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[VIDEO] Asian vs Black relations in the UK: Peckham shop-owner under fire for restraining a suspected shop-lifter


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
Here is the video

You decide whether this was excessive use of force by the shopkeeper/owner, or totally unjustified.

Would he have done the same if this was a white woman?


A 45-year-old man has been interviewed under caution by the Met Police after a video was circulated of a woman being restrained by a male shopkeeper.

Hundreds of people gathered to protest outside Peckham Hair and Cosmetics, in Rye Lane, on Tuesday where the woman had been accused of theft.

Chants of "you touch one, you touch all" were heard and signs held saying "keep your hands off black women".

The shopkeeper told the BBC the footage had been viewed "out of context".

He said the footage on social media was "cropped" and did not show the whole incident in full. The shop remains closed and shuttered.

A 31-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of assault on Tuesday and later released on bail.

People in Peckham were asked to remain calm after the video was circulated on social media.

The footage, which has been viewed more than a million times, appears to show a black woman inside the shop being grabbed by a much larger Asian man on Monday.

The woman struggled and hit the man with a shopping basket, which broke.

The man then held her by her arms and neck.

Speaking to the BBC after Monday's incident but before Tuesday afternoon's protest, the shopkeeper said the woman had become aggressive when she was refused a refund on products she had previously bought at the store.

"We do not give refunds, we exchange items or give a credit note. So she grabbed some stuff [three packs of hair with a total value of £24] from the shelf and tried to leave. She was leaving and I was stopping her.

"I was stopping her. She slapped me in the face and grabbed a shopping basket and hit me on the head. I don't know when my hand goes around her neck. I was keeping her neutralised. I did not hit her.

"The video was cropped. People are acting at the half truth".

Edilenny Dotel, who filmed the viral video while she was shopping in the store, said she had begun filming because she felt what was happening was "not fair".

"I felt horrible when I saw that in front of me," she told BBC London.

"[The man] saw me recording the video and I'm saying that I'm gonna call the police a few times.

"I'm a young girl. I was like 'imagine if that happened to me. I'm not gonna be okay with that. I would like to someone to share that on social media'."

The incident drew hundreds of participants at the organised protest on Tuesday. People stood chanting in the street, occasionally sitting in the road and temporarily halting buses and traffic.

The shop was closed up and there were about 15 police officers standing nearby.

Some protesters kicked the shuttered storefront while others actively worked to calm feelings down.

The recurring sentiment from those gathered was that it was not the first time tensions had risen between the black community and some local shops.

Rye Lane Traders Association said it worked with the local community to make the area a "safe and pleasant place to visit and shop".

It said it could not comment further "at this time" because of the "ongoing police matter".

Marlon Kameka, a 40-year-old artist and youth worker who attended the protest, told BBC London: "There's a hierarchy in this country and, unfortunately, black women are always at the bottom of the hierarchy.

"I'm fed up with being on the street because I've seen a video of a black woman being abused by a man.

"The sad fact is, whenever I open social media, I should be prepared to see some kind of abuses being inflicted on a black person.

"I'm here not to speak up for myself, but to speak up for the black women and the black children who are coming up after us. We can't be scared to raise our voice because of what might happen."

Simone Goodys, who joined the protest, said that she was shocked and angry when she saw the viral video.

"It made me feel scared, and I was shocked as well because I come in this shop all the time," she said.

"This shop is targeted at black women. They sell all stuff for black women. We're the ones who come here and buy their stuff, but they don't respect us.

"They have no right to treat people like that."

After the protest, hand-written messages covered the shop's metal shutters.

One sign read "protect black women", while others contained strongly worded and offensive messages.

The Metropolitan Police and the London mayor have both said they understand why Londoners might be concerned about the footage, but urged people to remain calm.

Det Ch Supt Seb Adjei-Addoh, local policing commander for Southwark, said: "I would like to thank local people for their patience as we work to establish the full circumstances around the allegations made.

"We continue to examine various clips of footage that depict small sections of the wider incident and are working to establish what offences were committed and by whom.

"My officers will be patrolling Rye Lane today to provide reassurance to the community."

He added: "I know that this incident will cause concern and I urge anyone who is worried to speak with their local policing team or with officers on patrol."

Harriet Harman, Labour MP for Camberwell

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Think the shop owner will have to move - he will not be allowed to carry out business by locals and could be a safety issue also for him.
Inside the UK's shoplifting capital where business owners have given up hope.

Business owner Steve Whitaker has frightening first-hand experience of the violent shoplifting epidemic sweeping the nation.

Running a sweet shop in the heart of Britain’s thieving capital, he is regularly threatened by brazen criminals who know that they can take what they want with no fear of action. “I had a guy take £25 worth of Twixes yesterday, he had paid for just one thing,” says Steve, who runs Browns Sweets in Leeds’ Kirkgate Market.

“It happens all the time. I’ve been told: ‘I’m going to stab you’ when I confront them. It’s a question of what can you do? They know you can’t retaliate.” Last year, 2,157 crimes were recorded in Leeds city centre, more than anywhere else in England and Wales. The equivalent of six offences a day, it is an 83% increase on the year before.

And as the Mirror demands urgent action to tackle the epidemic sweeping Britain’s high streets, we found many business owners in Leeds have simply given up hoping police will do anything about crimes committed against them. Steve, who has run the shop for 12 years, claims he was told by officers years ago that they would not prosecute for such small amounts.

We want police to investigate all shoplifting incidents and the reversing of Tory laws which downgraded the theft of goods worth less than £200 to a minor offence. We also want the underlying causes addressed by tackling the cost of living crisis and upping support for addiction and poor mental health.

Like all of the shopkeepers we speak to, Steve has sympathy for people struggling to make ends meet. “Homeless guys used to steal from me and I told them just to come and ask me for food,” he says. “And I do know that with some of the pensioners, they just don’t have the money.”

Steve’s dad, also called Steve, works nearby at Firth & Payne bakery. “I’ve seen everything,” he sighs. “The latest theft was £40 of stock in a bag, ready to sell at the pub across the road. Shoplifters are right across the age spectrum, from 12 to 80. It’s a lot worse than it used to be. They work in teams, someone distracts us at the till while the others steal. They come back time and time again.”

Six weeks ago, Steve senior was attacked. “Two young lads nicked two bottles of pop,” he says. “They denied it, smacked me across the face and ripped my T-shirt off.” One shop owner says more security guards are needed. “There are only two but the market is twice the size of John Lewis round the corner, who have 10,” they say.

Abdul, manager of Leeds Hair & Cosmetics, estimates £70 of stock is stolen each week, with make-up and wigs particular targets. “It’s a mix of people, they just swoop whenever they have the chance,” he tells us. “They grab handfuls of eyeliners. If we catch them we call security who escort them out.”

“People just take stuff and run away,” says Varun Sharma, who works at Future Phone, which sells mobile accessories and handsets. “We get at least one shoplifter a week. My boss has just had £70,000 worth of warehouse stock taken in a raid.” Three months ago, around the corner from the market, the Flannels designer clothing shop was ram raided by a gang, one of whom was armed with a machete. The criminals reportedly stole clothing worth tens of thousands of pounds.

John Lewis boss Dame Sharon White said “crime groups” were driving shoplifting rather than thefts linked to the soaring cost of living. She called on the Government to change legislation in England and Wales to make it a criminal offence to abuse shopworkers, as in Scotland.

“We have seen more activity linked to organised crime,” said Dame Sharon White, who has met with Met Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley to discuss the problem. “We have raised the issue because the safety of our staff is incredibly important.” A key demand in our campaign against the high-street crime surge is to increase the number of PCSOs, which has fallen from 16,814 in 2009 to 8,263.

“The police do not exist,” said one jeweller we spoke to, who has owned his shop for 30 years. “You feel abandoned. I have been threatened by thieves and nothing is done.” Abdul, who sells mobile phone cases from a handcart on Briggate, home to some of the most popular high street retailers, tells us he gives away stock for fear of being attacked.

"I let them steal from me,” he says. “A long time ago, they came here and stole cases and said they would fight me if I said anything.” Shopper Karen Knott, 64, sees thefts from the city centre branch of Greggs. “I watch them walk in, walk out with stuff every day,” she says. “The staff say there is nothing they can do about it.”

“They take advantage,” adds another elderly shopper who has also witnessed the shoplifting in Greggs. “Before it was the homeless but now it’s kids. I saw some smart ladies going in who were taking things.” Supt Dan Wood, of West Yorkshire Police, said: “As a key retail destination with a large number of city centre retailers Leeds did witness a post pandemic rise in shoplifting.

Those increases have continued into 2023 and it is a trend police are very much alive to. At present we are seeing an average of 24 offences across the whole city each day. “In many cases the theft itself is only reported to police after a suspect has already left the area, but reports are still taken.

"We have not seen a notable increase in organised criminality or offences in which violence is used or threatened, but when such offences do take place, they are investigated as priority crimes by detectives.

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That shop will have to close now - no way will he be allowed to function now
I do have sympathy for the Bharati shop owner, shoplifters are more or less given a free hand by the police who love watching ethnic businesses suffer. There's no way around this, the stark truth of the matter is crime is encouraged and aided by the law in this country.

But I do need to point out that the retailer was also wrong, the customer should have the right to a refund if the product is unsuitable.