Why did India develop and acquire the Atomic bomb?

Pakistan has never attacked India in the past, and still hasn't, and sure, the possibility of war anytime soon, but India has achieved Nuclear weapon, and as we are aware of USA involvement in Middle East, Asia, South America, and go on, and if Pakistan hasn't achieved Nuclear weapon, then we will never know what would have been the consequence.

That was a really long run on sentence, so I am not sure what exactly you are trying to say here. But the bolded part- really? Really?
The solution is pretty much simple, and very hard fact. Only the nation under one government can eradicate any division of religions, sects, castes,....etc, under one banner. Two countries in one subcontinent is never ending story, and unless, both parties strongly encourage the unity of policies which must be very legal benefit for both countries, and given the situation of Kashmir which made it pretty clear of no chance of repairing any damaged relationship whatsoever. The only solution is one of both countries must invade and run the nation under one banner. That's only hope. In order to restore justice, peace and harmony not only in Pakistan and India, and also Kashmir as we saw the result of under Indian soldiers, and the only hope for Pakistan to must succeed Gadhwah Hind, and run the whole subcontinent under one banner.

If this is supposed to be the solution, then I think everyone will be back to square one in the pre-partition era...what was the point of separating then? Not to mention the thousands of people who will inevitably die+suffer immense losses.
Namak_Halaal, from what I have read, I am inferring that according to you, Hinduism (where India is for Hindus) and Islam (where Pakistan is primarily for Muslims) are opposing ideologies, as in they cannot coexist?


If so, then what do you think about all these peace-talk attempts and initiatives some people hope to see between the two countries? Futile....because of their opposing beliefs they will always hate each other? What is the solution then? (sorry if the "solution" question is a bit vague/broad)

Futile indeed. We can see on this forum where Indians pretend to respect Pakistanis and vice versa, but when it comes to defending their identity; the truth all but comes out. The same applies to Indo-Pak politics, on face value it’s all about crafting a ‘superpower’ image as far as India is concerned, but deep down it’s a different story. Two opposing ideologies cannot co-exist, no matter what people believe. It’s beneficial to accept reality than to live in a fantasy world. Ultimately though there is either a peaceful route, ironically, it’s through sacrifice, which in a world crammed with pride is nigh on impossible, or a bloody route, war (god forbid).

Also, if the reason that India built nukes "in order to protect itself from the threat of Muslims/Islamic ideologies through which, in the past, mosques were built on sites of temples and the Hindu's were "booty-whipped"" is true, then I don't see why it is wrong for India to arm itself against a supposed Islamic threat...given that any Muslim country would probably do the same against a potential Hindu threat if given the opportunity.

Given the history of Hindus within their homeland, I’ve not once said that it’s wrong of India to develop the atomic bomb for the purpose of preserving and protecting the Hindu ideology. It’s just that Indians refuse to acknowledge this truth by sugar-coating their excuses under the pretence of China and secular India.

Yes, any Muslim nation should do the same, I have openly admitted that Pakistan’s atomic bomb not only serves to defend Pakistan, but also serves to strengthen and protect Islam.
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This thread is about why India develop and acquire the bomb? Too far, the response has been thrown in very technical answers without real answer of this thread topic which is yet to be address after numerous and very long discussion posts.

Let me try that. There were two main factors that led to this:
1962: Indo-China war, terrible terrible loss for India
1964: China explodes its first nuclear bomb

Mainly because of these events in history, India developed her nuclear weapon to serve as a deterrent to China.
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@Sachin85: Your responses in post #229 follow zero rationale to my responses; I’m not sure which part of my responses you are addressing or the significance of your reply. It would help if you format your responses, or at least highlight the correct aspect of my response to which you are responding to, so that I get some idea of what you are bleating on about and respond accordingly. I say this because the gist of your responses dance around three beloved topics: “71”, “Trash”, and “Surrender”.

Don’t be riled by my posts, not once have I endorsed an attack on India.

Much appreciated.

Pakistanis on this thread seems to be feeeling offended as for them India is the main threat but for Indians its China. It however doesnt mean that Pakistan's nuclear arsenal isnt causing concerns but not at the scale which we are about China in every sense.. China is our main threat; A) economically, B) politically & C) military wise Pakistan doesnt figure in A & B that much even Pakistans would agree lol :)) now lets look at the military side of things who is the bigger threat for India China or Pakistan ? Go figure...
@Sachin85: Your responses in post #229 follow zero rationale to my responses; I’m not sure which part of my responses you are addressing or the significance of your reply. It would help if you format your responses, or at least highlight the correct aspect of my response to which you are responding to, so that I get some idea of what you are bleating on about and respond accordingly. I say this because the gist of your responses dance around three beloved topics: “71”, “Trash”, and “Surrender”.

Don’t be riled by my posts, not once have I endorsed an attack on India.

Much appreciated.


Please do reply. Your "response" was petulant and was meant to rile people up.

It was filled with gems like "other muslims countries are jealous of pakistan". How do you expect anybody to respond to something as ludicrous as this?

The rest of your posts were filled with similar lies and delusions.

If you can't respond don't. But please don't give stupid excuses.
Pakistanis on this thread seems to be feeeling offended as for them India is the main threat but for Indians its China. It however doesnt mean that Pakistan's nuclear arsenal isnt causing concerns but not at the scale which we are about China in every sense.. China is our main threat; A) economically, B) politically & C) military wise Pakistan doesnt figure in A & B that much even Pakistans would agree lol :)) now lets look at the military side of things who is the bigger threat for India China or Pakistan ? Go figure...

Romali, Islam is India's main threat. Which is why our other Islamic neighbour has good relations with us. Wait, that doesn't make sense....
Romali, Islam is India's main threat. Which is why our other Islamic neighbour has good relations with us. Wait, that doesn't make sense....

Of course it doesn make sense. When you decide to abandon all logic for the sake of crazy theories and keep repeating it to yourself to the extent that you convince yourself its true, you let go of reality. Sadly, that seems to be the case with N_H. Hardly surprising though, seeing his previous posts.
Please do reply. Your "response" was petulant and was meant to rile people up.

It was filled with gems like "other muslims countries are jealous of pakistan". How do you expect anybody to respond to something as ludicrous as this?

The rest of your posts were filled with similar lies and delusions.

If you can't respond don't. But please don't give stupid excuses.

I take that as a 'No' then.

Why was my answer ludicrous? Because you cannot refute it? Never thought about it? Alien to you? That’s quite understandable given your sheeple mentality. Think outside the box for once.

There's nothing to reply to in your bold repetitive responses on 71 and Surrender, plus I am not sure what I am replying to. If I take your responses at face value then you are merely trumpeting your points simply because you are struggling to face the truth. What does the point of 'surrender' have to do with this thread? The point of "71" have to do with this thread? You need to do better than use words like ‘trash’, like add credence to your point by staying on topic with substance while systematically breaking my points instead of deflecting the truth with repetative garbage terminology such as 'lies', '71', 'trash' and 'Surrender'. It gets boring after a while.

For example, your contradictive views on the threat of Pakistan were not only highlighted but thoroughly refuted in the first paragraph of my response by quoting your responses on page one. Your response? “Surrender” - What more could I ask for?

All I'm asking is for you to format your responses; is that too much to ask?

I know you can do better than parrot the same words over and over again.

Thanks in advance.

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That was a really long run on sentence, so I am not sure what exactly you are trying to say here. But the bolded part- really? Really?

I am sorry. My apology. I was under the impression that anything related to wars will be mainly discussed after Indian develop and acquire the Atomic bomb which is of course, the whole point of this thread.

Due to my lack of effort didn't make my point clear enough. I am very well informed about 1965 which is before Indian developed the Atomic bomb, and perfectly self explanatory but motivation process, maybe?

However, that doesn't change the fact about how this is India motivated to build Atomic bomb considering Pakistan has never had one, and neither Pakistan has won any wars against India previously before Indian developed, and after the Indian developed.

Exercising the power of Atomic bomb to govern which sometimes can prove costly as we have perfect example of Hiroshima which has been bombed in the history of the world. That is understatement why Pakistan would be required and motivated to develop, but the answer is still remain incomplete why India has had to build.


How old are you MalikMohsin?

Please educate yourself about how the 1965 and 1999 conflicts began.

If you want me to talk your language, i'd be happy to, and considering the ignorance part from your side on Kashmir issues.
This is PakPassion, and let's be civil and have healthy discussion, shall we?
I am sorry. My apology. I was under the impression that anything related to wars will be mainly discussed after Indian develop and acquire the Atomic bomb which is of course, the whole point of this thread.

Due to my lack of effort didn't make my point clear enough. I am very well informed about 1965 which is before Indian developed the Atomic bomb, and perfectly self explanatory but motivation process, maybe?

However, that doesn't change the fact about how this is India motivated to build Atomic bomb considering Pakistan has never had one, and neither Pakistan has won any wars against India previously before Indian developed, and after the Indian developed.

Maybe that makes sense? Pakistan has never won any of its wars against India. Therefore Pakistan is not the threat that caused India to develop nukes.

Exercising the power of Atomic bomb to govern which sometimes can prove costly as we have perfect example of Hiroshima which has been bombed in the history of the world. That is understatement why Pakistan would be required and motivated to develop, but the answer is still remain incomplete why India has had to build.

Sorry, again I don't know what you're trying to say here.

If you want me to talk your language, i'd be happy to, and considering the ignorance part from your side on Kashmir issues.
This is PakPassion, and let's be civil and have healthy discussion, shall we?

Sure, but...

First, where did my supposed ignorance on Kashmir issues come up from? I don't recall saying anything about Kashmir.

Second, when you say something as categorical as 'Pakistan has never attacked India,' even if you meant after India developed nukes (which still is not true- see 1999), then it raises certain questions about your basic knowledge.
I take that as a 'No' then.

Why was my answer ludicrous? Because you cannot refute it? Never thought about it? Alien to you? That’s quite understandable given your sheeple mentality. Think outside the box for once.

There's nothing to reply to in your bold repetitive responses on 71 and Surrender, plus I am not sure what I am replying to. If I take your responses at face value then you are merely trumpeting your points simply because you are struggling to face the truth. What does the point of 'surrender' have to do with this thread? The point of "71" have to do with this thread? You need to do better than use words like ‘trash’, like add credence to your point by staying on topic with substance while systematically breaking my points instead of deflecting the truth with repetative garbage terminology such as 'lies', '71', 'trash' and 'Surrender'. It gets boring after a while.

For example, your contradictive views on the threat of Pakistan were not only highlighted but thoroughly refuted in the first paragraph of my response by quoting your responses on page one. Your response? “Surrender” - What more could I ask for?

All I'm asking is for you to format your responses; is that too much to ask?

I know you can do better than parrot the same words over and over again.

Thanks in advance.


You(NH): Islam is India's main threat, they built nukes to prevent Islam from ruling Hindus.
Everybody with common sense(E): That is nonsense with no facts to back it up. If that is true then how come India has good relations with its other Islamic neighbour, Bangladesh??
NH: Ummm, Bangladesh is not a threat
E: Why not? Isn't it Islamic?
NH: Don't ask negative questions

NH: Religion plays an important role in global politics
E: How come all other Muslim countries hate a Muslim Pakistan?
NH: I showed you how opposing ideologies caused weapons to be developed, eg India vs Pakistan!!
E: Even with the same ideology there was war between Pakistan and Bangladesh! So obviously ideology has nothing to do with it. With the same or different ideology, war has still been fought between 2 countries.
E: (gives up)

NH: Why did you say Nukes were meant to deter Pakistan if Pakistan is not the main threat?
Sachin: Even if you are not the main threat it is still better to avoid a war. Which Pakistan has started 4 times to its own detriment.

NH: Muslims under hindu rule in India have less rights than others
Sachin: Its Indian rule, not Hindu rule. Please show any evidence of the same.
NH: I'm bored and will not reply

NH: BJP was on a mission to wipe out Islam in UP
Sachin: What mission? Evidence?
NH: Bored will not reply

NH: Muslims nations are jealous of Pakistan
Sachin: You are an international beggar. US pays you to bomb your own people. Why the hell should anybody be jealous of your country? Its pitied by most.
NH: Bored will not answer.

Goes on and on and on.

Still no response to how Islamic Bangladesh is a friend but Islamic Pakistan is an enemy, if the true enemy is Islam and nothing else.

Still no response to which BJP mission was there to wipe out Islam.

Still no response to why Muslims countries hate you.

Still no response as to why the safe land of Muslims has killed more muslims then anybody else.

Still no response to which law or which article in the Indian constitution treats Muslim citizens as lesser than any other.

People being jealous of Pakistan was the biggest joke. Look around you. Tell me one country that is jealous? Bangladesh split from you in 1971 and is better off for it.

Please don't act all nice now. Asking people not to get riled up. You have used booty-whipped more than once on this thread. Then trying to act like you didn't mean to insult anybody is preposterous!!

Don't chicken out now!! Too late, you're just going to embarrass yourself by not responding.
I apologise for the tone of my posts. Not meant for everybody, just talking to NH who has been very polite in his posts as well.
Sachin85, aren't you a sensitive soul? Simmer down, I understand the truth often hurts but this is no way to react.

Do you understand what is meant by formatting a response? First of all, you need to quote/highlight a response, not provide an inferred commentary based on pure conjecture and ignorance. Secondly, I have answered each of your questions/points through lengthy posts with absolute quotations, yet all you have to offer are single worded responses devoid of any substance or relevance. Thirdly, I do not believe you have any rationale behind you line of thinking other than emotive rethoric. Lastly, you seem to be narrowminded, you asked me why other Muslim nations hate Pakistan, I said jealously, but my answer is unacceptable to you (one of many examples in this thread).

Let me give you an example on the benifits of formatting a response:

Post #39

If you had a neighbour like this who has attacked you 4 times, and a neighbour on the other side like China, wouldn't you want a deterrent??

Post #71

Hindus are not threatened by Muslims. India is threatened by Pakistan, because we have been repeatedly attacked by the same.

Post #182

We lost to China, won all wars with Pakistan! How hard is this to understand. Pakistan surrendered to India with 90,000 POWs. Would you call that the major threat??

Post #229

Threatened by your glorious success?? Hahaha. come on!! You should be doing stand up!

[Refer to post #71]

See, formatting helps, easier on the eyes plus easier to comprehend, especially in the case above where it's painfully obvious you are contradicting yourself and have no clue as to what you are bleating on about.

Thanks for trying though.

PS: Quit spinning yarns.
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Sachin85, aren't you a sensitive soul? Simmer down, I understand the truth often hurts but this is no way to react.

Do you understand what is meant by formatting a response? First of all, you need to quote/highlight a response, not provide an inferred commentary based on pure conjecture and ignorance. Secondly, I have answered each of your questions/points through lengthy posts with absolute quotations, yet all you have to offer are single worded responses devoid of any substance or relevance. Lastly, I do not believe you have any rationale behind you line of thinking, you asked me why other Muslim nations hate Pakistan, I said Jealously, but my answer is unacceptable to you.

Let me give you an example:

Post #39

Post #71

Post #182

Post #229

[Refer to post #71]

See, formatting helps, easier on the eyes plus easier to comprehend, especially in the case above where it's painfully obvious you are contradicting yourself and have no clue as to what you are bleating on about.

Thanks for trying though.

PS: Quit spinning yarns.

I said threatened, not the main threat! Do you really think Pakistan is a bigger threat than China?

You are saying Islam is the main threat,not Pakistan.

Please respond to the other questions raised!!!
Still no response to how Islamic Bangladesh is a friend but Islamic Pakistan is an enemy, if the true enemy is Islam and nothing else.

Still no response to which BJP mission was there to wipe out Islam.

Still no response to why Muslims countries hate you.

Still no response as to why the safe land of Muslims has killed more muslims then anybody else.

Still no response to which law or which article in the Indian constitution treats Muslim citizens as lesser than any other.

People being jealous of Pakistan was the biggest joke. Look around you. Tell me one country that is jealous? Bangladesh split from you in 1971 and is better off for it.

This format easy to comprehend??
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I said threatened, not the main threat!

Really? Hmmm. Are you sure? not according to post #256.

Do you really think Pakistan is a bigger threat than China?

That would be a resounding YES!

You are saying Islam is the main threat,not Pakistan.

Islam is the biggest threat to the Hindu ideology, Pakistan is the biggest threat to India. Take your pick.

Please respond to the other questions raised!!!

Like what? Why do other Muslim nations hate Pakistan? I provided an answer way back, Jealously. Not my fault if you are not willing to accept my answer then weep about it! Oh, then claim I didn't answer it.

This is the point where you try to explain to me why other Muslim nations are not Jealous of Pakistan.

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Still no response to how Islamic Bangladesh is a friend but Islamic Pakistan is an enemy, if the true enemy is Islam and nothing else.

Still no response to which BJP mission was there to wipe out Islam.

Still no response to why Muslims countries hate you.

Still no response as to why the safe land of Muslims has killed more muslims then anybody else.

Still no response to which law or which article in the Indian constitution treats Muslim citizens as lesser than any other.

People being jealous of Pakistan was the biggest joke. Look around you. Tell me one country that is jealous? Bangladesh split from you in 1971 and is better off for it.

This format easy to comprehend??

Woah! That's a lot of bold emphasis.


- Pakistan has the atomic bomb dubbed the 'Islamic Bomb', and has had 4 wars with India. Bangladesh can only dream of coming close to Pakistan's achievement. Bangladesh poses no threat to India nor the Hindu ideology, or put simply, India realises Bangladesh is a contained situation which is why India pretends to be lovey dovey with Bangladesh, whereas India sweats bricks over the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Keep you friends close your enemies closer and all that!

- www.bjp.org Read up on the BJP Philosophy, mandate, and Nationalism section, oh the forums are a blast! BTW, BJP's mission is to eradicate Muslims in Uttar Pradesh. Learn to word your questions properly.

- Already answered, jealousy.

- Irrelevant, start another thread.

- See answer 2. Laws and constituion do not matter given the truth behind extremists Hindus who break such laws and are hell-bent on wiping out Muslims in India. It's like you claiming India is secular on paper (constitution) only in practise it isn't - where does this leave your constitution? The fact you cannot deny (only deflect) the treatment of Muslims in India for 4 pages is an answer within itself, no wait, the best you could muster was the inclusion of Muslims in the Indian cricket team.

- Iran.

Now you going to answer my questions in post #229 or are you going to cry ‘trash’ and chicken out? I promise not to booty whip you this time round.

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Islam is the biggest threat to the Hindu ideology, Pakistan is the biggest threat to India. Take your pick.

People in India believe that China is the major threat.
Not Islam, because unlike what you beleive NH people in India do not hate your religion or fear it. Yes we have our Bal thackereys, etc, their job is to get elected get power and one of the ways to do it make noises about religion, caste, etc because if they talk of development they will have to show results. Heck Raj Thackery was going after the Biharis for votes. The problem in India is still the same, the apathy of the voters. Other than a few states most voting percentage is just in the 50-60 range. A lot of middle class voters dont vote because they believe that it would not make a difference. A politician once told me he has to pander to the subsidies and mongering because the poor are the only ones who he knows will atleast turn out to vote.

Not very different from Pakistan. Though the situation is now changing.

Pakistan is of course a threat to India, but bigger than China? No way. we have more disputed territories with them than any other country, even pakistan. In the late 90s we were not even economically stable compared to China's growing clout. We are still way weaker than them in almost all respects. And frankly Chinese population dont think much of Indians either :)

The difference in views i think comes from you thinking Paksitan == Islam but our thinking that they are seperate entities.

The reason is also simple I think
For Indians India comes first religion later
For Pakistanis Islam comes first Pakistam later
Woah! That's a lot of bold emphasis.


- Pakistan has the atomic bomb dubbed the 'Islamic Bomb', and has had 4 wars with India. Bangladesh can only dream of coming close to Pakistan's achievement. Bangladesh poses no threat to India nor the Hindu ideology, or put simply, India realises Bangladesh is a contained situation which is why India pretends to be lovey dovey with Bangladesh, whereas India sweats bricks over the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Keep you friends close your enemies closer and all that!

- www.bjp.org Read up on the BJP Philosophy and Nationalism section, oh the forums are a blast!

- Already answered, jealousy.

- Irrelevant, start another thread.

- Muslims are brutally treated in India renders any law pointless and useless. It's like you claiming India is secular on paper only in practise it isn't. The fact you cannot deny (only deflect) the treatment of Muslims in India for 4 pages is an answer within itself, no wait, the best you could muster was the inclusion of Muslims in the Indian cricket team.

- Iran.

Now you going to answer my questions in post #229 or are you going to cry ‘trash’ and chicken out? I promise not to booty whip you this time round.


ignorance is bliss ^ :))
People in India believe that China is the major threat.
Not Islam, because unlike what you beleive NH people in India do not hate your religion or fear it. Yes we have our Bal thackereys, etc, their job is to get elected get power and one of the ways to do it make noises about religion, caste, etc because if they talk of development they will have to show results. Heck Raj Thackery was going after the Biharis for votes. The problem in India is still the same, the apathy of the voters. Other than a few states most voting percentage is just in the 50-60 range. A lot of middle class voters dont vote because they believe that it would not make a difference. A politician once told me he has to pander to the subsidies and mongering because the poor are the only ones who he knows will atleast turn out to vote.

Not very different from Pakistan. Though the situation is now changing.

Pakistan is of course a threat to India, but bigger than China? No way. we have more disputed territories with them than any other country, even pakistan. In the late 90s we were not even economically stable compared to China's growing clout. We are still way weaker than them in almost all respects. And frankly Chinese population dont think much of Indians either :)

The difference in views i think comes from you thinking Paksitan == Islam but our thinking that they are seperate entities.

The reason is also simple I think
For Indians India comes first religion later
For Pakistanis Islam comes first Pakistam later

Then answer me this, why is Pakistan's atomic bomb dubbed the 'Islamic Bomb', by India, USA, and Israel?
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Woah! That's a lot of bold emphasis.


- Pakistan has the atomic bomb dubbed the 'Islamic Bomb', and has had 4 wars with India. Bangladesh can only dream of coming close to Pakistan's achievement. Bangladesh poses no threat to India nor the Hindu ideology, or put simply, India realises Bangladesh is a contained situation which is why India pretends to be lovey dovey with Bangladesh, whereas India sweats bricks over the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Keep you friends close your enemies closer and all that!

Amazing analysis. Pakistan's achievement of what exactly? Are you refusing to admit that your president roams around globally with a begging bowl? That US bombs your citizens regularly with impudence? You had 4 wars and lost 4 wars. Then you keep saying I bring up surrendering!!

Bangladesh is Islamic but not a threat. Pakistan is Islamic and a threat. So Islam is not the threat then? How do you know India is pretending to be lovey dovey? Just trash again.

- www.bjp.org Read up on the BJP Philosophy, mandate, and Nationalism section, oh the forums are a blast! BTW, BJP's mission is to eradicate Muslims in Uttar Pradesh. Learn to word your questions properly.

Please show me where it says eradicate Muslims? You said there was a mission? Again, you lied and you were caught lying!

- Already answered, jealousy.

Again, open your eyes. Your country gets nothing but pity and financial aid from other countries.

- Irrelevant, start another thread.

- See answer 2. Laws and constituion do not matter given the truth behind extremists Hindus who break such laws and are hell-bent on wiping out Muslims in India. It's like you claiming India is secular on paper (constitution) only in practise it isn't - where does this leave your constitution? The fact you cannot deny (only deflect) the treatment of Muslims in India for 4 pages is an answer within itself, no wait, the best you could muster was the inclusion of Muslims in the Indian cricket team.

We have had an Indian president and a sikh prime minister. You are in no position to talk about treatment of Muslims or minorities. You have murdered more Muslims than anyone else.

- Iran.

Now you going to answer my questions in post #229 or are you going to cry ‘trash’ and chicken out? I promise not to booty whip you this time round.


What questions in post 229, just post it again.

You are deluded. If you think for a second that there is any country in the world that envies you then you seriously need help. Hilarious. The world envies a beggar.
Its irrelevant that the nation supposedly created to protect Muslims has killed more Muslims than any other country??

Even Afghanistan is better off compared to Pakistan now.

Namak_Halal: If you really think people are jealous of your country, you need to wake up. You can't pick yourself up till you realise you've fallen. Pakistan is doomed if its future depends on people like you. Thankfully it doesn't. You are just a keyboard warrior with no role to play in Pakistan's future.
Amazing analysis. Pakistan's achievement of what exactly? Are you refusing to admit that your president roams around globally with a begging bowl? That US bombs your citizens regularly with impudence? You had 4 wars and lost 4 wars. Then you keep saying I bring up surrendering!!

Bizarre response. Why do you keep mentioning the point of surrender? What does Pakistan's president roaming around globally with a begging bowl have anything to do with the motives behind India's atomic bomb?

You question Pakistan’s achievement? If you didn’t believe Pakistan achieved anything, then you wouldn’t have considered Pakistan a threat. [See post #256]

Why do you booty whip yourself?

The rest of your responses include the word ‘Trash’ again, with zero substance, therefore should be treated lke ‘Trash’, in the bin.

Source please? When did you start respecting the Indian media so much?

There it is, now questioning the credibility of the Indian media in reporting Pakistan's splendid and fearing acheivements, point outlined in the OP.

What questions in post 229, just post it again.

So that proves it, you didn't read my response, proving you have no rationale behind your posts other than kneejerk reactions coupled with emotive rhetoric.

Why repost the questions when you can simply re-read the post? Rhetorical question meaning no need to answer it.

The world envies a beggar.

And we know how many beggars roam in India; last time I checked it was in the region of 750 Million.

Since you are not extending the courtesy of answering my questions on the back of pathetic excuses, I'm done debating with you. Happy fearing the 'Islamic bomb'.

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Bizarre response. Why do you keep mentioning the point of surrender? What does Pakistan's president roaming around globally with a begging bowl have anything to do with the motives behind India's atomic bomb?

You question Pakistan’s achievement? If you didn’t believe Pakistan achieved anything, then you wouldn’t have considered Pakistan a threat. [See post #256]

Why do you do this to yourself?

The rest of your responses include the word ‘Trash’ again, therefore should be desevered to be treated lke ‘Trash’, in the bin.

There it is, now denying the credibility of the Indian media, well we all knew they were a bunch of fearful liars anyway.

So that proves it, you didn't read my response, proving you have no rationale behind your posts other than kneejerk reactions coupled with emotive rhetoric.

Why repost the questions when you can simply re-read the post? Rhetorical question meaning no need to answer it.

And we know how many beggars roam in India.

Since you are not extending the courtesy of answering my questions on the back of pathetic excuses, I'm done debating with you. Happy fearing the 'Islamic bomb'.


Hahah, you call this debating?

BJP on a mission to eradicate Muslims? - Baseless lie!

Islam is India's main threat - Again your opinion, thats it. A stupid opinion as well.

Pakistan is envied by other countries - Your opinion I guess. But the stupidest point ever made! The facts on the ground of your economy and security situation say otherwise.

Is Pakistan a threat, yes. Is it the main threat, no. How hard is this to understand. No country likes a war. Your country has been starting war after war with India. So it is a threat.

Stop harping about questions posed in post 229. That post is my own. What questions did I ask myself in that post?

You are not debating with anyone. You are trying to convince people that other countries are jealous of a country that is being bombed daily by US, a country no team wants to visit to play kabbadi even, a country thats living on aid. Now you want to quit because you realise how stupid that is.

Also still searching for BJP's plan to eradicate Muslims in UP. Please share the details of the said "mission".
I don't get it. Post #229 is a post in which Sachin85 quotes a lengthy post of mine [Post #196] which includes the questions I ask, unbolded text ending in '?' to be precise, with his kneejerk one-liners in bold. It's like he is pretending to be both ignorant and stupid, no actually wait. . .
Its fascinating.. finally we are seeing the hatred against Pakistan come out slowly but gradually from the indians. NH - he will never be able to answer your posts, just like he ran away of my questions on the other thread on kassab. Run run run.

P.S Pakistan and India is about Islam vs Hinduism. If you are so stupid to comprehend why Pakistan was created then there is no point in arguing with you.
Its fascinating.. finally we are seeing the hatred against Pakistan come out slowly but gradually from the indians. NH - he will never be able to answer your posts, just like he ran away of my questions on the other thread on kassab. Run run run.

Exactly, all this pretence behind respect between India and Pakistan is a facade, even on PP. The reality is two opposing ideologies can never coexist, just like oil and water. And yes, I have come to realise Sachin85 is a coward. Though his pansy skill in deflecting the most pertinant of questions with his brand of gutter tripe is a sight for soar eyes.

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''Pakistan not only means freedom and independence but the Muslim Ideology which has to be preserved, which has come to us as a precious gift and treasure and which, we hope other will share with us''

''We should have a State in which we could live and breathe as free men and which we could develop according to our own lights and culture and where principles of Islamic social justice could find free play.''

Read more: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/m/muhammad_ali_jinnah.html#ixzz1O6S8UPqQ

- Pakistan has the atomic bomb dubbed the 'Islamic Bomb', and has had 4 wars with India. Bangladesh can only dream of coming close to Pakistan's achievement. Bangladesh poses no threat to India nor the Hindu ideology, or put simply, India realises Bangladesh is a contained situation which is why India pretends to be lovey dovey with Bangladesh, whereas India sweats bricks over the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Keep you friends close your enemies closer and all that!



Are you serious man ? :)), You need to get out of this all India mentality, I have said it before; the day Pakistan stops this India obsession they are on their way to properity. We are not sweating bricks at your country or your Islamic bomb we have better things to do like; get a permanent seat in the UN Security council, our economy which is booming at a rapid rate etc. India is moving to a position were their influence across the world is going to be recognised while you sit and go yada yada yada about your Islamic Bombs, Hindu's, getting used by the Chinese & Americans etc and what not. Do you understand what I am saying here ?
You know what I find amazing after participating in this thread? Not one Indian has the sand to answer the OP directly; it just one excuse after another. It's as if they are attempting to conceal the truth; woefully and hopelessly might I add.
Haha I find it fascinating that people - certain segments that is - have such hatred for Zaid Hamid? Why is that so? Please elaborate. Do entertain us by stating which nationality you belong to while your at it as that would explain much of the hatred towards him.



Are you serious man ? :)), You need to get out of this all India mentality, I have said it before; the day Pakistan stops this India obsession they are on their way to properity. We are not sweating bricks at your country or your Islamic bomb we have better things to do like; get a permanent seat in the UN Security council, our economy which is booming at a rapid rate etc. India is moving to a position were their influence across the world is going to be recognised while you sit and go yada yada yada about your Islamic Bombs, Hindu's, getting used by the Chinese & Americans etc and what not. Do you understand what I am saying here ?

No I do not understand what you are trying to say here, but make no mistake, in a country where inflation is in double digits, higher than the annual rate of GDP growth, the economy is not booming, technically of course. What it does mean is the Indian rupee is heading straight to the toilet.
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You know what I find amazing after participating in this thread? Not one Indian has the sand to answer the OP directly; it just one excuse after another. It's as if they are attempting to conceal the truth; woefully and hopelessly might I add.


Yes we made nuclear arsenals to wipe out muslims from the world.

are u happy now.

u are such a stupid man .Their is no point in debating with u.

Are you serious man ? :)), You need to get out of this all India mentality, I have said it before; the day Pakistan stops this India obsession they are on their way to properity. We are not sweating bricks at your country or your Islamic bomb we have better things to do like; get a permanent seat in the UN Security council, our economy which is booming at a rapid rate etc. India is moving to a position were their influence across the world is going to be recognised while you sit and go yada yada yada about your Islamic Bombs, Hindu's, getting used by the Chinese & Americans etc and what not. Do you understand what I am saying here ?

dude, bro, homie are you serus maan?

Really? Is Indian economy booming at a rapid rate? I see.. I can also see the tickle down to every Indian as well. That is progress right there.

Yes we made nuclear arsenals to wipe out muslims from the world.

are u happy now.

u are such a stupid man .Their is no point in debating with u.

No no, we are not happy. It wasnt for all muslims but specifically for Pakistan. Once you admit to that - then we are :).
Exactly, all this pretence behind respect between India and Pakistan is a facade, even on PP. The reality is two opposing ideologies can never coexist, just like oil and water. And yes, I have come to realise Sachin85 is a coward. Though his pansy skill in deflecting the most pertinant of questions with his brand of gutter tripe is a sight for soar eyes.


Your eyes are flying? I think you meant sore.

You are the one running away like a coward. Answer the questions you keep running away from.

Why did you lie about BJP's mission to eradicate muslims?

Why would any country be jealous of your country, which is being bombed regularly and is roaming around with a begging bowl?

How is pakistan, that surrendered to India, a bigger threat than China, which kicked our ass??

The only support you will get from Zaid hamid loving nutjobs and other conspiracy nutjobs.

Still waiting for your response. But what response can be there other than an apology for lying from you? So I guess I'm never going to see you replying to the above points.
dude, bro, homie are you serus maan?

Really? Is Indian economy booming at a rapid rate? I see.. I can also see the tickle down to every Indian as well. That is progress right there.

Yeh Bruh Fo Sho, U know What am saying Dawg...Spit Game !!!!!!
dude, bro, homie are you serus maan?

Really? Is Indian economy booming at a rapid rate? I see.. I can also see the tickle down to every Indian as well. That is progress right there.

live in delusion buddy.India is one of the fastest growing economies in world .
No I do not understand what you are trying to say here, but make no mistake, in a country where inflation is in double digits, higher than the annual rate of GDP growth, the economy is not booming, technically of course. What it does mean is he Indian rupee is heading straight to the toilet.

Wow, an economist as well?? Inflation is not in the double digits. Do some research.

Is India's economy better than Pakistan's? Are we supposed to be jealous of your economy too?? Hilarious!
No I do not understand what you are trying to say here, but make no mistake, in a country where inflation is in double digits, higher than the annual rate of GDP growth, the economy is not booming, technically of course. What it does mean is he Indian rupee is heading straight to the toilet.

Keep thinking the way you do, funniest thing of all this; India doesnt even have to do anything ppl with your mentality will take Pakistan back to the stone ages............
Your eyes are flying? I think you meant sore.

You are the one running away like a coward. Answer the questions you keep running away from.

Why did you lie about BJP's mission to eradicate muslims?

Why would any country be jealous of your country, which is being bombed regularly and is roaming around with a begging bowl?

How is pakistan, that surrendered to India, a bigger threat than China, which kicked our ass??

The only support you will get from Zaid hamid loving nutjobs and other conspiracy nutjobs.

Still waiting for your response. But what response can be there other than an apology for lying from you? So I guess I'm never going to see you replying to the above points.

Since you previously claimed that Pak vs India have indulged in four wars which are based on decades of hatred towards each other - i.e. Muslims and Hindus - and on the very fact that Pakistan's access to Indian ocean provides a extremely lucrative economic strategic position of which is only growing in importance specifically due to the rise in Energy demands in the future and the lack of Energy security through Iran-Pakistan.

Why dont you reply to my other post in the other thread? let me make it simple for you here as well;

1) How does Ajmal being Pakistani for the sake of argument prove the involvement of ISI/Military or the government?
2) Quote me exactly from which outlets (non-indian based media sources) where India has claimed to given Pakistan and the rest of the world evidence, thats right, evidence?
3) Pakistan has stated - provide us evidence - we will put the accused under trail in Pakistan - why is India against this?
You know what I find amazing after participating in this thread? Not one Indian has the sand to answer the OP directly; it just one excuse after another. It's as if they are attempting to conceal the truth; woefully and hopelessly might I add.

Ok here is your ans again; CHINA is our main threat not you, main reason why we have our Hindu bomb :D you sad now ????
Keep thinking the way you do, funniest thing of all this; India doesnt even have to do anything ppl with your mentality will take Pakistan back to the stone ages............

It's not a thought, it's a mathematical certainty.

You keep believing a devaluing Indian Rupee is a sign of a booming economy.

Anyway, thread is not for economics.

PS: No harm in dreaming of that permanent UN security council seat either.
btw, in case you forgot - India blames Pakistan for the mumbai attacks... I dont see China as per your analogy carrying out such attacks? So Pakistan has infiltrated your country in recent times where as China has not. Now who would I consider a bigger threat? A country which has infiltrated and has thousands of militants in my country (as per indians) or China?
Since you previously claimed that Pak vs India have indulged in four wars which are based on decades of hatred towards each other - i.e. Muslims and Hindus - and on the very fact that Pakistan's access to Indian ocean provides a extremely lucrative economic strategic position of which is only growing in importance specifically due to the rise in Energy demands in the future and the lack of Energy security through Iran-Pakistan.

Why dont you reply to my other post in the other thread? let me make it simple for you here as well;

1) How does Ajmal being Pakistani for the sake of argument prove the involvement of ISI/Military or the government?
2) Quote me exactly from which outlets (non-indian based media sources) where India has claimed to given Pakistan and the rest of the world evidence, thats right, evidence?
3) Pakistan has stated - provide us evidence - we will put the accused under trail in Pakistan - why is India against this?

On my way out. But what about the Indian ocean now? Why do we need Pakistan for access, we have access to the Indian ocean.

1) It doesn't. You are refusing to admit he is pakistani.
2) Your own govt has received the evidence. They claim it is not enough. No proof of ISI involvement.
3) We sent evidence, but supposedly it wasn't enough.
I admit here - we all pakistanis admit - he is pakistani - no problems WE admit for the sake of argument. You see, now your whole 2 pages of arguments on other threads have been ripped into pieces because when we admit he is pakistani - WHERE IS THE PROOF OF ISI BEING INVOLVED - COME ON - SHOW ME - OUR GOVT HAS RECIEVED EVIDENCE? QUOTE ME FROM WHERE YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS INFORMATION - come on man! You can do better - I ADMIT HE IS PAKISTANI I ADMIT HE IS PAKISTANI - COME ON SHOW ME the evidence where he is linked to ISI?

How can you accuse Pakistan or its military or its institutions if as per your reasoning he is pakistani?

thats right you just got taught a lession
PS: No harm in dreaming of that permanent UN security council seat either.

We are on the way, we have the non permanent seat in UN, even if we dont get the UN security seat like you said atleast we could dream about it but you are not even in a position to do that.. But ohh wait you have your Islamic bomb YEP that is the answer to all your problems...
Their is no need of any Evidence.You should simple read the book "In the line of fire"
written by your Ex president Gen prevez musharraf.He clearly admits the involvement of LET in india and he is proud of it.
We are on the way, we have the non permanent seat in UN, even if we dont get the UN security seat like you said atleast we could dream about it but you are not even in a position to do that.. But ohh wait you have your Islamic bomb YEP that is the answer to all your problems...

Difference is the Pakistani dream turned into reality, by carving a piece out of India and declaring independence before India.

Difference is the Pakistani dream turned into reality, by carving a piece out of India and declaring independence before India.


Yes that it did and now that carved piece is being used by the US as toilet paper..... Congrats.......
Ok here is your ans again; CHINA is our main threat not you, main reason why we have our Hindu bomb :D you sad now ????

Your fear of China makes no sense. Pakistan/Muslims have booty whipped India for an eternity. Why would I be sad?
Baaz: Really? Show me where he states and if we are going to believe that, let us agree that we shall AGREE to everything written in that book? For and against India? Lets not pick and chose certain parts of the book to suit our arguments.

When Indians and its media rushes to blame ISI all over the place, I expect you guys to do better. Come on boys, bring it on. He is Pakistani, I want to know exactly how you have reached to the conclusion he is involved or backed by ISI. And please do share with me some articles where evidence is given to the pakistani government and please do share some light on why India so reluctant to put the accused under trail in Pakistan?
Your fear of China makes no sense. Pakistan/Muslims have booty whipped India for an eternity. Why would I be sad?

Define the Muslims who booty whipped India; The Mughals or the less glamourous converts whom are now majority of India's and Pakistan's muslim population..
You know what I find amazing after participating in this thread? Not one Indian has the sand to answer the OP directly; it just one excuse after another. It's as if they are attempting to conceal the truth; woefully and hopelessly might I add.

If the answer is not Islam/ Pakistan it is not the truth in your eyes is it?

All the Indians on the board agree that China is a bigger threat, than Pakistan.

Just because Indians and Chinese dont fight each other every decade does not mean that they are not enemies.

For Chinese, India is just an irritant. For India China is the big daddy of Asia and hence the most feared.

Of course Pakistan is an enemy, but as important as China, not until your country becomes completely unstable, civil war happens and the country breaks down.

Despite what the political rehoteric is, its rehoteric because its supposed to be, we are more concerned with facing the immediate challenges. education, illeteracy etc.

Who coined the term "Islamic Bomb"? I googled it seems someone from Pakistan
Z. A. Bhutto

btw, in case you forgot - India blames Pakistan for the mumbai attacks... I dont see China as per your analogy carrying out such attacks? So Pakistan has infiltrated your country in recent times where as China has not. Now who would I consider a bigger threat? A country which has infiltrated and has thousands of militants in my country (as per indians) or China?

Thanks for accepting this atleast. In another thread Kasab is about to change its identity to Amar Singh.
Well at least the US are now paying attention! Too late though it seems.

US: By the way thanks for letting us kill a few of your ppl and helping us test those Drones, they were badly in need of a testing ground... Ohh we will ship over those watered down F-16's for you asap...
Define the Muslims who booty whipped India; The Mughals or the less glamourous converts whom are now majority of India's and Pakistan's muslim population..

The Muslims who imposed their ideology over Hindus in India by destroying their temples, villages, towns etc over a period of almost a 1000 years. Didn't you get the memo? Muslims have done more harm to Hindus compared to the Chinese, hence why citing China as an excuse behind India's bomb is horse pukky. IMO.
Yes I accepted it for the sake of argument and now tell me - Pakistan has infiltrated your country - who is the bigger threat? Pakistan or China?
Yes I accepted it for the sake of argument and now tell me - Pakistan has infiltrated your country - who is the bigger threat? Pakistan or China?
A dog barge into my garden every alternate day but a snake enterned my garden once last month.

Definitely the dog is not my main enemy or threat. Max what it can do is poo in my garden.

Hope you got the answer.
The Muslims who imposed their ideology over Hindus in India by destroying their temples, villages, towns etc over a period of almost a 1000 years. Didn't you get the memo? Muslims have done more harm to Hindus compared to the Chinese, hence why citing China as an excuse behind India's bomb is horse pukky. IMO.

Ok so can finally agree that 'those' muslims were the Mughals and not the converts ?
US: By the way thanks for letting us kill a few of your ppl and helping us test those Drones, they were badly in need of a testing ground... Ohh we will ship over those watered down F-16's for you asap...

They are most welcome. Unfortunately for the US they've come too late I reckon, Iran probably has the 'Islamic' bomb too. Nuclear poker on a global scale - scary thought.
They are most welcome. Unfortunately for the US they've come too late I reckon, Iran probably has the 'Islamic' bomb too. Nuclear poker on a global scale - scary thought.

Highlighted bit sum it all up, US kills Pakistani citizens, a Pakistani says; they are most welcome, great mentality.... I think its time you stopped posting in this thread its making you look like a joke...
I admit here - we all pakistanis admit - he is pakistani - no problems WE admit for the sake of argument. You see, now your whole 2 pages of arguments on other threads have been ripped into pieces because when we admit he is pakistani - WHERE IS THE PROOF OF ISI BEING INVOLVED - COME ON - SHOW ME - OUR GOVT HAS RECIEVED EVIDENCE? QUOTE ME FROM WHERE YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS INFORMATION - come on man! You can do better - I ADMIT HE IS PAKISTANI I ADMIT HE IS PAKISTANI - COME ON SHOW ME the evidence where he is linked to ISI?

How can you accuse Pakistan or its military or its institutions if as per your reasoning he is pakistani?

thats right you just got taught a lession


ISI's involvement is being shown through David Headley testimony. There is a whole thread on that separately. Look it up. Stop screaming.
Highlighted bit sum it all up, US kills Pakistani citizens, a Pakistani says; they are most welcome, great mentality.... I think its time you stopped posting in this thread its making you look like a joke...
Its like some one shouting while getting raped

"If anyone other than him rapes me, will face my anger". He is most welcome. :))
Its like some one shouting while getting raped

"If anyone other than him rapes me, will face my anger". He is most welcome. :))

I cannot believe he said that, that some shocking shi* even for a joke...
Highlighted bit sum it all up, US kills Pakistani citizens, a Pakistani says; they are most welcome, great mentality.... I think its time you stopped posting in this thread its making you look like a joke...

That's not what I meant and you know it.

Causalities are inevitable in the war against terror, can't cook an omelette without breaking an egg.

Why not fess up to the Hindu struggle for independence against Muslim tyranny over 1000 years instead of stalling with the bull crap you’ve pulled above.
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Why did you lie about BJP's mission to eradicate muslims?

Why would any country be jealous of your country, which is being bombed regularly and is roaming around with a begging bowl?

How is pakistan, that surrendered to India, a bigger threat than China, which kicked our ass??

The only support you will get from Zaid hamid loving nutjobs and other conspiracy nutjobs.

Still waiting for your response. But what response can be there other than an apology for lying from you? So I guess I'm never going to see you replying to the above points
So there we have it folks.

Hindus struggle for independence against Muslim tyranny over 1000 years, the result, Muslims are no threat to Hindus, thus no resentment between Muslims and Hindus.

China flexes it's muscles near the Himalayan border in the 62, greatest threat to Hindu's homeland.
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So there we have it folks.

Hindus struggle for independence against Muslim tyranny over 1000 years, the result, Muslims are no threat to Hindus, thus no resentment between Muslims and Hindus.

China flexes it's muscles near the Himalayan border in the 62, greatest threat to Hindu's homeland.
Dude, you are talking about 12th century.

this is 21st. one after two not other way around. :))

In this century Pakistanis are trying to save their ass from all sides. Donno when the drone will fire behind you. Just save your ass first.
So there we have it folks.

Hindus struggle for independence against Muslim tyranny over 1000 years, the result, Muslims are no threat to Hindus, thus no resentment between Muslims and Hindus.

China flexes it's muscles near the Himalayan border in the 62, greatest threat to Hindu's homeland.

Muslims lost to the Marathas in the 27 year war
so the result Muslims fear Maharastra and hence their facination with Bal Thackery and hence Muslims terrorists sponsered by Muslims attack Mumabi
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