[VIDEO Post #202] Graeme Swann retires from all cricket


Local Club Captain
Jun 8, 2013
Retiring from all forms of cricket immediately.

Sunday 22 December, 2013

Graeme Swann announces retirement from all International and First Class Cricket

England and Nottinghamshire off spinner Graeme Swann today announced his retirement from International and First Class cricket.

Swann has played 60 Tests for England making his debut in 2008 against India in Chennai taking two wickets in his first over. He has taken 255 wickets in a Test career spanning five years and is the sixth leading Test wicket taker of all time for England. Swann has taken 17 five wicket hauls throughout his Test career and claimed ten wickets in a match three times against Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and most recently New Zealand earlier this year. Despite struggling with an elbow injury in recent years Swann has played a part in the three Ashes series victories and helped England become the number one ranked side in the world in 2011.

Swann has also played 79 ODIs for England, making his debut in 2000 at the age of 20 against South Africa in Bloemfontein. The 34 year old off spinner has claimed 104 wickets over the course of his career and in 2011 was the number one ranked ODI bowler. Swann has been a key member of England’s T20 squad since making his debut in 2008 against New Zealand, helping England to the ICC World T20 title in 2010 and captaining the side three times in 2011.

Graeme Swann said: “After a great deal of consideration I have decided to call it a day on my international and first class career. This decision has been very difficult seeing as the England team has been my family for seven years now, but I feel that now is the right time to step down.

“I don't regret a single day of my career. Every high has been celebrated with verve and vigour and every low painfully accepted as a chance to learn and improve. My personal highlights include the three Ashes victories, of which I will cherish for the rest of my life, and the World T20 victory in the West Indies which ranks as my limited overs highlight. I have met, played with and against, and become friends with some magnificent people throughout my journey and feel truly privileged to have been given these opportunities.

“I'd also like to pay tribute to both Northamptonshire County Cricket Club for giving me my grounding in the game and Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club for turning me into the cricketer I wanted to be. Two Championship titles and my maiden one day final victory with the Outlaws are also achievements of which I am immensely proud.

“With two games to go in Australia and then a fiercely competitive summer against Sri Lanka and India I feel that it is a great time for someone else to strap themselves in and hopefully enjoy the ride as much as I have.

“Finally I'd like to thank all my England team mates for their non-stop support and camaraderie and of course wish Andy Flower and Alastair Cook all the success in the world for the future. First and foremost I am a fervent England fan at heart.”

England Team Director Andy Flower said: “Graeme Swann has made an outstanding contribution to the England cricket team in all formats throughout an incredibly successful career and I would like to congratulate him on all that he has achieved. His commitment, competitive spirit and sense of humour have been recognised and admired by team mates and supporters alike and he has played a big part in England’s success over the last five years. The dressing room will be a very different place without Graeme’s unique personality and I would like to wish him all the very best for the future.”
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Huge loss to England, he played a big role in England's rise to the top. This is why i despise the intense over the top reactions. Yes he was a dissapointment in Australia but he was a very useful option in English conditions.
Thoroughly shocking, however it is the best decision, this will leave a huge void in English cricket and best of luck to Swann for his future endeavors.
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Re: Graeme Swann Retires

Loss for England.. Should have continued on paying the tests at least. Good luck to him for future endeavors.
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So fragile these guys. Our cricketers live out of a suitcase all year, get whitewashed in SA, but you do hear anyone retire? :farhat How many Indians retired after 4-0 in Australia and then England? Sehwag and co. had to be kicked out.
Huge news and a big blow to English cricket. Will be interesting to hear his reasons for retiring.
Why retire in the mid series? A quality spinner but he will be criticized for leaving the team in middle of a series just like Afridi did when he retired from Tests.

Maybe he dont want to face the embarrassment of being dropped in next 2 matches after the bad performance in this ashes
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Big blow for English cricket he was the backbone of english bowling attack all these years.

Graeme Swann has announced that he is quitting the England team with immediate effect.

The 34-year-old spinner will stay in Australia with his family, but will not take part in the remaining two Ashes Tests after making the dramatic announcement on Saturday.

‘I know people will be surprised by the suddenness of the decision and the fact that I’m making myself unavailable for the final two Tests of the Ashes series,’ he said.

‘I’d hoped that, when we walked out for the fifth Test in Sydney on January 3, it would have been with a chance of winning or retaining the Ashes. But that has gone now.’

Concern had been growing during the series that Swann had not been getting the same spin on the ball as he had done in his prime.

He was held back by a chronic elbow injury, which required surgery earlier this year and prevented him from playing at his best.

Swann’s retirement creates a problem for England because of the paucity of good quality spinners.

Monty Panesaar can fill in for Swann for now, but he is not the long-term answer. There is no one of the same class as Swann and no one emerging to take his place.

Simon Kerrigan was not selected for the tour party but instead was sent back to Loughborough to do remedial work on his action. He will not be able to slip seamlessly into the gap left by Swann.

Swann said last night that he would look back with great affection on an England career which has included three successive Ashes series and victory in the World Twenty20 in 2010.

‘It couldn’t have been much better and I couldn’t be any more proud,’ he said.

The rumour doing around is that he got dropped for next test... and was angry so called it a day...
And some people think he's the best spinner in the world. He knows he's been embarrassed but what a cowardly way to go. He might be having a bad series but he still had it in him to play for few more years.
Looks like he's kept it quiet for his SUN column.

Pretty sad really, was a quietly bowler :(
And some people think he's the best spinner in the world. He knows he's been embarrassed but what a cowardly way to go. He might be having a bad series but he still had it in him to play for few more years.

People still bash afridi for leaving the team in the middle of a series.
Why retire in the middle of an Ashes ? Retirement will take place with immediate effect and from all forms of cricket.
England falling apart here. Two careers already ended by this tour. Wonder who will be next.
Surely came as a big surprise.

He was a big matchwinner and has been one of the very best spinners in recent years, and one bad series, and that too after the surgery wont change anything, very fine bowler.
Oh my, what a disastrous tour this has turned out to be.

This is a huge blow for England, I can't see any spinner able to step in for him. Such a shock.
England players retire when they are no longer good enough any more. Players in other teams carry on and on living on past glories.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>The career of <a href="https://twitter.com/Swannyg66">@swannyg66</a>...3 Ashes series wins... 1 T20 WC... 255 Test Wkts .. 104 ODI Wkts.. 739 FC Wkts... 1 huge chin... <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Legend&src=hash">#Legend</a>.</p>— Michael Vaughan (@MichaelVaughan) <a href="https://twitter.com/MichaelVaughan/statuses/414548509975539712">December 22, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
The English media is disgrace, this all because of knee jerk journalism! I hope they can find a spinner to fill the void left my swann now! Absolutely crazy stuf, there has been so much talk of "careers being on the line" in the remaining tests of the ashes is just complete bs, these are the same people who have delivered consistently for the past 3/4 years and helped england win the ashes at home and away, first ICC trophy and rise to no.1 in the test ranking and all of a sudden one series loss against australia in australia and everyone is throwing daggers, take this guy out retire this guy, end so and so's career, you really are as good as your last performance in england no one remembers the past acheivements you were responsible for.
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England players retire when they are no longer good enough any more. Players in other teams carry on and on living on past glories.

there are rumors he was dropped from next Test we will see the whole story and context in next few days
Ridiculous decision given he's only 34. Sounds like he's throwing his toys out of the pram after recent criticism of his on and off the field performances.
Swann was in decline and he couldn't perform to a high standard any more. You won't see Swann embarrassing himself like Murali and Warne playing cricket at 41 and living off past glories to take money out of the game.
Swann reportedly told his team-mates and coach Andy Flower of his decision at a practice session in Melbourne ahead of the Boxing Day Test, which starts on Thursday. He will leave the game as England's second-leading spinner behind Derek Underwood, who took 297 Test wickets.

"I hoped that form and fitness might allow me a crack at Underwood's record but that pales into insignificance after losing the Ashes," Swann said. "If I carried on playing just to try to beat individual records, I'd have become the kind of player I have always hated."


English players don't care about WC or records- Ashes is everything for them
Bumble expecting more :13:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Would expect more retirements ...</p>— David 'Bumble' Lloyd (@BumbleCricket) <a href="https://twitter.com/BumbleCricket/statuses/414550577436053504">December 22, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Mike Selvey from the guardian thinks his elbow might have been injured again
Rumours saying KP, Prior and Trott are to announce their retirements after the Ashes too.

What is going on.
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Quotes are starting to trickle out. He didn't want to be one of those players who keeps going just to achieve personal milestones he says he hates those types of players. His performances just not good enough any more.
ECB spin doctors seem to be out in full force in this thread. Retiring in the middle of a tour is no way to treat your teammates!
ECB spin doctors seem to be out in full force in this thread. Retiring in the middle of a tour is no way to treat your teammates!


he should have waited a few more week. so what if they were going to drop him in next 2 matches that is a part of game.
An era that never really began :))

If you go from being bad at cricket for decades to being pretty good at cricket, it's an era.

It's not much of an era. But it's a little era.
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Rumours saying KP, Prior and Trott are to announce their retirements after the Ashes too.

What is going on.

Johno will be remembered for single handily destroying many careers :))

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Swann was in decline and he couldn't perform to a high standard any more. You won't see Swann embarrassing himself like Murali and Warne playing cricket at 41 and living off past glories to take money out of the game.

Well actually Swann has only retired from playing for England and looking to take some money from playing in the IPL instead. Now that could get embarrassing.

It is believed Swann will also retire from Nottinghamshire, although he has not ruled out the possibility of playing in the IPL.
English team seems full of mentally weak players. Second one quits . . .

Who will be next? KP
England players retire when they are no longer good enough any more. Players in other teams carry on and on living on past glories.

but you do not retire Mid of the series.

i know people talk about Afridi too, but afridi's case is different, he left the team when there was fixers in the team but sawan did not have fixers.
It's a sad day for cricket. I was not expecting this at all.

I really liked watching him bowl especially at his peak when he was really ripping the ball.

But lately it seems he's not getting the sharp bite and turn he was once did, maybe because of the elbow injury he had earlier in the year that required surgery.

I don't think England will find a right arm off spinner like him for a long time.
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lost all respect for Swaan, should have retired after the ashes tour
What A shocker!!! England players are mentally very weak. Sad end to an awesome career.
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Shocker!!!, he should have at least waited till the series ends though don't understand why he would leave midway. But most importantly will England be able to fill the void left by Swann?.

Nontheless a great bowler and a delight to watch.
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You guys dont even know the circumstances behinds his choice to retire mid series lets not make predictable assumptions
Bring on the Swann now!

It takes a hell of a lot endurance to become one of the greats
And you need to play through your bad phases and come back a stronger man. Thats what makes legends.

Swann has just symbolically surrendered England's try to regain the Ashes in 2 years
WOW, huge shock. Retirement just like that? I mean tough it out, just because your form dips and you lose the ashes, you can't quit mid way through the tour. England needed swann. He can't be replaced.

This english team is mentally one of the weakest teams i have ever seen. Johnson has single handedly destroyed a few careers this summer. More retirements to follow?
Selfish from Swann. If you aren't able to perform at your best then at least take the drop for the rest of the series.

England always talk about team this and team that. Swann leaving is going to have a big effect on moral and such.

Shows how weak the so called England camp is. With all those support staff and such they can't stop the downfall of their players. Trott is most probably gone forever too. Now Swann, expect KP and Prior.

At least Pakistan team for all that it is, is NOT mentally weak. I bash Misbah ALOT, but one thing I can say is that the man has a never give up attitude.
Re: Graeme Swann Retires

Lol. The English just can't take the heat. At the rate they wither and retire, you can pretty much play lottery based in the opposition.

If Smith is the opposing captain, the pommie skipper retires.

You lose an Ashes series, the heads start to roll.

Personally, I think they don't have as much drive to perform for their country as the others do. And this opens another can of worms about the nationality of the players representing the country.

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Pakistan doesn't even play at home. Their players are like travellers who cant find their home, but they play! At times they get embarrassed outside, made to feel like trash, but the poor men stick to it and dont give in!
Meanwhile, Monty Panesar was asked for his reaction to the news. Journalists were unable to get him to stand still for comment :108:

There's something wrong with English players. Even if we accept that it is the case that he is just not the same anymore, surely at 34 you can still go back to county cricket and work on your game and maybe try and reinvent yourself? There's got to be some sort of middle ground in between these overly-emotional English players who call it quits as soon as they start copping some criticism and thick-skinned subcontinental players who carry on playing into their 40s despite people begging them to quit.
Meanwhile, Monty Panesar was asked for his reaction to the news. Journalists were unable to get him to stand still for comment :108:


Monty breathes again. Lucky stroke of luck for him . He's a mediocre player
Pakistan doesn't even play at home. Their players are like travellers who cant find their home, but they play! At times they get embarrassed outside, made to feel like trash, but the poor men stick to it and dont give in!

That's not always a good thing :farhat :kami
Must say shocking news this, I personally thought he still had a lot of cricket left in him, could have easily played another 3 years. Looks like this Ashes series has mentally affected the England team. He was a damn good spinner and the cricket world will miss him. If he was going to be dropped, I guess it was a decision of pride over anything. He was an integral part to the English team that achieved the pinnacle of test cricket. Good luck on post retirement life.

Hope its not one of those hasty decisions, he is a very emotion showing type of person.

P.S. I wish some Pakistani cricketers would follow suit to the idea of being dropped leads to retirement in there latter years (35+).
Jeez English cricket on it's knees in the space of a few months...
So soft. I don't know what he would have done if he was Pakistani and had to listen to Pakistani media, PCB and so little money.
These guys have taken the Ashes way too seriously eh?

What a shocker !
Selfish from Swann. If you aren't able to perform at your best then at least take the drop for the rest of the series.

England always talk about team this and team that. Swann leaving is going to have a big effect on moral and such.

Shows how weak the so called England camp is. With all those support staff and such they can't stop the downfall of their players. Trott is most probably gone forever too. Now Swann, expect KP and Prior.

At least Pakistan team for all that it is, is NOT mentally weak. I bash Misbah ALOT, but one thing I can say is that the man has a never give up attitude.


if Misbah had the English mentality he would have retired ages ago..

England will soon be back to their mediocre self without Swanny. Bowling looks ordinary now.
These guys have taken the Ashes way too seriously eh?

What a shocker !

The impression I get from English cricket is that the Ashes is above all (that includes any other test series, WC, etc.)