What was the last song you listened to?

Pretty song, for a chill sunny day. Sad our mainstream media would never pick up gems like these.
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The history of the song is pretty interesting. 3 writers and none of them part of EWF, one of them David Foster. Hall and Oates passed on it before EWF took it while one of the original writers was planning to put this in his own album.

Just pure genius and use of the shotgun pivot chord.

0.35 to 1.07 is pure bliss. Great vocals by Dadlani.
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Listening to it these days. fit gaana hai

@4:52 till @5:28 onwards is <3
such a powerful voice.

Whole song is awesome, had it on repeat during my jogging days. Peak Dadlani reminds me of Ali Azmat. Actually the instrumental after 5:28 gives me goosebumps like the intro.

Guitar solo is out of this world in this rendition plus a very soulful, heartfelt voice.
I am a big fan of Pak music (especially our peak time 2003-2011). Listening to Teri Yaad by Jal. 13 years now but still listen to it from time to time and never get bore.

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For the sad ones out there.

It always somehow comes back to that doesn’t it :ronaldo

Yeah Biggie probably the better rapper for me as well mad natural flow and delivery didn’t even need a beat had his own ebb and flow. Very easy on the ear.

Tupac on the other hand wasn’t just a rapper tho he was an amazing writer as well had real substance. His flow and delivery was more in your face and intense but made you think. On the whole fiddy fiddy for mine. That’s the way I see it anyhow went real deep there :ds :uakmal

If I could recollect before my hood days
I sit and reminisce, thinking of bliss and the good days
I stop and stare at the younger
My heart goes to 'em, they tested with stress that they under
And nowadays things change
Everyone's ashamed of the youth
‘cause the truth look strange
And for me it's reversed
We left 'em a world that's cursed and it hurts
‘Cause any day they'll push the button, and all good men like Malcolm X or Bobby Hutton died for nothin'
Don't it make you get teary? The world looks dreary
When you wipe your eyes see it clearly
There's no need for you to fear me
If you take your time and hear me
Maybe you can learn to cheer me
It ain't about black or white, ‘cause we human
I hope we see the light before it's ruined; my ghetto gospel
[MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION] [MENTION=146530]DeadBall[/MENTION]

Btw talking of biggie and tupac watched this doco the other day. Pretty good.

Is this the one which was made by the same company which covered the acclaimed O.J Simpson documentary or something? been meaning to watch it for a while nice one buddy

We need a Viv Richards tribute video with this legendary song in the background:

<div style="position:relative;height:0;padding-bottom:75.0%"><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/mXg0b5xRfYg?rel=0&controls=0&ecver=2" width="360" height="300" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;left:0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
If I could recollect before my hood days
I sit and reminisce, thinking of bliss and the good days
I stop and stare at the younger
My heart goes to 'em, they tested with stress that they under
And nowadays things change
Everyone's ashamed of the youth
‘cause the truth look strange
And for me it's reversed
We left 'em a world that's cursed and it hurts
‘Cause any day they'll push the button, and all good men like Malcolm X or Bobby Hutton died for nothin'
Don't it make you get teary? The world looks dreary
When you wipe your eyes see it clearly
There's no need for you to fear me
If you take your time and hear me
Maybe you can learn to cheer me
It ain't about black or white, ‘cause we human
I hope we see the light before it's ruined; my ghetto gospel

Had it on replay while driving to go give my driver's exam. Both Biggie and 2pac had deep lyrics but 2pac was more of a revolutionary.
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[MENTION=132270]SL_Fan[/MENTION] singing about [MENTION=115388]I Believe in the Teesra[/MENTION] or maybe it's me :yk3 miss that jobber, the saint will rice from the dead to give another guarantee in 2019 :ashwin
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[MENTION=132270]SL_Fan[/MENTION] singing about [MENTION=115388]I Believe in the Teesra[/MENTION] or maybe it's me :yk3 miss that jobber, the saint will rice from the dead to give another guarantee in 2019 :ashwin

Was a good song until she appeared in the (bad)Mr Bean movie.

We need a Viv Richards tribute video with this legendary song in the background:


Tusker wouldn’t know what hit ’im :hasan2 :uakmal

[MENTION=132270]SL_Fan[/MENTION] singing about [MENTION=115388]I Believe in the Teesra[/MENTION] or maybe it's me :yk3 miss that jobber, the saint will rice from the dead to give another guarantee in 2019 :ashwin

If I was cold and shamed lying naked on the floor [MENTION=115388]I Believe in the Teesra[/MENTION] would be the last thing on my mind I can tell you that much :yk
Tusker wouldn’t know what hit ’im :hasan2 :uakmal

If I was cold and shamed lying naked on the floor [MENTION=115388]I Believe in the Teesra[/MENTION] would be the last thing on my mind I can tell you that much :yk

He'd be the first on mine :)))
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Ah yes, one of the songs you hear and you think early 2000s.

Surprised he doesn't make as much music these days considering the trend of songs with Spanish singer ft. English speaking singer, like Despacito.

He released Bailando but that was a while ago.
Ah yes, one of the songs you hear and you think early 2000s.

Surprised he doesn't make as much music these days considering the trend of songs with Spanish singer ft. English speaking singer, like Despacito.

He released Bailando but that was a while ago.
suba leme radio came around same time as despacito also has more then 1 billion YouTube views .He is actually making more Spanish songs then before & getting way more views then his English songs.
but I believe Enrique's old songs were far better Bailamos,rhythm divine etc.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/f1qz8vn3XbY" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Only the real ones know.
I am love this song especially this line
Ho Bina datt khole kudiye tenu peen firan aythe saare ho.
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RIP Aretha Franklin. The queen of soul. One of a kind.


Refugee camp were awesome, The Score is a hidden gem now.

The 2010s have been pure filth led by Canadian trash [MENTION=139150]aliasad1998[/MENTION]
[MENTION=132270]SL_Fan[/MENTION] Lauryn Hill is the Queen of Hip Hop imo