theres two things i dont understand about this thread.
1) why is malik being compared to batting superstars? or even very good batsmen. anwars stats if nothing else demonstrate that he has a utility, and even scrubbed in whichever ways you want, its undeniable that he has a utility. its irrelevant whether he'll ever be as good as inzi, or yousuf or younis. what is relevant is if there are dependable batsmen who he's keeping out of the team. and the criteria for selection isnt only talent, it ends up being a mixture of talent, discipline, fitness, experience and how much he fits in the team.
i dont think malik is the most talented batsman that pakistan has produced, but given current politics and options, i dont know of many who are clear forerunners to him. there just isnt a bradman he's keeping out of the squad.
2) why are so many people making it so personal? if you dont think hes good enough to be in the team, isnt it enough to say that? why vilify him, insult him and make him out to be malevolent?
im agnostic to whether he's in the team or not, but i think its really terribly poor form that he is ridiculed and hated with such vigour, and suspect some of this is a self fulfilling prophecy of vulturous gossip mongers, rather than based on truth.
what i know as fact is that every interview ive personally seen of him, he has come across as very humble, well mannered and respectful. i recall that at the time the the captaincy was thrust upon him, he absolutely did not pine for it, like younis, and unlike afridi and yousuf.
what i was told by an ex player who had iftar at my apartment last ramadan was that he used to be very close to yousuf, but that they grew apart once he was made captain, and yousuf took exception to not being informed of decisions, and the such like.
now perhaps malik changed completely, and became manipulative and power crazed, although this flies in the face of two observations: 1) the fact that he only came out in the public to play politics once yousuf forced his hand this year and 2) he has never stated that he has wanted captaincy, in fact, he has stated the opposite.
what i suspect, from the person who knew him personally and from interviews ive seen of him, and from what we are told about the pcb, is that when he was given the captaincy, he was put into an extraordinarily difficult position, like most of our captains have been. he would i suspect, have had to pander to the last minute unprofessional whims of the board, and at the same time attempt to extract some semblance of authority amongst his team mates, culturally famous for their ego and inflated self importance, whilst taking on the role of the fall guy for board decisions which he would have to suffer for on the pitch.
its no wonder that people like him, and younis end up with reputations for being aloof. how else do you end up telling a close friend on the morning of a match that theyre not playing, when you know they should be playing, but have had your hand forced by management? im not saying that this happened, but i know, again from conversations with an ex player, that this type of thing would be typical, certainly of past boards, and i suspect the present one.
if team mates then become disgruntled, and begin to complain to each other, and this leads to leaks to the press, its very understandable how it all snow balls out of control, and a player who may have been perfectly genuine and even potentially very talented, ends up with his confidence, reputation and dignity dragged through the mud.
again, i dont know whats happened in the team dressing rooms over the years for sure, but just on the off chance that malik has been victim of disgusting character assasination, based on gossip rather than fact, by whorish mercenary media men, or immature stupid fans, i think this constant and extreme personal attacks on him are deplorable. in fact, even if he is guilty of all that the media have alleged, its still deplorable - this is a player that represents us and the dignity of our country, and who has performed for us, no matter how rarely.
either way, he's a human being and wears the green cap, and for that he deserves at least a modicum of civility.