PTI stuns PML-N with thumping win in Punjab by-polls


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
LAHORE: The July 17 by-elections on 20 Punjab Assembly seats are being viewed as a referendum for PTI chairman Imran Khan’s narrative against that of the government. For the PTI chief, it appears to be a do-or-die contest, who paints the electoral bout as a fight between good (his party) and evil (the ruling coalitions in the Centre and Punjab), with him repeatedly invoking God in his speeches to pump up his voters.

To ensure a victory over ‘evil’, the former premier is making whirlwind trips to every constituency of the province to convince the voters not to support the “lotas” (who ditched his party for the ruling PML-N), and at the same time hinting at meddling by ‘hidden hands’.

These polls will not only determine the outcome of the next general elections, but are also going to decide who rules Punjab for another year or so – Hamza Shehbaz or Chaudhry Parvez Elahi.

The PTI has gone to the extent of blaming the government for allegedly changing voters’ lists and using state machinery to benefit the ex-PTI candidates the ruling parties are backing.

PTI central Punjab president Dr Yasmin Rashid has alleged that up to 61 per cent voters have been increased in the lists in various union councils of the constituencies where the by-elections would be held on July 17, especially Lahore’s PP-167.

On Thursday night, the PTI decided to file a petition in the Lahore High Court against the alleged pre-poll rigging. The decision was taken in a meeting chaired by the party’s secretary general Asad Umar. The meeting also reviewed the supposed evidence in this regard and decided to place it before the nation in a presser.

“This is not politics, but jihad. The chief secretary, police chief and the chief election commissioner are supporting the corrupt and criminals. The Punjab police is behaving like slaves of Hamza and we will not spare them when our time comes,” she insisted while talking to Dawn.

“This election will determine the country’s sovereignty and independence. However, despite all these fascist tactics and political engineering, the PTI will pull up a victory on all 20 seats,” Dr Rashid declared.

PML-N campaign

Sensing the importance of the by-polls, PML-N supreme leader Nawaz Sharif, who has been in London since November 2019, directed his crowd-puller daughter Maryam to spearhead the campaign for the 20 PTI dissidents who were contesting the polls with the backing of the PML-N, to help Hamza retain his office and give a clear message that Punjab is still a citadel of the Sharifs.

For the PML-N and its allies, there’s a lot at stake: they cannot afford to lose their majority in the Punjab Assembly, as a victorious Elahi could not only give them a tough time in the province, but Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s role would also be marginalized, as currently he is calling the shots in the affairs of Punjab being led by his son as the chief minister.

The ruling allies need to grab at least nine seats to achieve the 186-member majority in the assembly for Hamza to survive as the CM. Mr Elahi requires 13 to oust Shehbaz junior to add to his tally of 173 in the house.

Though initially Maryam was reluctant to campaign for the ‘turncoats’, but since both Shehbaz and Hamza could not canvas because of the offices they held, the PML-N could only turn to its firebrand vice president. She is now utilising all her energies to ensure Punjab remains in the hands of the Sharifs.

Interestingly, not too long ago Maryam was naming and shaming the turncoats within her party and even asking her voters to besiege their residences. In one of her recent election drives, she however appeared apologetic while defending the PTI dissidents, saying she did not call them turncoats as “they sacrificed their seats”.

While some within both the PML-N and PTI are viewing it as an ‘Imran vs Maryam’ contest to see whose charisma prevails, others think that since the ‘umpire’ is not on good terms with the PTI, pulling a victory on most seats will be a daunting task for the party.

A problem the PTI dissidents are facing in the constituencies they are running for is a lack of support from PML-N and PPP activists. Previous ticket-holders of both parties in these constituencies are disappointed over their years-long struggle being ignored. “Our workers will not vote for the PML-N-backed candidates because of their hatred for the Sharifs,” a PPP leader from Lahore told Dawn. Despite instructions from Asif Ali Zardari, the PPP workers are not budging, he maintained.

On the other hand, a PML-N insider was confident the party and its allies will bag 10 to 15 seats. “One thing is for sure: we will remain in power till the next polls in Punjab and the Centre,” he predicted.

Meanwhile, Chaudhry Parvez Elahi is also actively extracting votes of the PTI candidates from his Jutt clan. Like Mr Khan, the PML-Q leader is also hopeful the opposition allies will grab maximum seats to oust Hamza.

Published in Dawn, July 8th, 2022
PTI chief Imran Khan on Friday claimed that a “man based in Lahore” was “trying to help the PML-N win by-elections on 20 seats of the Punjab Assembly”, but vowed that person’s “attempts to rig the polls” would go in vain.

Addressing a rally in Khushab, Punjab, Imran said Punjab Chief Minister Hamza Shehbaz would not be able to secure his position after the by-elections that will be held for 20 seats on July 17.

The PTI chairman referred to an unnamed man who was allegedly backing the Punjab government to bag majority seats in the polls.

“A man is based in Lahore who has a single mission to make these thieves win the elections. I want to tell the Lahore man that whatever you do, it is you who will end up in embarrassment.

“People will curse you. No matter what you do and how much rigging you do, the by-election result next Sunday will see Hamza lose his position,” Imran said without naming the man in question.

The reference from the former premier about the man comes in the wake of PTI claims that its workers and employees have been receiving “threatening phone calls” from certain quarters.

Separately, the party has also alleged that the Punjab government was trying to influence the polls in its favour by announcing uplift schemes.

Earlier this week, PTI Secretary General Asad Umar had alleged that the PML-N had begun rigging by announcing and doing development works in 20 by-election constituencies in the province.

The ECP had suspended Hamza’s plans to provide free electricity for the poor of Punjab, terming it an attempt to influence poll outcomes.

Read: Road to Islamabad runs through Lahore, and Punjab by-poll results may well reflect national trends

A recent Dawn report characterised the high-stakes nature of these elections as one which “will not only determine the outcome of the next general elections, but are also going to decide who rules Punjab for another year or so — Hamza Shehbaz or Chaudhry Parvez Elahi”.

In a similar vein, Imran said at his address today that the upcoming by-elections would decide “the future of Pakistan”, urging people to defeat the incumbent Punjab government in the polls.

He also called out the United States for “putting corrupt people at the helm in Pakistan”.

“The US never even appoints a convict as a peon, but they have made thieves rulers in Pakistan,” the PTI chief thundered.

He said there was a certain man in Lahore, this one he referred to as “Mr. X”, who he said was allegedly “colluding with the chief election commissioner to rig the by-elections”.

“I just learned today that the man’s wife has been given a top post in the customs [department] which can help her generate a lot of money. But despite this rigging, we will defeat them,” the former premier said.

He called upon youngsters, saying he wanted at least 10 youths to volunteer to “stand guard” at polling stations with an aim to prevent rigging attempts.

Imran warned his opponents could win the by-elections if the masses did not vote for his party “in unison”.

All the polls will be rigged by the establishment from here on forward. I know PTI and Imran have no other option but to contest, but they know they are already on the losing side. ECP and all the stake holders right now are firmly stacked against them. I am sorry to say it but I think we should accept it that IK is not coming back. Its over for him.
Our country is back in the hands of dogs and thieves again.
With the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) sticking to its allegations that attempts are being made to rig the upcoming by-polls in Punjab, the election commission has announced that the exe*rcise in 20 constituencies of the province will be held on the basis of old electoral rolls.

In a statement issued on Friday, the Election Commi*ssion of Pakistan (ECP) said the media reports regarding registration of votes were “unfounded and based on propaganda to mislead the masses”.

ECP spokesman Haroon Shinwari pointed out that the electoral rolls were frozen after the announcement of the poll schedule and could not be changed under the law. No vote could be added or deleted nor could a change in the particulars of voters be made till the culmination of the electoral process, he added.

Rejecting the “propaganda” about registration of voters as baseless, the spok*e*sman said the ECP in cooperation with other institutions was determined to hold free and fair elections in the 20 provincial assembly constituencies of Punjab.

An ECP official, talking to Dawn, also said the PTI’s stepped-up campaign against the commission appears to be linked to the foreign funding case against the party. He pointed out that the tirade against ECP and its chief had gone to a new level after the commission reserved its verdict in the case.

He maintained the case will be decided on merit without succumbing to any pressure whatsoever.

‘Test for ECP, courts’

Meanwhile, former federal minister and PTI Secretary General Asad Umar once again alleged that voters’ lists were being changed to rig the upcoming by-polls in Punjab.

Speaking at a press conference, he alleged voters were being illegally registered in these constituencies. He said the law “clearly says votes cannot be changed once the election date is announced”, but claimed new votes had been registered in the electoral rolls issued.

“They are mostly those whose temporary or permanent addresses do not fall in that constituency [...] It is a test for the [Election Commission of Pakistan] and courts.” He said petitions had already been filed but regretted the ECP had not taken any action.

Criticising the electoral watchdog, Umar advised it to allot itself an election symbol as well since it was “behaving like a political party”. He warned that the country could get into a “difficult situation” if the public saw the ECP was “not doing justice or behaving like a silent spectator over violations of law”.

Several PTI leaders, including its chief and former prime minister Imran Khan, have in recent days leveled allegations of interference to change the results of the upcoming by-polls. They have also alleged change in voters’ lists and the use of state machinery to benefit former PTI lawmakers contesting the July 17 polls with the backing of ruling parties.

Editorial: Road to Islamabad runs through Lahore, and Punjab by-poll results may well reflect national trends

In Friday’s press conference Asad Umar asked his party workers to fully prepare for the upcoming elections. "Whatever they do, the PTI will win with a big majority on July 17. Once Punjab goes out of their (the government’s) hands, what will the imported prime minister do in Islamabad? We are heading towards new elections.”

Citing ‘surveys’, he insisted the PTI was “leading prominently” in all constituencies they had visited.

“And it is not surprising, especially with the extraordinary increase in Imran Khan’s popularity in the last few months,” he added. “And the most welcome aspect is that all the different social sectors of the nation, from the lowest-earning to the most educated, are uniting.”

“By-elections will be held on the 17th and then chief minister’s election on 22nd, after which this story will come to an end,” the former minister said. “But they are not ready to go away so easily.”

He lamented how the law and the Constitution were allegedly “being violated” and the people “harassed and terrorised”. He further alleged that assistant commissioners and district commissioners were making “direct calls” to officials in Punjab. “Our people are being threatened and cases registered,” he added.

In response to a question, the PTI secretary general said the party’s fight was against injustice, undemocratic attitudes and foreign interference. “It is not against one individual, it is an ideological battle,” he emphasised.

Published in Dawn, July 9th, 2022
Unless the Almighty Allah intervenes, the Establishment will make sure imran suffers. Their crooks will have a field day and then boast the Awaam has spoken!
All the polls will be rigged by the establishment from here on forward. I know PTI and Imran have no other option but to contest, but they know they are already on the losing side. ECP and all the stake holders right now are firmly stacked against them. I am sorry to say it but I think we should accept it that IK is not coming back. Its over for him.
Our country is back in the hands of dogs and thieves again.

Yes. Imran is never coming back!The establishment will ensure he will never wins.
The election will be considered rigged if this doesn't end up being a landslide win for PTI. People are mad at PDM, incredibly mad. If free and fair elections are held PTI will win by a massive margin.

Having said all that I doubt fair elections will be held.
Will be 100 percent rigged.

Already read so many stories of voter lists tampered with
Will be 100 percent rigged.

Already read so many stories of voter lists tampered with

Makes you wonder why the military let Imran Khan win in 2018 to begin with, if they hate him so much.
Makes you wonder why the military let Imran Khan win in 2018 to begin with, if they hate him so much.

They didn't let him win with an overall majority because they feared him.
The entire opposition was in dismay, with Panama Papers and IK was riding a crest of a giant tsunami.
It's unbelievable that he didn't win by landslide in 2018
Makes you wonder why the military let Imran Khan win in 2018 to begin with, if they hate him so much.

Who else?

Nawaz was just freshly disqualified and his spawn was fighting for control of PMLN against Shehbaz.
PPP is non-existent outside Sindh

They made sure he doesn't win a majority and let him keep seats just enough to hang in power, to keep him in control. So if he refused to play along they'd remove him by pressuring a few sell outs. He refused to play along so they removed him.

I am not sure what Imran's end game is. There is no point harping about an election, it will be rigged to an unreal level. Only way he can ever win is if Bajwa is removed. The odds of that happening are less than me becoming Prime Minister.
Makes you wonder why the military let Imran Khan win in 2018 to begin with, if they hate him so much.

That's a myth..the truth is he was wining in spite of the rigging..what they did was strategically intervene to prevent his majority..

They will simply rig this election but in a smart way..make it look authentic..
‘N’ foregoes ministers to ensure hold over Lahore ‘citadel’

• Party claims Ayaz Sadiq, Salman Rafique stepped down to campaign for by-poll in PP-158
• Marriyum says both will return to their portfolios post-elections

LAHORE: The departure of a minister each from the federal and Punjab cabinets, and the official reasons cited for it, makes it clear that the PML-N cannot afford any embarrassment in the upcoming by-polls in Punjab and wants to retain its hold over its citadel of Lahore, for which it has deployed its trusted lieutenants.

Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Sardar Ayaz Sadiq and Punjab Minister Salman Rafique resigned on Saturday citing ‘personal reasons’. Although Mr Sadiq’s resignation as the economic affairs minister may not be significant in the larger scheme of things, it does raise a question that the PML-N could sacrifice the head of such a vital ministry at a time when the economy is on a downward spiral, but not lose Lahore at any cost, especially when former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf chairman Imran Khan is making whirlwind tours to every constituency to give a tough time to the ruling alliance in Punjab.

The resignations of Sadiq and Rafique — said to be part of the PML-N’s ‘Nawaz group’ — also cast doubt over whether all was well within the nine-party coalition government, as well as foreboding differences of opinion between Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and his elder brother Nawaz, who has been living in the UK since Nov 2019 ‘on medical grounds’.

The PML-N was quick to issue the ‘real reason’ behind the two resignations to quash any rumours. “Ayaz Sadiq and Salman Rafique have resigned because of the by-elections in their constituencies. They have to take part in the election campaign (of PML-N-backed candidates). They resigned because they did not want to violate the election commission’s code of conduct,” Punjab Home Minister Attaullah Tarar said in a statement.

The former National Assembly speaker said in his resignation to the prime minister: “Due to my personal reasons I am unable to continue holding the office and tender my resignation. I will remain available to work in the best interest of Pakistan and my party.”

A PML-N insider told Dawn that resignations of the two ‘Nawaz group’ ministers were being seen in two contexts within the party – their effectiveness in the ongoing by-poll campaign in PP-158 (and why two ministers had to resign to canvas in just one constituency) or something cooking between the Nawaz and Shehbaz groups.

“The by-elections are being held on 20 Punjab Assembly seats on July 17. Sadiq and Rafique have resigned to campaign in only one constituency -- PP-158 Lahore – that falls in the National Assembly seat that the former speaker won in 2018. Salman Rafique had won in PP-157 where the poll isn’t even being held. How effective will these two ‘political heavyweights’ be for the remaining constituencies is to be seen,” he said.

The insider said since PTI dissident Aleem Khan, who had won in PP-158 in 2018 and was de-seated by the ECP over defection in the chief minister’s election in April, was not ‘seriously’ canvassing for the PML-N candidate, Mr Sadiq was sent for his aid. But what was the utility of Salman Rafiq since he was elected from another constituency? he questioned.

The PML-N’s move to forego two ministers to ensure by-poll victory also raises a question whether party vice president Maryam Nawaz wasn’t effective enough in spearheading the election campaign so far. She has already held a public rally in PP-158, which was a relatively better show than the other two constituencies she visited in Lahore to canvas for PTI dissidents now contesting the by-polls with the backing of the PML-N.

On the other hand, there are reports PM Shehbaz is not obliging his elder brother Nawaz in certain departments. “Nawaz wants Ishaq Dar back in Pakistan to manage the Finance Ministry but the Shehbaz group of the party insists on sticking to Miftah Ismail. Similarly, the former premier has directed Shehbaz to make certain appointments on important positions, including the Pakistan Cricket Board, and also wants to see some of his favourites as Punjab ministers. But both Shehbaz and his son Hamza have so far tactfully delayed acting on these instructions,” another party leader told Dawn.

He said since Mr Shehbaz was heeding more to the suggestions of the powers that be, these resignations could be a ‘message’ from Nawaz for the powerful quarters.

Meanwhile, Information Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb said in a statement that both ministers would return to their respective ministries after the by-elections were over.

Former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan on Wednesday vowed to win the much-hyped July 17 Punjab by-poll despite the opponents enjoying the support of the "umpires".

"There is a certain Mr X in Lahore and there is also Mr Y who has been sent by Mr X to Multan. They have orders to make thieves win elections at any cost. However, the entire nation is united," he said while addressing a public gathering in Jhang.

Talking about his cricket-playing days, Imran said that he defeated the Indian team in India despite having their own umpires. "We will defeat them [rival parties] despite having umpires on their side," he added.

Read more: Like Sri Lanka, two ruling families taking Pakistan towards crisis: Imran

The former prime minister said that the PTI is not only competing with the PML-N and other opponents but with Chief Election Commissioner too. "The CEC is secretly meeting Maryam and Hamza."

Imran Khan also said that he tried to make the electoral system of Pakistan fairer by bringing the Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) but it was opposed.

"Those who have the power. They also manipulate elections. They also did not allow [to install EVMs]," the ex-premier revealed.

"When I was in power, I tried to make a system for a free and fair election. I wanted to bring EVMs. It is used in India and Iran as well. We wanted to bring it here so the rigging allegations would become a thing of the past. But these two families, who have ruled Pakistan for the past 30 years, are staunch opponents of EVMs. The CEC also opposed and did not let it come here," he said and added that his party's focus is now on stopping the rigging on July 17.

Also read: Imran says troops guarding our borders are ‘like my children’

"I want to ask the CEC, if you have any ethics, you should've resigned. Police were used in local bodies elections," he added.

The PTI leader said that millions of rupees were spent in Senate elections openly but no one has been caught yet. "Yousuf Raza Gilani's son was caught taking money."

The current rulers, he said, were imposed upon the nation via a foreign conspiracy. "This prime minister and his two sons. They had Rs16 billion worth of corruption cases against them. But they were imposed upon this nation via a foreign conspiracy."

He added that the incumbent government amended the NAB law immediately after coming into power to hide their crimes.

The PTI chief feared that Pakistan is heading towards a similar situation to that of Sri Lanka due to the dynastic rule of two families – Sharif and Zardari.

“We are going to suffer the same fate as Sri Lanka because [Sri Lankan] rulers were also a family-like here two families are ruling the country for the last 30 years,” he said.

Referring to Sharif and Zardari families, Imran said these two families have become billionaires while the country is drowned in debts. “Nawaz Sharif is the biggest dacoit of this country who along with Zardari made the country indebted.”

"This is not Imran's war. this is not an election but jihad – jihad for real freedom."

He went on to say that there were some people who used to think big of Shehbaz Sharif and that he will make a huge difference. However, he added, the result is in front of everyone. "Inflation is touching the roof today," he further said.

Express Tribune

The by-poll campaign on the 20 Punjab Assembly seats will end today, according to the schedule issued by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), ARY News reported.

The by-polls on the 20 seats will be conducted on July 17, 2022.

The deadline for election campaigns in the 20 constituencies is July 15, 2022. The ECP has completed preparations for the by-polls, the ECP said.

A total of 4.57 million registered voters, including 2.46 million women, are eligible to vote in the by-polls. A total of 3131 polling stations, including 731 male, 700 female and 1700 combined polling stations have been established across the 20 constituencies.

A total of 9,562 polling booths have been set up for the by-polls. The ECP has deemed 1204 polling stations sensitive, and 696 highly sensitive.

Polling stations from Lahore and Multan have been deemed sensitive.

The by-elections on the 20 Punjab Assembly seats, vacated after the PTI MPAs voted for Humza Shehbaz in the CM elections, will be conducted on July 17, 2022.

The results of the by-polls would be essential for the CM vote count, ordered by the Supreme Court of Pakistan, in the Punjab Assembly in July 2022.

PML-N needs to win a total of 9 seats in the by-elections to gain a majority to elect their Chief Minister in the biggest province of the country.

ARY News
Rigging by the mafia is inevitable as they have no support and will get smashed in election that isn't rigged. The SC- a court that they own has told them what they can and can't do, but they have carried on with pre poll rigging.
Political arch-rivals PTI and PML-N made a last-ditch on Thursday attempt to woo voters in Punjab, ahead of Sunday's high-stakes by-elections, with PTI Chairman Imran Khan and PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz made whirlwind stops in several constituencies on the last day of campaigning.

The by-elections on 20 seats of the Punjab Assembly — which Imran has characterised as a battle for "good versus evil" — are due on Sunday.

Read: Punjab by-polls now a ‘do or die’ battle for PTI

The 20 seats are among 25 vacated (five reserved) by the ECP after PTI dissident lawmakers voted for Hamza Shehbaz in the Punjab chief minister's election, which amounted to defection.

The stakes are especially high because the outcome of the elections will determine who will become chief minister in Punjab, the re-election for which will be held on July 22.

Both parties have been claiming that their victory is assured.

In his address to workers and supporters in Faisalabad today, Imran's messaging continued to centre on his criticism of the "corrupt" coalition government and his claims of the "US-backed conspiracy" to oust his government, peppered with cricketing euphemisms.

He said he would face his rivals "till the last ball" and insisted his party would emerge victorious in the by-polls.

"You have to come out on July 17 in large numbers to support the PTI," Imran said.

He called out the government and incumbent leaders for being "co-conspirators" in a plot allegedly hatched by the United States to topple the PTI-led government.

"We also spent two-and-a-half years with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) but we managed to control inflation," Imran claimed, as he lashed out against Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif for allegedly bowing to the pressure from the global lending agency.

Imran said the US "imposed" the current rulers on Pakistan as it wanted a "yes man" in power. "Do you think the US wants to see a progressive Pakistan? Certainly not," Imran told the rally.

He vowed that all "turncoats" would see themselves "thrashed with the bat" — PTI's party symbol.

He also warned that the government "would break all records of rigging" and urged the masses to "foil this plot designed by Hamza Shehbaz".

The ex-PM claimed the PML-N was sensing PTI's victory, hence "it will resort to rigging to turn the results in their favour".

Imran said he would visit the city again to celebrate the triumph of his party in the by-elections.

'War for Lahore's growth'
Meanwhile, at a workers’ convention in Lahore, PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz said the by-elections were not a war between PML-N and PTI, but they were a “battle for the development of Lahore”.

She said that in the last four years, the PTI had turned the city into a "dungeon". “Lahore had been left to fend for itself," she added.

“But thank God it is now back in the hands of those to whom the city belongs to,” Maryam remarked, promising that the “lions will bring prosperity and growth back in the city”.

Taking a dig at PTI chairman, she urged people to ask him: “Who is Niazi campaigning for? Where is the puppet Buzdar he had imposed on the people of Punjab?

“Let me tell you: He is hiding because he knows he has failed the people of Punjab.”

Maryam further urged the people of Lahore to step out of their houses on July 17 and vote for PML-N.

“Come out and I promise you won’t be disappointed. Together, we will reach new heights of growth and success,” she vowed.

Towards the end of her speech, the PML-N leader announced a “good news” for the people of Lahore.

“Prime Minister Shehbaz has told me that if the international oil prices keep declining, he would further slash fuel prices.”

“My people, the times of difficulties have gone,” Maryam added.

Social media battle
Their back-and-forth continued online as well — this time on the topic of journalist Imran Riaz Khan, with the PTI chairman tweeting a video of him.

"Imran Riaz was kept in a cage, where civilised countries would not even allow animals to be kept," he said.

"Poisoning also suspected. All those responsible should be ashamed. Rather than scaring people of Pakistan into silence, this only adds to people's anger against this cabal of crooks and their handlers," he said.

Maryam Nawaz replied to his tweet, criticising his "short-term memory or duplicity" for the "death cell in Kot Lakhpat jail that you kept me in for months".

"Where there was no wall between the bathroom and charpoy [in the] room? Should I send you the pictures ? Short term memory loss or duplicity?"

ECP 'by mistake' declared 4 million voters dead

Reading many people's names have been changed to areas where there is no election which means they'd be unable to vote.

Anyone expecting PTI to win is living a pipe dream (I'd LOVE to be wrong on this!)
Will be 100 percent rigged.

Already read so many stories of voter lists tampered with
Ecp gabe the servce of checking ur voters list and updating.

No surprise, pti fans think if pti doesnt win than its rigged
For those overseas who dont know, ecp provided the service of checking ur voters list and than transfering ur vote to the area ur id card has mentioned.

To check ur vote, all you needed to do was sms ur cnic number. If your vote wasnt in the area you wamted, you can transfer it to the area you want but the condition being that area is mentioned on ur cnic, either as temporary address or permanent.

I had same issue and i had my vote transferred to the correct place. Was abit lengthy, but as a responsible citizen i did my task.

Now if pti supporters were too lazy and missed the deadline, thats their fault. The deadline was til june
ECP 'by mistake' declared 4 million voters dead

Reading many people's names have been changed to areas where there is no election which means they'd be unable to vote.

Anyone expecting PTI to win is living a pipe dream (I'd LOVE to be wrong on this!)

Plz provide source of this. Ecp cannot declare anyone at random dead.

For one to be officially dead in the ecp system, you need to register their death at the union council, who than issue you a death certificate.

My father who passed away, his name was there on the voters list of 2018 when i went to vote, because although i had obtained his nadra and hospital death certificate, but i did not obtain his union council death certificate as i didnt register the death in union council.

Thus, this makes no sense that ecp has declared people dead unless and until they are not declared eead in union council. Ecp lists are made with the help of union council, they dont really use nadra record

Anyways, plz provide proof of what you claim
Why are Pakistanis in this thread saying that Army decides who stays in power in Pakistan? Do you guys have any proof of it?
Plz provide source of this. Ecp cannot declare anyone at random dead.

For one to be officially dead in the ecp system, you need to register their death at the union council, who than issue you a death certificate.

My father who passed away, his name was there on the voters list of 2018 when i went to vote, because although i had obtained his nadra and hospital death certificate, but i did not obtain his union council death certificate as i didnt register the death in union council.

Thus, this makes no sense that ecp has declared people dead unless and until they are not declared eead in union council. Ecp lists are made with the help of union council, they dont really use nadra record

Anyways, plz provide proof of what you claim

This was a test run for the GE. You have no support and the IJI of the 21st century has been created by Bajwa. You are just pawns in the bigger game.
plz share an authentic source if you want to discuss. thanks

the first thing you see on that website is a pti banner.....

Just because you don't like it doesn't make it unauthentic. It's the type of thing that is going on with systemic dishonesty. You guys have no support and are becoming desperate.
plz share an authentic source if you want to discuss. thanks

the first thing you see on that website is a pti banner.....

It's been admitted by the ECP in court in Lahore and they claimed it was a mistake. As I said PDM are only interested in getting your cases removed
Watch from 2 mins
Last edited by a moderator:
It's been admitted by the ECP in court in Lahore and they claimed it was a mistake. As I said you PDM are only interested in getting cases removed
Watch from 2 mins

so according to proper sources, ECP admitted it was clerical error and they will correct it....

Thus, a non issue.

Like i have said, ECP produces election lists based on the data that is available at Union council office. No one is labelled as dead unless and until their death has been registered at Union Council office.
Last edited by a moderator:
so according to proper sources, ECP admitted it was clerical error and they will correct it....

Thus, a non issue.

Like i have said, ECP produces election lists based on the data that is available at Union council office. No one is labelled as dead unless and until their death has been registered at Union Council office.

Firstly, you denied it happened and now its a clerical error that was admitted in court after Dr Rashid exposed them. With The gymnastics you fascists have to do, I won't be surprised you qualify for the Olympics
Firstly, you denied it happened and now its a clerical error that was admitted in court after Dr Rashid exposed them. With The gymnastics you fascists have to do, I won't be surprised you qualify for the Olympics

First, post a creadible source, not some villiager something

Second, ecp has admitted its a clerical error. I have already described the procedure to you in this thread in how to remove the name of a voter from the list. I bet you dont know these procedures. The mistake has even been rectified.

You cannot be claimed as dead until unless registered dead with union council
First, post a creadible source, not some villiager something

Second, ecp has admitted its a clerical error. I have already described the procedure to you in this thread in how to remove the name of a voter from the list. I bet you dont know these procedures. The mistake has even been rectified.

You cannot be claimed as dead until unless registered dead with union council

So you were trolling in the other thread with a long post where you claimed pmln is involved in rigging and that they make voting difficult?

Lol @ clerical error for 4 million people.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is a message to my team when they contest the Punjab bye elections on Sunday against PMLN, the state machinery, the biased Election Commission plus Mr X and Mr Y. <a href="">#بلا_چلاؤ_ملک_بچاؤ</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">July 16, 2022</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
So you were trolling in the other thread with a long post where you claimed pmln is involved in rigging and that they make voting difficult?

Lol @ clerical error for 4 million people.
Offcourse clerical error.

Or else how can ecp declare anyone dead when there is no record of their available at union council
Offcourse clerical error.

Or else how can ecp declare anyone dead when there is no record of their available at union council

As per you, Pakistan is on the verge of default as well thanks to the ''errors'' of the corrupt mafia :angel:
Rashid urges 'establishment' to 'stay away' from Punjab by-polls
Ex-minister says it must prove itself 'neutral' in tomorrow’s polls; nation to not tolerate any aggression or rigging

Former interior minister Sheikh Rashid urged the ‘establishment’ on Saturday to "stay away" from tomorrow’s Punjab by-elections.

The Awami Muslim League (AML) – an ally of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) – chief's remarks came in a video message ahead of the July 17 (tomorrow's) by-polls for the 20 seats that fell vacant in the Punjab Assembly following the de-seating of 25 MPAs of the PTI by the Election Commission.

“The establishment must prove itself as neutral in tomorrow’s election,” he said, adding that “the nation will not tolerate any sort of aggression, harassment or rigging”.

“If the nation votes for Imran Khan then they should not be stopped,” said the AML leader. He also cautioned that “should their path be impeded, then this country will witness a fire so massive that it will engulf everyone”.

Noting the significance of the by-polls, he said “the nation should be the one to choose, no other party should be allowed to meddle with that”.

Rashid also commented on the Supreme Court’s (SC) recent judgment and additional note on the deputy speaker of the National Assembly’s ruling, to dismiss the no-trust resolution against former prime minister Imran Khan.

The SC had observed that the sacred trust of exercise of authority was violated by President Arif Alvi, ex-premier Imran and other PTI leaders.

“Those who are implementing Article 6 [high treason] against Imran Khan lack the basic sense to understand that this is merely an additional note, not the SC’s decision,” said the former minister. “They [current government] have been imposed upon the people on the basis of a few votes,” he added.

Punjab bye-elections

It may be noted here that the by-elections in 20 Punjab Assembly constituencies had gained further political weightage in sealing the fate of the provincial administration in the wake of the SC's order to postpone the second round of elections for Punjab chief minister to July 22.

Furthermore, the outcome of the elections in the country's political heartland will have a direct bearing on the Centre.

The development had altered all previous careful political calculations and seemingly granted PTI's candidate Pervez Elahi a much-needed breather, who otherwise had no fighting chance if voting had proceeded as per Lahore High Court's (LHC) orders.

The PML-N currently enjoys an advantage of four more votes in the Punjab Assembly even though the PTI bagged five seats in the PA after the Election Commission (ECP) issued notifications of reserved seats.

At present, the PTI needs to win around 14 seats to regain the coveted office from the PML-N, while losing any more than six seats would mean banking on independents to switch sides which, given the existing circumstances, seems an unlikely probability. For both sides, clawing back to the post would also ensure their fresh mandates in the next general elections.

Express Triubne
First, post a creadible source, not some villiager something

Second, ecp has admitted its a clerical error. I have already described the procedure to you in this thread in how to remove the name of a voter from the list. I bet you dont know these procedures. The mistake has even been rectified.

You cannot be claimed as dead until unless registered dead with union council

Rubbish You could be a contortionist with all the fascist gymnastic U-turns. This isnt the local ludo club, its the Election Commission of a country of 220mn+ and if with the press of a button 4mn can be declared than the cjief Commissioner should resign today. But we know this isn't just mistake, they have started to rig the electoral lists already and someone got a little too enthusiastic. Your a fascist and dont care for what the public want but this will pass.
Offcourse clerical error.

Or else how can ecp declare anyone dead when there is no record of their available at union council

So you didn't accept the source and now are happy to accept that it a clerical error.
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Rubbish You could be a contortionist with all the fascist gymnastic U-turns. This isnt the local ludo club, its the Election Commission of a country of 220mn+ and if with the press of a button 4mn can be declared than the cjief Commissioner should resign today. But we know this isn't just mistake, they have started to rig the electoral lists already and someone got a little too enthusiastic. Your a fascist and dont care for what the public want but this will pass.

The mistake was rectified wasnt it? You whining as if it mistake hasnt been rectified. It would had eventually been rectified even without this media hype because of the process i mentioned.

How are electorial lists rigged? ECP gave deadline til june where they said check ur votes and if its at incorrect place, get it trasnferred.

ECP gave this service, they had display centers established all over pakistan.

Try to make a post more about whata being discussed rather than throw words at me. You only post 2 lines of relevent material rest three whining about me
So you didn't accept the source and now are happy to accept that it a clerical error.

Like i said, if you want a discussion, first post a proper source and not some globalvilliage made up site. As long as proper source is being used than the topic can be discussed
Like i said, if you want a discussion, first post a proper source and not some globalvilliage made up site. As long as proper source is being used than the topic can be discussed

We did and it was true. It was baed on a court case So stop hiding. Can a mistake delete 4m records and if it did then you know this commission isn't fit to run after school play event, never mind an election.
The mistake was rectified wasnt it? You whining as if it mistake hasnt been rectified. It would had eventually been rectified even without this media hype because of the process i mentioned.

How are electorial lists rigged? ECP gave deadline til june where they said check ur votes and if its at incorrect place, get it trasnferred.

ECP gave this service, they had display centers established all over pakistan.

Try to make a post more about whata being discussed rather than throw words at me. You only post 2 lines of relevent material rest three whining about me

Was it? Are you sure? Why did it take Dr Yasmeen Rashid to expose it? The ECP are not a neutral body, it's chairman has been exposed in the IHC over the funding case, where he was determined to nail the PTI but failed to finish the investigation against the Nooras and PPP- cases which are much more serious. This also went against a SC directive to investigate all 3 parties at the same time.
All you fascists know that Kaptaan would make mince meat out of your imported crooks if Bajwa doesn't save you. You have no support.
We did and it was true. It was baed on a court case So stop hiding. Can a mistake delete 4m records and if it did then you know this commission isn't fit to run after school play event, never mind an election.

Thats how ecp works... There are loopholes in its process because the data record isnt accurate. Youhave Nadra system and Union Council system working side by side.

After PTI was removed from govt, they could had proposed election comission bills and amendments that could had further fix the system. They did not, instead they resigned.....

Clerical issues are bound to happen because there is alot of data handling and which is why ecp had said that getting elections done in a short time period was gonna be difficult
Was it? Are you sure? Why did it take Dr Yasmeen Rashid to expose it? The ECP are not a neutral body, it's chairman has been exposed in the IHC over the funding case, where he was determined to nail the PTI but failed to finish the investigation against the Nooras and PPP- cases which are much more serious. This also went against a SC directive to investigate all 3 parties at the same time.
All you fascists know that Kaptaan would make mince meat out of your imported crooks if Bajwa doesn't save you. You have no support.

Ecp is neutral, infact, it even had a few members that were from ptis party or coalition govt.

How is taptaan gonna make mince meat? Same taptaan had to cling on same bajwa to come into power. Same taptaan lost the peoples confidence and now you are saying he will make mince meat? Lol

Taptaan's political career has ended, he is not gonna come near the pm seat ever again. At best, he has the opposition leader seat waiting for him if he wants it.

Let by elections take place, and the support will show who is kore likely to won the general election next year.

Also, establishment is more likely to rig the general election rather than these by elections. The by elections will give an accurate picture whether if pti has any support or not. Jalsas and twitter trends or likes dont represent anaything . If by elections prove pdm parties winningz than there wont be need for the establishment to rig general election

Also bajwa is gonna retire soon, so why even say that general elections would be rigged....:irfan
Ecp is neutral, infact, it even had a few members that were from ptis party or coalition govt.

How is taptaan gonna make mince meat? Same taptaan had to cling on same bajwa to come into power. Same taptaan lost the peoples confidence and now you are saying he will make mince meat? Lol

Taptaan's political career has ended, he is not gonna come near the pm seat ever again. At best, he has the opposition leader seat waiting for him if he wants it.

Let by elections take place, and the support will show who is kore likely to won the general election next year.

Also, establishment is more likely to rig the general election rather than these by elections. The by elections will give an accurate picture whether if pti has any support or not. Jalsas and twitter trends or likes dont represent anaything . If by elections prove pdm parties winningz than there wont be need for the establishment to rig general election

Also bajwa is gonna retire soon, so why even say that general elections would be rigged....:irfan

The ECP isn't neutral it's part of the Mafia. The Kaptaan has already made mince meat out of all of you crooks. He has forced people that hate each other into joining together,the ones that locked each other up on fake charges( and not so fake) into one party. It must be humiliating for SS to rely on AZ, even more humiliating for BIllo to sit with people that used photoshopped nudes of his mother and murderd his grandad( you would think). He has made your life hell, where you can't walk in public in PK and abroad where people call chore( something that guys all faked in public but now its real). He has forced you destroy you perceived principles of civilian rule and you now support the murder of journalists and rig elections.
The establishment will survive or fall with the looters and thats why they are scared of losing tomorrow. You now have a symbiotic relationship where Bajwas survival depends on these elections and your survival depends on his. All the looters together under Millitary rule.
Ecp is neutral, infact, it even had a few members that were from ptis party or coalition govt.

How is taptaan gonna make mince meat? Same taptaan had to cling on same bajwa to come into power. Same taptaan lost the peoples confidence and now you are saying he will make mince meat? Lol

Taptaan's political career has ended, he is not gonna come near the pm seat ever again. At best, he has the opposition leader seat waiting for him if he wants it.

Let by elections take place, and the support will show who is kore likely to won the general election next year.

Also, establishment is more likely to rig the general election rather than these by elections. The by elections will give an accurate picture whether if pti has any support or not. Jalsas and twitter trends or likes dont represent anaything . If by elections prove pdm parties winningz than there wont be need for the establishment to rig general election

Also bajwa is gonna retire soon, so why even say that general elections would be rigged....:irfan

Neutral you say:facepalm::facepalm:

Neutral you say. Can you tell me what the ECP did about this?
The ECP isn't neutral it's part of the Mafia. The Kaptaan has already made mince meat out of all of you crooks. He has forced people that hate each other into joining together,the ones that locked each other up on fake charges( and not so fake) into one party. It must be humiliating for SS to rely on AZ, even more humiliating for BIllo to sit with people that used photoshopped nudes of his mother and murderd his grandad( you would think). He has made your life hell, where you can't walk in public in PK and abroad where people call chore( something that guys all faked in public but now its real). He has forced you destroy you perceived principles of civilian rule and you now support the murder of journalists and rig elections.
The establishment will survive or fall with the looters and thats why they are scared of losing tomorrow. You now have a symbiotic relationship where Bajwas survival depends on these elections and your survival depends on his. All the looters together under Millitary rule.

Remember one thing. The family that mocked ahsan iqbal had to apologies, so your argument is irrelevent.

Also, its been years i am reading the same stuff from you, the end is near, winter is coming :)).

Pti is dead now. Accept it.
Honesty can never prevail in Pakistan when the supporters of the crooks are hell bent on defending them
Remember one thing. The family that mocked ahsan iqbal had to apologies, so your argument is irrelevent.

Also, its been years i am reading the same stuff from you, the end is near, winter is coming :)).

Pti is dead now. Accept it.

Did they really? If you had a gun pointed to your head you would be doing far more than apologising. The intimidation of a family that was well within the rights is disgusting. And what's more AZ says the same thing. So come big fella vet him to apologise

Remember one thing. The family that mocked ahsan iqbal had to apologies, so your argument is irrelevent.

Also, its been years i am reading the same stuff from you, the end is near, winter is coming :)).

Pti is dead now. Accept it.

If bring the most popular party is being dead, where does that leave your crooks. These Generals and Bajwa will pass but you have to live with your fascism and criminality.
Remember one thing. The family that mocked ahsan iqbal had to apologies, so your argument is irrelevent.

Also, its been years i am reading the same stuff from you, the end is near, winter is coming :)).

Pti is dead now. Accept it.

Should Nani apologise to AZ or AZ to Nani?
The Punjab police have discovered a large number of identity cards in the ownership of an alleged Pakistan Tehreek- e -Insaaf (PTI) worker Khalid Hussain. The discovery was made post a police raid in Lahore Punjab's electoral constituency PP 168. The Punjab police Is of the opinion that Hussain was involved in pre-pol rigging and was buying votes from potential voters in the constituency.
In a recorded confession, Hussain told the Punjab police that he distributed up to three thousand rupees to voters per identity card. However, the Express Tribune was unable to independently verify the authenticity of this video.

Click the link for more:

#etribune #latest #news

What they blame of others, thy themselves were doing.

3k per vote. Nice
Did they really? If you had a gun pointed to your head you would be doing far more than apologising. The intimidation of a family that was well within the rights is disgusting. And what's more AZ says the same thing. So come big fella vet him to apologise

No one is intimidated. No gun was held. You can keep on making fake scenarios all you want.

Even in the mcdonalds video the guy can be seen stoppig and apologizing. Too bad he and the women had to go to their residence the next day to apologies to ahsan iqbal
No one is intimidated. No gun was held. You can keep on making fake scenarios all you want.

Even in the mcdonalds video the guy can be seen stoppig and apologizing. Too bad he and the women had to go to their residence the next day to apologies to ahsan iqbal

More inconsistent, immoral tripe from you.I think fascist losers like you dont understand how democracies work. People are allowed to call people chore
and as long as there is no violence its part and parcel of a democracy. If it isn't then then will SS be asked to apologise to AZ for calling him a crook? Why not AZ apologising to NS.

And why did Aristoo ask McDonald's for the videos and as they had commited no crime, its a illegal request ( at least in the UK it is) and then releasing then on social media and you say no intimidation tool place. As I said if losers like you came across the pressure, you would be doing more than apologising.
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The Punjab police have discovered a large number of identity cards in the ownership of an alleged Pakistan Tehreek- e -Insaaf (PTI) worker Khalid Hussain. The discovery was made post a police raid in Lahore Punjab's electoral constituency PP 168. The Punjab police Is of the opinion that Hussain was involved in pre-pol rigging and was buying votes from potential voters in the constituency.
In a recorded confession, Hussain told the Punjab police that he distributed up to three thousand rupees to voters per identity card. However, the Express Tribune was unable to independently verify the authenticity of this video.

Click the link for more:

#etribune #latest #news

What they blame of others, thy themselves were doing.

3k per vote. Nice

This seals it. You are so desperate because you have no support
More intimidation of people from the fascists. What the hell is going on? Bajwa and his band of crooks are goinf after everyone that opposes them.
and to think that [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION] used to go around saying Imran and Bajwa are on the same page so PTI should give them more power.

Getting a taste of their own medicine
and to think that [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION] used to go around saying Imran and Bajwa are on the same page so PTI should give them more power.

Getting a taste of their own medicine

The PTI didn't give them more power. The power was given to them by their creations. Bhutto and Sharifs were created by the boots not IK. We are patriots and we support our jawans, not criminal Generals.
But look at you guys hanging to his boots for dear life, he took on Kaptaan and in the eyes of the public, Bajwa is a criminal and you guys are now his toadies. Both of you have no support, hence the desperate attempts to stay out of prison
If PTI wins their supporters will say see how popular PTI is and we are bale to win against the whole establishment. If they lose they wil say its rigging. There is no way they will accept any result which is not pro PTI. Any such party anywhere in the world are bad for their countries. Unless the major parties work to strengthen their institutions nation won't progress. By the look of it PTI seems to only support institutions that help them grab power. Otherwise they are all corrupt.
If PTI wins their supporters will say see how popular PTI is and we are bale to win against the whole establishment. If they lose they wil say its rigging. There is no way they will accept any result which is not pro PTI. Any such party anywhere in the world are bad for their countries. Unless the major parties work to strengthen their institutions nation won't progress. By the look of it PTI seems to only support institutions that help them grab power. Otherwise they are all corrupt.

Maybe a little research will help. The PTI is well ahead in at least 14-16 seats. That is a simple fact. And how Do I know this, well I let you do the research to find out because you have about as much clue as the mafia supporters.
Like i said, if you want a discussion, first post a proper source and not some globalvilliage made up site. As long as proper source is being used than the topic can be discussed

Moeed Pirzada is editor of Global Village Space, they host, interview and visit Pakistani and foreign think tanks which only works due to their credibility.

Moeed is more sophisticated,respected and educated than all the chor lifafa journalists of Geo and some other channels you support.His level of journalism and discourse including on global matters is unmatched in Pakistan. He can buy million of your type if he wishes to.

You dare to question his news websites credibility :facepalm
If PTI wins their supporters will say see how popular PTI is and we are bale to win against the whole establishment. If they lose they wil say its rigging. There is no way they will accept any result which is not pro PTI. Any such party anywhere in the world are bad for their countries. Unless the major parties work to strengthen their institutions nation won't progress. By the look of it PTI seems to only support institutions that help them grab power. Otherwise they are all corrupt.

You have perfectly described PTI in 5 lines :)
Moeed Pirzada is editor of Global Village Space, they host, interview and visit Pakistani and foreign think tanks which only works due to their credibility.

Moeed is more sophisticated,respected and educated than all the chor lifafa journalists of Geo and some other channels you support.His level of journalism and discourse including on global matters is unmatched in Pakistan. He can buy million of your type if he wishes to.

You dare to question his news websites credibility :facepalm

He is happy that journalists are murdered and justifies it. You aren't talking a moral human being, he is a fascist
Mafia need the support of Inds. Too scared to debate me. Btw whatever happened to a party called the PPP in Punjab :))):))):))):)))

debate and you?

3 lines of personal comments and 1 line or a half about the topic in hand.... That is not discussion.

Also, even Indians know how PTI supporters think. Fair if they win, rigged if they lose. ANd than you claim your personal opinion as fact.

lol debate.
where did i justify murder?

You defend the murders on here all day every day and can't bring yourself to condemn the murderers and then you asking me to show you evidence of you justifying murder. Can you hear yourself
debate and you?

3 lines of personal comments and 1 line or a half about the topic in hand.... That is not discussion.

Also, even Indians know how PTI supporters think. Fair if they win, rigged if they lose. ANd than you claim your personal opinion as fact.

lol debate.

You have no intellect to debate and more importantly you have no morals. Its the reason your on the run all day long. The Inds will support anyone that damages PK and that's why they support losers like you guys.
Factory owners forced to send workers to Maryam Nawaz’s Multan jalsa

PTI Vice Chairman and former Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has accused PML-N of using pressure tactics to force the public into attending PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz’s jalsa in Multan. The PTI leader made the claims while talking to a private media channel.

Shah Mehmood Qureshi, while criticizing PML-N, said factories were ordered to gather a crowd for the jalsa. The national identity cards of factory workers were confiscated and they were told that the factory supervisors will return the cards if they attend the jalsa. However, those failing to do so will be fired from their jobs.

Moreover, Shah Mehmood Qureshi revealed that he spoke to one of the owners of a factory – who is an old acquaintance of his – and complained about why he was getting involved in politics. The factory owner lamented that he was under severe pressure and inspectors were threatening him with false charges and fake tax evasion cases. Therefore, he had no choice.
You defend the murders on here all day every day and can't bring yourself to condemn the murderers and then you asking me to show you evidence of you justifying murder. Can you hear yourself

where did i justify murder?
With Punjab hitting the by-polls in 20 constituencies on Sunday (today) with bated breath, the outcome of the high-voltage ballot will not only determine the province's next premier but also the fate of the young PML-N-led coalition government to steady its boat in the centre.


For both the PML-N and PTI, clawing back to power would also ensure their fresh mandates in the next general elections. Meanwhile, a rebuke from the voters would leave the PML-N waiting for the other shoe to drop – a potential fall in Islamabad.

Although the polls seem too close to call, the stars seem nonetheless more aligned for the PML-N that is said to be sporting a fair shot while the PTI, despite finding a wider echo for its narrative, may have to face challenges in grabbing enough seats to gather up the reins of the province.

Former prime minister Imran Khan, who was ousted from power in April this year, is eyeing the crucial polls as a make-or-break opportunity to test the popularity of his party’s post-ouster narrative in Punjab. A victory will inject a mega shot into his bruised arms.

Read more: Despite ban on entry, PTI leader reaches Lahore ahead of by-poll

The ‘historic’ by-polls are likely to settle the dust on the long drawn-out imbroglio triggered by the move to oust the then PTI government led by (former) chief minister Usman Buzdar. However, observers anticipate the outcome might also precipitate a new one as the air in Punjab is already getting thicker with allegations of pre-poll rigging.

The PML-N, which has the government in both Punjab and the centre, enjoys the support of all major political parties for the crucial elections. Furthermore, it requires lesser victories to retain the provincial government.

Another advantage for the PML-N is having the winning players of the last general elections on its side. The PTI, which does not even enjoy the support of a single major political party in its entirety – even the PML-Q is divided on the matter – has managed to pull off mega by-election rallies that helped it to consolidate its support among the people.

The magic number

The PTI currently has 163 seats in the Punjab Assembly on paper. Among these, Deputy Speaker Muhammad Dost Muhammad Mazari is highly unlikely to vote in the party’s favour, bringing the total tally down to 162.

Combined with 10 seats of the PML-Q in the province, its total strength comes up to 172 (minus one).

Interestingly, the PML-Q is an ally of the PML-led government in the federal government.

The PML-N has a combined strength of 175 votes. The party lost two seats just hours before the polls after MPA Faisal Khan Niazi and Mian Jaleel Ahmed Sharaqpuri tendered their resignations. Otherwise, the PML-N with his would have had 177 seats. The situation has altered the previous number game.

The magic number to attain the chief minister’s slot is 186, which means that the PTI is 14 seats short and the PML-N 11.

Despite the odds, the PTI is very much in the run for these elections as it enjoys massive public support that it managed to exhibit during the by-election rallies.

The PML-N too had their heavyweight Maryam Nawaz in the arena to take PTI Chairman Imran Khan head-on. Both sides kept their focus on berating each other.

The talk of performance during their speeches was a mere formality, only included as passing remarks.

The PTI chief, who is also the recently ousted prime minister, continued with his rhetoric of corruption and foreign interference.

Maryam on the other hand kept her focus on Imran’s tenure as the premier.

In her speeches, she accused Imran of corruption, nepotism and victimising his opponents. To neutralise the effects of inflation that happened during her party’s tenure, she tried to shift the burden of perpetual price hikes onto Imran’s shoulders, terming it a failure of his economic policies.

Her party’s leaders in government in the centre also joined the chorus -- levelling allegations of corruption against Imran and accusing him of blackmailing the former National Accountability Bureau (NAB) chairman with a controversial video.

Also read: WATCH: 'Votes on sale' on eve of crucial Punjab by-polls

The PML-N, with all the might of the governments in the centre and Punjab behind it, has thus far failed to bring to the fore one solid case of corruption against Imran.

In haste, the PML-N is only bringing up cases that are showing its desperation. This factor alone helped the PTI retain a lot of its vote bank despite its below-par performance.

However, Imran and his party also kept the “powers that be” on their target, further complicating matters for the PTI.

The PMLN, which pushed an anti-establishment narrative throughout its days in the opposition, after acceding to power suddenly had a change of heart. Now it can be seen as defending the security establishment.

Further compounding the PTI’s problems are its strained relations with the conventional media.

Though the PTI manages to make up for the lost ground on social media, where it enjoys ‘thundering’ support, two media owners are actively supporting the PML-N in these by-elections.

As far as prospective poll position is concerned, it might end up being a neck-to-neck competition between the two sides.

Since these constituencies range from urban to rural and from north Punjab to south Punjab, so every constituency has a different dynamic and different set of issues. Of the 20 constituencies, those seats in Lahore and a seat in Multan will be visibly more important and have a greater symbolic value.

If of the four seats in Lahore, which the PML-N claims to be its bastion, that are up for grabs in these by-elections, even three are bagged by the PTI, it will serve as a big blow to its rival party.

Political pundits see the PTI comfortably bagging two seats.

In Multan, PTI Vice Chairman Shah Mahmood’s Qureshi son Zain Qureshi is contesting against disqualified PTI MPA Muhammad Salman, who is now in the race on a PML-N ticket.

This seat of Multan carries a lot of value for PTI stalwart Qureshi.

The four constituencies in Lahore where by-elections are being held are PP-170, PP-168, PP-167 and PP-158.

PP-167 (Lahore)

In this constituency, the PTI has fielded Shabbir Gujjar while the PML-N has fielded disqualified PTI MPA Nazir Ahmed Chohan. Chohan, who had joined the PTI some 10 years ago, was elected as an MPA in 2018 on a PTI ticket.

Even in 2018, it was a closely contested election between the two sides. The PTI won, securing 40,704 votes. The PML-N’s then candidate Mian Muhammad Saleem secured 38,463 votes.

Nazir later defected from the party and voted for the PML-N candidate for the chief minister’s slot, Hamza Shehbaz, and was subsequently disqualified from his seat.

Also read: Campaigning ends as Imran, Maryam enter home stretch of Punjab by-polls

The PML-N, as a reward, allotted party tickets to the 20 PTI defecting MPAs or to anyone of their choosing.

This constituency falls under NA-133. Shaista Pervaiz Malik is the MNA of the area. This seat is less a contest between the candidates and rather party popularity would determine its fate. The Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan also has a sizable vote bank in the area.

PP-158 (Lahore)

The PTI has fielded Mian Akram Usman while the PML-N has chosen Rana Ahsan Sharafat as its candidate.

This constituency in 2018 was won by PTI leader Aleem Khan, who was later disqualified for defecting from the party. Aleem was a PTI stalwart, who back in 2018, was seen as an ideal candidate for the position of the Punjab chief minister. However, Aleem who felt sidelined for him being placed in former Punjab CM Usman Buzdar’s cabinet gradually receded from government affairs and later when a faction emerged in the PTI by the name of Jahangir Khan Tareen Group, he too tried forming his own group.

Aleem, who now owns a national new channel, however, himself decided not to run for the election and the PML-N has fielded Sharafat in his place.

Sharafat contested the 2018 election from a PML-N ticket but lost to Aleem Khan by a large margin.

Aleem had obtained around 52,000 votes while his counterpart from the PML-N had obtained around 45,000 votes.

Similar to the previous constituency, it will be the party vote bank that makes the winning difference.

PP-168 (Lahore)

The PTI has fielded Malik Nawaz Awan and the PML-N has selected disqualified MPA Malik Asad Ali Khokhar for the race.

Malik Asad, the PML-N candidate seems to be in a much more comfortable position in comparison with his rival from the PTI. The seat falls under the constituency NA-131 from where PML-N’s Saad Rafique is the MNA.

The only visible disadvantage is an inter-party rivalry between him and senior PML-N leader Afzal Khokhar.

PP-170 (Lahore)

The PML-N has allotted the ticket to PTI’s disqualified MPA Amin Zulqarnain Chaudary, while the PTI has chosen Zaheer Abbas Khokhar for the race.

PML-N candidate Amin is the brother of Awn Chaudary, who was a well-placed PTI leader until a splinter group emerged including and both brothers decided to defect from the party.

Amin started his political career in 2005 from the platform of the PML-Q. He joined the PTI in 2011 but defected earlier this year.

The PML-N leaders used to accuse Awn during the days when he was in the PTI of being a drug supplier. Amin, who had won against the PML-N candidate by a reasonable margin, seems at a slight disadvantage.

Half the areas falling in this constituency, including Johar Town and Wapda Town, are seemingly more pro-PTI.

Additionally, Zaheer Abbass Khokhar, a nephew of PTI MNA Karamat Khokhar, had driven an aggressive campaign for his party.

PP-170 falls under the constituency of NA-134, where PML-N’s Rana Mubashir Iqbal is the MNA.

PP-140 (Sheikhupura)

The PML-N has chosen PTI dissident MPA Mian Khalid Mehmood for this race and the PTI has fielded Advocate Khurram Shehzad Virk.

PP-140 falls under the constituency of NA-121, from where PML-N’s Javed Latif is the MNA.

In 2018, Mian Khalid Mehmood won from PP-140 on a PTI ticket with a lead of 6,000 over the PML-N. This constituency has both urban and rural areas in it so both party loyal vote and the party’s narrative will play a vital role in determining who bags more votes.

With a large population of young voters and with a sizable population in the urban areas, the PTI has a better chance of winning the seat. Another edge that the party has is that Tayyab Rashid, who in 2018 had obtained 22,629 votes, has announced joining the PTI.

PP-97 (Faisalabad)

The PML-N from this constituency has opted for Haji Ajmal Chema while the PTI is fielding Ali Afzal Sahi.

Haji Ajmal won the election as an independent candidate obtaining 42,405 votes in 2018.

PTI’s Ali Afzal stood second with 37,973 votes. PML-N'S candidate Azad Ali Tabasam came third with 35,141 votes. Haji Ajmal later joined the PTI but was later disqualified.

He is now in the Jahangir Khan Tareen Group. The area is largely rural which means party and clan votes will be the main contributing factors. With Haji Ajmal in the PML-N camp, his winning chances have brightened.

PP-7 (Rawalpindi II)

The PTI has selected Lt Col Shabbir Awan while the PML-N has opted for Raja Sagheer Ahmed, who was disqualified for defection.

Also read: PTI moves ECP against ‘pre-poll rigging’ in Punjab by-polls

PP-7 falls under the constituency NA-57, from where PTI’s Sadaqat Ali Abbasi is the MNA. Despite having an NA seat, Raja Sagheer seems to have an edge. He won as an independent candidate, beating both PML-N and PTI candidates.

This time around as a PML-N candidate, Sagheer will have both his own party’s vote banks to cash on.

One interesting fact of this by-election is that former spymaster Zaheer Ul Islam is canvassing for PTI’s Lt Col Shabbir Awan.

PP-217 (Multan)

The PTI is fielding its senior leader Shah Mahmood Qureshi’s son Zain Mehmood Qureshi while the PML-N has opted for Muhammad Salman, an MPA disqualified from the Imran-led party.

PP-217 falls under NA-156, from where Shah Mahmood Qureshi is the sitting MNA.

Salman in 2018, as an independent candidate, had defeated PTI stalwart, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, for this seat.

Later, Salman joined the PTI. Salman was from the beginning a team member of Jahangir Khan Tareen. The victory of Shah Mahmood's son Zain will in a way redeem the lost glory of his family in the area. However, securing this election has forced Zain to go from street to street. Salman still rides strong in this area. This seat can go either way.

PP-90 (Bhakkar)

The PML-N has opted for Saeed Akbar Khan Nawani, while the PTI has fielded Irfanullah Niazi, a cousin of ex-PM Imran.

Saeed Akbar Khan Nawani won as an independent candidate in the 2018 general elections from PP-90 and later joined the PTI. Nawani has a strong vote bank of his own and has won several times before.

Coupled with the strong vote bank of the PML-N, Nawani chances of winning are high.

The PP-90 constituency falls under NA-97, where PTI’s Sana Ullah Khan Masti Khel is the MNA.

PP-83 (Khushab)

The PML-N has selected Ameer Haider Sangha and the PTI has opted for Hasan Aslam Awan for this race.

Sangha is the younger brother of Malik Ghulam Rassol Sangha, who won the 2018 election as an independent candidate but later joined the PTI. PP-83 falls under NA-93, where PTI’s Umer Aslam Awan is the MNA. The PTI candidate for PP-83 is his younger brother.

Interestingly, it is not a simple match as in this area, Malik Asif Bha, the former PML-N candidate, has decided to contest as an independent candidate.

Bha has a strong vote bank of his own and his presence will divide the PML-N vote bank, giving an advantage to the PTI candidate.

PP-202 (Sahiwal)

The PML-N has fielded Nauman Ahmed Langrial, the disqualified PTI MPA. The PTI has opted for Major (retd) Ghulam Sarwar.

PP-202 falls under the constituency NA-149, from where PTI’s Murtaza Iqbal is MNA. Langrial won PP-202 on a PTI ticket Earlier this year, he was disqualified for defecting from the party.

This constituency mostly falls in rural localities including Kasowal, Okanwala Bangla and Shahkot. Langrial is considered to be electable but PTI’s narrative coupled with the ingress of social media in rural areas is expected to turn the tide on the politics of electables.

It is expected to be a close contest between the two sides.

PP-224 (Lodhran)

The PML-N has chosen Zawar Hussain Warraich, the disqualified MPA from the Imran-led party while the PTI has fielded Amir Iqbal Shah.

This constituency falls under NA-160, where PML-N’s Abdul Rehman Khan Kanju is the MNA.

Warraich won this provincial constituency in 2018 on a PTI ticket, while Amir a PML-N candidate back then, had lost. This time both have swapped candidates.

It is expected to be a close competition. Amir belongs to a strong political family and has a sizable vote bank in the area. Zawar, who won in 2018, has his own vote bank and is also enjoying the support of the PML-N camp.

PP-228 (DG Khan)

The PML-N has fielded Nazir Ahmed Baloch, a PTI disqualified MPA, while the PTI has opted for Captain (retd) Javed Khan.

PP-228 falls under the constituency NA-161, where PTI’s Shafiq Arain is the MNA.

Nazir won on a PTI ticket but later defected from the party and was disqualified. The PML-N granted a ticket to Nazir as per its commitment to him, but influential party leaders are not supporting him.

This contest too is a three-way match. Rafi Uddin Bukhari, who had contested the previous election on a PML-N ticket, has decided to contest as an independent candidate. He also has the backing of influential PML-N leaders in the area.

PP-272 (Muzaffargarh)

The PML-N has fielded Zehra Basit Batool, the wife of MNA Basit Bukhari and the PTI has selected Mozzam Khan Jatoi for this race.

PP-272 falls under the constituency NA-185, which belongs to PTI’s disgruntled MNA Basit Bukhari.

Zehra won on a PTI ticket in 2018 but later defected from the party. Whereas Mozzam belongs to the influential Jatoi family.

The election will squarely bank on a clan vote that gives both sides an equal chance. The only disadvantage to the PML-N is Haroon Bukhari, Basit’s brother is also running for the seat as an independent candidate. His presence is expected to damage the PML-N vote bank.

PP-273 (Muzaffargarh)

The PML-N has chosen Muhammad Sibtain Raza, a disqualified PTI MPA.

The PTI has fielded Yasir Khan Jatoi.

PP-273 falls under the constituency NA-186 which belongs to PTI MNA Aamir Talal Gopang.

Both the PML-N and PTI have a considerable vote bank in PP-273. However, the PML-N candidate seems to have an advantage over his PTI rival.

PP-237 (Bahawalnagar)

The PML-N has allotted the ticket to Fida Hussain while the PTI has fielded Aftab Mehmood.

PML-N ticket holder Fida Hussain had contested the election independently in 2018 and won and later joined the PTI. PP-237 falls under the constituency NA-166, from where PTI’s Muhammad Abdul Ghafar Wattoo is the MNA.

This is a rural area which was why clan vote would make all the winning difference. Fida Hussain comes from a notable political family whereas Aftab is a relative newbie in the area.

PP-288 (DG Khan)

The PTI has selected Saif Ud Din Khosa whereas the PML-N has opted for Abdul Kadir Khosa for this race.

It is all a Khosa affair in DG Khan where it is "clan versus clan".

This seat was won by Mohsin Atta Khosa as an independent candidate in 2018. Currently, he is supporting PML-N's Kadir Khosa.

Saif Ud Din Khosa is the son of the tribal head of the Khosa clan. Kadir is the son of defecting PTI MNA Amjad Farooq Khosa.

PP-282 (Layyah)

The PTI has fielded Qaiser Magsi while the PML-N has opted for Tahir Randhawa for this contest.

Randhawa won the 2018 election as an independent candidate but later joined the PTI. He too was disqualified for defecting from the party. Randhawa had secured 37,607, PTI’S Qaiser Magsi 26,992 and PML-N candidate Rizwan Girwan 25,556. Rizwan refused to accept the party's decision and has decided to run as an independent candidate. This will divide the party vote and benefit the PTI.

PP-125 (Jhang)

The PTI has selected Mian Afzal Chela for this race while the PML-N has fielded Faisal Hayat Jabwana.

Faisal won with a wide lead as an independent candidate and later joined the PTI. He was disqualified for defecting from the party. Faisal is now contesting on a PML-N ticket. However, to his disadvantage, PML-N 2018 ticket holder Iftikhar Khan Baloch is also contesting the election as an independent candidate.

PP-127 (Jhang)

The PML-N has opted for Mehr Aslam Bharwana while the PTI has fielded Nawaz Bharwana.

Mehr had won 2018 as an independent candidate and later joined the PTI. He was disqualified for defecting from the party. There was less than a 1,000-vote difference between the two Bharwanas in 2018, so this time too it is expected to be a close fight.

There are two important shrines in the area. The Sial Sharif shrine is supporting the PTI candidate. The Shah Jewna shrine is backing his rival candidate.

Express Tribune
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I am pleased to see our voters coming out to cast their votes in large numbers & resisting all pressures & harassment. I want all those, esp our women, who have to still come out to cast their vote to do so as this is an election for Pakistan's sovereignty & Haqeeqi Azadi.</p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">July 17, 2022</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Polling for by-elections for the 20 constituencies of the Punjab Assembly is underway and will continue till 5pm with Section 144 implemented to establish law and order in the province.

Around 4.58 million voters, including 2.19 million women, are eligible to exercise their right to vote in today’s by-elections.

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has established 3,131 polling stations in these 20 constituencies, out of which 676 have been declared highly sensitive and 1,194 sensitive.

Scuffles break out

Some unpleasant incidents have also been reported as polling continues. According to the commission’s spokesperson, the Election Commission Control Room received six complaints related to fights between voters and political workers, out of which three were resolved immediately, and that “authorities are taking steps to control the situation”.

CEC Sikander Sultan Raja said in a statement that “strict action will be taken” against “those involved in creating issues in the election process” and that if candidates would participate in the alleged acts then “they may also be disqualified”.

A fight is reported to have broken out between political workers at the polling station of Panjar in Rawalpindi.

Home Minister and Spokesperson for the Punjab government Attaullah Tarar has also taken notice of a dispute that broke out in PP-158 Lahore. He said the PTI’s Jamshed Iqbal Cheema and Saeed Mahis had seriously injured a PML-N worker as he issued orders for the PTI leaders’ arrests.

Police also arrested the PTI worker Rana Naeem for causing a head injury to a PML-N worker at an irrigation canal polling station.

In the same constituency, a fight broke out between PTI and PML-N workers at the UC Dharmapura polling station. The PTI polling agent accused the police of bias and said that “the police is allowing PML-N workers to enter, while I am being stopped despite the fact that I am a polling agent,” as he explained why the brawl had broken out.

Voters in the same constituency complained of voting area alterations. Saqleen and Yasir Mehmood, residents of Nai Abadi Garhi Shahu, say that “I am a PTI supporter, our vote has been changed. Our vote was shifted to Shalimar PP-148 area where polling is not taking place.” He also alleged that the votes of all PTI voters in constituency PP-158 were shifted to PP-148.

Polling was also halted in PP-168 for some time following agitation between PTI and PML-N workers.

PTI’s candidate Malik Nawaz Awan also visited the polling station as reports of voters being prevented from entering polling station 60 surfaced.

An armed person identified as Abdul Rehman has also been arrested in front of the Basti Syedan Shah polling station of Lahore. The accused is reportedly a private guard of a local citizen named Dr Maarif and a mini-rifle was recovered from his possession.

PML-N, PTI blame game

Khawaja Saad Rafique has accused the PTI of attempting “to stop polling by inciting violence, spreading fear and firing”. In a tweet, the PML-N leader claimed that “PTI’s armed goons” had been “arrested along with ammunition” in Lahore today.

Meanwhile, senior PTI leader Shahbaz Gill has alleged that attempts to rig the election were underway as “police clearly acts as a PML-N wing”.

He also claimed that the councilor in the PTI camp had been “threatened and then arrested” as he shared a video of the incident.

In another tweet he claimed that the ECP was complacent in the attempts to hijack the election as he alleged: "four million voters were [falsely] recorded dead [and] the names from voter lists were added to other constituencies".

He further accused the electoral watchdog of altering voter lists "if there is a name [on the list], it is not allowed to vote".

The ECP rejecting the PTI leader’s claims said that the “CEC has issued clear directives to Chief Secretary Punjab and IG Punjab that no retaliatory action should be taken against any civillians or ordinary persons otherwise the ECP will take strict action”.

He had also ordered “all possible measures to be taken to ensure transparent polling in Punjab”.

It is important to note that PTI had raised concerns over voting lists' alterations earlier as well and the ECP had described the claims of changes in the voter lists of 20 Punjab Assembly constituencies as nothing but mere “propaganda” to deceive the people.

A spokesperson for the electoral watchdog in a statement had added that the by-polls were being held in accordance with the previous lists.

The ECP had issued the statement after PTI leaders and former federal ministers Asad Umar and Fawad Chaudhry, in several news conferences, had announced that they would challenge the pre-poll rigging in the by-elections through the induction of unknown voters into the lists.

Media barred from recording footage in PP-7

The presiding officers barred the media from covering by-elections in PP-7 Kahuta, Rawalpindi.

Speaking to the media, the presiding officer of Government Secondary School Matore in Kahuta said that the media was not allowed to enter the stations because of “orders from above” but added that “Rawalpindi media representatives can come without their cameras”.

Read 76 polling stations in PP-7 declared sensitive

He also warned that “police will be called if media representatives attempt recording footage of the polling booth”.

Tweeting for victory

Earlier today, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif took to his official Twitter handle to remind voters of “the corruption, incompetence, economic destruction, facilitation and patronage of the mafia and the destruction created in the name of change during the 4 years of the dark era of Imran Niazi government.”

In a celebratory tone, the senior PTI leader, Fawad Chaudhry urged voters "not to wait" and "come out and vote".

Meanwhile, PML-N leader and current finance minister, Miftah Ismail told Punjab to vote for PTI "if you are happy with the Buzdar government's performance".

Former premier and party chief Imran Khan also took to his official Twitter handle and said that he wants "all those, esp[ecially] our women, who have to still come out to cast their vote to do so as this is an election for Pakistan's sovereignty & Haqeeqi Azadi."

CEC to take 'immediate action'

As the chief election commissioner (CEC) urged voters to “vote for their favourite candidates today” in a bid to “not only strengthen democracy but also bless Pakistan with stability”, he also directed law enforcement agencies to “not allow any violations of law or violent incidents”.

The CEC ordered law enforcement to “take immediate and strict action without discrimination” should any violations occur. He also issued directives that “if an incident occurs where the election commission is the competent authority, the case should be registered with the commission immediately.”

According to sources, following reports of a disagreement occurring between political workers in Rawalpindi, more police personnel were summoned to restore order in the constituency.

Read: CEC terms military deployment ‘necessary’ in Punjab by-polls

The results of the by-polls will be seen as a possible bellwether for Pakistan’s next general elections, as the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) engaged in heated canvassing for the 20 seats of the Punjab Assembly ahead of the elections.

These seats fell vacant after the ECP disqualified PTI dissident lawmakers due to former prime minister Imran Khan’s petition.

It is pertinent to note that a change of government in the province, which is now headed by Hamza Shehbaz had occurred due to PTI dissidents.

Although the polls seem too close to call, the stars seem nonetheless more aligned for the PML-N that is said to be sporting a fair shot while the PTI, despite finding a wider echo for its narrative, may have to face challenges in grabbing enough seats to gather up the reins of the province.

The magic number

The PTI currently has 163 seats in the Punjab Assembly on paper. Among these, Deputy Speaker Muhammad Dost Muhammad Mazari is highly unlikely to vote in the party’s favour, bringing the total tally down to 162.

Combined with 10 seats of the PML-Q in the province, its total strength comes up to 172 (minus one).

Interestingly, the PML-Q is an ally of the PML-led government in the federal government.

The PML-N has a combined strength of 175 votes. The party lost two seats just hours before the polls after MPA Faisal Khan Niazi and Mian Jaleel Ahmed Sharaqpuri tendered their resignations. Otherwise, the PML-N with his would have had 177 seats. The situation has altered the previous number game.

The magic number to attain the chief minister’s slot is 186, which means that the PTI is 14 seats short and the PML-N 11.

Imran's popularity test

The election’s outcome serves as a popularity test for ousted prime minister and PTI chief Imran Khan.

Analysts had earlier remarked that the election gives the PTI chairman the chance to gauge how well his campaign raised popular support.

"If he wins, he will say 'people are with me' and increase pressure for fresh elections," political commentator Hasan Askari told AFP.

Read Like Sri Lanka, two ruling families taking Pakistan towards crisis: Imran

If he loses, "Khan will definitely call it a rigged election", he added.

The former premier has drawn thousands to rallies across the country since being deposed, giving lengthy speeches claiming the coalition government was imposed on the country by a US-led conspiracy.

Special monitoring cell

Meanwhile, a special election monitoring cell has been established at the Ministry of Interior to ensure law and order situation during the by-elections.

The cell has been established on the special direction of Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah for better coordination among law enforcement agencies and immediate response in case of any untoward incident during the polls.

The monitoring cell has been linked with the control centres of the provincial governments and federal law enforcement agencies. The cell will continuously monitor the law and order situation in the constituencies where elections are being held.

Punjab Rangers and Frontier Constabulary Headquarters will also be in touch with the cell, which will continue to function from today till the end of the by-elections.

Express Tribune
Polling for by-elections for the 20 constituencies of the Punjab Assembly is underway and will continue till 5pm with Section 144 implemented to establish law and order in the province.

Around 4.58 million voters, including 2.19 million women, are eligible to exercise their right to vote in today’s by-elections.

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has established 3,131 polling stations in these 20 constituencies, out of which 676 have been declared highly sensitive and 1,194 sensitive.

Scuffles break out

Some unpleasant incidents have also been reported as polling continues. According to the commission’s spokesperson, the Election Commission Control Room received six complaints related to fights between voters and political workers, out of which three were resolved immediately, and that “authorities are taking steps to control the situation”.

CEC Sikander Sultan Raja said in a statement that “strict action will be taken” against “those involved in creating issues in the election process” and that if candidates would participate in the alleged acts then “they may also be disqualified”.

A fight is reported to have broken out between political workers at the polling station of Panjar in Rawalpindi.

Home Minister and Spokesperson for the Punjab government Attaullah Tarar has also taken notice of a dispute that broke out in PP-158 Lahore. He said the PTI’s Jamshed Iqbal Cheema and Saeed Mahis had seriously injured a PML-N worker as he issued orders for the PTI leaders’ arrests.

Police also arrested the PTI worker Rana Naeem for causing a head injury to a PML-N worker at an irrigation canal polling station.

In the same constituency, a fight broke out between PTI and PML-N workers at the UC Dharmapura polling station. The PTI polling agent accused the police of bias and said that “the police is allowing PML-N workers to enter, while I am being stopped despite the fact that I am a polling agent,” as he explained why the brawl had broken out.

Voters in the same constituency complained of voting area alterations. Saqleen and Yasir Mehmood, residents of Nai Abadi Garhi Shahu, say that “I am a PTI supporter, our vote has been changed. Our vote was shifted to Shalimar PP-148 area where polling is not taking place.” He also alleged that the votes of all PTI voters in constituency PP-158 were shifted to PP-148.

Polling was also halted in PP-168 for some time following agitation between PTI and PML-N workers.

PTI’s candidate Malik Nawaz Awan also visited the polling station as reports of voters being prevented from entering polling station 60 surfaced.

An armed person identified as Abdul Rehman has also been arrested in front of the Basti Syedan Shah polling station of Lahore. The accused is reportedly a private guard of a local citizen named Dr Maarif and a mini-rifle was recovered from his possession.

PML-N, PTI blame game

Khawaja Saad Rafique has accused the PTI of attempting “to stop polling by inciting violence, spreading fear and firing”. In a tweet, the PML-N leader claimed that “PTI’s armed goons” had been “arrested along with ammunition” in Lahore today.

Meanwhile, senior PTI leader Shahbaz Gill has alleged that attempts to rig the election were underway as “police clearly acts as a PML-N wing”.

He also claimed that the councilor in the PTI camp had been “threatened and then arrested” as he shared a video of the incident.

In another tweet he claimed that the ECP was complacent in the attempts to hijack the election as he alleged: "four million voters were [falsely] recorded dead [and] the names from voter lists were added to other constituencies".

He further accused the electoral watchdog of altering voter lists "if there is a name [on the list], it is not allowed to vote".

The ECP rejecting the PTI leader’s claims said that the “CEC has issued clear directives to Chief Secretary Punjab and IG Punjab that no retaliatory action should be taken against any civillians or ordinary persons otherwise the ECP will take strict action”.

He had also ordered “all possible measures to be taken to ensure transparent polling in Punjab”.

It is important to note that PTI had raised concerns over voting lists' alterations earlier as well and the ECP had described the claims of changes in the voter lists of 20 Punjab Assembly constituencies as nothing but mere “propaganda” to deceive the people.

A spokesperson for the electoral watchdog in a statement had added that the by-polls were being held in accordance with the previous lists.

The ECP had issued the statement after PTI leaders and former federal ministers Asad Umar and Fawad Chaudhry, in several news conferences, had announced that they would challenge the pre-poll rigging in the by-elections through the induction of unknown voters into the lists.

Media barred from recording footage in PP-7

The presiding officers barred the media from covering by-elections in PP-7 Kahuta, Rawalpindi.

Speaking to the media, the presiding officer of Government Secondary School Matore in Kahuta said that the media was not allowed to enter the stations because of “orders from above” but added that “Rawalpindi media representatives can come without their cameras”.

Read 76 polling stations in PP-7 declared sensitive

He also warned that “police will be called if media representatives attempt recording footage of the polling booth”.

Tweeting for victory

Earlier today, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif took to his official Twitter handle to remind voters of “the corruption, incompetence, economic destruction, facilitation and patronage of the mafia and the destruction created in the name of change during the 4 years of the dark era of Imran Niazi government.”

In a celebratory tone, the senior PTI leader, Fawad Chaudhry urged voters "not to wait" and "come out and vote".

Meanwhile, PML-N leader and current finance minister, Miftah Ismail told Punjab to vote for PTI "if you are happy with the Buzdar government's performance".

Former premier and party chief Imran Khan also took to his official Twitter handle and said that he wants "all those, esp[ecially] our women, who have to still come out to cast their vote to do so as this is an election for Pakistan's sovereignty & Haqeeqi Azadi."

CEC to take 'immediate action'

As the chief election commissioner (CEC) urged voters to “vote for their favourite candidates today” in a bid to “not only strengthen democracy but also bless Pakistan with stability”, he also directed law enforcement agencies to “not allow any violations of law or violent incidents”.

The CEC ordered law enforcement to “take immediate and strict action without discrimination” should any violations occur. He also issued directives that “if an incident occurs where the election commission is the competent authority, the case should be registered with the commission immediately.”

According to sources, following reports of a disagreement occurring between political workers in Rawalpindi, more police personnel were summoned to restore order in the constituency.

Read: CEC terms military deployment ‘necessary’ in Punjab by-polls

The results of the by-polls will be seen as a possible bellwether for Pakistan’s next general elections, as the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) engaged in heated canvassing for the 20 seats of the Punjab Assembly ahead of the elections.

These seats fell vacant after the ECP disqualified PTI dissident lawmakers due to former prime minister Imran Khan’s petition.

It is pertinent to note that a change of government in the province, which is now headed by Hamza Shehbaz had occurred due to PTI dissidents.

Although the polls seem too close to call, the stars seem nonetheless more aligned for the PML-N that is said to be sporting a fair shot while the PTI, despite finding a wider echo for its narrative, may have to face challenges in grabbing enough seats to gather up the reins of the province.

The magic number

The PTI currently has 163 seats in the Punjab Assembly on paper. Among these, Deputy Speaker Muhammad Dost Muhammad Mazari is highly unlikely to vote in the party’s favour, bringing the total tally down to 162.

Combined with 10 seats of the PML-Q in the province, its total strength comes up to 172 (minus one).

Interestingly, the PML-Q is an ally of the PML-led government in the federal government.

The PML-N has a combined strength of 175 votes. The party lost two seats just hours before the polls after MPA Faisal Khan Niazi and Mian Jaleel Ahmed Sharaqpuri tendered their resignations. Otherwise, the PML-N with his would have had 177 seats. The situation has altered the previous number game.

The magic number to attain the chief minister’s slot is 186, which means that the PTI is 14 seats short and the PML-N 11.

Imran's popularity test

The election’s outcome serves as a popularity test for ousted prime minister and PTI chief Imran Khan.

Analysts had earlier remarked that the election gives the PTI chairman the chance to gauge how well his campaign raised popular support.

"If he wins, he will say 'people are with me' and increase pressure for fresh elections," political commentator Hasan Askari told AFP.

Read Like Sri Lanka, two ruling families taking Pakistan towards crisis: Imran

If he loses, "Khan will definitely call it a rigged election", he added.

The former premier has drawn thousands to rallies across the country since being deposed, giving lengthy speeches claiming the coalition government was imposed on the country by a US-led conspiracy.

Special monitoring cell

Meanwhile, a special election monitoring cell has been established at the Ministry of Interior to ensure law and order situation during the by-elections.

The cell has been established on the special direction of Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah for better coordination among law enforcement agencies and immediate response in case of any untoward incident during the polls.

The monitoring cell has been linked with the control centres of the provincial governments and federal law enforcement agencies. The cell will continuously monitor the law and order situation in the constituencies where elections are being held.

Punjab Rangers and Frontier Constabulary Headquarters will also be in touch with the cell, which will continue to function from today till the end of the by-elections.

Express Tribune

Mafia are scared that this imported govt could end today. They will attack voters, workers and will arrest PTI reps. The Noora gang can't win any election without help and intimidation.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Strongly condemn illegal arrest of Shahbaz Gill simply to try & rig elections & spread fear in ppl. These fascist tactics will not work & our ppl will not be deterred from exercising their right to vote. Handlers of Imported govt should realise damage they are doing to our nation</p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">July 17, 2022</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Today Punjab govt has brazenly violated SC orders & election rules by openly using all govt/State machinery to rig Punjab elections through illegal ballot stamping & harrassing voters while arresting PTI ldrs. Through it all ECP turned a blind eye. Courts must open now & act.</p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">July 17, 2022</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Strongly condemn illegal arrest of Shahbaz Gill simply to try & rig elections & spread fear in ppl. These fascist tactics will not work & our ppl will not be deterred from exercising their right to vote. Handlers of Imported govt should realise damage they are doing to our nation</p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">July 17, 2022</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Today Punjab govt has brazenly violated SC orders & election rules by openly using all govt/State machinery to rig Punjab elections through illegal ballot stamping & harrassing voters while arresting PTI ldrs. Through it all ECP turned a blind eye. Courts must open now & act.</p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">July 17, 2022</a></blockquote>
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The Nooras can't win elections unless they rig them with the help with establishment. It's a criminal enterprise with no morals or boundaries.
Our nation is a lost cause.. full dhandhli and nobody will rise up and fight these injustices. We are a dead nation inside. Sad!
Imran roo raa hai...

Lets wait and see results. Funny how pti expected that they would win back punjab that to where independants had won before.

Pmln has a proven record in punjab. The people saw what buzdar did, they gambled on him. They will revert back to pmln.

Hamza shebaz shareef to be our new cm
Remember how pti fans say that pmln buys votes on biryani. Well guess what........

Spoiler alert: pti fans wont be able to digust this

Imran roo raa hai...

Lets wait and see results. Funny how pti expected that they would win back punjab that to where independants had won before.

Pmln has a proven record in punjab. The people saw what buzdar did, they gambled on him. They will revert back to pmln.

Hamza shebaz shareef to be our new cm

When will the results be announced ?
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Shireen Mazari on Sunday alleged that PTI's female supporters are being removed from polling stations and votes are forcibly being cast by 'others' in the ongoing Punjab by-elections.

While the former minister didn't give any details on who was casting votes instead of party female workers, Mazari said that Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) voters were nowhere to be seen around the polling stations only vandals were present.

She made these comments while talking to media personnel in Islamabad and furthered that: "The chief election commissioner should be ashamed of this."

Mazari said that the rival party will have to answer for rigging the by-polls as they have already sent police personnel behind PTI leader Zulfi Bukhari and were worried about another party senior leader Ali Amin Gandapur.

“We will bring you under the law,” she asserted.

Mazari maintained that both male and female workers of the PTI were voting for the party, which showed that this was “an election of the future” and claimed that PTI workers were ready to compete.

“However, if violence occurs, we will not remain silent,” she added.

Polling is currently underway for 20 seats of the Provincial Assembly in 14 districts of Punjab, while Section 144 has been implemented to establish law and order in the province.

A total of 175 candidates will compete for the 20 seats of the provincial assembly, while tough competition is expected between PTI and PML-N. The total number of registered voters in these constituencies is 4,579,898.