Why did India develop and acquire the Atomic bomb?

Shahid Afridi? Ok? What you wrote is not what I wrote and what you think I wrote is not what I wrote so dont think you know what I wrote.
Oh. My. Days.

First, Muslims ruled India? Mughals ruled India. Not Muslims, it was a monarchy not a theocracy. You would have been another commoner just like any other hindu. Get that into your head first.

Enlighten us PPers on who the Mughals were and don’t forget to mention the Muslim Emperors. Don’t be afraid; spit it all out. Tell us how Muslims first ruled the Hindus and then the British ruled Hindus. Of course, under Muslim rule a Hindu would live a life of a commoner, its common sense. Do you even realise you are proving my point?

During almost 1000 years of Muslim conquest and rule in India, Islamic invaders and rulers destroyed and replaced many Hindu temples with mosques setting the roots for several major incidences of religious violence within India between Muslims and Hindus. You can see why Hindus resent Muslims (and the British for that matter) in India and why India is the homeland for Hindus.

If India was for Hindus only why did they allow the Muslims to stay? Muslims, christians, jains, buddhists, parsis, jews etc all stayed in India for a reason.

Horse pukky. Pakistan is an Islamic republic yet Christians and Hindus live in Pakistan too. Hindus and Christians decided to stay in Pakistan but the bedrock of Pakistan remains Islamic values and principles.

Your point please?

Hindus are not threatened by Muslims. India is threatened by Pakistan, because we have been repeatedly attacked by the same.

Really? When did China attack India to the extent India had to defend itself from the Chinese with the Bomb?

Hindus not threatened by Muslims? That’s not how the history of Hinduism records it. No matter how many Arabs, Muslims, British and other raiders had their way with in India, local Hindu kingdoms invariably survived their depredations, living out their own sagas of conquest and collapse. All the while, Muslims prospered in education, wealth, and local dynasties. I can see why Hindus resent Muslims.

Do not confuse Pakistan with Islam and India with Hinduism.

Do not confuse Pakistan with Islam? Are you talking about the Islamic Republic of Pakistan created as a Muslim state? Or is there another Pakistan you’ve read about? As for India and Hinduism, the two are inseparable. The clue is in the name 'Hindustan'.

Modern day Hinduism owes its existence to India. No India, no Hinduism, this is an undeniable fact.

India developed its nukes to deter Pakistan and China. Pakistan had initiated all wars with us at that point and started one more after we got nukes. Only a nutjob wouldn't arm himself after his neighbour tries to attack him repeatedly. Repeatedly. Not for your fantasy reason for use against Islam.

Stop pretending to be ignorant. India developed the bomb to intimidate Islam after Muslims booty whipped Hindus in India over a period of 1000 years. Stop claiming India is a secular nation when it is not; talk to me about the religious violence in India. Talk to me about how Muslims are treated by Hindus in India today. Talk to me about the BJP who embarked on mission targeting Muslims in Utter Pradesh with the intention of eradicating Muslims. Talk to me about how Muslims in India have fallen below that of the Hindu caste traditionally called the ‘Untouchables’.

It is you who lives in a fantasy.

But you said religion plays an important role in global politics. Please tell me what role it played in the 1971 bangladesh war, or how it affected the relationship between countries which have the same religion.

Don't withdraw now, show me what role religion has played. Just saying something and running away isn't going to convince anybody. I have an open mind, really want to see what you're going to come up with.

Withdraw? I haven't even started yet.

How religion plays a role in geopolitics let me see, in a word, one example, Pakistan. Look up Israel too. Religion forms the bedrock and ethos of a nation! Check out the examples mentioned in this thread.

What is the relevance of your example? At worse case religion causes wars too, which proves my point, yet here you are claiming religion plays no role in geopolitics?

As for the Bible, my days, the USA, fundamentally a Christian nation, supports Israel simply because they believe by supporting Israel, A Jewish state, they’ll help the Messiah return to Jerusalem, as per Bible. School yourself on the history of Judeo-Christianity and how the USA depends on the standards of ethics held in common by Judaism and Christianity when supporting Israel.

Not the sharpest knife in the tray are you? The constitution was ADOPTED in 1950. Work on it was begun the day the constituent assembly was elected in 1946.

And yes, India DID have the option to force through a Hindu constitution which would have relegated minority religious groups to a peripheral role in it's society and polity.

Thanks to visionary leaders in the constituent assembly like Ambedkar, Maulana Azad, SC Bose and many others, India did not pander to Hindu fundamentalists who were clamoring for a pro-Hindu constitution.

First of all if you are going to speak in cliches then at least speak it properly; it’s not tray, but toolbox. Secondly, not all tools are meant to be sharp, the hammer being one example.

As for Hindu Fundamentalism, give me a break. With two thirds of the population in India being Hindus it comes as no surprise that Hindu fundamentalism is on the rise in India. Christian and Muslim minorities are persistently targeted in India, by Hindus.

Havent looked up on US equipment sales yet. Will do soon. Did they sell it to us because we have some christians or does the bible ask them to support hindu majority countries??

Great, at least the above proves you are ignorant on the most part of what I’m saying. Best thing is not to engage if you know squat. Once you read up on the facts, use you common sense and ask yourself why USA would even help India in developing Nukes when at the time preventing Pakistan – meaning – what distinguishes Pakistan from India? Take your time and think about it.

One thing I have observed among Indians is that they are obsessed with the label of "superpower." They are obessed with achieving double-digit economic growth without addressing inequality and poverty. And I get the feeling that acquiring nuclear weapons too has more to do with this obsession than any other practical use.

The current ‘superpower’ image of India is a grand facade. The world has yet to realise what true India is. Poverty, illiteracy, caste systems, racism, fascism, corruption, the list goes on. Poor Indians have no clue that history is about to repeat itself, just as the British raped and pillaged India of its wealth, they are about to do it again but only this time in a more sophisticated manor through currency and credit.

Moreover, superpowers of the past have waged war on other nations, have stamped their authority on neighbouring nations, have ruled in other nations. Yet if we are to believe what Sachin85 claims, in that India developed the bomb to protect itself from Pakistan after claiming Pakistan declared war against India on 4 occasions, a nation with 1/6th of the population of India, then clearly India doesn't have the sand to stand up for itself let alone stamp its authority.

The media loves to portray the middle-class of India as the ambassador of India, a class that lives and breathes credit.

You do realize that there were a lot of Buddhists, Christians and Sikhs in India both pre and post 1947. Their rights over and presence in India was never seriously questioned by any non-fringe elements even before and during the partition. In fact, Sikhs migrated to Indian land in large numbers from West Punjab before partition to stay in India.

So, even if all muslims of India had migrated, which they did not, India would have still remained a secular country.

Have you ever asked yourself if Muslims and Hindus were content with each other why Muslims demanded an independent nation? The same goes for Sikhs. Secularism is pretty on paper but in practice quiet another story.

PS: I've just been to the Air and Space museum in Virginia, very informative. Did you know the first aeroplane was developed to fertilise farmland?

PPS: The section on Enola Gay was riveting.
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Where is Spiron? He was meant to substantiate his claim with solid evidence, a bookmarked link.

Dear oh dear.
NH excellent replies, honest, factual and to the damn point.

India got the nuke because they know and understand how a minority can rule them easily.

This is like debating a bunch of stones.

India is scared of Muslims and so it got the bomb. Ok fine, I said it. Now you all can go in peace.
All countries who have it get it so they can have a minimum deterrence. Its self defense at first. US is only country in the world to have used it because they had it. Things are different now, a world where multiple counties have the nukes its almost impossible to wage war with nuclear weapons because there will be a response.

Because India had gotten it Pakistan had no choice. We had to get it otherwise who knows what would be the history today.

What was India's motivation was probably self defense just as it was for Pakistan.
Really? When did China attack India to the extent India had to defend itself from the Chinese with the Bomb?

Your posts is another in a line of ignorant rants with no content. There is so much wrong with it, I doubt I can address everything with one post. Lets start with the glaring obvious lies.

India and China fought a war. Please look it up. A war which India lost terribly, unlike the Indo-Pak wars. If that doesn't give you enough reason to develop a nuclear detterent then I don't know what will.

Enlighten us PPers on who the Mughals were and don’t forget to mention the Muslim Emperors. Don’t be afraid; spit it all out. Tell us how Muslims first ruled the Hindus and then the British ruled Hindus. Of course, under Muslim rule a Hindu would live a life of a commoner, its common sense. Do you even realise you are proving my point

You have some reading comprehension problems. Mughals were Muslims, who ruled India. They ruled Hindus and Muslims. You, as a Muslim, would have been a commoner just like a Hindu. There was no Mullah in charge, it was a monarchy not a theocracy. Look up the difference. Hilarious how you say the British ruled Hindus. Where were the Muslims during the British Rule? Were they partners? Your hatred for Hindus is blinding you.

Do not confuse Pakistan with Islam? Are you talking about the Islamic Republic of Pakistan created as a Muslim state? Or is there another Pakistan you’ve read about? As for India and Hinduism, the two are inseparable. The clue is in the name 'Hindustan'

Pakistan does not represent ALL Muslims. Your country has killed more Muslims than any other. Why do some many other Muslims hate Pakistan then? From Afghanistan, Iran to Bangladesh and India.

As for how Indian Muslims are treated, please look up how Muslims are treated by fellow Muslims in Pakistan. How many Muslims have been killed by Muslims in Pakistan since independence? How many Muslims have been killed by Hindus in India since independence??
Do you really want to compare those numbers? Do you?? The sectarian violence and 1971 in Bangladesh should be enough to convince you which number is higher!!

The fact that the world renowned conspiracy nutjob referred to your post as being "factual" should have told you how off base you are.
Lets consider the stupidest reason being pushed by some: India got the bomb to intimidate or attack Islam and Muslims!!

There are more Muslims in India than Pakistan. How exactly is the Indian govt planning on using a nuke within its own borders to attacks Muslims in India?

The fact that people are pushing this theory with nothing, no proof, no sources, just random rhetoric about Mughals should show people what the truth is.
India was created for Hindus and Pakistan for Muslims; the partition was based on religion.


During the discussions on partition between Mountbatten, Patel and Jinnah, Jinnah says "Mere khayal se jo do desh ban raha hain, un ka naam Hindustan aur Pakistan rakhna chahiye" (ET: In my opinion the two countries which are being formed should be named Hindustan and Pakistan) to which Patel replies "yahaan do desh nahi ban rahe hain. Ek desh se ek hissa alag hoke jaa raha hain. Tumhare hisse ka jo naam rakhna chahe woh rakh sakhte hain, humare bare mein mat sochiye" (ET: Here two countries are not being formed. From an already existing country a part is seceeding away. You can keep whatever name you wish to keep, you need not worry about us).

Our nation is democratic and every citizen is treated equally without any difference. We have our defense Minister a Christian, Our Prime minister a Sikh, Our Vice president a Muslim, our President a Hindu, India's biggest industrial empire TATA and Godrej are of Parsi's. Do you see anything un common for a Secular Nation?

In 1971, Lieutenant General J.F.R. Jacob was Jewish, Jagjit Singh Aurora was Sikh, Maneckshaw was Parsi (Zoroastrian) and Indira Gandhi was Hindu as they led the liberation of Bangladesh - a predominantly Muslim country.
India developed the bomb for two purposes; to intimidate Islam, and to defend itself from China. Pakistan developed the bomb for two purposes; to protect Islam, and to defend itself from India.

Highlighted bit has to be the dumbest sentence I have read in PP over a long time even Itduzz wouldnt post something this dumb.... Indians have a better relationship with the Saudi's and even that dead old man Saddam supported India's nuclear testing and was on India's side for the Kashmiri issue http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Iraqi_relations . Its not all black and white as you say, hate to say it to you but India have a better relationship with other Muslim countries than Pakistan..............
Stop pretending to be ignorant. India developed the bomb to intimidate Islam after Muslims booty whipped Hindus in India over a period of 1000 years.


:)) ... Yes the Mughals (notice how I dont say 'muslims' the converts werent Mughals) gave a good booty whip to a lot of hindus and thats how a normal citizen like Ram Chandra Singh during the rule of the Mughals suddenly became a Mohammed el Saluhiddin.... Only a few of you muslims have that Mughal blood in you, the rest Ummmmmmm > have a good think about it *hint* *hint* Booty Whip...
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Hindustan is the name given by the arabs...I think. It is not something we chose for ourselves. Just because your country is a theocracy (though your founding father had a different idea of Pakistan than what it turned out to be) doesn't mean we Indians think India is only for the Hindus.

lol ... Pakistan is not a theocracy.
:46::46::46:Originally Posted by Namak_Halaal
India developed the bomb for two purposes; to intimidate Islam, and to defend itself from China. Pakistan developed the bomb for two purposes; to protect Islam, and to defend itself from India.


China and India have nearly 10 disputed territories. China is a superpower, hell yeah we are threatened by them.

The only Muslim ruler who pushed Islam was Aurangzeb.
400 years of Mughal rule does not equate to thousands of years of ruling add another 300 for the slave dynasty, though only Tuglaq (smart guy, though way ahead of his times) managed to reach the deccan.

The Mughal dynasty was already on the way out before the british came.

From people that I have interacted with easily the state in India that hates Pakistan the most is Maharastra. Also the place from where the Maratha empire began and would one day win the longest war fought in India spanning 27 years against the Mughals. So shall I say that Pakistanis are scared of Maharastrians and hence sponser terrorist attacks in Mumbai?
Have any of you been doing your research before claiming that India wanted to dominate the sub continent hence the Atomic bomb ?

One theory which i read was to get china off India's back which had misused the trust of India by attacking the Indian territory in the region.
Also, India supported the entry of China into the Security Council from the sub continent first, as it believed China had substantial presence and ever since then, China has replied by not reciprocating that gesture. So the theory seems justified that to counter balance the Chinese this was one of the important steps.

To say that India wanted to get the nukes keeping in view Pakistan's rivalry is as stupid as it can get. India never attacked or even made statements of using Nukes against Pak at any time. Not even when Pak didnt had em.. nor after Pak getting Nuke armed status.

In 1998 right after india did the nuclear tests, LK Advani came up with a statement saying "Now we ll liberate Kashmir and Pakistani must learn to walk with their heads down."
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In 1998 right after india did the nuclear tests, LK Advani came up with a statement saying "Now we ll liberate Kashmir and Pakistani must learn to walk with their heads down."

Source for this quote??

Thank you for that. Enough of the lies from the indians on this forum ,enough! we are not stupid! they acquired nuclear weapons to blackmail us and to take their throne as the super power in south asia. That video should teach everyone pakistani who doubted me in my other thread the importance of nuclear weapon to Pakistan and why it is important and why it was celebrated in the muslim world! Only fools and idiots can not comprehend this!
Romali you are a disgrace, utter disgrace. Dont ever say anything against AQ Khan. If you are a pakistani then you are a utter disgrace and fool. He is the hero of Pakistan. You must be a hindu Indian.
Romali you are a disgrace, utter disgrace. Dont ever say anything against AQ Khan. If you are a pakistani then you are a utter disgrace and fool. He is the hero of Pakistan. You must be a hindu Indian.

Ohhh Boyy.... :))
HAHAHAH romali romali.. take a look at that video that is my message to you! You are to disrespectful be adressed again.
Thank you for that. Enough of the lies from the indians on this forum ,enough! we are not stupid! they acquired nuclear weapons to blackmail us and to take their throne as the super power in south asia. That video should teach everyone pakistani who doubted me in my other thread the importance of nuclear weapon to Pakistan and why it is important and why it was celebrated in the muslim world! Only fools and idiots can not comprehend this!

Did Advani tell him this in private?? How come nobody else heard it and there is no other record of this statement??
Did Advani tell him this in private?? How come nobody else heard it and there is no other record of this statement??

chillax dude...

Don't disrespect the guy, after all he thinks indians are kaffirs/ dirty minded people/ scum of the earth etc :D
Thank God Pakistan has nuclear capability. We all know what the Indians had in mind.
Thank God Pakistan has nuclear capability. We all know what the Indians had in mind.

Please share what you know and how you know.

I'm getting a little sick of all this rhetoric with no evidence to back it up. It seems its a big problem. Not only on PP. Musharraf also claims he has evidence, but does not show it, just says he has it. AQ Khan claims Advani said "we will liberate Kahmir and now Pakistan has to walk with its head lowered" after the tests in 1998, with nothing to back that statement. The reporter himself doesn't ask when did advani say this, he just moves on. Then we have the countless people here on PP, making statements with no evidence to back it up. Just nonsense like "I know, we all know, its obvious, open secret, everybody knows, its so clear" etc etc.
Romali you are a disgrace, utter disgrace. Dont ever say anything against AQ Khan. If you are a pakistani then you are a utter disgrace and fool. He is the hero of Pakistan. You must be a hindu Indian.

Could be a Jain, Parsi, Sikh, Christian,Jew,Aethist as well ;)
Guys, please refrain from being too personal. I have nothing to do with this debate and I have already posted my honest opinion. It is from my side just a polite request.

At the end of the day we all are human-beings defending our ideologies with our own sentiments. However, whilst debating an issue we should make sure that we do not prove to be a disgrace to humanity.
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Please share what you know and how you know.

I'm getting a little sick of all this rhetoric with no evidence to back it up. It seems its a big problem. Not only on PP. Musharraf also claims he has evidence, but does not show it, just says he has it. AQ Khan claims Advani said "we will liberate Kahmir and now Pakistan has to walk with its head lowered" after the tests in 1998, with nothing to back that statement. The reporter himself doesn't ask when did advani say this, he just moves on. Then we have the countless people here on PP, making statements with no evidence to back it up. Just nonsense like "I know, we all know, its obvious, open secret, everybody knows, its so clear" etc etc.

I have quoted you A.Q Khan, I have shown you what he said still you want proof? Are you blind? Have you not seen the events of the two countries? Still in your mind you can NOT comprehend the fact that India would use its nuclear capability to blackmail Pakistan? Specifically due to the importance of Indian Ocean in todays economic trade and the value of it in the future when the energy demands of India and China increase by 60%, let alone all of Asia. Where do you think this trade takes place? If Pakistan not had nuclear capability, we would have been utterly and truely blackmailed by India. You dont have to have a PhD to recognise such a fact. Only a fool chooses not to. The question therefore is ; India developed its nuclear weapons and capability to dictate terms in South Asia and would have been able to do so if China and Pakistan not developed their potential. It is okay if you chose to be blind to such a fact and fail to understand that EVERY country acts in accordance to THEIR national interests, unless, you have the most corrupted and pathetic government like Pakistan does. However, had we not had nuclear capability, even our military would have been slaves of the West and of India. Nuclear capability gave us freedom and when Pakistan has a true government with Imran Khan as its head you will see that Pakistan will be able to get out of this crap war on terror, end its assault on its people and stop taking dictations from the U.S.A without its sovereignty under threat - which would have been the case - if Pakistan was NOT a nuclear state - specifically - if India was, along with the backing of U.S.A (Do I need proof here?) Would have been a extremely dangerous position for Pakistan( Do I need proof here)?. Do some research, use your brain and you will come to the same conclusions. P.S Stop listening to your bias and crap Media outlets in India.
I have quoted you A.Q Khan, I have shown you what he said still you want proof? Are you blind? Have you not seen the events of the two countries? Still in your mind you can NOT comprehend the fact that India would use its nuclear capability to blackmail Pakistan? Specifically due to the importance of Indian Ocean in todays economic trade and the value of it in the future when the energy demands of India and China increase by 60%, let alone all of Asia. Where do you think this trade takes place? If Pakistan not had nuclear capability, we would have been utterly and truely blackmailed by India. You dont have to have a PhD to recognise such a fact. Only a fool chooses not to. The question therefore is ; India developed its nuclear weapons and capability to dictate terms in South Asia and would have been able to do so if China and Pakistan not developed their potential. It is okay if you chose to be blind to such a fact and fail to understand that EVERY country acts in accordance to THEIR national interests, unless, you have the most corrupted and pathetic government like Pakistan does. However, had we not had nuclear capability, even our military would have been slaves of the West and of India. Nuclear capability gave us freedom and when Pakistan has a true government with Imran Khan as its head you will see that Pakistan will be able to get out of this crap war on terror, end its assault on its people and stop taking dictations from the U.S.A without its sovereignty under threat - which would have been the case - if Pakistan was NOT a nuclear state - specifically - if India was, along with the backing of U.S.A (Do I need proof here?) Would have been a extremely dangerous position for Pakistan( Do I need proof here)?. Do some research, use your brain and you will come to the same conclusions. P.S Stop listening to your bias and crap Media outlets in India.

That whole post is just your opinion with no facts.

Pakistan attacked India 4 times - Fact
China attacked India and India lost terribly - Fact

Hence India got the nuclear bomb to use as a detterent against further attacks from the afore mentioned countries.

Calm down. After your neighbour attacks you 4 times, wouldn't you arm yourself against him?
I have quoted you A.Q Khan, I have shown you what he said still you want proof? Are you blind? Have you not seen the events of the two countries? Still in your mind you can NOT comprehend the fact that India would use its nuclear capability to blackmail Pakistan? Specifically due to the importance of Indian Ocean in todays economic trade and the value of it in the future when the energy demands of India and China increase by 60%, let alone all of Asia. Where do you think this trade takes place? If Pakistan not had nuclear capability, we would have been utterly and truely blackmailed by India. You dont have to have a PhD to recognise such a fact. Only a fool chooses not to. The question therefore is ; India developed its nuclear weapons and capability to dictate terms in South Asia and would have been able to do so if China and Pakistan not developed their potential. It is okay if you chose to be blind to such a fact and fail to understand that EVERY country acts in accordance to THEIR national interests, unless, you have the most corrupted and pathetic government like Pakistan does. However, had we not had nuclear capability, even our military would have been slaves of the West and of India. Nuclear capability gave us freedom and when Pakistan has a true government with Imran Khan as its head you will see that Pakistan will be able to get out of this crap war on terror, end its assault on its people and stop taking dictations from the U.S.A without its sovereignty under threat - which would have been the case - if Pakistan was NOT a nuclear state - specifically - if India was, along with the backing of U.S.A (Do I need proof here?) Would have been a extremely dangerous position for Pakistan( Do I need proof here)?. Do some research, use your brain and you will come to the same conclusions. P.S Stop listening to your bias and crap Media outlets in India.

We dont have much brains buddy to apply so emotionally on this :)
Anyway India's nuclear arsenal is going to be used mainly for civil purpose and mostly on the energy needs. We may just have a minimal stockpile for the military needs to address some threats/ or to threaten like you put it......Hope in another decade or two, Pakistan realise this and India's decision reeps fruits.
Wait a minute. Bangladesh is an Islamic country, why hasn't India used its anti-Islam nuke on them??
That whole post is just your opinion with no facts.

Pakistan attacked India 4 times - Fact
China attacked India and India lost terribly - Fact

Hence India got the nuclear bomb to use as a detterent against further attacks from the afore mentioned countries.

Calm down. After your neighbour attacks you 4 times, wouldn't you arm yourself against him?

Show me proof where Pakistan attacked India four times and keep into consideration the massacre of Indians in Kashmir as well - and as per your reasoning - untill you show me multiple sources (neutral) this is just your opinion. When you are researching, tell me what the UN resolution states about Kashmir as well.

If india has the right to defend itself then why does Pakistan not have the right as well? Or are you stating that only India should have nuclear weapons because it is the most peaceful country according to you which has never shown any aggression but only sits like a innocent baby while its neighbours are the aggressive ones? How about you tell me why the Indian army is conducting a MAJOR exercise right now next to the boarder of Pakistan?
Show me proof where Pakistan attacked India four times and keep into consideration the massacre of Indians in Kashmir as well - and as per your reasoning - untill you show me multiple sources (neutral) this is just your opinion. When you are researching, tell me what the UN resolution states about Kashmir as well.

If india has the right to defend itself then why does Pakistan not have the right as well? Or are you stating that only India should have nuclear weapons because it is the most peaceful country according to you which has never shown any aggression but only sits like a innocent baby while its neighbours are the aggressive ones? How about you tell me why the Indian army is conducting a MAJOR exercise right now next to the boarder of Pakistan?


I know its wikipedia, but all the sources are listed for each war. Neutral sources as well as sources from the Pakistani military. Look it up.

Your second paragraph is just nonsense again. I never said nor implied any of those things. You said India got nukes to attack or bully Pakistan. I said it was to defend itself.

Why are we conducting a major military exercise? How about because Pakistan attacked us even after we got nukes. You need a source for that or your ex-president Musharraf's word is enough?

Pakistan was the first to violate the UN resolution and permanently damaging the conditions for plebiscite. Your govt sponsored terrorists murdered Kashmiri Pandits pushing them out of their homes and changing the demographic permanently.

Anything else?
India made Nukes, so that down the line one day posters @ PakPassion had another point to bash India and feel good about themselves.

We made Nukes for you guys, so that you got 1 more thing to do the hatred dance...

Happy guys....
what? Lol, you would make up anything to prove a point

I never agree with my man Jamal but I have heard Abdul Kalam reads the Gita every night before he goes to bed and visits temples. There could be some truth to it maybe ? Also I dont think Kalam wasnt the father of our Nuclear program, he was our Missile Man...
Since Qadeer Khan is being mentioned, what he did; Arming Pakistan was the right thing to do, lets face it that bomb is the only thing stopping New Delhi from total domination however watching this Video on how QKhan tried to spread the love is scarey:

<embed id=VideoPlayback src=http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=5127462544428235727&hl=en&fs=true style=width:400px;height:326px allowFullScreen=true allowScriptAccess=always type=application/x-shockwave-flash> </embed>

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P.S Stop listening to your bias and crap Media outlets in Pakistan.

so easy.

Trade is vital to any economy. Though having nuclear bombs and corelation with trade is jackshit.

With India having nuclear weapons, Pakistan needing nucler weapons is a no brainer, because of security concerns.

Have you not seen the events of the two countries?
Yeah it seems obvious that we opened up the economy, pushed for education, got more state involment, diluted power at centers, kept the army in check and are growing decently though lots still needs to be done. In other parts economic development is still needed and people are crying out for it.

Pakistan well your ex president did his bit for the economy and then managed to screw it up as well. Not to mention you guys have more nucler bombs than us and are making them at a faster rate :D
And precisely how would we blackmail Pakistan? By threatening you with nuclear attacks? Please the idea however fanciful is stupid. You think China would watch while India bombs Pakistan or threatens Pakistan? They are fully aware of the dynamics of Asia, you are not going to have two super powers in Asia, China will see to that. Heck they love Pakistan for that reason. The dont care if you succeed economicaaly, they are happy as long as you stop India from moving along its growth trajectory.

Fact is nuclear or no nuclear India will never be in a position to blackmail Pakistan. On the other hand what is true is that Pakistan will be able to follow the North Korea route and blackmail the world cause it has nucler weapons :)

Pakistan will balckmail India when the future energy requirements come. Look up the map and where enery sources lie and you will see.

btw US supports India for the same reason than China supports Pakistan.

This discussion reminds me of the book 'City of Joy'
Kolkata gets ravaged by plague and at the end people are celebrating even though they just managed to survive because Indira Gandhi just informed them on radio that India has conducted its first nuclear test. As if it will make any difference in the short run.

PS India going nucler makes no difference with regards to pakistan.
I never agree with my man Jamal but I have heard Abdul Kalam reads the Gita every night before he goes to bed and visits temples. There could be some truth to it maybe ? Also I dont think Kalam wasnt the father of our Nuclear program, he was our Missile Man...

Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha is teh father of our nucler program
Since Qadeer Khan is being mentioned, what he did; Arming Pakistan was the right thing to do, lets face it that bomb is the only thing stopping New Delhi from total domination however watching this Video on how QKhan tried to spread the love is scarey:

<embed id=VideoPlayback src=http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=5127462544428235727&hl=en&fs=true style=width:400px;height:326px allowFullScreen=true allowScriptAccess=always type=application/x-shockwave-flash> </embed>


Idiotic post and idiotic documentary. Why are you watching such documentaries when he has been interviewed several times?


Watch that interview instead. That is coming straight up from AQ khan.
so easy.

Trade is vital to any economy. Though having nuclear bombs and corelation with trade is jackshit.

With India having nuclear weapons, Pakistan needing nucler weapons is a no brainer, because of security concerns.

Have you not seen the events of the two countries?
Yeah it seems obvious that we opened up the economy, pushed for education, got more state involment, diluted power at centers, kept the army in check and are growing decently though lots still needs to be done. In other parts economic development is still needed and people are crying out for it.

Pakistan well your ex president did his bit for the economy and then managed to screw it up as well. Not to mention you guys have more nucler bombs than us and are making them at a faster rate :D
And precisely how would we blackmail Pakistan? By threatening you with nuclear attacks? Please the idea however fanciful is stupid. You think China would watch while India bombs Pakistan or threatens Pakistan? They are fully aware of the dynamics of Asia, you are not going to have two super powers in Asia, China will see to that. Heck they love Pakistan for that reason. The dont care if you succeed economicaaly, they are happy as long as you stop India from moving along its growth trajectory.

Fact is nuclear or no nuclear India will never be in a position to blackmail Pakistan. On the other hand what is true is that Pakistan will be able to follow the North Korea route and blackmail the world cause it has nucler weapons :)

Pakistan will balckmail India when the future energy requirements come. Look up the map and where enery sources lie and you will see.

btw US supports India for the same reason than China supports Pakistan.

This discussion reminds me of the book 'City of Joy'
Kolkata gets ravaged by plague and at the end people are celebrating even though they just managed to survive because Indira Gandhi just informed them on radio that India has conducted its first nuclear test. As if it will make any difference in the short run.

PS India going nucler makes no difference with regards to pakistan.

When I read that Pakistan will be able to blackmail India when future energy demands increase, thats when I knew you have no clue what you are talking about.. no clue at all(hahahah look at the map hahahahahahahahahah) Why are you writing/reply for the sake of it? Is it fun? Do some research instead. Thanks for the jokes!
When I read that Pakistan will be able to blackmail India when future energy demands increase, thats when I knew you have no clue what you are talking about.. no clue at all(hahahah look at the map hahahahahahahahahah) Why are you writing/reply for the sake of it? Is it fun? Do some research instead. Thanks for the jokes!

Iran–Pakistan–India gas pipeline ring a bell?
Kazakistan, usbekistan why the hell do you think India and China are rushing to these places.

Your ignorance is no longer a source of merriment but downright nightmares
Iran–Pakistan–India gas pipeline ring a bell?
Kazakistan, usbekistan why the hell do you think India and China are rushing to these places.

Your ignorance is no longer a source of merriment but downright nightmares

HAHAHAHAHAHA now I know you are a child.
Highlighted bit has to be the dumbest sentence I have read in PP over a long time even Itduzz wouldnt post something this dumb.... Indians have a better relationship with the Saudi's and even that dead old man Saddam supported India's nuclear testing and was on India's side for the Kashmiri issue http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Iraqi_relations . Its not all black and white as you say, hate to say it to you but India have a better relationship with other Muslim countries than Pakistan..............

lol. You say you have read a dumb post and then go on to say India has a good relationship with Saudi, implying it has good relations with Muslims/Islam. Saudi is the name of the ruling family who rule Arabia, puppets. You should think before abusing others because it's your post is very dumb.

Indians on here give the reason as China.

Since independence India has been involved in main wars with Pakistan not China.

Chinese didn't rule India, Muslims did.

A nieghbour which is a smaller nation can take over a larger nation as history has proved.

The fact is India got the nuke first and it's biggest hostilities are with Pakistan. Pakistan has the nuke now because of this, so if there is a future war where nukes are used then it will be down to India.

We also have to understand India is more likely to have a radical religious extremists party in government than Pakistan. BJP are Hindu extremist nutjobs but the second biggest party in India who will likely become the government at some time in the future. Religious parties in Pakistan have no chance of getting into power in the near future. Indian posters on here must be blind to this.
Like some one mentioned in this thread that Muslim invaders booty whipped Hindus for 1000 years.........???

Fact is, Muslim invaders booty whipped your ancestors too.. Whether they were Hindus or Budhists... It didn't matter to them... Their motto was to either loot/Kill/rape/enslave or Spread Islam faith.

Some people accepted Islam and some did not... Areas closer to Persia and Arabia were under constant influence of Islam and its invaders... Hence you see Afghanistan and modern day Pakistan full of Muslims...

Islamic invaders, be it the Arabs, Persian, Turks and/or other Central Asian countries have invaded sub-continent and kicked everyone's ass right from Afghanistan to Burma and Indonesia... That everyone includes the ancestors of Pakistani people too...

This message is not for all Pak friends. This was only for the dude who mentioned as though Muslim invaders kicked only Hindus *****..
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Your posts is another in a line of ignorant rants with no content. There is so much wrong with it, I doubt I can address everything with one post. Lets start with the glaring obvious lies.

India and China fought a war. Please look it up. A war which India lost terribly, unlike the Indo-Pak wars. If that doesn't give you enough reason to develop a nuclear detterent then I don't know what will.

I asked you when China attacked India, I did not deny the fact that China and India were at war. You can't even provide a citation. What was it you said about content?

The point was Pakistan and India were fighting wars, not to mention countless skirmeshs, long before the Chinese did, yet here you are claiming India developed the bomb to defend itself against China.

The fact of the matter is China is the least of India's worries, the biggest worry for India is Islam since the domination of Islam in India would all but wipe out any trace of Hinduism.

You have some reading comprehension problems. Mughals were Muslims, who ruled India. They ruled Hindus and Muslims. You, as a Muslim, would have been a commoner just like a Hindu. There was no Mullah in charge, it was a monarchy not a theocracy. Look up the difference. Hilarious how you say the British ruled Hindus. Where were the Muslims during the British Rule? Were they partners? Your hatred for Hindus is blinding you.

Er, how is the above any different to what i'm saying? In that Muslims did rule Hindus in India. Did you miss the part where Hindu temples were destroyed and Mosques were built? A clear act of Hindu values being superceded by Islamic values. Not Muslim rule?No wait, you think that a Mullah must be in charge in order to qualify as Muslim rule. Tell me, when the Romans ruled Europe, Christianity spread like wildfire. Who was at the top? A Roman Emperor or a Pope/Cardinal/Bishop?

Pakistan does not represent ALL Muslims. Your country has killed more Muslims than any other. Why do some many other Muslims hate Pakistan then? From Afghanistan, Iran to Bangladesh and India.

Who claimed Pakistan represents all Muslims? Pakistan represents Islam! Proof being Pakistan's atomic achievement is dubbed the 'Islamic Bomb' by the West and India!

As for other Muslim nations hating Pakistan, All is changing. Pakistan is donating nuclear technology to Muslim nations.

As for how Indian Muslims are treated, please look up how Muslims are treated by fellow Muslims in Pakistan. How many Muslims have been killed by Muslims in Pakistan since independence? How many Muslims have been killed by Hindus in India since independence??
Do you really want to compare those numbers? Do you?? The sectarian violence and 1971 in Bangladesh should be enough to convince you which number is higher!!

I asked you how Muslims are treated in India and you answer by asking me how Muslims are treated by Pakistan! What's up? Too chicken to face the truth?

Can you stop dancing around the 71 issue. It's irrelevant. We are discussing how two opposing ideologies gave rise to Nuclear assets. Though feel free to explain the relevance of 71.

I do not see you denying the growing resentment against Muslims in India. I do not see you condemning the rise of right wing extremists Hindus parties in India. I do not see you challenging the notion that Muslims in India are treated with utter contempt.

Face reality, outside of India there is no homeland for Hindus, the very reason why Hindus believe India should be a nation of Hindu supremacy, exclusively for Hindus.

The fact that the world conspiracy nutjob referred to your post as being "factual" should have told you how off base you are.

kingkhanWC has more intelligent clout and sand compared to you. He earns respect on the simple basis he says it how it is. What about you? You have deflected all issues by answering a question with a question. The only conspiracy here is a secular democratic India, a futile image which you are helplessly trying to defend through emotive rhetoric.

India can neither be secular nor democratic for one simple reason, what Hindus consider sacred, Muslims consider a sacrifice. So quit trying to anoint India for sainthood and concede to the fact India's biggest enemy is Islam!
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I'm intrigued by how Indians PPers are trying to unite Hinduism and Islam under the banner of India. All in the name of the 'Superpower' facade, I guess.
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The fact of the matter is China is the least of India's worries, the biggest worry for India is Islam since the domination of Islam in India would all but wipe out any trace of Hinduism.

.......... terrible delusions mr n_h .
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The fact of the matter is China is the least of India's worries, the biggest worry for India is Islam since the domination of Islam in India would all but wipe out any trace of Hinduism.

.......... terrible delusions mr n_h .

Explain the following logic to me:

4 wars between Pakistan and India.
1 war between China and India.

Which nation and ideology is the bigger threat to India? Which ideology between Islam and Bhuddism has oppressed Hindus in India at a greater magnitude spanning a longer time period? Stop kidding yourself. India developed the bomb to counter the rise and influence of Islam simply because Hindus do not want history to repeat itself.

So quit the delusional drama that is India developed the bomb to defend itself against China!
I asked you when China attacked India, I did not deny the fact that China and India were at war. You can't even provide a citation. What was it you said about content?

The point was Pakistan and India were fighting wars, not to mention countless skirmeshs, long before the Chinese did, yet here you are claiming India developed the bomb to defend itself against China.

The fact of the matter is China is the least of India's worries, the biggest worry for India is Islam since the domination of Islam in India would all but wipe out any trace of Hinduism.

Er, how is the above any different to what i'm saying? In that Muslims did rule Hindus in India. Did you miss the part where Hindu temples were destroyed and Mosques were built? A clear act of Hindu values being superceded by Islamic values. Not Muslim rule?No wait, you think that a Mullah must be in charge in order to qualify as Muslim rule. Tell me, when the Romans ruled Europe, Christianity spread like wildfire. Who was at the top? A Roman Emperor or a Pope/Cardinal/Bishop?

Who claimed Pakistan represents all Muslims? Pakistan represents Islam! Proof being Pakistan's atomic achievement is dubbed the 'Islamic Bomb' by the West and India!

As for other Muslim nations hating Pakistan, All is changing. Pakistan is donating nuclear technology to Muslim nations.

I asked you how Muslims are treated in India and you answer by asking me how Muslims are treated by Pakistan! What's up? Too chicken to face the truth?

Can you stop dancing around the 71 issue. It's irrelevant. We are discussing how two opposing ideologies gave rise to Nuclear assets. Though feel free to explain the relevance of 71.

I do not see you denying the growing resentment against Muslims in India. I do not see you condemning the rise of right wing extremists Hindus parties in India. I do not see you challenging the notion that Muslims in India are treated with utter contempt.

Face reality, outside of India there is no homeland for Hindus, the very reason why Hindus believe India should be a nation of Hindu supremacy, exclusively for Hindus.

kingkhanWC has more intelligent clout and sand compared to you. He earns respect on the simple basis he says it how it is. What about you? You have deflected all issues by answering a question with a question. The only conspiracy here is a secular democratic India, a futile image which you are helplessly trying to defend through emotive rhetoric.

India can neither be secular nor democratic for one simple reason, what Hindus consider sacred, Muslims consider a sacrifice. So quit trying to anoint India for sainthood and concede to the fact India's biggest enemy is Islam!

I honestly cant understand what your point is in the long rant is?

DO you hate India?
Do you hate Hindus?
Are you pissed off at the fact that inspite of 1000 years of Islam in India there are still Hindus left?
Are you mad that the Muslims got a smaller country in Pakistan?
Are you mad that there are still Muslims living in India?
Are you mad that rest of the Muslim countries recognise India and trade with them?
Are you mad that India is trying to come out of poverty?
Or you simply mad that Pakistan cant beat India in WC?
Explain the following logic to me:

4 wars between Pakistan and India.
1 war between China and India.

Which nation and ideology is the bigger threat to India? Which ideology between Islam and Bhuddism has oppressed Hindus in India at a greater magnitude spanning a longer time period? Stop kidding yourself. India developed the bomb to counter the rise and influence of Islam simply because Hindus do not want history to repeat itself.

So quit the delusional drama that is India developed the bomb to defend itself against China!

man,the stuff u repeatedly write - hindus & islam .... u have this coming - despite the repeated offensive efforts aka wars,in current context[ 4 & 1 ] , pak is,at best a nuisance & china-,a grave threat !!!
Explain the following logic to me:

4 wars between Pakistan and India.
1 war between China and India.

Which nation and ideology is the bigger threat to India? Which ideology between Islam and Bhuddism has oppressed Hindus in India at a greater magnitude spanning a longer time period? Stop kidding yourself. India developed the bomb to counter the rise and influence of Islam simply because Hindus do not want history to repeat itself.

So quit the delusional drama that is India developed the bomb to defend itself against China!

Explain the logic to me:
USSR and US never went to war offcially
Russians and the Chinese had multiple skirmishes over border inspite of having the same ideology?

Guess which one had more nukes pointed at and for whom were the nukes produced?

So quit the delusional drama that is Islam is the biggest threat to India.
Highlighted bit has to be the dumbest sentence I have read in PP over a long time even Itduzz wouldnt post something this dumb.... Indians have a better relationship with the Saudi's and even that dead old man Saddam supported India's nuclear testing and was on India's side for the Kashmiri issue http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Iraqi_relations . Its not all black and white as you say, hate to say it to you but India have a better relationship with other Muslim countries than Pakistan..............

You know, every cloud has a silver lining. Had you not quoted my post I'd never realize the monumental typo I made. I was referring to Pakistan and not China as one of the reasons why India developed the bomb.

Yes I understand why India has a better relationship with other nations but Pakistan. I mean why would India greet Pakistan with open arms? After all Muslims carved India for the purpose of segregating Hindus and Muslims. Wake up, oil and water don't mix.
You know, every cloud has a silver lining. Had you not quoted my post I'd never realize the monumental typo I made. I was referring to Pakistan and not China as one of the reasons why India developed the bomb.

Yes I understand why India has a better relationship with other nations but Pakistan. I mean why would India greet Pakistan with open arms? After all Muslims carved India for the purpose of segregating Hindus and Muslims. Wake up, oil and water don't mix.

some1 explain this to me please .... lol

[ps-did we attack pak 4 times & lose ? ]
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I honestly cant understand what your point is in the long rant is?

DO you hate India?
Do you hate Hindus?
Are you pissed off at the fact that inspite of 1000 years of Islam in India there are still Hindus left?
Are you mad that the Muslims got a smaller country in Pakistan?
Are you mad that there are still Muslims living in India?
Are you mad that rest of the Muslim countries recognise India and trade with them?
Are you mad that India is trying to come out of poverty?
Or you simply mad that Pakistan cant beat India in WC?

- No I do not hate India.
- No I do not hate Hindus
- No I am not pissed off with Muslims losing their rule over India. Why would I given Muslims created an Islamic republic by carving India.
- No, size is irrelevant but the performance relevant. We've already seen how Pakistan, a small nation, can sends shivers down the spine of India to the extent India develop the atomic bomb.
- No I am not mad at Muslims living in India.
- No I am not mad at nations trading with India. India has very little to offer in terms of quality trade. The world is using India on the back of it's market size. Though I'm glad that British businesses have come to realize that if you pay peanuts you get monkies.
- India can never come out of poverty simply because cash is not filtered down to the poorer class thus the result is a widening gap between wealth and poor. That's caste systems for you.
- No not mad at all. I realise Pakistan let India win by fixing the SF, because that the only way India can beat Pakistan, when we let them.

Anything else you want me to answer? Perhaps you can extend the courtesy by answering some of my questions in this thread instead of crying wolf.

I'm just saying it how it is. Pakistan is a nation built on Islamic principles, India a nation for the preservation of Hindus. Islam and Hinduism don't mix just like oil and water.
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India was created for Hindus and Pakistan for Muslims; the partition was based on religion.

And still India has almost as many Muslims as Pakistan?

Pakistan build the nukes for itself not for Islam or anything else.

India built the nukes to defend itself from China and to deter US from what it did in 1971.
Explain the logic to me:
USSR and US never went to war offcially
Russians and the Chinese had multiple skirmishes over border inspite of having the same ideology?

Guess which one had more nukes pointed at and for whom were the nukes produced?

So quit the delusional drama that is Islam is the biggest threat to India.

You need to do better than making baseless and ignorant assertions. Russia and China share the same ideology? Go back to school.
And still India has almost as many Muslims as Pakistan?

Pakistan build the nukes for itself not for Islam or anything else.

India built the nukes to defend itself from China and to deter US from what it did in 1971.

Tell me, would you support the notion of a unified Pakistan and India, in that, would you assimilate Pakistan?

Pak and ind were involved in more battles long before Ind vs China. Don't tell me India developed it's atomic bomb because of a one-off with China.

Yes you are correct, Pak built the bomb to defend itself against India and to protect Islam given the motives behind India developing the bomb.
- No I do not hate India.
- No I do not hate Hindus
- No I am not pissed off with Muslims losing their rule over India. Why would I given Muslims created an Islamic republic by carving India.
- No size is irrelevant but the performance relevant. We've already seen how Pakistan, a small nation, can sends shivers down the spine of India to the extent India develop the atomic bomb.
- No I am not mad at Muslims living in India.
- No I am not mad at nations trading with India. India has very little to offer in terms of quality trade. The world is using India on the back of the market size. Though I'm glad that British businesses have come to realize that if you pay peanuts you get monkies.
- India can never come out of poverty simply because cash is not filtered down to the poorer class thus the result is a widening gap between wealth and poor. That's caste systems for you.
- No not mad at all. I realise Pakistan let India win by fixing the SF.

Anything else you want me to answer? Perhaps you can extend the courtesy by answering some of my questions in this thread instead of crying wolf.

I think answered your primary question long time ago, why India created nukes?

To counterbalance the arc of Islam in Pakistan and China in her neighbourhood jointly, neither of the neighbours are India friendly.

The primary threat to India has always been China as it badly beat us in the 62 Sino Indian war and since then the efforts were made to neutralise China's conventional Military superiority.

Concern for Pakistan was also there, but the strategic thinking in India has been Pakistan minus the Kashmir is manageable whilst the Chinese will never let a strong/semi strong nation exist in their neighbourhood not only in terms of economy, military but also size.

Further a dysfunctional Indian democracy is still an ideological threat to China's godless communism.

Further i do not believe that Hindus and Muslims cannot coexist or that Islam is the biggest threat to India-for Islam for me simply another way of bonding to God.

Lastly i do not give much import to the stuff about Muslims ruling Hindus, for there was an Indian civilization/nation pre Islam and is there now still an Indian civilization.

I do not believe that India is a land only for Hindus, it is open for everyone who lives there?

Yes there have been skirmishes b/w various religions but for that Indians need to apologize to each another and not to third party.

Lastly i believe that your views and mine are polar-but there is room for both the views to exist.

P.S. Where did i cry wolf?
You need to do better than making baseless and ignorant assertions. Russia and China share the same ideology? Go back to school.

USSR and China were not communists?

This i was taught in an Indian school, Russian uni and a Brit uni an d they all concurred that whilst being of the same ideology (Soviets and Chinese they were loggerheads at each other)

i should have made the correction of putting in Soviets..

Does it make more easier for you??
I asked you when China attacked India, I did not deny the fact that China and India were at war. You can't even provide a citation. What was it you said about content?

The point was Pakistan and India were fighting wars, not to mention countless skirmeshs, long before the Chinese did, yet here you are claiming India developed the bomb to defend itself against China.

The fact of the matter is China is the least of India's worries, the biggest worry for India is Islam since the domination of Islam in India would all but wipe out any trace of Hinduism.

Er, how is the above any different to what i'm saying? In that Muslims did rule Hindus in India. Did you miss the part where Hindu temples were destroyed and Mosques were built? A clear act of Hindu values being superceded by Islamic values. Not Muslim rule?No wait, you think that a Mullah must be in charge in order to qualify as Muslim rule. Tell me, when the Romans ruled Europe, Christianity spread like wildfire. Who was at the top? A Roman Emperor or a Pope/Cardinal/Bishop?

Who claimed Pakistan represents all Muslims? Pakistan represents Islam! Proof being Pakistan's atomic achievement is dubbed the 'Islamic Bomb' by the West and India!

As for other Muslim nations hating Pakistan, All is changing. Pakistan is donating nuclear technology to Muslim nations.

I asked you how Muslims are treated in India and you answer by asking me how Muslims are treated by Pakistan! What's up? Too chicken to face the truth?

Can you stop dancing around the 71 issue. It's irrelevant. We are discussing how two opposing ideologies gave rise to Nuclear assets. Though feel free to explain the relevance of 71.

I do not see you denying the growing resentment against Muslims in India. I do not see you condemning the rise of right wing extremists Hindus parties in India. I do not see you challenging the notion that Muslims in India are treated with utter contempt.

Face reality, outside of India there is no homeland for Hindus, the very reason why Hindus believe India should be a nation of Hindu supremacy, exclusively for Hindus.

kingkhanWC has more intelligent clout and sand compared to you. He earns respect on the simple basis he says it how it is. What about you? You have deflected all issues by answering a question with a question. The only conspiracy here is a secular democratic India, a futile image which you are helplessly trying to defend through emotive rhetoric.

India can neither be secular nor democratic for one simple reason, what Hindus consider sacred, Muslims consider a sacrifice.
So quit trying to anoint India for sainthood and concede to the fact India's biggest enemy is Islam!

OMG!!! What a post!! NH you just riped upon the indian counter buddies here.. hahahahahah that is seriously some amazing stuff right there specifically the last part!! LOVE IT! And i love the fact that NO indian here is able to answer your questions but instead, they resort to asking questions again over and over but NO ANSWERS I dare anyone here to give a solid answer to the above quotes.. hahaha NH you are my hero! GUNSHOT SALUTE!
We also have to understand India is more likely to have a radical religious extremists party in government than Pakistan. BJP are Hindu extremist nutjobs but the second biggest party in India who will likely become the government at some time in the future. Religious parties in Pakistan have no chance of getting into power in the near future. Indian posters on here must be blind to this.

Yes a Sikh, Hindu, Christian or any other faith other than a Muslim has any chance of forming a govt.

The same BJP is the one who picked India's nuclear man Abdul Kalam as its president.

Ironic isn't it?