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Sex grooming networks in the UK

[MENTION=4930]Yossarian[/MENTION] in the north of england and west yorkshire in particular. Brits of Pakistani origin do dominate the drug trade. Just like in London its mostly Afro Caribbean Brits who dominate the drug trade. And romanian and bulgarian gangs that dominate human trafficking and the illegal sex trade in the U.K.

A lot of the drug dealing comes from glorification of gang culture in the inner city deprived areas of places like London Birmingham Bradford amongst youth especially in caribbean and pakistani communities.

Class education and economic status plays a big part too ofc. The Brit Pakistanis and Afro Caribbeans who live in leafy villages and middle classsuburbs having tea and scones with kathy and jon and have well paid professional jobs rarely get into these type of nefarious activities. And are living in a different world to those who are slugging it out in the inner city.

Would you class Heaton Village/Frizinghall/ Shipley as leafy Villages

Also I have not seen a single inner City Bradford based grooming gang have you?

They are all in the Subarbs of Keighley.Or Beaston in Leeds or Huddersfield.
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This is a complex issue which sadly gets hijacked by various commentators for political and ideological purposes whenever these stories appear. People will cherrypick the numbers when in reality, statistics about sexual abuse and the ethnicity of perpetrators are patchy, drawn from limited number of areas and hard to draw national conclusions from.

1) Some believe race or religion solely predisposes these men to sexual abuse but ignore socio-economics and local demographics. One of the reasons why there's an over-representation of Asian men in these grooming cases is because of how they dominate the "night-time economy", i.e. taxi driving, drug dealing and takeaways. Of course this isn't the case nationally, but in some parts of the North of England it is the case.

2) Sexual abuse also takes different forms. Child protection expert Mark Williams-Thomas says attacks in isolation and through online tend to be perpetrated by white men. However, the transferring of girls among young men for sex involves Pakistani men.

3) There are however some cultural factors at play too and shouldn't be swept under the carpet or dismissed as racist. These Asian groomers are often guilty of racism themselves - the vast majority of their victims are white ! There are disparities between the age of consent in the UK and some of these countries these men originate from. They come from patriarchal societies where women are treated as second-class citizens who men have a birthrate to dominate than treat as equals in the household.

When you have a religious culture that lends itself to a high degree of sexual repression and makes the topic of sex taboo, then its not surprising that it manifests itself in dangerous and sickening ways in testosterone-charged men.

Finally, the justice system repeatedly lets down victims of every background. When conviction rates are so low and these vulnerable girls, often from deprived and unstable backgrounds, are targeted by men (be it Asian gangs or white celebrities) who know they'll be too intimidated to report them then a culture of impunity develops. Savile was never brought to book. I hope we learn the right lessons from this and prevent a serious issue from devolving into the usual ideological mudslinging.

POTW. Markhor tends to be a much needed cool head in such threads.

Also a question, how is that over-representation explained by the night time economy ? I'd say it's more n line with these points which you've made:

3) There are however some cultural factors at play too and shouldn't be swept under the carpet or dismissed as racist. These Asian groomers are often guilty of racism themselves - the vast majority of their victims are white ! There are disparities between the age of consent in the UK and some of these countries these men originate from. They come from patriarchal societies where women are treated as second-class citizens who men have a birthrate to dominate than treat as equals in the household.

When you have a religious culture that lends itself to a high degree of sexual repression and makes the topic of sex taboo, then its not surprising that it manifests itself in dangerous and sickening ways in testosterone-charged men.

But if you meant that the night time economy is used to exploit these individuals then I agree with that but not sure how it linked to the over-representation part.
The thing no one has yet to explain is that the figures posted by the CSE showed blacks as being the most over represented yet I am yet to see any headline news or Politicions speaking out on regards to this.

All I have heards is from the top Cameron "British Society Has Failed Young Black Males" Or the old cheanut daddy didnt love them enough etc.
I've never heard of the dogma where girls who are showing skin are considered slags or worthless, but then I grew up in a decent household not an underprivileged one so perhaps I'm out of the loop. Jadz also mentioned yesterday that some mothers or sisters encouraged it, which sounds ludicrous to me, but I can only speak for my family, who knows, maybe it's different for others. It would be helpful if people could share their experiences here so we could relate.

That said, I do know that in Pakistan if they view porn movies they assume white girls are all like that and presumably will perform like a seal. That's slightly different though as I would think they'd try it on with the first woman they saw when they stepped off a plane and get slapped in the face. I think this grooming business is a lot more calculated and seedy.

Growing up in the inner city such women were looked upon as slags but also highly desirable, however that definition was not limited to specific ethnic minorities but the whole neighbourhood in general. No one encourages dodgy behaviour and most tend to be against their children having any relationship with the "slags" because it would be a "baysti" on the family but there are racist undertones which casually emphasise a narrative that such women are inferior, but that may also be inspired by looking down on the chavs and not wanting anything to do with them because in general every one doesn't like them. But the casual racism is definitely an issue regardless, although am not sure to what extent that is the case at the moment although I'd like to think things are a bit better in my city anyway. Quiet a few of my mates are married to white women from the inner city neighbourhood as well.
Growing up in the inner city such women were looked upon as slags but also highly desirable, however that definition was not limited to specific ethnic minorities but the whole neighbourhood in general. No one encourages dodgy behaviour and most tend to be against their children having any relationship with the "slags" because it would be a "baysti" on the family but there are racist undertones which casually emphasise a narrative that such women are inferior, but that may also be inspired by looking down on the chavs and not wanting anything to do with them because in general every one doesn't like them. But the casual racism is definitely an issue regardless, although am not sure to what extent that is the case at the moment although I'd like to think things are a bit better in my city anyway. Quiet a few of my mates are married to white women from the inner city neighbourhood as well.

I think that is kind of different shaz, I know when the first generation came over, quite a few thought they would get their leg over easy as their view of western women is that they are well up for it, probably from watching porn movies with jaws bouncing off the floor. It is racist, in the same way that black men are thought of as dancing ninnies or when a white mate at school told me he'd love to _____ a chinki. But generally if you think women are slags or easy, then by logic it's not hard to pull one and have sex. Why would you need to drug them or target underage girls if that was your view? There's any amount of mixed race kids knocking around because the first generation wanted to sow their oats before settling down, in some cases they married those women as well. If they didn't feel the need to drug women then why would this generation need to?

To me it seems more likely that these guys are desperate, ugly losers who target care home girls because they wouldn't have a hope in hell of getting them otherwise. That makes them paedophiles and I don't think there's anything the Pakistani community does which would encourage or condone that behaviour.
I think that is kind of different shaz, I know when the first generation came over, quite a few thought they would get their leg over easy as their view of western women is that they are well up for it, probably from watching porn movies with jaws bouncing off the floor. It is racist, in the same way that black men are thought of as dancing ninnies or when a white mate at school told me he'd love to _____ a chinki. But generally if you think women are slags or easy, then by logic it's not hard to pull one and have sex. Why would you need to drug them or target underage girls if that was your view? There's any amount of mixed race kids knocking around because the first generation wanted to sow their oats before settling down, in some cases they married those women as well. If they didn't feel the need to drug women then why would this generation need to?

To me it seems more likely that these guys are desperate, ugly losers who target care home girls because they wouldn't have a hope in hell of getting them otherwise. That makes them paedophiles and I don't think there's anything the Pakistani community does which would encourage or condone that behaviour.

Yeah I see where you're coming from, a lot of it is true because you see a lot of mixed couples these days and they don't resort to such behaviour in order to satisfy their vile desires. The current generation, my one in that case have not been linked to these grooming cases, it's mostly older men which are desperate/ugly who are also not capable of charming a women as you say; but also look at the conservative time period they grew up in which may have magnified the beast in them to an extent at the very least? With the current gen and time period we're a lot more open , tolerant and accepting of the modern world in general
This is a complex issue which sadly gets hijacked by various commentators for political and ideological purposes whenever these stories appear. People will cherrypick the numbers when in reality, statistics about sexual abuse and the ethnicity of perpetrators are patchy, drawn from limited number of areas and hard to draw national conclusions from.

1) Some believe race or religion solely predisposes these men to sexual abuse but ignore socio-economics and local demographics. One of the reasons why there's an over-representation of Asian men in these grooming cases is because of how they dominate the "night-time economy", i.e. taxi driving, drug dealing and takeaways. Of course this isn't the case nationally, but in some parts of the North of England it is the case.

2) Sexual abuse also takes different forms. Child protection expert Mark Williams-Thomas says attacks in isolation and through online tend to be perpetrated by white men. However, the transferring of girls among young men for sex involves Pakistani men.

3) There are however some cultural factors at play too and shouldn't be swept under the carpet or dismissed as racist. These Asian groomers are often guilty of racism themselves - the vast majority of their victims are white ! There are disparities between the age of consent in the UK and some of these countries these men originate from. They come from patriarchal societies where women are treated as second-class citizens who men have a birthrate to dominate than treat as equals in the household.

When you have a religious culture that lends itself to a high degree of sexual repression and makes the topic of sex taboo, then its not surprising that it manifests itself in dangerous and sickening ways in testosterone-charged men.

Finally, the justice system repeatedly lets down victims of every background. When conviction rates are so low and these vulnerable girls, often from deprived and unstable backgrounds, are targeted by men (be it Asian gangs or white celebrities) who know they'll be too intimidated to report them then a culture of impunity develops. Savile was never brought to book. I hope we learn the right lessons from this and prevent a serious issue from devolving into the usual ideological mudslinging.
Very well put Markhor.
Ultimately these perpetrators are Criminals who can only succeed in their criminality by grooming young vulnerable White Girls.
Though their actions are technically paedophilia, I doubt whether any of them are actually hard core child molesters.
[MENTION=396]mani1[/MENTION] i was on about dealing primarily in that post. N plenty of dealers in heaton n frizinghall. Just walk up scotchman road on a night. Saray charsi uthay parked honay.

as far as sick grooming **** keighley disproportionate amount of just creeps n perverts.
Yeah I see where you're coming from, a lot of it is true because you see a lot of mixed couples these days and they don't resort to such behaviour in order to satisfy their vile desires. The current generation, my one in that case have not been linked to these grooming cases, it's mostly older men which are desperate/ugly who are also not capable of charming a women as you say; but also look at the conservative time period they grew up in which may have magnified the beast in them to an extent at the very least? With the current gen and time period we're a lot more open , tolerant and accepting of the modern world in general

My dad was among the first generation, there were plenty in his circle who had white girlfriends and wives, (including plenty of Sikhs too) but they didn't need to drug girls to do it, you would have thought they would be more conservative. I don't really think there's anything conservative about these people who are grooming, they are basically animals fulfilling their lusts in a depraved and quite disgusting manner. If anything the social media age seems to have made it more accessible to perverts worldwide.
@Cpt.Rishwat obviously it depends where you have been brought up and the type of people who u are surrounded by.

Personally ive seen this mentality from a lot of people growing up but obviously majority never become sickos n education going to uni n working n mixing with others from different backgrounds also makes a lot of people grow out of these close minded views.

no surprise that these guys are predominantly involved in the night trade.

but yeah a lot of them are ugly losers who cant get girls normally combined with their mentality that reduces these girls to mere sex toys and play things and not actual humans they resort to this type of behaviour.

i think the mothers n sister thing is specific to Rotherham where the level of abuse in such a small town n subsequent investigations have shown cover ups and turning of blind eyes from members of the law enforcement politicians and people from within the community the perpetrators were from just like with the Saville case and the celebrity n westminister paedophiles.

generally these sickos will live a double life and hide their depraved acts from the family.
Report it to the police. Look at Saville, he got away with it for decades because people in the white community were scared to speak up.

If I see any girl being forced into doing something against her wishes, I will personally interven, no matter how many or who is doing the forcing.

If I see girls with men , it's not my business as it could be consensual. You do realise there are many people in this country from all types of backgrounds who drink, do drugs and get intimate with each other all consensual and no complaints made after?
If I see any girl being forced into doing something against her wishes, I will personally interven, no matter how many or who is doing the forcing.

If I see girls with men , it's not my business as it could be consensual. You do realise there are many people in this country from all types of backgrounds who drink, do drugs and get intimate with each other all consensual and no complaints made after?

Not if the girls are twelve, it isn't.
Not if the girls are twelve, it isn't.

So if I see obviously looking underage girls with Asian men I should report to the police?

What if I see a 12 year old with a White man? Report him too? They could be related.

My point is its not easy to know by simply looking at people if a serious crime of this nature is taking place. Unless you have evidence something disgusting and illegal such as this is going on, there is not much anyone or any community can do.
[MENTION=4930]Yossarian[/MENTION] in the north of england and west yorkshire in particular. Brits of Pakistani origin do dominate the drug trade. Just like in London its mostly Afro Caribbean Brits who dominate the drug trade. And romanian and bulgarian gangs that dominate human trafficking and the illegal sex trade in the U.K.

A lot of the drug dealing comes from glorification of gang culture in the inner city deprived areas of places like London Birmingham Bradford amongst youth especially in caribbean and pakistani communities.

Class education and economic status plays a big part too ofc. The Brit Pakistanis and Afro Caribbeans who live in leafy villages and middle classsuburbs having tea and scones with kathy and jon and have well paid professional jobs rarely get into these type of nefarious activities. And are living in a different world to those who are slugging it out in the inner city.
I was responding to the (ignorant) comment that "Takeaways,Taxis & Drugs all of which are predominantly run by Muslims", and thereby completely ignoring, for example, the Afro Caribbeans, Romanian and Bulgarian gangs you mention.

Why should we care about any other community? As I often say two wrongs never make a right. Pakistanis are often in the news for the wrong reasons more then any other minority community, no point in denying it. The only way such a problem can be nipped in the bud is first admitting that one exists. Don't try to get other communities involved in your attempts to cover up the crimes admitting by our people.

Why should we care about any other community? As I often say two wrongs never make a right. Pakistanis are often in the news for the wrong reasons more then any other minority community, no point in denying it. The only way such a problem can be nipped in the bud is first admitting that one exists. Don't try to get other communities involved in your attempts to cover up the crimes admitting by our people.
In that case, crimes committed by your people maybe but not mine. Talk about society as a whole, and that means all communities, but if you wish to focus upon just one group/community, then include yourself in that group/community by all means, but don't drag others into it. Why should I associate myself with these criminals? Why is it my problem just because our forefathers may have been born in the same part of the world? I pay my taxes which the government uses to fund a police force and judiciary, and it's their job to arrest and punish the guilty.

An oh, as far as eradicating such activities from society as a whole, I suggest you read this earlier post of mine.

Fact of the matter is that prostitution, murder, rape, paedophilia, child abuse, and such crimes have gone on since time immemorial, and will continue to go on regardless of ethnicity, society, wealth. Whether the laws are strict or lax, whether the penalties are severe or virtually non-existant. It even transcends social status, social classes, from priests, police, politicians, doctors and lawyers, to the uneducated and those on the bottom rungs of society.

The only thing that changes is which group to blame at any given time, which bandwagon the politicians and media will jump upon.

Posters on here are jumping on the same bandwagon, because this happens to be in the news at the moment, and making it sound as if child abuse, rape, and such crimes don't go on in other communities.

You think blaming the whole community will make the problem go away? Because if that could be so, then simply blame whatever community any rapist, paedophile, murderer, child abuser ... comes from, and hey presto! the problem will go away!

Catch the perpetrators, punish them, give them severe sentences and make them suffer. Society should do what little bit it can. But to think such problems will be eradicated completely, from any society in the world, is living in cuckoo land. Fact is there are no answers, especially simple ones.
So if I see obviously looking underage girls with Asian men I should report to the police?

What if I see a 12 year old with a White man? Report him too? They could be related.

My point is its not easy to know by simply looking at people if a serious crime of this nature is taking place. Unless you have evidence something disgusting and illegal such as this is going on, there is not much anyone or any community can do.

I expect that the decent people around Saville in hospitals and the BBC said much the same. They saw something that looked wrong but did not report it.

I was on a train with my grand-daughter. She was three at the time. She threw a temper tantrum and screamed the carriage down. The train guard intervened and asked many questions about my relationship to the child. This was most uncomfortable to me, but I accepted that the train guard had done his civic duty in an attempt to safeguard a distressed child.

My point is that if it looks wrong, it could be wrong and we should tell the Police or child protection services.
So if I see obviously looking underage girls with Asian men I should report to the police?

What if I see a 12 year old with a White man? Report him too? They could be related.

My point is its not easy to know by simply looking at people if a serious crime of this nature is taking place. Unless you have evidence something disgusting and illegal such as this is going on, there is not much anyone or any community can do.

I expect that the decent people around Saville in hospitals and the BBC said much the same. They saw something that looked wrong but did not report it.

I was on a train with my grand-daughter. She was three at the time. She threw a temper tantrum and screamed the carriage down. The train guard intervened and asked many questions about my relationship to the child. This was most uncomfortable to me, but I accepted that the train guard had done his civic duty in an attempt to safeguard a distressed child.

My point is that if it looks wrong, it could be wrong and we should tell the Police or child protection services.
You both have a point. However, think of a Black or Asian man married to a white Caucasian woman and having a young child who has inherited the skin colour, hair and facial features from the mother's side. Imagine if he starts being stopped on a frequent basis every time he goes out with his child without his wife also being with him, because "There's a Black/Asian man with a young white girl getting into the car together", especially if the child is having a sulk/tantrum like children often do with their parents when they can't get their own way.

I am afraid the world will look at Pakistanis as "our people" if you happen to be one. Your logic of saying "it wasn't me" even though you are Pakistani won't wash with the media or most of the general public. They generalise when it comes to Muslim's and any community within it. It wasn't me either but when they use the word "Pakistani" makes kit clear what they are thinking. I did read your earlier mail where you are on about Catholics and what not. It is not me but the British public and press you need to tell this to. Pakistanis are often in the news for the wrong reasons, I don't know why you are in denial.

Child sex grooming referrals set to reach record high in Bradford



I have been reading stuff like this in the local rag for years and am yet to see a single incident of a Bradford based grooming gang only Keighley.

The last major incident in Bradford was

Middle-class teenager was groomed and abused by 20 men he met online as police said they were 'powerless' to prevent him using the internet

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ager-groomed-abused-20-men.html#ixzz4pYxsAg00
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I am afraid the world will look at Pakistanis as "our people" if you happen to be one. Your logic of saying "it wasn't me" even though you are Pakistani won't wash with the media or most of the general public. They generalise when it comes to Muslim's and any community within it. It wasn't me either but when they use the word "Pakistani" makes kit clear what they are thinking. I did read your earlier mail where you are on about Catholics and what not. It is not me but the British public and press you need to tell this to. Pakistanis are often in the news for the wrong reasons, I don't know why you are in denial.
I for one don't classify myself as being a 'British Pakistani', instead if the need arises I use the phrase 'British citizen of Pakistani origin'. In fact the vast majority of those classified as being 'British Pakistani' have very little history with Pakistan for a start.

Let me explain why:

The majority of these so called 'British Pakistanis' are descendents of those who first came to the UK in the late 50's and 60's as adults looking for work to save and send money back to their families. Meaning they would have been born prior to the creation of Pakistan, and would only have lived in a country called 'Pakistan' for a matter of only 10 to 20 years out of their whole lives (from 1947 when Pakistan came into existence to when they arrived in the UK in the late 50's to late 60's).

If you are going to call those born in the UK as being 'British Pakistanis' purely on the basis that their parents or grandparents were born in a country called Pakistan, then by the same token those born before 1947, or whose parents or grandparents were born before 1947, should actually be referred to as 'British Indians'.

Now with that cleared up, let me address your point in a different way:
Whilst the politicians and media might be quite happy to label even 3rd or 4th generation UK born citizens as being 'British Pakistanis', I don't see why those labelled as such have to go along with it and thus set themselves apart from anyone else. Do you see 3rd or 4th generation UK born referring to themselves as 'British Italians' or 'British Poles' or 'British Spaniards' if their grandparents or great grandparents were born in those countries?

Hence, regardless of what labels the politicians and media wish to stick on, I for one regard myself as simply being a UK citizen, or at worse, a UK citizen of Pakistani origin. I refuse to see myself as being different to mainstream society, as being part of some 'community' separate from the rest of British society. And in that regard I refuse to take ownership of some vermin by accepting that somehow they and myself are part of some fictitious 'community'. However, if you wish to take ownership for yourself, then that is your prerogative.
I for one don't classify myself as being a 'British Pakistani', instead if the need arises I use the phrase 'British citizen of Pakistani origin'. In fact the vast majority of those classified as being 'British Pakistani' have very little history with Pakistan for a start.

Let me explain why:

The majority of these so called 'British Pakistanis' are descendents of those who first came to the UK in the late 50's and 60's as adults looking for work to save and send money back to their families. Meaning they would have been born prior to the creation of Pakistan, and would only have lived in a country called 'Pakistan' for a matter of only 10 to 20 years out of their whole lives (from 1947 when Pakistan came into existence to when they arrived in the UK in the late 50's to late 60's).

If you are going to call those born in the UK as being 'British Pakistanis' purely on the basis that their parents or grandparents were born in a country called Pakistan, then by the same token those born before 1947, or whose parents or grandparents were born before 1947, should actually be referred to as 'British Indians'.

Now with that cleared up, let me address your point in a different way:
Whilst the politicians and media might be quite happy to label even 3rd or 4th generation UK born citizens as being 'British Pakistanis', I don't see why those labelled as such have to go along with it and thus set themselves apart from anyone else. Do you see 3rd or 4th generation UK born referring to themselves as 'British Italians' or 'British Poles' or 'British Spaniards' if their grandparents or great grandparents were born in those countries?

Hence, regardless of what labels the politicians and media wish to stick on, I for one regard myself as simply being a UK citizen, or at worse, a UK citizen of Pakistani origin. I refuse to see myself as being different to mainstream society, as being part of some 'community' separate from the rest of British society. And in that regard I refuse to take ownership of some vermin by accepting that somehow they and myself are part of some fictitious 'community'. However, if you wish to take ownership for yourself, then that is your prerogative.

Stop writing such massive and long essays. I am standing by what I have been saying that Pakistanis in the west do have a problem. It is also due to being poorly educated as well. No one is mentioning you specifically or asking you to take responsibility. I am sure at least one Pakistani would agree with me making it "our" problem.
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Stop writing such massive and long essays. I am standing by what I have been saying that Pakistanis in the west do have a problem. It is also due to being poorly educated as well. No one is mentioning you specifically or asking you to take responsibility. I am sure at least one Pakistani would agree with me making it "our" problem.
Fair enough, if you're saying it's 'our' problem then fine, it's 'your' problem. Meaning you're taking ownership of it. As I said that's your prerogative.
Fair enough, if you're saying it's 'our' problem then fine, it's 'your' problem. Meaning you're taking ownership of it. As I said that's your prerogative.

It is the problem of every Pakistani who feels this is "our problem".
Fair enough, if you're saying it's 'our' problem then fine, it's 'your' problem. Meaning you're taking ownership of it. As I said that's your prerogative.

Please guys, take the advice of Yossarian and myself and report any suspicious behaviour. Forget about friends or families, you are living in Britain, you have a duty to your fellow countrymen to stand side by side for justice. Wake up! Stop hiding this abhorrent behaviour and letting down decent people like Robert, James, Yossarian and me.
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This is a complex issue which sadly gets hijacked by various commentators for political and ideological purposes whenever these stories appear. People will cherrypick the numbers when in reality, statistics about sexual abuse and the ethnicity of perpetrators are patchy, drawn from limited number of areas and hard to draw national conclusions from.

1) Some believe race or religion solely predisposes these men to sexual abuse but ignore socio-economics and local demographics. One of the reasons why there's an over-representation of Asian men in these grooming cases is because of how they dominate the "night-time economy", i.e. taxi driving, drug dealing and takeaways. Of course this isn't the case nationally, but in some parts of the North of England it is the case.

2) Sexual abuse also takes different forms. Child protection expert Mark Williams-Thomas says attacks in isolation and through online tend to be perpetrated by white men. However, the transferring of girls among young men for sex involves Pakistani men.

3) There are however some cultural factors at play too and shouldn't be swept under the carpet or dismissed as racist. These Asian groomers are often guilty of racism themselves - the vast majority of their victims are white ! There are disparities between the age of consent in the UK and some of these countries these men originate from. They come from patriarchal societies where women are treated as second-class citizens who men have a birthrate to dominate than treat as equals in the household.

When you have a religious culture that lends itself to a high degree of sexual repression and makes the topic of sex taboo, then its not surprising that it manifests itself in dangerous and sickening ways in testosterone-charged men.

Finally, the justice system repeatedly lets down victims of every background. When conviction rates are so low and these vulnerable girls, often from deprived and unstable backgrounds, are targeted by men (be it Asian gangs or white celebrities) who know they'll be too intimidated to report them then a culture of impunity develops. Savile was never brought to book. I hope we learn the right lessons from this and prevent a serious issue from devolving into the usual ideological mudslinging.

Great insight.
British Pakistani men ARE raping and exploiting white girls… and it’s time we faced up to it

There. I said it. Does that make me a racist? Or am I just prepared to call out this horrifying problem for what it is?


After the article became public, Sarah Champion the Labour MP for Rotherham and Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities has quit the party's front bench after criticism!
She only resigned because she lied by saying that the Sun newspaper had distorted her words.

Only when an E-mail was leaked that stated she was delighted with the article was she caught red handed with her lie so she had no choice but resign otherwise she was getting fired.

She actually got it totally wrong when pointing to Pakistanis as in this Newcastle case these perverts were from across the subcontinent.
She only resigned because she lied by saying that the Sun newspaper had distorted her words.

Only when an E-mail was leaked that stated she was delighted with the article was she caught red handed with her lie so she had no choice but resign otherwise she was getting fired.

She actually got it totally wrong when pointing to Pakistanis as in this Newcastle case these perverts were from across the subcontinent.

Predominantly Bengali. Muslims in the main ..
Predominantly Bengali. Muslims in the main ..

Yeah they are animals wherever they are from.

Root cause needs to be tackled and discussions need to be taken place but constant pointing at 1 community like some of these opportunists like to do is not going to solve the problem.
Yeah they are animals wherever they are from.

Root cause needs to be tackled and discussions need to be taken place but constant pointing at 1 community like some of these opportunists like to do is not going to solve the problem.

It was the Sun, the problem's been solved as far as they are concerned. They got a juicy headline with an MP condemning a hated racial group for raping white girls. It must have been like winning the lottery for them.
It was the Sun, the problem's been solved as far as they are concerned. They got a juicy headline with an MP condemning a hated racial group for raping white girls. It must have been like winning the lottery for them.

And that too from a Labour MP. So a double win.
My dad was among the first generation, there were plenty in his circle who had white girlfriends and wives, (including plenty of Sikhs too) but they didn't need to drug girls to do it, you would have thought they would be more conservative. I don't really think there's anything conservative about these people who are grooming, they are basically animals fulfilling their lusts in a depraved and quite disgusting manner. If anything the social media age seems to have made it more accessible to perverts worldwide.

I respect your view but believe that if you lived in the inner city you'd see what I mean, am not someone who is overly against your view or overly in favour of the posing argument but there is a foundation which inspired the animalistic tendencies, now there is a fair amount of such folk in Bradford and probably in the midlands to and it doesn't give me any pleasure to say that. Having said that there are good and bad examples, in terms of what has happened recently and in the past it's one of the extremes with regards to the bad examples.

It wouldn't be right to pain all with the same brush, I accept that and also have family who started out in the night time economy and others who are highly successful business men when they arrived here with literally nothing; but at the same time, certain folk have a demented view of the world and it's not limited to a tiny sample , such views rarely inspire vile deeds but in other cases like this one they behave as gateway to unspeakable evils. So then it's fair to question the foundation of their thinking patterns, it could be a combination of what has already been suggested in this thread but hopefully moving forward we won't have to debate over these things.
I respect your view but believe that if you lived in the inner city you'd see what I mean, am not someone who is overly against your view or overly in favour of the posing argument but there is a foundation which inspired the animalistic tendencies, now there is a fair amount of such folk in Bradford and probably in the midlands to and it doesn't give me any pleasure to say that. Having said that there are good and bad examples, in terms of what has happened recently and in the past it's one of the extremes with regards to the bad examples.

It wouldn't be right to pain all with the same brush, I accept that and also have family who started out in the night time economy and others who are highly successful business men when they arrived here with literally nothing; but at the same time, certain folk have a demented view of the world and it's not limited to a tiny sample , such views rarely inspire vile deeds but in other cases like this one they behave as gateway to unspeakable evils. So then it's fair to question the foundation of their thinking patterns, it could be a combination of what has already been suggested in this thread but hopefully moving forward we won't have to debate over these things.

You seem to have some direct experience of folk with this demented view of the world, so perhaps if it's more prevalent in Bradford and the midlands, more effort needs to be concentrated there to confront those with such destructive mindsets. Do you know people who are influential in your community who should perhaps be doing more in this regard?
You seem to have some direct experience of folk with this demented view of the world, so perhaps if it's more prevalent in Bradford and the midlands, more effort needs to be concentrated there to confront those with such destructive mindsets. Do you know people who are influential in your community who should perhaps be doing more in this regard?

There is an influential sheikh who also happens to be related to Moeen Ali near Alum Rock who does some really good work in a trouble some region and in my area the local imam regularly speaks out against those who seem to think they can get away with being naughty by putting money in the bucket during collection out of guilt for their sins.

And while efforts are being made to help the youth and it's the right thing to do maybe said influential folk should focus on the 1st generation immigrants as well and touch on topics which people are not so open to talking about, perhaps use religion as a tool to strike fear in their hearts because it always incites a reaction. Also, those whom gain entry to the UK must also be open to enrolling on a equality and diversity course; which doesn't affect their stay but make it compulsory anyway so they are made to understand that white women are not meat
Anyhow the midlands you do get various cases although it seems to be more prevalent in Bradford but can't say much on what's being done there and area's for improvement, a focused effort there would definitely be a good thing
Anyhow the midlands you do get various cases although it seems to be more prevalent in Bradford but can't say much on what's being done there and area's for improvement, a focused effort there would definitely be a good thing
There's not been a single case in Bradford!!!. Bradfordians have been involved but this is mainly a Rotherham and Lancashire issue!!. Likewise, Bradford had had none convicted for actual terrorism!.
There's not been a single case in Bradford!!!. Bradfordians have been involved but this is mainly a Rotherham and Lancashire issue!!. Likewise, Bradford had had none convicted for actual terrorism!.

the only ones that were involved were 1 from the Huddersfield gang and one from Ayelsbury gang both looked like the typical asylum seeker/student types.

Locally it is a Keighley, Leeds, and Huddersfield issue.
There is an influential sheikh who also happens to be related to Moeen Ali near Alum Rock who does some really good work in a trouble some region and in my area the local imam regularly speaks out against those who seem to think they can get away with being naughty by putting money in the bucket during collection out of guilt for their sins.

And while efforts are being made to help the youth and it's the right thing to do maybe said influential folk should focus on the 1st generation immigrants as well and touch on topics which people are not so open to talking about, perhaps use religion as a tool to strike fear in their hearts because it always incites a reaction. Also, those whom gain entry to the UK must also be open to enrolling on a equality and diversity course; which doesn't affect their stay but make it compulsory anyway so they are made to understand that white women are not meat

Do you know if any of the perpetrators in the Midlands attend these talks? I am wondering if there is some confusion in the minds of people who attend the mosques up and down the country that they might have religious sanction for plying underage white girls with alcohol and drugs in order to have sex with them? It isn't something I had considered before, but if people who attend a mosque are unclear on it then the question needs to be asked.
There's not been a single case in Bradford!!!. Bradfordians have been involved but this is mainly a Rotherham and Lancashire issue!!. Likewise, Bradford had had none convicted for actual terrorism!.

Tanveer Ahmed
That's just common sense but it's also naive to ignore the fact that we do have a problem

WE don't have a problem. Britain had a problem, and it is being fixed by police doing their jobs and prosecuting criminals and putting them in jail. They weren't doing this before for reasons best known to themselves, but they are now and that will do the job. Not to mention the trades of these scumbags will suffer and all over the country that will be felt by perfectly innocent taxi drivers and takeaway businesses. I think that will have more effect than any vague talk in a mosque where the perps probably won't even be present.
WE don't have a problem. Britain had a problem, and it is being fixed by police doing their jobs and prosecuting criminals and putting them in jail. They weren't doing this before for reasons best known to themselves, but they are now and that will do the job. Not to mention the trades of these scumbags will suffer and all over the country that will be felt by perfectly innocent taxi drivers and takeaway businesses. I think that will have more effect than any vague talk in a mosque where the perps probably won't even be present.

Policing is definitely pivotal but we do have a problem and making an effort won't hurt, those who live beyond the inner city with the likes of Kathy and John are generally clue less with regards to inner city woes; they haven't seen how messed up things are and in their world everything is hunky dory because life has been very kind to them, it's not nice that the British Pakistani's are in the news for these such reasons and I understand that they ought to get frustrated by this more then anything but we do have problems
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Our people are not perfect and most of you who are doing well would disown your folk from the deprived regions of England if you lived there for a week or two, anyhow just because we're not perfect on the whole doesn't mean we're defined by all the bad either because there's so much good to, but this is just a fact. If people have a problem with that they can classify themselves beyond their ethnic roots.
Policing is definitely pivotal but we do have a problem and making an effort won't hurt, those who live beyond the inner city with the likes of Kathy and John are generally clue less with regards to inner city woes; they haven't seen how messed up things are and in their world everything is hunky dory because life has been very kind to them, it's not nice that the British Pakistani's are in the news for these such reasons and I understand that they ought to get frustrated by this more then anything but we do have problems

By all means if you can make a difference do so, but the problem won't be solved by saying we have a problem. We need specifics, if communities are going to be held accountable, then we need to identify who represents the community and how they will get their message across to put an end to it. As we have seen though, everyone thinks it's someone else's problem, when you get too specific then posts get removed because people take offence. Strange that.
By all means if you can make a difference do so, but the problem won't be solved by saying we have a problem. We need specifics, if communities are going to be held accountable, then we need to identify who represents the community and how they will get their message across to put an end to it. As we have seen though, everyone thinks it's someone else's problem, when you get too specific then posts get removed because people take offence. Strange that.

Others don't need to classify as being a part of that community given that in general these issues are foreign to them; so don't mean for anyone to take it personally when I use the word "we" it doesn't mean am referring to them
Six men have been jailed for their part in the grooming and sexual abuse of five young girls in Rotherham.

The men subjected the girls to "degrading and violent" acts using drink, drugs and the "excitement of friendship" to lure them in.

One girl told a trial how she had sex with "at least 100 Asian men" by the time she was 16, while another described being gang-raped in a forest.

The gang was sentenced to between 14 and 23 years at Sheffield Crown Court.

The gang, who are all of British Pakistani heritage, targeted and groomed the girls over seven years.

The court heard they "destroyed" them and that their childhood had been taken from them.

Sentencing them, Judge Sarah Wright told the men: "Each of the complainants in this case were groomed, coerced and intimidated. Each of them was groomed. Each of you, groomed.

"You can have been in no doubt that the complainants were vulnerable in the extreme."

The victims described being taken to locations across Rotherham including a tip in Rawmarsh, a supermarket car park, and at Clifton Park and Ulley Country Park.

One girl, who was 14 at the time, was given cannabis and driven to Sherwood Forest by Nabeel Kurshid, Iqlak Yousaf and a third man.

The men then took turns raping her, warning her that if she did not do as she was told she would be left there.

Another said Mohammed Imran Ali Akhtar regularly threatened to dump her in remote locations if she did not have sex with him and his friends, and on one occasion, he abandoned her by the side of a motorway.

The same girl said Akhtar would take her to meet older Asian taxi drivers, who would then abuse her.

Another recounted how as Tanweer Ali raped her in the back of a car he told her: "It's better you just get it over and done with and then you can go back home".

Judge Wright added: "You were clearly not immature evidenced by the fact you all indulged in cynical manipulation and exploitation of your victims, which showed a maturity well beyond your chronological age.

"They continue to suffer considerable trauma and will continue to suffer throughout their lives as a result of your actions."

The convicted men:

Mohammed Imran Ali Akhtar, 37, of Godstone Road, Rotherham, was found guilty of one rape, one charge of aiding and abetting rape, three indecent assaults, one charge of procuring a girl under 21 to have unlawful sexual intercourse with another and one sexual assault, sentenced to 23 years.

Nabeel Kurshid, 35, of Weetwood Road, Rotherham, was found guilty of two counts of rape and one indecent assault, sentenced to 19 years.

Iqlak Yousaf, 34, Tooker Road, Rotherham, was found guilty of two rapes and two indecent assaults, sentenced to 20 years.
Tanweer Ali, 37, of Godstone Road, Rotherham, was found guilty of two rapes, two indecent assaults and one charge of false imprisonment, sentenced to 14 years.

Salah Ahmed El-Hakam, 39, Tudor Close, Sheffield, was found guilty of one rape, sentenced to 15 years.

A seventh man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, will be sentenced at a later date after being convicted of two counts of rape.

Five men to be sentenced for sex attacks on seven Rotherham girls

They are among six men convicted of a number of offences, including rape and sexual assault, as part of the National Crime Agency’s investigation into allegations of historic abuse and exploitation in Rotherham.CRIME: Police disclose more in bid to find man wanted over kidnap and drug offences in SheffieldMasaued Malik, aged 35, Aftab Hussain, 40, Abid Saddiq, 38, Sharaz Hussain, 35, as well as two men aged 33 and 35, who can’t be named for legal reasons, were found guilty following an eight week trial at Sheffield Crown Court.

A seventh man, Mohammed Ashan, 35, pleaded guilty to a number of offences at the beginning of the trial.

Masaued Malik, Aftab Hussain, Abid Saddiq and Sharaz Hussain are to learn of their fate today when they are sentenced alongside one of the men who is unable to be identified.

The other two offenders are to be sentenced at later dates.

They abused seven girls, who were all under the age of 16, between 1998 and 2002.

The NCA said the girls ‘were all vulnerable and craving attention and love’ and were ‘deliberately targeted for the sole purpose of becoming sexual objects for the men’.

The NCA said: “At the time, none of them had the maturity to understand they were being groomed and exploited, believing that sex was some kind of ‘necessary price’ for friendship.

“They were given alcohol and drugs, belittled and passed around to other men for their gratification, and were vulnerable because of their need to be loved. All seven suffer the emotional effects of the abuse to this day.”

The attackers were said to have often acted ‘as a group’ and were ‘happy to share girls around amongst each other’.

A lengthy investigation into abuse established that the men plied their victims with drugs and alcohol and the girls were often raped by multiple offenders.The NCA launched an investigation into historic child sexual exploitation in Rotherham after an independent report established that around 1,400 victims had been abused by men of predominantly Pakistani heritage between 1997 and 2013 while those in authority failed to act.


Three men have been convicted of sexually abusing vulnerable teenage girls after police found a "treasure trove" of evidence against them.

Police said the offences took place in Nottingham city centre between February 2017 and January 2019.

They related to three girls in the care system who were 13 to 15 at the time, the force added.

Waqas Akhtar, Mohammed Saeed Ahmed and Hamza Shazad will be sentenced later this month.

Nottinghamshire Police said they started an investigation into the men in September 2018 after concerns were raised by agencies in charge of supporting two of the girls.

Officers spent 12 months gathering evidence before carrying out co-ordinated raids on the same day in March 2019.

Police found a "treasure trove" of digital evidence, including "significant evidence of grooming and abuse" on the men's phones against two of the girls and a third who had not been previously mentioned in inquiries.

Waqas Akhtar, 26, of Glentworth Road, Radford, Nottingham, was convicted at Nottingham Crown Court on Tuesday of sexual activity with a girl under 16, penetrative sexual activity with a girl under 16, two counts of engaging in sexual communication with a child, and meeting a girl under 16 years of age following grooming.

Hamza Shazad, 27, of Ewart Road, Forest Fields, had earlier admitted three counts of making indecent photographs of children, one count of possessing extreme pornographic images and three counts of distributing indecent photographs of a child. He denied engaging in sexual communication with a child, two counts of causing or inciting a girl aged 13 to 15 to engage in penetrative sexual activity and one count of meeting a girl under 16 years of age following grooming. A jury found him not guilty of these counts on Wednesday.

Mohammed Saeed Ahmed, 22, of Vale Crescent South, previously pleaded guilty to engaging in sexual communication with a child, causing or inciting a girl under 16 to engage in sexual activity and sexual activity with a girl under 16.

Ansar Ahmed, 30, of Radford Road, Nottingham, was cleared of all charges against him.

Waqar Akhtar, 27, of Glentworth Road, Radford, Nottingham, was dismissed from the trial as there was insufficient evidence against him.

Waqas Akhtar, Mohammed Saeed Ahmed and Shazad will be sentenced at the same court on 29 March.

Det Insp Jamie Hill said: "These vulnerable young people were sexually abused and exploited by adult men who knew full well that what they were doing was wrong. These men groomed them for sex over a sustained period - sending and receiving sexually explicit messages.

"This was a complex and long-running investigation involving dozens of detectives. As is often the way with reports of child sexual exploitation, this case started not with a complaint by the victims, but by the very grave concerns of other people.

"These incidents, while rare, are incredibly shocking and it takes immense strength for victims to come forward and share their traumatic experiences."
More animals that give Asians in the UK a bad name.

Hope they get the punishment they deserve.

There is also a massive scandal brewing in the Midlands. The trial has been delayed until 2022.These haraamis are in each and every corner of our community.
There is also a massive scandal brewing in the Midlands. The trial has been delayed until 2022.These haraamis are in each and every corner of our community.

And many have wives and daughters.

Such vile, disgusting people.

It seems to be happening too often and something needs to be done about it.

It's almost as if Asian communities know about these animals yet hide them and protect them.

5 min walk from my house, 2 of them lived in my area, 1 of them used to go to my mosque when he was a kid till around 12yrs old and then he got involved with drugs and then just hanged around in cars selling drugs.

The girl were from a a school called Nottingham girls high school academy - basically the best along with its boys schools in Nottingham, unfortunate both schools are side by side and both are located on a prostitute road, its filled up from women on the streets from sunset - police just patrol in the vehicle - which is a few seconds, they never make any arrests.
And many have wives and daughters.

Such vile, disgusting people.

It seems to be happening too often and something needs to be done about it.

It's almost as if Asian communities know about these animals yet hide them and protect them.

From what I have seen its matter of turning a blind eye rather than any delibrate policy of protection and hiding. Once again drugs brings together damaged, vulnerable young white girls with predatory, mostly PK older men( in most cases). It's a stain on our community and its painful to be associated with this crap.
From what I have seen its matter of turning a blind eye rather than any delibrate policy of protection and hiding. Once again drugs brings together damaged, vulnerable young white girls with predatory, mostly PK older men( in most cases). It's a stain on our community and its painful to be associated with this crap.

I find it incredible that their family members can just turn a blind eye to such things. I understand there will be pressure and the aspect of respect in the community comes into it. But all these guys will have brothers, sisters, mums, dads, wives, surely some of them will want them to stop doing what they are doing or even have the guts to go to the police. But it seems they never do.

The series Three Girls is a brilliant watch and really shows how these people operate.
I find it incredible that their family members can just turn a blind eye to such things. I understand there will be pressure and the aspect of respect in the community comes into it. But all these guys will have brothers, sisters, mums, dads, wives, surely some of them will want them to stop doing what they are doing or even have the guts to go to the police. But it seems they never do.

The series Three Girls is a brilliant watch and really shows how these people operate.

It's the desi policy of see no evil, hear no evil and hope it goes away. As I have said a number of times, drugs is destroying our communities. It's a whole industry with most people happy to get a slice of the action. Its the reason that I would legalise all drugs, sell through chemists , tax and educate. It would stop this seedy underworld of losers, roping in thick, vulnerable people and abusing them.
One of the main issues we see in pakistani families in the uk and the fact that leads some to such behaviour is the environment some pakistani children are brought up in the uk

There is a real disconnect between the youth and their parents in some towns n areas

One if not both parents will be from rural pakistan n lacking in formal education Kids are bought up in relative poverty in the uk The father is usually busy working in taxis or takeaways during unsociable hours all the time trying to send money back to pakistan and doesnt spend quality time or money on his children or take an interest in their life, studies or career prospects They dont know or take an interest in what the kids are upto outside of the house or with who

Children cant approach their parents or talk to them There is a big cultural gap The parents instead of encouraging their career choices are only interested in getting their kids married usually to their unsuitable cousins from rural pakistan Without formal education, brought up in rough inner suburbs and with poor career prospects some kids end up going down the crime, drug, route because of the environment they have been brought up in unfortunately

Some of the pakistani population really need to have a good look at themselves and the horrid role the elder generation are playing in bringing up their kids in the uk
One of the main issues we see in pakistani families in the uk and the fact that leads some to such behaviour is the environment some pakistani children are brought up in the uk

There is a real disconnect between the youth and their parents in some towns n areas

One if not both parents will be from rural pakistan n lacking in formal education Kids are bought up in relative poverty in the uk The father is usually busy working in taxis or takeaways during unsociable hours all the time trying to send money back to pakistan and doesnt spend quality time or money on his children or take an interest in their life, studies or career prospects They dont know or take an interest in what the kids are upto outside of the house or with who

Children cant approach their parents or talk to them There is a big cultural gap The parents instead of encouraging their career choices are only interested in getting their kids married usually to their unsuitable cousins from rural pakistan Without formal education, brought up in rough inner suburbs and with poor career prospects some kids end up going down the crime, drug, route because of the environment they have been brought up in unfortunately

Some of the pakistani population really need to have a good look at themselves and the horrid role the elder generation are playing in bringing up their kids in the uk

So much of what you say is true but from experience our community isn't poor. We make money, not always legally or ethically but even our poorest have as much disposable income as lower middle class people. My brother is a taxi driver and his income is higher than mine as a teacher. What we lack is ambition, happy to make money with which ever method works but the consequences of thia are that the children see this and they lack the drive for education and careers. When I was growing up even the factory workers dreamnt of their children becoming Doctors and lawyers, today that has become the preserve of upper Middle class in too many cases. We are a very confused people, we talk about Islam in every conversation but we have no scruples to commit fraud.
These terrible crimes other victims are the silent, law abiding people who have no control over any of this but lumped together with these haraamis.
This is now endemic to British Pakistanis, statistics permitting. Appears all the bhangra conflates with their conservative values creating a very unsavoury cocktail
Then we complain of prejudice and discrimination against British Pakistanis, unfortunately, it is our own doing. Grooming gangs, welfare fraud, illegal drugs, and insurance fraud; our community is heavily involved in all these crimes.
So much of what you say is true but from experience our community isn't poor. We make money, not always legally or ethically but even our poorest have as much disposable income as lower middle class people. My brother is a taxi driver and his income is higher than mine as a teacher. What we lack is ambition, happy to make money with which ever method works but the consequences of thia are that the children see this and they lack the drive for education and careers. When I was growing up even the factory workers dreamnt of their children becoming Doctors and lawyers, today that has become the preserve of upper Middle class in too many cases. We are a very confused people, we talk about Islam in every conversation but we have no scruples to commit fraud.
These terrible crimes other victims are the silent, law abiding people who have no control over any of this but lumped together with these haraamis.

I agree with the points above

For some reason the pakistani community is very heavily into running after money It doesnt matter how they make it as long as it comes in

Working long hours unsociable hours takeaways taxis benefit fraud is all ok as long at it comes in

They say we worked hard all our life and given them everything What life lessons direction and skills do they give their children? All the focus is on material things - money

What some of the community dont understand is that the best thing you can give your children isnt money but your time

Show them how to be good educated citizens esrning money the halal way
Little doesnt matter How its made matters

Children are easy to mould and if they are brought up in the right environment they will in most cases grow up to be educated upstanding people esrning and living their life free from crime and deceit
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I agree with the points above

For some reason the pakistani community is very heavily into running after money It doesnt matter how they make it as long as it comes in

Working long hours unsociable hours takeaways taxis benefit fraud is all ok as long at it comes in

They say we worked hard all our life and given them everything What life lessons direction and skills do they give their children? All the focus is on material things - money

What some of the community dont understand is that the best thing you can give your children isnt money but your time

Show them how to be good educated citizens esrning money the halal way
Little doesnt matter How its made matters

Children are easy to mould and if they are brought up in the right environment they will in most cases grow up to be educated upstanding people esrning and living their life free from crime and deceit

In my time in teaching I have taught murderers, rapists, fraudsters and the common theme is crap, immoral parents.
In my time in teaching I have taught murderers, rapists, fraudsters and the common theme is crap, immoral parents.

And thats where these people are going wrong They need to sort out their priorities The most important things in life to a parent should be their children

They need to spend time with their kids, show them a good mix of love care n discipline, teach them right from wrong Set a better example themselves Try n get them educated and be good examples to follow

Dont make money the focus of everything as its obviously not

Bring them up in a environment where they can talk to their parents and go far in life

If you dont pay attention to your kids they will fall by the wayside
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A lot of these rapists also abuse women and kids in their own social circle and families. It's just that it's never reported. I've known people who were abused by such pedos but their parents would either not know or not say anything because of izzat.

These people don't only abuse white kids. They're 100 percent abusing kids in their own circle too but the culture of izat etc prevents anyone from coming forward
A lot of these rapists also abuse women and kids in their own social circle and families. It's just that it's never reported. I've known people who were abused by such pedos but their parents would either not know or not say anything because of izzat.

These people don't only abuse white kids. They're 100 percent abusing kids in their own circle too but the culture of izat etc prevents anyone from coming forward

Spot on. The majority of sexual abuse is done by friends and family.
It's the desi policy of see no evil, hear no evil and hope it goes away. As I have said a number of times, drugs is destroying our communities. It's a whole industry with most people happy to get a slice of the action. Its the reason that I would legalise all drugs, sell through chemists , tax and educate. It would stop this seedy underworld of losers, roping in thick, vulnerable people and abusing them.

This see no evil, hear no evil policy makes those people as bad as these animals then.

By turning a blind eye to what they are doing helps these people carry on doing what they want and when they want.

I don't believe for a minute that their families don't know what they are up to.
Greater Manchester Police has been accused of ‘blanking’ three Rochdale grooming victims who have been trying to progress legal action against the force for over 18 months.

The mayor’s office has also been urged to ‘get off the fence’ over the situation, which has seen GMP repeatedly fail to respond to the women’s lawyers since August 2019.

One of the victims told the M.E.N. that publicity around the force’s year-old Child Sexual Exploitation Unit a few weeks ago felt like a particular ‘slap in the face’ to victims who were still trying to get legal acknowledgement of previous failures.

Daisy (not her real name) was abused by gang members from the age of 12 - in sustained abuse that would see her have an abortion at 14 and, on one occasion, a scalding hot spoon held against her arm after she denied a man sex - but has never seen the perpetrators prosecuted and was repeatedly criminalised herself as a teenager.

She would later go through the further ordeal of acting as a witness to help put away Rochdale’s most infamous grooming gang in 2012, but says her own victim testimonies were never followed up.

After that trial, Daisy says she had to move house four times in a year to get away from revenge attacks by her abusers, ending up in emergency homeless accommodation with her baby and one-year-old. She says she was told by GMP that the case was ‘closed’ and there was nothing further they could do.

Daisy is one of three victims to have begun legal proceedings against GMP’s then-Chief Constable Ian Hopkins, via the Centre for Women’s Justice, in summer 2019.

However the force has still not responded officially to lay out its own position and the CWJ has never managed to secure a meeting with its representatives, either on the phone or in person.

Last November the CWJ wrote to Andy Burnham to lodge a complaint, saying they were unclear on the reasons for GMP’s overall ‘failure to communicate’.

“On the rare occasions on which GMP’s Principal Solicitor has engaged in correspondence with us, her attitude has typically been defensive, dismissive, and rude,” it said.

“Our clients feel insulted, and are very distressed. We cannot even advise them how many more months they will have to wait before hearing back from GMP.

“It is impossible to progress their legal claims without knowing whether GMP intends to defend them or not.”

In response a few days later, deputy mayor Beverley Hughes apologised to the victims for any distress caused by the delays and said she had written to Ian Hopkins, asking that he ‘personally review the conduct of this case’ and either set up a meeting with the CWJ by Christmas or at the very least agree a way forward.

A few weeks later the Chief Constable stood down in the wake of last year’s damning inspection of the force and GMP has still not agreed to a meeting, or laid out its legal position.

'Police said there's nothing we can do, case closed'
Daisy, whose story featured in File on 4’s BBC documentary on the Rochdale grooming scandal last summer, said she had therefore been particularly appalled to see the force launch a publicity drive in March, highlighting the successes of its Child Sexual Exploitation Unit.

“How can they go to the papers and say they've done this big massive achievement when they can’t even wipe up the mess they did ten years ago?” she said.

“They’ve been scrutinised, but they’ve never been done for it. How are these people getting away with it? We were 12 years old. It’s absolutely barbaric.

“I think more than anything, it's a slap in the face. It’s embarrassing. They are asking more people to come and speak to them, but they won’t deal with us.”

Daisy’s own story was outlined by File on 4 in a documentary last July, in which she described how men years and even decades older passed her around for sex, on one occasion punching her in the face and kicking her out of a car on Saddleworth Moor, barefoot, in the middle of the night, after she refused to do what they wanted.

She says GMP never arrested or charged her abusers, despite having hours of victim testimony from her on file. While she did agree to testify as a witness in the 2012 grooming trial, afterwards Daisy says her own case was not pursued and ultimately she became homeless with her two small children as a result of fleeing reprisals.

“They said ‘there’s nothing we can do, the case is closed’,” she said of GMP.

“I had a baby and a one year old.”

The Centre for Women’s Justice subsequently took on Daisy’s case and that of two other victims, sending a ‘letter before claim’ to GMP’s legal department on August 12, 2019, seeking the force’s legal position in response.

That move was part of routine efforts to ideally come to an agreement out of court, in order to avoid the cost of full court proceedings.

However, according to the complaint provided to the mayor’s office over a year later, GMP failed to acknowledge the letter for three months, before then ignoring correspondence on around 20 subsequent occasions and repeatedly missing deadlines to lay out its own position.

“CWJ are aware of similar complaints being made against the Chief Constable’s legal team in the Manchester Arena Bombing Inquiry,” adds the letter.

The complaint also says lawyers acting for the Director of Public Prosecutions, whose office is also facing parallel legal action from the victims, ‘have been equally frustrated by GMP legal services who, as we understand, will not communicate with them either’.

Since that complaint last November, acting Deputy Chief Constable Mabs Hussain has responded to the CWJ - in February this year - stating that the force’s handling of historic child abuse litigation is being reviewed. But GMP is still yet to outline its legal position or to agree a meeting, meaning a court case and the costs associated is now looking increasingly likely.

'Victims are just an afterthought'
Former GMP detective and campaigner Maggie Oliver, whose charity the Maggie Oliver Foundation is supporting the three victims - and many others involved in similar cases across the country - said the legal action was about formal acknowledgement of failures, in order to stop similar failures being repeated.

The CWJ’s complaint to the mayor showed ‘how many times’ the force’s legal department had ‘completely blanked them, ignored them’, she said.

That suggested the victims ‘don’t matter’, she said.

“They are just an afterthought, an inconvenience in the process.

“It has never been about the money. It's about acknowledgement of the failures and an apology for the way they’ve been treated.”

She also claimed Andy Burnham’s office needed to 'get off the fence' where GMP's legal conduct was concerned.

“I would like the police and crime commissioner to use whatever powers they have to force GMP to take action,” she said.

“And if the mayor’s office say they don’t have those powers, then in my opinion they should be fighting for those powers. If that is true and they don’t have these powers, then what on earth is the point in having a PCC? It would make them as much use as a chocolate fireguard.

"The mayor and the PCC need to be absolutely truthful about where their loyalties lies in this. They shouldn’t sit on the fence.”

The dispute comes as GMP attempts to turn around its reputation in the wake of last year’s damning report by Her Majesty's Inspectorate, which found an estimated 80,000 crimes had not been recorded in the previous year and slammed the force’s treatment of vulnerable victims, not for the first time.

It also follows outrage in recent days at the continued presence of convicted grooming gang members in Rochdale, years after they lost their right to remain in the UK, and as a review into the historic handling of child sexual exploitation in Greater Manchester, commissioned by the mayor in 2017, is still yet to report back on cases in Rochdale. The first part of the review, looking into the failed Operation Augusta in south Manchester, was published in early 2020.

The Greater Manchester Combined Authority declined to give a timescale for the Rochdale phase.

“Work continues on the remaining workstreams of the review including the assurance exercise into non-recent child sexual exploitation in Rochdale," said a spokesperson.

"This week the relevant steering group met to progress its work, including continuing to arrange interviews with survivors into the summer.”

What GMP says
In a statement, Assistant Chief Constable Nicky Porter said: "With regards to the civil litigation being brought by this victim [sic], I apologise for the time it has taken and can confirm we are progressing with their claim and hope to reach a resolution as soon as possible.

"We understand the pain that these lengthy claims can cause, and I am committed to enhancing our approach to understand the trauma of civil litigation and preventing prolonged investigations for those who present their case, and our approach as a Force is urgently being reviewed to reduce the time these cases take to come to resolution.

"We want to ensure that we get the balance right between our legal responsibilities, but also importantly our ethical and moral duties to any victim of CSE.

"I would continue to encourage any victims of sexual abuse to come forward. You will be listened to and we will take action wherever we can. Just last month we launched a new dedicated force CSE investigation unit whose overriding priority will be to dedicate their specialist skills to investigating large scale and complex CSE investigations.

"This will provide consistency in our approach, as well as a specialist focus on victims and investigations. With this significant dedicated resource we will be able to progress complex investigations in a more focussed and timely manner; allowing us to disrupt, investigate and convict those responsible for this abhorrent crime more efficiently than we ever have before. This is in addition to the work of the 10 Complex Safeguarding Teams currently located in each of our policing districts.

"The establishment of the team represents an additional investment of almost £2.3 million and has been welcomed by senior figures nationally as representing good practice with regards to tackling CSE.

"We recognise we did not get things right in the past, but I hope we are continuing to demonstrate our on-going commitment to protecting children and bringing those responsible for abusing them to justice."

What the mayor says
A request for comment was sent to both the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and to the election campaign for Andy Burnham, who is currently running for a second term in office.

No response was received directly from the mayor, but a spokesperson for the GMCA said: “In Greater Manchester it is our responsibility to learn from the mistakes of the past, uncover child sexual exploitation, encourage people to report it, prosecute it and do all we can to prevent it.

“In November, GMCA received correspondence from the Centre for Women’s Justice (CWJ) which raised very serious concerns regarding Greater Manchester Police’s (GMP) handling of this particular legal action.

"One of the responsibilities of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor in their role as Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is to receive complaints regarding policing, to handle those complaints sensitively and speedily, and then if necessary to take the matter to the local force.

“Though this legal claim is against GMP – so the Mayor and Deputy Mayor cannot direct matters and it would not be appropriate for them to seek to influence the police – in a matter such as this which is clearly in the public interest they can and have made representations on a concerned party’s behalf.

“Before Christmas, subsequent to receiving the CWJ’s correspondence, concerns were immediately raised by the Deputy Mayor, first with the former Chief Constable and then the Acting Chief Constable. It was made clear that GMP needed to prioritise work on this case – immediate action has since been taken and that work is ongoing.

“GMCA continues to meet regularly with CWJ to update it on progress made and receive any further representations.”

It's a nasty axis. Children in care who've fallen in to drink and drugs and lowlifes who prey on them and the authorities not caring
Thirty-eight people charged as part of an investigation into non-recent child sexual exploitation (CSE) in West Yorkshire have appeared in court.

The men and one woman, mostly from the Kirklees area, face charges including rape and false imprisonment.

The offences are said to have been committed against six girls between 1995 and 2015, mostly at addresses in Dewsbury and Batley.

All 38 were bailed after appearing at Leeds Crown Court on Wednesday.

No pleas were entered during the hearing but a series of provisional trial dates were scheduled for 2023 and 2024.

Four other people - Donna Lynn, Janine Marie Green, Ansar Qayum and Mohammed Yasin - who were charged as part of the investigation did not appear in court.

West Yorkshire Police has previously said the 42 people charged are:

Donna Lynn, 41, from Heckmondwike, charged with causing the prostitution of a girl under 16, allowing a premises to be used for unlawful sexual intercourse, procuring a female under 21, and controlling prostitution.

Mohammed Yakub, 64, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Nasir Billimoria, 68, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape, and procuring a female under 21.

Yousuf Motala, 69, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Ebrahim Mamaniatt, 52, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Liaquat Ali, 65, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Hashim Sacha, 53, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Nobhar Shah, 69, from Batley, charged with two offences of rape and living on the earnings of prostitution.

Ibrahim Khalifa, 83, from Bradford, charged with an offence of rape.

Manaf Hussain, 47, from Heckmondwike, charged with an offence of rape.

Maria O'Rouke, 42, from Batley, charged with causing the prostitution of a girl under 16, allowing a premises to be used for unlawful sexual intercourse and controlling prostitution.

Riaz Shaikh, 57, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of indecent assault.

Amjid Rangzeb, 43, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of false imprisonment.

Liaquat Hussain Hanif, 45, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Shakeel Haq, 44, from Birmingham, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of false imprisonment.

Rafiq Patel, 69, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Mohammed Abbas, 60, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Shafaquat Afzal Hussain, 45, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Tariq Azam, 52, from Dewsbury, charged with three offences of rape and three offences of indecent assault.

Aurrangzeb Azam, 50, from Dewsbury, charged with three offences of rape, two offences of indecent assault and an offence of false imprisonment.

Israr Hussain, 46, from Dewsbury, charged with three offences of rape, two offences of indecent assault and an offence of false imprisonment.

Mohammed Sheikh, 48, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of indecent assault.

Mohammed Tariq, 62, from Bradford, charged with two offences of rape.

Sajid Majid, 48, from Mirfield, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of indecent assault.

Zulfiquar Ali, 42, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Ansar Mahmood Qayum, 44, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of indecent assault.

Mohammed Jabbar Qayum, 40, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Shafiq Siddique, 52, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of false imprisonment.

Mohammed Ishtiaq Hussain, 47, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Abbas Kaji, 52, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Mohammed Farooq, 52, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Tasawar Hussain, 42, from Heckmondwike, charged with an offence of rape.

Mohammed Munir Shaffi, 43, from Dewsbury, charged with two offences of rape.

Zaheed Ali Novsarka, 53, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Nassar Liaquat Khan, 42, from Keighley, charged with an offence of rape.

Mohammed Riaz Khan, 47, from Heckmondwike, charged with an offence of rape.

Mohammed Luqman Daji, 44, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Mohammed Ramzan, 64, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Janine Green, 44, from Batley, charged with encouraging prostitution, allowing premises to be used for unlawful sexual intercourse and controlling prostitution.

Ali Shan Waheed, 41, from Dewsbury, charged with rape.

Ismail Seedat, 51, from Batley, charged with indecent assault.

Mohammed Yasin, 48, from Batley, charged with rape.

Thirty-eight people charged as part of an investigation into non-recent child sexual exploitation (CSE) in West Yorkshire have appeared in court.

The men and one woman, mostly from the Kirklees area, face charges including rape and false imprisonment.

The offences are said to have been committed against six girls between 1995 and 2015, mostly at addresses in Dewsbury and Batley.

All 38 were bailed after appearing at Leeds Crown Court on Wednesday.

No pleas were entered during the hearing but a series of provisional trial dates were scheduled for 2023 and 2024.

Four other people - Donna Lynn, Janine Marie Green, Ansar Qayum and Mohammed Yasin - who were charged as part of the investigation did not appear in court.

West Yorkshire Police has previously said the 42 people charged are:

Donna Lynn, 41, from Heckmondwike, charged with causing the prostitution of a girl under 16, allowing a premises to be used for unlawful sexual intercourse, procuring a female under 21, and controlling prostitution.

Mohammed Yakub, 64, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Nasir Billimoria, 68, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape, and procuring a female under 21.

Yousuf Motala, 69, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Ebrahim Mamaniatt, 52, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Liaquat Ali, 65, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Hashim Sacha, 53, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Nobhar Shah, 69, from Batley, charged with two offences of rape and living on the earnings of prostitution.

Ibrahim Khalifa, 83, from Bradford, charged with an offence of rape.

Manaf Hussain, 47, from Heckmondwike, charged with an offence of rape.

Maria O'Rouke, 42, from Batley, charged with causing the prostitution of a girl under 16, allowing a premises to be used for unlawful sexual intercourse and controlling prostitution.

Riaz Shaikh, 57, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of indecent assault.

Amjid Rangzeb, 43, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of false imprisonment.

Liaquat Hussain Hanif, 45, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Shakeel Haq, 44, from Birmingham, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of false imprisonment.

Rafiq Patel, 69, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Mohammed Abbas, 60, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Shafaquat Afzal Hussain, 45, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Tariq Azam, 52, from Dewsbury, charged with three offences of rape and three offences of indecent assault.

Aurrangzeb Azam, 50, from Dewsbury, charged with three offences of rape, two offences of indecent assault and an offence of false imprisonment.

Israr Hussain, 46, from Dewsbury, charged with three offences of rape, two offences of indecent assault and an offence of false imprisonment.

Mohammed Sheikh, 48, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of indecent assault.

Mohammed Tariq, 62, from Bradford, charged with two offences of rape.

Sajid Majid, 48, from Mirfield, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of indecent assault.

Zulfiquar Ali, 42, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Ansar Mahmood Qayum, 44, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of indecent assault.

Mohammed Jabbar Qayum, 40, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Shafiq Siddique, 52, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of false imprisonment.

Mohammed Ishtiaq Hussain, 47, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Abbas Kaji, 52, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Mohammed Farooq, 52, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Tasawar Hussain, 42, from Heckmondwike, charged with an offence of rape.

Mohammed Munir Shaffi, 43, from Dewsbury, charged with two offences of rape.

Zaheed Ali Novsarka, 53, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Nassar Liaquat Khan, 42, from Keighley, charged with an offence of rape.

Mohammed Riaz Khan, 47, from Heckmondwike, charged with an offence of rape.

Mohammed Luqman Daji, 44, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Mohammed Ramzan, 64, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Janine Green, 44, from Batley, charged with encouraging prostitution, allowing premises to be used for unlawful sexual intercourse and controlling prostitution.

Ali Shan Waheed, 41, from Dewsbury, charged with rape.

Ismail Seedat, 51, from Batley, charged with indecent assault.

Mohammed Yasin, 48, from Batley, charged with rape.


How it even possible to have enough strong evidence to charge so many people for these offences, some going back 25 years?
Thirty-eight people charged as part of an investigation into non-recent child sexual exploitation (CSE) in West Yorkshire have appeared in court.

The men and one woman, mostly from the Kirklees area, face charges including rape and false imprisonment.

The offences are said to have been committed against six girls between 1995 and 2015, mostly at addresses in Dewsbury and Batley.

All 38 were bailed after appearing at Leeds Crown Court on Wednesday.

No pleas were entered during the hearing but a series of provisional trial dates were scheduled for 2023 and 2024.

Four other people - Donna Lynn, Janine Marie Green, Ansar Qayum and Mohammed Yasin - who were charged as part of the investigation did not appear in court.

West Yorkshire Police has previously said the 42 people charged are:

Donna Lynn, 41, from Heckmondwike, charged with causing the prostitution of a girl under 16, allowing a premises to be used for unlawful sexual intercourse, procuring a female under 21, and controlling prostitution.

Mohammed Yakub, 64, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Nasir Billimoria, 68, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape, and procuring a female under 21.

Yousuf Motala, 69, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Ebrahim Mamaniatt, 52, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Liaquat Ali, 65, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Hashim Sacha, 53, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Nobhar Shah, 69, from Batley, charged with two offences of rape and living on the earnings of prostitution.

Ibrahim Khalifa, 83, from Bradford, charged with an offence of rape.

Manaf Hussain, 47, from Heckmondwike, charged with an offence of rape.

Maria O'Rouke, 42, from Batley, charged with causing the prostitution of a girl under 16, allowing a premises to be used for unlawful sexual intercourse and controlling prostitution.

Riaz Shaikh, 57, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of indecent assault.

Amjid Rangzeb, 43, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of false imprisonment.

Liaquat Hussain Hanif, 45, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Shakeel Haq, 44, from Birmingham, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of false imprisonment.

Rafiq Patel, 69, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Mohammed Abbas, 60, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Shafaquat Afzal Hussain, 45, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Tariq Azam, 52, from Dewsbury, charged with three offences of rape and three offences of indecent assault.

Aurrangzeb Azam, 50, from Dewsbury, charged with three offences of rape, two offences of indecent assault and an offence of false imprisonment.

Israr Hussain, 46, from Dewsbury, charged with three offences of rape, two offences of indecent assault and an offence of false imprisonment.

Mohammed Sheikh, 48, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of indecent assault.

Mohammed Tariq, 62, from Bradford, charged with two offences of rape.

Sajid Majid, 48, from Mirfield, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of indecent assault.

Zulfiquar Ali, 42, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Ansar Mahmood Qayum, 44, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of indecent assault.

Mohammed Jabbar Qayum, 40, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Shafiq Siddique, 52, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape and an offence of false imprisonment.

Mohammed Ishtiaq Hussain, 47, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Abbas Kaji, 52, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Mohammed Farooq, 52, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Tasawar Hussain, 42, from Heckmondwike, charged with an offence of rape.

Mohammed Munir Shaffi, 43, from Dewsbury, charged with two offences of rape.

Zaheed Ali Novsarka, 53, from Batley, charged with an offence of rape.

Nassar Liaquat Khan, 42, from Keighley, charged with an offence of rape.

Mohammed Riaz Khan, 47, from Heckmondwike, charged with an offence of rape.

Mohammed Luqman Daji, 44, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Mohammed Ramzan, 64, from Dewsbury, charged with an offence of rape.

Janine Green, 44, from Batley, charged with encouraging prostitution, allowing premises to be used for unlawful sexual intercourse and controlling prostitution.

Ali Shan Waheed, 41, from Dewsbury, charged with rape.

Ismail Seedat, 51, from Batley, charged with indecent assault.

Mohammed Yasin, 48, from Batley, charged with rape.


As painful as these will be for all law abiding PK origin people ( because the right wing media will use it as a method of collective punishment) , what these guys have done is evil and I hope they are punished to the fullest extent. This won't be the end, there are trials to come in Worcestershire and Oxfordshire.
I do however hope that the law is used to charge everyone that has had sex with minors because any sexual activity with anyone U16 is illegal. The only problem with that it would put around a 1/3rd of men in jail.
A former Labour peer has been found guilty of sexual offences against two children in the 1970s.

Lord Ahmed of Rotherham was convicted of a serious sexual assault against a boy and the attempted rape of a young girl.

Sheffield Crown Court heard the repeated sexual abuse happened in Rotherham when he was a teenager.

The 64-year-old, who appeared under his real name of Nazir Ahmed, had denied the charges.

During trial, prosecutor Tom Little QC told the court Lord Ahmed had attempted to rape the girl in the early 1970s, when the defendant was aged 16 or 17 but she was much younger.

The attack on the boy, who was aged under 11 at the time, also happened during the same period.

Mr Little said Lord Ahmed claimed the allegations were a "malicious fiction" but a phone recording of a 2016 conversation between the two victims showed they were not "made-up or concocted".

The woman's call was prompted by an email from the male victim saying: "I have evidence against that paedophile," the jury previously heard.

Lord Ahmed was charged along with his two older brothers, Mohammed Farouq, 71, and Mohammed Tariq, 65, but both were deemed unfit to stand trial.

Both had faced charges of indecent assault against the same boy abused by Lord Ahmed.

Though the men did not face a criminal trial, jurors concluded that they did commit the alleged acts after hearing evidence in the case.

Lord Ahmed, who was convicted following a retrial, resigned from the House of Lords in November 2020 after a conduct committee report concluded he had sexually and emotionally exploited a vulnerable woman who sought his help.

The inquiry into his behaviour followed a BBC Newsnight investigation.

The report made him the first peer to be recommended for expulsion but he resigned before this could be implemented.

Rosemary Ainslie, head of the Crown Prosecution Service's special crime division, said: "By these verdicts the jury has clearly decided that no matter the delay between the offences and the trial, and the defences raised, they could be sure that the accounts of the victims were credible and true.

"One of these defendants held a position of power, influence and responsibility for some time in the House of Lords but this case clearly illustrates that where there is sufficient evidence, even in challenging cases, the CPS will bring a prosecution, put evidence before a jury and see rightful convictions."

The judge, Mr Justice Lavender, bailed Lord Ahmed to appear at the same court for sentencing on 4 February.
