Who is the Worst Daamad of Pakistan?


Senior ODI Player
Mar 8, 2009
Mods Please create a poll.

:farhat or Captain Safdar (Nawaz Sharif's son in law)

PESHAWAR: Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz leader Captain (retd) Safdar has accused Javed Hashmi of having sold himself to PTI Chief Imran Khan for five million rupees.

“If he had mentioned this before, we could have collected Rs10 million for him in alms from Peshawar alone,” Safdar, who is the president of PML-N’s youth wing and the son-in-law of PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif, told a gathering in Danishabad, Peshawar, on Monday.

Hashmi, a long-time PML-N loyalist, defected to the PTI last week boosting that party’s line-up for the 2013 elections. Addressing the December 25 rally in Karachi, Hashmi said that he missed his old party but believed in the potential of PTI and hence joined it.
“Hashmi’s withdrawal from the party would have been a loss if he were capable of winning his seat again,” Safdar said. “PML-N workers did not shed tears at his departure but at his disloyalty.”
Countering Hashmi’s claim that PTI was the harbinger of change in Pakistan, he said that it was in fact Nawaz who had transformed Pakistan by making it into a nuclear power.

The gathering was also attended by Pir Sabir Shah, PML-N’s Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa president, Iqbal Zafar Jhagra, Fareed Toofan and other prominent members of the party.

what else a "ghar damaad" (who started an affair with "Ameer-ul-Mominen's" daughter when he was supposed to perform his duties as an army captain in his house :))) ) would say?

Munafiq khudai-khidmatgaars! :/
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Haider Rizvi really had fun with capt. Safdar once. :))

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/PeID4yb9G_g?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/PeID4yb9G_g?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>
Technically, Zardari is also a damaad, so my vote goes to him. :D
People like him are the reason PMLN is going to vanish in thin air sooner or later :))
WHat I am surprised at, is how can he such a thing, when NS himself praised Hashmi. I mean dont these politicians get approval from their party before saying such things
WHat I am surprised at, is how can he such a thing, when NS himself praised Hashmi. I mean dont these politicians get approval from their party before saying such things

NS is bigger beghairat himself. The thing is that their beghairit hides behind their pets/jiyalas. They have to keep their fake status floating so they pretend to be all pious.

Also these beghairat had to send his wife and daughters to create drama in fonrt of Hashmi to stop him in any way possible.
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NS is bigger beghairat himself. The thing is that their beghairit hides behind their pets/jiyalas. They have to keep their fake status floating so they pretend to be all pious.

Also these beghairat had to send his wife and daughters to create drama in fonrt of Hashmi to stop him in any way possible.

Yaar I dont agree with this. No matter what anyone says, NS and SS would never say such a thing about JH

I think this was damaad's own brain fart
^ In all the talk shows several PMLN members were of similar opinion (sold, yateem, establishment bezameer etc etc). If NS was so worried about JH he would have gone to Hashmi house and beg him not to leave. His behavior is the main reason JH left PMLN. As I said NS or SS don't need to say such things in public. For this they have jiyalas. You think these safdars, ranas, khwajas and other crooks will say bad things about Hashmi without NS approval?

It's just fresh, wait and see how these pets of PMLN will tear apart JH and PTI in coming days.
Haider Rizvi really had fun with capt. Safdar once. :))

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/PeID4yb9G_g?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/PeID4yb9G_g?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>

I actually gotta admit, I kinda actually like Haider Abbas Rizvi...good speaking style, can have a joke...seems alright
Rumors are Khawja Saad Rafique is really pi1ssed about these comments by Dammad #1
Rumors are Khawja Saad Rafique is really pi1ssed about these comments by Dammad #1

Wouldn't be surprised, Khawaja Saad (someone whom I also personally like) revered Makhdoum Javed, treated/saw him as a father figure...ever since he left, Khawaja Saad dealt with it as it should be, with respect but still getting his point through.
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Yes! But he will never join PTI. I just want Aitzaz!!!!

Ill say again, Aitizaz will NEVER EVER join PTI. Trust me man, just let go of that 'want', its an empty hope (emphasised further if you saw his anti Makhdoum Shah Mehmood Qureshi/anti-PTI speech today at Gari Khuda Bakhsh)
Ill say again, Aitizaz will NEVER EVER join PTI. Trust me man, just let go of that 'want', its an empty hope (emphasised further if you saw his anti Makhdoum Shah Mehmood Qureshi/anti-PTI speech today at Gari Khuda Bakhsh)

I hope he might change his mind like Hashmi but he is true jayala.

What was that from Zardari today? Chewing Gum and flying kissess :facepalm:. They are really scared of PTI :D
I hope he might change his mind like Hashmi but he is true jayala.

What was that from Zardari today? Chewing Gum and flying kissess :facepalm:. They are really scared of PTI :D

lol mentally messed up man, seriously....i turned on when Zardari was making his speech and i literally watched like 30 seconds...in those 30 seconds there must have been like 10 mistakes/slip of the tongue, TERRIBLE speech
lol mentally messed up man, seriously....i turned on when Zardari was making his speech and i literally watched like 30 seconds...in those 30 seconds there must have been like 10 mistakes/slip of the tongue, TERRIBLE speech

Jyee Bhuttooo! Bhutto Ajj Bhi zinda hai ! Yeh Hamara detailed plan hai Pakistan kai future ka :facepalm:

:facepalm: :facepalm: at jayalas who follow this nonsense.
I just want sharmila farooqi to join PTI, I want to see more of her interviews :ik

I know this has nothing to do with this thread, but hey it's politics :malik
^^wat do people see in her?! No thanks...and well all know her apparent 'past' anyway
Capt. Safdar is a retard of highest order if he is saying such things. Both the damaads are pathetic imo.
PTI is getting dirtier day by day.. I will not support them anymore..

I am with you bro. Zerdari and Nawaz shreef made this country a paradise. I just can not imagine living anywhere else but Pakistan right now. Standard of living has increased tremendously. Poverty, hunger and corruption has been disappeared. Everybody is living with peace and dignity . I am going to vote for PPP or PMLN as well. Who wants to live under PTI when parties like PPP and PMLN has been serving the people of pakistan for almost 20+ years or so. :facepalm: :facepalm:
Captain Safdar was asked about concealing his family assets from Election Commission of Pakistan at which PTI has moved ECP for his disqualified from national assembly seat.

He wants Imran Khan & PTI to prove the accusations that Maryum Safdar owns Offshore companies as he says that accusers are Imran Khan & PTI so they will have to prove it in Court of Law.

Captain Safdar says that he will fight with Imran Khan & PTI lawfully aswell as physically.

This is what he said today before entering National Assembly :

I was feeling sorry for Safdar today it looks like media totally forgot him :(