What was the last song you listened to?

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Growing up in the 90's, Soundgarden's Superunknown was one of my favorite albums along with Pearl Jam's Ten. Every song is a gem on this album.

Recently came across this song again after a while and with the untimely and tragic suicide of frontman and singer Chris Cornell in perspective, the song has taken a new meaning and relevance.

The struggle with depression can be debilitating and to know now that Chris Cornell was obviously suffering from such and ultimately succumbed to it is truly heartbreaking.

What a remarkable, piercingly honest and tragic song. The tone and the rhythm of it, the walking bass, superb drums, wallowing guitars, amazing vocals, and the lyrics, oh those lyrics. I've highlighted my favorite parts.

I woke the same as any other day
Except a voice was in my head
It said seize the day, pull the trigger, drop the blade

And watch the rolling heads
The day I tried to live
I stole a thousand beggar's change
And gave it to the rich

The day I tried to win
I dangled from the power lines
And let the martyrs stretch yeah
Singing, one more time around
Might do it
One more time around
Might make it
One more time around
Might do it
One more time around
The day I tried to live
Words would you say
Never seem to live up to the ones inside your head
The lives we make
Never seem to ever get us anywhere but dead
The day I tried to live
I wallowed in the blood and mud with all the other pigs

Singing, one more time around
Might do it
One more time around
Might make it
One more time around
Might do it
One more time around
The day I tried to live, live
I tried
I woke the same as any other day you know
I should have stayed in bed

The day I tried to win
I walled in the blood and mud with all the other pigs
And I learned that I was a liar (one more time around)
I learned that I was a liar (one more time around)
I learned that I was a liar (one more time around)
I learned that I was a liar (one more time around)
Singing one more time around
(Might do it)
One more time around
(Might make it)
One more time around
(Might do it)
One more time around (might make it)
The day I tried to live, live
Just like you
Just like you
One more time around
One more time around

Living ain't easy in this temporary selfish two face lying and deceitful world. It requires one to become part of the rotting system, just to survive. But we keep doing it everyday....one more time around.

RIP Chris.
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went to cuba a few months ago, whenever i hear this song get transported back to driving around uptown havana blasting this song out the cabbies car in front of castros complex, lolol, good times.



That time I made a song about [MENTION=115388]I Believe in the Teesra[/MENTION]

[MENTION=132270]SL_Fan[/MENTION] :))
[MENTION=131867]London_Lahori[/MENTION] and [MENTION=132270]SL_Fan[/MENTION] during the days when Sir Alex was managing United :yk3

First time seeing the music vid dayyum that was straight up savage :kp
[MENTION=131867]London_Lahori[/MENTION] needs a haircut wth is that


One of the comments on there

This song makes me wanna rob my own home

:))) :)))
[MENTION=132270]SL_Fan[/MENTION] [MENTION=139150]aliasad1998[/MENTION] Did you guys buy the new Eminem album yet, what did you make of it overall ?
[MENTION=132270]SL_Fan[/MENTION] [MENTION=139150]aliasad1998[/MENTION] Did you guys buy the new Eminem album yet, what did you make of it overall ?

Listened to it on Spotify. Pretty good. Especially after the disaster that was revival
Daytona has just been so far ahead of anything that has come out in the last 3 years. Instant classic. Have had it on repeat all month
Listened to it on Spotify. Pretty good. Especially after the disaster that was revival

Agree, I bought the album recently. Enjoyed it overall and a welcome return, Dre did a wonderful job as well. Revival wasn't great but he was coming back after a while and I think people were too harsh as well, we need someone like Eminem in this era. There's Lamar but honestly he is made to look better then he is because of the lack of quality in general.
[MENTION=132270]SL_Fan[/MENTION] [MENTION=139150]aliasad1998[/MENTION] Did you guys buy the new Eminem album yet, what did you make of it overall ?

Haven’t yet listened to it champ em is not really my jam but will give it a listen.

:broad :yk

Any who [MENTION=131867]London_Lahori[/MENTION] how are things going bro. Hope life is treating ya well. Don't mind us the hair is looking fab.

:broad :yk

Any who [MENTION=131867]London_Lahori[/MENTION] how are things going bro. Hope life is treating ya well. Don't mind us the hair is looking fab.

All good bro! Busy in life, so not on here much anymore. What's new down under.
Good to hear champ yeah same here bro time just flies by don’t it. Feels like only just yesterday that I bowled the ball of the millennium. Good times aye.

SL_Fan said:

77.6 Mr Chow to @London_Lahori, OUT, 77.77kph, Mr Chow slides this one through. No real pace and not much turn off the surface. BOWLED HIM! The bails are off!

It’s a nothing delivery but @London_Lahori watches it all the way to the stumps. The batsman however stands there for the umpire’s decision. Billy Browden bursts into laughter and eventually his crooked finger goes up.

Hold on folks it’s not over yet. The non-striker @Red Devil appears to be encouraging the batsman to go for a review.

Yes hard to believe but @London_Lahori is actually going for a review by the look of it. He seems to be struggling to make an R-signal to the umpire with his bat and hands. @London_Lahori then corrects himself after a few words from @Red Devil but ends up making an upside down T-signal instead. Every one out in the middle seems to be confused.

Oh wait here comes the team captain @shaz619 running out onto the field.

What is going on here? WOW! @shaz619 slaps @London_Lahori across the face! Did that just happen? Unbelievable! He then proceeds to drag @London_Lahori by his ear all the way to the pavilion. Never seen anything like this before.

While all this is going on the new batsmen @maddgenius very slowly makes his way out into the middle. He can be seen laughing and high-fiving @Red Devil several times before doing a few stretches.

Now the slow-motion replay of @London_Lahori’s dismissal is shown on the big screen. Wow! That was a clear front foot No ball by the look of it. At least a foot outside of the bowling crease. Not sure how the umpire missed it. If only @London_Lahori reviewed it. Ouch!
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/hqAauanvEew" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
^It's a part of Frank Ocean's song, but this part makes the whole song for me.
Saeen by Junoon. What song, what composition. Junoon indeed were way ahead of their time.

Have had this on repeat along with Din Dhalay for the past couple of days, however just the Levi Live version, Asfar sounds really bad in Pepsi BOB for some reason, hell even his version of Raaz e Fitna in both Walnut and Nescafe sounded much better.

I got 5 chows on it !
You know when you stumble across a song you used to like but then that song just faded away and you hear it after a while and become obsessed with it? Happened to me, that song by Sia called Elastic Heart, my friend was listening to it the other day then I remembered that song and I've been listening it to non-stop since couple of days ago. Brings back memories of 2015 WC cos I remember that song was in the charts around that time. Also is making me miss my ex cos of the lyrics. Madness
You know when you stumble across a song you used to like but then that song just faded away and you hear it after a while and become obsessed with it? Happened to me, that song by Sia called Elastic Heart, my friend was listening to it the other day then I remembered that song and I've been listening it to non-stop since couple of days ago. Brings back memories of 2015 WC cos I remember that song was in the charts around that time. Also is making me miss my ex cos of the lyrics. Madness

Stay strong bro you'll get through this.
Not really a fan of bollywood songs and filmy songs in general but really like this mashup especially the first half.


Love this song, and damn Gala hasn't aged by much is she an alien :yk2
I've been listening to this song on a loop for a while. It is strangely uplifting and depressing at the same time. Like so many of the newer alternative bands doing the rounds these days, this band, who go by the name Nishtar Park, have minimalistic arrangements and use the ukulele for rhythm. I wonder if this is the first Jaun Elia kalaam sung by a band.

I have an inkling [MENTION=2071]saadibaba[/MENTION] will like it.

I've been listening to this song on a loop for a while. It is strangely uplifting and depressing at the same time. Like so many of the newer alternative bands doing the rounds these days, this band, who go by the name Nishtar Park, have minimalistic arrangements and use the ukulele for rhythm. I wonder if this is the first Jaun Elia kalaam sung by a band.

I have an inkling [MENTION=2071]saadibaba[/MENTION] will like it.

Nice song. Its like Jack Johnson and Arshad Mehmood collaborated. I wonder if another singer with more bass would have made the song more mainstream. Regardless, a very enjoyable tune.
<iframe width="100%" height="100%" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/116774638&color=%23ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"></iframe>

My god.
Shamoon Ismail is the singer Pakistan needs right now.

[MENTION=22846]Nostalgic[/MENTION] [MENTION=2071]saadibaba[/MENTION]
[MENTION=136729]Suleiman[/MENTION] make sure you watch the movie mate you will love it, one of the best releases of 2018 spider man into the spider verse.

The soundtracks for the movie were outstanding throughout.
Shamoon Ismail is the singer Pakistan needs right now.

@<a href="http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/member.php?u=22846" target="_blank">Nostalgic</a> @<a href="http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/member.php?u=2071" target="_blank">saadibaba</a>

He's the Punjabi blues guy, right? I haven't heard the two songs you posted, but I've heard his other work (Jutt blues etc). He's a good addition to the scene, and I appreciate the fact he's exploring a direction not many do, but I wasn't particularly impressed by the actual musicality.

Speaking of Punjabi blues, its a shame East Side Story haven't come out with any new work for a few years now. They were truly the pioneers of this nascent genre. They even looked like bluesmen, even though they were both IT professionals:

Speaking of new acts, I quite like the singer-songwriter Mehdi Maloof. He's best known for Do Hi Rastay Hain, which doesn't have a video to go with it:


and Gandi si Building, which is much in the same vein:

However, this one is a more introspective take on the disillusionment of coming of age. It takes a few listens for it to grow on you:
