What was the last song you listened to?


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[MENTION=136079]ahmedwaqas92[/MENTION] all of your Bear friends say, you should move on! she's just another girl

Pretty good song, bumped into it recently
Yo guys.

So a few months ago when I went to Cali, I heard these spray paint artists playing one of these cool songs. The words were really hard to make out and it seemed as if it was a Mexican song, though it definitely was fast paced and seemed to be a very recent song. From what I could make out, I thought I heard the singer say something like "and I don't feel, and I don't care" somewhere in the middle.

Today again, I heard this song in a supermarket and it's been stuck in my head, but unfortunately I don't know how to look for it because the lyrics are hard to make out. :kakmal

Any idea what this song could be? [MENTION=132270]SL_Fan[/MENTION] [MENTION=138318]Belawal2014[/MENTION] [MENTION=139288]Abdul[/MENTION] [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] :narine
Yo guys.

So a few months ago when I went to Cali, I heard these spray paint artists playing one of these cool songs. The words were really hard to make out and it seemed as if it was a Mexican song, though it definitely was fast paced and seemed to be a very recent song. From what I could make out, I thought I heard the singer say something like "and I don't feel, and I don't care" somewhere in the middle.

Today again, I heard this song in a supermarket and it's been stuck in my head, but unfortunately I don't know how to look for it because the lyrics are hard to make out. :kakmal

Any idea what this song could be? @<a href="http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/member.php?u=132270" target="_blank">SL_Fan</a> @<a href="http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/member.php?u=138318" target="_blank">Belawal2014</a> @<a href="http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/member.php?u=139288" target="_blank">Abdul</a> @<a href="http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/member.php?u=46929" target="_blank">shaz619</a> :narine

Mexican song? or Spanish?

could it be this?

There's also an English version of this song.
Yo guys.

So a few months ago when I went to Cali, I heard these spray paint artists playing one of these cool songs. The words were really hard to make out and it seemed as if it was a Mexican song, though it definitely was fast paced and seemed to be a very recent song. From what I could make out, I thought I heard the singer say something like "and I don't feel, and I don't care" somewhere in the middle.

Today again, I heard this song in a supermarket and it's been stuck in my head, but unfortunately I don't know how to look for it because the lyrics are hard to make out. :kakmal

Any idea what this song could be? [MENTION=132270]SL_Fan[/MENTION] [MENTION=138318]Belawal2014[/MENTION] [MENTION=139288]Abdul[/MENTION] [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] :narine

Well I am one third mexican so you have come to the right place esse :trump2

So mostly spanish you reckon but what sort of genre, male/female vocals help us out homes.

Btw hope it doesn’t have any naughty words in it.
Mexican song? or Spanish?

could it be this?

There's also an English version of this song.

Well I am one third mexican so you have come to the right place esse :trump2

So mostly spanish you reckon but what sort of genre, male/female vocals help us out homes.

Btw hope it doesn’t have any naughty words in it.


Well done [MENTION=138318]Belawal2014[/MENTION], that is the one. :))

Ty homie :narine
Well done [MENTION=138318]Belawal2014[/MENTION] buen trabajo!

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Agree with [MENTION=139288]Abdul[/MENTION] here. Most of the songs I listen to are Hindi/Urdu/Punjabi.

Yeah. I listen to hip hop/rap also but the lyrics aren't appropriate enough for PP so that's the reason why I only post Punjabi songs here. :afridi
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/rGlEZpOVjGo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Mad good
Maruvaarthai - The most touching romantic song i've listened to in a long long time !

Its in the Tamil language (which I barely understand), but the rendition and music is very captivating .

The music video isn't out yet , this is the lyrical video .

This should be Misbah's theme song:

[MENTION=865]Big Mac[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]
This should be Misbah's theme song:

@<a href="http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/member.php?u=865" target="_blank">Big Mac</a> @<a href="http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/member.php?u=47617" target="_blank">Red Devil</a>

Nope. You can listen to whatever you want. People who judge others based on what type of music they listen to are the worst people ever.

Don't mind but your taste in music is hella paindu :srt
Lmao Misbah cheerleaders still celebrating that week long number one ranking that we achieved on the back of fortunate weather.

:)) :bow:

Ignorant Indian fans still burning and making lame excuses about the monumental triumph, weather blah blah, they could only dream of winning more sessions then England during a 4 match Test series.

Misbah has beaten the naysayers so badly their senses have completely diminished :kohli
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:)) :bow:

Ignorant Indian fans still burning and making lame excuses about the monumental triumph, weather blah blah, they could only dream of winning more sessions then England during a 4 match Test series.

Misbah has beaten the naysayers so badly their senses have completely diminished :kohli

Song for the bache ahead of what will be a very difficult 24 hours for them if Pakistan conjure a victory on the fifth day

<iframe width="100%" height="100%" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/233619070&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true"></iframe>
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[MENTION=43583]KingKhanWC[/MENTION] [MENTION=140459]SandyB[/MENTION] [MENTION=139150]aliasad1998[/MENTION] [MENTION=142162]Napa[/MENTION] [MENTION=137142]JaDed[/MENTION] [MENTION=7774]Robert[/MENTION] [MENTION=132916]Junaids[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]

[MENTION=43583]KingKhanWC[/MENTION] [MENTION=140459]SandyB[/MENTION] [MENTION=139150]aliasad1998[/MENTION] [MENTION=142162]Napa[/MENTION] [MENTION=137142]JaDed[/MENTION] [MENTION=7774]Robert[/MENTION] [MENTION=132916]Junaids[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]

Hi Shazzy, my music tastes are rather varied. I think the last 3 songs I have listened to are:

Amay Proshno Kore Neel Dhrubo Tara (Hemanta Mukherjee)


Gypsy Kings bamboleo


Pink Floyd time (good to listen to when taking a shower)

Hi Shazzy, my music tastes are rather varied. I think the last 3 songs I have listened to are:

Amay Proshno Kore Neel Dhrubo Tara (Hemanta Mukherjee)


Gypsy Kings bamboleo


Pink Floyd time (good to listen to when taking a shower)


Glad I'm not alone in listening to music when taking a shower.

I've come to a point in life where pretty much every common task I need some music in the background else I get bored out of my mind. Might become a problem.
Hi Shazzy, my music tastes are rather varied. I think the last 3 songs I have listened to are:

Amay Proshno Kore Neel Dhrubo Tara (Hemanta Mukherjee)


Gypsy Kings bamboleo


Pink Floyd time (good to listen to when taking a shower)


I like those songs, just finished listening to them now; mine is varied as well listen to almost every genre and multiple languages. I've not listened to any music in the shower it probably is because I sing myself mostly :yk
[MENTION=139150]aliasad1998[/MENTION] [MENTION=140459]SandyB[/MENTION] Fifth Harmony has now turned into Fourth Harmony :(

Camila has left to pursue a solo career, her debut is not bad at all to be fair to her:

I like those songs, just finished listening to them now; mine is varied as well listen to almost every genre and multiple languages. I've not listened to any music in the shower it probably is because I sing myself mostly :yk

It's nice if you can listen to music in the shower, even better if you can sing yourself :)
It's nice if you can listen to music in the shower, even better if you can sing yourself :)

In my house am the only one who sings, I have an Italian housemate who likes to listen to music like you :)) I quiet like listening to all his distinct tastes but in a foreign language it only gets annoying when I need the loo and it takes quiet the effort to get him out of there, Italians always have all the time in the world :mv
Glad I'm not alone in listening to music when taking a shower.

I've come to a point in life where pretty much every common task I need some music in the background else I get bored out of my mind. Might become a problem.

I wish I had your ability to enjoy music at all times. I usually end up reading news which usually has a negative effect.
[MENTION=139150]aliasad1998[/MENTION] [MENTION=140459]SandyB[/MENTION] Fifth Harmony has now turned into Fourth Harmony :(

Camila has left to pursue a solo career, her debut is not bad at all to be fair to her:


Why is every damn singer of today trying to go for the "Rihanna" voice ?

I mean this woman, Bebe Rexha, Sia ...
How popular are Arab pop songs amonst Pakistanis ? [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=139150]aliasad1998[/MENTION] ?

Have you listened to this one, its arguably the most popular Arab song in India.

Hisham Abbas - Egyptian singer .


Why is every damn singer of today trying to go for the "Rihanna" voice ?

I mean this woman, Bebe Rexha, Sia ...

There are some decent vocalists out there, in terms of style that is the production gimmick which sells loads of records though; so we do get this big period where there is a lack of innovation
How popular are Arab pop songs amonst Pakistanis ? @<a href="http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/member.php?u=46929" target="_blank">shaz619</a> @<a href="http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/member.php?u=139150" target="_blank">aliasad1998</a> ?

Have you listened to this one, its arguably the most popular Arab song in India.

Hisham Abbas - Egyptian singer .

Personally don't listen to the genre as much, this guy is my favourite :

And it won't be hard to guess how I came to discover that track in particular :yk
Personally don't listen to the genre as much, this guy is my favourite :

And it won't be hard to guess how I came to discover that track in particular :yk

How did you ? I find nothing scandalous here ...
@<a href="http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/member.php?u=140459" target="_blank">SandyB</a> @<a href="http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/member.php?u=140104" target="_blank">Hornbill</a>

Yeah . good stuff. !

Have you seen this,

Its a cover for "Beat it" By MJ and Bob Marley's Get up Stand Up ..
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] you'd love it if you're into MJ.
Have heard this before. I felt like they really did some justice to both songs. There is a cover of Ricky martin's Livin la vida loca too. Don't know whether it's available in youtube or not.
<iframe width="100%" height="100%" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/301421841&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true"></iframe>
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Triumphant return for Kesha, powerful stuff:

She lost some of the key years of her prime but hopefully she can get back to doing what she loves and do really well once again
Before I post this, please be advised to make sure you're volume isn't boosted to a max level. The song is Decadence by Disturbed (This is the genre I listen to btw)

One of my favorite bands these days is Poor Rich Boy (my signature is actually a snippet from one of their songs). If I had to label their sound, I would call it grunge-inspired atmospheric folk. They make heavy use of ukeleles, and their lyrics are articulate yet cryptic, but if you're an upper-middle class Pakistani, you'll get the various cryptic references, and associate and empathize with the feelings they are attempting to channel.

My only gripe was that they sang exclusively in English, and I've been waiting for an Urdu song for a while. They finally came out with one. I like it:

Yeah . good stuff. !

Have you seen this,

Its a cover for "Beat it" By MJ and Bob Marley's Get up Stand Up ..
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] you'd love it if you're into MJ.

Really enjoyed it, pretty good overall; the production on the chorus could be a bit better, it has too much of a light hearted tone for me