PPers' Birthdays


ODI Debutant
Oct 6, 2004


Post your date of birth here which will then be added to the NEW 'PPers' Birthdays' section.

Post only the day and month, do not post the year.

If unsure whether you have already posted yours, you can check out in the above link.
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Mine's been conveniantly left out....I blame Entra Links muwahh....7th February is mine...
folks dont give your full date of birth, just provide day and month thanks.
RH and pants-and-trousers did you both check before posting your birthdates if they were in there already? :13:
entralinks said:
RH and pants-and-trousers did you both check before posting your birthdates if they were in there already? :13:
Sorry your honour :( . What is my punishment?
entralinks said:
RH and pants-and-trousers did you both check before posting your birthdates if they were in there already? :13:

sorry was to lazy to check :(
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Easathman, pakistani_banda, from-da-lost-dimension thanks for confirming your birthdates that are in there already are correct. :)

entralinks said:
Easathman, pakistani_banda, from-da-lost-dimension thanks for confirming your birthdates that are in there already are correct. :)


Mine's 7th April :p
just a minor detail to the mods, the name that appears next to my birthday is my old username (shayan6688). Could you pls correct it to Shayan. It's 6th June by the way.
Oye zushy changhar I added yours two days ago, check 7 February. :p

the_game you're in there already as well. :D

Geordie BUT post it in the suggestions forum and let Nauman know, he's the so-called smart a$$ around here. ;-)
entralinks said:
Oye zushy changhar I added yours two days ago, check 7 February. :p

the_game you're in there already as well. :D

Geordie BUT post it in the suggestions forum and let Nauman know, he's the so-called smart a$$ around here. ;-)

:))) :))) How come I can't see it...Yaar I was only joking, please don't take it to heart :19:
Of course I didn't take it to heart, why would I? :)

Click on February, its the first entry there, yours. You know try open that page and click refresh button three or four times, it will appear hopefully.
entralinks said:
Of course I didn't take it to heart, why would I? :)

Click on February, its the first entry there, yours. You know try open that page and click refresh button three or four times, it will appear hopefully.

I see it now thanks...Could by my browser...you watching the match btw ?
Layout of this looks superb Entra.
Saj said:
Layout of this looks superb Entra.
Thanks alot. If only people knew how much time and brain I have had to put in this. They just click on a thing and dates appear before them but only those who know how it works know how long and how much care it takes to make it all. Thanks again. :)
My birthday is December 16th in 4 days.
Its also Sir Jack Hobbs, Danish Kaneria, Imran Nazir, and Joel Garner's birthday. Lol
fantastic layout entra, as always. very neat.

out of curiosity, do you make websites for fun? i have a very good friend here at univ who does this...the guy is so obsessed with making "accessable, user friendly pages" that he checks the code for every website he visits to pick up snippets here and there...
Team Slayer said:
fantastic layout entra, as always. very neat.

out of curiosity, do you make websites for fun? i have a very good friend here at univ who does this...the guy is so obsessed with making "accessable, user friendly pages" that he checks the code for every website he visits to pick up snippets here and there...
Thanks Teamy. Yes I love making websites, well making anything, just creating something that wasn't there before.

Yep I'm obsessed as well, and haha yes I too sneak into codes of other websites and try to pick tricks and twists and use for myself. But mainly I use javascripts which are available free from many websites that offer them. But all that I do is due to trial and error, I've done the very basic of courses for website development, so mostly just used to roam around net and my notepad and fiddling with it and hence got to learn.

I remember in Pakistan when I first started a computer course, a time when I didn't even know that the links on a website are not clicked on twice but just once, yet everyone from the learning center used to come next morning and drool over my paintings in Paint for minutes. I'm a bad bad student, I've just never been the guy who asks or thinks 'How does this work?', I just start trying making it and think 'Is it how it works?' I love computers, just because it has so many opportunities on offer that of creativity.
entralinks said:
Thanks Teamy. Yes I love making websites, well making anything, just creating something that wasn't there before.

Yep I'm obsessed as well, and haha yes I too sneak into codes of other websites and try to pick tricks and twists and use for myself. But mainly I use javascripts which are available free from many websites that offer them. But all that I do is due to trial and error, I've done the very basic of courses for website development, so mostly just used to roam around net and my notepad and fiddling with it and hence got to learn.

I remember in Pakistan when I first started a computer course, a time when I didn't even know that the links on a website are not clicked on twice but just once, yet everyone from the learning center used to come next morning and drool over my paintings in Paint for minutes. I'm a bad bad student, I've just never been the guy who asks or thinks 'How does this work?', I just start trying making it and think 'Is it how it works?' I love computers, just because it has so many opportunities on offer that of creativity.

Have MI5 or MI6 or God forbid the CIA or FBI offered you a job yet?
27 January 1992....

The year which belonged to Pakistan...World Cup 1992
I do apologise Pak_Pace, I know it's been quite a while I updated. But I'll do as soon as my exams are finished, just in about 4/5 days.
entralinks said:
I do apologise Pak_Pace, I know it's been quite a while I updated. But I'll do as soon as my exams are finished, just in about 4/5 days.

But my birthday is on 27 Jan....in 6 days....

So hopefully you'll br done by then...
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