absolute shambles.

If you have some spare time, check out the reviews for CTM. Not only are people highly distressed already but then having to deal with this company is making people go over the edge!

I was in Pak some two months back. Had to pay the original amount upon my return for quarantining in a hotel that felt like a prison in a short window. The CTM and all that was easily understandable to me at the time although was very distressing to undergo so much. I won't be visiting Pak again until they remove it from the red list. It is just too stressful having to have a test done, fill in the pass track form and most of all arrange for the quarantine 10 days before returning.
Wanted to go to pakistan in October November November for a family wedding

Looks like that plan is out of the window no way I can afford those quarantine fees plus tests for 5 people, and be cooped in some hotel for 10 days or so like a prisoner.

Absolutely ridiculous

Have been double jabbed and everything.
I was in Pak some two months back. Had to pay the original amount upon my return for quarantining in a hotel that felt like a prison in a short window. The CTM and all that was easily understandable to me at the time although was very distressing to undergo so much. I won't be visiting Pak again until they remove it from the red list. It is just too stressful having to have a test done, fill in the pass track form and most of all arrange for the quarantine 10 days before returning.

Yeah, if you just went straight on to their website, paid in full, you probably wouldn't have had an issue due to minimal interaction required.

The main problem was for those that needed to contact them for things like deferred payment plans or to make amendments as their customer service is terrible.

I couldn't even get through to them out in Pak, just kept getting an engaged tone and if you emailed them, all you got was an automated reply with 'helpful links'.

The only way I was able to resolve my issue was to contact someone on their twitter but it shouldn't be the case that social media is the best way to answering your query especially for such an important and costly matter.

But similar to you, I wouldn't want to go through all that again and even more expensive now. Unless its an emergency, don't think anybody in their right mind would go now.
LONDON: The British Government has said that it decided to keep Pakistan on the travel ban red list because the true number of COVID-19 cases is likely to be much higher than reported across Pakistan, a leaked letter written by Britain's health minister revealed Sunday.

In the letter, Britain’s Health Minister Lord James Nicholas Bethell and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Innovation from the Department of Health and Social Care explained in detail that Pakistan’s testing and sequencing rates are relatively low (1.8 per 1,000 over the last seven days) and lower testing and sequencing mean it is not possible to know the full genomic makeup of their current wave. Therefore, they said that the true number of cases is likely to be much higher than reported.

“The national testing rate varies considerably across regions. For example, in Punjab — Pakistan’s most densely populated region — with the highest number of active cases, testing is below Pakistan’s average rate and is the second-lowest in the country,” Lord Bethell wrote to Yasmin Qureshi MP, the Chair of All Parties Parliamentary Group on Pakistan.

The letter from Lord Bethell was passed to this correspondent by a source.

Lord Bethell said that the Joint Biosecurity Centre (JBC) produces public health risk assessments to inform ministerial decisions on red, amber and green list countries and territories, and the associated border measures.

“Following the latest assessment, the JBC continues to rate inbound travel from Pakistan as high-risk. The limited sequencing data available from Pakistan would suggest that they are currently experiencing a Delta wave, however, given the limitations in the available data, we could not be reassured that the outbreaks are due to known variants such as Delta, or if a novel cluster(s) of new or high-risk variants are developing and/or driving the epidemiology in Pakistan,” he wrote.

Lord Bethell said that there was "no reason other than Pakistan’s drive against the pandemic that Pakistan is on the red list."

He said: “The UK Government is engaging constructively with the Government of Pakistan to explore ways that we can improve data availability and confidence and consequently our understanding of the current epidemiology within Pakistan. I met with Pakistan’s High Commissioner to the UK earlier this week to discuss these issues and we have established an expert working group to enable further technical engagement between senior public health officials and Pakistan’s senior health advisors."

"This will enable us to better understand the strategies employed by Pakistan, their understanding of the pandemic and establish stable and long-term access to the outcomes of Pakistan’s in-country genomic surveillance and sequencing."

“We appreciate the efforts the Government of Pakistan is making throughout the pandemic and will continue to work closely together. We are supporting their response to the pandemic, including through COVAX and through the development of Pakistan’s genomic sequencing capability. Through the New Variant Assessment Platform (NVAP) programme Pakistan will be able to draw on UK expertise and support to detect, analyse, and respond quickly to new, and potentially more dangerous, variants of COVID-19.”

Lord Bethell said the UK government understood the impact of the decision on British Pakistanis but he said: “it is right that the Government takes all available measures to reduce the risk of new strains of COVID-19 being imported into the UK”.

The minister further explained the decision was based on the recommendations made by the Joint Biosecurity Centre (JBC) which produces public health risk assessments.

“Ministers will take the JBC risk assessments into account alongside wider public health factors to inform watchlists and make their decisions. As with all our coronavirus measures, we keep these lists under constant review and our priority remains to protect the health of the UK public.”

The health minister informed that JBC analyses a range of qualitative and quantitative indicators to assess each country.

“The vast majority of data used to inform the risk assessment is in the public domain; however, some data cannot be published due to the privacy risks that disclosure may have on individuals or groups. To support decision making, JBC focuses the final assessment around three main criteria so that Ministers know where the risks lie: genomic surveillance capability; COVID-19 transmission risk; and variant transmission risk.”

Like i said the only way out for Pakistan is to comply - just test, if they can vaccinate 450,00+ for jab 1 and another 200,000+ jab 2- every day - which is harder than to test people.

Pakistan should be testing at 400,00-650,000 a day,, the sooner the better,

mexico also remained on the red - for the same reason
My take here is even if someone is travelling from Red list country, they need to find a better way of dealing with them rather than locking them in a hotel which costs thousands of pounds.

If I land in heathrow and dont use public transport but take my personal car, not sure why cant I be allowed to go home and quarantine there. If the concern is spreading germs while going to the parking lot, ensure anyone travelling from red list country need to wear a PPE kit.

Hotel quarantine should only for those who need to use public transport from the airport or tested positive on landing.
If I land in heathrow and dont use public transport but take my personal car, not sure why cant I be allowed to go home and quarantine there.

Parked in one of the long stay car parks that requires public transport to access...?
Raab said top officials from the two countries would meet to discuss the technical aspects of the case. "We will be able to take the decision on excluding Pakistan's name from the Red List on technical grounds," he said.

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Seems like Pakistan has finally woke up & is using political advantages to force the UK to remove Pak from the red list.

Could be a deal with Afghanistan in mind.

Pak could come off the red list next review.
Needs to come off whatever the reason or logic behind it. Vaccinated people should not quarantine anywhere unless tested positive... End Off !
As I’ve said previously, publish the covid test results of travellers coming back from Pakistan along with other countries.

If they have nothing to hide then it shouldn’t be a problem. Although there is a slim chance you could pick it up on transit, you have to test negative to travel in the first place.

This is just a convenient mechanism to stop people travelling back and forth from Pakistan, its all politically motivated rather than for health.
Pakistan could move from the red list to the amber list in a major travel update.

MPs have criticised the Government for not making the switch in the previous two travel list updates.

In a letter from 16 MPs, which was organised by Bolton South East MP Yasmin Qureshi, the Government was told how Pakistan's place on the red list was causing "grievous suffering".

The letter stated that Pakistan's positivity rate had declined from 7.70 per cent to 6.78 per cent, with daily deaths down to 74 from 77, as BirminghamLive reports.

It couldn't be simpler and it takes seconds - simply press here, enter your email address and follow the instructions. You can also enter your address in the box below the picture on most desktop and mobile platforms.

Spain, Italy, and Germany are among European countries which have not placed Pakistan on their red lists, and instead imposed a home-based quarantine policy.

The letter added: "The Government could have a policy whereby people can travel with negative PCR tests and World Health Organisation-approved vaccines (of which the majority in Pakistan are).

"The arriving passenger could then quarantine at home and be required to have repeat tests until they finish their quarantine - rather than pay a punitive amount of money to isolate in sub-standard hotels."

In response to this, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has now publicly called for the country to be removed from the red list and placed on the amber list.

Raab told a press conference in Pakistan: "We do understand that this is a sensitive issue and a difficult issue.

"We base our decision on the technical evidence, the scientific basis. I understand that is often contested, which is all the more reason why it's good that the Pakistan special adviser to Prime Minister Khan will be holding expert level talks with UK public health authorities.

"We want to find a way through, no-one wants Pakistan off the red list more than I do, but we take these decisions at a technical level.

"I think the smart thing for us to do is work together to enable that to happen as soon, as safely and as responsibly it can be done."

The next update on travel lists is expected on September 16, with a number of countries set to shift between red, amber and green lists.
ISLAMABAD: The government has "removed" several reservations of the UK on the Pakistan's COVID data, Minister for Information Fawad Chaudhry said Tuesday, as the country seeks to exit Britain's travel red list.

Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Health Dr Faisal Sultan spoke at length about Pakistan's coronavirus testing mechanism with Britain's chief medical scientist, Chaudhry said, as he addressed a post-cabinet meeting media briefing.

"We hope the British government will review its policy," he added.

Pakistan was retained on the red list, in the latest review of the country's travel ban, despite a diplomatic offensive by several top government officials.

The British government said that it had decided to keep Pakistan on the travel ban red list because the true number of COVID-19 cases are likely much higher than reported across the country, a leaked letter written by Britain's health minister revealed.

Revival of cinema
A proposal was presented to the federal cabinet for non-Indian Punjabi films to be screened in Pakistan for the cinema industry's revival, the information minister said.

The federal cabinet, giving its feedback, determined that permission to import all foreign movies except Indian should be given, the information minister said, adding that his ministry would present an amended proposal soon.

"In the proposal, we will seek permission to allow foreign movies in Pakistan. In the 70's we had 780 cinemas which have been cut down to 78, so if we don't take immediate steps for the film and cinema industry's revival, it will collapse."

The information minister said practical steps had been taken and a package for the film and cinema industry would be announced next week.

Briefing the media about other decisions taken during the cabinet meeting, he said the price of Remdesivir — a drug used to treat patients with COVID-19 — had been lowered from Rs5,680 to Rs3,967.

'Inept, incompetent Opposition'
Chaudhry said a detailed discussion was held on electoral reforms, with Adviser to the Prime Minister on Parliamentary Affairs Babar Awan, Federal Minister for Science and Technology Shibli Faraz, and Minister for IT and Telecom Syed Amin ul Haq giving detailed briefings to the cabinet in this regard.

The information minister reiterated the claim that "no sitting government" had proposed electoral reforms, and PTI is the "first" to do so. "Nawaz Sharif's PML-N has never won an election without rigging, which is why they are not interested in changing the system."

If the system fails and becomes neutral then the Sharif family has "no future" in politics, he added.

"[PML-N Vice-President] Maryam Nawaz and [PPP Chairman] Bilawal Bhutto Zardari can become the prime ministers in case Pakistan's fortunes take a turn for the worst or there is intense rigging — there is no other way for them to become prime ministers," he said.

The information minister said no Opposition member has held talks with the government over electronic voting machines, nor have they reviewed the bills in this regard.

"Sitting at their homes, they reject all electoral reforms saying 'we don't accept it'," he lamented, adding such an "inept" and "incompetent" Opposition had "never existed" in Pakistan.

The information minister said PML-N and PPP leaders' politics revolved around getting extensions in the hearings of their cases, so the court does not decide against them, as he continued to slam them for not paying heed to reforms and policymaking.

"The entire globe is talking about Afghanistan, but you will not hear PPP and PML-N give their stance on how to handle the refugee crisis," he said, adding: "It is unfortunate that Benazir Bhutto's party is now in the hands of jokers."

Chaudhry, responding to a question, claimed the Opposition was unaware of society's problems as they are "not well-versed with technology".

"If you aren't in sync with the changing world, then you will be left behind, that is why reforms are necessary [...] for moon sighting and counting votes," the information minister said.

'Political joker'
Responding to another question about PML-N leader Javed Latif, Chaudhry said he was a "political joker and an attention seeker, as he keeps making attempts to get the army's support".

He belongs to a party whose "unfortunate policy is to sit outside GHQ's gate and seek the attention of institutions", the information minister added.
I still do not think Tories will even consider pakistan's exit from Red list come 16th of Sep
I still do not think Tories will even consider pakistan's exit from Red list come 16th of Sep

I think they will. Pakistan have made some sort of behind the curtain deal on this with Afghanistan on mind.

The lack of British Pakistanis travelling/holiday in Pakistan has really hurt the Pak economy.
Pakistan should not be taken out of the red list. People in Pakistan refuse to wear a mask and they engage in all sorts of gatherings. A hotspot for the delta variant.
I don't see Pak being removed from the red list for the foreseeable future. We know the UK give hints that they will remove Pak from the list then disappoints on the day of the announcement.
Pakistan should not be taken out of the red list. People in Pakistan refuse to wear a mask and they engage in all sorts of gatherings. A hotspot for the delta variant.

You dont live in the UK. What has this got to do with you apart from usual anti-Pak posts?
Excellent decision

Pressure from pakistani dispora in UK showed

Plus pakistan refusing repatriation of illegal immigrants and criminals also forced the UK hand .
UK has removed Pakistan from the Red list.

Lets all go Isb, Lahore and Karachi! :)

Pakistan will finally be removed from the United Kingdom's red list on September 22 (Wednesday), the country's Secretary of State for Transport Rt Hon Grant Shapps said Friday.

Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Oman, Bangladesh, Kenya, Turkey, Egypt, and the Maldives are among the eight countries that are set to be removed from England's red list, according to the British official.

In August, the UK retained Pakistan on its red list, as the country failed to meet the requirements on genomic surveillance capability, transmission risk, and variants of concern.

Providing further updates on travel restrictions, the British official said the government was making coronavirus testing easier for travel from October 4.

"If you’re fully [vaccinated] you won’t need a pre-departure test before arrival into England from a non-red country and from later in Oct, will be able to replace the day 2 PCR test with a cheaper lateral flow," he said.

"We’ll also be introducing a new simplified system for international travel from Mon 4 Oct, replacing the current approach with a single red list and simplified measures for the rest of the world — striking the right balance to manage the public health risk as No.1 priority," he added.

Back in April, the UK government had announced adding Pakistan to its red list as the coronavirus cases surged due to the Delta variant — which was first identified in India.

'Britain to continue working closely with Pakistan to ensure data sharing: Turner

Responding to the development, British High Commissioner to Pakistan Christian Turner said he was aware of how difficult the last five months were for so many who relied on close links between UK and Pakistan.

The envoy thanked Federal Minister for Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives Asad Umar, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) on Health Dr Faisal Sultan, and relevant Pakistani institutions for their close collaboration.

Turner said UK and Pakistan would continue to work closely to ensure data sharing and safeguard public health in both countries. "No one is safe until everyone is safe."

'Great News', says Dr Faisal Sultan
In reply to Turner's tweet, SAPM Dr Sultan termed the development "great news" for those wanting to travel to the UK, as the ban had been lifted after several months.

"I am grateful to @CTurnerFCDO and others in the UK govt who engaged with our team for an in-depth understanding of our epidemic response and systems as well as the ongoing sharing of data and information to enable disease security," he said.

'Finally the right decision': Asad Umar
Federal minister Umar lauded UK's High Commission in Pakistan for its support throughout the process, as said that it was "good to know finally the right decision taken".

"Support for conveying facts about the COVID situation in Pakistan by UK parliamentarians is also highly appreciated," the planning and development minister added.
You dont live in the UK. What has this got to do with you apart from usual anti-Pak posts?

I am simply stating the facts. Most people in Pakistan do not wear a mask. I have just come back from Pakistan. Most believe COVID-19 is a conspiracy!
I am simply stating the facts. Most people in Pakistan do not wear a mask. I have just come back from Pakistan. Most believe COVID-19 is a conspiracy!

typical useless comment - no grounds to base ur opinion.

BTW Most people in the UK dont wear a mask - nor in the whole of the pandemic - i live in the UK - through the whole pandemic - ive had to go to work every day on a bus
Pakistan should not be taken out of the red list. People in Pakistan refuse to wear a mask and they engage in all sorts of gatherings. A hotspot for the delta variant.

any proof ? because the UK has a bigger delta variant - and here in Nottingham - throughout the whole pandemic - the biggest problem with Nottingham was the University areas - which is the 4th best uni in the UK - you should here the excuses and the conspiracies'
India has imposed mandatory quarantine for all UK nationals arriving in the country, even if they are fully vaccinated against Covid-19.

From Monday, British citizens will have to undergo ten days of home quarantine after arriving in India.

India's government said the change brought "reciprocity" to its rules.

There have been tensions between the two countries over the the Indian-made version of the AstraZeneca vaccine, known as Covishield.

Indians who are fully vaccinated with that jab must still quarantine on arrival in the UK.

But similarly-vaccinated travellers to the UK from many other countries are not facing the same restrictions.

Officials in the UK designated Covishield an approved jab last month after a major backlash in India against what many saw as a discriminatory rule.

It is India's primary vaccine, with more than 720 million doses given out so far. It is the same as the AstraZeneca jab used in the UK vaccine rollout.

New UK travel rules due to take effect on Monday dictate that travellers from a range of countries will not have to self-isolate if they are fully vaccinated.

But India is not on that list, which has prompted further protests and accusations of discrimination.

Last month, Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar met with his UK counterpart Liz Truss at the UN in New York and urged her to resolve the quarantine issue.
typical useless comment - no grounds to base ur opinion.

BTW Most people in the UK dont wear a mask - nor in the whole of the pandemic - i live in the UK - through the whole pandemic - ive had to go to work every day on a bus

That is the reason why thousands are dying in Pakistan and UK. Both are full of people who believe in wild conspiracy!
Typical commie comment. So now only UK and Pakistanis believe in conspiracies. These little HK islanders are begging for UK passports; but perhaps should head over to the USA where more people believe C19 is a hoax, and as such avoid wearing masks.
Typical commie comment. So now only UK and Pakistanis believe in conspiracies. These little HK islanders are begging for UK passports; but perhaps should head over to the USA where more people believe C19 is a hoax, and as such avoid wearing masks.

Better to compare the COVID-19 deaths and cases in both places, instead of making such irrelevant points.
Better to compare the COVID-19 deaths and cases in both places, instead of making such irrelevant points.

It’s you who believes in conspiracy theories. The covid RATE of death is important, not the total number of deaths. Pakistan has a low rate of death compared with West, you call it a conspiracy.

You selective nonsense and hatred will be pulled up.
It’s you who believes in conspiracy theories. The covid RATE of death is important, not the total number of deaths. Pakistan has a low rate of death compared with West, you call it a conspiracy.

You selective nonsense and hatred will be pulled up.

Compare the death rate of the UK and HK. By the way, 95% of COVID-19 cases are not reported. The official figures are false.
Compare the death rate of the UK and HK. By the way, 95% of COVID-19 cases are not reported. The official figures are false.

There you go, more conspiracy, the latest figures are false? Pakistan off the UK red list, but it’s all based on false info? Why don’t you look at India’s numbers and rebuke the nonsensical figures that come out of India? I can understand why you do not.

As for HK, citizens wear masks as the norm, long before covid, long before you moved there.

You don’t care about anything other than portraying Pakistan in bad light, this is your standard routine.
There you go, more conspiracy, the latest figures are false? Pakistan off the UK red list, but it’s all based on false info? Why don’t you look at India’s numbers and rebuke the nonsensical figures that come out of India? I can understand why you do not.

As for HK, citizens wear masks as the norm, long before covid, long before you moved there.

You don’t care about anything other than portraying Pakistan in bad light, this is your standard routine.

We are talking about Pakistan here. If you want to bring India into the picture, you are free to create a new thread. You can buy fake vaccination record from Pakistan and nobody bothers going to the hospital even if they have because they say doctors are intentionally killing people ad part of a population control scheme.

The UK has made a big mistake by taking Pakistan out of the red list. It will regret it.
We are talking about Pakistan here. If you want to bring India into the picture, you are free to create a new thread. You can buy fake vaccination record from Pakistan and nobody bothers going to the hospital even if they have because they say doctors are intentionally killing people ad part of a population control scheme.

The UK has made a big mistake by taking Pakistan out of the red list. It will regret it.

There you go, you are happy to compare Pakistan with other nations, as soon as India is mentioned you come out with the spiel above.

Lol at UK made a mistake by removing Pakistan from the Red list, cos the delta variant came from your homeland India. UK was criticised for not adding India on the red-list - the is a documented fact. UK did regret not putting India on the RL soon enough; so much so your boys bailed on a test match cos they were scared.

Many nations have been accused of faking numbers; so stop the ** by making it out as if Pakistan is the only country to do so.

You hate Pakistan so much, if you think it’s a hell hole, what on earth are you doing by visiting the place?
There you go, you are happy to compare Pakistan with other nations, as soon as India is mentioned you come out with the spiel above.

Lol at UK made a mistake by removing Pakistan from the Red list, cos the delta variant came from your homeland India. UK was criticised for not adding India on the red-list - the is a documented fact. UK did regret not putting India on the RL soon enough; so much so your boys bailed on a test match cos they were scared.

Many nations have been accused of faking numbers; so stop the ** by making it out as if Pakistan is the only country to do so.

You hate Pakistan so much, if you think it’s a hell hole, what on earth are you doing by visiting the place?

We were talking about Pakistan coming out of the red list. Talk all you want about India in a separate thread. I do not mind at all!

I am sure the UK will regret this decision because there is widespread COVID-19 in Pakistan. It is probably the most infected place but because people do not seek treatment, the actual number of cases are hidden. Just wait and watch!

Good on HK for putting UK and Pakistan on its red list and banning all flights from Pakistan.
We were talking about Pakistan coming out of the red list. Talk all you want about India in a separate thread. I do not mind at all!

I am sure the UK will regret this decision because there is widespread COVID-19 in Pakistan. It is probably the most infected place but because people do not seek treatment, the actual number of cases are hidden. Just wait and watch!

Good on HK for putting UK and Pakistan on its red list and banning all flights from Pakistan.

I am talking about India because of the Indian variant of C19 and how it’s spreading in the West because India wasn’t on the red-list earlier, UK is regretting this.

And stop lying about banned flights from Pakistan to HK, in this very thread you mentioned you visited Pakistan not so long ago.

You expose yourself post after post.
I am talking about India because of the Indian variant of C19 and how it’s spreading in the West because India wasn’t on the red-list earlier, UK is regretting this.

And stop lying about banned flights from Pakistan to HK, in this very thread you mentioned you visited Pakistan not so long ago.

You expose yourself post after post.

Flights to Pakistan resumed 26th August 2021 after several almost a year iirc but they will be banned again as a flight from Pakistan which arrived three days back had 3 + cases from Pakistan.
KARACHI: The United Kingdom’s Covid-19 rules will change on Monday, removing the ‘Amber List’ designation completely and allowing anyone vaccinated anywhere by one of the four vaccines approved by London to travel to the UK without quarantine or self-isolation. Furthermore, Pakistan’s vaccine certificates will be accepted by the UK, though Chinese vaccines will still not be.

This was confirmed by the UK High Commissioner to Pakistan, Dr Christian Turner, to Dawn.

The UK will accept vaccinations by Astra-Zeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna and Pfizer vaccines from all travellers from around the world who are not from the red-list countries. Pakistan was taken off the red list on Sept 22 after being on the no-travel list for five months. However, earlier information had suggested that the UK would still not accept any vaccinations done in Pakistan, including by the UK-approved list of vaccines, which had meant Pakistanis would still need to self-isolate for up to 10 days. This will now change.

British diplomat praises the National Command and Control Centre for doing a good job of ‘navigating the Covid-19 pandemic’

“I am just going through the process of formally allowing the two bureaucracies to recognise each other’s vaccination certificates and that may take a couple more days next week,” Dr Turner said.

“But basically, in October, you’d be able to turn up in London and, if you’ve had those vaccines, show your Nadra certificate and be absolutely fine. It doesn’t matter where it’s administered — you have very good certificates here — you show that and you’d be fine... It’ll be a big shift and everything will be a lot better.”

The UK High Commissioner also acknowledged that Pakistan being on the red list had been “enormously frustrating” since it had blocked contacts and linkages between the people of the two countries and “everyone suffered”.

But he said there had been “a genuine scientific disagreement” between the public health bodies of the two countries and “a concern about Pakistan’s ability to track variants here”.

In particular, he said, the UK was worried about the beta variant, which had originated in South Africa, and which “can undermine the Astra-Zeneca vaccine”.

“If [the] beta [variant] got seeded back into our communities, particularly the very large and important community that is connected [between the UK and Pakistan] and travelling back and forth, we would have had a very large public health problem that would have undermined our vaccine process. And we engineered an enormously deep discussion between the two public health science teams, led by Dr Faisal [Sultan] on your side, to really understand what we knew about beta and what we didn’t and that gave us the confidence to change the red list.”

He also praised Dr Sultan, the National Command and Control Centre and the health team “who have done a most extraordinary good job of navigating the pandemic”.

Published in Dawn, October 3rd, 2021