What are our madrassas teaching ?


Senior T20I Player
Jan 29, 2005
It doesn't get any sadder than this ...

read on if u dare ..

Afghan suicide bomber kills own family

By AMIR SHAH, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 33 minutes ago

KABUL, Afghanistan - A mother who tried to stop her son from carrying out a suicide bomb attack triggered an explosion in the family's home in southern Afghanistan that killed the would-be bomber, his mother and three siblings, police said Monday.

The would-be bomber had been studying at a madrassa, or religious school, in Pakistan, and when he returned to his home in Uruzgan province over the weekend announced that he planned to carry out a suicide attack, Interior Ministry spokesman Zemeri Bashary said.

Surviving family members told police that the suicide vest exploded during a struggle between the mother and her son, said Juma Gul Himat, Uruzgan's police chief. The man's brother and two sisters were also killed.

Family members said the would-be bomber gave his family $3,600 before telling them he intended to carry out the attack, Himat said.

:( :( :(
There is one thing i have been saying in each and every forum.

Our religion has become a hostage of illitrate and un-holy mullahs (mostly not all of them). Most of us are unable to understand our religion and do not know what it stands for. We are ignorant to the state that we need a mullah to pray for our dead family members, we can not even ask for a dead relative's forgiveness.

All we need to do is to get closer to religion, read Quran and Hadith. Read their translations and understand meanings. This way we will be rescuing our religion from such idiots.
These innocent people are being brainfed by retarded mullahs and they must be dealt with harshly and immediatly.

We need to educate these innocent people so they are not brainfed!
changing our wild wild west will not come from bullets and bombs ... it has to start with the hearts and minds of these people.

out with the madrassas teaching violence !!
kasoo10 said:
There is one thing i have been saying in each and every forum.

Our religion has become a hostage of illitrate and un-holy mullahs (mostly not all of them). Most of us are unable to understand our religion and do not know what it stands for. We are ignorant to the state that we need a mullah to pray for our dead family members, we can not even ask for a dead relative's forgiveness.

All we need to do is to get closer to religion, read Quran and Hadith. Read their translations and understand meanings. This way we will be rescuing our religion from such idiots.

Not only that, we also need to crack down on these madrassas and close them. Give the Mullahs an ultimatum to stop this preaching of hatred or face jail. Secondly convert these madrassa into proper schools and institutions so we can do something about the low literacy rate.

I would even go as far as requiring every mosque or religious institution in Pakistan to be certified through some organization which would safeguard against preaching of any kind of hatred and/or stuff related to jihad.
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Dont bracket everything into one category. Madrassa's have long history and tradition in our culture. Historically most of our scholars and scientist came from madrassa's. Even today allot of these madrassas exist where there are no school and provide shelter\education to numerous children. I am not saying that there arent madrassa's where they preach hate and violence. But we need to be smart about it and be very sure which ones are the ones preaching hate.
Madrassa system is old fasioned and out-dated. Madrassahs do not teach anything of positive value from rote learning to jihadi interpretations of Islam. Enough is enough. If all madrassahs are converted into proper schools today, who would be blamed for this. I am sure everybody would point his or her finger at the people in power forgetting all about the stories like the one above. This is a disgrace to the very concept of education. If Pakistan had a proper taxation system leading to a welfare state which provided schooling for every single child, we wouldn't have come to this stage. Saudis should be blamed for creating and funding these monstrous anachronisms. As far as madrassahs being around for over a thousand years is concerned, so are camels and bows and arrows. Why are people dying for the latest nuclear technology and their Toyotas and Hondas? Riding a camel is sunnah although like most such things, aesthetically abhorrent, still this is the way of our great men. Why don't we ride camels, they've been around for thousands of years? There is no justification for the existence of our out-dated, moth-eaten madrassah system which has become an anathema to civilisation.
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Islamabadi said:
Or provide justice....no justice = more violence

Justice has to come both ways too.

Thousands of MW of electricity are stolen from the government in Waziristan and nobody there ever pays any bills. Any time someone goes to ask for a bill he is kidnapped and any time someone attempts to cut off the supply he is kidnapped.
lahori said:
Not only that, we also need to crack down on these madrassas and close them. Give the Mullahs an ultimatum to stop this preaching of hatred or face jail. Secondly convert these madrassa into proper schools and institutions so we can do something about the low literacy rate.

I would even go as far as requiring every mosque or religious institution in Pakistan to be certified through some organization which would safeguard against preaching of any kind of hatred and/or stuff related to jihad.

To remove darkness we need light, you can not just remove darkness. Light will come from learning. I wonder how we can read volumes of books on medicine and engineering, etc when we do not even bother to know what our creater's message is. We all need to read and understand teachings of Islam before we can do anything.
im sick with these madrassas giving muslims bad name. farout enough is enough. my cousin went to a madrassa to learn quran off by heart and all she remembers is 3 things. being bashed day in day out. 2. being bashed again for pronuncing a single word wrong in a verse. 3. reciting the quran.

its the 21st century, arnt there better ways than bashing people to teach then the word of god? it sounds stupid just by saying "bash people to teach word of god". srsly, its a thick 9th century ideology and these people need to wake up abit and unerstand that outside the front door of the madrassas there is the 21st century.

back on the top at hand, joesph k is blaming the saudis for funding this crap. why are they doing this? wat do they get out of it? and if joseph K knows this then obviously the govt knows this and why arnt they trying to stop this. this is shocking.

the whole system needs an overhaul. no better time than to start tormmorrow.
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what we should do is bomb all the madrassa's, and then get these poor children and shave their beards..then dress them up in trousers and shirts and send them to beacon house and froebels...oh but wait, who would pay for that?? or actually what we could do is bomb the maddrassa's and then send them to their local schools..oh wait there arent any..no no wait i have another idea..lets just bomb them all period and then bury the evidence...hell their mullahs anyway so why do we care?? we could bulldoze all these poor dihaats and then build new towns in their place...that way we could build brand new schools and just start again!!...

or we could be rational about it and cut our defence budget, and increase spending on education..create a new national currculum (not one influenced by dubya and our new mughal Mushy), renovate and rebuild schools all over the nation..get our system qualified by the international baccuelarte so its is recognised....this will automatically lead to better higher eduction and a reduction in private education...the madrassa curriculum could follow the national curriculum with added bits like Quranic studies etc etc....free books and board for all students etc...or we could just bomb em all!!
I just dont get this , Why should be done , who created these stuff ?

cant there be peace , things are gone so modern in world that even WOMANS suicide themself !

what's the point of getting such a beautiful life , and just destroying a special gift from God.
what do you get in return ? Nothing all you get is the last breath of your life.

Noyone's Impressed by these stuff except the negative people , there's no need for this , you've got a life , who knows you could be higher than Britney Spears?

I dont get these people who Kill themself , there no need .
Hash said:
Justice has to come both ways too.

Thousands of MW of electricity are stolen from the government in Waziristan and nobody there ever pays any bills. Any time someone goes to ask for a bill he is kidnapped and any time someone attempts to cut off the supply he is kidnapped.

Blame JINNAH for it. he gave them this concession. And regarding thousands of MW electricity stolen, you need to give them this electricity before they steal it. Most of the time there is no electricity.
Waise IMO Madrassas should be abolished. They have done nothing except spread hatred and fragmentation in Islam. Also they produce half cooked fanatical Maulvis, and they have done more harm then good.
Zeenix said:
Waise IMO Madrassas should be abolished. They have done nothing except spread hatred and fragmentation in Islam. Also they produce half cooked fanatical Maulvis, and they have done more harm then good.
Any solution that does not involve F-16s, G-3s, mortars , Gunship hellicopters must be better than the current one.
Islamabadi said:
Or provide justice....no justice = more violence

Please don't tell me you're advocating the use of violence to obtain justice. That is exactly what is wrong with Muslim fanatics today and you proved my point.
aussie-pak said:
im sick with these madrassas giving muslims bad name. farout enough is enough. my cousin went to a madrassa to learn quran off by heart and all she remembers is 3 things. being bashed day in day out. 2. being bashed again for pronuncing a single word wrong in a verse. 3. reciting the quran.

its the 21st century, arnt there better ways than bashing people to teach then the word of god? it sounds stupid just by saying "bash people to teach word of god". srsly, its a thick 9th century ideology and these people need to wake up abit and unerstand that outside the front door of the madrassas there is the 21st century.

back on the top at hand, joesph k is blaming the saudis for funding this crap. why are they doing this? wat do they get out of it? and if joseph K knows this then obviously the govt knows this and why arnt they trying to stop this. this is shocking.

the whole system needs an overhaul. no better time than to start tormmorrow.

that's another thing I don't understand. What is the utility of memorizing the entire Quran word for word? Sorry if I offend any hafiz-e-Quran people on PP here but there is none, zero, nada. I just don't think being able to reproduce a text (that too in a language foreign to oneself) can add any value to a person's knowledge about Islam, except of course the bragging rights of becoming a 'Hafiz'.
lahori said:
that's another thing I don't understand. What is the utility of memorizing the entire Quran word for word? Sorry if I offend any hafiz-e-Quran people on PP here but there is none, zero, nada. I just don't think being able to reproduce a text (that too in a language foreign to oneself) can add any value to a person's knowledge about Islam,

It is bizarre, isn't it. The entire khutba after eid prayers is in arabic, to an audience which can't understand a word of it. I'm sure there are plenty of scholars out there which would rule such things have to be done in arabic, but 1400 years ago in arabia, would it have made sense to have the khutba after eid prayers in French? There are too many things like that
lahori said:
that's another thing I don't understand. What is the utility of memorizing the entire Quran word for word? Sorry if I offend any hafiz-e-Quran people on PP here but there is none, zero, nada. I just don't think being able to reproduce a text (that too in a language foreign to oneself) can add any value to a person's knowledge about Islam, except of course the bragging rights of becoming a 'Hafiz'.

i agree with u totally. the thing is she learnt the quran off by heart BUT HAS NO IDEA WHAT SHE IS RECITING OR SAYING. infact she doenst have any ounce of extra knowledge about islam by learing this book off by heart than i do. i consider her to be a parrot. just reciting the same words over again without even having any idea what is being said. if people want to learn the quran off by hearrt, they are more than happy to so, BUT they should also learn the formal arabic language so they actually understand what they are reciting and this wont make them feel like a parrot.
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aussie-pak said:
i agree with u totally. the thing is she learnt the quran off by heart BUT HAS NO IDEA WHAT SHE IS RECITING OR SAYING. infact she doenst have any ounce of extra knowledge about islam by learing this book off by heart than i do. i consider her to be a parrot. just reciting the same words over again without even having any idea what is being said. if people want to learn the quran off by hearrt, they are more than happy to so, BUT they should also learn the formal arabic language so they actually understand what they are reciting and this wont make them feel like a parrot.

A teacher of mine used to say 'rote-learning is the prostitution of intelligence.' He was a very very religious man so when we asked about learning Qura'an by heart, he always came up with the answer, 'learn Arabic.' I think Arabic is over-rated and hides the true meaning of Allah's message instead of revealing it. One must read Qura'an in translation and a person's knowledge of scripture should heavily depend on the number of translations he is familiar with. There must not be an authorised translation but religious students and scholars should debate different translations critically and the quality of a translation must be judged by its accessibility, accuracy and readability.

I was listening to this program on law and lawyers on BBC Radio 4 some years ago and they said that jargon determines the sincerity of experts. Lawyers and doctors use a lot of jargon as historically their professions depended on the common man's lack of knowledge about their fields of expertise. So did mdieval Christian priests but in Islam the whole religion is based on a language which almost 90% of its followers don't understand. Now here's some jargon! Think about the sincerity of an expert who drops a foreign-language word in every other sentence. It is amazing to see our born-again UK Muslims sitting around such so-called 'experts' or ulema with their mouths open in awe. I was once asked by a bearded 'brother' if I could explain the etymology of Arabic words ("can you explain the roots of words etc?") which according to him is 'sick knowledge'. I know why these born-agains are so awed by etymology, it gives the 'alim' a chance to bombard them with a barrage of foreign and exotic sounding words while explaining the source of one word. Talk about pseudo-sciences and pseudo-knowledge!
Schools and colleges causing extremism, not madressahs: Fawad Chaudhry

Information and Broadcasting Minister Fawad Chaudhry said on Thursday that extremism in Pakistan was not rooted in madressahs but schools and colleges, where teachers were hired during the 80s and 90s as part of a plot to "basically teach extremism".

Addressing a consultative conference on terrorism in Islamabad, Chaudhry said that the students of "ordinary schools and colleges" had been involved in notable incidents of extremism in Pakistan and not of madressahs.

Because, he went on, "you closed their (school and college students') minds. If you cultivate a society where an opposing view is immediately declared kufr (heresy) ... how can you present an opposing view?"

"And if no opposing views are tolerated, how will you bring a soft change [in society]?" he asked rhetorically.

In this regard, Chaudhry gave the example of late Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazl leader and religious scholar Maulana Hassan Jan, whom he said was murdered for giving a fatwa that declared suicide attacks forbidden in Islam. Similarly, he added, for such reasons many other scholars were unable to come to Pakistan.

"Likewise, when a matter is taken up by the Council of Islamic Ideology and I ask that the other side's perspective also be presented, they ask back, 'do you want us killed?'" the minister said.

He claimed that scholars in Pakistan were afraid of speaking up, adding that society itself had to rectify the narrative of extremism.
The threat within

The minister recalled that at the time of creation of Pakistan, "it was the land of Sufis [and] home to [their] tombs."

He continued that around 300 years ago, there was no religious extremism in today's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and other areas in the country.

"Religious extremism was seen more in regions that are in India now. Areas over here (Pakistan) never had religious extremism to the extent [seen today]," he said, regretting that "Pakistan faces a grave danger today."

"We don't have any potential threat from India. We have the sixth largest army in the world, we are an atomic power, and India cannot compete with us," he continued. "We face no danger from America. We face no danger from Europe. The biggest danger we face [today] is from within [Pakistan]."

Read: Ignoring the seeds of extremism

The minister acknowledged that remedial steps taken to counter extremism in the country were not sufficient, adding that neither the government nor the state was prepared enough to deal with the problem.

Giving the recent example of the government's dealings with the Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan, the minister said: "We [all] saw how the government had to go on the back foot."

And this was indicative of a ticking bomb, he remarked.
'Extremism not related to religion'

Speaking about extremism in the context of Islam, he questioned: "Whoever has even little understanding of Islam and is aware of the way Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) spent his life, how could he adopt extremism?"

So the issue of extremism was not related to the teachings of Islam, he explained, adding that it was neither related to any other religion.

"The problem is with those who interpret religious injunctions," the minister commented.
The state's role

Pointing out another "dilemma" pertaining to the issue of extremism, Chaudhry lamented that "we have destroyed the policing and law enforcement system developed by the British here."

"And we didn't even come up with a replacement [for the system]."

Lamenting that the institutions of "numberdar, chowkidar and thanedar" had been destroyed, he elaborated that "opposing views will not be given space until people's lives are safeguarded, and their lives cannot be protected until the law is enforced."

"[The] state should have only one business, and that business is the enforcement of law. If a state is unable to enforce the law, its existence is questioned, as in this scenario, it gradually moves towards civil war."

In this regard, he also explained the difference between "enforcing a different point of view and presenting a different point of view".

A society may have different views and it is the state's job to ensure that no group within it is allowed to use violence to impose its view, he said.

"This will ensure that there is diversity of views within a society and keep extremism at bay."

He added, however, that "if the state weakens and violent groups gain strength, there lies a problem."

Hence, Chaudhry said, soft change in society was not possible without establishing the writ of the state and enforcing the law.

"If you want to bring a soft change, you (state) will have to be hard."

Via : https://www.dawn.com/news/1658820/s...using-extremism-not-madressahs-fawad-chaudhry
Historical context might be useful. Key changes, with respect to religious education, took place in the nineteenth century.

The fortunes of the Farangi Mahall, which was based in Lucknow, and was a major centre of Islamic learning, is in a way central to story. “Whoever resides in India and ties the sacramental robes of learning will inevitably head for the Farangi Mahall,” so said Shibli Nuʿmani (d. 1914), a major religious scholar in own right, in 1896. But the Farangi Mahall would go into terminal decline in the twentieth century.

The key change to note in nineteenth century was the emergence of specialisation. There was a time when, as historian Margrit Pernau notes, “no distinction was made…between those who specialized in religious and in secular knowledge. The erudition of scholars like Fazl-e Haqq and Sadr ud Din Azurda qualified them equally for a career in the colonial administration, a position at the court of a prince, or a teaching post at a madrasa.” The Farangi Mahall itself had been oriented towards providing an education that enabled its students to take up judicial and administrative positions in the service of princely states that had emerged following the fragmentation of the Mughal empire after the death of Aurangzeb.

This began to change with the deepening of British rule. Patronage of the ulama declined. Religious knowledge was deemed inferior and government servants were increasingly expected to have obtained their qualifications from government schools. New madrasas were now set up that no longer aimed to produce individuals who would serve the state as civil servants, but to produce individuals who would serve society through the religious knowledge that they learned. With this came the idea of religious scholars as religious specialists akin to experts (such as medical professionals) in other fields. And so emerged the idea of a distinct religious sphere, guarded by the ulama themselves.

This idea has of course persisted in Pakistan - the ulama regard the religious sphere as their turf. Encroachments by the state are not welcome. This has made madrasa reform, amongst much else, a difficult issue to pursue by the state.

There was a further consequence. The Dars-i Nizami curriculum, still used to this day in madrasas of South Asia, derives from Mulla Nizamuddin (d. 1748) of Farangi Mahall. Ebrahim Moosa, wrote that “from the outset Nizamuddin’s goal was to produce a graduate who would think logically, acquire excellent writing and linguistic skills, and above all know enough about Islam as a religious tradition to address issues beyond basic questions of religious practice.” The Farangi Mahall had placed significant emphasis on the “rational” sciences, such as logic and philosophy.

But in the changed context of the nineteenth century, the emphasis in the madrasa curriculum, in centres such as Deoband, had shifted to the “transmitted” sciences - Hadith studies, tafsir and fiqh. On the other hand those institutions, such as the Anglo-Oriental College of Aligarh, that were based on Western institutions of learning became more detached from the teaching of Islam. Sayyid Ahmad Khan (d. 1898) had great ambitions for there to be religious teaching in Aligarh which followed his own ideas on theology, based around an Islamic modernism, but strong opposition rendered this too difficult and in fact Islam itself was rather marginal to the curriculum at Aligarh.

This too is relevant to contemporary Pakistan. The gap, today, between the modernists and the ulama is very wide indeed and the different educational paths has accentuated such divisions. It also often left modernists ill-equipped to engage in religious argumentation with the ulama.

There is one final point. The Farangi Mahall although led by Sunni family, did have Shi’a students attending. After 1857, there was a more pronounced segmentation with Islamic schools becoming more exclusive. This was perhaps linked to two factors. The emergence of the public sphere, involved an explosion of publications in vernacular languages and intense public debate. Rather than seeking patronage of an elite, as they might have once done, many now looked to rally public opinion. All this results in often acrimonious debate between adherents of the different schools of thought, an injection of emotion, an emphasis on fiery oratory. Secondly, religious authority no longer vested just with an individual or family but become associated with belonging to a particular ‘brand’ or sect. It had became a more crowded religious “marketplace.”

At a time when madrasas had increased in number, the Farangi Mahall madrasa closed its operations in Lucknow in 1969.
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AKORA KHATTAK, Pakistan — The Taliban have seized Afghanistan, and this school couldn’t be prouder.

Darul Uloom Haqqania madrasa, one of Pakistan’s largest and oldest seminaries, has educated more Taliban leaders than any school in the world. Now its alumni hold key positions in Afghanistan.

The school’s critics call it a university of jihad and blame it for helping to sow violence across the region for decades. And they worry that extremist madrasas and the Islamist parties linked to them could be emboldened by the Taliban’s victory, potentially fueling further radicalism in Pakistan despite that country’s efforts to bring more than 30,000 seminaries under greater government control.

The school says it has changed and has argued that the Taliban should be given the chance to show they have moved beyond their bloody ways since they first ruled Afghanistan two decades ago.

“The world has seen their capabilities to run the country through their victories on both the diplomatic front and on the battlefield,” said Rashidul Haq Sami, the seminary’s vice chancellor.

A Taliban softening is far from assured, given a surge of violence earlier this year, reports of reprisal killings inside the country, limits on girls going to school and clampdowns on free expression. But Mr. Sami argued that the Taliban takeover could have been even bloodier, signaling that they “would not repeat the mistakes of the 1990s.”

Darul Uloom Haqqania, about 60 miles from the Afghan border, has had an outsize effect there. The seminary’s alumni founded the Taliban movement and ruled Afghanistan in the 1990s. Pakistan’s powerful military often uses its leaders to influence the Taliban, experts say.

Its late chancellor, Samiul Haq, who was murdered at his residence in Islamabad in 2018 and was Mr. Sami’s father, was known as the “Father of the Taliban.”

“Being the alma mater of scores of Taliban leaders, Haqqania certainly commands their respect,” said Azmat Abbas, author of “Madrasa Mirage: A Contemporary History of Islamic Schools in Pakistan.”

Sirajuddin Haqqani, 41, who led much of the Taliban’s military efforts and carries a $5 million bounty from the American government on his head, is the new acting interior minister of Afghanistan and an alumnus. So is Amir Khan Muttaqi, the new foreign minister, and Abdul Baqi Haqqani, the higher education minister.

The justice minister, the chief of the Afghan water and power ministry and a variety of governors, military commanders and judges also passed through the Haqqania seminary, school administrators say.

“We feel proud that our students in Afghanistan had first broken the Soviet Union and now sent the U.S. packing,” Mr. Sami said. “It is an honor for the madrasa that its graduates are now ministers and hold high positions in the Taliban government.”

Many of the alumni adopt the name Haqqani as a symbol of pride. The Haqqani Network — the Taliban’s military wing, responsible for hostage taking of Americans, complex suicide attacks and targeted assassinations — is named after the madrasa and retains connections there.

More than 4,000 students, mostly from poor families, attend the sprawling seminary, a collection of multistory concrete buildings in a small, riverside town just east of the city of Peshawar. Courses range from the memorization of the Quran to Arabic literature.

On a recent visit, a scholar delivered a lecture on Islamic jurisprudence to a packed hall of 1,500 final-year students. They burst into giggles at one instructor’s jokes. Other students lined up outside for lunch and played volleyball or cricket.

Among them, the Taliban victory is a source of great pride.

“The Taliban have finally defeated the U.S. after struggling for almost 20 years, and the entire world accepts this fact,” said Abdul Wali, a 21-year-old student. “It also shows the farsightedness and commitment of our teachers and former alumni about Afghanistan.”

Mr. Wali praised Haqqania as a premier place to memorize the Quran, which some Muslims believe will get them and their families into heaven. “Haqqania is one of the few prestigious madrasas in the country where students consider studying an honor because of its history, the prominent scholars teaching there and its quality Islamic education,” he said.

Pakistan has long had an uneasy relationship with madrasas like Haqqania. Leaders who once saw the seminaries as a way to influence events in Afghanistan now see them as a source of conflict within Pakistan. The country has its own Taliban movement, the Pakistani Taliban, or T.T.P., which has been responsible for a slew of violent attacks in recent years. The two sides reached a cease-fire this month.

Renewed signs of radicalism in madrasas have appeared, especially since Kabul’s fall. Students have held pro-Taliban rallies. At the Red Mosque in Islamabad, the site of a deadly raid by security personnel 14 years ago, Taliban flags were raised above a girls’ madrasa next door.

Meanwhile, the usefulness of the madrasas has declined as Pakistani officials have more recently taken a more direct role in Afghanistan’s affairs, said Muhammad Israr Madani, an Islamabad-based researcher focusing on religious affairs.

Amid those pressures, Pakistan’s government has tried a mix of financial support and behind-the-scenes prodding to dial down radicalism within the seminaries.

The government of Prime Minister Imran Khan gave the Haqqania seminary $1.6 million in 2018 and $1.7 million in 2017 for “mainstreaming” it. The funds helped the madrasa construct a new building, a badminton court and a computer lab, among other projects.

Haqqania has broadened its curriculum to include English, math and computer science. It demands full documentation from foreign students, including those from Afghanistan, and administrators said it adopted a zero-tolerance policy for anti-state activities.

Experts on education in Pakistan say that the effort has had some success and that Haqqania doesn’t advocate militancy like it once did.

Still, they said, such madrasas teach a narrow interpretation of Islam. Lessons focus on how to argue with opposing faiths rather than critical thinking, and stress enforcement of practices like punishing theft with amputation and sex outside marriage with stoning. That makes some of their students vulnerable to recruitment from militant groups.

“In an environment of widespread support for the Taliban, both with the government and society, it would be naïve to hope that madrasas and other mainstream educational institutions would adopt a teaching approach other than a pro-Taliban one,” said Mr. Abbas, the author.

The school’s syllabus may be less influential than individual instructors.

“Whenever a madrasa student is found engaged in an act of violence, the wider approach is to hold the madrasa system and its syllabus responsible for the ill and no attention is paid to the teacher or teachers who influenced the student,” Mr. Abbas said.

Graduates who had studied at Haqqania in 1980s and 1990s said they did not receive any military training. Some, however, said teachers often discussed jihad openly and encouraged students to join Afghanistan’s insurgency. One, named Ali, said students could easily slip into Afghanistan to fight during seminary vacations. He requested that only his last name be used, citing security concerns.

Mr. Sami, the vice chancellor, said students were neither trained for combat nor obliged to fight in Afghanistan.

School administrators point to recent statements by some groups in Afghanistan as reflective moderate teachings. After the Taliban captured Kabul, the Jamiat-e-Ulema Islam-Sami party, founded by Mr. Sami’s father, urged them to ensure the safety of Afghans and foreigners, particularly diplomats, protect the rights of religious and ethnic minorities and allow women access to higher education.

In any case, Mr. Sami said, the world has little choice but to trust the Taliban’s ability to govern.

“I advise the international community to give a chance to the Taliban to run the country,” he said. “If they are not allowed to work, there will be a new civil war in Afghanistan and it will affect the entire region.”

ISIS, Taliban etc all these fellas get radicalised with Salafist and Wahabist propanganda in the madrasas, even if if’s not the primary goal, their intolerant foundations are inspired by these madrasas which are backed up by the kingdom.
Mostly they are teaching hate against non Muslim's and dividing the Muslim's as well in to groups then sub groups. We are told everything is forbidden from Music to films, it is however acceptable for Mullah's to have illicit affairs and beat up kids.

No it is not about faith rather forcing fear in to the hearts of innocent kids and people who look upon them as being enlightened. We are answerable to Allah not any Mullah, Imam or Qazi. I don't give a damn what any so called learned Mullah thinks of me!

This us versus them does no favours to anyone. If faith does not unite humanity then better not to follow it. Man! I tell ya they try these bullying tactics on me then all hell will break loose!
These innocent people are being brainfed by ******** mullahs and they must be dealt with harshly and immediatly.

We need to educate these innocent people so they are not brainfed!

They are to be blamed themselves, if you cannot understand how wrong is killing of innocent people in Islam, you are to be blamed.
Mostly they are teaching hate against non Muslim's and dividing the Muslim's as well in to groups then sub groups. We are told everything is forbidden from Music to films, it is however acceptable for Mullah's to have illicit affairs and beat up kids.

No it is not about faith rather forcing fear in to the hearts of innocent kids and people who look upon them as being enlightened. We are answerable to Allah not any Mullah, Imam or Qazi. I don't give a damn what any so called learned Mullah thinks of me!

This us versus them does no favours to anyone. If faith does not unite humanity then better not to follow it. Man! I tell ya they try these bullying tactics on me then all hell will break loose!

Quran it self says that believers way is different and disbelievers way is different.

Music and Films are indeed haram, and also if someone has illicit affairs whether it is Mullah or me or anyone else.

We are answerable to Allah swt , no doubt , but Allah has not let people without Guidance , he has already given his parameters of judgment.

I do not understand what do you mean by being united under Humanity ? Islam is not seperate from Humanity. To be a good Muslim you have to be a good human , without which one cannot be a good Muslim.
Madrassa system is old fasioned and out-dated. Madrassahs do not teach anything of positive value from rote learning to jihadi interpretations of Islam. Enough is enough. If all madrassahs are converted into proper schools today, who would be blamed for this. I am sure everybody would point his or her finger at the people in power forgetting all about the stories like the one above. This is a disgrace to the very concept of education. If Pakistan had a proper taxation system leading to a welfare state which provided schooling for every single child, we wouldn't have come to this stage. Saudis should be blamed for creating and funding these monstrous anachronisms. As far as madrassahs being around for over a thousand years is concerned, so are camels and bows and arrows. Why are people dying for the latest nuclear technology and their Toyotas and Hondas? Riding a camel is sunnah although like most such things, aesthetically abhorrent, still this is the way of our great men. Why don't we ride camels, they've been around for thousands of years? There is no justification for the existence of our out-dated, moth-eaten madrassah system which has become an anathema to civilisation.

So applying your logic if I show you people passing out of these modern school systems have also committed severe crimes , would be say we should abolish them as well considering then parameters of judging both should be equal.
ISIS, Taliban etc all these fellas get radicalised with Salafist and Wahabist propanganda in the madrasas, even if if’s not the primary goal, their intolerant foundations are inspired by these madrasas which are backed up by the kingdom.

This. Absolutely this.

This is where if not all but at least most of the problem have arisen from.
The entire sub-continent, needs to stop the Saudi from funding our madrasah, and then work on it to implement modern syllabus and teaching techniques in those madrasah.
Quran it self says that believers way is different and disbelievers way is different.

Music and Films are indeed haram, and also if someone has illicit affairs whether it is Mullah or me or anyone else.

We are answerable to Allah swt , no doubt , but Allah has not let people without Guidance , he has already given his parameters of judgment.

I do not understand what do you mean by being united under Humanity ? Islam is not seperate from Humanity. To be a good Muslim you have to be a good human , without which one cannot be a good Muslim.

This is why we need to move away from back dated education syllabus of the current madrasah, and implement new syllabus of madrasah with modern and well researched fiqh.

It is not difficult to find contradictory Ahadith. However, almost all modern scholars of Islam are of the view that singing is not only permitted, it is recommended on the occasions of Eid, weddings, births, aqiqahs, and on the return of a traveler. {See Yusuf al-Qardawi’s “The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam.”]

Qardawi in the same book also states the following: “It is reported that many Companions of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with them) as well as second generation Muslim scholars used to listen to singing and did not see anything wrong with it. As for the Ahadith which have been reported against singing, they all are weak and have been shown by researchers to be unsound.

The jurist Abu Bakr al-Arabi says, ‘No sound Hadith is available concerning the prohibition of singing,’ while Ibn Hazm says, ‘ All that is reported on this subject is false and fabricated…he who listens to singing intending neither obedience nor disobedience in doing something neutral and harmless, which is similar to going to the park and walking around, standing by a window and looking at the sky, wearing blue or green clothes, and so on.'”

Imam al-Ghazzali, one of the most famous Muslim scholars, writing almost a thousand years ago, reported several Ahadith and came to the following conclusion: “All these Ahadith are reported by al-Bukhari and singing and playing are not haram.” Al-Ghazzali also convincingly answered many critics who had raised such objections in his book, “Ihya Ulum al-Deen.”

At the end, I would like to quote from a hadith. “Ibn Abbas said, ‘Aishah gave a girl relative of hers in marriage to a man of the Ansar. The Prophet (s.a.w) came and asked, ‘Did you send a singer along with her?’ ‘No,’ she said. The Messenger of Allah then said: ‘The Ansar are a people who love poetry. You should have sent along someone who would sing, ‘here we come, to you we come, greet us as we greet you.'”

As for film industry, again the modern scholars are split in 2 factions- one says it is forbidden. Others saying that the usage of the industry decides whether it is haraam or not. As for example, Bollywood or likely movie industries is filled with violence, vulgur, propaganda and dance with thin stories and unreal circumstances. On the other hand Iranian movie industry, is full of realistic stories and acting. From their movies, most of the time you tend to carry something meaningful in your life. Such entertainment should be encouraged.
Quran it self says that believers way is different and disbelievers way is different.

Music and Films are indeed haram, and also if someone has illicit affairs whether it is Mullah or me or anyone else.

We are answerable to Allah swt , no doubt , but Allah has not let people without Guidance , he has already given his parameters of judgment.

I do not understand what do you mean by being united under Humanity ? Islam is not seperate from Humanity. To be a good Muslim you have to be a good human , without which one cannot be a good Muslim.

Difference does not mean beheading those of other faiths or picking fights with them like these Mullah's preach. As for Music and all I will leave Allah to decide if or not I am worthy of salvation not some dumb crackpot who probably does much worse then that. My guidance is the Qur'an not some cheap preacher who doesn't understand Islam himself.

What I mean is these preachers who speak poorly about other religions should express the beauty of Islam. They should preach human values instead of telling us how all Muslim's are bound to end up in hell. We all need to read and understand the Qur'an ourselves.
This is why we need to move away from back dated education syllabus of the current madrasah, and implement new syllabus of madrasah with modern and well researched fiqh.

It is not difficult to find contradictory Ahadith. However, almost all modern scholars of Islam are of the view that singing is not only permitted, it is recommended on the occasions of Eid, weddings, births, aqiqahs, and on the return of a traveler. {See Yusuf al-Qardawi’s “The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam.”]

Qardawi in the same book also states the following: “It is reported that many Companions of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with them) as well as second generation Muslim scholars used to listen to singing and did not see anything wrong with it. As for the Ahadith which have been reported against singing, they all are weak and have been shown by researchers to be unsound.

The jurist Abu Bakr al-Arabi says, ‘No sound Hadith is available concerning the prohibition of singing,’ while Ibn Hazm says, ‘ All that is reported on this subject is false and fabricated…he who listens to singing intending neither obedience nor disobedience in doing something neutral and harmless, which is similar to going to the park and walking around, standing by a window and looking at the sky, wearing blue or green clothes, and so on.'”

Imam al-Ghazzali, one of the most famous Muslim scholars, writing almost a thousand years ago, reported several Ahadith and came to the following conclusion: “All these Ahadith are reported by al-Bukhari and singing and playing are not haram.” Al-Ghazzali also convincingly answered many critics who had raised such objections in his book, “Ihya Ulum al-Deen.”

At the end, I would like to quote from a hadith. “Ibn Abbas said, ‘Aishah gave a girl relative of hers in marriage to a man of the Ansar. The Prophet (s.a.w) came and asked, ‘Did you send a singer along with her?’ ‘No,’ she said. The Messenger of Allah then said: ‘The Ansar are a people who love poetry. You should have sent along someone who would sing, ‘here we come, to you we come, greet us as we greet you.'”

As for film industry, again the modern scholars are split in 2 factions- one says it is forbidden. Others saying that the usage of the industry decides whether it is haraam or not. As for example, Bollywood or likely movie industries is filled with violence, vulgur, propaganda and dance with thin stories and unreal circumstances. On the other hand Iranian movie industry, is full of realistic stories and acting. From their movies, most of the time you tend to carry something meaningful in your life. Such entertainment should be encouraged.

Firstly I do not think the prophet or his companions sang and danced , if they did enlighten me and everyone else here.

Secondly if someone has permitted it , I would like to know what were his evidence was for that.
If they did personally , then that is their own action , I can show even a companion having alcohol after it was prohibited if you want , but will that make alcohol allowed?

Al Arabi was a sufi , same Al Ghazali , they are not Muhaddith.

The hadith of Ibn Abbas that you quoted , kindly share the reference.

By movies I meant real movies , not documentaries.
Difference does not mean beheading those of other faiths or picking fights with them like these Mullah's preach. As for Music and all I will leave Allah to decide if or not I am worthy of salvation not some dumb crackpot who probably does much worse then that. My guidance is the Qur'an not some cheap preacher who doesn't understand Islam himself.

What I mean is these preachers who speak poorly about other religions should express the beauty of Islam. They should preach human values instead of telling us how all Muslim's are bound to end up in hell. We all need to read and understand the Qur'an ourselves.

Did I or Islam say that without any reason just go and behead someone ? I am saying that Quran itself has differentiated believers and disbelievers. There is NO compromise on religious terms.

As I said Allah swt has already judged upon certain things , he has not left people without Guidance.

You are blaming the Mullahs for speaking against other religions , but you fail to see that the maximum number of books that have been written against any religion is Islam , maximum number of books that have been writing against any person is Muhammad.


If they will ask us questions we have the right to answer that and ask similar questions regarding their faith as well.

Yes we do need to read the translation of the quran , if this guy who killed himself and his family had read the Quran , no where he would find that he is required to kill everyone. Those verses are in a context and context is war , not in normal circumstances.
Firstly I do not think the prophet or his companions sang and danced , if they did enlighten me and everyone else here.

Secondly if someone has permitted it , I would like to know what were his evidence was for that.
If they did personally , then that is their own action , I can show even a companion having alcohol after it was prohibited if you want , but will that make alcohol allowed?

Al Arabi was a sufi , same Al Ghazali , they are not Muhaddith.

The hadith of Ibn Abbas that you quoted , kindly share the reference.

By movies I meant real movies , not documentaries.

Please do not try to misquote me. I never said that the Prophet or his companions were singing or dancing.(Naujubillah)
They have got more important things to do in their life.

I did however said they enjoyed some occasional entertainment during festivities. And did not see any problem enjoying so. It just that they did not abandon their life to these entertainments.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said to Hanzalah who thought himself to be a hypocrite for his attendance to his wife and children and the change that affected him when he was apart from Allah’s Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), “O Hanzalah! Part of your time should be devoted (to the worldly affairs) and part of time (should be devoted to prayer and meditation).” (Reported by Muslim)

Al-Ghazali is a sufi, so what?
He is still considered as one of the greatest scholar in Islam.
I would rather trust his wisdom, rather than some radical salafy influenced half educated mullahs.

By movies I did meant real movies, not documentaries. Iranian movie industry produce movies rather documentaries.
Muslim community has been suffering from terrorism from its very beginning. The heads of the Prophet’s grandson and his family members (including the head of Prophet’s great grandson- a 6 month infant) were mounted on spears and put on public display as a political stunt to demonstrate the power of the first “Muslim” kingdom.

The split of spiritual and political Islamic practices happened early but was crystallise when the House of Sufyan grabbed the khalifat and made themselves kings. The House of Sufyan left no stone unturned to initially destroy Islam and its Prophet but when that failed to do so, they became “Muslims” to used it for their political ambitions and try to destroy it from within. This is the genesis of Muslim terrorism.

This branch of Muslim and they still have many followers today have used the madrasahs to trained and brainwash. These madrasahs are well funded by petrodollars and are a factory complex for turning out terrorists.
Please do not try to misquote me. I never said that the Prophet or his companions were singing or dancing.(Naujubillah)
They have got more important things to do in their life.

I did however said they enjoyed some occasional entertainment during festivities. And did not see any problem enjoying so. It just that they did not abandon their life to these entertainments.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said to Hanzalah who thought himself to be a hypocrite for his attendance to his wife and children and the change that affected him when he was apart from Allah’s Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), “O Hanzalah! Part of your time should be devoted (to the worldly affairs) and part of time (should be devoted to prayer and meditation).” (Reported by Muslim)

Al-Ghazali is a sufi, so what?
He is still considered as one of the greatest scholar in Islam.
I would rather trust his wisdom, rather than some radical salafy influenced half educated mullahs.

By movies I did meant real movies, not documentaries. Iranian movie industry produce movies rather documentaries.

1. How did they enjoy , and what entertainments they had , can you show me through authentic source?

2. The full hadeeth is here

I met Abu Bakr. He said: Who are you? He (Hanzala) said: Hanzala has turned to be a hypocrite. He (Abu Bakr) said: Hallowed be Allah, what are you saying? Thereupon he said: I say that when we are in the company of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) we ponder over Hell-Fire and Paradise as if we are seeing them with our very eyes and when we are away from Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) we attend to our wives, our children, our business; most of these things (pertaining to After-life) slip out of our minds. Abu Bakr said: By Allah, I also experience the same. So I and Abu Bakr went to Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) and said to him: Allah's Messenger, Hanzala has turned to be a hypocrite. Thereupon Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: What has happened to you? I said: Allah's Messenger, when we are in your company, we are reminded of Hell-Fire and Paradise as if we are seeing them with our own eyes, but whenever we go away from you and attend to our wives, children and business, much of these things go out of our minds. Thereupon Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: By Him in Whose Hand is my life, if your state of mind remains the same as it is in my presence and you are always busy in remembrance (of Allah), the Angels will shake hands with you in your beds and in your paths but, Hanzala, time should be devoted (to the worldly affairs) and time (should be devoted to prayer and meditation). He (the Holy Prophet) said this thrice.

The worldly affairs that prophet was referring to was worldly trade, things through which people earn their livelihood.

3. Ghazali has his own field. He is illiterate in hadeeth science. A heart specialist can deal with heart issues, not eyes.

4. If free intermixing of the opposite sex is not allowed, how can movies be allowed?
Muslim community has been suffering from terrorism from its very beginning. The heads of the Prophet’s grandson and his family members (including the head of Prophet’s great grandson- a 6 month infant) were mounted on spears and put on public display as a political stunt to demonstrate the power of the first “Muslim” kingdom.

The split of spiritual and political Islamic practices happened early but was crystallise when the House of Sufyan grabbed the khalifat and made themselves kings. The House of Sufyan left no stone unturned to initially destroy Islam and its Prophet but when that failed to do so, they became “Muslims” to used it for their political ambitions and try to destroy it from within. This is the genesis of Muslim terrorism.

This branch of Muslim and they still have many followers today have used the madrasahs to trained and brainwash. These madrasahs are well funded by petrodollars and are a factory complex for turning out terrorists.

The issue you talking about is different to what we are discussing. Its not salafis only , but even deobandis and barelvis who are mostly anti shia , and do not consider them as Muslims. It is wrong , but that is how the reality is.

Its off topic but I am astounded at the amount of work that is been done to tarnish ahle bayat across the world by so called sunni scholars. They are even doing tehreef of hadeeth to do this.
Did I or Islam say that without any reason just go and behead someone ? I am saying that Quran itself has differentiated believers and disbelievers. There is NO compromise on religious terms.

As I said Allah swt has already judged upon certain things , he has not left people without Guidance.

You are blaming the Mullahs for speaking against other religions , but you fail to see that the maximum number of books that have been written against any religion is Islam , maximum number of books that have been writing against any person is Muhammad.


If they will ask us questions we have the right to answer that and ask similar questions regarding their faith as well.

Yes we do need to read the translation of the quran , if this guy who killed himself and his family had read the Quran , no where he would find that he is required to kill everyone. Those verses are in a context and context is war , not in normal circumstances.

Did I accuse you of supporting beheadings? So if I commit sins then it is for Allah to decide not some Mullah who is probably much worse then I am. Yes let Allah be the judge and no one else including a sinful scholar.

So let Allah decide the fate of those who insult the Akka(saw). Just coz some Salman Rushdie talks rubbish does not mean we should resort to the same level. Any Christian evangelist talking nonsense does not mean all Christian believers are bad when so many of them have also spoken highly of Rasulullah(saw). The reason certain people speak poorly about him is out of anger and frustration, we know that as Allah mentions in the Qur'an that they will never be satisfied until we accept their way. We too are free to dismiss their trinitarian beliefs as hogwash.

You educate yourself ithrough the great scholars like Dr Tahir Ul Qadri and Dr Israr Ahmed instead of some cheap bearded villager. Such so called Mullah's have a psychological hold on people minds that they exploit to their advantage. All great scholars of Islam have always been open to criticism. Your beloved scholars who you love so much tell the world just kill any disbeliever brainwashing vulnerable minds.
The issue you talking about is different to what we are discussing. Its not salafis only , but even deobandis and barelvis who are mostly anti shia , and do not consider them as Muslims. It is wrong , but that is how the reality is.

Its off topic but I am astounded at the amount of work that is been done to tarnish ahle bayat across the world by so called sunni scholars. They are even doing tehreef of hadeeth to do this.

With deobabdi’s, if you’re alluding to Zia ul Haq’s influence then their madrasas were infused with Wahabi propoganda , it’s what they used to get the Mujahideen to do all the dirty work for the Saudis and Americans, there have been some unfortunate barelvi incidents to do but nothing remotely has compared to the influence Wahabist and Salafist propaganda has had on the radicalisation of certain groups of ‘Muslims’ who have led a wave of terror in this century, the impact is quiet evident on a global level really, one can resort to finger pointing but how one can argue against the poisonous impact Salafis and Wahabis have had in our time is a bit bizarre but at the same time, somewhat understandable when you look at the number of supporters these groups have directly or indirectly (which is a bigger problem arguably especially those who send their kids to be taught by imams in madrasas backed by the Kingdom).
This. Absolutely this.

This is where if not all but at least most of the problem have arisen from.
The entire sub-continent, needs to stop the Saudi from funding our madrasah, and then work on it to implement modern syllabus and teaching techniques in those madrasah.

Not just the sub-continent but also the western world bro, and god knows where else sadly…but your fundamental point is absolutely key here, the funding needs to stop and there needs to be a review of the syllabus being implemented, I’d also add that the sort of imams and sheikh’s which are hired need to be trained appropriately to and especially how they communiate
Did I accuse you of supporting beheadings? So if I commit sins then it is for Allah to decide not some Mullah who is probably much worse then I am. Yes let Allah be the judge and no one else including a sinful scholar.

So let Allah decide the fate of those who insult the Akka(saw). Just coz some Salman Rushdie talks rubbish does not mean we should resort to the same level. Any Christian evangelist talking nonsense does not mean all Christian believers are bad when so many of them have also spoken highly of Rasulullah(saw). The reason certain people speak poorly about him is out of anger and frustration, we know that as Allah mentions in the Qur'an that they will never be satisfied until we accept their way. We too are free to dismiss their trinitarian beliefs as hogwash.

You educate yourself ithrough the great scholars like Dr Tahir Ul Qadri and Dr Israr Ahmed instead of some cheap bearded villager. Such so called Mullah's have a psychological hold on people minds that they exploit to their advantage. All great scholars of Islam have always been open to criticism. Your beloved scholars who you love so much tell the world just kill any disbeliever brainwashing vulnerable minds.

You are writing this in my response , that is why it is implied to me. Islam is very clear about disbelievers , Quran says do not make disbelievers your friends , that does not mean that hate them or kill them. It means do not follow their lifestyle and philosophy of life.

Allah will judge for hell and paradise , but how he will judge he has already mentioned. The criteria he has revealed through his messengers. The Quran does not talk about individuals , it talks about groups.

For example if I have alcohol , I am a sinner , whether I would be in hell certainly or not or for how much time or Allah will forgive me because of some other deed NO one can say , but if someone says I am doing a sin , then the person is right.

So many have spoken highly of Muhammad SAW ? This is what you do not realize , do they talk about Muhammad SAW as a Prophet ? NO , they talk about him as a reformer , not someone who is getting revelation.

My point was not regarding Salman Rushdie , what I am saying is that you yourself said why Mullahs speak bad about other religions , I showed you the same is true the other way around. In fact the criticism is much more severe and all of them are mere allegations and Nothing else.

What makes you think Tahir Qadri or Dr Israr are great ? Do you know even what does a Mullah means? Ask someone knowledgeable.

I do not have any beloved scholar , if someone is telling to kill all unbelievers I have already said they are wrong , but to hold madarssa responsible then the same principles should be applied to other cases as well.
If a random guy goes out and shoots people , we need to banned his education centre as well because they must have influenced him in his out look towards life
With deobabdi’s, if you’re alluding to Zia ul Haq’s influence then their madrasas were infused with Wahabi propoganda , it’s what they used to get the Mujahideen to do all the dirty work for the Saudis and Americans, there have been some unfortunate barelvi incidents to do but nothing remotely has compared to the influence Wahabist and Salafist propaganda has had on the radicalisation of certain groups of ‘Muslims’ who have led a wave of terror in this century, the impact is quiet evident on a global level really, one can resort to finger pointing but how one can argue against the poisonous impact Salafis and Wahabis have had in our time is a bit bizarre but at the same time, somewhat understandable when you look at the number of supporters these groups have directly or indirectly (which is a bigger problem arguably especially those who send their kids to be taught by imams in madrasas backed by the Kingdom).

I am not talking about any political thing , what I am saying is that Barelvis and deobandis ( strong majority ) have same stance on shia as a salafi. I do not agree with them , but it has been a majority opinion of them that shias are not believers.
Not just the sub-continent but also the western world bro, and god knows where else sadly…but your fundamental point is absolutely key here, the funding needs to stop and there needs to be a review of the syllabus being implemented, I’d also add that the sort of imams and sheikh’s which are hired need to be trained appropriately to and especially how they communiate

The syllabus of madarssa should be quran and hadeeth , I do not understand where is it written that one can go out and kill people without any reason ? I fail to understand.

If a madarssa teacher is teaching this it is his opinion , and he should be jailed , but why should we ban madrassa ?
I am not talking about any political thing , what I am saying is that Barelvis and deobandis ( strong majority ) have same stance on shia as a salafi. I do not agree with them , but it has been a majority opinion of them that shias are not believers.

The syllabus of madarssa should be quran and hadeeth , I do not understand where is it written that one can go out and kill people without any reason ? I fail to understand.

If a madarssa teacher is teaching this it is his opinion , and he should be jailed , but why should we ban madrassa ?

Stances are pretty irrelevant to this thread and I don’t see how that particular one would be responsible for 90% of extremist terror activities and terror organisations globally? that would be Salafists and Wahabis, the debate here is the root of their evil which begins in madrasas which scribe to the beliefs of those groups (not saying they do this explicitly but their teaching methods and intolerant views supported by their funding stream is a big problem) where the seeds of intolerance are planted in the minds of young people, the madrasas themselves don’t need to be banned, not sure who has said that; first, we need to cut the funding these places receive from Saudi Arabia and also review the teachers who are hired, this will help reduce the spread of global extremism inspired by the hardline Salafis and Wahabis.
You are writing this in my response , that is why it is implied to me. Islam is very clear about disbelievers , Quran says do not make disbelievers your friends , that does not mean that hate them or kill them. It means do not follow their lifestyle and philosophy of life.

Allah will judge for hell and paradise , but how he will judge he has already mentioned. The criteria he has revealed through his messengers. The Quran does not talk about individuals , it talks about groups.

For example if I have alcohol , I am a sinner , whether I would be in hell certainly or not or for how much time or Allah will forgive me because of some other deed NO one can say , but if someone says I am doing a sin , then the person is right.

So many have spoken highly of Muhammad SAW ? This is what you do not realize , do they talk about Muhammad SAW as a Prophet ? NO , they talk about him as a reformer , not someone who is getting revelation.

My point was not regarding Salman Rushdie , what I am saying is that you yourself said why Mullahs speak bad about other religions , I showed you the same is true the other way around. In fact the criticism is much more severe and all of them are mere allegations and Nothing else.

What makes you think Tahir Qadri or Dr Israr are great ? Do you know even what does a Mullah means? Ask someone knowledgeable.

I do not have any beloved scholar , if someone is telling to kill all unbelievers I have already said they are wrong , but to hold madarssa responsible then the same principles should be applied to other cases as well.
If a random guy goes out and shoots people , we need to banned his education centre as well because they must have influenced him in his out look towards life

Where did I say anything was implied to you however if you support then killings of non Muslim's then indeed you need to be taken care off. So by all means don't follow the non Muslim way of living nor take them as your best friends but we can treat them as human beings is what I am telling you.

Allah will judge according to his infinite wisdom as to who should receive salvation. Could be that a prostitute is forgiven all her sins where as a Mullah is not. The almighty has allowed non Muslim's to believe in whatever they want hence the famous "no compulsion is religion" verse we all know about. I can tell you that everyone has sinned one way or another. As it happens us believers will probably suffer a worse fate for not living by the rules of Islam. At least the non Muslim can say we just didn't believe.

Well of course the non Muslim's do not see Rasulullah(SAW) as the final Prophet like we do not do so Paul or the Sikh Guru's. I am okay with it providing they do not insult him equally we should respect their feelings too. It is simple commonsense. My point is regarding every nutcase who insults Islam and our Prophet(SAW) that they do not speak on behalf of their entire community.

I fail to understand what your point is really? I am saying Mullah's should worry about themselves instead of other Muslim's when they are even worse then the common man. Your point is that non Muslim preachers do the same adultery and all, I am telling you that just like Mullah's do not represent the teaching of Islam non Muslim scholars who insult Islam do not represent their own people either. I suggest you do some reading before encouraging hatred against non Muslim's which is not what Islam tells us. A Mullah is someone learned in Islamic theology that anyone can claim to be especially in Pakistan where Islam sells more then food. Tahir and Israr are great scholars according to me, you may prefer a Dr Zakir Naik or someone like that.

Have you not read here how people like me here blast Hindu fanatics when they kill Muslim's? Not every temple going Hindu is thirty for Muslim blood either is something you fail to understand. Today I am afraid most Mullah's in Pak are ignorant that shows in the terrible and appalling state of the country. Had Pak been truly Islamic we would have been the best and most prosperous country in the world. Yes more often then not Madrassa's do breed fanaticism because those attending do not understand what they are reading. Instead they are told by the Mullah's what it means.
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Stances are pretty irrelevant to this thread and I don’t see how that particular one would be responsible for 90% of extremist terror activities and terror organisations globally? that would be Salafists and Wahabis, the debate here is the root of their evil which begins in madrasas which scribe to the beliefs of those groups (not saying they do this explicitly but their teaching methods and intolerant views supported by their funding stream is a big problem) where the seeds of intolerance are planted in the minds of young people, the madrasas themselves don’t need to be banned, not sure who has said that; first, we need to cut the funding these places receive from Saudi Arabia and also review the teachers who are hired, this will help reduce the spread of global extremism inspired by the hardline Salafis and Wahabis.

I do not see anything of that sort happening in the near future , to resolve the issues people have to leave own sects and unite upon quran , untill that happens , everything will remain unsolved.
Where did I say anything was implied to you however if you support then killings of non Muslim's then indeed you need to be taken care off. So by all means don't follow the non Muslim way of living nor take them as your best friends but we can treat them as human beings is what I am telling you.

Allah will judge according to his infinite wisdom as to who should receive salvation. Could be that a prostitute is forgiven all her sins where as a Mullah is not. The almighty has allowed non Muslim's to believe in whatever they want hence the famous "no compulsion is religion" verse we all know about. I can tell you that everyone has sinned one way or another. As it happens us believers will probably suffer a worse fate for not living by the rules of Islam. At least the non Muslim can say we just didn't believe.

Well of course the non Muslim's do not see Rasulullah(SAW) as the final Prophet like we do not do so Paul or the Sikh Guru's. I am okay with it providing they do not insult him equally we should respect their feelings too. It is simple commonsense. My point is regarding every nutcase who insults Islam and our Prophet(SAW) that they do not speak on behalf of their entire community.

I fail to understand what your point is really? I am saying Mullah's should worry about themselves instead of other Muslim's when they are even worse then the common man. Your point is that non Muslim preachers do the same adultery and all, I am telling you that just like Mullah's do not represent the teaching of Islam non Muslim scholars who insult Islam do not represent their own people either. I suggest you do some reading before encouraging hatred against non Muslim's which is not what Islam tells us. A Mullah is someone learned in Islamic theology that anyone can claim to be especially in Pakistan where Islam sells more then food. Tahir and Israr are great scholars according to me, you may prefer a Dr Zakir Naik or someone like that.

Have you not read here how people like me here blast Hindu fanatics when they kill Muslim's? Not every temple going Hindu is thirty for Muslim blood either is something you fail to understand. Today I am afraid most Mullah's in Pak are ignorant that shows in the terrible and appalling state of the country. Had Pak been truly Islamic we would have been the best and most prosperous country in the world. Yes more often then not Madrassa's do breed fanaticism because those attending do not understand what they are reading. Instead they are told by the Mullah's what it means.

I do not support any extra Judicial killings whether Muslims or Non - Muslims.
Yes off course Non Muslims are humans like us , created by some God , we accept that. What we say is that Islamic principles that have been underlined cannot be compromised upon. Islam cannot be a mixture of cultures just to make others happy.

I think you have not read my previous post , I already said Allah is the ONLY Judge in the issue of salvation ( heaven / hell ). But he has send guidance beforehand to judge what is write and wrong. HE has NOT left things ambiguous that we cannot understand.

A believer , if he has one iota of faith in his heart will not suffer eternal punishment. The faith in his heart will eventually get him out of Hell may be after millions of years , but he NOT be in hell forever , where as the case with disbeliever is different , because disbeliever has been a rebel to laws of Allah.

What do you mean by respect for their feelings ? Can you specify how we as Muslims respect their feelings ?

Again you ignoring my point , I never said that every hindu or Christians are insulting the prophet , but I said that maximum books that have been written against any personality is Muhammad .

Same way every madarssa and every Moulvi is not teaching wrong thing , yet you have only negative things to say about them , why your stance and parameters are different ? For disbelievers you have soft stance who reject your prophet and call him liar and insult him

But the Mullah who respects and has faith in Allah and his messengers is villain for you .

All Moulvis worse than the common man ? What kind of generalization is this ?

Mullah do not represent teachings of Islam , they have spend time and energy to learn Islam , where as others are busy pursuing worldly benefits , why do they not come and learn Islam ? They have time for everything but no time to learn but simply to criticize

I have done my reading and I know what I am saying .

If anyone can claim to be Mullah , so can anyone get University degrees with money.

Who is Zakir Naik ? is he a prophet ? He is a scholar like others , why should I be a blind follower of any scholar?

Now since you love Mr Qadri so much , I would like to tell you this guy claimed he learned fiqh ( Jurisprudence ) directly from Imam Hanifa for 9 years , again he claimed the same in 14 years. A person may make mistakes but what about someone who blatantly lies like this ?
I do not support any extra Judicial killings whether Muslims or Non - Muslims.
Yes off course Non Muslims are humans like us , created by some God , we accept that. What we say is that Islamic principles that have been underlined cannot be compromised upon. Islam cannot be a mixture of cultures just to make others happy.

I think you have not read my previous post , I already said Allah is the ONLY Judge in the issue of salvation ( heaven / hell ). But he has send guidance beforehand to judge what is write and wrong. HE has NOT left things ambiguous that we cannot understand.

A believer , if he has one iota of faith in his heart will not suffer eternal punishment. The faith in his heart will eventually get him out of Hell may be after millions of years , but he NOT be in hell forever , where as the case with disbeliever is different , because disbeliever has been a rebel to laws of Allah.

What do you mean by respect for their feelings ? Can you specify how we as Muslims respect their feelings ?

Again you ignoring my point , I never said that every hindu or Christians are insulting the prophet , but I said that maximum books that have been written against any personality is Muhammad .

Same way every madarssa and every Moulvi is not teaching wrong thing , yet you have only negative things to say about them , why your stance and parameters are different ? For disbelievers you have soft stance who reject your prophet and call him liar and insult him

But the Mullah who respects and has faith in Allah and his messengers is villain for you .

All Moulvis worse than the common man ? What kind of generalization is this ?

Mullah do not represent teachings of Islam , they have spend time and energy to learn Islam , where as others are busy pursuing worldly benefits , why do they not come and learn Islam ? They have time for everything but no time to learn but simply to criticize

I have done my reading and I know what I am saying .

If anyone can claim to be Mullah , so can anyone get University degrees with money.

Who is Zakir Naik ? is he a prophet ? He is a scholar like others , why should I be a blind follower of any scholar?

Now since you love Mr Qadri so much , I would like to tell you this guy claimed he learned fiqh ( Jurisprudence ) directly from Imam Hanifa for 9 years , again he claimed the same in 14 years. A person may make mistakes but what about someone who blatantly lies like this ?

What points in my original post do you disagree with because your drivel is making no sense to me whatsoever? Islam can not be this and that blah...blah...blah! Every Muslim understand Islam differently, I do not need a self appointed Mullah whom you love so much to tell me that. The Qur'an and hadith even certain scholars I like are enough to guide me.

I read your love for Mullah's good and well! Your belief that we should follow Islam through them is what I disagree with. I do not consider Pakistani Mullah type people to have much authority on Islam when most of them are worse then the common man. Every day we here of the various crimes your beloved Mullah's are involved in. So the guidance here is the Qur'an an Hadith that are sufficient for me.

You are hitting a brick wall here with your claptrap. The issue is not who is the judge rather who is the guide to Islam. It is clear that you are part of some Tabligh-e-Jamaat kind of group who go door to door boring people to tears whilst being among the most guilty themselves. We should respect the feelings of non Muslim's by not making jokes about their religion, by respecting books they consider as being Holy and their places of worship. I would think this to be so very basic.

Well of course books against Islam have been written by non Muslim's so what's new? Allah will deal with that or are you suggesting we burn down their homes or something like that? Books have been written against every religion not only Islam. I am a Muslim who believes in understanding Islam myself coz Allah is gonna ask me about my sins not some Mullah! Your loves for them is so very baffling, what have they done for you that you are so in love with them? I say that every so called religious leader mostly causes trouble by painting people of other faiths poorly or even as sub human. Mullah is not the only believer who respects Islam, the common believer does so even more as does the practising one.

Mullah's make money and great living by selling Islam. So many have wonderful houses making great incomes by teaching the Qur'an. Poor people look upon them as role models when they are anything but that. Most of them are a waste of space. At least an honest man works for his money where as these frauds don't do that at all. Your belief that they understand better just doesn't convince me at all. You may have done some reading but have no understanding. Pakistan is full of these Mullah's yet the country is doing so poorly, why?

In first world countries no one can get a fraud degree at all. Only in third world countries like Pakistan do such things happen. Equally, why follow any ignorant Mullah that you are questioning the likes of Zakir? I am sure Qadri sahib has his imperfections which is why we should be careful who we follow. At least he makes more sense then some ignorant Mullah.
What points in my original post do you disagree with because your drivel is making no sense to me whatsoever? Islam can not be this and that blah...blah...blah! Every Muslim understand Islam differently, I do not need a self appointed Mullah whom you love so much to tell me that. The Qur'an and hadith even certain scholars I like are enough to guide me.

I read your love for Mullah's good and well! Your belief that we should follow Islam through them is what I disagree with. I do not consider Pakistani Mullah type people to have much authority on Islam when most of them are worse then the common man. Every day we here of the various crimes your beloved Mullah's are involved in. So the guidance here is the Qur'an an Hadith that are sufficient for me.

You are hitting a brick wall here with your claptrap. The issue is not who is the judge rather who is the guide to Islam. It is clear that you are part of some Tabligh-e-Jamaat kind of group who go door to door boring people to tears whilst being among the most guilty themselves. We should respect the feelings of non Muslim's by not making jokes about their religion, by respecting books they consider as being Holy and their places of worship. I would think this to be so very basic.

Well of course books against Islam have been written by non Muslim's so what's new? Allah will deal with that or are you suggesting we burn down their homes or something like that? Books have been written against every religion not only Islam. I am a Muslim who believes in understanding Islam myself coz Allah is gonna ask me about my sins not some Mullah! Your loves for them is so very baffling, what have they done for you that you are so in love with them? I say that every so called religious leader mostly causes trouble by painting people of other faiths poorly or even as sub human. Mullah is not the only believer who respects Islam, the common believer does so even more as does the practising one.

Mullah's make money and great living by selling Islam. So many have wonderful houses making great incomes by teaching the Qur'an. Poor people look upon them as role models when they are anything but that. Most of them are a waste of space. At least an honest man works for his money where as these frauds don't do that at all. Your belief that they understand better just doesn't convince me at all. You may have done some reading but have no understanding. Pakistan is full of these Mullah's yet the country is doing so poorly, why?

In first world countries no one can get a fraud degree at all. Only in third world countries like Pakistan do such things happen. Equally, why follow any ignorant Mullah that you are questioning the likes of Zakir? I am sure Qadri sahib has his imperfections which is why we should be careful who we follow. At least he makes more sense then some ignorant Mullah.

Islam is not an organized philoshopy that it means different things to different people. For example I cannot go and bow to an idol and say this is Islam.
When you are sick and go to a doctor , why you agree to his diagnosis , you can say there as well I do not need a self appointed doctor to tell me whether I should take that medicine or not ?
Only when it comes to religion all your rules apply and Mullah becomes a villain ?

No , do not follow according to any Mullah , but for that you need to know what you are following and make an effort for that. They have made effort in there field and have expertise. Your problem is that you Judge Mullah and others by different parameters , which is pure hypocrisy.

I am Tableeghi Jamat ? I am a strong critic of them , I am not part of any sect or Jamat.

Again you are repeating yourself. The advice you are giving about respecting disbelievers books and places of worship , do they also do the same? If they do not then why you blaming only Mullah.
Also , I would like to say that muslims DO not make any joke about others Gods etc , I can show you disbelievers themselves making fun and joke of them .

BUT Probably they also influenced by certain Mullah according to your logic.

Have you ever read Quran ? I doubt it because Quran itself is painting disbelievers in much more severe language. What you have to say about that , if you want I will post the verses. Will you advice God also how he should deal with disbelievers ?

Do you know what is the average income of Moulvis in masjid in India and Pakistan ? You can have desire for having big house , car , good education and food for children , they cannot have !!

When the secular institues charge lakhs of rupess as fees , then it is okay , but if a Muslim teacher teaches quran and makes some hundred he is wrong !!!

You cannot get fraud degrees in First world countries , I have studied in first world country , 60 % of students pay to get there assignments done , I am a witness myself , is that not fraud ?

Qadri even if he lied ballantly he makes sense to you !!

Also , when did I say I follow Dr Naik ?
Islam is not an organized philoshopy that it means different things to different people. For example I cannot go and bow to an idol and say this is Islam.
When you are sick and go to a doctor , why you agree to his diagnosis , you can say there as well I do not need a self appointed doctor to tell me whether I should take that medicine or not ?
Only when it comes to religion all your rules apply and Mullah becomes a villain ?

No , do not follow according to any Mullah , but for that you need to know what you are following and make an effort for that. They have made effort in there field and have expertise. Your problem is that you Judge Mullah and others by different parameters , which is pure hypocrisy.

I am Tableeghi Jamat ? I am a strong critic of them , I am not part of any sect or Jamat.

Again you are repeating yourself. The advice you are giving about respecting disbelievers books and places of worship , do they also do the same? If they do not then why you blaming only Mullah.
Also , I would like to say that muslims DO not make any joke about others Gods etc , I can show you disbelievers themselves making fun and joke of them .

BUT Probably they also influenced by certain Mullah according to your logic.

Have you ever read Quran ? I doubt it because Quran itself is painting disbelievers in much more severe language. What you have to say about that , if you want I will post the verses. Will you advice God also how he should deal with disbelievers ?

Do you know what is the average income of Moulvis in masjid in India and Pakistan ? You can have desire for having big house , car , good education and food for children , they cannot have !!

When the secular institues charge lakhs of rupess as fees , then it is okay , but if a Muslim teacher teaches quran and makes some hundred he is wrong !!!

You cannot get fraud degrees in First world countries , I have studied in first world country , 60 % of students pay to get there assignments done , I am a witness myself , is that not fraud ?

Qadri even if he lied ballantly he makes sense to you !!

Also , when did I say I follow Dr Naik ?

I don't know what you on about in your first paragraph so will ignore it other then your embarrassing attempts to be an intellectual with your going to the doctor and that it lacks reasoning and any sense!!:))):))):))):))):))) Give it a break coz you are not that!

Now back to what this thread is about. What problem did you have with the post of mines that you first replied too?. From where I am standing you seem to have a problem of my lack of respect towards illiterate Mullah's who cause more damage then good particularly in Pakistan where people have blind faith in them. People are afraid to question them instead are happy to be abused by them.

There is no hypocrisy at all. The issue here is you are like a sheep who feels more comfortable in following others instead of standing up to express your own views. I do not have anything against your darling Mullah's per say other then I am free to ignore them should I wish to do so. When I choose to listen to a Dr Qadri you start mentioning his short comings! In other words we should follow these Mullah's who more often then not know nothing. They mostly don't even understand the Arabic language lat alone anything else. All they preach is intolerance and blasphemy so their business can continue.

It it not only Mullah's but preachers from every faith are mostly very well to do. They make preaching their religious views in to a business getting hold of vulnerable people like you to do their bidding, to defend them that you are doing so vigorously no doubt about it. Yes they do! Non Muslim's often respect Islam as well like Gandhi often quoted the Qur'an as does even Amitabh Bachchan and one of the Pope's also kissed the Qur'an too in case you don't know. If non Muslim's were so intolerant then Muslim's would not coming to the west in such high numbers. Lets be fair if that is possible with you....non Muslim's in Pak get treated much poorly then Muslim's do in the west.

Many Moulvis may be poor to yet most are illiterate. They would be on the next flight to the west if the opportunity presented itself. These Moulvis you love so much teach kids by beating then up...oh yes they do! They scold them and do terrible things to them that are beyond belief. If they did such things in the west most would be in prison. Moreover, they preach intolerance and hate towards non Muslims as we can see with how poorly minorities are treated in Pak.

The Holy Qur'an is equally harsh on Muslim's too in case you don't know. Who made you the judge or the Mullah's to treat non Muslim's poorly? Allah will have his way with them not you or other non Muslim hater. I know a fanatic when I see one or listen to one. Do you know what the Gospel and Bible says about infidels too? By your insane logic what if the west started treating non Christians like beating us up?

The problem is they don't teach the Qur'an in Pak but beat kids up or threaten them to learn the Mullah way. Kids are terrified of your Mullah's but their parents who are illiterate themselves force them to attend such so called classes. So what if you have studied in western institutions you are obviously still a hardcore non Muslim hater brainwashed by these Mullah's. I too as a kid attended a typical so called Muslim Masjid where the teacher made it his duty to whack kid's on the head whenever according to him they did not learn properly. You call this Islam?? This was in the west by the way where such things are banned but students were to afraid to report him. Just imagine what they do in Pak!

There may be some fraud degree's in the west but they are still helluva lot better then the so called education given in countries like Pakistan. Just shows how mislead you are. Like you love Mullah culture I am free to love a Dr Qadri or Dr Israr too. I mentioning Dr Zakir Naik I meant people not you specifically are free to listen to him if they want.
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So my Akka(SAW) is insulted by ignorant people then these Madrassa students lose their head's burning their own country, car's and houses! This is what they are taught by foolish and illiterate Mullah's is the best way to protest. Visit a madrassa in Pak to see little kid's rocking back and forth as if if they are possessed without any clue of what they are reciting. Tell me whenever Islam or the Prophet(SAW) is insulted why do Muslim's from other countries never go berserk, why always Pakistanis?. This is because most other Muslim majority countries do not have these Mullah's and Madrassa's that preach hatred of non Muslims.

These Madrassa's never propagate tolerance or say a word when non Muslim places of worship are attacked or insulted in Pak as was the case with the model taking pics in the holiest Sikh shrine some days back. Look how maturely and sensibly the Sikh's handed the situation, no attacking Masjid's to avenge the insult of their shrine or anything like that. Had it been the other way around these Madrassa students would be spitting blood demanding Sikh blood.

Classical Islam was never about how the Deen is practised in Pakistan. We've made a mess out of our entire faith. Yes! Madrassa's in Pakistan are often terror breeding grounds preaching hatred of non Muslim's and the west in particular.
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You see those who encourage fanaticism here have a subtle way of operating. Thy will misquote the Qur'an telling us what it says about the disbelievers without any commentary. What they will not tell us is the harsh criticism our holy book directs towards us believers. Such people encourage violence towards non Muslim's by saying "I am not propagating hatred of non Muslim's only telling you what the Qur'an is saying". This allows them to distance themselves personally from being called intolerant.

To such people the great Allama Iqbal said "Mullah ki azaan aur mujahid ki azaan aur. Parwaaz hai dono ki issi aik fiza main Girgis ka jahan aur hai, Shaheen ka jahan aur."

I hope someone else here can also understand these great word's of wisdom.
Assam government says it banned madrassas and Sanskrit schools to secularise education.

These can't happen at the cost of govt money' says minister

Madrasas and Sanskrit tols of the state will be converted to high and higher secondary schools.

The rationale behind the decision, Sarma said, was to “secularise” education. Earlier in the year, Sarma had said the government “cannot allow teaching religious education with public money”

According to an official press note, starting next April, all state-run madrassas will be brought under the ambit of the state education board and the theological components in their syllabi dropped. In short, they will operate as any other state-run high or higher secondary school, depending on the level of education they impart. The State Madrassa Education Board shall be dissolved.

On the other hand, the state’s provincialised Sanskirt tols would cease to function as schools completely. They would be converted into “study centres, research centres and institutions to study the certificate/diploma/ degree courses to be started by Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit and Ancient Studies University located in the state’s Nalbari district”.

The staff at the tols will either be transferred to the nearest high school, where the teachers may take Sanskrit classes, or be employed at the university, which is run by the state government.

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The reason behind such lynching is the hate that is being taught in our schools. Here is a video where a school teacher is telling a class full of students that their purpose in life should be to kill blasphemer and wage jihad. Our next generation is getting ready to lynch! [MENTION=93712]MenInG[/MENTION], please allow the below video here as it is related to the thread. Thank you!
The reason behind such lynching is the hate that is being taught in our schools. Here is a video where a school teacher is telling a class full of students that their purpose in life should be to kill blasphemer and wage jihad. Our next generation is getting ready to lynch! [MENTION=93712]MenInG[/MENTION], please allow the below video here as it is related to the thread. Thank you!

I am sure why my video was removed. It showed how such lynchers are made in our classrooms.
Unsure what ur video was but this interview talks something similar, hopefully mod doesn't remove it - unsure why they would unless they agree with them


My video showed a Pakistani classroom where children were being taught to kill blasphemers and they were told to raise extremist slogans. The teachers tells them their purpose on earth was to kill blasphemers and wage jihad. He goes on to tell them that sports and leisure are useless; the real purpose is to hunt and kill blasphemers.