Why did India develop and acquire the Atomic bomb?

You have to remember India is now a puppet of the Americans and Israeli's. It has sided with them against the Muslim nations which it feels makes it more secure while giving it more ability to progress. Their concern is just like the zionist concern to stop Muslim nations from having the 'Islamic bomb'. They know sooner or later these 2 billion people will unite together to once again become an empire(joining iwth other which would threaten USA and Israel along with India. They want to attack first and destroy any chance of this. All other Muslim nations are on their knees to these guys with Pakistan still standing.

Puppet of Americans

Which country is constantly bombed by Americans?

Where can an American can kill 2 Pakistanis and then walk free after 1 month?

Whiere can Americans enter,carrry out operations and then say they will do it again if need be.

Which country is begging USA for Aid everyday?

Which empire?So will you lead theempire from UK or will you come back to Pakistan and then lead it?
The theory of muslims and hindus not being able to live together has been debunked in modern india ( periodic communal flare ups not withstanding).Ask any indian muslim if they would want to part of pak, the answer would be a resounding no...
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Puppet of Americans

Which country is constantly bombed by Americans?

Where can an American can kill 2 Pakistanis and then walk free after 1 month?

Whiere can Americans enter,carrry out operations and then say they will do it again if need be.

Which country is begging USA for Aid everyday?

Which empire?So will you lead theempire from UK or will you come back to Pakistan and then lead it?

The above has no relevance to why India developed the bomb.

What is it with Indian PPers in posting irrelevance?
Proof of how US helped India in developing the atomic bomb by supplying the heavy water reactor to produce plutonium for India's nuclear test. Henry Kissinger does it again!

Link: Congressional Record

Source : www.nci.org (note, the link above is not Wiki nor a newspaper article, but an actual screen shot of Congressional records)
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Hindu's will never understand this or maybe they do but can't stomach the reality which is coming. :) . Laughing like Jackasses is sign of their worry for the future.

Remember Hindu's were ruled by a minority for over a thousand years. :)

Turkey is a member of Nato so although it's developing in the right direction it still has elements which are tied to western imperialism, such as being a partner to Israel. All other Muslim nations are weak or being run by puppets. You will see a massive change in world geo-politics in the next 20 years.

It's a nice day for cricket so I will come back to worried Hindu posts later on.:)

Laughter is the best defence mechanism. Let the Hindus mock you, they deserve the moment, they haven't laughed in over a 1000 years.

India has been a part of non-alignment movement in the past.

India has voted against Israel in UN resolutions in recent past as well.

I am totally shocked how conspiracy mongers just use meager information that supports their theory and forget the larger body of evidence out there.

Yes, India has important business interests to protect which is why we need to side with the US in many issues. Even your country (whether that is Britain or Pakistan) has much deeper links with the US as allies as India has never co-operated in military expeditions with the US except for the UN peacekeeping missions.

So, I don't understand where you're coming from.

Reality is that the world is selfish. Everyone works for their own self-interest. There is no nexus or plan by Jews and Christians and Hindus to attack Islam. Whenever there are any wrongful measures are taken, they are for the selfish interests of those in power. And those in power keep changing and fighting amongst themselves as well.

That is true for everyone. Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews and whatever.
Do you remember which country divided India in three? Begins with P.

Was Pakistan existing in before 1947?

Pakistani leaders created a country on the basis of religion,saying it is a united muslim land which didnt even last 25 years and ended with one of the worst genocides in recent history.So much for your muslim unity and 2 nation theory.
Was Pakistan existing in before 1947?

Pakistani leaders created a country on the basis of religion,saying it is a united muslim land which didnt even last 25 years and ended with one of the worst genocides in recent history.So much for your muslim unity and 2 nation theory.

he is so silly .... i mean,r u really trying to reason with him !!!
he is so silly .... i mean,r u really trying to reason with him !!!

I like his continous single minded stupidity.Few months ago he some how tried to prove that Inzy was better than SRT.

He will keep on going.......
Makes sense? Sure it does. Muslims were far more educated than the Hindus.

As for a Muslim protecting Hindus - so what? Jews including, Einstein, Oppenheimer, Wigner, and Szilard helped protect the Muslims. Not to mention, the US trained Pakistani scientists in nuclear technology.

Therefore, Jews and Christians contributed to protect Muslims.

Your point?

If the Muslims are protecting Hindus and vice versa then why would one religion fear the other? Both of them can co-exist. And I am not religious at all, I don't care about any of the religions but seeings posts like "one religion is afraid of the other or people of one religion fear the people of other religion is just ridiculous.

Right now, Muslims are themselves killing each other. Probably they should fear their religion more than any other.

And way to ignore the rest of my post. Kudos
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I like his continous single minded stupidity.Few months ago he some how tried to prove that Inzy was better than SRT.

He will keep on going.......

That was epic pwnage.
N-H: Ponting is better than SRT cos he has a world cup.
Sanity: Then Balwinder Singh is better than Waqar
N-H: Waqar invented reverse swing so he is better.

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Was Pakistan existing in before 1947?

Pakistani leaders created a country on the basis of religion,saying it is a united muslim land which didnt even last 25 years and ended with one of the worst genocides in recent history.So much for your muslim unity and 2 nation theory.

If you want to get technical, Pakistan gained indepedance before India in 1947, so yes, Pakistan existed before modern day 'India' in 47.

Also where did I ever state Muslim Unity was my theory? Grow up and stop putting words in my mouth. I have repeatedly stated that two opposing ideologies cannot co-exist thus the inception of Pakistan. I remain baffled at the relevance of your point with Bangladesh with the motives of India developing the atomic bomb.

Talk to me about secular India which is every bit relevant to the thread given India developed the bomb to protect and preserve the Ideology that is Hinduism.

" Convert or we will kill you, Hindu lynch mobs tell fleeing Christians"

Just ONE example of how delusional the idea of Secular India is. Where’s the Indian constitution now? What has the government done to address the rise of Hindu extremism in India? It's evident Hindus believe India is their homeland, for Hindu’s only. Again, let me repeat, opposing ideologies cannot co-exist no matter how hard you pretend they can.

You say China is India’s biggest threat? Even if this silly notion was granted for a second it would mean India are threatened in terms on economy, sovereignty, and territory from the North/North East (China), yet in the same breath are threatened in terms of ideology from the West/North West (Pakistan), leaving India with nothing but water in the South East, South, and South West .

Please, stop kidding yourself, India is surrounded by immense threat thus the need to protect and preserve both its ideology and sovereignty by means of the atomic bomb.
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I like his continous single minded stupidity.Few months ago he some how tried to prove that Inzy was better than SRT.

He will keep on going.......

What's up? Upset over the fact I presented proof of US involvement with India's atomic bomb?

You're a Liar S2K. I have NEVER once tried to prove Inzi was better than Tendu. Now why don't you prove me wrong by citing just ONE post in which I posted Inzi was better than Tendu, just as I proved you wrong by citing proof of US involvement with india's atomic bomb.

Not that you will remember, my contribution in the Cricket forum was based around my opinion that greatness could never be measured in stats, and we all know how Indians burst into tears then.

Character assasination based on lies tends to be the beginning of the end, and a clear cut sign of intellectual bankruptcy. :)
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Talk to me about secular India which is every bit relevant to the thread given India developed the bomb to protect and preserve the Ideology that is Hinduism.

Convert or we will kill you, Hindu lynch mobs tell fleeing Christians

Just ONE example of how delusional the idea of Secular India is. Where’s the Indian constitution now? What has the government done to address the rise of Hindu extremism in India? It's evident Hindus believe India is their homeland, for Hindu’s only. Again, let me repeat, opposing ideologies cannot co-exist no matter how hard you pretend they can.

Evidently, you're quite unaware about the ground realities in India and get information that you do from certain biased sources.

India, as a country, is as secular as they come. Yes, there are communal elements here and these violence-mongerers and religious fundamentalists exist everywhere.

These Hindu extremist scum are a fringe group who are hated and have no support amongst most people in India. There are extremists in both Hindu and Muslim communities in India. Extremism from other smaller religious communities is virtually non-existent although Sikh extremism was a problem some thirty years ago.

The people you're think are delusional about India's secular credentials are (a) Indians (b) who have lived or live in India and (c) secular in outlook. Can you imagine how ridiculous is your telling me what I believe and what people around me, believe?

In fact, secularism is ingrained so much in Indians, right from the very beginning, that non-secularism is a cardinal sin in Indian politics and no party or politician can be openly non-secular and survive in politics. Only such people who survive are usually from the minority communities and their influence, at best, can be described as fringe.

What you've been talking about Indian outlook is ridiculous to all Indians. It is as ridiculous as me telling you people that Pakistanis don't believe in Two Nations theory and believe that religion should play no role at all in state policies and there is no need for Pakistan to be an Islamic state.

Yes, Indians are not genetically secular. But, the value system and the education system makes you inherently secular.

Yes, there are the exceptions and people who participate in communal violence. But, there is violence groups of labouring class as well, there is violence from the likes of ULFA in north east. There are demands of separate states within the country and sometimes those protests turn violent, as well. There will always be such problems in a third world country where a lot of people live in deplorable conditions and that, in itself, would lead to some degree of hatred and accusations of unfair distribution of resources.

But, inherently, India is secular and no amount of links and posturing from you here would make anyone who lives in India believe otherwise.
So there we have it folks.

Hindus struggle for independence against Muslim tyranny over 1000 years, the result, Muslims are no threat to Hindus, thus no resentment between Muslims and Hindus.

China flexes it's muscles near the Himalayan border in the 62, greatest threat to Hindu's homeland.

Honestly, dude, where did you hear all this from?

Seriously, people don't even think in these lines out here.

History gives equal importance to the rulers of India right from the Guptas and the Mauryas to the Delhi Sultanate and the Mughals. They are all part of our country and part of our history. Akbar, Sher Shah Suri and Baabar are as important to us as Chandragupta Maurya or Vikramaditya. The latter have affected our lives, our culture, our languages and traditions as much as the former.

It's funny that you state a line of thinking that Indians don't even care about.

I have some news for you. Wherever you've read this stuff from is a hatter website. Stop reading them. Pick up a soft copy of an Indian text-book and read what we learn and how we are expected and groomed to behave before throwing your theories in.
Evidently, you're quite unaware about the ground realities in India and get information that you do from certain biased sources.

Are you suggesting the information in the link is false?

India, as a country, is as secular as they come. Yes, there are communal elements here and these violence-mongerers and religious fundamentalists exist everywhere.

These Hindu extremist scum are a fringe group who are hated and have no support amongst most people in India. There are extremists in both Hindu and Muslim communities in India. Extremism from other smaller religious communities is virtually non-existent although Sikh extremism was a problem some thirty years ago.

The people you're think are delusional about India's secular credentials are (a) Indians (b) who have lived or live in India and (c) secular in outlook. Can you imagine how ridiculous is your telling me what I believe and what people around me, believe?

In fact, secularism is ingrained so much in Indians, right from the very beginning, that non-secularism is a cardinal sin in Indian politics and no party or politician can be openly non-secular and survive in politics. Only such people who survive are usually from the minority communities and their influence, at best, can be described as fringe.

What you've been talking about Indian outlook is ridiculous to all Indians. It is as ridiculous as me telling you people that Pakistanis don't believe in Two Nations theory and believe that religion should play no role at all in state policies and there is no need for Pakistan to be an Islamic state.

Yes, Indians are not genetically secular. But, the value system and the education system makes you inherently secular.

Yes, there are the exceptions and people who participate in communal violence. But, there is violence groups of labouring class as well, there is violence from the likes of ULFA in north east. There are demands of separate states within the country and sometimes those protests turn violent, as well. There will always be such problems in a third world country where a lot of people live in deplorable conditions and that, in itself, would lead to some degree of hatred and accusations of unfair distribution of resources.

But, inherently, India is secular and no amount of links and posturing from you here would make anyone who lives in India believe otherwise.

Just tell me what the Indian government has done to address the rise of Hindu Fundamentalism in India, whether the government's efforts are curbing Hindu fundamentalism etc.

Cite unbiased sources if you can.
Honestly, dude, where did you hear all this from?

From Indian PPers. :)

I have some news for you. Wherever you've read this stuff from is a hatter website. Stop reading them. Pick up a soft copy of an Indian text-book and read what we learn and how we are expected and groomed to behave before throwing your theories in.

You are assuming too much. I am not reading any hatter website.

The treatment of Hindus at the hands of Muslims is a historical fact written in many books from English to Indian, from Hindu to Muslim books.

Unless you are claiming the history is incorrect, then that's a different story.
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Regarding Malegaon and Samjhauta Express bombing cases - accused are in custody and case is going on.

Regarding George Staines murder case (a christian doctor/pastor who was converting people was burnt alive) - All accused were found guilty and received life sentences whilst the main accused received death sentence that was later reduced to life sentence after appeal.

Regarding Gujarat riots - Several cases are going on the courts - there have been a few stray convictions but no body in an important post has been convicted. Investigations by the Gujarat government have been severely criticized by Supreme Court and the central government and investigations are now being monitored by the Supreme Court which has led to several witness testimonies against important people. Cases are pending and were delayed due to biased investigation from the state police.

All this is off my head. You can look for unbiased sources yourself.
It's funny that you state a line of thinking that Indians don't even care about.

You must be joking, have you seen this thread? Have you read some of the responses by Indians? Hell, Indians can't even answer the OP in a sentence without choking. Indians do care about their history, as they should, but atleast have the sand to defend it.
Simply will say one thing.. do you read newspapers or only know Pakpassion as the only source for your reg dose of news ?

I supplied another source for what i had mentioned earlier.
Read and think a while before jumping and hitting the Post Reply button.

You are very right Spiron. I read alot of newspapers and I have seen what you have written, not only that but watched it on tv too. For all PPers who have not read it, you can get it in every issue of Hindustan Times, Times of India and if you want to watch the live coverage, go nowhere else apart from NDTV. So all Pakistanis, dont you know the truth already? Don't you read papers? Gosh
Honestly, dude, where did you hear all this from?

Seriously, people don't even think in these lines out here.

History gives equal importance to the rulers of India right from the Guptas and the Mauryas to the Delhi Sultanate and the Mughals. They are all part of our country and part of our history. Akbar, Sher Shah Suri and Baabar are as important to us as Chandragupta Maurya or Vikramaditya. The latter have affected our lives, our culture, our languages and traditions as much as the former.

It's funny that you state a line of thinking that Indians don't even care about.

I have some news for you. Wherever you've read this stuff from is a hatter website. Stop reading them. Pick up a soft copy of an Indian text-book and read what we learn and how we are expected and groomed to behave before throwing your theories in.

yeah the history text books i read went through the entire history of india and the mughals were one part of it. the muslim heritage of medieval india is something that is part of our history and nothing to be ashamed off- unless you are a hard core hindutva nutter - who thankfully happen to be in a minority in india.

it seems some pakistani's cannot be convinced out of the delusion /wishful thinking that all hindus hate muslims . this could not be further from the truth. in reality muslims could not have survived/thrived in india if hindus were out to get them.

of course there are bad apples in both communities- hindus and muslims.
You are assuming too much. I am not reading any hatter website.

The treatment of Hindus at the hands of Muslims is a historical fact written in many books from English to Indian, from Hindu to Muslim books.

Unless you are claiming the history is incorrect, then that's a different story.

Some of the invaders like Mohammed Ghori, Mahmood of Ghazni and Timur Lang are showed in negative light. These were primarily nomadic invaders who just caused lots of deaths and devastation and looted a lot of wealth away. However, they were never the rulers of the country from any period of substance and never influenced the culture, all that much.

Whereas rulers like Allauddin Khilji and other Sultans of Delhi and Mughals are always treated as our own because they chose to settle in India and are responsible for the origins of our current culture. There is no hatred among Hindus or countrymen in general against any of these rulers.

You have to understand that people who died a thousand years ago have left no scars on the psyche of the current generation. Yes, they were some cruel invaders but they are not the representatives of Muslims in out country and they have no great importance on psyche and culture of the masses.
Regarding Malegaon and Samjhauta Express bombing cases - accused are in custody and case is going on.

Regarding George Staines murder case (a christian doctor/pastor who was converting people was burnt alive) - All accused were found guilty and received life sentences whilst the main accused received death sentence that was later reduced to life sentence after appeal.

Regarding Gujarat riots - Several cases are going on the courts - there have been a few stray convictions but no body in an important post has been convicted. Investigations by the Gujarat government have been severely criticized by Supreme Court and the central government and investigations are now being monitored by the Supreme Court which has led to several witness testimonies against important people. Cases are pending and were delayed due to biased investigation from the state police.

All this is off my head. You can look for unbiased sources yourself.

Citing the odd court case is akin to a needle in a haystack.

Save me the lookup the unbiased sources line. You'll still claim my sources are bias.

I'm just interesed in what the Indian government has done to address the inherent rise of Hindu Fundamentalism in secular India. Shiv Sena as an example, they seem to be alive and kicking, and exanding!
I'm just interesed in what the Indian government has done to address the inherent rise of Hindu Fundamentalism in secular India. Shiv Sena as an example, they seem to be alive and kicking, and exanding!

Shiv Sena is an opposition party in Maharashtra. They are hardly blossoming when you consider that they were in power a decade and half ago and have been out of it, since then. Their patriarch is half-dead and the son is not charismatic enough to carry on the baton.

If you follow them properly, you'd know that Shiv Sena glorify their own agenda but never speak against any particular religion (that is a big taboo in India) They do blabber a lot about Pakistan, though.

Shiv Sena leaders get booked all the time when they make hater comments (against South Indians and UP/Bihari residents of Mumbai), their party workers get arrested for destroying public property and creating rockus whenever they do it.

There is nothing more you can do about them. They are careful about not breaking laws and they never took any steps that were communal when they were in power.

Secondly, why do you think that there is a rise of Hindu fundamentalism in India? On the other hand, there has been a steady decline from the nineties and parts of early noughties when it was at an all time high. Right now, the VHP and RSS don't have a single leader who has any popularity or following in general and even BJP have given up on their old partners and are trying to re-invent themselves as a secular party.
Namak Halaal is powning all the Indians in this thread, I suggest they give up or at least respond without the usual emotional outbursts.
Some of the invaders like Mohammed Ghori, Mahmood of Ghazni and Timur Lang are showed in negative light. These were primarily nomadic invaders who just caused lots of deaths and devastation and looted a lot of wealth away. However, they were never the rulers of the country from any period of substance and never influenced the culture, all that much.

Whereas rulers like Allauddin Khilji and other Sultans of Delhi and Mughals are always treated as our own because they chose to settle in India and are responsible for the origins of our current culture. There is no hatred among Hindus or countrymen in general against any of these rulers.

You have to understand that people who died a thousand years ago have left no scars on the psyche of the current generation. Yes, they were some cruel invaders but they are not the representatives of Muslims in out country and they have no great importance on psyche and culture of the masses.

OK, I am going to level with you.

The bottom line is this, Hindus and Muslims fundamentally oppose each other in terms of ideology.

India’s history serves as a testament to the antipathy between Hindus and Muslims.

India’s history is riddled with secular mutiny and violence among opposing religions and belief systems.

You cannot simply change the mindset that is the result of 1000 years of history at the flick of a switch.

Today, in India, violence between Hindus and Muslim is alive and prevalent.

Today, in India, Hindu fanaticism/extremism, or whatever you want to call it, is not only prevalent but is expanding too.

You say secular India is ingrained among Indians, but can you really say that no Hindu looks down on a Muslim, no Muslim looks down on a Hindu, both in practice and in thought?

What has the Indian government accomplished/propagated in terms of tackling the rise of Hindu Fundamentalists in India? Court cases target specific individuals, what about Hindu Fundamentalist political groups/parties?

The impression I get is very simple. Indians are keen at pointing the finger at other nations but are swift at concealing their own problems in their backyard for the sake of safeguarding an image. The Indian government, from what it seems, does nothing to tackle the rise of Hindu Fundamentalism in India, otherwise political parties such as Shiv Sena or BJP would not exist, or at least, would not gain in support. This is not the case.

Telling me that India is secular on paper for the purpose of preserving a unified India is fine, but don’t tell me India is secular in practice when it is not.
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Shiv Sena is an opposition party in Maharashtra. They are hardly blossoming when you consider that they were in power a decade and half ago and have been out of it, since then. Their patriarch is half-dead and the son is not charismatic enough to carry on the baton.

If you follow them properly, you'd know that Shiv Sena glorify their own agenda but never speak against any particular religion (that is a big taboo in India) They do blabber a lot about Pakistan, though.

Shiv Sena leaders get booked all the time when they make hater comments (against South Indians and UP/Bihari residents of Mumbai), their party workers get arrested for destroying public property and creating rockus whenever they do it.

There is nothing more you can do about them. They are careful about not breaking laws and they never took any steps that were communal when they were in power.

Secondly, why do you think that there is a rise of Hindu fundamentalism in India? On the other hand, there has been a steady decline from the nineties and parts of early noughties when it was at an all time high. Right now, the VHP and RSS don't have a single leader who has any popularity or following in general and even BJP have given up on their old partners and are trying to re-invent themselves as a secular party.

Dude, you still haven't explained to me how India's government addresses Hindu Fundamentalist groups, like Shiv Sena. Shiv Sena members get booked? Providing info on their background, how India civilians perceive them, how the parties intend on re-inventing themselves is all well and good - but what is the Indian government doing about Hindu Fundamentalist parties in India given you claim india is secular? Are you suggesting the Indian government ignores them?
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Wasnt it a failed experiment in terms of yield . 2-4 KT only ?
Namak bhai - Aapka point kya hai ?

A very simple one.

The Indian atomic bomb serves to protect and preserve the Hindu ideology. Or put another way, the priority behind Indian's atomic bomb is the protection of Identity (Hindus) over sovereignty.

For some bizarre reason, Indians do not accept this. Perhaps it's because Indians want to protect their 'secular' image, or preserve their 'superpower' dream.
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NH has shown one lion is more than enough for many sheep. :)

India, USA and Israel all have the same goals when it comes to Pakistan. It’s interesting to note all three nations are occupying states, India with Kashmir, Israel with Palestine and USA in Afghanistan, it may be argued the yanks occupy numerous other nations by controlling their governments. These nations are in close collabartion in a joint effort to destabalise Pakistan, the only Muslim nation on the planet who has nuclear weapons, the second most populas Muslim nation after Indonesia.

India – Israel relationship.

The excuse by Indians and posters on here is India has been working with Arabs over Palestine, acted in ways which prove India does not have an alliance with Israel but this is a weak and ignorant point which has two major problems, one being India's strategic trade relations with Arabia which go back a thousand years and the other being the timeline of the past to the present/ now. India itself is an occupying state so it’s absurd to suggest it understands the feeling and sympathises with Palestinian suffering. It’s important to understand Pakistan does not recognise Israel as a legitimate state even though other Muslims nations do including political Palestinian groups who see this as part of a peace settlement. It may not seem a significant thing to not recognise Israel to the rest of the world but to the Israeli Zionists this is not acceptable, a Muslim nation who has the nuke openly saying Israel is an illegal state occupying land which it stole or was given to it by a third party. The Zionists see this in the same light as hatred for the Jews just as Hitler hated them even though it’s debatable if Hitler hated Zionists. This is not only seen as lack of acknowledgment but as threat to their very existence with many Israeli leaders past and present constantly bringing up the issue of Pakistan as a threat to them, the most recent being the foreign secretary who lives in an illegal settlement.

In a recent statement Avigdor Lieberman the deputy Prime Minister of Israel was quoted ““Pakistan is nuclear and unstable and Afghanistan is faced with a potential Taliban takeover, and the combination forms a contiguous area of radicalism ruled in the spirit of Osama bin Laden,” The Daily Times quoted Lieberman, as saying.”

You may think this is a normal statement after the supposed death of OBL but Israel is not no normal state, it will do what it takes for it’s security, International law and human rights don’t even come into it.

Israel has had this worry over Pakistan since Pakistan’s birth with this worry increasing after Pakistan acquired nuclear weapons. Even though Pakistani’s are not Arabs they are Muslims, Zionists aren’t as stupid as some of the posters on here they know and understand well how the Muslim world has the potential to unit in an instant if the conditions are right. Pakistan may be seen as a secular nation but anyone who studied it’s constitution will clearly and quickly realise it’s foundations are based on the holy Quran and Sunnah.

In 1992 India formed diplomatic ties with Israel, these ties went into over drive in 1999 when Israel helped in Indians in the Kargil confilict. Since then the Indians started to worship the Israeli’s because they felt both had the same enemy and both could work to together against Pakistan. This was the focus and want of the Hindu extremist party the BJP who fell in love with Zionism. The BBC article confirms this as some may find it hard to believe.

“It was the coming to power of a coalition headed by the right-wing BJP in India in 1998 that dramatically changed relations between the two nations.”

It’s an excellent article which also says

“When in 1999, India and Pakistan fought a war over the Kargil heights, Israel not only opened its ordnance depots to India, but provided photographs from its military satellites.
In recognition of Israel's military assistance, Indian Home Minister and a leading right-wing ideologue LK Advani visited Israel in 2000.
Mr Advani spoke of their "common" perception of terrorism as a menace, even "more so when coupled with religious fundamentalism".

So there we have the start of a love affair between India and Israel which started from extremists nutters on both sides, Sharon and his cronies aligned with the BJP, both fascists and both who hate Muslims. Hinduvita is the same as Zionsim both want the establishment of a race/ethnic state while both have a hatred against Muslims/Islam. The diplomatic language used here translates into their hatred and fear of a Muslim nation who has nuclear weapons and one who could one day potentially stand up against their fascist ideology. Heck India even voted in the UN in 1991 revoking a resolution which insisted Zionism was a form of racism.

Since then we have seen masses increase of military trade/relations between both nations which has resulted coerce operations in Afghanistan and within the borders of Pakistan causing terrorism which is later blamed on the Taliban. No doubt some Pakistani leaders are also in bed with them but Pakistan as a nation and Pakistan as a people will never be.

China is a massive power but not one who is a threat to Hinduvita and Zionism ideology, this commonalty imo proves Pakistan is the reason why India got the nuke and Pakistan is the worry. Hindu’s have never been good fighters, maybe it’s to do with not eating meat, maybe it’s something else this is why they are one of the few people to ever be ruled by a minority in history. To assume they forgave and forgot which people who followed which form of ideology ruled them is naive.

What Zionism and Hinduvita underestimate is the dormant empire which is awaking, no matter how hard they try, no matter how many killings machines they have, no matter how many Muslims they occupy this empire when awake will be far too big for them.

.Brother NH is spot on when he says the Indian atomic bomb is there to preserve Hindu ideology. Just like the Isreali atomic bomb is to preserve Zionist Judaism.

The creation and existence of Pakistan was/is a game changer in the world
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6 Pages and still no one has came up with a answer? Let me give it a shot, because India is afraid of an attack from its neighbors, specifically Pakistan.
6 Pages and still no one has came up with a answer? Let me give it a shot, because India is afraid of an attack from its neighbors, specifically Pakistan.

That'd make sense, if Pakistan had the bomb first.

India has a larger and better trained conventional army, it also has better technology so this whole fear of attack theory doesn't make any sense. The bomb was developed far before this terrorism thing really became popular, so please, try again.
I wasn't being serious, quite frankly I could careless as to why they acquire the bomb. 6 pages on this topic is what pulled to this thread not the actual question, so you try again(whatever that means.)
That'd make sense, if Pakistan had the bomb first.

India has a larger and better trained conventional army, it also has better technology so this whole fear of attack theory doesn't make any sense. The bomb was developed far before this terrorism thing really became popular, so please, try again.

Bro Goat if you had read my post this point has been answered. Hinduvita ideology along with the long history of rule by minority Muslims is more than enough to create fear and hatred to ever increase the military capability against Pakistan.

e.g just because someone is stronger than you doesn't mean he won't also pick up a gun against you.
Dude, you still haven't explained to me how India's government addresses Hindu Fundamentalist groups, like Shiv Sena. Shiv Sena members get booked? Providing info on their background, how India civilians perceive them, how the parties intend on re-inventing themselves is all well and good - but what is the Indian government doing about Hindu Fundamentalist parties in India given you claim india is secular? Are you suggesting the Indian government ignores them?

What exactly are they supposed to do if the Shiv Sena is not breaking any laws? In our democratic system, they are allowed to exist. If they break laws, they get arrested, as Dr. SF has mentioned. The 'government' has no right to tell them not to exist. Is this hard to understand?
I wasn't being serious, quite frankly I could careless as to why they acquire the bomb. 6 pages on this topic is what pulled to this thread not the actual question, so you try again(whatever that means.)

You have made 3 posts on this forum and 2 have been in a topic you couldn't careless about? :))

Try sports corner for WWE. :asadrauf
Bro Goat if you had read my post this point has been answered. Hinduvita ideology along with the long history of rule by minority Muslims is more than enough to create fear and hatred to ever increase the military capability against Pakistan.

e.g just because someone is stronger than you doesn't mean he won't also pick up a gun against you.

GOATs quote just goes to show that it isn't Pakistan that India is threatened by. The reason he said it doesn't make sense is that it's not true. India's conventional military and technological might has proven sufficient to defeat Pakistan in all the wars the two countries have fought.
I really could careless as to why India acquire the bomb, as far as I am concern India and Indians can go to hell, I am more surprise at the amount of discussion about our enemies than the actual question.
GOATs quote just goes to show that it isn't Pakistan that India is threatened by. The reason he said it doesn't make sense is that it's not true. India's conventional military and technological might has proven sufficient to defeat Pakistan in all the wars the two countries have fought.

Firstly Goat can speak for himself. Secondly I've answered this point, if you would like to refute the answer then do so, roundabouts are for cars and children in play grounds. :amir
Bro Goat if you had read my post this point has been answered. Hinduvita ideology along with the long history of rule by minority Muslims is more than enough to create fear and hatred to ever increase the military capability against Pakistan.

e.g just because someone is stronger than you doesn't mean he won't also pick up a gun against you.

I had one post in this thread prior to this I think and roughly thats what was going through my head at the time. The history of animosity and the fact that India sees itself as a dominating force in the region is the reason why they made their bomb IMO.

They've always had this sense of superiority or of a destiny better than what they have now. I think this is why you'll see Indians have more hate in their hearts for us then we do for them. I'm not talking about history of conflicts because let's face it, Pakistan's government or army doesn't really reflect how the people feel. It's a personal observation that I think a lot of Pakistani's will agree with.

Definitely the bomb was a counterweight to Pakistan as we were an force in the 70's, but I think it's the combined history of conflict, and the whole world domination thing.

I know why we made our bomb though. To make sure we don't go down alone, and while as bad as it sounds, I don't mind that at all.

Also lol @ defeating Pakistan. Yeah thats why the borders between the two countries are relatively the same. The only sources that count heavy Pakistani losses to small Indian losses tend to be Indian ones. Of course, Indian media suddenly becomes reliable when we talk about this. Funny thing, huh?

Not going into much more detail or entertaining more replies, 6 pages and Indians still don't want to believe the many plausible reasons given? I doubt I'll be the straw that broke the camels back.
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What exactly are they supposed to do if the Shiv Sena is not breaking any laws? In our democratic system, they are allowed to exist. If they break laws, they get arrested, as Dr. SF has mentioned. The 'government' has no right to tell them not to exist. Is this hard to understand?

Really who are you trying to fool Shiv sena hasnt broken any law when there is sufficient evidence of their involvement in riots and recent targetting of north indians .I disagree with some of the points raised by NH but no one can deny that fascist forces like shiv sena,VHP enjoy the support of state administration to spread their virulent propoganda against minorities.

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I had one post in this thread prior to this I think and roughly thats what was going through my head at the time. The history of animosity and the fact that India sees itself as a dominating force in the region is the reason why they made their bomb IMO.

They've always had this sense of superiority or of a destiny better than what they have now. I think this is why you'll see Indians have more hate in their hearts for us then we do for them. I'm not talking about history of conflicts because let's face it, Pakistan's government or army doesn't really reflect how the people feel. It's a personal observation that I think a lot of Pakistani's will agree with.

Definitely the bomb was a counterweight to Pakistan as we were an force in the 70's, but I think it's the combined history of conflict, and the whole world domination thing.

I know why we made our bomb though. To make sure we don't go down alone, and while as bad as it sounds, I don't mind that at all.

Also lol @ defeating Pakistan. Yeah thats why the borders between the two countries are relatively the same. The only sources that count heavy Pakistani losses to small Indian losses tend to be Indian ones. Of course, Indian media suddenly becomes reliable when we talk about this. Funny thing, huh?

Not going into much more detail or entertaining more replies, 6 pages and Indians still don't want to believe the many plausible reasons given? I doubt I'll be the straw that broke the camels back.

Well said , I agree.
A very simple one.

The Indian atomic bomb serves to protect and preserve the Hindu ideology. Or put another way, the priority behind Indian's atomic bomb is the protection of Identity (Hindus) over sovereignty.

For some bizarre reason, Indians do not accept this. Perhaps it's because Indians want to protect their 'secular' image, or preserve their 'superpower' dream.

Protection from whom ? Pakistan ?
6 Pages and still no one has came up with a answer? Let me give it a shot, because India is afraid of an attack from its neighbors, specifically Pakistan.

6 pages and no ans ? So you obviously havent been reading the thread, the word 'China' have been mentioned ample of times.... Our Pakistani ppers seem a bit hurt and taking it a bit too personal, at the end of the day its just a discussion Namak_H dont let this get to you.... You still got the Islamic Bomb :) does the bomb pray 5 times a day ? :D...
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You still got the Islamic Bomb :) does the bomb pray 5 times a day ? :D...

Ask the the Western Media who coined the term. You still couldn't provide an answer as to why the West would distinguish Pakistan's atomic achievement on the basis of religion.

Keep up your Bollywood dance routine.
N_H even tough I don't agree with some of your points, you are one outstanding debater mate:14:. Keep them coming.
Ask the the Western Media who coined the term. You still couldn't provide an answer as to why the West would distinguish Pakistan's atomic achievement on the basis of religion.

Keep up your Bollywood dance routine.

My man Namak listen; If its the west that termed it Islamic bomb, why you using that term when talking about India ? We didnt name it that. You LuuuvVVVVvvvvv the fact its called Islamic Bomb its easy to see......

P.S. China is our PUBLIC ENEMY NO.1 :p
They've always had this sense of superiority or of a destiny better than what they have now. I think this is why you'll see Indians have more hate in their hearts for us then we do for them.

You cannot blame them for believing in a better destiny or for having a sense of superiority; living under the rule of the minorities for nearly 1000 years kind of has that effect on you.

India wants to bridge the gap with China with Agne III while the search is on for a charismatic leader to guide Shiv Sena into the 21st century.

You couldn’t make it up if you tried.
My man Namak listen; If its the west that termed it Islamic bomb, why you using that term when talking about India ? We didnt name it that. You LuuuvVVVVvvvvv the fact its called Islamic Bomb its easy to see......

So you couldn't answer the simple question then? The answer is, fear. As for why in the context of india, another simple answer, USA, Isreal, and India use the term.

What I love is how the Indians get riled up at the site of truth.

PS: Since you counted the numebr of times China was mentioned in this thread, why not count the number of times I used the term 'Islamic' Bomb Vs Pakistan's Atomic Bomb. It's easy to see.
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So you couldn't answer the simple question then? The answer is, fear. As for why in the context of india, another simple answer, USA, Isreal, and India use the term.

What I love is how the Indians get riled up at the site of truth.

What I love is how Pakistanis like you get so upset because we consider China a greater threat than you.... The ans is 'fear' that much we both can agree but that fear equates to this; C-H-I-N-A.

lol@ Islamic Bomb I still cant get over it...
You cannot blame them for believing in a better destiny or for having a sense of superiority; living under the rule of the minorities for nearly 1000 years kind of has that effect on you.

India wants to bridge the gap with China with Agne III while the search is on for a charismatic leader to guide Shiv Sena into the 21st century.

You couldn’t make it up if you tried.

nope living under the rule of indians who happened to be muslim,, the mughals were INDIANS :)

and shiv sena is pretty irrelevent to the 1 billion indians who do not live in bombay.. half baked knowledge is pretty dangerous
Ummm China for me :)....Pakistan is more of a nuisance than an actual threat, but China has the potential to demolish India in every way possible.

Really? Is that why Agne I & II were developed for Pakistan and Agne III for China. Nice to see India setting its priorites.

As for China demolishing India in every possible way. Your comment would only make sense if Pakistan did not have the atomic bomb. Though let's be fair here, India has far more to lose in the event of a Nuclear war.
Well RR I visited this thread on account of your request.

Not posting anything on the debate though sorry. I don't know enough about either countries history to comment.

Other than to say India would have developed a nuclear bomb because a) strategic deterrence in general and b) they were able to to develop one.
nope living under the rule of indians who happened to be muslim,, the mughals were INDIANS :)

We're talking about Hindus vs Muslims. What are you talking about?

and shiv sena is pretty irrelevent to the 1 billion indians who do not live in bombay.. half baked knowledge is pretty dangerous

Maybe you skipped the posts that refer to BJP et al too. Either that or you have no clue as to what it means to parody a statement.
Well RR I visited this thread on account of your request.

Not posting anything on the debate though sorry. I don't know enough about either countries history to comment.

Other than to say India would have developed a nuclear bomb because a) strategic deterrence in general and b) they were able to to develop one.

Haha, Thanks .... Even though you dont know much bout the topic, I though it will be good for your general knowledge so you can be more sub continentalised...
really? Is that why agne i & ii were developed for pakistan and agne iii for china. Nice to see india setting its priorites.

As for china demolishing india in every possible way. Your comment would only make sense if pakistan did not have the atomic bomb. Though let's be fair here, india has far more to lose in the event of a nuclear war.

OK, so now that Romali_Roti is out the picture, time to address the more serious posts.
Ask the the Western Media who coined the term. You still couldn't provide an answer as to why the West would distinguish Pakistan's atomic achievement on the basis of religion.

Keep up your Bollywood dance routine.

if your beleifs are set by what west coins,i hope you must have come across many saying pak is the headquarter of terrorism ...now go play with hindu / muslim card & the i-bomb :))
@ KingkhanWC

I’ve read the Telegraph article you cited in post #206 and it’s pretty damn obvious that from 9/11 to the alleged death of OBL, there was only one purpose – The Islamic Bomb.

I am sure you will find the following very interesting (Indians: have your Kleenex tissue handy)

Pakistan on path to be the 5th largest nuclear powerClick Here

Some excerpts:

New American intelligence assessments have concluded that Pakistan has steadily expanded its nuclear arsenal since President Obama came to office, and that it is building the capability to surge ahead in the production of nuclear-weapons material, putting it on a path to overtake Britain as the world’s fifth largest nuclear weapons power.

“And judging by the new nuclear reactors that are coming online and the pace of production, Pakistan is on a course to be the fourth largest nuclear weapons state in the world, ahead of France,” he said. The United States, Russia and China are the three largest nuclear weapons states.

Almost all, however, said their real concern was not the weapons, but the increase in the production of material, especially plutonium. Pakistan is completing work on a large new plutonium production reactor, which will greatly increase its ability to produce a powerful new generation of weapons, but also defies Mr. Obama’s initiative to halt the production of weapons-grade material.

“The country already has more than enough weapons for an effective deterrent against India,” the official said. “This is just for the generals to say they have more than India.”

Now for my favourite excerpt:

Still, it is unclear how Pakistan is financing the new weapons production, at a time of extraordinary financial stress in the country. “What does Pakistan need with that many nuclear weapons, especially given the state of the country’s economy?” said one foreign official who is familiar with the country’s plans, but agreed to discuss the classified program if granted anonymity.

This must be a trick question. It’s painfully obvious that US aid to Pakistan is what finances Pakistan’s weapons program. Of course the logical question here is what will Pakistan do with all these new generation nuclear weapons? Only a handful are needed to defend against India. The answer is quite simple and refers to what you’ve said; sell them to other Muslim nations.

Amazing isn’t it? Pakistan has created what is known as the Nuclear Dollar Cycle. US sends Pakistan aid, Pakistan builds nuclear Weapons, then Pakistan sells them to other Muslim nations on A.Q. Khan’s proliferation network– resulting in profit. How’s that for prudent investment?

Meanwhile, US Military personal is cut significantly in Pakistan - Click Here.

Could it be any more obvious? US are attempting to salvage US-PAK relationship at any cost for the sake of the ‘Islamic’ bomb. US has no idea of Pakistan’s silo locations, no idea of Pakistan’s enhanced Second-Strike capability, and no idea of the Pakistan Nuclear Strike strategy. Meanwhile our president is begging for handouts!

By the way, remember 'THIS' PP thread citing a video on Indian media reporting on Pakistan’s 4th nuclear reactor?

Comments of denial by Indian users:

Chill dude. This is India TV. Everyone and their uncle knows it's a circus channel masquerading as a news outlet. Rajat Sharma would shame his own mom if it would mean higher TRPs for his stupid channel

People watching India Tv its good for fun i guess.

Seems like you guys watch more indian media masala than us.

Dude, this is India TV. No Indian take any news on this channel seriously. There reporting are around the same standards of tabloids reporting 3 headed aliens and jewish conspiracies to take over the world. If I were you, I would have been ashamed of being caught watching this

It turns out the news channel wasn't blowing smoke after all! :)
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NH you are my defense minister of Pakistan instead haha. boy oh boy these indians are being blown away!!
You cannot blame them for believing in a better destiny or for having a sense of superiority; living under the rule of the minorities for nearly 1000 years kind of has that effect on you.

India wants to bridge the gap with China with Agne III while the search is on for a charismatic leader to guide Shiv Sena into the 21st century.

You couldn’t make it up if you tried.

What is your obsession with Shiv Sena?

It's a fringe party which is not even in power in ONE state from TWENTY EIGHT states and seven Union Territories in India.

There must be dozens on parties which are far more relevant to Indian politics than Shiv Sena which is already divided due to family disputes.

And which minority rule are you talking about? Mughals and Sultans of Delhi were our own, by all means. A government is much more than mere religion in a state with multi-variate cultures like India. What those rulers were judged on were their administrative and military power and ability to bring stability and security to the populace.

You seem obsessed with the fact that there were Muslim kings in India for years. Majority of Indians neither find that odd nor care about it, at all.

In fact, if you would want the general view-point, the British rule is what is hated throughout India. The mughals were our own people.

We have a Sikh prime minister and the chairperson of our ruling party is Christian. Our President is Hindu and Vice-President is Muslim. Guess what, it neither bothers us nor does it matter all that much to us.

As for the nuclear power, well, you don't need a clear threat hanging on your head to acquire weapons. When weapons as powerful as nuclear weapons exist, it is natural for a country with "ambitions to be a superpower"(in your terms) to want to acquire it.

We have no antagonism towards any Arab countries and our relationship with most Arab countries (and Muslim countries except for those in our immediate neighborhood) is amicable. Strategic threat from China is definitely something that drives our country to bolster its defense and there is a threat from Pakistan too. But, there is no threat from the "muslim world" in general as India itself is part of the muslim world as it has one of the highest muslim populations in the world.
I'm not ignoring anything. In response:

1 - Greater than Kashmir?
In terms of area i doubt, but some states like arunachal pradesh is prettu decently big, also Aski Chin, if you want to add to it among others.

2 - Biggest defeat at the hands of China? India have only had one war China?
only defeat, against Pakistan they were stalemates or we won.

OR, are you talking defeat in terms of humiliation? I cannot see how the inception of Pakistan did not serve as a greater humiliation compared to a one off war between China. Pakistan made India look like fools when Pakistan was created, unless of course you are saying India simply surrendered the land of Pakistan?

vice versa we did the same to you in case of bangladesh, etc etc
Frankly we know Pakistan does not have the capability to win a conventional war against India, like we can't against China so
who becomes our primary threat?

3 - And? You think by building an atomic bomb India can catch up? Dream on.
Nopes but nice deterrant :)
We wont be able to destroy China but we can hurt them

I'd have thought The Himalayas played a key role.
conventional warfare maybe, but technology has made major changes

Oh dear, the above simply demonstrates the priorities of India; Pakistan a top priority with Agni II, then China, with Agni III.

What do you really expect? People like to walk before we run. Now India is working on ICBMs with greater range. If you dont have the knowhow to semi long range missiles you are not going to be able to build long range. Agni I, II, III etx are a natural progression

Oh yes, Agni I, a missle with a range of around 700km, only suited for targets within Pakistan.

Oh, you say Agni II is sufficient for Pakistan? One nuke dropped on the Tropic of Cancer that disects India will all but eliminate the Hinduism and the legacy that goes with it. Even if Agni II is sufficient for Pakistan, Islam, and the history associated with it, will continue to survive worldwide. Do you now see why India developed the atomic bomb?

No, I don't because it makes no sense about how a bomb stops the above from happening?

You equate Pakistan with Islam, we equate Pakistan as a country that is the enemy. Major difference in thought process.

It's a book.
which does not have the word islam in it, it has pakistan, India nuclear weapon but no mention of Islam.

Do a google book search and search within the book, it is avaible in one of the editions


You cannot see how we view Pakistan, how the viewpoint has changed over the years. 20-30 years back Pakistan would be on the news everyday as a cause for the ills of India, today it appears only in case of terrorism, cricket and military.
In terms of area i doubt, but some states like arunachal pradesh is prettu decently big, also Aski Chin, if you want to add to it among others.

The issue of Kashmir without doubt has greater political significance compared to the total surface area of the regions you mention.

vice versa we did the same to you in case of bangladesh, etc etc.

So you admit the creation of Pakistan was a humiliating defeat on India because I see no denial.

What do you really expect? People like to walk before we run. Now India is working on ICBMs with greater range. If you dont have the knowhow to semi long range missiles you are not going to be able to build long range. Agni I, II, III etx are a natural progression

What? In the 36 odd years since India first tested its nukes, something which you take pride in, what has India’s Nuclear Weapons program actually achieved? Look at what Pakistan has achieved in 20 odd years of first testing the bomb [See post #478], Pakistan is on a course to be the fourth largest nuclear weapons state in the world; India still learning to walk?

Also, explain something to me, AGNI I had a range of 700km, which begs the following questions:

1 – How could India’s Nuclear program act as a deterrent if AGNI I couldn’t even reach China, let alone penetrate China mainland?

2 – How could India possibly defend itself from a Chinese nuclear attack if AGNI I couldn’t even reach China, let alone penetrate China mainland?

The conclusion is simple, AGNI I was designed for targets in Pakistan. (AGNI II could reach China mainland but AGNI II wasn't in service until 2002 - almost 30 years after testing the first bomb)


You cannot see how we view Pakistan, how the viewpoint has changed over the years. 20-30 years back Pakistan would be on the news everyday as a cause for the ills of India, today it appears only in case of terrorism, cricket and military.

Military? So India is sweating bricks!

I also notice you missed an integral aspect of my post on numbers in your reply, whether deliberate or not, here it is for those who missed it:

Greatest defeat in what sense? Numbers? According to THIS article, the stats for India during the Sino-Indian war:

1383 Killed,
1047 Wounded,
1696 Missing
3968 Captured.

Compare the figures to the number of Indians killed, wounded, missing, captured accumulated between the Partition and 4 wars between India and Pak, the figures above are a love story.

Now since Indians love to settle arguments by comparing numbers (Tendu stats anyone?), let’s compare Indian stats for Sino-Indian against 3 wars between India and Pakistan (before India acquired the bomb)

Indian losses - Sino-Indian War Vs. PAK 1947
1383 Killed/1047 Wounded Vs. 1500 Killed/3152 Wounded
Reference : Click Here
Who was the greater threat?

Indian losses - Sino-Indian War Vs. PAK 1965
1383 Killed Vs. 3000 Killed
Reference : Click Here
Who was the greater threat?

Indian losses - Sino-Indian War Vs. PAK 1971
1383 Killed/1047 Wounded Vs. 3843 Killed/9851 Wounded
Reference Click Here
Who was the greater threat?

Brief summation, India has suffered more losses in individual wars against Pakistan, before India acquired the bomb, compared to a one off war with China. Pakistan was a greater threat and the numbers prove it. Moreover, mathematically it was impossible for India to inflict any nuclear damage on China mainland with AGNI I, therefore India could neither defend not deter against China as Indians claim.

Conclusion: The motive behind the development of India’s atomic bomb was to protect and to preserve Hinduism, especially against the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Can I get a witness?
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