The Pakistani (or desi) superstitions thread


ODI Debutant
Oct 3, 2009
Courtesy of our dearest Ammi Jaans:

If black cat comes in the way while you are walking, something bad is about to happen

DON'T walk over that child, it'll stop growing!

I was just thinking about you and here you are, bari lambi umar hai :yk

Itch in the right palm? I'm about to get rich!

Never call one back when the person is leaving the house

Do not open and close those scissors without a reason. It will cause domestic problems

What else do you go through?
The Pakistani Superstition thread

Crow crowing on the wall: guests are to be expected.

Sneeze: someone is thinking of you.

Eyelids flutter inadvertently: someone is thinking of you.
Lol, surprisingly, all of these are common in India too. One remedy of a cat crossing the road (and now it has evolved from black cat to any cat) is to let at least 3 people go before you
The Pakistani Superstition thread

It's bad luck to have your hair cut on a Wednesday

Don't carry milk in the dark

It is dangerous to take a newborn baby outdoors in the first 40 days of it's birth

It is bad luck to leave shoes upside down

Twitching eye = bad news
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The Pakistani Superstition thread

If you step on someones foot then expect visitors . I have no idea where that came from but a few people in the family say it .
If footwear turn upside down on the floor, you will fall sick

If the plate rotates while you eat, you will be eating at another house next day

Sneezing while stepping out of the house for some means that work won't get accomplished

Milk boiling over and spilling. Depending on which part of India you are, this can be both good or bad luck. In some part of India, when they move into a new house, they intentionally boil and let a vessel of milk spill over
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It's bad luck to sit on sirana side of your elders.

(Manje obviously)
It is bad luck to leave shoes upside down

This one really messed me up. Since childhood, shoes that are left upside down have been one of my biggest pet peeves and they cause me to feel extremely uncomfortable. :(

We were also always told to never sweep/vacuum the floors at night.
I dont understand this misconception in my family (dont know if it exists in other families or not.)

If young girls keep their hair too long early on, it would stunt their height :facepalm:
The Pakistani Superstition thread

Ah yes. Hair. For boys, don't grow your hair out long. It sucks blood and nutrients, depriving the rest of the body. For some reason it doesn't effect girls.

Another one insisted on by a friend's mother was not to weight train, because lifting weights over the head reduces height. Sort of pushes one down into the ground.
Ah yes. Hair. For boys, don't grow your hair out long. It sucks blood and nutrients, depriving the rest of the body. For some reason it doesn't effect girls.

Another one insisted on by a friend's mother was not to weight train, because lifting weights over the head reduces height. Sort of pushes one down into the ground.

woot? I'll never do arnold presses again :danish
If black cat comes in the way while you are walking, something bad is about to happen

I always does this to annoy those who care about such things.

I was just thinking about you and here you are, bari lambi umar hai :yk

Naam lia shetan hazir

Itch in the right palm? I'm about to get rich!

I was itching my palm for years and nothing happend and then I started to wash my hands and work hard and the trick worked :yk

Never call one back when the person is leaving the house

My mom & Grandma once really got kinda angry about this to my wife never call him when he is leaving the house and she kinda freaked out (she is born and raised in Europe so was totally new for her)
The Pakistani Superstition thread

Thread of the week! Have heard about eighty percent of the superstitions mentioned here.

*Sweeping with a Jhaarru around at the time of Maghrib Salaat is a bad omen.

*One shouldn´t look into the mirrors once it´s dark outside. The ghosts feel being invited:))).

*Making a baby look into the mirror causes diarrhea.

Thank God our family isn´t quite interested in all these superstitions.
Ah yes. Hair. For boys, don't grow your hair out long. It sucks blood and nutrients, depriving the rest of the body. For some reason it doesn't effect girls.

Another one insisted on by a friend's mother was not to weight train, because lifting weights over the head reduces height. Sort of pushes one down into the ground.

Weight lifting does stunt growth. First one is stupid.
The Pakistani Superstition thread

If you eat a banana on it's own, you will be constipated- so you must eat two :))
The Pakistani Superstition thread

Pickles and other sour things will render you impotent. Like the long hair, doesn't effect girls.
newly wed boy should not go out alone as ghosts will be attracted to him and destroy his married life
the most famous one is the black cat one ..some western ppl believe it too ..not only paindoos of indo-pak
The Pakistani Superstition thread

Beetroot helps increase blood production, as do black peas.

Shaving the head cures Male Pattern Baldness.

Raw eggs, egg halwa, warm milk and bananas are all aphrodisiacs.

Consuming mint in excess can cause impotence.

Applying ittar behind the ears attracts Jinns.
the most famous one is the black cat one ..some western ppl believe it too ..not only paindoos of indo-pak

Lol, this. Happened to me this morning when I was driving to work with a co worker(from a small town known for Taliban jail breaks and mountains that are supposedly gushing with oil so naturally refined that you can put it straight in motorbikes, no need to refine) when he saw a black cat on the road and asked me to stop and go around the cat. I'd rather not repeat what was said back to him.
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Carrots cure myopia. So does daal.

Olive oil prevents baldness.

Washing with hot water provokes baldness.

Homeopathy works.

Hakim work.
The Pakistani Superstition thread

Cats are often Jinn. There's something about cats that makes the Jinn possess them over, say, water buffalos or honey bees.
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The Pakistani Superstition thread

Surma/kohl/antimony cures shortsightedness.

Parting the hair on the right side is bad form. Also letting your bangs fall on the forehead causes hair to sprout from the forehead.

One I remember reading in a magazine was that burning the hooves of a goat and applying the ash to the head cures baldness. We have so many cures for hair loss it is a surprise not all men are strutting around with long, lustrous, luxurious locks (four Ls... I love alliteration ;) ... )
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The Pakistani Superstition thread

The manjan from the local hakeem is as effective as toothpaste. Dentonic works too, as does walnut bark (dandasa), with the added benefit of ruby red, exfoliated lips.

More on hair: anything that foams, i.e. shampoo is bad. Use eggs, yoghurt or gram flour (besan) instead. Rotten eggs are best, supposedly due to a higher protein content.

Head and Shoulders mixed with equal parts olive oil, applied to the hair, and then left on for an hour covered by a plastic bag, will cure dandruff.

Henna/mehndi shouldn't be used as a hair dye because over time it freezes the brain.
These are subcontinent superstitions. You can see the same superstitions in South India too.
The Pakistani Superstition thread

Splinters should be removed immediately. Otherwise they pass through the skin into the blood vessels, reach the heart and cause puncture wounds.

Smoking won't hurt you if your diet is good. Look at all the villagers guzzling hookahs.

Women nursing babies should drink lots of milk, to replenish the supply.

Methyl alcohol may not kill you but it will change your gender.
The Pakistani Superstition thread

Desi ghee is the secret of good health. Cook your food with it, smear it on your rotis, heck, drink it if you're a Kabbadi player. Or want to look like one.

Monosodium Glutamate is authentic "Chinese salt." That's what all Chinese people use in their food.

Jinn can only impersonate really tall or really short people. You can test this theory by walking up to the local giant or dwarf and accosting them openly. If they avoid eye contact and/or vanish into thin air, you have your answer.

Honey badgers eat corpses. But that isn't all. There is a nerve around the Achilles' tendon that the badger bites, causing the corpse to rise up on its feet. The badger then "walks" the corpse to its lair, for the eventual feast.
The Pakistani Superstition thread

More on death, in keeping with the time of the year. This one takes the cake for being the most bizarre I have come across:

You can place a microphone connected to a tape player inside the grave and actually record the interrogation by the angels. Beware though, when you play the tape their voices are so deafeningly loud it will kill you. So it isn't worth the risk. People have tried.
Nearly 38 posts and no mention of nazar/ evil eye? Very suprising. Basically anything from an upset stomach to a car accident can be a result of nazar. Its very insidious. People end up being suspicious of others, even (or rather especially) their own relatives or in-laws, rather perversely. There are also implications that somebody of a lower social status or less wealthy than you are would be so envious they would be more likely to cast the evil eye.

Examples are: Someone looked at you the wrong way. Nazar laga di

Someone praised you excessively. Nazar laga di

Someone praised you without saying Mashallah. Nazar laga di
The Pakistani Superstition thread

Murree Brewery's Cindy promotes blood production and a ruddy complexion. Should be had once a week.

Never ever turn to look back if you are accosted by someone/something behind you at night. Your heart will stop.

Corpses left unattended become inhabited by evil spirits.

Raw (unboiled) milk must be consumed after committing a murder. Good manners dictate it.

Never give a ride to a woman dressed as a bride, especially at night. Don't look at the feet to make sure she isn't a pichal pairee, because she is. Just drive away, fast.

Sometimes evil spirits will take your place if you break from a hard and fast routine. The telltale sign that it is an evil spirit impersonating someone is an ice-cold breath.

Never roll your eyes too far up or down. Chances are they will stay that way.

Never stand in front of the air conditioner if you are hot and sweating profusely. It may paralyze the face. That's how Bell's Palsy occurs.
Also a personal experience comes to mind. I'm left handed and of course being the hand of Shaitan this was not a popular trait to have. Thankfully my parents heeded the advice of a sane voice and didn't force me to use my right hand for eating/writing.
The Pakistani Superstition thread

I'm a southpaw too. Never had any bad experiences per se, but teachers would just watch me write because it was so "different."
The Pakistani Superstition thread

You've been drinking pasteurized, homogenized Tetra Pak doodh after murders? Where are your manners?
The Pakistani Superstition thread

*People short in height spread fitna (to be loosely translated as 'corruption').
The Pakistani Superstition thread

*People short in height spread fitna (to be loosely translated as 'corruption').

Yes, or as they say it, "Jitna Zameen Say Uper Hai, utna Neechay Bhi Hai."

Sort of like the tip of the iceberg and all that.
Add me to the list! It's also said that the bananas cure both constipation as well diarrhea.

the saying is raw ones cause constipation & pacca ones the liquidy shytts - how did you you offensive guys drag me in to this stupid stupid discussion :facepalm:

Miggy,ban munna & dhoni - they talk dirrrrrty :asif:asif
The Pakistani Superstition thread

It's hard to milk a cow with slippery bloody hands.

Necessity is the mother of invention. Milk it beforehand and lug it along in a sippy cup while out on the weekend killing spree.
The Pakistani Superstition thread

You need a Yamaha 100 to go with that.
Don't leave the jainamaz/musalla/prayer mat lying open on the floor as shaitan will pray.

Isn't that a good thing? :yk
The Pakistani Superstition thread

That reminds me. When my dad moved to Qatar in the mid-80s, a year before we joined him there, he was in the habit of leaving the prayer rug unfolded.

A few times though, when he would return from work, the rug would be neatly folded.

Jinn at work? Burglars? Not quite.

Being a new arrival, the Qatari spooks were conducting searches, and one of them would fold it up. Not very professional of him.
its more like Desi Superstition thread instead of just Pakistani Superstition thread
The Pakistani Superstition thread

its more like Desi Superstition thread instead of just Pakistani Superstition thread

Do you drink raw milk after murdering people on Yamaha 100s? Is your countryside ravaged by pichal pairees? Do you attract Jinn with herbal musky perfumes from Mecca-Medina?

The answer is no, good sir. Please leave us be. Let us drink our raw milk while being menaced by our supernatural beings.
Let's add a pagg, ray ban type sunglasses, manly black beard and mayan wali shalwaar kameez.

The Pakistani Ted Bundy.

not possible in land of pure & pious . Are you referring to those who live in evil West & post poison on forums ?
Do you drink raw milk after murdering people on Yamaha 100s? Is your countryside ravaged by pichal pairees? Do you attract Jinn with herbal musky perfumes from Mecca-Medina?

The answer is no, good sir. Please leave us be. Let us drink our raw milk while being menaced by our supernatural beings.

He says "sorry" after murdering people and attracts jinns with maple syrup.
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The Pakistani Superstition thread

Actually this attracting Jinn with maple syrup thingie has a close variant in our culture too.

Apparently the Jinn have sweet teeth. To know if you're haunted, they say you should leave a box of mithai and observe if its contents are disappearing. If so, you have a Jinn infestation. Contact the neighborhood Amil Bengali Baba.

Either that or your wife has been raiding the fridge behind your back.
The Pakistani Superstition thread

From the macabre to the romantic:

"Hansi to Phansi." If a girl smiles/laughs, it speaks volumes. Apparently.

The corollary being that if you are a standup comedian, you are likely to enjoy great success with the ladies.

Another one is "Muchh Nahien to Kuch Nahein."

It follows that shaving your mustache is tantamount to emasculation.

I realize now that I chose the wrong career and the wrong facial hair type.
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Drink milk right after eating fish and you will suffer from vitiligo .

Choking on food means someone said something bad about you .

Left eye twitching ? something bad will happen to you .

During Shab e qadr , your dead relatives come and visit your house . Must be something to do with that that we visit their graves , put agarbattis and flowers on their graves and say fatiha ?

Women are not allowed to visit graveyards . I even saw this written on the wall of a graveyard in Pakistan :facepalm:

Crying of a cat or ( was it a dog ? donkey) is a sign of something bad about to happen .

Cutting your nails at night is bad .

How to tell a churail apart from an actual woman ? backward feet !

Women must not go out with hair down , or at least cover their head with a dupatta at night or stand under a tree or else , jin ashiq ho jate haiN :asadrauf

Don`t leave the Quran open , shaitan parh le ga :moyo

When someone dies , they visit their house / family for 40 days . So turn on the lights during maghrib time aur agarbatti jalao .
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Aadhay superstitions tou Akhbar e JahaN ke 3 aurtaiN 3 kahaniaN ke shuru kiye huwe haiN :manzoor
Back in the days , when we were growing up in Karachi , there used to be a hathora group who killed people with hathoras . They showed up at night , steal your valuables after breaking into your house and killed you with their hathoras . In the morning , the papers were filled with their karnamay of killing people with hathoras every single day . People were scared , would they be the next victims ? The children were scared too , the parents threatened their kids by saying , beta jaldi so jao warna hathora group aa jaye ga . They did not spare anyone , killed all of the family members and looted their house .

Then there was a Chadda Group later . They wore chadday , or shorts , and stole valuables too after breaking into houses . It was hard to catch them because they wore just chaddas and slathered on oil all over their bodies . There were more stories associated with them such as they drugged you and assaulted you . They entered a girls college once and some girls were found passed out . Such was the Chadda effect .

No member of either group was caught . No charges laid . Who were they ? What were their motives ? We can only guess .

PS - these are true stories aaj kal ke nanhe munnoN ko nahi yaad ho but those who grew up in the 80s or early 90s would still shudder after hearing these names . They were scarier than the Taliban , they attacked the people in Karachi , randomly .
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raining during daylight means Shaitaan kee Shadi (devils Marriage)

Choking on food means someone said something bad about you .
aur Misbah bhai aj bhe zinda hai:asif
Lol i heard a new one today .
Apparently if you spend money on the first day of the month then throughout that month you will spend a lot of money .
I was like too late :yk
It's bad luck to have your hair cut on a Wednesday

Don't carry milk in the dark

It is dangerous to take a newborn baby outdoors in the first 40 days of it's birth

It is bad luck to leave shoes upside down

Twitching eye = bad news

I can't stress how true this is, I got mine this wednesday and let me say I aint the prettiest guy in the town now.

The shoes one is particullary true as my mother will not leave my room until all the shoes are upright
I didn't know India and Pakistan had so many common superstitions.
My grand mother used to avoid doing any good thing (e.g. arranging any ceremony) on a Tuesday or dates of 8,18,28 and 3,13,23 :danish
Cool thread, will have to go through this in more detail.

Surely some of these have some sort of basing in some sort of truth, right?
Another one insisted on by a friend's mother was not to weight train, because lifting weights over the head reduces height. Sort of pushes one down into the ground.

Doctors say the same thing, this is pertinent to people still going through puberty (i.e. growing bones).

So it impacts the growth rates.
I didn't know India and Pakistan had so many common superstitions.

Its the same country. Partition wasn't going to change the mentality of the common folk.
The Pakistani Superstition thread

You have chalawas and hathora groups in India ? :sohail

They don't. Nor do they drink kaccha doodh after murders, which is really what sets us apart. Oh and the pichal pairees dressed as brides hitch hiking on deserted roads in the middle of the night, and Jinns with a liking for mithai.
The Pakistani Superstition thread

By the way Looney, the hathora group was found in Islamabad and Rawalpindi too.

I remember being at my uncle's place in Lalazar, Rawalpindi sometime in 1988. A robbery in the neighborhood raised suspicion of the hathora group, one thing led to another, and soon there was an almighty melee with people hurling stones at each other.

True to our national voyeuristic tendencies, everyone was on their balconies watching rather than safely inside. A stray stone hit a cousin of mine on the head.

1988 was an eventful year for Rawalpindi, what with the hathora group, and the Ojhri Camp disaster. But at least Zia died, so it wasn't all bad.
The Pakistani Superstition thread

Doctors say the same thing, this is pertinent to people still going through puberty (i.e. growing bones).

So it impacts the growth rates.

My friend was well out of puberty. At least I think he was. Maybe his mom knew something about him that I didn't.
By the way Looney, the hathora group was found in Islamabad and Rawalpindi too.

I remember being at my uncle's place in Lalazar, Rawalpindi sometime in 1988. A robbery in the neighborhood raised suspicion of the hathora group, one thing led to another, and soon there was an almighty melee with people hurling stones at each other.

True to our national voyeuristic tendencies, everyone was on their balconies watching rather than safely inside. A stray stone hit a cousin of mine on the head.

1988 was an eventful year for Rawalpindi, what with the hathora group, and the Ojhri Camp disaster. But at least Zia died, so it wasn't all bad.
Haha , really ? I still wonder if they really existed because not one person from these groups were arrested . I can understand chalawas / chadda group being hard to caught for being able to jump over buildings and the oil slathered on their bodies but they could have caught someone from the hathora group ? Ya hamara sara bachpan aik dhoka tha ? :manzoor
The Pakistani Superstition thread

Dhoka indeed. When I think about that era, I think of sipping Ovaltine in front of the TV after dinner, listening to Khalid Hameed on PTV Khabarnama telling me all was well with the world.

And it was too. Compared to now :(