UP: Teenage Dalit girl, who was gang-raped in Hathras, dies during treatment at Delhi Hospital

I don’t think they are feared of any evidence which they can easily destroy but more of the media glare to the case. My trust on CBI and SIT investigation tripled after watching this video.
Yogiji has hired a PR firm to tackle this negative publicity. Soon we will see new narratives.

This is what I have been saying. They did not destroy any evidence, but cremated the body to avoid the media circus ( it backfired, and the girl didn't deserve it).
I see your question was answered by [MENTION=133135]kaayal[/MENTION]

And now sedition cases are being filed, international plots are being blamed. What next? Alien attack?

I read threads from the last post, so didn't read her reply once again. She agrees that it was not to destroy any evidence.
This case has surely exposed UP, UP Police and BJP. It's a pity that Delhi is sharing it's borders with a third class state like UP. :inti
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Hathras?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Hathras</a>: UP police cry ‘international plot’ to cause caste violence and defame Adityanath regime<a href="https://t.co/gQYd0rbuRc">https://t.co/gQYd0rbuRc</a> <a href="https://t.co/xJzSagy9lr">pic.twitter.com/xJzSagy9lr</a></p>— newslaundry (@newslaundry) <a href="https://twitter.com/newslaundry/status/1313072382437859330?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 5, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

What a clown. From Shining India to Shaming India. :inti
This case has surely exposed UP, UP Police and BJP. It's a pity that Delhi is sharing it's borders with a third class state like UP. :inti

Isn't Delhi full of people from UP though?

Why wouldn't it be?
I read threads from the last post, so didn't read her reply once again. She agrees that it was not to destroy any evidence.

Lol nice turn around. I said they are not “feared of any evidence as they can easily change it according to their will“ but they did destroy everything they could hold of including the victim’s body. So that nothing comes out to light even if the opposition tries their best to bring justice to the victims family.
Isn't Delhi full of people from UP though?

Why wouldn't it be?

It's a mixture of people from all over India mostly from Haryana, Punjab, UP, HP and Bihar. You will find most of the haryanvis in government offices, police where as you will find most of the criminals coming from UP and Bihar to pollute Delhi.

Calling Delhi the rape capital of India doesn't make other cities and states heaven for women. It just shows that if this can happen in such a big city like Delhi then you can't even imagine what is going on in smaller cities. This case has exposed UP and its law and order. What a joke of a state. I won't mind if one day UP starts fighting for their independence from India. :inti
Lol nice turn around. I said they are not “feared of any evidence as they can easily change it according to their will“ but they did destroy everything they could hold of including the victim’s body. So that nothing comes out to light even if the opposition tries their best to bring justice to the victims family.

How would have the opposition tried to bring something come out of light? Would the family have preserved the body so that they can get a second test done to find 2 week old injury marks to conclude that there was rape. Any statement from the family to support this guesswork from you, or it is just your imagination?
Calling Delhi the rape capital of India doesn't make other cities and states heaven for women. It just shows that if this can happen in such a big city like Delhi then you can't even imagine what is going on in smaller cities. This case has exposed UP and its law and order. What a joke of a state. I won't mind if one day UP starts fighting for their independence from India. :inti

Obviously that ain't gonna happen.

So instead, we must chop it into more pieces. Every other state in India has a strong ethnic identity (Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Kerala, Punjab etc.) and Uttar Pradesh can also be split along those lines to drive a sense of belonging and economic growth - Purvachal, Bhundelkand (would involve switching some districts in MP too), Awadh, Prayag, whatever else.

The politicians will certainly throw a tantrum, but this is the only ideal solution long term.
Obviously that ain't gonna happen.

So instead, we must chop it into more pieces. Every other state in India has a strong ethnic identity (Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Kerala, Punjab etc.) and Uttar Pradesh can also be split along those lines to drive a sense of belonging and economic growth - Purvachal, Bhundelkand (would involve switching some districts in MP too), Awadh, Prayag, whatever else.

The politicians will certainly throw a tantrum, but this is the only ideal solution long term.

Currently UP has a population around 24 crores which is more than the combined population of Pakistan and Sri Lanka. I think it's like a country within a country. Definitely should be split into 5 parts at least. :inti
"We are victims of violence because we are poor, lower caste and women, so looked down upon by all," a Dalit woman told researcher Jayshree Mangubhai some years ago. "There is no one to help or speak for us. We face more sexual violence because we don't have any power."

Last week, it was reported that a 19-year-old Dalit woman (the Dalits were once called "Untouchables") was allegedly gang raped and assaulted by a group of upper caste men in Uttar Pradesh state again. The news shone the spotlight again on the rampant sexual violence faced by India's 80 million Dalit women, who like their male counterparts languish at the bottom of India's unbending and harsh caste hierarchy.

These women, who comprise about 16% of India's female population, face a "triple burden" of gender bias, caste discrimination and economic deprivation. "The Dalit female belongs to the most oppressed group in the world," says Dr Suraj Yengde, author of Caste Matters. "She is a victim of the cultures, structures and institutions of oppression, both externally and internally. This manifests in perpetual violence against Dalit women."

The aftermath of the recent rape and murder of a woman in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, allegedly by upper caste men, played out the way it usually does when a Dalit woman is attacked: police are slow to register a complaint; investigations are tardy; officials raise doubts there was a rape; there are insinuations it had nothing to do with caste; and authorities appear, perhaps, to be complicit in siding with the upper caste perpetrators of violence. Even some of the media, from newsrooms dominated by upper caste journalists, question why sexual violence should be linked to caste.

In other words, the state and parts of society in India conspire to downplay or erase the links between sexual violence and the hierarchies of caste.

After the alleged rape in Hathras last week, the government of Uttar Pradesh, which is ruled by an upper caste politician belonging to the ruling BJP party, hastily cremated the victim in the middle of the night and briefly barred the media and opposition politicians from visiting the victim's village and family, prompting suspicions of a cover up. In an unprecedented move, the government hired a private public relations agency to push its narrative that this was not an incident of rape.

Dalit women across swathes of rural India have been victims of sexual violence for as long as anyone can remember. In these regions, much of the land, resources and social power remain with the upper and middle castes. Despite a 1989 law to prevent atrocities against the community, there was no let-up in violence against Dalit women. They continue to be stalked, abused, molested, raped and murdered with impunity.

Ten Dalit women were raped every day in India last year, according to official figures. The northern state of Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of cases of violence against women as well as the highest number of cases of sexual assault against girls. Three states - Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Rajasthan - report more than half of the cases of atrocities against the Dalits.

In a 2006 study of 500 Dalit women in four states across India on the forms of violence they had faced, 54% had been physically assaulted; 46% had been sexually harassed; 43% had faced domestic violence; 23% had been raped; and 62% had been verbally abused.


image captionThere have been countrywide protests against the rape of the 19-year-old Dalit woman

And Dalit women bear the brunt of violence of all castes, including their own. The Centre for Dalit Rights group examined 100 incidents of sexual violence against Dalit women and girls across 16 districts in India between 2004 and 2013. It found that 46% of the victims were aged below 18 and 85% were less than 30 years old. The perpetrators of the violence came from 36 different castes, including Dalit.

One of the reasons why the Dalits - especially women - bear the brunt of the violence is because they have begun to speak up.

The turning point in the history of violence against Dalit women in India was in 2006, when four members of a Dalit family - a woman, her 17-year-old daughter, and two sons - were brutally murdered by upper caste men after a protracted conflict over land. The incident in a remote village called Khairlanji in Maharashtra state began with the two women going to the police to file a complaint over a land dispute with upper castes in the village. "This gruesome incident stirred the conscience of Dalits and highlighted their social suffering and discrimination," says historian Uma Chakravarti.

The upper castes have been rattled by increasing assertion by Dalits and have been striking back. In the Hathras case last week, reports suggest the family of the victim had a two-decade long dispute with an upper caste family.

Around the country, social transformations are sending Dalit girls to school and pushing Dalit women and feminist groups to make their voices heard. "Like never before, a solid Dalit women leadership is articulating its own grievances and leading the struggle without anyone else's intervention," says Dr Yengde.

Dalit women are fighting back. And the backlash appears to be more brutal than ever. "Earlier the violence was invisible and unreported," says Manjula Pradeep, a leading Dalit rights activist. "Now we have visibility. Now we are stronger and more assertive. Much of the violence now is to remind us of our boundaries."

Source BBC
How would have the opposition tried to bring something come out of light? Would the family have preserved the body so that they can get a second test done to find 2 week old injury marks to conclude that there was rape. Any statement from the family to support this guesswork from you, or it is just your imagination?

Whether the family would have asked for a second autopsy is not even a question here anymore? Did they have any say there?? The UP Police didn’t even allowed them to see their daughter’s face for the last time and cremated it in the middle of the night. It’s nothing but destruction of evidence by the STATE if there was anything left. Stop being a apologist of this pathetic police and government. I know this is your job but you can’t whitewash it anymore.
These hindutva foot soldiers who are spreading this fake narrative of no rape has been done are more dangerous than any rapists.
Whether the family would have asked for a second autopsy is not even a question here anymore? Did they have any say there?? The UP Police didn’t even allowed them to see their daughter’s face for the last time and cremated it in the middle of the night. It’s nothing but destruction of evidence by the STATE if there was anything left. Stop being a apologist of this pathetic police and government. I know this is your job but you can’t whitewash it anymore.

This is just a conspiracy theory without any credibility. Stop being emotional and projecting your anger against everything on this issue. I have already said the police has mismanaged the situation.

for it to be destruction of evidence, 1. there should be evidence in the first place and 2. they have to be afraid of some body which would do an independent autopsy to find injury marks to make a weak case. Even the family hasn't said that there was supporting evidence which was destroyed, so there is no basis for this conspiracy theory.

body as burned to prevent a law an order issue and that was poor judgement from the administration. Anything else is just conspiracy theory by those with a biased mind.
These hindutva foot soldiers who are spreading this fake narrative of no rape has been done are more dangerous than any rapists.

Agreed partially. Just because there was no evidence doesn't mean rape is ruled out. The evidence itself was collected very late, so it had little credibility.

I trust Yogi ji to give exemplary punishment to those who are proved to be behind all this.
So the perpetrators of this alleged rape are also some gaon-wales.

Why are Bisht and co. so intent on protecting them? Are they some bigshots?
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Listen to BJP leader Ranjeet Srivastava from Barabanki, UP. <br><br>He is indulging in character assassination of the <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/HathrasRape?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#HathrasRape</a> Victim. <br><br>This is the Chaal, Charitra & Chehra of Anti-Women BJP goons and their mastermind Adityanath ! <a href="https://t.co/MrDoy2AFY1">pic.twitter.com/MrDoy2AFY1</a></p>— All India Mahila Congress (@MahilaCongress) <a href="https://twitter.com/MahilaCongress/status/1313514219761885185?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 6, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Hathras case: Dalit women are among the most oppressed in the world

“We are victims of violence because we are poor, lower caste and women, so looked down upon by all,” a Dalit woman told researcher Jayshree Mangubhai some years ago. “There is no one to help or speak for us. We face more sexual violence because we don’t have any power.”

Last week, it was reported that a 19-year-old Dalit woman (the Dalits were once called “Untouchables”) was allegedly gang raped and assaulted by a group of upper caste men in Uttar Pradesh state again. The news shone the spotlight again on the rampant sexual violence faced by India’s 80 million Dalit women, who like their male counterparts languish at the bottom of India’s unbending and harsh caste hierarchy.

These women, who comprise about 16% of India’s female population, face a “triple burden” of gender bias, caste discrimination and economic deprivation. “The Dalit female belongs to the most oppressed group in the world,” says Dr Suraj Yengde, author of Caste Matters. “She is a victim of the cultures, structures and institutions of oppression, both externally and internally. This manifests in perpetual violence against Dalit women.”

The aftermath of the recent rape and murder of a woman in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, allegedly by upper caste men, played out the way it usually does when a Dalit woman is attacked: police are slow to register a complaint; investigations are tardy; officials raise doubts there was a rape; there are insinuations it had nothing to do with caste; and authorities appear, perhaps, to be complicit in siding with the upper caste perpetrators of violence. Even some of the media, from newsrooms dominated by upper caste journalists, question why sexual violence should be linked to caste.

In other words, the state and parts of society in India conspire to downplay or erase the links between sexual violence and the hierarchies of caste.

After the alleged rape in Hathras last week, the government of Uttar Pradesh, which is ruled by an upper caste politician belonging to the ruling BJP party, hastily cremated the victim in the middle of the night and briefly barred the media and opposition politicians from visiting the victim’s village and family, prompting suspicions of a cover up. In an unprecedented move, the government hired a private public relations agency to push its narrative that this was not an incident of rape.

Dalit women across swathes of rural India have been victims of sexual violence for as long as anyone can remember. In these regions, much of the land, resources and social power remain with the upper and middle castes. Despite a 1989 law to prevent atrocities against the community, there was no let-up in violence against Dalit women. They continue to be stalked, abused, molested, raped and murdered with impunity.

Ten Dalit women were raped every day in India last year, according to official figures. The northern state of Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of cases of violence against women as well as the highest number of cases of sexual assault against girls. Three states - Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Rajasthan - report more than half of the cases of atrocities against the Dalits.

In a 2006 study of 500 Dalit women in four states across India on the forms of violence they had faced, 54% had been physically assaulted; 46% had been sexually harassed; 43% had faced domestic violence; 23% had been raped; and 62% had been verbally abused.

And Dalit women bear the brunt of violence of all castes, including their own. The Centre for Dalit Rights group examined 100 incidents of sexual violence against Dalit women and girls across 16 districts in India between 2004 and 2013. It found that 46% of the victims were aged below 18 and 85% were less than 30 years old. The perpetrators of the violence came from 36 different castes, including Dalit.

One of the reasons why the Dalits - especially women - bear the brunt of the violence is because they have begun to speak up.

The turning point in the history of violence against Dalit women in India was in 2006, when four members of a Dalit family - a woman, her 17-year-old daughter, and two sons - were brutally murdered by upper caste men after a protracted conflict over land. The incident in a remote village called Khairlanji in Maharashtra state began with the two women going to the police to file a complaint over a land dispute with upper castes in the village. “This gruesome incident stirred the conscience of Dalits and highlighted their social suffering and discrimination,” says historian Uma Chakravarti.

The upper castes have been rattled by increasing assertion by Dalits and have been striking back. In the Hathras case last week, reports suggest the family of the victim had a two-decade long dispute with an upper caste family.

Around the country, social transformations are sending Dalit girls to school and pushing Dalit women and feminist groups to make their voices heard. “Like never before, a solid Dalit women leadership is articulating its own grievances and leading the struggle without anyone else’s intervention,” says Dr Yengde.

Dalit women are fighting back. And the backlash appears to be more brutal than ever. “Earlier the violence was invisible and unreported,” says Manjula Pradeep, a leading Dalit rights activist. “Now we have visibility. Now we are stronger and more assertive. Much of the violence now is to remind us of our boundaries.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Listen to BJP leader Ranjeet Srivastava from Barabanki, UP. <br><br>He is indulging in character assassination of the <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/HathrasRape?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#HathrasRape</a> Victim. <br><br>This is the Chaal, Charitra & Chehra of Anti-Women BJP goons and their mastermind Adityanath ! <a href="https://t.co/MrDoy2AFY1">pic.twitter.com/MrDoy2AFY1</a></p>— All India Mahila Congress (@MahilaCongress) <a href="https://twitter.com/MahilaCongress/status/1313514219761885185?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 6, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
lol, straight out of bigot's textbook. But he won't be touched with a barge pole, instead he'll be promoted.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Listen to BJP leader Ranjeet Srivastava from Barabanki, UP. <br><br>He is indulging in character assassination of the <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/HathrasRape?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#HathrasRape</a> Victim. <br><br>This is the Chaal, Charitra & Chehra of Anti-Women BJP goons and their mastermind Adityanath ! <a href="https://t.co/MrDoy2AFY1">pic.twitter.com/MrDoy2AFY1</a></p>— All India Mahila Congress (@MahilaCongress) <a href="https://twitter.com/MahilaCongress/status/1313514219761885185?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 6, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Hathras gang rape case: The woman's family has denied the UP police claim

New Delhi: A week after a young woman allegedly gang raped and tortured in Hathras died of her wounds, fresh allegations and theories are emerging in the Uttar Pradesh police investigation. Pushing a new narrative, the police claim there is evidence that the victim's family knew one of the accused.
The 20-year-old Dalit woman was assaulted by four upper caste men of her village on September 14. She died last Tuesday of horrific injuries from the attack; she had multiple fractures, spinal injuries, a broken neck and a gash in her tongue.

The UP police say call records reveal that the woman's brother had was in touch with one of the four men arrested for the crime.

Some 104 calls were made between the brother and accused Sandeep Thakur from October last year to March, the police claim.

"The victim's brother will be questioned on the basis of the call records," sources told NDTV on Wednesday.

The latest twist serves to prop up the UP police claim that there is more to the case than caste rivalry and that the young woman knew her alleged attackers. But no police officer is willing to go on record.

To explore these details, a Special Investigation Team or SIT inquiring into the case has been given 10 more days. The team was to submit its report today but has been given an extension on the orders of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, a top official said today.

The three-member team questioned the woman's brother. "We have no contact with them. We have only one phone in the home. If the police has the audio of the calls, they must produce them," he said.

The village chief or Pradhan, who is a Thakur -- the same community as the accused -- says the victim and the main accused were in a relationship. He claims he had called a panchayat four months ago to mediate between the two families and the gang rape allegation is a "lie".

The woman's family, one of the four Dalit families in the village of 100 houses, feel hopelessly outnumbered by the upper castes and want to leave.

They believe the police and the upper caste are now aligned to discredit what happened to their daughter.

After calls for their security and the Supreme Court's notice asking for an update on witness protection, CCTV cameras were installed at the entrance to their home, but they feel unsafe.

"We will not stay here, we will build our hut somewhere else. This happened with my daughter today. What if it happens to my granddaughters tomorrow," said the woman's father.

The police, facing criticism over their handling of the case and accused by the woman's family of a slow response to the initial complaint, have been contesting several facts in the case.

They say, for example, that the woman's allegation of gang rape is not borne out by forensic reports. Experts question this claim, pointing out that the woman's samples were taken a week after the incident.

‘Won’t Control My Men’: Hathras Accused-Backer Threatens Violence

One of the supporters of the accused in the Hathras case, who was seen threatening Bhim Army chief Chandrashekhar Azad in front of police in a viral video, has issued an open threat. On a call with The Quint, this local leader of an anti-reservation, upper caste outfit said:

“So far I have addressed over 5,000 people at gatherings but if the political leaders don’t stop visiting the Dalit victim’s family, I won’t be able to control my karyakartas or members of the Savarna samaj. Because my followers, my workers, my community is out of control.”

Pankaj Dhavrayya, a former member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), is the founder of Rashtriya Savarna Sangathan, an anti-reservation upper-caste outfit in Uttar Pradesh. Dhavrayya has been leading huge crowds of people in support of the four Thakurs accused of rape and murder of a 19-year-old Dalit girl.

‘Come Meet Your Elder Brother’: Threat to Bhim Army Chief
On 4 October, he posted a video on his own Facebook profile where he can be seen threatening Bhim Army Chief Chandrashekhar Azad who had gone to meet the victim family. In the background, policemen can be seen standing as bystanders even as he issued threats.

In the video, he can be heard saying:
“Does he not trust the CBI or the SIT? Does he not have faith in the law? Meet us once, we will make you have faith. The kind of politics that you are doing...Dhavrayya will ensure you have faith (in law). Come here, your elder brother wants to meet you.”

Speaking to The Quint, he said, “If I had to threaten him, I have hundreds of people who could have beaten him up inside the village. Who would have stopped us, tell me? I also don't want any violence but if politicians are not stopped, then violence will happen. I will then point at the police administration too. Then I will also not stop my karyakartas.”

“I have addressed 12 sabhas of 5,000 people each. If I give them one go ahead, there won’t be any delay for violence to break out.”
‘We Don’t Discriminate Over Caste’: Police Files FIR
After the phone call, The Quint immediately informed the Uttar Pradesh DGP and IG Aligarh who assured that appropriate action will be taken against him. “Anyone who tries to create a gulf between communities and disrupt peace will be punished. It does not matter which caste the person belongs to.”

On 6 October, an FIR was filed against Dhavrayya under IPC Sections 188 (Disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant) and 506 (criminal intimidation).

So far, 19 FIRs have been filed related to the case against “unknown” people with charges of sedition and conspiracy.

Who is Pankaj Dhavrayya?
“I am a Brahmin yet I am fighting for justice for Thakurs. Caste does not matter, but the truth should come out.”

Pankaj Dhavrayya, a resident of Hathras, said his ‘Rashtriya Savarna Sangathan’ is spread across 22 districts of Uttar Pradesh. As per his Facebook profile, he was a former member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and left the right-wing organisation in 2016. “I split from the RSS after I protested against the BJP over their stand on the SC/ST act and reservation. That is an old tale,” he told The Quint.

“My main motive is campaigning against reservation and SC/ST Act. I stand for all Savarnas. For me ‘savarna’ means anyone who believes in his own hard work and does not depend on anyone.”

So UP and the cow belt states have Hindu vs Muslim issue and also Upper Caste vs Dalit issue.

Can anyone tell me what good comes out of that cesspit region?
As per Zee, this whole thing is farzi.

Zee News claimed to have the “biggest testimonies” in Hathras case and asked who is the “scriptwriter” of the “farzi” (false) gang-rape case.

The channel also aired a sting operation, claiming that it would change the direction of the case, and that it had to do this sting operation in “national interest”. The reporter interviewed the accused’s father, the Hathras hospital’s doctor who treated the girl for the first time and a home guard personnel. While the doctor claimed that the victim’s tongue was not cut, the home guard personnel said that this could be a matter of personal animosity. The accused parents, however, said that the victim’s mother continued working in the field despite her daughter lying injured beside her.
Its one thing to be stooge of establishment but this surpasses all limits of humanity.
Its one thing to be stooge of establishment but this surpasses all limits of humanity.

Nothing should be taken at face value. Narco tests should be conducted to find the truth, both the accused the family of the girl.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">"Dalits are inferior than Thakurs, how can we eat with them?"<br>In <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Hathras?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Hathras</a> victim's village, The Quint's <a href="https://twitter.com/NandyAsmita?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@NandyAsmita</a> found upper caste people, who openly admitted to practising untouchability against Dalits. Watch our documentary.<br>Read here: <a href="https://t.co/opbOGL4QcX">https://t.co/opbOGL4QcX</a> <a href="https://t.co/6LX1CaswpD">pic.twitter.com/6LX1CaswpD</a></p>— The Quint (@TheQuint) <a href="https://twitter.com/TheQuint/status/1314937495251951617?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 10, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Currently UP has a population around 24 crores which is more than the combined population of Pakistan and Sri Lanka. I think it's like a country within a country. Definitely should be split into 5 parts at least. :inti

It was being talked about sometime ago. Two new states Vananchal and Harit Pradesh were supposed to be created out of UP.

Don't know what became of it.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Why did the police cremate her? Was hers an unclaimed body?" her mother asks. "I carried her in my womb for nine months. Do I not have the right to see her face one last time? Do I not have the right to grieve? Do I not feel pain?"<a href="https://t.co/v7HuxhY4Kb">https://t.co/v7HuxhY4Kb</a></p>— IndianAmericanMuslimCouncil (@IAMCouncil) <a href="https://twitter.com/IAMCouncil/status/1314564235821748225?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 9, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Hathras woman’s death: Journalist, 3 CFI men held on way to meet victim kin named in another sedition case

DAYS after Mathura police arrested a journalist from Kerala and three members of the Campus Front of India (CFI) on charges of Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, among others, while they were on way to meet the Hathras victim’s family, Hathras police have now named them in a case lodged a day earlier on sedition and other serious charges.

The case registered at Chandpa police station of Hathras on October 4 relates with alleged conspiracy to instigate riots along caste lines and defame the state government over the alleged rape, and murder, of the 19-year-old Dalit woman.

According to Hathras police, their investigation found that the four arrested from Mathura – journalist Siddique Kappan (41), and CFI members Atiq-ur-Rahman (25), Masood Ahmed (26) and Alam (26) – were allegedly involved in the earlier case. The four are at present lodged in Mathura jail.

The CFI is the students’ wing of the radical Popular Front of India.

Hathras SP Vineet Jaiswal said a local court has issued warrant B (warrant for production) against all four, asking them to appear before the court.

The court issued the order on the basis of a report filed by investigating officer of the case lodged by Chandpa police. “We have served production warrant of all four persons to Mathura jail authorities. The case is related to conspiracy to instigate riots,” Chandpa SHO Laxman Singh, investigating officer in the case, said.

Meanwhile, Muzaffarnagar police have booked Atiq-ur-Rahman in a case of violence that occurred during the anti-CAA protests in Kotwali area of the district in December 2019. Rahman is resident of Muzaffarnagar.

Both developments took place over Thursday and Friday.

On October 5, Mathura police detained the four men at Maant toll plaza. A day later, they were booked for allegedly being part of large conspiracy behind their visit to Hathras. They were booked under charges including UAPA, and IPC 124-A (sedition), 153-A (promoting enmity between different groups on ground of religion, race, etc) and 295-A (deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings).

A case was lodged against them at Maant police station in Mathura.

In the meantime, Hathras police, while probing into a case lodged against unidentified persons at Chandpa police station, found alleged role of Kappan, Atiq-ur-Rahman, Masood Ahmed and Alam in the case. The FIR in Hathras has invoked charges under IPC Sections 153-A, 124-A, 153-B (imputations, assertions prejudicial to national integration) and 420 (cheating).

At the same time, Muzaffarnagar police also moved court and obtained production warrant against Rehman in the case of violence during anti-CAA protests last year.

Inspector Vijay Kumar Singh, who is part of the SIT probing cases filed during anti-CAA protests in Muzaffarnagar, said: “While probing into the violence on December 20 (last year) in Kotwali area, we found Atiq-ur-Rehman was present at the spot and had arranged funding for the violence. The case is lodged on various charges, including attempt to murder. We were looking for Rahman in the case and then learnt about his arrest (by Mathura police).”

A jail official said, “We have received production warrant of both cases against the accused.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Dalit Woman Gang Raped At Gunpoint In UP <a href="https://t.co/9Agpzo0Yit">https://t.co/9Agpzo0Yit</a> <a href="https://t.co/BNZttRTmbq">pic.twitter.com/BNZttRTmbq</a></p>— NDTV (@ndtv) <a href="https://twitter.com/ndtv/status/1317892598569132033?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 18, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
New Delhi: Union Ministers Prakash Javadekar and Nirmala Sitharaman hit out at Congress leaders Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra today over the alleged rape and murder of a six-year-old Dalit girl - whose father is a migrant labourer from Bihar - in Punjab's Hoshiarpur district.
Describing the incident as "extremely shocking" and calling for "strict action", Mr Javadekar demanded that Mr Gandhi - who has been fiercely critical of the BJP over the alleged gangrape and murder of a young Dalit woman in UP's Hathras last month - stop his "political tours" and visit Punjab to "take cognisance of crime against women".

Ms Sitharaman criticised the Congress for "selective outrage" and demanded to know why the "tweet-friendly" Rahul Gandhi had remained silent on this issue.

"The rape and murder of a six-year-old Dalit girl from Bihar, in Hoshiarpur's Tanda village, is very shocking. Instead of political tours, Rahul Gandhi should visit Tanda and Rajasthan, and take cognisance of incidents of crime against women," Mr Javadekar was quoted by news agency ANI.

"Neither Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi nor Priyanka Gandhi visited the family of the victim in Tanda. They do not pay heed to the injustice done to women in the states ruled by their party, but visit Hathras and other places for photo-op with the victim's family," he added.

"Why is the brother-sister pair not going (to) and voicing (their) horror... selective cry of outrage that the Congress wants to show when it (the crime) is elsewhere but not in their governed states is completely exposed. Not a word from the tweet-friendly leader Rahul Gandhi," Ms Sitharaman was quoted by ANI.

"Does this kind of selective outrage suits the stature of their party? The BJP will stand up for justice and will ensure that justice is delivered to this family, and in time," she added.

Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh hit back, dubbing their remarks as "political puffery" and rejecting any charges against his government. He also said that his party had only spoken up about the Hathras tragedy because the government in UP had failed the young woman.

"Had the BJP government in UP responded as effectively and speedily as we did in Punjab, neither the Congress and the Gandhis, nor scores of NGOs, lawyers, human rights activists would have been forced to take to the streets to fight for the victim," he was quoted by news agency PTI.

The BJP leaders' comments come after the Congress targeted the party's government in Uttar Pradesh over the alleged gangrape in Hathras and questioned Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's track record in protecting girls and women.

Mr Gandhi and Ms Gandhi Vadra met the family of the young woman - who died from injuries sustained in the attack - after two dramatic attempts. They were stopped each time by UP Police - the first saw Mr Gandhi shoved to the ground by cops and the second saw Ms Gandhi Vadra manhandled by the police as she tried to protect a party worker during a lathi charge.

Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra meeting the family of the Hathras victim

Last week the two also criticised the BJP over its trademark "Beti bachao..." (save your daughters) campaign, pointing out that the situation in UP was more of a "apradhi bachao" (save criminals).

Both the BJP and UP Police have come under severe scrutiny for their conduct of the Hathras investigation, with the Allahabad High Court among their critics.

Yogi Adityanath earlier this month said his government was committed to the safety of women.

On Wednesday the half-burnt body of the young Dalit girl was found near a cattle shed in Punjab's Jalalpur village. Police have arrested two men - Surpreet Singh and his grandfather Surjit Singh - in connection with the crime.

Regardless of political affiliations and parties in charge of different states, the barbaric incident in Jalalpur village of Punjab's Tanda region is the latest in a string of sexual assaults and attacks on women and young girls across the country.

Source NDTV
So these sanghi ministers were waiting for a rape to happen in a Congress ruled state to open their mouths?

Would've been better for at least Nirmala tai to concentrate on what she gets paid a hefty salary for! Also unlike Bisht, these instances weren't brushed under the carpet in other states.
Arrested Kerala Journalist Not Allowed To Meet Lawyer, Says Family

Thiruvananthapuram: Raihanath, 37, is waiting with her three children in Kerala’s Malappuram to hear from her husband – Delhi-based journalist Siddique Kappan. He was arrested from Mathura on October 5 while on way to Hathras in Uttar Pradesh, soon after the alleged gangrape of a Dalit woman that made headlines.
A senior journalist in his 40s, Siddique Kappan has been a regular contributor for news organisations like Azhimukham.

His distraught wife, glancing through her mobile phone, said all attempts to meet him – even by the family lawyer – have been denied by the Uttar Pradesh police. A few days ago, he had made a phone call to his 90-year-old mother, which was an exception.

“What should I say? I must trust the Supreme Court on 16th. I must trust our justice system. I will stand by the truth. No one has been able to see Siddique till now, not even the lawyer,” Raihanath said.

Mr Kappan and three others have been booked under the anti-terror law UAPA (Unlawful Activities Prevention Act) and other sections like the Information Technology Act.

In the First Information Report, the police have alleged that the men made attempts to incite riots, caste-based violence, disturb peace and mobilise donations illegally through a website they operated. Pamphlets titled “Am I Not India’s Daughter?” that were retrieved, were printed with the intent to cause disharmony, according to the First Information Report.

“Arrest of Siddique Kappan, some 39 days ago, on his way to Hathras was a gross violation of Supreme Court guidelines in the DK Basu vs State Of West Bengal,” advocate Wills Mathews told NDTV.

“The Kerala Union of Working Journalists filed a habeas corpus in Supreme Court. We eventually reached out to the Chief Judicial Magistrate court and the state police asking for a conference with Siddique Kappan, but that was denied. We have not even been allowed access to even get the vakalatnama, or the power of attorney, signed,” he added.

Siddique Kappan’s wife said she hopes as the case comes up on November 16 before the Supreme Court, at least her husband will be allowed to access to his lawyer.

In the case of the bail plea of another journalist, Republic TV’s Arnab Goswami, on Wednesday, the Supreme Court had spoken firmly about liberty. “If we as a constitutional court do not lay down law and protect liberty, then who will,” one of the Supreme Court judges had said during the hearing.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Watch | Arrested <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Kerala?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Kerala</a> Journalist Not Allowed To Meet Lawyer, Says Family <a href="https://t.co/5AW7Ppe0Lp">https://t.co/5AW7Ppe0Lp</a> <a href="https://t.co/H61BjNSiPd">pic.twitter.com/H61BjNSiPd</a></p>— NDTV (@ndtv) <a href="https://twitter.com/ndtv/status/1327098841343016960?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 13, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
The CBI on Friday filed its charge sheet against four accused in the alleged gangrape and murder case of a 19-year-old Dalit woman in Hathras, officials said.

The agency invoked charges of gangrape and murder against Sandeep, Luvkush, Ravi and Ramu and the local court in Hathras has taken cognisance, lawyer for the accused told reporters outside the court.

The victim was allegedly gang-raped by the four men from the upper caste community in Hathras on September 14. She later died due to her injuries at a hospital in Delhi.

The victim was cremated in the dead of the night near her home on September 30. Her family alleged they were forced by the local police to hurriedly conduct her last rites. Local police officers, however, said the cremation was carried out "as per the wishes of the family".

The agency has looked into the role of accused Sandeep, Luvkush, Ravi and Ramu who are in judicial custody, officials said.

They were also put through different forensic tests at the Forensic Science Laboratory in Gandhinagar, they said.

The CBI investigators had also met doctors at the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College and Hospital, where the victim was treated after the alleged gangrape on September 14, they said.

The Yogi Adityanath Government had faced a lot of flak for the case which was later transferred to the CBI.

The CBI had constituted a team to probe the incident and handed over the probe to its Ghaziabad unit.

The team has already recorded statements of family members of the victim.

Four men have been charged with the gang rape and murder of a 19-year-old Dalit woman in India, a case that prompted nationwide protests and drew a fresh spotlight on India’s endemic problem of sexual violence.

In September in Hathras, a small village in Uttar Pradesh, the 19-year-old woman was working in the fields when she was pounced on by four older men who dragged her to a field, attacked her and then tried to strangle her with her shawl.

The charge sheet filed by the central bureau of investigation on Friday confirmed the girl was gang-raped and four men have been charged with her murder.

The girl was a Dalit, India’s lowest caste, formerly known as “untouchables”, while her four alleged attackers were from a higher caste. Sexual violence against Dalit women is regularly used as a tool of oppression and around 10 Dalit women are raped every day in India.

The 19-year-old was discovered by her family bleeding in the field, barely conscious and with her spine broken. The girl was taken to a local hospital and then transferred to a government hospital in Delhi, where she died from her injuries two weeks after the attack.

Her case initially barely attracted any media attention. However, after the Uttar Pradesh police came under pressure for not properly registering her case as a rape and faced accusations of not investigating the case properly due to the low caste of the girl and her family, anger and protests exploded across India.

Several policemen were later suspended for “negligence and lax supervision” in the case. The police deny any wrongdoing.

The police also began to downplay and deny reports that the girl had been raped, and the rightwing firebrand chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath, claimed that the rape allegations were an invented international conspiracy.

The Uttar Pradesh police also came under fire after they allegedly cremated the girl’s body at night, against the wishes of the family. Officials said the cremation was done “as per the wishes of the family”. The police formed a blockade around Hathras village, preventing senior opposition politicians and journalists entering to report on the case.

One journalist, Siddique Kappan, was arrested trying to reach the village and allegedly tortured by police before being charged with sedition under the draconian terrorism law, Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (Uapa). He remains in jail.

The case once again exposed the widespread threat of sexual violence faced by women in India, the country which remains the most dangerous place for women in the world. Outcry over the brutal gang rape of a student on a bus in Delhi in 2012 led to new anti-rape laws and harsher punishments, but rape cases remain rampant.