[VIDEOS] "If you think that by marrying Aishwarya Rai, a good and pious kid will be born, that would never happen": Abdul Razzaq


First Class Captain
Jul 29, 2020
Abdul Razzaq crossed all limits in a recent media interaction in the presence of Shahid Afridi and Umar Gul.

Instead of stopping or condemning his remarks, Afridi was seen laughing and clapping.

Pakistan’s media was questioning the team’s recent performances in the ICC World Cup 2023, but Razzaq gave a shocking example to target the Pakistan Cricket Board.

“Actually, we don’t have good intention to develop and polish players in Pakistan. If you think that by marrying Aishwarya Rai, a good and pious kid would be born, it would never happen,” he said.

Former players are up in arms against the Babar Azam-led team. Rivals in the global event completely outplayed them.
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Disgusting and totally condemnable - no ifs and buts, no 'context', nothing.
totally unacceptable. Afridi and Razzaq have made similar comments in the past . So I am not surprised there. And these people played international cricket for decades. Been abroad and have interacted with people of different cultures.
So after clapping, Gul says


Sure - we weren't born yesterday.
Abdul Razzaq crossed all limits in a recent media interaction in the presence of Shahid Afridi and Umar Gul.

Instead of stopping or condemning his remarks, Afridi was seen laughing and clapping.

Pakistan’s media was questioning the team’s recent performances in the ICC World Cup 2023, but Razzaq gave a shocking example to target the Pakistan Cricket Board.

“Actually, we don’t have good intention to develop and polish players in Pakistan. If you think that by marrying Aishwarya Rai, a good and pious kid would be born, it would never happen,” he said.

Former players are up in arms against the Babar Azam-led team. Rivals in the global event completely outplayed them.

At first, people were confused about whether to clap or not, and Gul started clapping. Still, it didn't receive any appreciation.

I think Razzaq's comment was below the belt. It's not ethical to judge the character of any person.

Aishwarya Rai is a brilliant actress, and in Pakistan, we admire her work.
Shoaib Akhtar trying to make this less worse than what it is - only making it worse!

This is how Afridi explained it

Once again, the more these people try and explain it, the worse it gets.

"I saw the clip when I went home and realized that Abdul Razzaq made a wrong statement. I knew he had a mike in his hand and will say something. He has a habit of saying silly things. I will just text him to apologize for what he said as it was wrong."
Didn't really understand what the fuss was about initially, but then I guess he was casting a slur on Rai's character, which is really quite low. Even worse when you look at the character of a lot of Pakistan cricketers which isn't really a shining example.

His point about the PCB was actually correct, but he used a crude example to make it.
Didn't really understand what the fuss was about initially, but then I guess he was casting a slur on Rai's character, which is really quite low. Even worse when you look at the character of a lot of Pakistan cricketers which isn't really a shining example.

His point about the PCB was actually correct, but he used a crude example to make it.

There is no point to be considered. He made a crude and crass remark - he needs to be condemned.
This is something really disgusting specially by a player like razzaq.

There is always nead to think twice before speaking such trash at media.
Did he insult her because she is a Hindu or an actress? This is the same guy who admitted to having affairs on live tv. And afridi is a guy who I have meet in jersey back in 2001 or 2002. The less said the better
Like few Twitter users said during the Nida Dar incident, Razzaq seems to be Pakistan's version of Virender Sehwag.
After so much of travelling around the world ..one would expect such a person to broaden their world views.
Waqar Younis expressed his displeasure with Razzaq's recent statement in his tweet. Any sensible and mature person will do so!

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Abdul Razzaq crossed all limits in a recent media interaction in the presence of Shahid Afridi and Umar Gul.

Instead of stopping or condemning his remarks, Afridi was seen laughing and clapping.

Pakistan’s media was questioning the team’s recent performances in the ICC World Cup 2023, but Razzaq gave a shocking example to target the Pakistan Cricket Board.

“Actually, we don’t have good intention to develop and polish players in Pakistan. If you think that by marrying Aishwarya Rai, a good and pious kid would be born, it would never happen,” he said.

Former players are up in arms against the Babar Azam-led team. Rivals in the global event completely outplayed them.
I think this statement points down to a deeper issue in our society.

This mentality is seeded inside your typical desi conservative household in small cities of Pakistan. Where even the mother sees people through this lens, whereby an actress is seen as immoral and immodest person.

Abdul Razzaq is just repeating what he was taught in our society and household. If he doesn't change this, it will or might have already passed down to his children.
I know they prefer their women to be certain way, but they did not have to degrade women of other cultures.

Afridi must have remembered his "Women should stick to kitchen as they are good cooks" remark and laughed.
After so much of travelling around the world ..one would expect such a person to broaden their world views.
You have to feel for the women in Pakistani media and entertainment industry. Razaq and Afridi kind of people do not hold good opinion on such women.
You have to feel for the women in Pakistani media and entertainment industry. Razaq and Afridi kind of people do not hold good opinion on such women.

Actually no.

Women are doing fine in media. Problem is with these 2.
I typed and deleted my comment multiple times, just don't know what to say. Mind boggling, perplexing and irrelevant character assassination.
Stand by

Seems Razzaq has apologized

This is the quickest resolution to a Pakistani crisis - EVER!
Abdul Razzaq issues an apology for his comments about Aishwarya Rai, which had received significant criticism.

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Idiotic, but expected.

Go do something for Pakistan cricket or the Ummah, rather than spreading needless hate.
What a nasty thing to say.

So many former Pakistani cricketers are total clowns.
lack of education, rearing its head again and again, its a shame.
Almost everyone is denouncing Razzaq's statement. Shows the class of folks here in this forum! (y)
That is because the posters here are kids who were raised well. If you go through these forums, you will posters talking good or bad about Hindus or Muslims or India or Pakistan, but you will never see any of them dragging anybody's name through the mud if they have nothing to do with anything, in this case this particular actress. Hits harder considering this lady has a kid as well.
Going by what i read on the internet, this guy Razzaq is a repeat offender. And the others who were laughing at the stage should just let it go and not try to defend themselves, as it really isnt working.
Idiotic comments from an illiterate moron. Insert most of our ex cricketers and the above will
Don't know about her, but don't you think the Bachchan family would be seething?
To be honest, who the heck is Abdul Razzaq to them? They would have heard worst things said about them and probably don't care.

Regardless of that, Razzaq deserving all the criticism he gets for this and hope he is reminded about this everytime he opens his mouth again.
To be honest, who the heck is Abdul Razzaq to them? They would have heard worst things said about them and probably don't care.

Regardless of that, Razzaq deserving all the criticism he gets for this and hope he is reminded about this everytime he opens his mouth again.
He has apologised. I hold no grudges against him. But the thing to note is that he is a serial offender. This is not the first time. Always behaved well on the ground. Don't understand why off the field he speaks garbage.
Disgusting comments by Razzaq.
And he's a repeat offender. He previously made sexist comments on Nida Dar sitting next to her right on her face . It was to Dar's credit that she still kept the TV show professional inspite of the sexist comments.
Disgusting comments by Razzaq.
And he's a repeat offender. He previously made sexist comments on Nida Dar sitting next to her right on her face . It was to Dar's credit that she still kept the TV show professional inspite of the sexist comments.
Just saw on youtube what he said to her regarding her looks that too on her face. What type of man would do that on TV!
He has apologised. I hold no grudges against him. But the thing to note is that he is a serial offender. This is not the first time. Always behaved well on the ground. Don't understand why off the field he speaks garbage.
I guess he is like Sidhu, players who were well behaved & controversy free during their active days, but became annoying clickbait motormouths once they got enough free time & platform to trash talk.
I am not sure if it's currently there but PCB must introduce short term training courses on personality development & speaking skills for all first-class cricketers so that they don't speak this kind of disgusting language against anyone. Every individual must know. what to speak, how to speak, choice of words, with whom you are talking, at which platform you are speaking. Media channels should also be more vigilant before inviting such people who brings nothing but embarrassment.
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I know they prefer their women to be certain way, but they did not have to degrade women of other cultures.

Afridi must have remembered his "Women should stick to kitchen as they are good cooks" remark and laughed.

Careful now, you are almost committing the same sin of generalising entire communities as if you come from something much better. You don't.
Our ex-cricketers mostly follow a policy of speak before you think.

They bring embarrassment to our people.
Where did I generalize? I was talking about Afridi and Razaq.

But you are talking about other cultures like they are something much different. Where you come from it's pretty much a similar mindset, maybe not so open about it.
Why on earth bring her name into the discussion in first place? If you can’t speak properly without insulting others, just close your month shut man.
Umar Gul reminds me of the sidemen when KSI made that racist slur. Laugh at the time but when you realise this aint good, back off and make excuses
There is no point to be considered. He made a crude and crass remark - he needs to be condemned.

This is your opinion.

In the west on tv shows , there are always daft statements made in the name of humour. Nobody loses sleeps or becomes as angry as you seem to be.

A nothing story.
This is your opinion.

In the west on tv shows , there are always daft statements made in the name of humour. Nobody loses sleeps or becomes as angry as you seem to be.

A nothing story.

Yes agreed. This is my opinion.

1. We aren't in the West
2. The audience is in Pakistan and India

It was nasty thing to say and has been rightly condemned.
This is your opinion.

In the west on tv shows , there are always daft statements made in the name of humour. Nobody loses sleeps or becomes as angry as you seem to be.

A nothing story.

Look like apart from Afridi, Gul and you...no one else found it funny. It is not humour to character assassinate a women openly in media whom he probably never met in life. Try this in western shows, you will get a slap just like how Will Smith smacked Chris Rock. Abhishek Bacchan would probably do the same if Razzaq was in-front of him

Yes agreed. This is my opinion.

1. We aren't in the West
2. The audience is in Pakistan and India

It was nasty thing to say and has been rightly condemned.

Good point. In Sub continent actors, singers, actresses esp Bollywood as seen as some great human beings. Throughout history, entertainers, jesters , actors have been the lowest of society.

Indians say nasty, hateful things about Pakistani celebs, politicians, cricketers all the time. But because this woman has been criticised, we should all now say sorry.
Good point. In Sub continent actors, singers, actresses esp Bollywood as seen as some great human beings. Throughout history, entertainers, jesters , actors have been the lowest of society.

Indians say nasty, hateful things about Pakistani celebs, politicians, cricketers all the time. But because this woman has been criticised, we should all now say sorry.

We should say sorry not because of any other reason but because this incident needs to be condemned in the same way we will condemn anything Indians may or may not say.
Look like apart from Afridi, Gul and you...no one else found it funny. It is not humour to character assassinate a women openly in media whom he probably never met in life. Try this in western shows, you will get a slap just like how Will Smith smacked Chris Rock. Abhishek Bacchan would probably do the same if Razzaq was in-front of him

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Ill re write as it seems some truths cannot be said.

Razzaq is an athlete, no Bollwyood actor is going to slap him.

She is a Bollwyood actress, the woman is a nobody, she is only a celeb who will be ridiculed, its normal.
We should say sorry not because of any other reason but because this incident needs to be condemned in the same way we will condemn anything Indians may or may not say.

You can say sorry but please do not advise others to apologise for something they have not done and for something which is a non story.

Can I ask why are you so emotional over this Bollywood actress? Is it a fan thing?
Ill re write as it seems some truths cannot be said.

Razzaq is an athlete, no Bollwyood actor is going to slap him.

She is a Bollwyood actress, the woman is a nobody, she is only a celeb who will be ridiculed, its normal.

Okay so just bcoz she is a celebirty and a women, we have the right to character assasinate her? Okay good to know how much seriously I need to take you going forward. Btw, you said something about this is acceptable behaviour in west...I dare you to try this pal.
You can say sorry but please do not advise others to apologise for something they have not done and for something which is a non story.

Can I ask why are you so emotional over this Bollywood actress? Is it a fan thing?

I am not apologizing for Razzaq but condemning his behaviour.

Each to their own.

I have nothing further to discuss with you.
What did he even mean by this though? Like what he is implying here? I understood when Afridi was talking about women cricket but this comment makes no sense to me.
Okay so just bcoz she is a celebirty and a women, we have the right to character assasinate her? Okay good to know how much seriously I need to take you going forward. Btw, you said something about this is acceptable behaviour in west...I dare you to try this pal.

This is normal in the west. Watch any comedy show or any stand up comedian, they rip celebs every time.

Again, in India and perhaps to some Pak silly Bollywood fans this woman is some queen, to the rest of us she is a some Bollywood actress, nothing more.
He's just having a laugh, being sarcastic. No need for Modi and India to send in Abhinanadad on his little plane pls.
If he is making a sarcastic remark on a married woman with a kid who is known to be very graceful and hasn't even acknowledged his comment, I think Pakistanis should stop the pious drama then and accept you are allowed to roast as you want.
Your previous comment implies West roasts celebs, yes they do and also religion.
If he is making a sarcastic remark on a married woman with a kid who is known to be very graceful and hasn't even acknowledged his comment, I think Pakistanis should stop the pious drama then and accept you are allowed to roast as you want.
Your previous comment implies West roasts celebs, yes they do and also religion.

Celebs are different to religion, they make themselves open in the public eye to gain publicity , to make money. They are paid for stories of their lives etc. Taking the P out of celebs is very normal here in the UK.
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Celebs are different to religion, they make themselves open in the public eye to gain publicity , to make money. They are paid for stories of their lives etc. Taking the P out of celebs is very normal here in the UK.
Don’t British Pakistanis lecture on how in the west the culture has fallen or that Desis should stop aping Western culture?
Why the double standards here?
Don’t British Pakistanis lecture on how in the west the culture has fallen or that Desis should stop aping Western culture?
Why the double standards here?

Ive never done such a survey, please post yours.

My opinion western culture has negatives but also many positives.

British humour is the best in the world. Taking the p out of celebs is one of the best parts of it.
He is not taking the “p” out of a. Celebrity. He is criticizing her due to her religion or her profession. He is degrading women.
He is not taking the “p” out of a. Celebrity. He is criticizing her due to her religion or her profession. He is degrading women.

Her profession yes, her religion no.

So anytime a US comedian makes a joke about a Hollywood actresses, they are also degrading women?
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I can only speculate. If it was just an actress he could have used any Pakistani actress . And there are many pakista i and Indian actresses who are always in the tabloids or what not not. But he used this women from india who is a family person with kids I guess and married.
Okay so just bcoz she is a celebirty and a women, we have the right to character assasinate her? Okay good to know how much seriously I need to take you going forward. Btw, you said something about this is acceptable behaviour in west...I dare you to try this pal.

It is accepable behaviour in the west. There are whole industries built around it. We don't have to agree with it, but let's not pretend otherwise. Do you even live in the west?
I can only speculate. If it was just an actress he could have used any Pakistani actress . And there are many pakista i and Indian actresses who are always in the tabloids or what not not. But he used this women from india who is a family person with kids I guess and married.

So if the actress was American or Pakistani you'd be ok with it?
It is accepable behaviour in the west. There are whole industries built around it. We don't have to agree with it, but let's not pretend otherwise. Do you even live in the west?

There are people out there who worship Sachin as a true God. They see famous people are greater humans than them.

The west see celebs are entertainers, they make money from publicty so also have to take a joke for once.
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So if the actress was American or Pakistani you'd be ok with it?
No I would not be ok. I am saying why did he use an Indian actress as an example. I am not in a business of degrading women. Anyway he has apologized after tremendous pressure. So let’s move on
Ill re write as it seems some truths cannot be said.

Razzaq is an athlete, no Bollwyood actor is going to slap him.

She is a Bollwyood actress, the woman is a nobody, she is only a celeb who will be ridiculed, its normal.

Razzaq is an idiot and idiots get slapped.

The woman is far well known than Razzaq.

So a celeb can be ridiculed? What logic is that? A celeb can be character assasinated?
Razzaq has apologised.Lets move on. Hopefully he has learnt his lesson.

And hopefully no one in India takes it personally to retaliate to this statement of Razzaq.
There are people out there who worship Sachin as a true God. They see famous people are greater humans than them.

The west see celebs are entertainers, they make money from publicty so also have to take a joke for once.

How what the west sees is relevant here?
I think even the indians here know what he meant and what is being said.

most respectable families that tend to be conservative want nothing to do with showbiz people.

Thats just how it is. Especially when the dating history of a woman in question is plastered all over the internet.
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Didn't really understand what the fuss was about initially, but then I guess he was casting a slur on Rai's character, which is really quite low. Even worse when you look at the character of a lot of Pakistan cricketers which isn't really a shining example.

His point about the PCB was actually correct, but he used a crude example to make it.
He wasn’t casting a slur on her character

What he meant to say was: “anyone marrying an attractive woman (mainly for…) but hopes to have righteous progeny on the basis of their initial intention will not be successful.”

He didn’t mean to disrespect Aishwarya Rai personally, but I agree he should not have mentioned any person’s name in order to make emphasis on his analogy.