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[VIDEOS] Why anti Muslim bias is so profound among Hindutva supporters?

@The Bald Eagle ... there you go another day and another incident involving Muslims harming cows in India despite knowing very well how sacred they are to Hindus.
Ok this way rape occurs every day in India and numbers are mind boggling and embarrassing too if I share here.

Simple rule here if you want to entire the law do it but not let the hooligans resort to mob violence
Ok this way rape occurs every day in India and numbers are mind boggling and embarrassing too if I share here.

Simple rule here if you want to entire the law do it but not let the hooligans resort to mob violence

Nope you dont get it do you ? Do you see Hindus purposely drawing your prophet ? Do you see Hindus selling alcohol and pork outside Mosques ? These are the nearest equivalent examples of religious bigotry not rapes.

So why are Muslims like this even after 1000+ years ( and this applies even to educated Muslims and we have evidence right here on this forum ) ? You want to answer that question directly without deflecting/dodging/whataboutery ?
Nope you dont get it do you ? Do you see Hindus purposely drawing your prophet ? Do you see Hindus selling alcohol and pork outside Mosques ? These are the nearest equivalent examples of religious bigotry not rapes.

So why are Muslims like this even after 1000+ years ( and this applies even to educated Muslims and we have evidence right here on this forum ) ? You want to answer that question directly without deflecting/dodging/whataboutery ?
There are plethora example of blasphemy by BJP leaders against Islam... And this isn't as big a issue...and proof as you yourself acknowledged the other day no stats on that.
There are plethora example of blasphemy by BJP leaders against Islam... And this isn't as big a issue...and proof as you yourself acknowledged the other day no stats on that.

There was no BJP or Hindutva forces in India for a longtime after 1947 as it was ruled by left win Congress which is a very pro-Muslim party ... and this only encouraged the Muslims to adopt a more belligerent attitude towards Hindus.

Therefore the rise of Hindutva is a direct result of this Muslim attitude.

So answer that question: Why are Muslims harming cows in India despite knowing very well how sacred they are? Will you ever directly answer this question or not ?
Very succinct answer: It is not because of their bias. If so then PROVE it you have all that time in the world or else apologize all for your sweeping misleading statements.

If they had done so in "anti Hindu motive" then why not they eat elephants, monkeys and horses....Now answer mine question whole PP is watching you.
There was no BJP or Hindutva forces in India for a longtime after 1947 as it was ruled by left win Congress which is a very pro-Muslim party ... and this only encouraged the Muslims to adopt a more belligerent attitude towards Hindus.

Therefore the rise of Hindutva is a direct result of this Muslim attitude.

So answer that question: Why are Muslims harming cows in India despite knowing very well how sacred they are? Will you ever directly answer this question or not ?
Very succinct answer: It is not because of their bias.

so if it is not bias what is the reason why this happens regularly?

Can't believe you are comparing cows with elephants and monkeys... there is no comparisons whatsoever. You need to stop this pointless Whataboutery if you really want a serious discussion.
Bet Uppercut wishes he were in India so he could have slaughtered them right there on the street, reading the news on his phone while strolling through an American grocery store that sells beef.

Bet you wish you could kick start a " Kill a cow every day IN INDIA" initiative to indulge in your bigotry.

Ohh wait thats already been worked on by your fellow extremist fellow Muslims ... my bad.
Bet you wish you could kick start a " Kill a cow every day IN INDIA" initiative to indulge in your bigotry.

Ohh wait thats already been worked on by your fellow extremist fellow Muslims ... my bad.
I don't live in India, and neither do you, you live in America, a country that slaughters animals daily, yet you'd be willing to kill humans over the same thing if you were in India.

I never said, 'Kill a cow every day in India.' I simply pointed out that if someone does, you shouldn't support those who justify slaughtering humans over their beliefs. That's what civilized people are supposed to understand in 2025, unless, of course, you're still mentally stuck a thousand years in the past.
Reading your posts also makes me crave for nice bacon.😗
You should enjoy it, beef and turkey bacon taste amazing.

But let’s be real, you thought eating pork bacon would upset Muslims, wrong! That just proves how little you actually know about Islam. You pretend to be informed, but the truth is, your only goal is to degrade Islam and Muslims without having a clue what you're talking about.
Actually one thing I learned from uppercut is that beef isn't just a dietary issue. It's like blasphemy and the biggest defilement of their religion possible.

I do understand his hurt and pain when something he sees as sacred is something we see as food source only.

It is a difficult gap to bridge.
Maybe he can explain to us how is India the largest exporter of beef around the world.
You should enjoy it, beef and turkey bacon taste amazing.

But let’s be real, you thought eating pork bacon would upset Muslims, wrong! That just proves how little you actually know about Islam. You pretend to be informed, but the truth is, your only goal is to degrade Islam and Muslims without having a clue what you're talking about.
I tried all those. Did not like the taste of all those things. I will stick to chick, turkey and fish :inzi
Matter of fact, suggesting to slaughter humans over any religious belief is just that, sick minded thinking.

I will tell you what is truly sickening - to doggedly maintain that those who deliberately harm cows IN INDIA after 1000 yrs are humans and not animals. And now you will run away like a coward or resort to your usual puerile nonsense.

As I said many times .... instead of resorting to puerile nonsense go ahead and answer that question if you are so certain that you are right. YOU NEVER WILL
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I don't live in India, and neither do you, you live in America, a country that slaughters animals daily, yet you'd be willing to kill humans over the same thing if you were in India.

The topic is solely about what aappens IN INDIA .... what part of it do you not understand ?

I never said, 'Kill a cow every day in India.' I simply pointed out that if someone does,


you shouldn't support those who justify slaughtering humans over their beliefs. That's what civilized people are supposed to understand in 2025, unless, of course, you're still mentally stuck a thousand years in the past.

Answer that question above and I will tell you who is stuck 1000 years ago and who is an animal. Go ahead I have asked that question atleast a few dozen times. Lets see how shameless you actually are to avoid answering that question.

Looks the reaction here ,Hating Shami because he kept the interests of Indian Cricket Team before every other thing is absolutely evil. :kp
View attachment 151746

Looks the reaction here ,Hating Shami because he kept the interests of Indian Cricket Team before every other thing is absolutely evil. :kp

Oh, the hypocrisy is unreal. If he had fasted and underperformed, the same people praising him now would be questioning his loyalty, accusing him of neglecting his country, and probably even telling him to move to Pakistan.

But of course, that’s just the pattern, isn’t it? The double standards are so deeply ingrained that it’s almost laughable. Maybe India is just overflowing with this kind of toxicity from every walk of life.
Oh, the hypocrisy is unreal. If he had fasted and underperformed, the same people praising him now would be questioning his loyalty, accusing him of neglecting his country, and probably even telling him to move to Pakistan.

But of course, that’s just the pattern, isn’t it? The double standards are so deeply ingrained that it’s almost laughable. Maybe India is just overflowing with this kind of toxicity from every walk of life.
Always trying to Play victim cards . Think what is happening instead if and but.

There is only one Islam not plenty like other religions.
So you follow the same thing as Taliban, Al-Qaeda, ISIS? I thought they misinterpreted Islam.

What about Ahmadis? It seems they follow more or less the same rules with some differences?

There are fatwas in India and Pak where other sect maulana declare each other Kafir lol.

Maybe you need to approach all of the above and tell them this
So you follow the same thing as Taliban, Al-Qaeda, ISIS? I thought they misinterpreted Islam.

What about Ahmadis? It seems they follow more or less the same rules with some differences?

There are fatwas in India and Pak where other sect maulana declare each other Kafir lol.

Maybe you need to approach all of the above and tell them this
ISIS etc have nothing to do with Islam....only thing that define Islam is Quran and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)...and what anybody else day doesn't hold much credence before it. Simple
ISIS etc have nothing to do with Islam....only thing that define Islam is Quran and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)...and what anybody else day doesn't hold much credence before it. Simple
So ISIS doesn’t follow Quran? What are they not understanding? What about Taliban? What religion or book they follow?
So ISIS doesn’t follow Quran? What are they not understanding? What about Taliban? What religion or book they follow?
It's just like Hindutva guys say Cow can't be consumed and when he asked to furnish evidence they run away.

ISIS follow anything but Islam
It's just like Hindutva guys say Cow can't be consumed and when he asked to furnish evidence they run away.

ISIS follow anything but Islam
You said there are multiple differences in other religions. You are right there are many scriptures and school of thought in Hinduism. I am assuming Islam has one book and 1 school of thought.

What is “I” in ISIS stand for? What authority do you have to say they don’t belong lol.

I still didn’t get my answer on what rules and guidelines the Taliban is following?

Why are Shias, Ahmadis who follow their version of Islam being killed in Pakistan?

According to Taliban girls shouldn’t go to school etc etc, is it true?
You said there are multiple differences in other religions. You are right there are many scriptures and school of thought in Hinduism. I am assuming Islam has one book and 1 school of thought.

What is “I” in ISIS stand for? What authority do you have to say they don’t belong lol.

I still didn’t get my answer on what rules and guidelines the Taliban is following?

Why are Shias, Ahmadis who follow their version of Islam being killed in Pakistan?

According to Taliban girls shouldn’t go to school etc etc, is it true?
Show me another holy book than Quran....I will wait
You said there are multiple differences in other religions. You are right there are many scriptures and school of thought in Hinduism. I am assuming Islam has one book and 1 school of thought.

What is “I” in ISIS stand for? What authority do you have to say they don’t belong lol.

I still didn’t get my answer on what rules and guidelines the Taliban is following?

Why are Shias, Ahmadis who follow their version of Islam being killed in Pakistan?

According to Taliban girls shouldn’t go to school etc etc, is it true?
So you will be authority on Islam lol...if you want to debate atleast come after reading the opinions of sweeping majority of Muslims.

Just asking you if a person says that I am Hindu but don't worship idols and believe in only one God then what would you call him 🤔
Nope you dont get it do you ? Do you see Hindus purposely drawing your prophet ? Do you see Hindus selling alcohol and pork outside Mosques ? These are the nearest equivalent examples of religious bigotry not rapes.

So why are Muslims like this even after 1000+ years ( and this applies even to educated Muslims and we have evidence right here on this forum ) ? You want to answer that question directly without deflecting/dodging/whataboutery ?
Oh, so you are busy painting Muslims as the bad guys while making Hindus look like saints? Alright then, explain this, what exactly is Modi trying to say in this video? :kp

And just so you know, this video is 10 years old, which means it's been around five whole years longer than you have been gracing the world with your expert opinions. :rabada2 :inti
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So you will be authority on Islam lol...if you want to debate atleast come after reading the opinions of sweeping majority of Muslims.

Just asking you if a person says that I am Hindu but don't worship idols and believe in only one God then what would you call him 🤔

I am not saying I am an authority on Islam. I just asked you to what are the Taliban and ISIS following because they claim they implement Quran and Sharia. You said they are not real Muslims so I was asking you what is different.

Yes someone can reject idol worship and still be a Hindu. Have you heard of “Vedanta” or “Vedanta” philosophy in Hinduism or the famous phrase you may have seen in movies “Aham Brahmasmi” : that’s also a school of thought.
I am not saying I am an authority on Islam. I just asked you to what are the Taliban and ISIS following because they claim they implement Quran and Sharia. You said they are not real Muslims so I was asking you what is different.

Yes someone can reject idol worship and still be a Hindu. Have you heard of “Vedanta” or “Vedanta” philosophy in Hinduism or the famous phrase you may have seen in movies “Aham Brahmasmi” : that’s also a school of thought.

Why are you inclined to support the narrative of extremist groups but not the people who had been victims of those groups?

We all know why.
I am not saying I am an authority on Islam. I just asked you to what are the Taliban and ISIS following because they claim they implement Quran and Sharia. You said they are not real Muslims so I was asking you what is different.

Yes someone can reject idol worship and still be a Hindu. Have you heard of “Vedanta” or “Vedanta” philosophy in Hinduism or the famous phrase you may have seen in movies “Aham Brahmasmi” : that’s also a school of thought.
Believe in only One God also??
Believe in only One God also??
Yes. There is only one god.

Hinduism is a compilation of many indigenous religious beliefs. You are confusing between concept of deities and God. If I say I believe or respect in Allah, Jesus’s father- The God or Jewish version of God, they are all different manifestations of same god, doesn’t mean I beleive in multiple gods. Same concept. Fundamental concept of Hinduism is “Para Brahma”. So yes there is one supreme god. Too complicated for you. It’s ok. Follow what you want as long as you stay away from mine.

That’s all there is to it. However missionary religions cannot peddle their narrative till they put down other religions, that’s where this me vs you happens.
How about an even more simpler solution : Don't pledge allegiance to a Enemy country while standing on Indian soil ? Don't give me the pedantic about right to support any sports team. In India chanting "Pakistan Zindabad" pretty much amounts to treason and EVERY Single muslim knows that. This is why the disproportionate response. He wants to support Pakistan then he should take a one way ticket to Pakistan and there will be people who wil gladly pay his expenses.
So words are tantamount to treason in your view?
So words are tantamount to treason in your view?

Yes not allowed In India ... there are consequences for words also. And most Importantly Muslims are very well aware of this. Hence the response.

So the only thing that needs to be discussed here is the blatant and deliberate acts of bigotry by Muslims in India. Hopefully you will shed some light on that unlike the usual suspects on this thread.
Yes not allowed In India ... there are consequences for words also. And most Importantly Muslims are very well aware of this. Hence the response.

So the only thing that needs to be discussed here is the blatant and deliberate acts of bigotry by Muslims in India. Hopefully you will shed some light on that unlike the usual suspects on this thread.

In some places treason results in capital punishment, is that something you support?
In some places treason results in capital punishment, is that something you support?

Not for just sloganeering but there should be a significantly big deterrent for such offenses.

Now can you please shed light on why it is usually Only Muslims who are regularly found indulging In such acts and most importantly harming cows deliberately ? Why wouldn't there be anti-Muslim sentiments when Muslims deliberately indulge in such acts regularly In INDIA? Hope you will answer that question.

Elderly Muslim Man Reciting Quran on Train Brutally Beaten, Called ‘Pakistani’ After False Allegations​

An elderly Muslim man was brutally assaulted by fellow passengers on a moving train after a woman accused him of inappropriate conduct.

According to Maktoob, the victim, a madrasa imam from Gangapur City, Rajasthan, was reciting the Quran when he was accused of misconduct and subsequently beaten. He had traveled to Ankleshwar, Gujarat, to collect donations for his institution. The incident occurred on February 28 aboard the Gujarat Queen Express while he was en route from Ankleshwar to Ahmedabad.

A video of the attack, recently shared online, shows the man being repeatedly slapped and beaten while he pleads for mercy. Despite the serious nature of the allegations, railway authorities are yet to confirm its authenticity.

The video was first uploaded by Jitendra Pratap Singh, a staunch supporter of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It quickly gained traction, evoking a discussion about the safety of Muslims in public spaces in India. Wasim Akram Tyagi, a journalist known for covering socio-religious issues, later retweeted the video, further amplifying concerns about rising mob violence and communal targeting of Muslim individuals in India.

This is not the first such incident. A few days back, another man was beaten up by fellow passengers for allegedly kissing a co-passenger while he was sleeping. Such incidents point to not just the issues of safety on trains but also the growing trend of summary public justice, where individuals take the law into their own hands instead of awaiting due process.

The incident also draws similarity to case from 2021 when Tasleem, a Muslim bangle seller from Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh was falsely accused of harassing women, leading to a violent mob attack on him. He was later arrested and charged with multiple offenses and had to spend 107 days in Jail. However, after a prolonged legal battle, the court acquitted him, citing lack of evidence.

Though railways are still one of the cheapest mode of transport in India, passengers are left wondering if they are safe after constant reports of harassment, robbery, and violence. Experts say that the authorities must deploy more security officials on trains and add more surveillance cameras to avoid such assaults.

Source: https://theobserverpost.com/elderly...ten-called-pakistani-after-false-allegations/.
Not for just sloganeering but there should be a significantly big deterrent for such offenses.

Now can you please shed light on why it is usually Only Muslims who are regularly found indulging In such acts and most importantly harming cows deliberately ? Why wouldn't there be anti-Muslim sentiments when Muslims deliberately indulge in such acts regularly In INDIA? Hope you will answer that question.

Now you are not making sense, you stated "not just for sloganeering", is chanting Pakistan Zindabad considered more than sloganeering?

Where has harming cows come into this? At no point did I discuss cows so why have you diverted the topic?
Now you are not making sense, you stated "not just for sloganeering", is chanting Pakistan Zindabad considered more than sloganeering?

Yes it is as Pakistan is a enemy nation.

Where has harming cows come into this? At no point did I discuss cows so why have you diverted the topic?

The thread is about why there is very high anti-Muslim sentiment in India and there are multiple reasons for it. Shouting pro-pakistan slogans, harming cows and brazenly occupying very sacred Hindu temples are the primary reasons and they all are centered on standard Muslim bigotry for Hindus that goes back centuries and continues even in the 21st century. But yet people here have the gall to blame hindus for the situation of Muslims in India and will do all sorts of gymnastics to avoid addressing the Root cause - Muslim bigotry.

So if you are soo concerned about the situation of Muslims in India then start answering questions on why Muslims indulge blatant acts of bigotry and intolerance.
Yes it is as Pakistan is a enemy nation.

The thread is about why there is very high anti-Muslim sentiment in India and there are multiple reasons for it. Shouting pro-pakistan slogans, harming cows and brazenly occupying very sacred Hindu temples are the primary reasons and they all are centered on standard Muslim bigotry for Hindus that goes back centuries and continues even in the 21st century. But yet people here have the gall to blame hindus for the situation of Muslims in India and will do all sorts of gymnastics to avoid addressing the Root cause - Muslim bigotry.

So if you are soo concerned about the situation of Muslims in India then start answering questions on why Muslims indulge blatant acts of bigotry and intolerance.
Why not just be rid of them, then all your muslim-centric problem will be solved. You all can then come back to a lovely nation.
Shami, Siraj, Fake Pathans… your ilk are not wanted, you never were.
Yes it is as Pakistan is a enemy nation.

The thread is about why there is very high anti-Muslim sentiment in India and there are multiple reasons for it. Shouting pro-pakistan slogans, harming cows and brazenly occupying very sacred Hindu temples are the primary reasons and they all are centered on standard Muslim bigotry for Hindus that goes back centuries and continues even in the 21st century. But yet people here have the gall to blame hindus for the situation of Muslims in India and will do all sorts of gymnastics to avoid addressing the Root cause - Muslim bigotry.

So if you are soo concerned about the situation of Muslims in India then start answering questions on why Muslims indulge blatant acts of bigotry and intolerance.

So slogans are tantamount to treason and you support capital punishment for anyone guilty of such a crime?

Since you are here, what's your thoughts on apostasy?

As for the rest of your post, it's not something I've discussed in this thread, whilst I'm more than happy to have a discussion about that the way I prefer to have a conversation is to deal with one specific topic at a time. Otherwise what happens is the conversation goes here, there and everywhere

So, back to the topic I had raised, your thoughts on apostasy?
So slogans are tantamount to treason and you support capital punishment for anyone guilty of such a crime?

No I didnt say that. What I said is a very strong yet disproportionate deterrent. This is the only thing that works against Islamic extremism.

Since you are here, what's your thoughts on apostasy?

Has nothing to do with the thread topic as it has nothing to do with Hindu Muslim communal conflict. And for it its worth unlike Muslims, Hindus do not have any such concepts. Even atheists can be part of the Hinduism. It is very hard to explain to people used to the Abrahamic way of life.

As for the rest of your post, it's not something I've discussed in this thread, whilst I'm more than happy to have a discussion about that the way I prefer to have a conversation is to deal with one specific topic at a time. Otherwise what happens is the conversation goes here, there and everywhere

But then you were the one introducing a completely tangential topic of apostasy which has nothing to do with the main topic of thread. So why not address my question which I asked in Post# 3100

So, back to the topic I had raised, your thoughts on apostasy?

see above.
No I didnt say that. What I said is a very strong yet disproportionate deterrent. This is the only thing that works against Islamic extremism.

Has nothing to do with the thread topic as it has nothing to do with Hindu Muslim communal conflict. And for it its worth unlike Muslims, Hindus do not have any such concepts. Even atheists can be part of the Hinduism. It is very hard to explain to people used to the Abrahamic way of life.

But then you were the one introducing a completely tangential topic of apostasy which has nothing to do with the main topic of thread. So why not address my question which I asked in Post# 3100

see above.

So what is this "very strong yet disproportionate deterrent" that you think should take place? Mob justice? Property demolished?

The reason I asked the questions I did was that you support the punishment of apostasy, you just don't realise it. As for Hindus not having such concepts, that doesn't surprise me, it's a weak and flaky religion.

I absolutely raised a question which was different from the main topic of the thread but it followed on from a specific line of questioning based on a specific comment you made.

You could have ignored my initial question, wouldn't have bothered me but you engaged and now you want to move on to something else as the topic is starting to make you feel uncomfortable. Well, that's too bad, I don't dance to your tune.

However, if you want to draw a line under the questions I've raised as it's making you feel uncomfortable that's totally fine, just say as much and I'll gladly move on.
So what is this "very strong yet disproportionate deterrent" that you think should take place? Mob justice? Property demolished?

There are no other choices considering the consequences of taking the civilized approach. Just like how Israeli's deal with this menace.

The reason I asked the questions I did was that you support the punishment of apostasy, you just don't realise it. As for Hindus not having such concepts, that doesn't surprise me, it's a weak and flaky religion.

I absolutely raised a question which was different from the main topic of the thread but it followed on from a specific line of questioning based on a specific comment you made.

You could have ignored my initial question, wouldn't have bothered me but you engaged and now you want to move on to something else as the topic is starting to make you feel uncomfortable. Well, that's too bad, I don't dance to your tune.

Yes but I don't have to do gymnastics like most Pakistanis on these Hindu vs Muslim threads and hide behind pedantry/whataboutery, as the facts and history are squarely in my favor and against you. Go ahead lets see what else you got I will give you straight answers but I will be surprised if you will ever answer my questions. Nothing new.

However, if you want to draw a line under the questions I've raised as it's making you feel uncomfortable that's totally fine, just say as much and I'll gladly move on.

Naah you have nothing on me to make me feel uncomfortable lol. if anything you will dodge/deflect and indulge in all sorts of deflection techniques to avoid answering my questions.
There are no other choices considering the consequences of taking the civilized approach. Just like how Israeli's deal with this menace.

Yes but I don't have to do gymnastics like most Pakistanis on these Hindu vs Muslim threads and hide behind pedantry/whataboutery, as the facts and history are squarely in my favor and against you. Go ahead lets see what else you got I will give you straight answers but I will be surprised if you will ever answer my questions. Nothing new.

Naah you have nothing on me to make me feel uncomfortable lol. if anything you will dodge/deflect and indulge in all sorts of deflection techniques to avoid answering my questions.
So just to be clear you are approving uncivilised approaches to dealing with someone chanting a slogan?

The irony of you claiming to give straight answers yet here I am trying to extract blood out of a stone

The bottom line is you think anyone chanting a slogan, reading Quran on a train, lets be honest just being a Muslim should be met with uncivilised punishment, is that correct?
So just to be clear you are approving uncivilised approaches to dealing with someone chanting a slogan?

Except thats not just any random slogan of the "Hamari maange poori karo" types ... so try again.

The irony of you claiming to give straight answers yet here I am trying to extract blood out of a stone

The bottom line is you think anyone chanting a slogan, reading Quran on a train, lets be honest just being a Muslim should be met with uncivilised punishment, is that correct?

The bottom line is those still believing in medieval way life with no regards whatsoever towards Hindu beliefs will be dealt with. In short if your fellow Muslims in India want to enjoy the benefits of a civilized society then the first order of business is to ensure that they give up their medieval way of life which involves spitting on other beliefs. Now go ahead let us know why that is such a hard thing to do for Muslims.​
Except thats not just any random slogan of the "Hamari maange poori karo" types ... so try again.

The bottom line is those still believing in medieval way life with no regards whatsoever towards Hindu beliefs will be dealt with. In short if your fellow Muslims in India want to enjoy the benefits of a civilized society then the first order of business is to ensure that they give up their medieval way of life which involves spitting on other beliefs. Now go ahead let us know why that is such a hard thing to do for Muslims.​

So the slogan hurts your feelings and in turn a mob can demolish that persons property and you support such behaviour, wow, some piece of work you are

The irony of you talking about a medieval way of life when you support someone having their property demolished because someone chanted something following a cricket match

And then the irony of you saying "benefits of a civilized society", is you fully supporting a mob demolishing someone's property the actions of a civilized person?
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So the slogan hurts your feelings and in turn a mob can demolish that persons property and you support such behaviour, wow, some piece of work you are

The irony of you talking about a medieval way of life when you support someone having their property demolished because someone chanted something following a cricket match

And then the irony of you saying "benefits of a civilized society", is you fully supporting a mob demolishing someone's property the actions of a civilized person?

The disconnect here is that the real Jaahils are those that are connected to the Pakistani way of life and given the past traumatic history and the lessons learnt in dealing with these extremists there are no other choices than to deal with their supporters firmly.

Don't forget we also have tried the "turn the other cheek" method. It didn't end well for Hindus. So here we are.
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The disconnect here is that the real Jaahils are those that are connected to the Pakistani way of life and given the past traumatic history and the lessons learnt in dealing with these extremists there are no other choices than to deal with their supporters firmly.

Don't forget we also have tried the "turn the other cheek" method. It didn't end well for Hindus. So here we are.

Here you are endorsing an uncivilised and jaahil way of life, not sure it's something to boast about but it ties in with my weak and flaky comment from earlier
Here you are endorsing an uncivilised and jaahil way of life,

which is in response to a much much more jaahil way of life that has resulted in deaths of millions and has absolutely no room whatsoever for the Idol worshipping faiths.

not sure it's something to boast about but it ties in with my weak and flaky comment from earlier

Its not, but those are the cards that we have been dealt with and we will do everything in our powers to protect our way of life.
Here you are endorsing an uncivilised and jaahil way of life, not sure it's something to boast about but it ties in with my weak and flaky comment from earlier
You will go around in circles here…

Hates Pakistanis
Hates Muslims
Hates Islam

What are you trying to achieve..?!

They will peddle lies, false narratives, why… because they can

Preserve your sanity, let them behave as they wish towards those whom are weaker than them.
Obviously these stats are not available. But when the media reports of cow related attrocities are reported they invariably have Muslims involved. Which is why I am asking you to answer my questions as to why they have still not amended their medieval ways considering that this nonsense has been going on for over 1000 years !!! Also the meat industry in India is heavily dominated by Muslims.
One incorrect statement is here