Wagah Border (lowering of the flags ceremony)


Senior T20I Player
May 7, 2007
Anyone been?

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Haven't been there(Wagah Border) but InshaAllah will go there on my next trip to Pakistan
What a nonsense and full of jahalat. I cant believe people go to watch this drama and enjoy and proudly announcing how many times they have fall into this crap.

This explain the stupidity of two nations.
That walk done by soldiers is just silly and their mannerisms are border line g@y some times....

Lifting their legs and stomping them hard on the ground.. :facepalm:

Just shows that these nations haven't grown up from their childish acts... :facepalm:
What a nonsense and full of jahalat. I cant believe people go to watch this drama and enjoy and proudly announcing how many times they have fall into this crap.

This explain the stupidity of two nations.
That walk done by soldiers is just silly and their mannerisms are border line g@y some times....

Lifting their legs and stomping them hard on the ground.. :facepalm:

Just shows that these nations haven't grown up from their childish acts... :facepalm:

Same feelings, i don't blame people here. Tamasha is always liked but this practice is seriously dumb.
I feel no pride in this stupidity
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What a nonsense and full of jahalat. I cant believe people go to watch this drama and enjoy and proudly announcing how many times they have fall into this crap.

This explain the stupidity of two nations.

No need for the 'jahalat' comment. Its a ceremony to raise and lower the national flags. Its chivalry with pomp and respect. Its showmanship and crowd drama combined like you said. Why the bitter feelings? It doesn,t take place on every border crossing and if people want to watch and enjoy whats wrong with that? Don't you go to the theatre or cinema to watch and enjoy?
Salute the flag.
Wow din't knew there were some people who would call marching is a stupid act.

These ceremonies are the reason why people go to Wagah.

The paraders are imitating the pride and anger of a Cockerel. The spectacle of the ceremony attracts many visitors from both sides of the border, as well as international tourists.

I think they do these when they close the gates and open them.
But some boring people would prefer just walking straight to the gate and simply open it( those people lives are boring).

The Border has become a tourist

Cause of this Walk, the border has become a tourist destination.
I will hopefully be going to the Indian side of the border:farhat always wanted to go and watch the parade and see the border.
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A BIG fan of this ceremony. Lived in Lahore for 3 years and have been to the Wagah border atleast 10-12 times. Made sure every friend/relative who visited watched this ceremony. The way our Jawans march and the emotions in the crowd is incredible. Only those who've witnessed would know!

Surprised by the response in this thread. But well, everyone is entitled to their opinion.
I've been to see it. Thought it was enjoyable and my whole family had a great time.
Silly chicken dance. It is a negative, silly and unproductive ceremony, should be scrapped. It serves no purpose other than increasing hatred towards other side of the border.
Silly chicken dance. It is a negative, silly and unproductive ceremony, should be scrapped. It serves no purpose other than increasing hatred towards other side of the border.

It serves no purpose? Didn't you see, so many people love this drama and develop true patriotism and since our " jawaans" strike the boat harder than their counterpart, develop this " illusion" that we are superior?
I remember John Sergeant made a documentary about Indian railways and then went to the Wagah ceremony.Partition is also mentioned.More directed towards Indians,the British Empire and Gandhi etc but there are Pakistani mentions.Fascinating documentary.

British Indian Railway - On Tracks of Empire - Unite and Divide

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bisN3PREEIA (1/6)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFf98mz6G9E&feature=related (2/6)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bT9cnpPyZig (3/6)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbjbUnooLCo (4/6)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0fo3TSAIOQ&feature=related (5/6)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZC-MTlKSgQ&feature=related (6/6)

British Indian Railway - On Tracks of Empire - Power and Privilege

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDOURb3oMM8 (1/6)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDDcIsAtuDU&feature=related (2/6)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Sw5TW-6IBA&feature=related (3/6)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2_OfUbGEJs&feature=related (4/6)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ueJ7BxtCzo&feature=related (5/6)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxq95t-bC4Q&feature=related (6/6)

British India from the view point of John Sergeant (BBC). A must watch documentary for all Indians

John Sergeant embarks on a unique 3,000 mile journey through the history of the greatest legacy the British left to India - its rail network. The biggest in Asia, it runs on 40,000 miles of track and reaches every corner of the subcontinent. Proposed in 1853 by Governor General Lord Dalhousie, it would become the biggest engineering project of its time and instrumental in every chapter of India's history.

Starting in Kolkata, Sergeant traverses India from east to west, travels through turbulent Bihar state, visits the Victorian railway town of Jamalpur, and discovers why the construction of the Dufferin Bridge at Varanasi resulted in Victorian technology and ingenuity clashing with ancient religion, before ending his journey at the border with Pakistan.

Even though Mahatma Gandhi denounced the railways as evil, Sergeant reveals how it became a civil engineering triumph that united the country and played a crucial role when India became independent in 1947.
Do India and Pakisthan charges any money for watching this ceremony ?? :amir
If yes, then let them continue
Vaise it doesn't even matter.
But how can you prove this stupid claim ?

Because it was shown in Pakistani drama and most people here are big fan of drama and theater. They have no clue of facts, history and reality, they use emotions to make their conclusions.
Pakistan Zindabad!

Kauna Pakistan Kay haalaf hain...Ghaddhar hain, Ghaddhar hain!
Yaar ignore them, its become a kind of fashion to hate Pakistan nawadays, they thing it makes them 'stand out' and even some think Westernized!

1. You need to read up on history
2. I'd like to see you go to the front line some day

Most of the Rangers do work the Borders and it's a welcome break for them when they are posted at Wagah border. Here they can relax a little and be appreciated by the crowd.
Is this ceremony not similar to Trooping the Colour in England and Independance day parade in Islamabad when all the soldiers march by. After all, they are also following old fashioned 'rituals'.
And by similar I mean 'old fashioned' and 'pointless'.
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Because it was shown in Pakistani drama and most people here are big fan of drama and theater. They have no clue of facts, history and reality, they use emotions to make their conclusions.

Good job at not getting a joke, you two.

and lol at you getting all 'emotional' (you love that word, dont you Zaid65?) over a ceremony..
Went to watch the ceremony on Christmas Day and loved every bit of it. The crowds on both sides were maddening and I felt quite emotional at the end of it.

I now wish to cross the border and visit Pakistan some day soon. Ideally, drive my own car through the border and do a road trip! *wishes*
That walk done by soldiers is just silly and their mannerisms are border line g@y some times....

Lifting their legs and stomping them hard on the ground.. :facepalm:

Just shows that these nations haven't grown up from their childish acts... :facepalm:

Couldn't have put it better. Not only is it silly, but I find it extremely boring too.
Couldn't have put it better. Not only is it silly, but I find it extremely boring too.
Friends who visited it found the ceremony very interesting. But personally I don't think all that drama is worth the time and effort and crowd. In fact, I wonder why do we even have the ceremony!
Wagah border ceremony is tremendous and fantastic. It should be a bit lengthier though and something new needs to be added. Perhaps a kabbadi or boxing match will do. Won't be a bad idea if PMs of both countries played chess at the end.
On a lighter note ... we Indians are so fond of high drama that we even elected a great dramebaaz as Chief Minister of Delhi !
Me in May 2016 at Wagah

Me in June 2016 at the Line of Control, Kashmir valley

Maybe [MENTION=131701]Mamoon[/MENTION] might enjoy these pictures 😄
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Gives me goosebumps to see the patriots on both sides enjoying the naked display of ultra nationalism and giving a thumbs down to the liberal fascists.
Me in May 2016 at Wagah

Me in June 2016 at the Line of Control, Kashmir valley

Maybe [MENTION=131701]Mamoon[/MENTION] might enjoy these pictures ��

Nice pictures. I admire your patriotism.
Never been to the Wagah border (or Lahore for that matter)

Should go there sometime, but I have no family in Lahore. I do have a few friends that hail from Lahore. Next time I'm in Pakistan and they are also there I'll crash at their place to see the city.

Jinnay Lahore na vikkaya oo jammiya ee nai
Nice pictures. I admire your patriotism.

Thanks! I like your posts by the way...even if they are a bit too realistic at times about cricket! I've been hoping to make contact with you [MENTION=131701]Mamoon[/MENTION]. I'm a doctor and I know you're a med student/doctor.
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Thanks! I like your posts by the way...even if they are a bit too realistic at times about cricket! I've been hoping to make contact with you [MENTION=131701]Mamoon[/MENTION]. I'm a doctor and I know you're a med student/doctor.

Nice to hear sir. What did you specialize in/what is your field of interest?
Ireland Women's team taken to the border

<div style="width: 100%; height: 0px; position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.250%;"><iframe src="https://streamable.com/e/uvxipw" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;"></iframe></div>
Soaring inflation and security concerns are affecting the splendor of Wagah Border – a celebrated relic of the partition of 1947 – as the crowd continues to shrink in comparison to those who attend the parade from across the border.

Initially, the parade started witnessing thin crowds after the coronavirus pandemic brought the world to a standstill. However, while the world returned to normalcy, Wagah Border has not witnessed the same enthusiasm since. The socio-economic factors are now the biggest reasons behind this.

Analysts believe inflation is the main reason behind this. They also believe that the young generation is no longer interested in aggressive parades.

Wagah-Atari Border connects two major cities of Punjab on both sides of the border and is renowned for the glamorous flag-hoisting ceremonies held daily. Troops of Pakistan Rangers, Punjab and Border Security Force (BSF) participate in the parade and respectfully lower their respective national flags.

Thousands of citizens from both sides of the border come to attend this parade in the past. The stadium built by Pakistan has a seating capacity of 10,000. However, only 1,500 to 2,000 people are found in the audience these days, with Sunday being the only exception when the number reaches 3,000. While the regular attendance has decreased, the stadium witnesses an overflow of spectators on national days.

On the other side of the border, the stadium built by India has a capacity of 25,000 spectators and the regulars are relatively more than Pakistanis.

Express Tribune
Initially, the parade started witnessing thin crowds after the coronavirus pandemic brought the world to a standstill. However, while the world returned to normalcy, Wagah Border has not witnessed the same enthusiasm since. The socio-economic factors are now the biggest reasons behind this.

I don't think that's entirely accurate tbf.
I don't think that's entirely accurate tbf.

Public sentiment towards the armed forces is showing. Wouldn't be surprised if most of those attending the ceremonies are family and friends
The battle for hoisting the tallest national flag on the Wagah-Attari border between India and Pakistan is likely to start once again.

India, taking the initiative, will hoist its tallest tricolour in front of its stadium at the Joint Check Post (JCP) in Wagah, for which a 418-foot tall tower has been installed.

According to sources, New Delhi will also install modern cameras on the 418 feet high tricolour pole, which will be able to monitor the area for several kilometers on all four sides.

Earlier, India hoisted a 360 feet tall tricolour in March 2017, in response to which Pakistan hoisted a 400 feet tall flag on its 70th Independence Day on August 14, 2017.

With a 120-foot length and 80-foot width, it is the tallest flag in South Asia and the eighth tallest in the world. It was hoisted by then army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa.

Now that the National Highway Authority of India is going to hoist the tricolour 418-foot high, Pakistan is expected to take steps to raise its flag higher than that of its arch-rival.

Both countries have spent millions of rupees in the race to hoist their flag higher than the others and both flags can be seen from several kilometers away.

According to The Independent, in 2017, Pakistan had raised concerns over India's tallest-ever flag being an instrument for "espionage".

The flag, seen in Lahore, was erected at the Attari border and is 110 metres high, which had prompted Islamabad to accuse New Dehli of violating international treaties.

Pakistan had lodged a complaint to the Border Security Force and had raised suspicions that hidden cameras may have been installed on the flag pole for spying purposes.

Express Tribune
I've always found this a little embarrassing. A mustache guy is puffing up his chest and looking weirdly at another mustache guy.

Pakistan should've moved past this circus decades ago.