Why did India develop and acquire the Atomic bomb?

Dude, you are talking about 12th century.

this is 21st. one after two not other way around. :))

In this century Pakistanis are trying to save their ass from all sides. Donno when the drone will fire behind you. Just save your ass first.

Pakistan trying to save it's ass from all sides has no bearing or relevance to why India developed the atomic bomb in the first place, pure and simple. Otherwise explain the relevance of your point in reference to this thread.

The relevance of my point is quite simple, China is neither here nor there. Hindus have been - for all intent and purposes - oppressed by Muslims for a good part of a millenium. Hindus cannot simply erase this fact from history nor forget it. Now that Hindus have regained control of their homeland, India, it is more than reasonable to conclude that Hindus will never let history repeat itself, that is, Hindus will never be intimidated by Islam again. How? By developing the atomic bomb to protect and to preserve Hinduism.
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Maybe that makes sense? Pakistan has never won any of its wars against India. Therefore Pakistan is not the threat that caused India to develop nukes.

This reminds of one the earliest conversation i have had with someone from your country,

You do know India is just pawn of the very huge game, meaning the pawn of Israel and USA only to prevent from Pakistan crossing to the Middle East. Whether India may or may not sound threatening to Pakistan, but who could ignore Kashmir, and Gujarat? Most importantly, if you read history, Pakistan was needed a nuke, not only because of India, and the history of Pakistan-Afghanistan vs Russia, and Israel.

Sorry, again I don't know what you're trying to say here.

Then, that point has been established. Why need to make a deal out of nothing?

Sure, but...

First, where did my supposed ignorance on Kashmir issues come up from? I don't recall saying anything about Kashmir.

But the point remains the same. Many people intellectual were exposed due to their ignorance on what has happened in Kashmir, and what is still happening in Kashmir. That was one of the example i have raised since you have decided to approach very unfriendly method, and so could i.

But my humble request to you is behave like human here. This is not ICF, but PakPassion, and unlike ICF, where in PakPassion we have chance to clear any misunderstanding whatsoever, and have very healthy discussion without the insulting part which leads to nowhere.

Now, behave, and be civil, shall we?

Second, when you say something as categorical as 'Pakistan has never attacked India,' even if you meant after India developed nukes (which still is not true- see 1999), then it raises certain questions about your basic knowledge.


The motivation of Kargil war was inevitable for more than many reasons. Perhaps, you don't need my help to understand the motivation of Kargil war.

ISI's involvement is being shown through David Headley testimony. There is a whole thread on that separately. Look it up. Stop screaming.

More nonsense coming out of your mouth. Has any court declared ISI involvement? Just because it is based on David Headley testimony, you are declaring it to be true? You really are smart. Very smart. HAHA good luck, again, I ask you AGAIN

For the sake of argument, let us assume Ajmal is Pakistani

1) How does this link him to ISI/Military and the Government?
2) Based on what evidence? When has the Indian government provided that evidence to Pakistan as per your statements above and WHY is india against the trail of the accused in Pakistan when the government has offically stated it will invite foreign media in order to ensure that the world can see it as transparent as possible.

see you have no answers. You have a testimony, that is all. Where is evidence? I want to see/read evidence? Is anyone convicted? If they are, Where is the evidence linking that specific individual to ISI?

You must be lost for words.
If the answer is not Islam/ Pakistan it is not the truth in your eyes is it?

All the Indians on the board agree that China is a bigger threat, than Pakistan.

Just because Indians and Chinese dont fight each other every decade does not mean that they are not enemies.

For Chinese, India is just an irritant. For India China is the big daddy of Asia and hence the most feared.

Of course Pakistan is an enemy, but as important as China, not until your country becomes completely unstable, civil war happens and the country breaks down.

Despite what the political rehoteric is, its rehoteric because its supposed to be, we are more concerned with facing the immediate challenges. education, illeteracy etc.

None of the above explains why China is considered the greatest threat other than China is the big daddy? Is that India's justification for the Atomic bomb? Surely India can do better. If you can provide some logic and reasoning as to why China is considered the greatest threat to India that would be great . . .

Who coined the term "Islamic Bomb"? I googled it seems someone from Pakistan
Z. A. Bhutto


Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy by Henry A. Kissinger mentions the term was coined by Kissenger. Bhutto expanded on it when Kissenger threatened Bhutto etc etc etc. . .
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Pakistan trying to save it's ass from all sides has no bearing or relevance to why India developed the atomic bomb in the first place, pure and simple. Otherwise explain the relevance of your point in reference to this thread.

The relevance of my point is quite simple, China is neither here nor there. Hindus have been - for all intent and purposes - oppressed by Muslims for a good part of a millenium. Hindus cannot simply erase this fact from history nor forget it. Now that Hindus have regained control of their homeland, India, it is more than reasonable to conclude that Hindus will never let history repeat itself, that is, Hindus will never be intimidated by Islam again. How? By developing the atomic bomb to protect and to preserve Hinduism.

China is the greatest threat to India? Now that's a joke if I ever heard one.
Exactly the same relevance why India will create an atom bomb for attacks that happened 1000 years ago.

hope you see the relevance now. :))
A Budhdhist should claim that they are ruling over Japan, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Mongolia, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam and majority of China right now.

Sikhs should say they ruled over Punjab (including the Pakistan side of Punjab now) and whole of Kashmir for 150 years just because those areas were under Sikh rule during the pre British period.

And what about Christians saying we ruled over the world (including India and the muslim majority countries) not too long ago?
Sachin: I have another slap for you;



''The leadership of Pakistan’s spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), was not involved in planning the deadly 2008 Mumbai attacks, self-confessed plotter David Coleman Headley testified on Tuesday.''

Just delete your username and never appear here again. You are done and dusted, your arguments are flawed, you have no knowledge and stick to your hardcore fanatic indian forums.
I can actually reason the same way as you;

''ISLAMABAD: At a closed-door Senate session on Thursday, Interior Adviser Rehman Malik presented a bleak picture of the security situation in the country and showed what he called evidence of the involvement of India, Afghanistan and Russia in terrorist activities within the country.

It is the first time Pakistan has blamed these countries and cited evidences which, it is believed, will be shared with the international community, particularly the United States, which has expressed concern over growing militancy in the country.''

When will India stop its terrorist activities in Pakistan?
Sachin: If you have the guys, why dont you post here what your Minister P chidambaram said about the list that was sent to Pakistan regarding the most waned fugitives?. please elaborate on that shall you.

P.S It is China-India that kashmir concerns right? Not Pakistan?
Exactly the same relevance why India will create an atom bomb for attacks that happened 1000 years ago.

So no relevance? Thought so.

BTW, I'm not refering to something that happened a 1000 years ago, I'm refering to something that started 1000 years ago and ended recently (with respect to the time frame). You seem to have zero knowledge on the history of Hindus in India, either that, or you are too afraid to admit to the historical truth.

hope you see the relevance now. :))

Pakistan trying to save it's ass from all sides resulted in India developing the atomic bomb. Yeah, sure, I see the relevance.
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Sachin: I have another slap for you;



''The leadership of Pakistan’s spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), was not involved in planning the deadly 2008 Mumbai attacks, self-confessed plotter David Coleman Headley testified on Tuesday.''

Just delete your username and never appear here again. You are done and dusted, your arguments are flawed, you have no knowledge and stick to your hardcore fanatic indian forums.

The same gentleman also confessed the following and it appeared in the same newspaper


Pakistani-American David Headley, accused of facilitating the Mumbai attacks in 2008, told a federal court in Chicago that he was trained by the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) in safe houses near the airport and on the streets of Lahore.

In the trial of Chicago businessman and Canadian-Pakistani national, Tahawwur Hussain Rana – accused of providing Headley with a cover and acting as a messenger in the 2008 attacks – Headley disclosed that he had attended over 50 training sessions.
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So no relevance? Thought so.

BTW, I'm not refering to something that happened a 1000 years ago, I'm refering to something that started 1000 years ago and ended recently (with respect to the time frame). You seem to have zero knowledge on the history of Hindus in India, either that, or you are too afraid to admit to the truth.

Pakistan trying to save it's ass from all sides resulted in India developing the atomic bomb. Yeah, sure, I see the relevance.

You keep avoiding my question, here ans this; Can we agree that it was the Mughals who ruled India and the not the converts ?
It is painfully obvious India will never admit to developing the Atomic bomb for the purpose of protecting and preserving Hinduism as it’ll divulge their ultimate fear to India's enemies, jeopardising any glimmer of hope in becoming a superpower. What’s more remarkable is the fact Indians are prepared to disregard the rich history of Islamic/British rule of the Hindu homeland for the sake of a frail wannabe global superpower image; an image mottled by the presence of the ‘Islamic’ bomb next door. It’s all beginning to make sense now.
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You keep avoiding my question, here ans this; Can we agree that it was the Mughals who ruled India and the not the converts ?

Why do you acuse me of avoiding the question when it is simply not true?

No we cannot agree. It was Muslims who ruled India, oh and the British of course.
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Why do you acuse me of avoiding the question when it is simply not true?

No we cannot agree. It was Muslims who ruled India, oh and the British of course.

Ok let me disect this a bit more, Which muslims ruled India:

A) The Mughals

B) The Converts

A or B, which one ?
So no relevance? Thought so.

BTW, I'm not refering to something that happened a 1000 years ago, I'm refering to something that started 1000 years ago and ended recently (with respect to the time frame). You seem to have zero knowledge on the history of Hindus in India, either that, or you are too afraid to admit to the historical truth.

Pakistan trying to save it's ass from all sides resulted in India developing the atomic bomb. Yeah, sure, I see the relevance.
You are saying that dude. No one else.

You feel people are scared of you cuz you told us some story happened 1000 years ago. :))

Try to live in present man.
Ok let me disect this a bit more, Which muslims ruled India:

A) The Mughals

B) The Converts

A or B, which one ?

C: Doesn't matter.

Let me simplfy it for you; an Islamic ideology ruled India for a long period of time.

Just don't see where you are going with this.
lol You and your Islamic Bomb :), kinda cute everytime you say it, bombs now have religion...

Hey just going with the flow of Western media. I'm happy to refer to it as the Pakistan's bomb, only of you can explain to me why the West had to distinguish Pakistan's atomic bomb with the use of religion.
It is painfully obvious India will never admit to developing the Atomic bomb for the purpose of protecting and preserving Hinduism as it’ll divulge their ultimate fear to India's enemies, jeopardising any glimmer of hope in becoming a superpower. What’s more remarkable is the fact Indians are prepared to disregard the rich history of Islamic/British rule of the Hindu homeland for the sake of a frail wannabe global superpower image; an image mottled by the presence of the ‘Islamic’ bomb next door. It’s all beginning to make sense now.

I hope you are proud of the fact that the British ruled modern day Paistan as well. Are you among those who believe the British rule in the sub continent was better than independence?
C: Doesn't matter.

Let me simplfy it for you; an Islamic ideology ruled India for a long period of time.

Just don't see where you are going with this.

Ofcourse you wont say the Mughals, if you said the Mughals, that would mean converted Indians (hindus) who are now the majority muslims of Pakistan and India had no say in the matter on who was in control back in the day, so it leaves a sour taste. If hindus had an issue it would be mainly be with the Mughals and not the converts as converts didnt do any of the evil which the Mughals did... Either way Shivaji kicked the living crap out of the Mughals so he paid back all the debt which Hindus had with interest.....
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You are saying that dude. No one else.

You feel people are scared of you cuz you told us some story happened 1000 years ago. :))

Try to live in present man.

There you go folks, Garuda in denial of India's history spanning from 12th century to present, history which reveals the foundation behind the current relationship between Hindus and Muslims.

Wow, that superpower title must mean so much to you.

I hope you are proud of the fact that the British ruled modern day Paistan as well. Are you among those who believe the British rule in the sub continent was better than independence?

Only Pakistan doesn’t take pride in gaining Independence from the British, but rather from India. It is India that takes pride in gaining independence from the British. Hats off to Jinnah for pulling a masterstroke at the 11th hour.

Also, no, British rule had its day; it was time for them to move on. They did their job by instilling infrastructure, law, order (to some degree), etc, and of course, firmly placing the subcontinent on the map.
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More nonsense coming out of your mouth. Has any court declared ISI involvement? Just because it is based on David Headley testimony, you are declaring it to be true? You really are smart. Very smart. HAHA good luck, again, I ask you AGAIN

For the sake of argument, let us assume Ajmal is Pakistani

1) How does this link him to ISI/Military and the Government?
2) Based on what evidence? When has the Indian government provided that evidence to Pakistan as per your statements above and WHY is india against the trail of the accused in Pakistan when the government has offically stated it will invite foreign media in order to ensure that the world can see it as transparent as possible.

see you have no answers. You have a testimony, that is all. Where is evidence? I want to see/read evidence? Is anyone convicted? If they are, Where is the evidence linking that specific individual to ISI?

You must be lost for words.

The same gentleman also confessed the following and it appeared in the same newspaper


Pakistani-American David Headley, accused of facilitating the Mumbai attacks in 2008, told a federal court in Chicago that he was trained by the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) in safe houses near the airport and on the streets of Lahore.

In the trial of Chicago businessman and Canadian-Pakistani national, Tahawwur Hussain Rana – accused of providing Headley with a cover and acting as a messenger in the 2008 attacks – Headley disclosed that he had attended over 50 training sessions.

Idiot reply. I just posted his updated testimony where he claims ISI was not involved stupid. Fool.
Only Pakistan doesn’t take pride in gaining Independence from the British, but rather from India. It is India that takes pride in gaining independence from the British. Hats off to Jinnah for pulling a masterstroke at the 11th hour.

Ok, so as per your theory, India (hindus) was ruling Pakistan (muslims) and not the British.

But haven't we been told by you of the 1000 years of muslim oppression of hindus so far in the thread?
Idiot reply. I just posted his updated testimony where he claims ISI was not involved stupid. Fool.

Hey you crackpot, read the link I gave. He said ISI trained him in Lahore. Now go running around in a circus, will you?
Ok, so as per your theory, India (hindus) was ruling Pakistan (muslims) and not the British.

How did you arrive at that conclusion?

But haven't we been told by you of the 1000 years of muslim oppression of hindus so far in the thread?

Sorry, wrong response, earlier.

For a good part of a 1000 years, yes.
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Only Pakistan doesn’t take pride in gaining Independence from the British, but rather from India. It is India that takes pride in gaining independence from the British. Hats off to Jinnah for pulling a masterstroke at the 11th hour.


Wait, I thought it was the muslims who were ruling and opressing hindus for thousands of years (as you said before)
Great, just great! The pedantic crew have arrived.

Come on guys, did you miss the posts on pages 1, 2, 3 and 4 which talk of Muslim AND Britsh rule of India spanning almost a 1000 years? Power vacuum after the British left etc? Muslims carving India? Ring any bells? Ding dong?
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hmm .... why are you arguing with nasamjh_here who thinks da respective bombs are islamic & anti-islamic , the war score is 0-4 pak & thinks he has arab blood :))

delusions ka kiya treatment hei ,even my cocker spaniel thinks he has arab blood ....lolz
There you go folks, Garuda in denial of India's history spanning from 12th century to present, history which reveals the foundation behind the current relationship between Hindus and Muslims.

Wow, that superpower title must mean so much to you.

Do you read posts or just click the reply button as soon as you see it ?

Why do Indians feel threatened by something which happened 1000 years ago ? You make no sense.

And if you are done with orgasm of having the thought of mughal empire, post something sense. Else I won't even bother replying.

Also are you sure which stream of muslim you are as RR and me showed you 3 ways one could trace back his history.
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I love this cute idea!
Hindu bomb
Islamic bomb
Jewish bomb
Christian bomb

And i thought they weer classified as atom, nuclear, so on and so forth! But no!
Sachin: I have another slap for you;



''The leadership of Pakistan’s spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), was not involved in planning the deadly 2008 Mumbai attacks, self-confessed plotter David Coleman Headley testified on Tuesday.''

Just delete your username and never appear here again. You are done and dusted, your arguments are flawed, you have no knowledge and stick to your hardcore fanatic indian forums.

Learn how to read please! He said leadership was not involved in the planning. He has been trained by ISI. In the same newspaper.

What happened to your genius theory about India wanting to attack Pakistan for access to the Indian Ocean?? Did you look at an atlas and figure out how stupid you are?
So there we have it folks.

Hindus struggle for independence against Muslim tyranny over 1000 years, the result, Muslims are no threat to Hindus, thus no resentment between Muslims and Hindus.

China flexes it's muscles near the Himalayan border in the 62, greatest threat to Hindu's homeland.

Being proud of tyranny. Go figure.

Neither the Mughals nor the British ruled all of India.
None of the above explains why China is considered the greatest threat other than China is the big daddy? Is that India's justification for the Atomic bomb? Surely India can do better. If you can provide some logic and reasoning as to why China is considered the greatest threat to India that would be great . . .

you keep ignoring that
1) India China have lots of disputed territories
2) India's biggest defeat has come at the hands of China
3) China is militarily superior to India in every way, size, reach, spending, technology

How do you overcome the gulf? Build a nuclear deterrant.

You buy weapons to keep the real bandits away not the neighbourhood brat that steals your mangoes.

why do you think we spend money to develope AGNI III?
Agni II is more than sufficient for Pakistan.

Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy by Henry A. Kissinger mentions the term was coined by Kissenger. Bhutto expanded on it when Kissenger threatened Bhutto etc etc etc. . .

"Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy" Kissinger "islamic bomb" google search lead to Pakpassion :D
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Pakistan standing while other muslims countries are on their knees?? Which world do you live in? Which other Muslim country is going around the world begging for money?

India are puppets of USA? Are they paying us to bomb our own people? Are their drones flying around in India? Is India an ally of US?

This is the foolishness and ignorance of Hindu radicals. Have you not been watching the news lately? Arab Muslims are under the oppression of dictatorships and have been for a very long time. You need to understand the difference between rulers/governments to the people. The government is begging for money for their own personal gains, Pakistan and the Muslim world have enough natural resources not to beg anyone for money. Pakistan is the only Muslim nation with the bomb and the potential to break free from the strings of western imperialism. India is still begging for money because it has over 350 million people in the gutter. Not every one is dancing to Bollywood trash.

India have done deals with the US for nuclear advancements amongst many other things, they then have to follow the policies of the Americans which they are. I suggest you go and learn.
This is the foolishness and ignorance of Hindu radicals. Have you not been watching the news lately? Arab Muslims are under the oppression of dictatorships and have been for a very long time. You need to understand the difference between rulers/governments to the people. The government is begging for money for their own personal gains, Pakistan and the Muslim world have enough natural resources not to beg anyone for money. Pakistan is the only Muslim nation with the bomb and the potential to break free from the strings of western imperialism. India is still begging for money because it has over 350 million people in the gutter. Not every one is dancing to Bollywood trash.

How exactly do you think Pakistan will do this? Where does this potential come from- because they have the bomb? So f*****g what? Are they going to bomb the west and get rid of this western imperialism? The US has the capability to completely obliterate any semblance of structure in Pakistan with a few critical strikes, at very short notice.

Then what? What will Pakistan's economy be based on? Where will the revenue come from? Trade with China and only China? What other part of the Muslim world is dying to be Pakistan's friend and trade with it? And if it is right now, you think it will even after (hypothetically) Pakistan uses its nukes to get rid of western imperialism? You are a real joke!!

Hey, at least India has its Bollywood trash, amongst other things. What does Pakistan have for the world? Stitching footballs isn't enough!
India is still begging for money because it has over 350 million people in the gutter. Not every one is dancing to Bollywood trash.

lol Nahhhh I think he is just pulling a leg, I dont think he believes what he is saying...If he does well I think we have found someone dumber than Ijaz Butt :25:
How exactly do you think Pakistan will do this? Where does this potential come from- because they have the bomb? So f*****g what? Are they going to bomb the west and get rid of this western imperialism? The US has the capability to completely obliterate any semblance of structure in Pakistan with a few critical strikes, at very short notice.

Then what? What will Pakistan's economy be based on? Where will the revenue come from? Trade with China and only China? What other part of the Muslim world is dying to be Pakistan's friend and trade with it? And if it is right now, you think it will even after (hypothetically) Pakistan uses its nukes to get rid of western imperialism? You are a real joke!!

Hey, at least India has its Bollywood trash, amongst other things. What does Pakistan have for the world? Stitching footballs isn't enough!

So many questions and so much ignorance. Oh well you are welcome to learn.

India has double the population of Pakistan living in the gutter, a few people may be rich but the majority can't even a decent meal not to mention millions who are untouchable by their own communities. The British didn't make the film slumdog millionaire for no reason.

What Hindu's and non believers will never understand is Pakistan is part of a huge family of nearly 2 billion, the Muslim world. We are seeing the awakening of the biggest empire which has been dormant for nearly 100 years. Pakistan has the people to lead this empire when it awakes from it's slumber, it has the bomb which will be given to each and every Muslim nation on the planet. America is on its way down and already is not as strong as it used to be. It's soldiers are getting a hiding in Afghanistan and once they leave the region in defeat it will allow Pakistan to join the rest of the Muslim world to form the biggest empire on the planet. When a Palestinian is hurt people feel this around the world, when a Kashmiri sister is raped by Indian soldiers people feel the pain around the world. Pakistan is one part of the Muslim world, it's the only nation still standing which the zionists and their lapdogs in India don't like. However there is nothing they can do since things are moving forward, the youth today are not like those of years ago they are far more active and once the Muslim Empire is alive again, states like India will themselves bow down as they did before and lived under Muslim rule for hundreds of years. Hindu's will never be a powerful empire, Muslims have been for over a 1000 years and will once again have this empire, wait and see. :)
So many questions and so much ignorance. Oh well you are welcome to learn.

India has double the population of Pakistan living in the gutter, a few people may be rich but the majority can't even a decent meal not to mention millions who are untouchable by their own communities. The British didn't make the film slumdog millionaire for no reason.

What Hindu's and non believers will never understand is Pakistan is part of a huge family of nearly 2 billion, the Muslim world. We are seeing the awakening of the biggest empire which has been dormant for nearly 100 years. Pakistan has the people to lead this empire when it awakes from it's slumber, it has the bomb which will be given to each and every Muslim nation on the planet. America is on its way down and already is not as strong as it used to be. It's soldiers are getting a hiding in Afghanistan and once they leave the region in defeat it will allow Pakistan to join the rest of the Muslim world to form the biggest empire on the planet. When a Palestinian is hurt people feel this around the world, when a Kashmiri sister is raped by Indian soldiers people feel the pain around the world. Pakistan is one part of the Muslim world, it's the only nation still standing which the zionists and their lapdogs in India don't like. However there is nothing they can do since things are moving forward, the youth today are not like those of years ago they are far more active and once the Muslim Empire is alive again, states like India will themselves bow down as they did before and lived under Muslim rule for hundreds of years. Hindu's will never be a powerful empire, Muslims have been for over a 1000 years and will once again have this empire, wait and see. :)

lolz .... multitude of deluded posters :))
This is the foolishness and ignorance of Hindu radicals. Have you not been watching the news lately? Arab Muslims are under the oppression of dictatorships and have been for a very long time. You need to understand the difference between rulers/governments to the people. The government is begging for money for their own personal gains, Pakistan and the Muslim world have enough natural resources not to beg anyone for money. Pakistan is the only Muslim nation with the bomb and the potential to break free from the strings of western imperialism. India is still begging for money because it has over 350 million people in the gutter. Not every one is dancing to Bollywood trash.

India have done deals with the US for nuclear advancements amongst many other things, they then have to follow the policies of the Americans which they are. I suggest you go and learn.

Hahahah, was waiting for this rant! First, way to take a post out of context. Second, your fellow delusionist, said all other Muslim nations are on their knees. Didn't that hurt the feelings of the ummah?

Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey etc are waiting for Pakistan to lead them? Hahahahaha.
& then might come a telephone call from da Man saying : either you are with us or against us & if u aint with us,we will bomb u back into stone age ...... & den we will again roll on our back & say - your wish is my command kind master !!!
So many questions and so much ignorance. Oh well you are welcome to learn.

India has double the population of Pakistan living in the gutter, a few people may be rich but the majority can't even a decent meal not to mention millions who are untouchable by their own communities. The British didn't make the film slumdog millionaire for no reason.

What Hindu's and non believers will never understand is Pakistan is part of a huge family of nearly 2 billion, the Muslim world. We are seeing the awakening of the biggest empire which has been dormant for nearly 100 years. Pakistan has the people to lead this empire when it awakes from it's slumber, it has the bomb which will be given to each and every Muslim nation on the planet. America is on its way down and already is not as strong as it used to be. It's soldiers are getting a hiding in Afghanistan and once they leave the region in defeat it will allow Pakistan to join the rest of the Muslim world to form the biggest empire on the planet. When a Palestinian is hurt people feel this around the world, when a Kashmiri sister is raped by Indian soldiers people feel the pain around the world. Pakistan is one part of the Muslim world, it's the only nation still standing which the zionists and their lapdogs in India don't like. However there is nothing they can do since things are moving forward, the youth today are not like those of years ago they are far more active and once the Muslim Empire is alive again, states like India will themselves bow down as they did before and lived under Muslim rule for hundreds of years. Hindu's will never be a powerful empire, Muslims have been for over a 1000 years and will once again have this empire, wait and see. :)

I can't stop laughing!! Bangladeshi Muslim women were not your sisters?? The country which raped and murdered hundreds of thousands in Bangladesh is going to lead all the Muslims??

India is America's lapdog, but Pakistan gets paid so that they bomb and maim Pakistanis. What does that make Pakistan?

Give me a date for this empire to rise? 2050? 2200? When? I'll bump this thread then. Hahahaha
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So many questions and so much ignorance. Oh well you are welcome to learn.

India has double the population of Pakistan living in the gutter, a few people may be rich but the majority can't even a decent meal not to mention millions who are untouchable by their own communities. The British didn't make the film slumdog millionaire for no reason.

What Hindu's and non believers will never understand is Pakistan is part of a huge family of nearly 2 billion, the Muslim world. We are seeing the awakening of the biggest empire which has been dormant for nearly 100 years. Pakistan has the people to lead this empire when it awakes from it's slumber, it has the bomb which will be given to each and every Muslim nation on the planet. America is on its way down and already is not as strong as it used to be. It's soldiers are getting a hiding in Afghanistan and once they leave the region in defeat it will allow Pakistan to join the rest of the Muslim world to form the biggest empire on the planet. When a Palestinian is hurt people feel this around the world, when a Kashmiri sister is raped by Indian soldiers people feel the pain around the world. Pakistan is one part of the Muslim world, it's the only nation still standing which the zionists and their lapdogs in India don't like. However there is nothing they can do since things are moving forward, the youth today are not like those of years ago they are far more active and once the Muslim Empire is alive again, states like India will themselves bow down as they did before and lived under Muslim rule for hundreds of years. Hindu's will never be a powerful empire, Muslims have been for over a 1000 years and will once again have this empire, wait and see. :)

:))) This made my day. KKWC has a great sense of humor!
Hahahah, was waiting for this rant! First, way to take a post out of context. Second, your fellow delusionist, said all other Muslim nations are on their knees. Didn't that hurt the feelings of the ummah?

Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey etc are waiting for Pakistan to lead them? Hahahahaha.

I can't stop laughing!! Bangladeshi Muslim women were not your sisters?? The country which raped and murdered hundreds of thousands in Bangladesh is going to lead all the Muslims??

India is America's lapdog, but Pakistan gets paid so that they bomb and maim Pakistanis. What does that make Pakistan?

Give me a date for this empire to rise? 2050? 2200? When? I'll bump this thread then. Hahahaha

Come on... You are taking that rant serious enough to actually reply to it?! :wahab
Hindu's will never understand this or maybe they do but can't stomach the reality which is coming. :) . Laughing like Jackasses is sign of their worry for the future.

Remember Hindu's were ruled by a minority for over a thousand years. :)

Turkey is a member of Nato so although it's developing in the right direction it still has elements which are tied to western imperialism, such as being a partner to Israel. All other Muslim nations are weak or being run by puppets. You will see a massive change in world geo-politics in the next 20 years.

It's a nice day for cricket so I will come back to worried Hindu posts later on.:)
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sachin & qback behave ...or moi shall drop da bomb on u - which 1 do u want - da islamic or anti-islamic 1 .... see,i am a kind man & give you choices[ qback-no rajnibomb atm though] :))
sachin & qback behave ...or moi shall drop da bomb on u - which 1 do u want - da islamic or anti-islamic 1 .... see,i am a kind man & give you choices[ qback-no rajnibomb atm though] :))

You left out the Jewish and Christian bombs... I suppose atheists need a bomb for themselves too... So add one for them. ;-)

PS - Rajnikanth/Chuck Norris jokes are completely lame compared to N-H and KKWC's rants/jokes! :)
You left out the Jewish and Christian bombs... I suppose atheists need a bomb for themselves too... So add one for them. ;-)

PS - Rajnikanth/Chuck Norris jokes are completely lame compared to N-H and KKWC's rants/jokes! :)

seriously,the kind of stuff these people post, if da amreekans read it, dey would be in uber trouble wid da seal-bomb :))
So many questions and so much ignorance. Oh well you are welcome to learn.

India has double the population of Pakistan living in the gutter, a few people may be rich but the majority can't even a decent meal not to mention millions who are untouchable by their own communities. The British didn't make the film slumdog millionaire for no reason.

What Hindu's and non believers will never understand is Pakistan is part of a huge family of nearly 2 billion, the Muslim world. We are seeing the awakening of the biggest empire which has been dormant for nearly 100 years. Pakistan has the people to lead this empire when it awakes from it's slumber, it has the bomb which will be given to each and every Muslim nation on the planet. America is on its way down and already is not as strong as it used to be. It's soldiers are getting a hiding in Afghanistan and once they leave the region in defeat it will allow Pakistan to join the rest of the Muslim world to form the biggest empire on the planet. When a Palestinian is hurt people feel this around the world, when a Kashmiri sister is raped by Indian soldiers people feel the pain around the world. Pakistan is one part of the Muslim world, it's the only nation still standing which the zionists and their lapdogs in India don't like. However there is nothing they can do since things are moving forward, the youth today are not like those of years ago they are far more active and once the Muslim Empire is alive again, states like India will themselves bow down as they did before and lived under Muslim rule for hundreds of years. Hindu's will never be a powerful empire, Muslims have been for over a 1000 years and will once again have this empire, wait and see. :)

So are you going to leave the UK to join this Muslim empire or are you going to lead the efforts in the UK? :)))
Don't worry guys India too will soon be back to the "sone ki chidiya" days which it was ages ago. What a beautiful thought it is :facepalm:
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Hindu's will never understand this or maybe they do but can't stomach the reality which is coming. :) . Laughing like Jackasses is sign of their worry for the future.

Remember Hindu's were ruled by a minority for over a thousand years. :)

Turkey is a member of Nato so although it's developing in the right direction it still has elements which are tied to western imperialism, such as being a partner to Israel. All other Muslim nations are weak or being run by puppets. You will see a massive change in world geo-politics in the next 20 years.

It's a nice day for cricket so I will come back to worried Hindu posts later on.:)

Wait, wait, all other Muslims nations are weak or are run by puppets, but Pakistan is strong and run by fearless leaders?? Hahahahah. I can't believe you are even typing this stuff!!

Got the date. 20 years it is!! By the end of 2031, Pakistan will be leading a global muslim empire. Done, noted. Any idea when Pakistan will be able to host a cricket match?
Not only are Indians living in the gutter but the indians should focus on marketing and supplying smaller condoms as the demand for it is large in India. As far as Pakistan is concerned, dont worry, as soon as this government is gone and a new honest government steps in which allows China to establish its sea ports in Karachi then the world will new a new empire with its best friend China by its side waiting to unit the muslims in India in a greater Pakistan, inshaAllah.

As far as ISI involvement is concerned, I would indeed be extremely pleased if ISI was involved in the attacks and hopefully they continue doing so. In such a ''prospering country'', 8 terrorist or how many where there? took over and made all the Indian forces bow down. Alteast Pakistan is fighting on multiple fronts and its forces are tied up but India hahaha.. just wait untill we release 50,000 brothers on you what will you do then? if 8 took over I wonder what 50,000 would do hahahaha
Not only are Indians living in the gutter but the indians should focus on marketing and supplying smaller condoms as the demand for it is large in India. As far as Pakistan is concerned, dont worry, as soon as this government is gone and a new honest government steps in which allows China to establish its sea ports in Karachi then the world will new a new empire with its best friend China by its side waiting to unit the muslims in India in a greater Pakistan, inshaAllah.

As far as ISI involvement is concerned, I would indeed be extremely pleased if ISI was involved in the attacks and hopefully they continue doing so. In such a ''prospering country'', 8 terrorist or how many where there? took over and made all the Indian forces bow down. Alteast Pakistan is fighting on multiple fronts and its forces are tied up but India hahaha.. just wait untill we release 50,000 brothers on you what will you do then? if 8 took over I wonder what 50,000 would do hahahaha

wonderful, then your new name would be danish donghai or danish feng or danish gui :))
Not only are Indians living in the gutter but the indians should focus on marketing and supplying smaller condoms as the demand for it is large in India. As far as Pakistan is concerned, dont worry, as soon as this government is gone and a new honest government steps in which allows China to establish its sea ports in Karachi then the world will new a new empire with its best friend China by its side waiting to unit the muslims in India in a greater Pakistan, inshaAllah.

As far as ISI involvement is concerned, I would indeed be extremely pleased if ISI was involved in the attacks and hopefully they continue doing so. In such a ''prospering country'', 8 terrorist or how many where there? took over and made all the Indian forces bow down. Alteast Pakistan is fighting on multiple fronts and its forces are tied up but India hahaha.. just wait untill we release 50,000 brothers on you what will you do then? if 8 took over I wonder what 50,000 would do hahahaha

Lets take your religious theory a step further.

China is a Buddhist country. As Buddhism originated in India, Hindus and Buddhists will surely join hands together in the furutre when the athiest communists lose power in China . Wonder why would Pakistan trust a country full of 'kaafirs'?
Not only are Indians living in the gutter but the indians should focus on marketing and supplying smaller condoms as the demand for it is large in India. As far as Pakistan is concerned, dont worry, as soon as this government is gone and a new honest government steps in which allows China to establish its sea ports in Karachi then the world will new a new empire with its best friend China by its side waiting to unit the muslims in India in a greater Pakistan, inshaAllah.

As far as ISI involvement is concerned, I would indeed be extremely

Banking on Godless Communist China to help unite the Muslims in India?

Is it "spot the irony" gameshow you are hosting?
So many questions and so much ignorance. Oh well you are welcome to learn.

India has double the population of Pakistan living in the gutter, a few people may be rich but the majority can't even a decent meal not to mention millions who are untouchable by their own communities. The British didn't make the film slumdog millionaire for no reason.

What Hindu's and non believers will never understand is Pakistan is part of a huge family of nearly 2 billion, the Muslim world. We are seeing the awakening of the biggest empire which has been dormant for nearly 100 years. Pakistan has the people to lead this empire when it awakes from it's slumber, it has the bomb which will be given to each and every Muslim nation on the planet. America is on its way down and already is not as strong as it used to be. It's soldiers are getting a hiding in Afghanistan and once they leave the region in defeat it will allow Pakistan to join the rest of the Muslim world to form the biggest empire on the planet. When a Palestinian is hurt people feel this around the world, when a Kashmiri sister is raped by Indian soldiers people feel the pain around the world. Pakistan is one part of the Muslim world, it's the only nation still standing which the zionists and their lapdogs in India don't like. However there is nothing they can do since things are moving forward, the youth today are not like those of years ago they are far more active and once the Muslim Empire is alive again, states like India will themselves bow down as they did before and lived under Muslim rule for hundreds of years. Hindu's will never be a powerful empire, Muslims have been for over a 1000 years and will once again have this empire, wait and see. :)

Great post. :14:
for India... China is the biggest threat and Pakistan is just a nuisance! some times this nuisance gets over board and we act like scrambling..just act. Not even Kashmir talks never seriously taken by the Indians. We clearly know no matter what ever happens, we are gonna keep our part. For us China is a mystery... not Pakistan...with centuries old association we have with that land... we almost certainly know how people think and act there.
As far as ISI involvement is concerned, I would indeed be extremely pleased if ISI was involved in the attacks and hopefully they continue doing so.

Hey, it's good to know you support the murder of innocent people, at least now it's confirmed that your opinion doesn't count!

And before you come back with some BS about the murder of innocents in Kashmir, no one here is supporting it and it is very much a shameful part of our policy there. But that is another discussion for another thread.
you keep ignoring that
1) India China have lots of disputed territories
2) India's biggest defeat has come at the hands of China
3) China is militarily superior to India in every way, size, reach, spending, technology

I'm not ignoring anything. In response:

1 - Greater than Kashmir?

2 - Biggest defeat at the hands of China? India have only had one war China? Greatest defeat compared to what? Greatest defeat in what sense? Numbers? Acording to THIS article, the stats for India during the Sino-Indian war:

1383 Killed,
1047 Wounded,
1696 Missing
3968 Captured.

Compare the figures to the number of Indians killed, wounded, missing, captured accumulated between the Partition and 4 wars between India and Pak, the figures above are a love story.

OR, are you talking defeat in terms of humiliation? I cannot see how the inception of Pakistan did not serve as a greater humiliation compared to a one off war between China. Pakistan made India look like fools when Pakistan was created, unless of course you are saying India simply surrendered the land of Pakistan?

3 - And? You think by building an atomic bomb India can catch up? Dream on.

How do you overcome the gulf? Build a nuclear deterrant.

I'd have thought The Himalayas played a key role.

why do you think we spend money to develope AGNI III?
Agni II is more than sufficient for Pakistan.

Oh dear, the above simply demonstrates the priorities of India; Pakistan a top priority with Agni II, then China, with Agni III.

Oh yes, Agni I, a missle with a range of around 700km, only suited for targets within Pakistan.

Oh, you say Agni II is sufficient for Pakistan? One nuke dropped on the Tropic of Cancer that disects India will all but eliminate the Hinduism and the legacy that goes with it. Even if Agni II is sufficient for Pakistan, Islam, and the history associated with it, will continue to survive worldwide. Do you now see why India developed the atomic bomb?

"Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy" Kissinger "islamic bomb" google search lead to Pakpassion :D

It's a book.
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N_H, muslims ruled us and oppressed us for 1000+ years, buddhists ruled us for over 900+ years (from around 500 B.C. till the 4th-5th century).

So obviously we created the atom bomb as a deterrent against our first oppressors :p
India has double the population of Pakistan living in the gutter, a few people may be rich but the majority can't even a decent meal not to mention millions who are untouchable by their own communities. The British didn't make the film slumdog millionaire for no reason.

I remember that movie and the hollow cries of Indians that followed here in the UK, claiming the movie misportrayed the poor in India. They were not wrong, the movie only touched on the surface of what is true India.

What Hindu's and non believers will never understand is Pakistan is part of a huge family of nearly 2 billion, the Muslim world. We are seeing the awakening of the biggest empire which has been dormant for nearly 100 years. Pakistan has the people to lead this empire when it awakes from it's slumber, it has the bomb which will be given to each and every Muslim nation on the planet. America is on its way down and already is not as strong as it used to be. It's soldiers are getting a hiding in Afghanistan and once they leave the region in defeat it will allow Pakistan to join the rest of the Muslim world to form the biggest empire on the planet. When a Palestinian is hurt people feel this around the world, when a Kashmiri sister is raped by Indian soldiers people feel the pain around the world. Pakistan is one part of the Muslim world, it's the only nation still standing which the zionists and their lapdogs in India don't like. However there is nothing they can do since things are moving forward, the youth today are not like those of years ago they are far more active and once the Muslim Empire is alive again, states like India will themselves bow down as they did before and lived under Muslim rule for hundreds of years. Hindu's will never be a powerful empire, Muslims have been for over a 1000 years and will once again have this empire, wait and see. :)


I doubt you will find a single Indian that possess the intellect and the sand to counter the post above, word for word. Of course, the truth is bullerproof.

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lol ... why do some posters swear by 3 rules : faith in delusion, blatant lies & dancing like pansies :))
It is painfully obvious India will never admit to developing the Atomic bomb for the purpose of protecting and preserving Hinduism as it’ll divulge their ultimate fear to India's enemies, jeopardising any glimmer of hope in becoming a superpower. What’s more remarkable is the fact Indians are prepared to disregard the rich history of Islamic/British rule of the Hindu homeland for the sake of a frail wannabe global superpower image; an image mottled by the presence of the ‘Islamic’ bomb next door. It’s all beginning to make sense now.

Yes a Muslim (Abdul Kalam) will help India make nuke bombs, so that a Muslim can help India protect its Hindus.

Makes sense. Add to that, India has won 3 wars against Pakistan (plus Kargil, so make it 4) and lost 1 to China. So I know against which country a nuke would be more of a deterrent.

And Indians scared of Muslims? LOL. India has more Muslim population than Pakistan. Some of these Muslims have even had success in various fields...and that too in a supposed "Hindu" land. Sorry to say but Muslims in India would rather stay with India than move elsewhere. Furthermore, these Muslims (example: The Khans) would have been this successful only in India, the country which has given them ample opportunities to showcase their talent.
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Yes a Muslim (Abdul Kalam) will help India make nuke bombs to he, a Muslim can help India protect its Hindus.

Makes sense.

But dont you know? He is a muslim in name only, in reality he is a closet hindu

The same explanation i received on this forum. :danish
Come on guys, relax. In 20 years there will be a muslim empire, with Pakistan at the helm, yes the same pakistan that raped and murdered hundreds of thousands of muslims. God knows when they can play cricket at home or when US will stop paying them to bomb them, but 2031 - Pakistan Head of the Muslim Empire!

Also Kashmiri muslim women are sisters but Bangladeshi muslim women are not. Point to be noted.
Abdul Kalam has nothing do with India's nuclear research! It was Homi.J.Bhabha who played active role in that development. And he was a Parsi...
Come on guys, relax. In 20 years there will be a muslim empire, with Pakistan at the helm, yes the same pakistan that raped and murdered hundreds of thousands of muslims. God knows when they can play cricket at home or when US will stop paying them to bomb them, but 2031 - Pakistan Head of the Muslim Empire!

Also Kashmiri muslim women are sisters but Bangladeshi muslim women are not. Point to be noted.
are you sure we have twenty years more? had a different estimation just while ago! after hearing all that grandiose and brave talk... I thought these great warriors already started marching towards Delhi with Bazookas on shoulders! I just ate my last biryani and started writing a will!:D
Yes a Muslim (Abdul Kalam) will help India make nuke bombs, so that a Muslim can help India protect its Hindus.

Makes sense.

Makes sense? Sure it does. Muslims were far more educated than the Hindus.

As for a Muslim protecting Hindus - so what? Jews including, Einstein, Oppenheimer, Wigner, and Szilard helped protect the Muslims. Not to mention, the US trained Pakistani scientists in nuclear technology.

Therefore, Jews and Christians contributed to protect Muslims.

Your point?
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Theory? Muslims and Hindus cannot live with each other? I guess that is why Pakistan was created. As for your numbers game, irrelevant, Muslims are a minority in India and are treated with contempt.

Prove muslims n India are treated with contempt.I said the economic and eductional nos of muslims in Pak and India are pretty close.Despite the fact that after partition Pakistan had the cream of Muslims .

Futile numbers argument again. Hindu extremism is on the rise in India. Why?

Racism is rising in Europe?Muslim extremism is rising in the whole world and people are looking at almost every muslim with suspicion.

Fundamentalism is part of every society,doesnt mean it is the main attribute of thet society.

Rewriting history again?

I said what is a fact.

Why would I cry about the fact Pakistan developed the atomic bomb years after India? I am proud of my nation's achievement given India, USA, and Israel did everything they possibly could to deny Pakistan the atomic bomb. Pakistan built the bomb on its own accord, with no help from any nation what so ever; a greater achievement in comparison to the charitable nuclear hand-out dished out to India by the Americans.

Please prove that India received any help from any country for building the Nuclear bomb.


HOMELAND. The land that is governed by the respective ideology. Do you understand what this means? You might as well cite the population of Jews around the world and deny the fact Israel is the Jewish homeland.

I am yet to find a christian republic,so i presume there is no christian homeland.There are millions of Hindus outside Indiaand they practice their religion freely.

Answers in bold
Abdul Kalam has nothing do with India's nuclear research! It was Homi.J.Bhabha who played active role in that development. And he was a Parsi...

Don't ruin it for the Indian PPers have been rewriting history in this thread for the sake of concealing the truth.
The no use first policy doesn't mean the nation will never use nukes first, it's just diplomatic language which is used to put accross this idea.

Any nation who is about to be defeated by conventional means will most likely use their nukes out of desperation and last ditch attempt to avoid defeat.

How do you know India currently has superiour capablity over Pakistan? This is just talk and can only be proven in war.

The game has changed over recent years. After Mumbai attacks the Indian hardliners were desperate to start a war with Pakistan but realised they would lose more than what they would gain.

Avoid defeat,and you mean to say that the other country wont retaliate.

India has proven that it has a superior army quite a few times.The last one in 1999.

Remember which country divided Pakistan into two.