Peer Sahib Culture!

Jimmy two-times

PP Fantasy Football Reigning Champion
Sep 12, 2005
I just wanted to know what pakpassion poster's take is on this whole peer sahib culture.

Do you accept them or are you against the idea?

I have just came back from pak and I heard a peer telling someone not to have an operation but the doctors are telling that person that they should have an operation. The person has gone with the advice of peer and decided not to have the operation.

Who would you listen to if were faced with a similar dilemma?
There are lots of fake peers going around these days. So careful scrutiny has to be imposed to establish the validity of a peer. It is hence that I bring forth a solid recommendation of a peer, Mullah Khan Jamal of Dera Bhoth Mara who established the Khan Kapadia school of thought. Today his legacy is being perpetuated to the masses by his great grandson Mullah Khan Jamal of Dera Bhoth Mara.
Unless they can explain their knowledge through Quran and the Hadiths I don't understand how they can attain the knowledge of Ghaib.

I have yet to see one peer who talks sense.
Only Allah has the power to do all. If we go to others for help other than Allah then we are surely in deep doodle.

A peer who cannt help himself will help me? Ya right!

There was a peer in lahore who used to cure others one day his own son's kidneys got damaged and peer couldnt do nothing - only Allah has the power to do everything, peers are merely a drama.
Altaf Hussain of MQM fame was also known as Peer Sahib at one point...
The Monk said:
I just wanted to know what pakpassion poster's take is on this whole peer sahib culture.

Do you accept them or are you against the idea?

I have just came back from pak and I heard a peer telling someone not to have an operation but the doctors are telling that person that they should have an operation. The person has gone with the advice of peer and decided not to have the operation.

Who would you listen to if were faced with a similar dilemma?

this is nutz .. how the heck did we become so crazy.

honestly i have to say that pakistani's have gone backwards as a people ever since Zia-ul-Haq came to power.
The Monk said:
I just wanted to know what pakpassion poster's take is on this whole peer sahib culture.

Do you accept them or are you against the idea?

I have just came back from pak and I heard a peer telling someone not to have an operation but the doctors are telling that person that they should have an operation. The person has gone with the advice of peer and decided not to have the operation.

Who would you listen to if were faced with a similar dilemma?

well gee if people think like this then i guess i waisted my time going to medical school .. i should have just gone to "peer school" instead.
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kashif77 said:
well gee if people think like this then i guess i waisted my time going to medical school .. i should have just gone to "peer school" instead.

You would make millions a doc/peer 2in1 combo!

But seriously there one guy who used to run a PCO and this time when I went back he had suddenly become a peer and had entourage of about 25 people. His trademark is hat he would click his fingers and all your problems would be fixed.

But Zechariah's post when he mentioned about the peer in Lahore was exact example of this guys antics. His own family goes to doctors when they have issues but this guy advise people that come to him rather than go to doctors.
There are so many fakes it is unreal. Every man for himself if you believe in such things or not. I do believe people have some knowolege of things and they are able to certain things.

Two small stories if someone knows please give the names for the first story.

Possibly a nabi who had gift to cure the sick. Plants would speak to him and tell him exactly what they can be used to cure. His son get sick and he tries to cure him but he dies. Upset he goes and throws all the medicines etc he had made. Than an angel informs him that his son's time was up...even though he tried giving him medication...we didn't let go down is throat. So basically everyone has got to go.


I have first hand experince with this. My younger brother years ago left the house with his friends didn't come back for some days...we looked and looked he was nowhere to be found. Someone told me and my eldest brother to go ask someone. We went there the guy asked for my mom's name and his name. Told us he is with 3 guys and 1 girl :x gave a taveez to put in our room and said he'll be back today.

he did come back that day after 11-12 days...not only that. The guy who told us he was with 3 guys and a girl...knew the names too.

I was pretty shocked to hear the names...which were later confirmed by my brother.
Look some peers truely have a gift, some are con-artists and im afraid its those who are giving the rest a bad name.

And most of them are your spiritual doctor, like ur normal doctor can't help himself if he is dying...same with the peers.
But like i said some are good and some aren't, it's best to find out the background of the peer, b-cos im afraid even money has corrupted the peers.
Wazeeri said:
The peer kidnapped your brother???
okay my posts are no work of art or perfectly written but they sure aren't hard to read as your making them out to be.

Peer: Who in our case wasn't fake...knew where my brother was and who he was with as he knew the names of his friends and the girl I even had no idea about the girl as I knew about the friends. Gave taveez to put in his room [we shared the room] and said he will be back today.

After we had been looking for him for more than 10 days...he suddenly decided to show up that day.

so yea...every man for himself.
btw I believe in black magic etc for many reasons including that we have found 100's of taveez in our house over the years.

If you think I am insane than you can ignore what I post. Long time ago we use to have water drop I mean a bucket loads of water drop in middle of our house out no where...we would be sitting and suddenly booom water drops out of nowhere.

One day we found my brother who is older than me his room walls had blood all over them. I have doctor in my house and everyone agreed it seemed it was real blood all over the walls. That same day my brother got into an accident shattered his legs and arm. Went into comma he was badly damaged. His friend basically split open who was with him. Everyone says his legs seperated from his body...though I never got to see them as I was young and scared having just listened to it.

anyway...some peer from moori I believe gave us something to put in our house...after that we never had that water drop in our house for years. When my sis was getting married we painted our house and someone removed that little frame. Years later we saw water drop in our house again...and we quickly found the frame which had something written on it and put it back where it was.
Black magic is mentioned in the quran....these things are real and true.
And people such as Peers do have the power to cure it.
There are invisible forces that man can use, the good use it for the good the bad use it for the evil.
.knew where my brother was and who he was with as he knew the names of his friends and the girl I even had no idea about the girl as I knew about the friends. Gave taveez to put in his room [we shared the room] and said he will be back today.

So basically the peer kidnapped your brother and then managed to launder the extortion money through a bogus sale of a taveez?
there are mostly fradsters rather than peer s
Zechariah said:
There are invisible forces that man can use, the good use it for the good the bad use it for the evil.

Sounds just like Star Wars ?
Wazeeri said:
So basically the peer kidnapped your brother and then managed to launder the extortion money through a bogus sale of a taveez?
:))) something along those lines.
Zaynab, the wife of `Abdullah ibn Mas`ud, reported that `Abdullah ibn Mas`ud (may Allah be pleased with him) stated that he heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saying: “Spells, amulets and love-charms are (forms of) shirk.” `Abdullah said, “Why do you say this? By Allah, when I was weeping eczema, I kept going to so and so, the Jew, who did a spell for me and made the thing calm down.” `Abdullah said: “That was just the work of Satan, who was picking it with his hand, and when (the Jew) uttered the spell, he stopped. All you needed to do was to say as the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to say: Adh-hib al-ba’s Rabb an-Nas ishfi anta ash-Shafi la shifa’a illa shifa’uka shifa’an la yughadiru saqaman (Remove the harm, O Lord of mankind, and heal, You are the Healer. There is no healing but Yours, a healing which leaves no disease behind.’” (Reported by Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah)

Abu Dawud reported that `Isa ibn Hamzah said: “I entered upon ‘Abdullah ibn `Akim and his face was red due to high fever. I said, ‘Why don’t you wear an amulet?’ He said, ‘We seek refuge with Allah from that. Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) states: “Whoever wears anything (meaning an amulet) will be entrusted to its care

There is a difference of opinion among sahaba as to whether amulets containing Quranic verses is allowed or not. Majority believe that it should be avoided as a person can start believing that the lifeless amulet is giving them protection which may be considered shirk.

If a peer was to give me a taveez with anything but quranic verses I would reject it and if he gave me quranic verses and claimed that they would solve my problem I would request to see a specific verse from the quran or hadiths supporting his belief. Otherwise I would like to know how he came to the realisation that this particular verse solved my specific problem.
Sounds just like Star Wars ?

No in Star Wars there is a bacteria which is found in the blood stream of Jedis.
They are hardly visible not invisible.
Wazeeri said:
No in Star Wars there is a bacteria which is found in the blood stream of Jedis.
They are hardly visible not invisible.

bhoot parian, invisible powers. they exist. only peers can get them. we should follow wot they say. they will tell u if ur gonna pass in exam or not, ur gonna get job or not ur gonna be successful in business or not.
Farrukh said:
bhoot parian, invisible powers. they exist. only peers can get them. we should follow wot they say. they will tell u if ur gonna pass in exam or not, ur gonna get job or not ur gonna be successful in business or not.

Anyone can get them, peers dont have a monoply over them.

They dont know anything Only Allah knows what I will get in the future, who is the peer to tell me if I pass my exam or not whehter or not i get my job or not or where i get my money from!

My Sustainer is Allah not my PEER.
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There is no reason to disrespect a "Peer" simply just because you have come across known fake peers or those who simply lie. I am not one to take part in religious discussions because everyone gives their input from their point of view from their faith.

I am not a judgemental person and I am not about tell someone their faith is wrong or what they believe in is wrong. I understand that some people seek help from peers or goto darbaars and seek help from those who are already dead. Going there isn't wrong in my opinion...while there you should still be praying to Allah. Problem is with who are confused and don't know who they are praying too.

You just don't become a peer out of nowhere nor they do they really spell things out for you. Going to ask them if you will get job or that girl you like or pass the exam? lol no wonder we have so many fake ones.

But lets not discredit or disrespect perhaps the few who might know something.
I think people misunderstand that ultimately Allah has the poweer to do all so we are going to help to them when we can ask Allah directly we are heading the wrong way, this is why we have so many Mizars and Peers popping up all over the Subcontinent.
We have done the praying to the dead debate, was very tiring so please no one start it.
No one but Allah has the knowledge of the ghaib. These peers get the knowledge of the ghaib from Jinns.

I was going to post a lot of stuff and while searching for islamic sources about this I came along this site which basically sums up what I wanted to say.
Only allah has the complete knowlegde but he passes the knowlegde to who he wills.
theres an ayah in the quran...i cant rememver it but it says allah gives the key of knowledge to who he wants. so ppl can have it...yes some do have jinns, but you cant say that about all of the peers.
The FOUR Peer Bukharis that are buried around Karachi were nothing but humble servants of ALLAH who spread his word on our lands. Its not their fault that people have turned their burial places into shrines.

Having said that, whenever I go past the Mazaar of Peer Bukhari on Sharae Faisal, I always utter a prayer in thanks to his service.
Zechariah said:
Only Allah has the power to do all. If we go to others for help other than Allah then we are surely in deep doodle.

A peer who cannt help himself will help me? Ya right!

There was a peer in lahore who used to cure others one day his own son's kidneys got damaged and peer couldnt do nothing - only Allah has the power to do everything, peers are merely a drama.
Thought I would not have said the word 'doodle' :p, i have the same view. Never really believed in peers. When ever i need help I rather pray to Allah than ask a peer for his help/advice.
we have a peer bak here in Bradford, Peer Habib Ur Rehman, he has done Alim course and has a great deal of knowledge, he does regular Jumma speeches in our mosque, hes what some pro peer people would call 'a real peer'
Anyone heard about "Pir Kaki Tarr"? I heard about him a lot back some years ago in the newspapers. I don't remember why.

Now a days we have a lot of coverage of "Pir Double Shah" in the newspapers. He used to double the amount of money people gave to him untill authorities caught him. Now people have difficulty even receiving their original amount.
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LOL who in their right mind would think a peer is a investor? I think the people are too stupid to realize they are being scammed.

That surely isn't the fault of the few real peers.
Question regarding pir/peer

Now as many of you may know these people are meant to have some sort of special power and close link to Allah. they all claim they are direct link from important people in islam. What does Islam say about these people? whenever i question family members they said they dont let me question their legitimacy. I no of people going to them getting their problems sorted like unable to have children bringing back loved. I would like to know your take on it.
I wouldn't go to one and it will not be because of religion allows it or not. It is just if you believe in it. If someone goes to one then it doesn't matter to me
They dont have special powers man or closed link to Allah as much as any other person of Good Iman and knowledge..

Find people who can do Ruqya (Quran Recitation) to remove magic and jinn from people then I recommend you to get that done...
critical said:
Now as many of you may know these people are meant to have some sort of special power and close link to Allah. they all claim they are direct link from important people in islam. What does Islam say about these people? whenever i question family members they said they dont let me question their legitimacy. I no of people going to them getting their problems sorted like unable to have children bringing back loved. I would like to know your take on it.

I suggest u better go to a combination of these people to seek peace

1) Religious elder - Sheikh - Mufti - Imam - Amir of some maktab

2) psychiatrist / counselor

3) Professional who can help u directly in regards with ur concerned trouble
i believe in peer .

peer can help u out to find whether black magic is done or not on ur family and they can tell u the name of that member and where the black magic is done and they give u taweez in which holy surahs is there in small paper which bring rehmat in your work .

peer are those who r close to Allah by praying and devoting their life to Allah fully.
It was on Express News..a guy in Okara buried himself in the grave for chillah on the advice of some pir. His friends dug a hole in the grave and would supply him food/water in that manner. He was eventually forced to come out by the local police.

What the fuzz is that?
There's no such thing as a pir and mureed in Islam. Teacher and student, yes. Pir and mureed, no.

Many of the thoughts and actions resulting from this piri/mureedi thing are either shirk, or are perilously close to shirk.
Momo said:
There's no such thing as a pir and mureed in Islam. Teacher and student, yes. Pir and mureed, no.

Many of the thoughts and actions resulting from this piri/mureedi thing are either shirk, or are perilously close to shirk.

Momo said:
There's no such thing as a pir and mureed in Islam. Teacher and student, yes. Pir and mureed, no.

Many of the thoughts and actions resulting from this piri/mureedi thing are either shirk, or are perilously close to shirk.

I personally dont have a pir, nore anyone from my family, or reletives, also none of our family member wear taweez, but after saying all this we still believe in peer and taweez, but always thought Allah and his prophet are enough guidness for us.

people will have different beliefs, barelvi, deobandi, shia, everyone but am a barelvi and do believe in peer but had not approched anyone and never will
We have close family friends, where the couple don't have children of their own, but brought accross, many years ago from Pakistan, a relatives two sons by claiming them to be their own. (many Pakistani's used to do this years ago, for tax purposes and as a way of getting them into the country)One of the boys brother was left behind.

The father of the boys was the village 'pir'. When he died, the son left behind in Pakistan inherited his mantle.

When I was in my mid-20's, and the boy-pir was around 19, he came to England to see his two brothers.

I had also come home for a visit (I was working abroad) and went round to visit the family.

The boy-pir was sitting on a sofa, and I was introduced to him. Since the room was full of people, and there was nowhere else to sit, I had the 'audacity' to park my bum on the arm of the sofa on which the boy-pir was sitting!! I ended up sitting higher than him! :21:

You should have seen the looks of anger on everybody's face (I did not realise at the time as to why). If looks could kill, I would have been dead on the spot!. :pissed:

But knowing me well, and my views on such mumbo-jumbo, nobody dared to say anything to me! :))
Javelin said:
We have close family friends, where the couple don't have children of their own, but brought accross, many years ago from Pakistan, a relatives two sons by claiming them to be their own. (many Pakistani's used to do this years ago, for tax purposes and as a way of getting them into the country)One of the boys brother was left behind.

The father of the boys was the village 'pir'. When he died, the son left behind in Pakistan inherited his mantle.

When I was in my mid-20's, and the boy-pir was around 19, he came to England to see his two brothers.

I had also come home for a visit (I was working abroad) and went round to visit the family.

The boy-pir was sitting on a sofa, and I was introduced to him. Since the room was full of people, and there was nowhere else to sit, I had the 'audacity' to park my bum on the arm of the sofa on which the boy-pir was sitting!! I ended up sitting higher than him! :21:

You should have seen the looks of anger on everybody's face (I did not realise at the time as to why). If looks could kill, I would have been dead on the spot!. :pissed:

But knowing me well, and my views on such mumbo-jumbo, nobody dared to say anything to me! :))

have you been cursed ever since?
These Peer/Fakir's well in the good ol days there used to genuine God fearing ppl, some with special devine powers/intelligence who would mantain that God is the highest authority and through his help only this solution/answer/etc is to be implemented and keep praying to him...

now a days these genuine Peer/Fakir's are very rare... instead we have peer/fakir's that are fake and are misguiding ppl or taking advantage of their situations. i'll lay down some examples...

1. often what happens is peerism and fakirism has become business opportunities, I have one such baba ji in my own not too distant relatives. We cousin's etc poke fun of him and his fake fakiri... and boy has he made it rich, his murids bring him gifts (once he fluked a guess and his murid gifted him a pajiro :))) ) however the man himself says that "agar yeh khud bewakoof bantay hain toh hum kya kar saktay hain" "if they fall for it what or are dumb enough to fall for it what can one do"

2. sometimes these peers/fakirs start creating an image of themselves above Gods, making murids/followers believe in them, which is shirk...

3. there was this one peer sahib which my dad thgt was genuine, went to his place (another city) apparantly when my dad and his 2 cousins got there it was not scheduled time for peer sahib to meet anyone, ok fair enough (although he should have been considerate enough to realize that ppl have come from a far far place, but maybe he treats all as equal no favors, etc) but it was time for Asr prayer and when my dad and his cousins said if they could pray in the praying area (small mosque) within the peer sahib's madrassa, they simply refused saying sorry we can't let you in (the mosque was in a different spot than where the peer stayed - so the question of these guys charging to peer sahib as intruders is out of question) how on earth you say no to someone from allowing them into house of God.

4. one of my maamu's boy 3yrs old was severely ill (the hospital authorities instead of helping cure him started to treat him as a testing subject for their research (they removed bone marrow from his body a couple of times, which had nothing to do with the illness) his condition had worsened visibly 10X than that of which he went in with... he had brain damage, and some internal damage (fell down stairs) anywho he was removed from the hospital, his mom/dad took extra ordinary care of him and his state improved by many times, looking at him u'd say he is normal, unless told he is not... no mom/dad can put up with this kinda thing upon their children, they got so desperate they started looking for a solution in any which way, which brings us to so called peer/fakirs and they just love these kind of situations/victims, the boy was only surviving/improving coz of the attention/care he was getting from his parents and nothing to do with the peers/fakirs, until my cousin passed away...

5. often the peer/fakir may be genuine or even fake ones doesnt matter, but what happens is we start to believe in them rather than the almight Allah... here i would like you to remember the story of the Prophet that when was followed by enemies hell bent on killing him resorted to hide in a tree rather than ask Allah swt for help.

6. the genuine peer/fakirs will never mention for charging/donations, however these fakes will one way or the other indirectly lead you to making so called donations... the genuine ones dont need them, uppar wala is looking after them...

7. there was this one peer sahib who was helping others or provide solutions to their issues etc, while he was having a domestic prob of his own and got divorced... jo banda apni madad nahin kar sakta woh dosroon ki kya karay ga

which leads us to the biggest argument.... a peer/fakir can't help themselves but others only... i say BS, laanat hai aisi peeri/fakiri pe jahan app apni madad nahin kar saktay, if you were genuine you wouldnt be in that mess, and you would be able to assist yourself as well... coz if you were Genuine you would be promoting islam and following it in a proper manner and God loves such ppl, so how can God or why wont God help one that is always submitted to him in such small matters... aj kal har koi peer fakir ban raha hai, and the most laughable ones are the likes of the peer i just mentioned above with domestic issues of own and helping fix others aka Dr. Phils lolz, or the Peer Syed Sahib's or Ajmeri Baba's that appear in Bollywood Flicks trying to fix ur career and love... (nice marketing skills mates)...

verdict... 5-10% genuine peer/fakir's out there while the vast majority at 90-95% are fake clowns... God is always there, and he should be the one we should be asking for forgiveness and duas... not peer/fakirs...
TAK said:
have you been cursed ever since?

prob.. if Javelin may i'll entail his encounter with the cursed scenario as such...

young peer sahib after being insulted by javelin put a curse on Javelin and let him knew full well that something bad and evil will be happening to him for insulting the great Peer in the making. some 2 yrs down the road the Young Peer decided to pay a visit to Javelin's house while on quest to meet his long seperated siblings. He came face to face with Javelin and tried to figure out if Javelin indeed had been cursed for his insulting behaviour. The conversation went long and deep and without any signs of Javelin being cursed, and finally the topic fell to cricket since there was no evidence of him being cursed. This is when Javelin told young peer that in his last club game he was unfairly given out LBW and missed out on a chance to score big. And to the sheer joyment of the Peer Sahib his eyes lightened up and out came the reply "Hah, this is what you get for insulting the peer sahib. The very legs you used to sit high above me on that sofa are now cursed, and will often find yourself getting LBW... only cure to this is monthly $100 donations + becoming my murid"....
Momo said:
There's no such thing as a pir and mureed in Islam. Teacher and student, yes. Pir and mureed, no.

Many of the thoughts and actions resulting from this piri/mureedi thing are either shirk, or are perilously close to shirk.
could be considered the same . . with Pir being a teacher or leader and Mureed student.

these dodgy Hakims/ Pir-e-ilaj on the other hand, are a different beed entirely.
Free Hit said:
I personally dont have a pir, nore anyone from my family, or reletives, also none of our family member wear taweez, but after saying all this we still believe in peer and taweez, but always thought Allah and his prophet are enough guidness for us.

people will have different beliefs, barelvi, deobandi, shia, everyone but am a barelvi
and do believe in peer but had not approched anyone and never will

Does it matter if your a Barelvi? or any other kind of thing? Enough of this stuff man. At the end of the day we are MUSLIMS and only MUSLIMS. This kind of barelive, deobandi, salafi etc talk is what is brining disunity to our ummah more than anything. We shouldnt care if someone is a sunni, shia barelvi or etc. At the end of the day we are MUSLIMS and only MUSLIMS.

Coming back to the topic, I dont believe in such things as Pir or anything else. Like Momo said the acts and thoughts from these kinds of things are close to shirk.

Brilliant display of peeri mureedi. Check out the warning on not 'paaeing dhamaal'!
the funniest thing these peers do is... And if you may i'll quickly put it in a small story...

most of their callers are females/wifes... when they call claiming ghar mein problems hain (mainly coz of financial reasons - aur kis ghar mein nahin hotien generally speaking, paisa hi usually breaking point hota hai har gharailo jhagroon mein) unh ke shohar sahi behave nahin kar rahay, susraal wala nahin suntay hamari etc etc etc... and out comes the peer sahib's reply...

"beta app yeh ayaat parhain, mein kuch taaveez app ke liye likh daita hoon, lekin asli jar/root app ki is prob ki app ke kisi kareebi/close one ka kaam hai jo app ko khush nahin daikh sakta, waisey toh ap ke saath normal ya meetha bantay hain lekin ander se niyat kharab hai..." (female interrupts)

"peer sahib kon hain jo meray saath aisa zulam karay ga, mein toh kabhi soch bhi nahin sakti thi, meiney kabhi kisi ka kuch bura nahin socha, toh aisa kon hai jo mere liye itna bura kar raha hai"

"beta hai toh yeh koi app ke susraal se hi, lekin mein app ko nahin bata sakta ke kon hai, kyon ke pehlay bhi aisa case howa tha jahan larai jhagray aur khoon kharaba tak ho geya tha hamaray batanay se, toh mein nahin chahta aisa phir kuch ho"

"theek hai mein hoshyaar rahoon gi, ap ki advice pe ghaur karoon gi, app ki bohat bohat meharbaani ap meri itni madad kartay hain, aur najanay kitnoon ki, allah app ko khush rakhay"

"bus beta dua kia karo apnay liye bhi aur hamaray liye bhi, hamari bus yehi koshish rehti hai ke apnay ird gird logon ki madad karain chahay jitni bhi ho, abh daikhain haal mein hi hum ney aik new project shuru kia hai, yateem bachoon ka madrassa jo abhi thora ruka howa hai kuch financial wajohaat se"

"aray peer ji hum kis kaam aayien ge, app hamari itni madad kartay hain, toh hum app ki nahin kar saktay kya"

"beta bus inh yateemonh ki jo madad ho jaye"

"ji ji, yeh lain $$$$ allah hafiz"

"shukriya, allah hafiz"

abh mohtarma ghar jaien gi, aur baith ke khichri banaien gi aur apnay susraal se har aik person ko aik aik kar ke investigate karain gi, aray mere dewar ne aik bar mujh se oonchi awaz mein baat ki thi, kya woh hai? meri uss dewarani ne mujh pe almost chai gira di thi... meri saas woh manhoos to har waqt khul-e-aam meri jaan ke peechay hoti hai... etc etc etc... aur jabh husbaand sahib ghar pohanchain thak haar ke kaam se and all he wants is some water, some breathing space to relax his head a bit

"aa gaye janaab, idhar mein app ki ghulaami karoon, aur udhar app ka khaandaan meri barbaadi mein laga howa hai"

husband completely "hunh, kya"

"aj meri peer sahib se howi thi baat, bata rahay thay ke hai koi meray susraal se jo meri jarhain kaatnay pe tula howa hai, upar se woh meethi ya meetha banta hai lekin ander se neyaat kharaab hai"

husband "konsay peer konsi jarhain, kya ho geya"

"haan haan tum bhi bano masoom aur meethay apnay khaandan ki tarah, upar se meethay aur ander se sab ke sabh manhoon churi ki tarah taiz aur zehreelay"

and the fight goes on and on...

at this point the husband mentally tired and hopeless hears about a peer sahib and rings him up...

"sahib meray ghar mein larai chal rahi hai"

"haan beta mein samajh sakta hoon, aur yeh zaroor app ke susraal mein se kisi ki shararat hai jo app ki baigham ko behkaa rahay hain"...

"mujhay kuch andaaza ho raha tha is baat ka lekin abh yakeen ho geya hai ji"

"baita yeh kuch taaveez hain app ke liye, aur yeh duaien parha karain"

"bohat meharbaani app ki peer sahib, app ka kaisay shukriya adaa karoon"

"bus beta dua kia karo, madad karna toh hamara farz banta hai, jaisey ke hum ne haal mein hi kuch yateem bachon ke liye madrasa chalanay ki koshish kar rahay hain, lekin kuch financial wajohaat se kar nahin paa rahay"

"aray peer sahib yeh lain $$$$, app hamaray liye itna kartay hain toh ham bhi app ki madad karain gey"

and gets up and heads to home while thinking who could be the one from his susraal that is trying to destroy his home... THE END...

On a side note, wouldn't it be better if these peer sahibs just name that one person (even though they are BS'ing) coz that will have the spouse hate 1 person instead of the whole susraal... lolz...
Boi said:
Does it matter if your a Barelvi? or any other kind of thing? Enough of this stuff man. At the end of the day we are MUSLIMS and only MUSLIMS. This kind of barelive, deobandi, salafi etc talk is what is brining disunity to our ummah more than anything. We shouldnt care if someone is a sunni, shia barelvi or etc. At the end of the day we are MUSLIMS and only MUSLIMS.

Coming back to the topic, I dont believe in such things as Pir or anything else. Like Momo said the acts and thoughts from these kinds of things are close to shirk.
truesay, though when you get particular groups shouting 'bid'ah, shirk' at every given opportunity divisions occur. In effect 'Barelvis' are simply those who believe in the teachings - or methodolology- of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Bareilly (R'A) who was the antithesis of Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab. The umbrella of his teaching is the 'Ahlus-Sunnah Wal Jama'ah'
baalti said:
prob.. if Javelin may i'll entail his encounter with the cursed scenario as such...

young peer sahib after being insulted by javelin put a curse on Javelin and let him knew full well that something bad and evil will be happening to him for insulting the great Peer in the making. some 2 yrs down the road the Young Peer decided to pay a visit to Javelin's house while on quest to meet his long seperated siblings. He came face to face with Javelin and tried to figure out if Javelin indeed had been cursed for his insulting behaviour. The conversation went long and deep and without any signs of Javelin being cursed, and finally the topic fell to cricket since there was no evidence of him being cursed. This is when Javelin told young peer that in his last club game he was unfairly given out LBW and missed out on a chance to score big. And to the sheer joyment of the Peer Sahib his eyes lightened up and out came the reply "Hah, this is what you get for insulting the peer sahib. The very legs you used to sit high above me on that sofa are now cursed, and will often find yourself getting LBW... only cure to this is monthly $100 donations + becoming my murid"....
Spot on!
Except that
1. I played very little cricket at school. I played Rugby. (League at school, and Union at Club level). Although I did miss the odd pass or two, resulting in a missed try!
2. Had I known that he was claiming to be a 'pir', when I met him during that sofa incidence, and had I known that everyone in the room were effectively 'worshipping' him, I may have 'accidentally' started a conversation on the topic of pir's and what a great big con they are. (I was not as diplomatic in those says as I am now! :)) :)) )
Javelin said:
Spot on!
Except that
1. I played very little cricket at school. I played Rugby. (League at school, and Union at Club level). Although I did miss the odd pass or two, resulting in a missed try!
2. Had I known that he was claiming to be a 'pir', when I met him during that sofa incidence, and had I known that everyone in the room were effectively 'worshipping' him, I may have 'accidentally' started a conversation on the topic of pir's and what a great big con they are. (I was not as diplomatic in those says as I am now! :)) :)) )

if i were a peer i would have gotten it right :)

as far as i go, i'd intentionally kick start the convo and put him to his place... ;-)
Khuda Ki Zaat kai Ilawa Kisi our ko apnai Nafa Or Nuqsan Ka Bais Banana Shirk Hai :)
baalti said:
These Peer/Fakir's well in the good ol days there used to genuine God fearing ppl, some with special devine powers/intelligence who would mantain that God is the highest authority and through his help only this solution/answer/etc is to be implemented and keep praying to him...

.... 5-10% genuine peer/fakir's out there while the vast majority at 90-95% are fake clowns... God is always there, and he should be the one we should be asking for forgiveness and duas... not peer/fakirs...
Divine powers ?

5-10 % genuine ?

Are you serious?

When people were uneducated, and could be manipulated into believing anything. Maybe.
But educated people, in the modern age, believing in guys with Divine powers ? :))) :))) :)))
Javelin said:
Divine powers ?

5-10 % genuine ?

Are you serious?

When people were uneducated, and could be manipulated into believing anything. Maybe.
But educated people, in the modern age, believing in guys with Divine powers ? :))) :))) :)))

thanks for highlighting the spelling mistake... :14:

what would you call Baba Freed Ganj Shakar of Pak Patan? genuine or fake? :13: this should help you with the very rare genuine peers/fakirs
or Baba Haji Ali from India... (although these are no more, the genuine/true peers/fakirs you barely hear about coz they dont like to promote/publicize themselves, until after their deaths people highlight them)...
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baalti said:
thanks for highlighting the spelling mistake... :14:

what would you call Baba Freed Ganj Shakar of Pak Patan? genuine or fake? :13: this should help you with the very rare genuine peers/fakirs
Don't know who he is, and could'nt care less.
baalti said:
or Baba Haji Ali from India... (although these are no more, the genuine/true peers/fakirs you barely hear about coz they dont like to promote/publicize themselves, until after their deaths people highlight them)...
See my previous post.
Besides, anyone claiming to have divine powers, is a 100% fake.
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critical said:
Now as many of you may know these people are meant to have some sort of special power and close link to Allah. they all claim they are direct link from important people in islam. What does Islam say about these people? whenever i question family members they said they dont let me question their legitimacy. I no of people going to them getting their problems sorted like unable to have children bringing back loved. I would like to know your take on it.
1) (In Islamic belief system) Every muslim has direct relationship with his Creator. How close is your Creator to you? Closer than your Jugular vein.

2) So, one don't need any inter mediate to ask something to his/her Lord/Creator. He is All Hearing and All Seeing. He knows what one conceles and what one exposes. Just ask Him and be patient. He has put it on Himself to grant his servants wishes (good ones). And who else can give something that He doesnot wish to give?

3) Seeking knowledge from someone is fine. but believing that the person possess power and can use it at will is wrong. All power source is Allah Subhanawa tala. It is He to whom we ALL shall return. Ask him for anything instead of any one else (borderline shrik). Severe consequences!!!
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BD-fan said:
1) (In Islamic belief system) Every muslim has direct relationship with his Creator. How close is your Creator to you? Closer than your Jugular vein.

2) So, one don't need any inter mediate to ask something to his/her Lord/Creator. He is All Hearing and All Seeing. He knows what one conceles and what one exposes. Just ask Him and be patient. He has put it on Himself to grant his servants wishes (good ones). And who else can give something that He doesnot wish to give?

3) Seeking knowledge from someone is fine. but believing that the person possess power and can use it at will is wrong. All power source is Allah Subhanawa tala. It is He to whom we ALL shall return. Ask him for anything instead of any one else (borderline shrik). Severe consequences!!!

spot on with the whole post... there is no better remedy/solution than Allah swt for forgiveness or dua...
Yaser said:
could be considered the same . . with Pir being a teacher or leader and Mureed student.
Why not call them by dignified titles of teacher and sudent rather than Pir and Mureed?

And on what basis do the Pirs accept baiyat exactly?
Anyone go the peer siddiqui jaloos?

yesterday in birmingham did anyone go?
watched the transmission live on noor tv mashallah there were hundreds of brothers and sisters there. great to see.
insaftak said:
Not a big fan of peer veers
Im not either but just found it interesting seeing so many muslims gathering together there must have been atleast 1000.
Sohaib-789 said:
yesterday in birmingham did anyone go?
watched the transmission live on noor tv mashallah there were hundreds of brothers and sisters there. great to see.

Why was the reason for this jaloos that man and women had to take part?
Jaloos and british born nothing to do with pakistan don't go together my friend.
Sohaib-789 said:
celebration of eid-milad-un-nabi

I know the local brelwi masjid do this but only the man use to do it since when women started doing this as well ?
khan-92 said:
I know the local brelwi masjid do this but only the man use to do it since when women started doing this as well ?
I dont know but it happens in england.
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insaftak said:
Not a big fan of peer veers
But the 'peer veers', as you put it, make a nice, easy, comfortable living from their 'followers' ! :))

And, since the role is usually hereditry (based upon the examples I have come accross), they pass it onto their offspring.

'A nice little earner' as they say! :))
I personally consider the idea that someone else does your bidding for you as a statement that you yourself do not feel that God will listen to you. That is utterly ridiculous.

God gets angry at you when you do not make dua to him because it is like making a statement that you don't need his help or his support. Similarly, going to another person is like saying you don't have faith in God replying to you. Do you really think that you are fooling God by going through a pious person? If God isn't going to accept a certain dua from you directly, why would he accept it for you through a pious person? It doesn't make sense. God is not blind, he knows what you're doing. It's like you're cheating the system. But God is not obliged to listen to ANYBODY'S dua so he can just as easily reject a peer's dua on behalf or his mureed.

And you will never connect with God until you enjoy the satisfaction of breaking down in front of him on the musallah at 3 in the morning in utter resignation of your state as a mere mortal, unable to control any of your affairs. That feeling of resignation to the supreme Lord is not only satisfying but extremely humbling.
To summarize.. these peer sahibs are the MAFIA of pakistan. So many people go to them.. and they give them stupid resolutions like for a boy annoying his mother, take this wood and burn it at maghrib.. or agar nazar lag gayi.. then take an egg and circle it round the victims head. These peer sahibs get money or other things in return

We should asked learned people about these stuff. sure some peer sahibs will be learned but at least scholars won't tell you to perform very weird rituals no?

Oh yeah.. and some claim to have done chillaa.. that is when you go deep inside a forest.. draw a circle and meditate.. after a while jinns will come and try to attack you.. you have to stay calm and in the circle.. and only then will you be protected

did people do this at the prophet's time?
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6xafridi said:
To summarize.. these peer sahibs are the MAFIA of pakistan. So many people go to them.. and they give them stupid resolutions like for a boy annoying his mother, take this wood and burn it at maghrib.. or agar nazar lag gayi.. then take an egg and circle it round the victims head. These peer sahibs get money or other things in return

We should asked learned people about these stuff. sure some peer sahibs will be learned but at least scholars won't tell you to perform very weird rituals no?

Oh yeah.. and some claim to have done chillaa.. that is when you go deep inside a forest.. draw a circle and meditate.. after a while jinns will come and try to attack you.. you have to stay calm and in the circle.. and only then will you be protected

did people do this at the prophet's time?

Haha, bro I agree with most of your post.

But I think chilla is something different. As far as I know, it is simply going out on 'tours' with people like Tableeghi Jamaat to do dawah. It can be for as little as 3 days or as much as a year.

Maybe you are thinking of something else? or maybe I am wrong?