Why did India develop and acquire the Atomic bomb?

- No I do not hate India.
- No I do not hate Hindus
- No I am not pissed off with Muslims losing their rule over India. Why would I given Muslims created an Islamic republic by carving India.
- No, size is irrelevant but the performance relevant. We've already seen how Pakistan, a small nation, can sends shivers down the spine of India to the extent India develop the atomic bomb.
Wrong assumption on your part, if you want to believe that the bom is for Pakistan primarlily then that is your delusion and despite several attempts you are just being bloodyminded
- No I am not mad at Muslims living in India.
- No I am not mad at nations trading with India. India has very little to offer in terms of quality trade. The world is using India on the back of it's market size. Though I'm glad that British businesses have come to realize that if you pay peanuts you get monkies.
Again your assumption. In particular the TATAS paid peanuts for JLR and got a billion back. Agree India was a primary market, however is making inroads into secondary and tertiary market. I am more gullible to reading Economist, HBR and other sources and believing about the Indian economy and its scope than that of a delude Pakistani
- India can never come out of poverty simply because cash is not filtered down to the poorer class thus the result is a widening gap between wealth and poor. That's caste systems for you.
Any economic growth will show unequality in incomes as there always have been haves and haves not. There is a massive economic disparity in the UK b/w the working professionals and the those on the doles. Has got nothing to do with caste system. Indian economic growth has just taken pace and there are steps being taken to equalise the gap. Unfortunately corruption is a massive issue, but again corruption is not Indian/Hindu/Caste trait only/B]
- No not mad at all. I realise Pakistan let India win by fixing the SF, because that the only way India can beat Pakistan, when we let them.
Smells of being a sore loser and further you are insulting your onl players by implying them to be hos, but your team go and cuss them and lick your wounds.

Anything else you want me to answer? Perhaps you can extend the courtesy by answering some of my questions in this thread instead of crying wolf.

I'm just saying it how it is. Pakistan is a nation built on Islamic principles, India a nation for the preservation of Hindus. Islam and Hinduism don't mix just like oil and water.

In your view and not in the view of the Muslims living in India and their population is increasing rather than decreasing if it had been Hindu country
Tell me, would you support the notion of a unified Pakistan and India, in that, would you assimilate Pakistan?

Pak and ind were involved in more battles long before Ind vs China. Don't tell me India developed it's atomic bomb because of a one-off with China.

Yes you are correct, Pak built the bomb to defend itself against India and to protect Islam given the motives behind India developing the bomb.

India and Pakistan together would have been the ultimate nightmare for other nations around the world.It would havee been economically,Militarily and politically powerful.

But even in partition athe 2 nations could have been a lot more friendlier.but then Jinnah passed away and the military became so powerful that they needed to indoctrinate this view that India will attack Pakistan anyday and hence they drained away majority of Pakistan's money and still draining it away.

India and Pakistan fought 4 wars but India didnt lose in any of it.But it lost to China and with China becoming a nuclear power it feared that China may use a nuclear blackmail in future and so a nuclear power was necessary.

India had nuclear power in 1974,but it didnt threaten Pakistan,even though Pakistan had nuclear power only in 1998.

If India really wanted to be a Hindu country nothing would have stopped us from bein that in 1950.We could have declared ourselves Hindu country could have denied minorities their rights.Could have made statements againist Hinduism a crime.Could have pushed in a law where every mosque built on a demolished temple would be demolished and a temple built.

We didnt do that,we allow Muslims to have thier own Personal law,subsidise 700crore INR last year for Haj pilgrims.
We have had Muslim Presidents CJI Army chief and 2 of our most important scientists have been muslims.

Sorry majority of us dont have a Islamophobia.

And Islam is not equal to Pakistan

Pakistan only has a fraction of world's muslims and Pakistan isnt even the birth place of Muslims.
- No not mad at all. I realise Pakistan let India win by fixing the SF, because that the only way India can beat Pakistan, when we let them.

@OP, your credibility flew out of the window with the above comment.

Smacks of arrogance, incredible stupidity, tunnel vision and not to mention being a sore loser.

Very hard to take your seriously when you can spout such trashy gems.

some really obscure arguements by n_h .. not being personal msdhoni but i just cannot make sense of it really - & i think mr looney's post - boys done bad really sums it up :)
Nilesh, you've posted multiple responses to one of my posts. Whic hshould I respond to?
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I think answered your primary question long time ago, why India created nukes?

To counterbalance the arc of Islam in Pakistan and China in her neighbourhood jointly, neither of the neighbours are India friendly.

The primary threat to India has always been China as it badly beat us in the 62 Sino Indian war and since then the efforts were made to neutralise China's conventional Military superiority.

Concern for Pakistan was also there, but the strategic thinking in India has been Pakistan minus the Kashmir is manageable whilst the Chinese will never let a strong/semi strong nation exist in their neighbourhood not only in terms of economy, military but also size.

Further a dysfunctional Indian democracy is still an ideological threat to China's godless communism.

Further i do not believe that Hindus and Muslims cannot coexist or that Islam is the biggest threat to India-for Islam for me simply another way of bonding to God.

Lastly i do not give much import to the stuff about Muslims ruling Hindus, for there was an Indian civilization/nation pre Islam and is there now still an Indian civilization.

I do not believe that India is a land only for Hindus, it is open for everyone who lives there?

Yes there have been skirmishes b/w various religions but for that Indians need to apologize to each another and not to third party.

Lastly i believe that your views and mine are polar-but there is room for both the views to exist.

P.S. Where did i cry wolf?

Interesting points and kudos for talking substance. Let me state that I cannot format my post no thanks to my Blackberry and the pansy use of an Ipad.

Firstly, why is Pakistan an unfriendly neighbour? To an extent I can understand how Chinas communist views threaten India, but what is it about Pakistan that makes it an unfriendly neighbour with India?

I do not understand. Why is a one-off with China considered a greater threat compared with multiple wars with Pakistan? You say its because of how badly India were beaten? Surely the loss of lives and humiliation suffered between Pak and Ind wars is far greater compared to a one-off war between China and India. You say godless communism is a bigger threat to a dysfunctional democracy compared to two absolute opposing ideologies that are Islam and Hinduism? How so? What is it about godless communism that threatens Hinduism, or India for that matter?

If you feel the defeat against China was the reason behind India developing nukes, but in the same breath feel that Pakistan is a manageable situation compared to China, then why develop the bomb as a deterrent against Pakistan? Unless you are claiming India were defeated by Pakistan in all 4 wars.

For what its worth, communism and dictatorships have resulted in global superpowers and achievements which have withstood the test of time. No democracy has truly governed this world.

Islamic rule in India is a prevalent point and cannot be ignored. It set the seed for the perception of Islam in a nation dominated by Hindus. You say our views are polar, for sure, but I do not believe our views are compatible and could ever coexist. Had it been possible then the partition would never have take place.
- No not mad at all. I realise Pakistan let India win by fixing the SF, because that the only way India can beat Pakistan, when we let them.

@OP, your credibility flew out of the window with the above comment.

Smacks of arrogance, incredible stupidity, tunnel vision and not to mention being a sore loser.

Very hard to take your seriously when you can spout such trashy gems.


Er hang about. You were the one who asked the question on a cricket, and I answered your question directly. Though judging by your response I can sense your patriotism and disappointment even though you are the one who claims our polar views can coexist.

What's the matter? Can't stomach my view?

Just to point out, the above is an example where you are crying wolf. :)
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Interesting points and kudos for talking substance. Let me state that I cannot format my post no thanks to my Blackberry and the pansy use of an Ipad.

I do not understand. Why is a one-off with China considered a greater threat compared with multiple wars with Pakistan? You say its because of how badly India were beaten? Surely the loss of lives and humiliation suffered between Pak and Ind wars is far greater compared to a one-off war between China and India.The reason for this is that India Pak relationship has only one spanner in the works that is Kashmir. If somehow we bypass Kashmir Indians and Pakistanis share much more in common than Indians and Chinese. You say godless communism is a bigger threat to a dysfunctional democracy compared to two absolute opposing ideologies that are Islam and Hinduism? How so? What is it about godless communism that threatens Hinduism, or India for that matter? Again it is not the godless communism that threatens India, it is imperialistic ambitions of China. It is not about Hinduism v Communism. It is a functioning democracy of similar size as China that China is not comfortable with

If you feel the defeat against China was the reason behind India developing nukes, but in the same breath feel that Pakistan is a manageable situation compared to China, then why develop the bomb as a deterrent against Pakistan? Unless you are claiming India were defeated by Pakistan in all 4 wars. Deterrent against Pakistan was for the distrust of Kashmir. As i said above Indo Pak relations would have been a different ball game if there was no Kashmir

For what its worth, communism and dictatorships have resulted in global superpowers and achievements which have withstood the test of time. No democracy has truly governed this world.No one has truly governed the world since the British Empire, which I believe was a functional democracy from late 1800's, once the role of the Monarch had been made a nominal one

Islamic rule in India is a prevalent point and cannot be ignored. It set the seed for the perception of Islam in a nation dominated by Hindus. You say our views are polar, for sure, but I do not believe our views are compatible and could ever coexist. Had it been possible then the partition would never have take place.If our views could not coexist then there would have been no muslims in India post partition and post 60 years. There have been skirmishes and that is for the Indians to sort out. I believe i look at natonality whilst you look at religion. I am comfortable with polyethism, while your view is monoethist predominantly. Partition was but one event in the long Indian civilization history which has seen the birth and death of several nations.

Hi N_H,

Pls read my views in black.
- No not mad at all. I realise Pakistan let India win by fixing the SF, because that the only way India can beat Pakistan, when we let them.

Er hang about. You were the one who asked the question on a cricket, and I answered your question directly. Though judging by your response I can sense your patriotism and disappointment even though you are the one who claims our polar views can coexist.

What's the matter? Can't stomach my view?

N_H if you truly believe that the sole reason India wins against Pakistan then i have to say sorry but your polar view is not supported by any logic?

I could have understood the previous statement of it was fixed, but the latter part was just sheer silliness in the extreme.
In your view and not in the view of the Muslims living in India and their population is increasing rather than decreasing if it had been Hindu country

Explain something to me please. How is it possible for you to read my response 3 times, post 3 diverse responses, then expect me to reply in a post?

Your style reminds me of the famous Rock 4 quote : "I see three of them", "Hit the one in the middle". :)

N_H if you truly believe that the sole reason India wins against Pakistan then i have to say sorry but your polar view is not supported by any logic?

I could have understood the previous statement of it was fixed, but the latter part was just sheer silliness in the extreme.

What are you talking about please? I told you that I feel India's victory in the SF was fixed, you then claim my view is not supported by any logic, then you say you could've understood my previous view in that the game was fixed, but you are referring to the latter part as sheer silliness.

Is it my Blackberry or am I missing something here?

I'm a straight talker unlike the wannabe Indians who sugar-coat their responses when it comes to discussing Islam and Pakistan. If you do not like what I say or you believe I have lost credibility, then do not respond to me because quite frankly from what I'm reading no two Indians share the same view behind India's atomic bomb. From the excuse of fun, to a one-off with China, to deterrent against Pakistan, to the Trade with India, and now the WC SF. Make your mind up please.

To the rest of Indian PPers. Don't skirt the issue, don't dodge my questions. Have the backbone to defend your nation and beliefs with substance and not emotive rhetoric- otherwise stop wasting my time, more importantly, stop draining my Blackberry battery with pointless drivel.
I'm waiting for a laptop before I respond to some of the delusional misgivings by users.
What are you talking about please? I told you that I feel India's victory in the SF was fixed, you then claim my view is not supported by any logic, then you say you could've understood my previous view in that the game was fixed, but you are referring to the latter part as sheer silliness.

Is it my Blackberry or am I missing something here?

I'm a straight talker unlike the wannabe Indians who sugar-coat their responses when it comes to discussing Islam and Pakistan. If you do not like what I say or you believe I have lost credibility, then do not respond to me because quite frankly from what I'm reading no two Indians share the same view behind India's atomic bomb. From the excuse of fun, to a one-off with China, to deterrent against Pakistan, to the Trade with India, and now the WC SF. Make your mind up please.

To the rest of Indian PPers. Don't skirt the issue, don't dodge my questions. Have the backbone to defend your nation and beliefs with substance and not emotive rhetoric- otherwise stop wasting my time, more importantly, stop draining my Blackberry battery with pointless drivel.

Referring to the edit you had done to the tune of "Everytime you have won against us it has been because we wanted you to win"..Strongly oppose this statement as it holds no logic and was the latter part i referred to.

Anyways that will be derailing this thread and please feel free to open a new thread to argue about merits of each Indian victory over Pak.

Frankly you are reading what you want your eyes to read and drawing the conclusions you want to draw.

Belatedly i have realised no point in reasonably debating with some1 as you who will pick up the bits of a post rather reading it in conjencture.

My all views have been of a coherent stream and follow the same rationale stream.

Take care and have fun in States.
Explain something to me please. How is it possible for you to read my response 3 times, post 3 diverse responses, then expect me to reply in a post?

Your style reminds me of the famous Rock 4 quote : "I see three of them", "Hit the one in the middle". :)

No 3 diverse responses-----in all my posts all the roads lead to Rome, some might go on the motorway and somemight taken an inner city route...

You are making a case for India vs Pakistan = Muslim vs Hindus.....for Pakistanis it may be the case but for us.....It is India vs Pakistan and not hindu vs Muslims.

We are secular by choice and not by coercion.just like Pakistan chose to be theocracy based on Islam we had the option of becoming a hindu nation and nothing could stop us.But our leaders chose to be secular.

We could have easily put laws that were againist minorities.Built temples on places where masjids were built by destrying temples.We didnt.

You may not know but Muslims in India have their own Sharia law in Personal law.The get subsidised for Haj pilgrimage.

See you are potraying Pakistan as a sign of Islam and India's enemity with Pakistan as a anti Islamic picture of India.

Pakistan is not the only Muslim nation in the world,it is only one of them.It has only a fraction of world's muslim,and is not the birth place of Islam.it isnt the most powerful Islamic country nor the most prosperous one.Ind againist Pakistan is a strictly political and geopolitical issue.

Regarding India vs Pakistan semifinal

Do you have any proof that it was fixed?If yes then please show it.If not then it is one of those consipracy theories that people like you try to create and live in it.
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You are making a case for India vs Pakistan = Muslim vs Hindus.....for Pakistanis it may be the case but for us.....It is India vs Pakistan and not hindu vs Muslims.

We are secular by choice and not by coercion.just like Pakistan chose to be theocracy based on Islam we had the option of becoming a hindu nation and nothing could stop us.But our leaders chose to be secular.

We could have easily put laws that were againist minorities.Built temples on places where masjids were built by destrying temples.We didnt.

You may not know but Muslims in India have their own Sharia law in Personal law.The get subsidised for Haj pilgrimage.

See you are potraying Pakistan as a sign of Islam and India's enemity with Pakistan as a anti Islamic picture of India.

Pakistan is not the only Muslim nation in the world,it is only one of them.It has only a fraction of world's muslim,and is not the birth place of Islam.it isnt the most powerful Islamic country nor the most prosperous one.Ind againist Pakistan is a strictly political and geopolitical issue.

Regarding India vs Pakistan semifinal

Do you have any proof that it was fixed?If yes then please show it.If not then it is one of those consipracy theories that people like you try to create and live in it.


Exactly, you are just dodging the questions. ANSWER MY QUESTION and please remember the bold part since I am expecting a answer from you which is NOT contrary to your posts above. Slapped!
The reason for this is that India Pak relationship has only one spanner in the works that is Kashmir. If somehow we bypass Kashmir Indians and Pakistanis share much more in common than Indians and Chinese.

How many spanners does China India relationship have? While it is true that Pakistan and India share much more in common given Pakistan was once part of India, the undeniable fact is that the underlying ethos of both nations is built on 2 diverse ideologies. As for Kashmir, it wouldn’t be an issue if Indians played by the rules, after all Kashmir had an Islamic majority until random Hindu settlements popped out of thin air post 47 – the rest is history.

Again it is not the godless communism that threatens India, it is imperialistic ambitions of China. It is not about Hinduism v Communism. It is a functioning democracy of similar size as China that China is not comfortable with

Ambitions of an Imperialistic China. Explain something to me, if China were ambitious don’t you think they would have attacked India on more than one occasion prior to India obtaining the bomb? Don’t you think China would target Pakistan too as part of their imperialistic expansion? Plus you are the one who said India’s dysfunctional democracy feels threatened by godless communism. You got that part right, India might be the largest democracy on paper given it's population, but in practise corruption talks.

No one has truly governed the world since the British Empire, which I believe was a functional democracy from late 1800's, once the role of the Monarch had been made a nominal one

Functional democracy? LOL! What a hoot. Try ruthless monarchy. And yes, no one after the British succeeded in governing the world, you know why? Democracy is a flop.

If our views could not coexist then there would have been no muslims in India post partition and post 60 years. There have been skirmishes and that is for the Indians to sort out. I believe i look at natonality whilst you look at religion. I am comfortable with polyethism, while your view is monoethist predominantly. Partition was but one event in the long Indian civilization history which has seen the birth and death of several nations.

Stop using the existence of Muslims in India as a justification for the coexistence of ideologies.

Tell me how Muslims are treated in India today, you have dodged this question post after post, the answer should give you some indication of how two opposing ideologies truly coexist. You really think a Hindu can stomach the vision of their sacred entity being sacrificed in the middle of the road swallowing their pride, identity, and belief in the name of brotherhood?

Referring to the edit you had done to the tune of "Everytime you have won against us it has been because we wanted you to win"..Strongly oppose this statement as it holds no logic and was the latter part i referred to.

Fair enough, but you also, in the very same post, responded in bold to two unedited answers of mine. Though it’s hilarious to see how you support two opposing ideologies under one roof yet cannot accept a POV questioning your cricket team.

Anyways that will be derailing this thread and please feel free to open a new thread to argue about merits of each Indian victory over Pak.

You should’ve thought of that before asking irrelevant questions in this thread involving cricket; I wasn’t the one derailing this thread. As a courtesy I answered your questions.

Frankly you are reading what you want your eyes to read and drawing the conclusions you want to draw.

This is a silly pansy childish argument; relying on semantics as a defence is just poor. Why do you feel this way? Because I do not succumb to your line of thinking? Whatever happened to two polar views coexisting with one another?

Belatedly i have realised no point in reasonably debating with some1 as you who will pick up the bits of a post rather reading it in conjencture.

Er what? On the first page you truncated my entire post and picked one line to respond to. Pot kettle black?

My all views have been of a coherent stream and follow the same rationale stream.

Rationale stream? Please explain the rationale behind your question referring to the WC in reference to this thread.

No 3 diverse responses-----in all my posts all the roads lead to Rome, some might go on the motorway and somemight taken an inner city route...


India and Pakistan together would have been the ultimate nightmare for other nations around the world.It would havee been economically,Militarily and politically powerful.

But even in partition athe 2 nations could have been a lot more friendlier.but then Jinnah passed away and the military became so powerful that they needed to indoctrinate this view that India will attack Pakistan anyday and hence they drained away majority of Pakistan's money and still draining it away.

You haven’t said whether you would support the assimilation of Pakistan. Though yes, on paper a pre-partition India would be a force to reckon with but the truth is that opposing ideologies would've prevented a unified function; thus the partition. Why was a partition possible if India was a secular nation?

India and Pakistan fought 4 wars but India didnt lose in any of it.But it lost to China and with China becoming a nuclear power it feared that China may use a nuclear blackmail in future and so a nuclear power was necessary.

Interesting. So after a one-off with China, India envisaged a nuclear China, but after 3 wars with Pakistan, India did not fear a Nuclear Pakistan. Why? Perhaps India were coercing with the Americans in preventing Pakistan from obtaining the atomic bomb. No wonder india were shocked to the hilt when Pakistan developed and tested their first nuke under the noses of the Americans, Israelis, and Indians.

India had nuclear power in 1974,but it didnt threaten Pakistan,even though Pakistan had nuclear power only in 1998.

There’s no need for India to threaten Pakistan with the bomb; its common sense if an opponent has the bomb then the best option is to remain silent. Do you not see? An atomic bomb is inherently a declaration of authority. There’s a reason why Pakistan and India didn’t engage in a war starting from the point when India first tested its nuke to the point Pakistan tested its nuke.

If India really wanted to be a Hindu country nothing would have stopped us from bein that in 1950.We could have declared ourselves Hindu country could have denied minorities their rights.Could have made statements againist Hinduism a crime.Could have pushed in a law where every mosque built on a demolished temple would be demolished and a temple built.

This is just a token of politics. How does this fit in with the rise of Hindu Fundamentalism in the India today? How are Muslims treated in India today?

We didnt do that,we allow Muslims to have thier own Personal law,subsidise 700crore INR last year for Haj pilgrims.
We have had Muslim Presidents CJI Army chief and 2 of our most important scientists have been muslims.

Very kind of you. Native American Indians, Aborigines, and Palestinians are no different. We all know how they’re perceived and treated within their respective nations.

And Islam is not equal to Pakistan

Who said it did? Don't confuse the point of Pakistan, the FIRST Islamic nation to obtain the bomb, with Pakistan represeting Islam as a whole.

Pakistan only has a fraction of world's muslims and Pakistan isnt even the birth place of Muslims.

Whoever said Pakistan is the birth place of Muslims? Pakistan is the first Islamic republic to obtain the Atomic bomb – that’s it.

We could have easily put laws that were againist minorities.Built temples on places where masjids were built by destrying temples.We didnt.

We are secular by choice and not by coercion.just like Pakistan chose to be theocracy based on Islam we had the option of becoming a hindu nation and nothing could stop us.But our leaders chose to be secular.

This is all wishy washy tokens of politics, a smokescreen that conceals the true intention of Indian Hindus that reminds me of Israel, a nation that claims to be one of equal rights, pluralism, one of democracy, one of secularism, when the truth is far from it. Your point would have credence if the Indian government suppressed the rise of Hindu Fundamentalism in India and worked towards the betterment of Muslims in India.

See you are potraying Pakistan as a sign of Islam and India's enemity with Pakistan as a anti Islamic picture of India.

Pakistan is a sign of Islam – Islamic Republic of Pakistan - the hint is in the title. India is the enemy of Pakistan, and Pakistan is the enemy of India. Who are you kidding? Stop playing this superpower role pretending all is safe and well when clearly it isn’t. The majority of India, Hindus, oppose Islam for obvious reasons, period.

You just don’t get it. God forbid there’s a war between India and Pak, both nations would suffer, but India significantly worse as a Nuclear attack would erase the Hindu ideology from history; the same applies to Israel which is why they are protective of their Jewish ideology. In contrast, the atomic bomb doesn’t protect the so called first ever democracy in the Middle East, it serves to protect the Jewish people, in the same way India’s atomic asrenal serves to protect the Hindu ideology. Why? Simply because there is no homeland outside of India for Hindus or Jews outside of Israel, thus Israel equates to Jews, and India equates to Hinduism above anything else despite the hollow cries of secularism.

Bottom line, India's atomic bomb serves to protect and preserve Hinduism.

Pakistan is not the only Muslim nation in the world,it is only one of them.It has only a fraction of world's muslim,and is not the birth place of Islam.it isnt the most powerful Islamic country nor the most prosperous one.Ind againist Pakistan is a strictly political and geopolitical issue.

You keep telling me Pakistan is not the only Muslim nation in the word, Pakistan doesn’t represent all Muslims in the word, Pakistan didn’t give birth to Muslims etc, why? Who on here has said otherwise? What is the point of your points? Don’t forget, it’s the West who dubbed Pakistan’s atomic achievement as the Islamic bomb, why do you think that is? Why do the West make a distinction based on an ideology in reference to Pakistan's atmic bomb? Can you answer any of these questions?

Regarding India vs Pakistan semifinal
Do you have any proof that it was fixed?If yes then please show it.If not then it is one of those consipracy theories that people like you try to create and live in it.

Another thread another day, but it’s funny how Indians are demanding proof of a cricket fix but ignore the most pertinent questions which question the integrity of India’s motives against Pakistan, and ultimately Islam.
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@S2k Your Source of Information Is So Limited My Dear Friend....

Pakistan Is Only A Muslim Nuclear Power....

All Muslim Countries Now What Pakistan Is Capable of....

Egypt try to get it but can,t get Turkey was also didn,t Get So We Are Indeed Front Leaders Of Muslim Nation..and All the Muslim Leaving in the World....

Even Israel Is Afraid Of Us...

and You people Are Using Dushman Ka Dushman Dost Thing there ....

Even Arabs Kings Have heavily Depends On Pakistan Commandos...

And One-day the Muslim leaving in India will merge with us.... Muslims In india Are Not Leaving in prosperity they are far far from their rights....

Check All The Muslim Nawab have Left India and are leaving Abroad have island here and there....

they know how dangerous is hindu government is...

You People Are 100 Billion and still Feared Us how Tragic IS that.....

Think Before You Leap
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And Be Ready For Final Show Down With Us....




4-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm3edlYpzxM&feature=related see the pant of indian soldier...


And We Will Let You Know What We Are Capable Of.....
I asked you when China attacked India, I did not deny the fact that China and India were at war. You can't even provide a citation. What was it you said about content?

The point was Pakistan and India were fighting wars, not to mention countless skirmeshs, long before the Chinese did, yet here you are claiming India developed the bomb to defend itself against China.

We lost to China, won all wars with Pakistan! How hard is this to understand. Pakistan surrendered to India with 90,000 POWs. Would you call that the major threat??

The fact of the matter is China is the least of India's worries, the biggest worry for India is Islam since the domination of Islam in India would all but wipe out any trace of Hinduism.

Islam is in India!! Its not the sole property of Pakistan. Why hasn't India used nukes to intimidate or attack Bangladesh then?? Bangladeshi Islam is not the same as Pakistani Islam??

Er, how is the above any different to what i'm saying? In that Muslims did rule Hindus in India. Did you miss the part where Hindu temples were destroyed and Mosques were built? A clear act of Hindu values being superceded by Islamic values. Not Muslim rule?No wait, you think that a Mullah must be in charge in order to qualify as Muslim rule. Tell me, when the Romans ruled Europe, Christianity spread like wildfire. Who was at the top? A Roman Emperor or a Pope/Cardinal/Bishop?

Look up the difference between a theocracy and a monarchy. Just saying normal muslims would have been commoners, like you.

Who claimed Pakistan represents all Muslims? Pakistan represents Islam! Proof being Pakistan's atomic achievement is dubbed the 'Islamic Bomb' by the West and India!

You want to represent Islam, but you don't. Muslims around the world hate your country and with reason. Just ask Afghans, Bangladeshis or Iranians.

As for other Muslim nations hating Pakistan, All is changing. Pakistan is donating nuclear technology to Muslim nations.

Why does it have to change? Is it changing? Any "citation"? Please elaborate on why they hate you in the first place!!

I asked you how Muslims are treated in India and you answer by asking me how Muslims are treated by Pakistan! What's up? Too chicken to face the truth?

My answer is that Muslims are treated better in India than in Pakistan. So you can worry more about your own country.

Can you stop dancing around the 71 issue. It's irrelevant. We are discussing how two opposing ideologies gave rise to Nuclear assets. Though feel free to explain the relevance of 71.

The relevance is that how the same ideology and religion didn't stop one country from raping and murdering thousands who were part of its "ummah". If people of the same religion can do this then what relevance does religion have in global politics. Please explain

I do not see you denying the growing resentment against Muslims in India. I do not see you condemning the rise of right wing extremists Hindus parties in India. I do not see you challenging the notion that Muslims in India are treated with utter contempt.

Complete and utter nonsense. Pakistan has killed more Muslims than any other country. Worry about your own treatment of Muslims. Go comment in the thread about targetted Shia killings in Pakistan. Then worry about India. AR Rahman is a hindu convert to Islam. He has been treated with nothing but love and respect. A convert.

Face reality, outside of India there is no homeland for Hindus, the very reason why Hindus believe India should be a nation of Hindu supremacy, exclusively for Hindus.

Oh wise one, please explain how you came to this conclusion? Interact a lot with Hindus? Even the BJP has never suggested such a thing.

kingkhanWC has more intelligent clout and sand compared to you. He earns respect on the simple basis he says it how it is. What about you? You have deflected all issues by answering a question with a question. The only conspiracy here is a secular democratic India, a futile image which you are helplessly trying to defend through emotive rhetoric.

Yes yes, 9/11 was an inside job, Kasab is amar singh from UP, TTP are martians trained by RAW and Mossad. Great respect indeed. India is growing and it burns you. We held the CWG and the world cup. You couldn't hold a international kabaddi tournament. Sri lanka declined to tour. You are the one trying to maintain a futile image of Pakistan as having any clout or competence.

Emotive rhetoric is your forte. Nonsense like Hindus want India to be exclusively for Hindus, with nothing to back that ********. Its been 60+ years since independence and the Muslim population has gone up. What have the Hindus been doing?

India can neither be secular nor democratic for one simple reason, what Hindus consider sacred, Muslims consider a sacrifice. So quit trying to anoint India for sainthood and concede to the fact India's biggest enemy is Islam!

Another piece of trash. The cow is not a mandatory sacrifice for Muslims. Muslims in India can respect others sentiments and sacrifice goats and other animals. Which they do and have been doing for generations. Beef is also available in restaurants. Its isn't banned.

Replies in bold. If India's enemy is Islam which you keep saying with no proof, then why do we have good relations with Bangladesh? Please explain, looking forward to your expert, no facts included, response!
And Be Ready For Final Show Down With Us....




4-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm3edlYpzxM&feature=related see the pant of indian soldier...


And We Will Let You Know What We Are Capable Of.....

Won't bother watching the videos. You seem like you want war. Grow up.

Please remember how Pakistan surrendered, yes surrendered, to India. Can anything be more embarrassing than that? Anything more humiliating?

War is a dirty business. Anybody looking for it is an idiot.
Explain the following logic to me:

4 wars between Pakistan and India.
1 war between China and India.

Which nation and ideology is the bigger threat to India? Which ideology between Islam and Bhuddism has oppressed Hindus in India at a greater magnitude spanning a longer time period? Stop kidding yourself. India developed the bomb to counter the rise and influence of Islam simply because Hindus do not want history to repeat itself.

So quit the delusional drama that is India developed the bomb to defend itself against China!

Another gem of a post.

4 wars between Pakistan and India - India won all 4, with Pakistan surrendering with 90,000 POWs once. You call this our main threat??

1 war between China and India - India outmatched on all counts, up against a much better equipped army, lost terribly. This is our main threat.

There are Muslims in India!! How is nuke going to do anything about Muslims within India? Again what about Bangladesh??
Won't bother watching the videos. You seem like you want war. Grow up.

Please remember how Pakistan surrendered, yes surrendered, to India. Can anything be more embarrassing than that? Anything more humiliating?

War is a dirty business. Anybody looking for it is an idiot.

Sure Pakistan Is Not Looking For War But You People....

India Will Indeed Start The War But We Will Finish It For You
Sure Pakistan Is Not Looking For War But You People....

India Will Indeed Start The War But We Will Finish It For You

i know how you guys will finish the war, start the game slowly and accelerate at the end like :misbah
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lol. You say you have read a dumb post and then go on to say India has a good relationship with Saudi, implying it has good relations with Muslims/Islam. Saudi is the name of the ruling family who rule Arabia, puppets. You should think before abusing others because it's your post is very dumb.

Indians on here give the reason as China.

Since independence India has been involved in main wars with Pakistan not China.

Chinese didn't rule India, Muslims did.

A nieghbour which is a smaller nation can take over a larger nation as history has proved.

The fact is India got the nuke first and it's biggest hostilities are with Pakistan. Pakistan has the nuke now because of this, so if there is a future war where nukes are used then it will be down to India.

We also have to understand India is more likely to have a radical religious extremists party in government than Pakistan. BJP are Hindu extremist nutjobs but the second biggest party in India who will likely become the government at some time in the future. Religious parties in Pakistan have no chance of getting into power in the near future. Indian posters on here must be blind to this.

Ok so lets just say the Nukes were for Pakistan however; India developed the bomb for two purposes; 1) to intimidate Islam. I raised the whole point for the highlighted garbage, 'intimidate Islam' yeah and India have been doing just that which must be the reason why we have a good relationship with every muslim country except Pakistan.. If India build a bomb to intimidate Islam what do you call the Americans and your leadership who pays and takes that payment as rent for bombing your own land...
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Well,........ Can someone explain me how a country wins a war? I mean, is it some kind of run scoring or goal scoring where the other team is left behind at the end?

I personally thought a war was no-win situation where we should rather or ought to be sad at the loss of human life........

I will not respond to the answers. This question is just meant to discover the thinking of people from both sides of the border.

some really obscure arguements by n_h .. not being personal msdhoni but i just cannot make sense of it really - & i think mr looney's post - boys done bad really sums it up :)

If you are referring to me then let me just tell you that I do not belong to the administeration team. Was just a polite request:).
hmm ...n_h claims can be summarised as under :
[a] pak bomb is islamic & India's anti-islamic .
indian bomb is against islam & to protect hindus against muslims.
[c]indian bomb is meant for pak & not china because the war score is 0-4 pak & 0-1 china.
.... does this forum have a dpotw award too - if yes,i think it should be awarded to n_h without further delay :))
@S2k Your Source of Information Is So Limited My Dear Friend....

Pakistan Is Only A Muslim Nuclear Power....

All Muslim Countries Now What Pakistan Is Capable of....

Egypt try to get it but can,t get Turkey was also didn,t Get So We Are Indeed Front Leaders Of Muslim Nation..and All the Muslim Leaving in the World....

Even Israel Is Afraid Of Us...

and You people Are Using Dushman Ka Dushman Dost Thing there ....

Even Arabs Kings Have heavily Depends On Pakistan Commandos...

And One-day the Muslim leaving in India will merge with us.... Muslims In india Are Not Leaving in prosperity they are far far from their rights....

Check All The Muslim Nawab have Left India and are leaving Abroad have island here and there....

they know how dangerous is hindu government is...

You People Are 100 Billion and still Feared Us how Tragic IS that.....

Think Before You Leap

Your atomic bomb has done a lot of help.Americans come and bomb you whenever they like,you can do nothing.Your Nuclear bomb will not reach Israel or anywhere outside S-E Asia.No you are not Muslim worlds leaders.Not even close.

During the Arab Israel wars how many planes,tanks etc Pakistan sent?ZERO.They sent 6 pilots who volunteered to go and fight.

You want to compare Turkey with Pakistan.Turkish are more porsperous and leaving in lot more peace than Pakistanis.

The fact is Pakistan may want/claim to be a leader of muslims in the world,it is not.

The Pakistani bomb is India specific.It has nothing to do with Islam or the Islamic world.

We are so afraid of you..........tell that to Gen.Niazi and his soldiers...

Exactly, you are just dodging the questions. ANSWER MY QUESTION and please remember the bold part since I am expecting a answer from you which is NOT contrary to your posts above. Slapped!

Pakistan was created because few people thought that Muslims and Hindus cant leave together.

That Theory has been proved wrong

1st Almost as many Muslims live in India as in Pakistan.

2nd The so called united Muslim country split into 2 within 25 years after one of the worlds worst genocide,which was done by muslims againist muslims.

You haven’t said whether you would support the assimilation of Pakistan. Though yes, on paper a pre-partition India would be a force to reckon with but the truth is that opposing ideologies would've prevented a unified function; thus the partition. Why was a partition possible if India was a secular nation?

I dont know what you mean by assimilation of PAkistan but if it is something like what happened in West and East Germany then its something which i think will be great.You are clearly aware of the divide and rule policy of britishers which played a huge role in the partition of India.
Interesting. So after a one-off with China, India envisaged a nuclear China, but after 3 wars with Pakistan, India did not fear a Nuclear Pakistan. Why? Perhaps India were coercing with the Americans in preventing Pakistan from obtaining the atomic bomb. No wonder india were shocked to the hilt when Pakistan developed and tested their first nuke under the noses of the Americans, Israelis, and Indians.

That 1 war cost is more than the 4 againist Pakistan.India had atomic capability way back in 1974......6-7 years after China and 24 years before Pakistan.Indians and Americans were never on good terms.Read about Nixon and Kissinger's policy towards India.Which is why India signed the friendship treaty with Russia in 1970s where by Russia(USSR) was treaty bound to help India in case of a war and India asks for help.Read about how US seventh fleet which was nuclear capable tried to enter the Indian ocean in 1971 to threaten India and make it withdraw from Bangladesh.It left after it was confirmed that several Soviet submarines were trailing it in the Indian ocean.

There’s no need for India to threaten Pakistan with the bomb; its common sense if an opponent has the bomb then the best option is to remain silent. Do you not see? An atomic bomb is inherently a declaration of authority. There’s a reason why Pakistan and India didn’t engage in a war starting from the point when India first tested its nuke to the point Pakistan tested its nuke.

India 1st tested an atomic weapon in 1074,24 years before Pakistan.we didnt start a single war in those 24 years.Why PAkistanis forget that India also has the bomb and it can also use it.

This is just a token of politics. How does this fit in with the rise of Hindu Fundamentalism in the India today? How are Muslims treated in India today?

Why the tokenism?Why?Fundmentalism whether religious or racist is a part of every country.Doesnt mean it reflects the whole mentality of the country.
Very kind of you. Native American Indians, Aborigines, and Palestinians are no different. We all know how they’re perceived and treated within their respective nations.

COmpare the educational standards PCI etc of Indian Muslims and Pakistani ones you will not find much difference,this despite the fact that the cream of Muslims went to Pakistan and most who lived in India were from a poorer background.Also most muslims in India live in backward states like Bihar UP and Bengal.Still you will find them to be almost as good as PAkistani muslims in most parametres.

Who said it did? Don't confuse the point of Pakistan, the FIRST Islamic nation to obtain the bomb, with Pakistan represeting Islam as a whole.

Whoever said Pakistan is the birth place of Muslims? Pakistan is the first Islamic republic to obtain the Atomic bomb – that’s it.

What that atomic bomb can do?Its India specific.it cant reach Israel or USA or Europe.Its range is limited to South East Asia.Thats why i said that Atomic bomb is specifically for India and thats why its a political bomb not an Islamic Bomb.

This is all wishy washy tokens of politics, a smokescreen that conceals the true intention of Indian Hindus that reminds me of Israel, a nation that claims to be one of equal rights, pluralism, one of democracy, one of secularism, when the truth is far from it. Your point would have credence if the Indian government suppressed the rise of Hindu Fundamentalism in India and worked towards the betterment of Muslims in India.

More Muslims have died at the hands of Muslims in Bangladesh and PAkistan than in India.Muslims are more safer in Indian than in PAkistan where CIA operatives and Drones can kill them.Do a stats comparision as i told you to do in my above post and you will know how different is the condition of Muslims is in India compared to Pakistan.

Pakistan is a sign of Islam – Islamic Republic of Pakistan - the hint is in the title. India is the enemy of Pakistan, and Pakistan is the enemy of India. Who are you kidding? Stop playing this superpower role pretending all is safe and well when clearly it isn’t. The majority of India, Hindus, oppose Islam for obvious reasons, period.

There are many Islamic republics in the world and India has good relations with them except Pakistan.India has good relations even with Iran.Majority of Indians oppose Pakistan.Opposing Pakistan is not equal to opposing Islam.

You just don’t get it. God forbid there’s a war between India and Pak, both nations would suffer, but India significantly worse as a Nuclear attack would erase the Hindu ideology from history; the same applies to Israel which is why they are protective of their Jewish ideology. In contrast, the atomic bomb doesn’t protect the so called first ever democracy in the Middle East, it serves to protect the Jewish people, in the same way India’s atomic asrenal serves to protect the Hindu ideology. Why? Simply because there is no homeland outside of India for Hindus or Jews outside of Israel, thus Israel equates to Jews, and India equates to Hinduism above anything else despite the hollow cries of secularism.

Bottom line, India's atomic bomb serves to protect and preserve Hinduism.

You keep telling me Pakistan is not the only Muslim nation in the word, Pakistan doesn’t represent all Muslims in the word, Pakistan didn’t give birth to Muslims etc, why? Who on here has said otherwise? What is the point of your points? Don’t forget, it’s the West who dubbed Pakistan’s atomic achievement as the Islamic bomb, why do you think that is? Why do the West make a distinction based on an ideology in reference to Pakistan's atmic bomb? Can you answer any of these questions?

Another thread another day, but it’s funny how Indians are demanding proof of a cricket fix but ignore the most pertinent questions which question the integrity of India’s motives against Pakistan, and ultimately Islam.

Again mistaken......A significant nos of Hindus live outside India as well.Israel was created for jews yes.But unlike what the founders of Pakistan thought India was never a theocracy of Hindus and is and will remain a secular nation.

Your equating Indiawith Hinduism doesnt make it that.There are as many Muslims in India as there are in Pakistan or may be according to your logic they arent muslims.We have never claimed to be a Hindu country else as according to you West should have called our bomb the Hindu Bomb.

We had our atomic bomb in 1974 long before Pakistan.

In India things dont start and end on religion,its more about being Indian than being Hindu Muslim Sikh Christian Jain Buddhist etc.

India's enemity is with Pakistan and not Islam.As much as Pakistan may try to push the view that India vs Pakistan is Hindu vs Islam the world hasnt agreed and wont agree.Proved by the excellent relations India has with majority of Muslim nations in the world.
I dont know what you mean by assimilation of PAkistan but if it is something like what happened in West and East Germany then its something which i think will be great.You are clearly aware of the divide and rule policy of britishers which played a huge role in the partition of India.

That 1 war cost is more than the 4 againist Pakistan.India had atomic capability way back in 1974......6-7 years after China and 24 years before Pakistan.Indians and Americans were never on good terms.Read about Nixon and Kissinger's policy towards India.Which is why India signed the friendship treaty with Russia in 1970s where by Russia(USSR) was treaty bound to help India in case of a war and India asks for help.Read about how US seventh fleet which was nuclear capable tried to enter the Indian ocean in 1971 to threaten India and make it withdraw from Bangladesh.It left after it was confirmed that several Soviet submarines were trailing it in the Indian ocean.

India 1st tested an atomic weapon in 1074,24 years before Pakistan.we didnt start a single war in those 24 years.Why PAkistanis forget that India also has the bomb and it can also use it.

Why the tokenism?Why?Fundmentalism whether religious or racist is a part of every country.Doesnt mean it reflects the whole mentality of the country.

COmpare the educational standards PCI etc of Indian Muslims and Pakistani ones you will not find much difference,this despite the fact that the cream of Muslims went to Pakistan and most who lived in India were from a poorer background.Also most muslims in India live in backward states like Bihar UP and Bengal.Still you will find them to be almost as good as PAkistani muslims in most parametres.

What that atomic bomb can do?Its India specific.it cant reach Israel or USA or Europe.Its range is limited to South East Asia.Thats why i said that Atomic bomb is specifically for India and thats why its a political bomb not an Islamic Bomb.

More Muslims have died at the hands of Muslims in Bangladesh and PAkistan than in India.Muslims are more safer in Indian than in PAkistan where CIA operatives and Drones can kill them.Do a stats comparision as i told you to do in my above post and you will know how different is the condition of Muslims is in India compared to Pakistan.

There are many Islamic republics in the world and India has good relations with them except Pakistan.India has good relations even with Iran.Majority of Indians oppose Pakistan.Opposing Pakistan is not equal to opposing Islam.

Again mistaken......A significant nos of Hindus live outside India as well.Israel was created for jews yes.But unlike what the founders of Pakistan thought India was never a theocracy of Hindus and is and will remain a secular nation.

Your equating Indiawith Hinduism doesnt make it that.There are as many Muslims in India as there are in Pakistan or may be according to your logic they arent muslims.We have never claimed to be a Hindu country else as according to you West should have called our bomb the Hindu Bomb.

We had our atomic bomb in 1974 long before Pakistan.

In India things dont start and end on religion,its more about being Indian than being Hindu Muslim Sikh Christian Jain Buddhist etc.

India's enemity is with Pakistan and not Islam.As much as Pakistan may try to push the view that India vs Pakistan is Hindu vs Islam the world hasnt agreed and wont agree.Proved by the excellent relations India has with majority of Muslim nations in the world.

top post s2k ....
We lost to China, won all wars with Pakistan! How hard is this to understand. Pakistan surrendered to India with 90,000 POWs. Would you call that the major threat??

On the first page [post #39] you stated India developed the bomb as a deterrent against Pakistan, yet here you are claiming India won all wars against Pakistan and clearly imply Pakistan was not a major threat to India. Therefore, the logical question is, if Pakistan were not considered a major threat by India, then why claim the Indian Bomb was developed to deter Pakistan?

I can understand how the defeat at the hand of the Chinese would lead India to develop a deterrent but to develop a deterrent against a nation which you claim to have defeated on 4 occasions? Laughable.

Moreover, while you attempt to rewrite history with your bogus claims in reference to the wars between Pakistan and India, the one fact and reality you cannot alter is India were handed their arses on a silver platter with the inception of Pakistan. Bitter pill to swallow for Indians till this day.

Islam is in India!! Its not the sole property of Pakistan. Why hasn't India used nukes to intimidate or attack Bangladesh then?? Bangladeshi Islam is not the same as Pakistani Islam??

Hinduism and Christianity are present in Pakistan. What is your point? No one claimed Islam is the sole property of Pakistan; the point was Pakistan was created on Islamic principles; A nation carved from an opposing ideology over 60 years ago; how’s that for Muslim rule and conquest?

As for Bangladesh, what is your point? That’s the same as me asking why India hasn’t attacked China with its nukes, oh yeah, that’s right, India were pistol whipped by the Chinese whereas the Bangladeshis present no threat to India no matter how you look at it, put simply, India has nothing to gain from attacking Bangladesh!

Look up the difference between a theocracy and a monarchy. Just saying normal muslims would have been commoners, like you.

Theocracy and Monarchy are just fancy words which have no relevance in this context. The point here is one ideology ruling another, the method and model of delivery is irrelevant. Under Roman rule, the Roman was a commoner too, under British rule, the Englishman was a commoner too, but both Romans and the British enforced their ideology on conquered land regardless of the commoner demographic. Hindus were battered under Muslim rule in India which only fuelled the antipathy between Muslims and Hindus. Hindu temples destroyed, Hindu Gods destroyed, Hindu towns destroyed, Hindu villages destroyed – all of which were substituted by an alternative, yet opposing ideology - by force might I add.

Moreover, the Roman commoner had more rights and privileges compared to any other commoner under Roman rule. The English commoner had more rights and privileges compared to any other commoner under British rule, and yes you’ve guessed it, the Muslim commoner had more rights and privileges compared to any other commoner under Muslim rule. Fast forward to 47, once the Muslims gained independence from India, once the British raped and pillaged India, it resulted in a power vacuum. That’s right, the one chance for Hindus, in the entire history of Hinduism, where Hindus could govern their own people by their way of thinking, and guess what? Under Hindu rule, the Muslim commoner has less rights and privileges compared to Hindus.

You want to represent Islam, but you don't. Muslims around the world hate your country and with reason. Just ask Afghans, Bangladeshis or Iranians.

I want to represent Islam? Get a grip; The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is self explanatory. As for other Islamic nations hating Pakistan, boo hoo! Have a look at the Hindu caste system, Hindus despising, murdering, raping, and maiming other Hindus under the same roof just because of their caste. How pathetic and sad.
Why does it have to change? Is it changing? Any "citation"? Please elaborate on why they hate you in the first place!!

Why does it have to change? What sort of a question is that? Time changes everything. As for “is it changing?”, yes it is. Why do you ask? Does the notion of a unified Islam haunt you? Do you feel threatened by it?

As for why other Muslim nations hate Pakistan, try jealousy; Pakistan has achieved what other Muslim nations could not in their years of existence, that is political clout; leverage! How you ask? What is the one entity which Pakistan posses that other Muslims nations do not? You got it, the Atomic bomb.

And what citations will you accept? Increased trade with Pakistan among Muslim nations? Improved political dialogue with Pakistan among Muslim nations?

My answer is that Muslims are treated better in India than in Pakistan. So you can worry more about your own country.

Your answer is a joke. Muslims are treated better in India than in Pakistan? Wow, it can be argued Hindus are treated better in Pakistan compared to India. Talk substance and quit dancing around the question.

Your answer is a deflection tactic in fear of exposing the truth. Don’t compare the treatment of Muslims in India with Pakistan, a point which is completely irrelevant given the context. The point in this thread is that Hinduism fears Islam hence developed the bomb, thus the treatment of Muslims governed under a Hindu majority is the most significant aspect of this discussion.

It’s evidently clear Muslims in India are treated with utter contempt but you just cannot admit it, nor can you challenge this fact.

The relevance is that how the same ideology and religion didn't stop one country from raping and murdering thousands who were part of its "ummah". If people of the same religion can do this then what relevance does religion have in global politics. Please explain

You what? I’ve already explained to you how religion plays a role in Geopolitics. The relationship between USA and Israel is the finest of fine examples. Do you deny it? Want to rewrite history again?

As for the 71 relevance, it remains irrelevant. Which part of two OPPOSING ideologies giving rise to nuclear assets do you not understand? Comparing Muslims with Muslims is a futile exercise given the context. Or perhaps you are attempting to explain the point of more Muslims dying at the hand of Muslims? While it is true, the fact remains Hindus do not give a squat, let Muslims conduct the dirty work, right?

However, it’s obvious you are attempting to portray Pakistan as the bad guy, go for it, I mean why you wouldn’t, India feels threatened by Pakistan as it is.

Oh wise one, please explain how you came to this conclusion? Interact a lot with Hindus? Even the BJP has never suggested such a thing.

You had the chance to falsify my point by simply naming a Hindu homeland outside of India. You cannot. There is no homeland for Hindus outside of India period. Prove me wrong by naming ONE nation that is. As for the BJP, are you talking about the same BJP party that has embarked on a mission to eradicate Muslims in Utter Pradesh? Hmm, why would they do such a thing in a secular nation? Yes that’s right, ethnic purification of India. India not considered the homeland for Hindus? Go eat a donut.

Complete and utter nonsense. Pakistan has killed more Muslims than any other country. Worry about your own treatment of Muslims. Go comment in the thread about targetted Shia killings in Pakistan. Then worry about India. AR Rahman is a hindu convert to Islam. He has been treated with nothing but love and respect. A convert.

Superb response! Again, I do not see you denying the growing resentment against Muslims in India. I do not see you condemning the rise of right wing extremists Hindus parties in India. I do not see you challenging the notion that Muslims in India are treated with utter contempt. What’s up buddy? Cannot face the truth?

Yes yes, 9/11 was an inside job, Kasab is amar singh from UP, TTP are martians trained by RAW and Mossad. Great respect indeed. India is growing and it burns you. We held the CWG and the world cup. You couldn't hold a international kabaddi tournament. Sri lanka declined to tour. You are the one trying to maintain a futile image of Pakistan as having any clout or competence.

India is growing and it burns Pakistan? Wait a minute; in the first page you stated Pakistan was a threat to India, A nation with 1/6 of the population of India grabbing India by the crown jewels.

As for 9/11 et al, conspiracy or not, I bet you relished in the news that Muslims were behind it. Catch my drift?

Emotive rhetoric is your forte. Nonsense like Hindus want India to be exclusively for Hindus, with nothing to back that ********. Its been 60+ years since independence and the Muslim population has gone up. What have the Hindus been doing?

Simmer down; your emotions are empowering you. You have deflected the simplest of questions which challenge the facade that is secular India. Why though I wonder? Perhaps the truth is a bitter pill to swallow? Why in a secular nation did Muslims gain independence, Pakistan? Why in a secular land are Sikhs fighting for independence? (let’s not ever traverse the treatment of Sikhs in India). Did I mention the Indian Rebellion of the mid 19th century? Secular my foot.

As for the Muslim population increasing, it’s all relative, Hindu population is on the rise too but above all, Muslims remain a minority in India. Talk sense.

Another piece of trash. The cow is not a mandatory sacrifice for Muslims. Muslims in India can respect others sentiments and sacrifice goats and other animals. Which they do and have been doing for generations. Beef is also available in restaurants. Its isn't banned.

Whether the sacrifice of cows is mandatory or not is irrelevant, the fact is such an act not only opposes the Hindu ideology but is offensive too. Try explaining such an act to Hindu extremist groups in India.

As for beef available in restaurants, oh the drama! Pepperoni is available in Saudi Arabia within American Compounds. Alcohol is available in Pakistan; doesn’t make it right nor companionable. The reason why beef is available in restaurants is Capitalism, money! Any way to profit cash for 700+ Million who live below the breadline, even it means diluting an ideology to the extent people barter their identities and belief for a paltry price!

India, or better known as Hindustan, is the homeland for Hindus, an ideology that has suffered at the hand of minorities namely Muslims and the British, within India. Never again would Hindus want to be ruled by a minority and as such felt threatened by opposing ideologies. The consequence? The Atomic bomb with the sole purpose of preserving and protecting the Hindu ideology.

Now go cry me a river.
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On the first page [post #39] you stated India developed the bomb as a deterrent against Pakistan, yet here you are claiming India won all wars against Pakistan and clearly imply Pakistan was not a major threat to India. Therefore, the logical question is, if Pakistan were not considered a major threat by India, then why claim the Indian Bomb was developed to deter Pakistan?

I can understand how the defeat at the hand of the Chinese would lead India to develop a deterrent but to develop a deterrent against a nation which you claim to have defeated on 4 occasions? Laughable.

Moreover, while you attempt to rewrite history with your bogus claims in reference to the wars between Pakistan and India, the one fact and reality you cannot alter is India were handed their arses on a silver platter with the inception of Pakistan. Bitter pill to swallow for Indians till this day.

Hinduism and Christianity are present in Pakistan. What is your point? No one claimed Islam is the sole property of Pakistan; the point was Pakistan was created on Islamic principles; A nation carved from an opposing ideology over 60 years ago; how’s that for Muslim rule and conquest?

As for Bangladesh, what is your point? That’s the same as me asking why India hasn’t attacked China with its nukes, oh yeah, that’s right, India were pistol whipped by the Chinese whereas the Bangladeshis present no threat to India no matter how you look at it, put simply, India has nothing to gain from attacking Bangladesh!

Theocracy and Monarchy are just fancy words which have no relevance in this context. Under Roman rule, the Roman was a commoner too, under British rule, the Englishman was a commoner too, but both Romans and the British enforced their ideology on conquered land regardless of the commoner demographic. Hindus were battered under Muslim rule in India which only fuelled the antipathy between Muslims and Hindus. Hindu temples destroyed, Hindu Gods destroyed, Hindu towns destroyed, Hindu villages destroyed – all of which were substituted by an alternative, yet opposing ideology - by force might I add.

Moreover, the Roman commoner had more rights and privileges compared to any other commoner under Roman rule. The English commoner had more rights and privileges compared to any other commoner under British rule, and yes you’ve guessed it, the Muslim commoner had more rights and privileges compared to any other commoner under Muslim rule. Fast forward to 47, once the Muslims gained independence from India, once the British raped and pillaged India, it resulted in a power vacuum. That’s right, the one chance for Hindus, in the entire history of Hinduism, where Hindus could govern their own people by their way of thinking, and guess what? Under Hindu rule, the Muslim commoner has less rights and privileges compared to Hindus.

I want to represent Islam? Get a grip; The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is self explanatory. As for other Islamic nations hating Pakistan, boo hoo! Have a look at the Hindu caste system, Hindus despising, murdering, raping, and maiming other Hindus under the same roof just because of their caste. How pathetic and sad.

Why does it have to change? What sort of a question is that? Time changes everything. As for “is it changing?”, yes it is. Why do you ask? Does the notion of a unified Islam haunt you? Do you feel threatened by it?

As for why other Muslim nations hate Pakistan, try jealousy; Pakistan has achieved what other Muslim nations could not in their years of existence, that is political clout; leverage! How you ask? What is the one entity which Pakistan posses that other Muslims nations do not? You got it, the Atomic bomb.

And what citations will you accept? Increased trade with Pakistan among Muslim nations? Improved political dialogue with Pakistan among Muslim nations?

Your answer is a joke. Muslims are treated better in India than in Pakistan? Wow, it can be argued Hindus are treated better in Pakistan compared to India. Talk substance and quit dancing around the question.

Your answer is a deflection tactic in fear of exposing the truth. Don’t compare the treatment of Muslims in India with Pakistan, a point which is completely irrelevant given the context. The point in this thread is that Hinduism fears Islam hence developed the bomb, thus the treatment of Muslims governed under a Hindu majority is the most significant aspect of this discussion.

It’s evidently clear Muslims in India are treated with utter contempt but you just cannot admit it, nor can you challenge this fact.

You what? I’ve already explained to you how religion plays a role in Geopolitics. The relationship between USA and Israel is the finest of fine examples. Do you deny it? Want to rewrite history again?

As for the 71 relevance, it remains irrelevant. Which part of two OPPOSING ideologies giving rise to nuclear assets do you not understand? Comparing Muslims with Muslims is a futile exercise given the context. Or perhaps you are attempting to explain the point of more Muslims dying at the hand of Muslims? While it is true, the fact remains Hindus do not give a squat, let Muslims conduct the dirty work, right?

However, it’s obvious you are attempting to portray Pakistan as the bad guy, go for it, I mean why you wouldn’t, India feels threatened by Pakistan as it is.

You had the chance to falsify my point by simply naming a Hindu homeland outside of India. You cannot. There is no homeland for Hindus outside of India period. Prove me wrong by naming ONE nation that is. As for the BJP, are you talking about the same BJP party that has embarked on a mission to eradicate Muslims in Utter Pradesh? Hmm, why would they do such a thing in a secular nation? Yes that’s right, ethnic purification of India. India not considered the homeland for Hindus? Go eat a donut.

Superb response! Again, I do not see you denying the growing resentment against Muslims in India. I do not see you condemning the rise of right wing extremists Hindus parties in India. I do not see you challenging the notion that Muslims in India are treated with utter contempt. What’s up buddy? Cannot face the truth?

India is growing and it burns Pakistan? Wait a minute; in the first page you stated Pakistan was a threat to India, A nation with 1/6 of the population of India grabbing India by the crown jewels.

As for 9/11 et al, conspiracy or not, I bet you relished in the news that Muslims were behind it. Catch my drift?

Simmer down; your emotions are empowering you. You have deflected the simplest of questions which challenge the facade that is secular India. Why though I wonder? Perhaps the truth is a bitter pill to swallow? Why in a secular nation did Muslims gain independence, Pakistan? Why in a secular land are Sikhs fighting for independence? (let’s not ever traverse the treatment of Sikhs in India). Did I mention the Indian Rebellion of the mid 19th century? Secular my foot.

As for the Muslim population increasing, it’s all relative, Hindu population is on the rise too but above all, Muslims remain a minority in India. Talk sense.

Whether the sacrifice of cows is mandatory or not is irrelevant, the fact is such an act opposes the Hindu ideology. Try explaining such an act to Hindu extremists groups in India.

As for beef available in restaurants, oh the drama! Pepperoni is available in Saudi Arabia within American Compounds. Alcohol is available in Pakistan; doesn’t make it right nor companionable. The reason why beef is available in restaurants is Capitalism, money! Any way to profit cash for 800+ Millions who live below the breadline, even it means diluting an ideology to the extent people barter their identities and belief for a paltry price!

India, or better known as Hindustan, is the homeland for Hindus, an ideology that has suffered at the hand of minorities namely Muslims and the British within India, their homeland. Hindus never again would want to be ruled by a minority and as such felt threatened by opposing ideologies. The consequence? The Atomic bomb with the sole purpose of preserving and protecting the Hindu ideology.

Now go cry me a river.

You know what,you saying all this crap doesnt make it the truth........

British didnt only ruled Hindus but Muslims also.

The so called Islamic Country formed in 1947 didnt stay even for 25 years and split into two.There are almost same no. of Muslims in India as in Pakistan and thus the theory that Muslims and Hindus cant live together is utter false.

There are asmany muslims in India as their in Pakistan.....So just by saying that India is againist Islam doesnthold any sustance.

We fought 4 wars with Pakistan and never lost........so we were not afraid of Pakistan at any stage of our existence.We had an atomic bomb in 1974 24 years before Pakistan had it.You may cry and shout from the top of your roof that India was afraid of Pakistan and so tested a bomb,well 4 wars and no defeats and being able to split Pakistan into 2 just proves which country was militarily stronger.

Regarding sizeable Hindu population i guess 500 000 to 1 million is a sizeable population

The world's hindu population is 1.3 billion,800-900 million in India rest outside it.

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1) Pakistan has the policy of using the Nukes First.
Same is not true for India.

2) Pakistan's premier themselves declared that if any attempt is undertaken to disarm the nukes or taking away attempt is made.. they ll fire the nukes at India.

Any mature person can see and then infer.

3) Pakistan has never attacked ? I hope u mean only regarding usage of nukes.
Else Get the facts straight.

How you think from this point on is not something i can influence.


Been smoking some stuff ??

Take a look at China's policy.
They never let the opinions of any kind visible to citizens even if it means good for the country.
If its against the ruling faction's policies, it ll be censored. Be it the radio, local news agency or even the Internet.
Highly polarized viewpoints the Chinese have in their own country only cuz China wants to move ahead with a machinery where not even a single cog is misaligned. Nobody can question their policies vis a vis Taiwan, Tibet or India. Just to mention a few.

That is the desire to Dominate, and that's how you do it too.. if you are morbid.

A young Chinese journalist recently asked an Indian journo in Beijing iirc (some convention), "How come your media cant control the negative things which are said regarding your ruling govt".
The other veteran Chinese journos have the viewpoint that China has far lesser opportunities to get in the reforms as compared to India.
With those opinions.. journalists esp.. you really think you been training your guns in the right direction ?

I could not help laughing at the first point, India having nuclear weapons have no policy to use them in a war, i think this is the best joke I have heard in years. So that means INdia developed Water Balloons not nuclear bombs, but wrote nuclear on those. So, if the Indian nation is under threat or attack and the danger of being annihiated, you think Indians are so peace loving they will never use nuclear weapons, and will keep them as souveniors!
I could not help laughing at the first point, India having nuclear weapons have no policy to use them in a war, i think this is the best joke I have heard in years. So that means INdia developed Water Balloons not nuclear bombs, but wrote nuclear on those. So, if the Indian nation is under threat or attack and the danger of being annihiated, you think Indians are so peace loving they will never use nuclear weapons, and will keep them as souveniors!

He meant no 1st use.....It means India will not use Nuclear weapons unless threatened/attacked by Nuclear Chemical or Biological weapons.Russia and China have the same policy.

I dont see India having to use Nuclear Weapons againist any country that it is most likely to go to war with at present.

Considering the traditional Russian support and the present US support and the huge economic boom that China is witnessing there will be an Indo-China war.

That leaves us with Pakistan,wehave demonstrated our superior conventional capabilityover them in all wars and maintain it.So unless Pakistan threatens to use Nuclear weapons India wont be using it.it will be a retaliatory attack.

Anyways no country except USA has the diplomatic clout to pull out a nuclear attack and live with it.
You know what,you saying all this crap doesnt make it the truth........

And you describing it is crap doesn’t make it a lie.

British didnt only ruled Hindus but Muslims also.

That’s precilsy what I have explained in the post above; you are simply agreeing with the historical facts I post. Do you even realise this?

The so called Islamic Country formed in 1947 didnt stay even for 25 years and split into two.There are almost same no. of Muslims in India as in Pakistan and thus the theory that Muslims and Hindus cant live together is utter false.

Theory? Muslims and Hindus cannot live with each other? I guess that is why Pakistan was created. As for your numbers game, irrelevant, Muslims are a minority in India and are treated with contempt.

There are as many muslims in India as their in Pakistan.....So just by saying that India is againist Islam doesnthold any sustance.

Futile numbers argument again. Hindu extremism is on the rise in India. Why?

We fought 4 wars with Pakistan and never lost........so we were not afraid of Pakistan at any stage of our existence.We had an atomic bomb in 1974 24 years before Pakistan had it.You may cry and shout from the top of your roof that India was afraid of Pakistan and so tested a bomb,well 4 wars and no defeats and being able to split Pakistan into 2 just proves which country was militarily stronger.

Rewriting history again?

Why would I cry about the fact Pakistan developed the atomic bomb years after India? I am proud of my nation's achievement given India, USA, and Israel did everything they possibly could to deny Pakistan the atomic bomb. Pakistan built the bomb on its own accord, with no help from any nation what so ever; a greater achievement in comparison to the charitable nuclear hand-out dished out to India by the Americans.

Regarding sizeable Hindu population i guess 500 000 to 1 million is a sizeable population

The world's hindu population is 1.3 billion,800-900 million in India rest outside it.



HOMELAND. The land that is governed by the respective ideology. Do you understand what this means? You might as well cite the population of Jews around the world and deny the fact Israel is the Jewish homeland.
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The no use first policy doesn't mean the nation will never use nukes first, it's just diplomatic language which is used to put accross this idea.

Any nation who is about to be defeated by conventional means will most likely use their nukes out of desperation and last ditch attempt to avoid defeat.

That leaves us with Pakistan,wehave demonstrated our superior conventional capabilityover them in all wars and maintain it.So unless Pakistan threatens to use Nuclear weapons India wont be using it.it will be a retaliatory attack.

How do you know India currently has superiour capablity over Pakistan? This is just talk and can only be proven in war.

The game has changed over recent years. After Mumbai attacks the Indian hardliners were desperate to start a war with Pakistan but realised they would lose more than what they would gain.
He meant no 1st use.....It means India will not use Nuclear weapons unless threatened/attacked by Nuclear Chemical or Biological weapons.Russia and China have the same policy.

I dont see India having to use Nuclear Weapons againist any country that it is most likely to go to war with at present.

Considering the traditional Russian support and the present US support and the huge economic boom that China is witnessing there will be an Indo-China war.

That leaves us with Pakistan,wehave demonstrated our superior conventional capabilityover them in all wars and maintain it.So unless Pakistan threatens to use Nuclear weapons India wont be using it.it will be a retaliatory attack.

Anyways no country except USA has the diplomatic clout to pull out a nuclear attack and live with it.

If India is strong than Pakistan in terms of weapons and arsenal, then why does it show concern over Pakistan's nuclear program? the only reason I see it does that is because it knows Pakistan is more capable than India to be successful in a nuclear war, God forbid if it happens,
If India is strong than Pakistan in terms of weapons and arsenal, then why does it show concern over Pakistan's nuclear program? the only reason I see it does that is because it knows Pakistan is more capable than India to be successful in a nuclear war, God forbid if it happens,

You have to remember India is now a puppet of the Americans and Israeli's. It has sided with them against the Muslim nations which it feels makes it more secure while giving it more ability to progress. Their concern is just like the zionist concern to stop Muslim nations from having the 'Islamic bomb'. They know sooner or later these 2 billion people will unite together to once again become an empire(joining iwth other which would threaten USA and Israel along with India. They want to attack first and destroy any chance of this. All other Muslim nations are on their knees to these guys with Pakistan still standing.
Theory? Muslims and Hindus cannot live with each other? I guess that is why Pakistan was created.

Im sure you need to keep repeating that every night when you go to bed. How else can you vindicate the creation of your nation? How can else can you explain that partition, after 64 years, has left a Pakistan that US treats as a test ground for its drones while the muslims and hindus continue to live together in India. I understand your urge to keep clutching at that straw.

As for your numbers game, irrelevant, Muslims are a minority in India and are treated with contempt.

Of course, facts that disprove your theory should be dismissed as "irrelevant". How convenient!

Hindu extremism is on the rise in India. Why?

For the same reason that islamic extremism is on the rise around the world - Nutjobs!

Why would I cry about the fact Pakistan developed the atomic bomb years after India? I am proud of my nation's achievement given India, USA, and Israel did everything they possibly could to deny Pakistan the atomic bomb. Pakistan built the bomb on its own accord, with no help from any nation what so ever; a greater achievement in comparison to the charitable nuclear hand-out dished out to India by the Americans.

:))) Buddy, you better get a refund from your school right now because what they certainly did not teach you history as it happened.
Canada built your country's first nuclear power plant! And the less we talk about the "help" from your Chinese friends the better.
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You have to remember India is now a puppet of the Americans and Israeli's. It has sided with them against the Muslim nations which it feels makes it more secure while giving it more ability to progress. Their concern is just like the zionist concern to stop Muslim nations from having the 'Islamic bomb'. They know sooner or later these 2 billion people will unite together to once again become an empire(joining iwth other which would threaten USA and Israel along with India. They want to attack first and destroy any chance of this. All other Muslim nations are on their knees to these guys with Pakistan still standing.


The people of Pakistan, it's army and it's capabilities are of a very big concern to the zionists and their lapdogs(India, USA).

Not sure if you read this story about a leak regarding Pakistan army?

Colonel Michael Schleicher reported his impressions to officials at the U.S embassy in Islamabad, after attending a course at Pakistan's National Defence University (NDU), the country's equivalent of Sandhurst.

He found many students, mainly colonels and brigadiers, believed the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States were a "Jewish conspiracy" and that Britain's BBC is controlled by the security service MI5.

Junior officers, colonels and lieutenant-colonels, believed Iraq was invaded for its oil and that the United States' Central Intelligence Agency controls the American media.

His observations highlighted views which are widely held throughout Pakistani society and shared by some senior military figures, including former head of the Inter-Service Intelligence directorate Lieutenant-General Hamid Gul, who supports the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan.

Col. Schleicher's report reinforced the concerns of Anne W. Patterson, Washington's ambassador to Islamabad, who said she had received "astonishingly naive questions" from Pakistani officers when she addressed the NDU in 2007. More officers should be invited to training courses in the US to challenge "misconceptions" about America, especially among the "lost generation" of officers denied US training after General Musharraf's 1999 coup. "The elite of this crop of colonels and brigadiers are receiving biased NDU training with no chance to hear alternative views of the U.S," she warned.

According to Colonel Schleicher some of those misconceptions were perpetuated by instructors on the course. "One guest lecturer – who is a Pakistani one star general – claimed that the US National Security Agency actively trains correspondents for media organisations. Some students share these misconceptions despite having children who attended universities in the US or London," he said.

"Students in the Junior Course shared many of the biases prevalent in the Muslim world, including a belief the US invaded Iraq for its oil and that 9/11 was a staged 'Jewish conspiracy,'" he added.

He estimated one third of the elite officers were devout Muslims, while less religions and secular officers felt under pressure to appear more religious than they were


The Americans are on the verge of a massive defeat in Afghanistan. Their troops are falling on a daily basis and this year is expected to be their bloodiest year so far with the resistance promising a massive push against them. Once they leave Afghanistan, Pakistan will improve and wait for the middle east to find it's freedom. When this happens every Muslim nation on Earth will have nuclear weapons and the game will change forever. India will be begging for friendship then.
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Im sure you need to keep repeating that every night when you go to bed. How else can you vindicate the creation of your nation? How can else can you explain that partition, after 64 years, has left a Pakistan that US treats as a test ground for its drones while the muslims and hindus continue to live together in India. I understand your urge to keep clutching at that straw.

Pakistan is a slap in the face of the laughable concept that is secular India. Accept this fact and move on.

:))) Buddy, you better get a refund from your school right now because what they certainly did not teach you history as it happened.
Canada built your country's first nuclear power plant! And the less we talk about the "help" from your Chinese friends the better.

Back in 1992? Canada and China? Cite concrete evidence supporting your bogus claim, or are you attempting to re-write history too? It would be understandable given Indians cannot stomach the success of Pakistan.

I loved the part where gas centrifuge designs were stolen by a Pakistani national from the European technology holder, Urenco.

BTW, Canada helped India develop the bomb by selling a Nuclear powerplant from AECL.

It's you who needs the refund, buddy. :)

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Pakistan is a slap in the face of Secular India. Accept this fact and move on.

Lol! Pak was founded on the basis that hindus and muslims could not co-exist. The very existence of a secular India with hindus and muslims alike is a slap in the face of Pak. Combine that with the fact that muslims could not live together in the Islamic republic of Pakistan than Bangladesh had to be formed is a slur that cannot be erased. Like i said, i understand your need to keep repeating that garbage everyday.

Back in 1992? Cite concrete evidence supporting your bogus claim, or are you attempting to re-write history too?

More like 1972. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karachi_Nuclear_Power_Plant
In 1965, Abdus Salam traveled to United States, where in a ceremony, Canada and Pakistan signed a nuclear energy pact with GE Canada establishing the country's first nuclear plant
I repeat - Go get a refund from your school right now man. Just to avoid getting schooled here at least.

It would be understandable given Indians cannot stomach the success of Pakistan.

Cant stomach what? The fact that USA throws money at you and you let them bomb your own citizens like obedient servants?! Ooh, that is grounds for jealousy indeed! :)))
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Lol! Pak was founded on the basis that hindus and muslims could not co-exist.

Thank you, I rest my case.

More like 1972. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karachi_Nuclear_Power_Plant
In 1965, Abdus Salam traveled to United States, where in a ceremony, Canada and Pakistan signed a nuclear energy pact with GE Canada establishing the country's first nuclear plant
I repeat - Go get a refund from your school right now man. Just to avoid getting schooled here at least.

Wiki to the rescue! The quality of education these days, tut tut, honestly.

Dare I ask the evidence supporting China's involvement?

And then the world wonders why India has a high level of illiteracy. Love it.
Wiki to the rescue! The quality of education these days, tut tut, honestly.

Dare I ask the evidence supporting China's involvement?

And then the world wonders why India has a high level of illiteracy. Love it.

So basically, you admit you were wrong! Nice man, run along for that refund now! :)
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The people of Pakistan, it's army and it's capabilities are of a very big concern to the zionists and their lapdogs(India, USA).

Not sure if you read this story about a leak regarding Pakistan army?


The Americans are on the verge of a massive defeat in Afghanistan. Their troops are falling on a daily basis and this year is expected to be their bloodiest year so far with the resistance promising a massive push against them. Once they leave Afghanistan, Pakistan will improve and wait for the middle east to find it's freedom. When this happens every Muslim nation on Earth will have nuclear weapons and the game will change forever. India will be begging for friendship then.

KKWC, thank you for the insightful link, will read and comment on it a bit later. Off to dig on some lush biryani! :)
KKWC, thank you for the insightful link, will read and comment on it a bit later. Off to dig on some lush biryani! :)

You're welcome, it;s the Telegraph but it gives you an idea of the mindset and worry they have about Pakistan.
So basically, you admit you were wrong! Nice man, run along for that refund now! :)


The link you cite refers to the a civil commercial nuclear energy and power generation plant in Karachi! Doh!

Pakistan's first nuclear arms development started at Kahuta near Islamabad.

Still no sign of evidence supporting China's involvment.

Keep dancing and parroting on the same spot; you've done India proud!

Your atomic bomb has done a lot of help.Americans come and bomb you whenever they like,you can do nothing.Your Nuclear bomb will not reach Israel or anywhere outside S-E Asia.No you are not Muslim worlds leaders.Not even close.

During the Arab Israel wars how many planes,tanks etc Pakistan sent?ZERO.They sent 6 pilots who volunteered to go and fight.

You want to compare Turkey with Pakistan.Turkish are more porsperous and leaving in lot more peace than Pakistanis.

The fact is Pakistan may want/claim to be a leader of muslims in the world,it is not.

The Pakistani bomb is India specific.It has nothing to do with Islam or the Islamic world.

We are so afraid of you..........tell that to Gen.Niazi and his soldiers...

At that time pakistan was not That Established We Were Under Construction at that time.... So your point is irrelevant

You are Indeed Less Sounded Minded Who Just Listen India Bogus Media Machines

You don,t Have any facts or figures you Are Just Making False Assumption...Spread Your Mind Open it come On....

Ask Any Muslim Country they will spit on your face..... who is powerful....

Turkey Even Know What is Pakistan and What there People Can do....you think your Pussidy Movies Like Mission Istanbul Or Game Can Shoot There And Have More Info on turkey.....

I can read Your Mind From Here You think the Muslim Countries Like Egypt Or Turkey which india have some good friend-ship relationship with them so you are saying they are more power-ful or prosperous what an idiotic statement....they have also poor people around even in the saudi-arabia there are many saudi national who are below the poverty line.....

Turkey Is Not A Pure Islamic Country... It was not separated from any hindus or christians....

You People Are Simply Jealous of Pakistan Been Recognized As Super Power Of Muslim Nation.....

you people Leave In the Past And Think It would Be The Same thing again and again.....

Your Bomb is made for China you goota be kidding with me or Sri-lanka...

And I think You Don,t know Us and We Know You People Very Much If America Come and Bomb Pakistan....

We Would Have Already Launch Attack On Yours...

2- Madras
3- Goa
4-The Whole Maharastra.

and your IT Hub

5- Bangalore

Would All Be Out Of the Map Bfr USA Bomb Us.....So Careful :ahmed
Like you finished last 4 wars ?

Check Your Military The Laziest Military In the world....

Check Your Star News Military giving Ads For Joining Them

Like Saying Have a kitkat and have a break....

Soon Your Whole Military Personnel Going to be Bollwood league
i know how you guys will finish the war, start the game slowly and accelerate at the end like :misbah

Bring In Game Situation Its Like That Then Slap On Mouth the Bigger Size #...

then Pechanao Yeh Numbers KO

12- 9

Hope You Get It

The link you cite refers to the a civil commercial nuclear energy and power generation plant in Karachi! Doh!

Pakistan's first nuclear arms development started at Kahuta near Islamabad.

Keep dancing and parroting on the same spot;you've done India proud!


Boy do you love getting schooled or what? Left your biriyani to come back for more? :)

Refer to my post again:I said "Canada built your country's first nuclear power plant!". Care to disagree?

As for the Chinese reference, here you go:

"China, a staunch ally of Pakistan's, provided blueprints for the bomb, as well as highly enriched uranium, tritium, scientists and key components for a nuclear weapons production complex, among other crucial tools. 'Without China's help, Pakistan's bomb would not exist' said Gary Milhollin, a leading expert on the spread of nuclear weapons."

The United States provided Pakistani nuclear scientists with technical training from the 1950's into the 1970's


What were you proud of again?! :)))
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If India is strong than Pakistan in terms of weapons and arsenal, then why does it show concern over Pakistan's nuclear program? the only reason I see it does that is because it knows Pakistan is more capable than India to be successful in a nuclear war, God forbid if it happens,

For the same reason that the Western world is concerned over Pak's nuclear program.

Maybe because the (in)competency and porosity of Pak's military establishment to extremist elements have been well demonstrated by recent events.

But no, the only reason you see is that the rest of the world is soooooo scared of being bombed by the Pakistani army. What. a. joke.
Cosmic, please make an effort to use correct punctuation. Not every word needs to be capitalized. Once you do that, it will be easier to read your idiotic posts.
Cosmic, please make an effort to use correct punctuation. Not every word needs to be capitalized. Once you do that, it will be easier to read your idiotic posts.

Ask Your Indian As a Whole Country People To Correct There Accent So We Can Understand Them....

Its My Wish Whats Your Problem Mr.Nasty Guy
Boy do you love getting schooled or what? Left your biriyani to come back for more? :)

Refer to my post again:I said "Canada built your country's first nuclear power plant!". Care to disagree?

As for the Chinese reference, here you go:

"China, a staunch ally of Pakistan's, provided blueprints for the bomb, as well as highly enriched uranium, tritium, scientists and key components for a nuclear weapons production complex, among other crucial tools. 'Without China's help, Pakistan's bomb would not exist' said Gary Milhollin, a leading expert on the spread of nuclear weapons."

The United States provided Pakistani nuclear scientists with technical training from the 1950's into the 1970's


What were you proud of again?! :)))

What an idiotic information you are collecting My Flop Actor....

If is the case as you are saying i don,t think so america would be so afraid of our Nuclear Bomb....if they train all of them why didn't they have some back-up.....Is America Supporting us to kill you people....

i think you are Play-station or X-box too much .....
What an idiotic information you are collecting My Flop Actor....

If is the case as you are saying i don,t think so america would be so afraid of our Nuclear Bomb....if they train all of them why didn't they have some back-up.....Is America Supporting us to kill you people....

i think you are Play-station or X-box too much .....

...Edit: Never mind
Like you finished last 4 wars ?

And Who Told You if You Win All of Your Last 4 Wars....Then Think Seriously and wisely the last war would be The End Of India It-self and there Would Be Green Flag Raising On The Lal-Qila...,,,

And Sharukh Khan Will Be Jockey Of The Radio Pakistan Delhi....

And He Will Put On

Pak Sar Zameen Shad Bad

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqaOMmc_Fuw what a tremendous feeling would be that....

Ab toh Delhi, Bombay Bhi Hamaray Pass...

Goa Ko Humnay Chordia

Darjeeling ki Teas Hamari hogain

Kolkata Hum Na Bangladesh Ko Gift Dedia

Madras Ko Hum Ne Goad Lelia

Bangalore Ko Hum Na World Best Computer Market Banadia...

Hyderabad Ko Humnay Nawabs Ko Wapis Dedia,,,

Baaas Bhai Baaas Itna hi India Ka Cities Mallom Baaad Mein Phir Kabhi,,,,

Just Kidding Dil Pa Maat Le Yaar
Some thought-provoking comments being posted here by Namak_Halaal and the Indian posters alike. Namak_Halaal, from what I have read, I am inferring that according to you, Hinduism (where India is for Hindus) and Islam (where Pakistan is primarily for Muslims) are opposing ideologies, as in they cannot coexist? Just want to make sure that this is what you were saying. If so, then what do you think about all these peace-talk attempts and initiatives some people hope to see between the two countries? Futile....because of their opposing beliefs they will always hate each other? What is the solution then? (sorry if the "solution" question is a bit vague/broad)

Also, if the reason that India built nukes "in order to protect itself from the threat of Muslims/Islamic ideologies through which, in the past, mosques were built on sites of temples and the Hindu's were "booty-whipped"" is true, then I don't see why it is wrong for India to arm itself against a supposed Islamic threat...given that any Muslim country would probably do the same against a potential Hindu threat if given the opportunity.
What an idiotic information you are collecting My Flop Actor....

If is the case as you are saying i don,t think so america would be so afraid of our Nuclear Bomb....if they train all of them why didn't they have some back-up.....Is America Supporting us to kill you people....

i think you are Play-station or X-box too much .....

There's no point. I asked him to cite concrete evidence supporting Canada's involvement in Pakistan's Atomic Weapons program and he cited a Civil Nuclear power plant on the other side of the country. I asked him to provide concrete evidence supporting China's involvement pre 92, and after profusely banging his keyboard, the best he could offer through Google is a newspaper article highlighting a ‘belief’ of a Nuclear expert. He may as well claim India helped Pakistan in the creation of the Islamic bomb by forsaking land upon which the Kahuta reactor was built on. Something tells me he and Spiron attended the same school.

It’s best to ignore QB at times like this, but all is not lost, just sit back and enjoy the laughter he brings at the table.

PS: I predict QB will post a verse of ‘blah blah blah’, followed by a chorus of ‘bleat bleat bleat’ – repeated adnuseum. :)
On the first page [post #39] you stated India developed the bomb as a deterrent against Pakistan, yet here you are claiming India won all wars against Pakistan and clearly imply Pakistan was not a major threat to India. Therefore, the logical question is, if Pakistan were not considered a major threat by India, then why claim the Indian Bomb was developed to deter Pakistan?

I can understand how the defeat at the hand of the Chinese would lead India to develop a deterrent but to develop a deterrent against a nation which you claim to have defeated on 4 occasions? Laughable.

War is not a game. Its best avoided. Are you saying you didn't surrender in 1971? Didn't happen?

Moreover, while you attempt to rewrite history with your bogus claims in reference to the wars between Pakistan and India, the one fact and reality you cannot alter is India were handed their arses on a silver platter with the inception of Pakistan. Bitter pill to swallow for Indians till this day.

What? Again just nonsense

Hinduism and Christianity are present in Pakistan. What is your point? No one claimed Islam is the sole property of Pakistan; the point was Pakistan was created on Islamic principles; A nation carved from an opposing ideology over 60 years ago; how’s that for Muslim rule and conquest?

As for Bangladesh, what is your point? That’s the same as me asking why India hasn’t attacked China with its nukes, oh yeah, that’s right, India were pistol whipped by the Chinese whereas the Bangladeshis present no threat to India no matter how you look at it, put simply, India has nothing to gain from attacking Bangladesh!

You claimed our nukes are anti-islamic. Bangladesh is Islamic. How come we have good relations with Bangladesh? Wouldn't we gain by wiping out Islam in Bangladesh, according to you the bomb is meant for that?? What about the threat of Islam that they present?? Again, your nonsense theories have no basis in reality.

Theocracy and Monarchy are just fancy words which have no relevance in this context. The point here is one ideology ruling another, the method and model of delivery is irrelevant. Under Roman rule, the Roman was a commoner too, under British rule, the Englishman was a commoner too, but both Romans and the British enforced their ideology on conquered land regardless of the commoner demographic. Hindus were battered under Muslim rule in India which only fuelled the antipathy between Muslims and Hindus. Hindu temples destroyed, Hindu Gods destroyed, Hindu towns destroyed, Hindu villages destroyed – all of which were substituted by an alternative, yet opposing ideology - by force might I add.

Moreover, the Roman commoner had more rights and privileges compared to any other commoner under Roman rule. The English commoner had more rights and privileges compared to any other commoner under British rule, and yes you’ve guessed it, the Muslim commoner had more rights and privileges compared to any other commoner under Muslim rule. Fast forward to 47, once the Muslims gained independence from India, once the British raped and pillaged India, it resulted in a power vacuum. That’s right, the one chance for Hindus, in the entire history of Hinduism, where Hindus could govern their own people by their way of thinking, and guess what? Under Hindu rule, the Muslim commoner has less rights and privileges compared to Hindus.

Please oh please, show me some proof of this!!!! Again spouting plain lies!

I want to represent Islam? Get a grip; The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is self explanatory. As for other Islamic nations hating Pakistan, boo hoo! Have a look at the Hindu caste system, Hindus despising, murdering, raping, and maiming other Hindus under the same roof just because of their caste. How pathetic and sad.

Why does it have to change? What sort of a question is that? Time changes everything. As for “is it changing?”, yes it is. Why do you ask? Does the notion of a unified Islam haunt you? Do you feel threatened by it?

As for why other Muslim nations hate Pakistan, try jealousy; Pakistan has achieved what other Muslim nations could not in their years of existence, that is political clout; leverage! How you ask? What is the one entity which Pakistan posses that other Muslims nations do not? You got it, the Atomic bomb.

Amazing. You are deluded my friend. Countries are jealous of Pakistan?? You are the laughing stock of the world. You are an international beggar living on aids. US pays you to bomb your own people. Not one team is ready to visit you to play kabaddi even and people are jealous?? Hahahha. This was a joke right??

And what citations will you accept? Increased trade with Pakistan among Muslim nations? Improved political dialogue with Pakistan among Muslim nations?

Your answer is a joke. Muslims are treated better in India than in Pakistan? Wow, it can be argued Hindus are treated better in Pakistan compared to India. Talk substance and quit dancing around the question.

Your answer is a deflection tactic in fear of exposing the truth. Don’t compare the treatment of Muslims in India with Pakistan, a point which is completely irrelevant given the context. The point in this thread is that Hinduism fears Islam hence developed the bomb, thus the treatment of Muslims governed under a Hindu majority is the most significant aspect of this discussion.

It’s evidently clear Muslims in India are treated with utter contempt but you just cannot admit it, nor can you challenge this fact.

You what? I’ve already explained to you how religion plays a role in Geopolitics. The relationship between USA and Israel is the finest of fine examples. Do you deny it? Want to rewrite history again?

As for the 71 relevance, it remains irrelevant. Which part of two OPPOSING ideologies giving rise to nuclear assets do you not understand? Comparing Muslims with Muslims is a futile exercise given the context. Or perhaps you are attempting to explain the point of more Muslims dying at the hand of Muslims? While it is true, the fact remains Hindus do not give a squat, let Muslims conduct the dirty work, right?

If opposing ideologies gives rise to weapons then similar ideologies should result in harmony no? If in both cases it gives rise to weapons then your point is just nonsense again. Which is the case.

Great that you admit Pakistan has killed more muslims than any other nation. You are still bombing Muslims with drones as we speak.

However, it’s obvious you are attempting to portray Pakistan as the bad guy, go for it, I mean why you wouldn’t, India feels threatened by Pakistan as it is.

Threatened by your glorious success?? Hahaha. come on!! You should be doing stand up!

You had the chance to falsify my point by simply naming a Hindu homeland outside of India. You cannot. There is no homeland for Hindus outside of India period. Prove me wrong by naming ONE nation that is. As for the BJP, are you talking about the same BJP party that has embarked on a mission to eradicate Muslims in Utter Pradesh? Hmm, why would they do such a thing in a secular nation? Yes that’s right, ethnic purification of India. India not considered the homeland for Hindus? Go eat a donut.

You have said this twice. What is this mission to eradicate Muslims in UP? This is the first time I'm hearing of it!

Superb response! Again, I do not see you denying the growing resentment against Muslims in India. I do not see you condemning the rise of right wing extremists Hindus parties in India. I do not see you challenging the notion that Muslims in India are treated with utter contempt. What’s up buddy? Cannot face the truth?

Again, nonsense. I did not do any of the above because they are just not true. Utter contempt? Zaheer Khan, Munaf Patel, AR Rahman the list goes on and on. Why are you lying so much?

India is growing and it burns Pakistan? Wait a minute; in the first page you stated Pakistan was a threat to India, A nation with 1/6 of the population of India grabbing India by the crown jewels.

Again you surrendered, how is that grabbing the other countries crown jewels?? Surrendered!!

As for 9/11 et al, conspiracy or not, I bet you relished in the news that Muslims were behind it. Catch my drift?

Simmer down; your emotions are empowering you. You have deflected the simplest of questions which challenge the facade that is secular India. Why though I wonder? Perhaps the truth is a bitter pill to swallow? Why in a secular nation did Muslims gain independence, Pakistan? Why in a secular land are Sikhs fighting for independence? (let’s not ever traverse the treatment of Sikhs in India). Did I mention the Indian Rebellion of the mid 19th century? Secular my foot.

As for the Muslim population increasing, it’s all relative, Hindu population is on the rise too but above all, Muslims remain a minority in India. Talk sense.

Whether the sacrifice of cows is mandatory or not is irrelevant, the fact is such an act not only opposes the Hindu ideology but is offensive too. Try explaining such an act to Hindu extremist groups in India.

As for beef available in restaurants, oh the drama! Pepperoni is available in Saudi Arabia within American Compounds. Alcohol is available in Pakistan; doesn’t make it right nor companionable. The reason why beef is available in restaurants is Capitalism, money! Any way to profit cash for 700+ Million who live below the breadline, even it means diluting an ideology to the extent people barter their identities and belief for a paltry price!

India, or better known as Hindustan, is the homeland for Hindus, an ideology that has suffered at the hand of minorities namely Muslims and the British, within India. Never again would Hindus want to be ruled by a minority and as such felt threatened by opposing ideologies. The consequence? The Atomic bomb with the sole purpose of preserving and protecting the Hindu ideology.

Just trash. How come the Islamic Bangladesh is not a threat but Islamic Pakistan is a threat. You are talking pre nukes. Even now Bangladesh is in a better situation then Pakistan. Your points about people being jealous of Pakistan just shows me how deluded you are!

Now go cry me a river.

Replies in bold.
Oh what a cop out! I hope the kid gets his refund soon. :))

This is PakPassion, not ICF. If you have evidence to back, then feel free to do. Rather than derailing the thread and expecting to get away or trying to find technical excuse out of this thread to make sure to escape from actual point of this thread is not gonna cut it here. You are good member, and i expect you to provide concrete evidence, or even if you don't, then there's nothing wrong with backing off. After all, we all here to seek the truth, to clear any misunderstanding between us, and therefore, we can build the beginning of healthy relationship which is important and must be aggressively encouraged given the history of Pak - Ind.
You have to remember India is now a puppet of the Americans and Israeli's. It has sided with them against the Muslim nations which it feels makes it more secure while giving it more ability to progress. Their concern is just like the zionist concern to stop Muslim nations from having the 'Islamic bomb'. They know sooner or later these 2 billion people will unite together to once again become an empire(joining iwth other which would threaten USA and Israel along with India. They want to attack first and destroy any chance of this. All other Muslim nations are on their knees to these guys with Pakistan still standing.

Pakistan standing while other muslims countries are on their knees?? Which world do you live in? Which other Muslim country is going around the world begging for money?

India are puppets of USA? Are they paying us to bomb our own people? Are their drones flying around in India? Is India an ally of US?

The people of Pakistan, it's army and it's capabilities are of a very big concern to the zionists and their lapdogs(India, USA).

Not sure if you read this story about a leak regarding Pakistan army?


The Americans are on the verge of a massive defeat in Afghanistan. Their troops are falling on a daily basis and this year is expected to be their bloodiest year so far with the resistance promising a massive push against them. Once they leave Afghanistan, Pakistan will improve and wait for the middle east to find it's freedom. When this happens every Muslim nation on Earth will have nuclear weapons and the game will change forever. India will be begging for friendship then.

No problem with that. We are already on good terms with most Muslim nations. From Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia etc etc.

Better than begging for money right now.
This is PakPassion, not ICF. If you have evidence to back, then feel free to do. Rather than derailing the thread and expecting to get away or trying to find technical excuse out of this thread to make sure to escape from actual point of this thread is not gonna cut it here. You are good member, and i expect you to provide concrete evidence, or even if you don't, then there's nothing wrong with backing off. After all, we all here to seek the truth, to clear any misunderstanding between us, and therefore, we can build the beginning of healthy relationship which is important and must be aggressively encouraged given the history of Pak - Ind.

Agree. But people here are looking for war. I'm seeing posts on how Pakistan will take over our cities and which cities it will nuke. I don't know whether those posts should be deleted or not. It adds nothing to the discussion, its just meant to rile people up.
And Who Told You if You Win All of Your Last 4 Wars....Then Think Seriously and wisely the last war would be The End Of India It-self and there Would Be Green Flag Raising On The Lal-Qila...,,,

And Sharukh Khan Will Be Jockey Of The Radio Pakistan Delhi....

And He Will Put On

Pak Sar Zameen Shad Bad

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqaOMmc_Fuw what a tremendous feeling would be that....

Ab toh Delhi, Bombay Bhi Hamaray Pass...

Goa Ko Humnay Chordia

Darjeeling ki Teas Hamari hogain

Kolkata Hum Na Bangladesh Ko Gift Dedia

Madras Ko Hum Ne Goad Lelia

Bangalore Ko Hum Na World Best Computer Market Banadia...

Hyderabad Ko Humnay Nawabs Ko Wapis Dedia,,,

Baaas Bhai Baaas Itna hi India Ka Cities Mallom Baaad Mein Phir Kabhi,,,,

Just Kidding Dil Pa Maat Le Yaar

Yeh kaisa joke hai?

Not once has any Indian here said anything about taking over or invading Pakistan. Not once. Has anyone here said we will attack Pakistan?

Aur app keh rahe ho ke India pehle war shuru karegi. Aap ne to puri planning bhi kar rakhi hai.
Some thought-provoking comments being posted here by Namak_Halaal and the Indian posters alike. Namak_Halaal, from what I have read, I am inferring that according to you, Hinduism (where India is for Hindus) and Islam (where Pakistan is primarily for Muslims) are opposing ideologies, as in they cannot coexist? Just want to make sure that this is what you were saying. If so, then what do you think about all these peace-talk attempts and initiatives some people hope to see between the two countries? Futile....because of their opposing beliefs they will always hate each other? What is the solution then? (sorry if the "solution" question is a bit vague/broad)

Also, if the reason that India built nukes "in order to protect itself from the threat of Muslims/Islamic ideologies through which, in the past, mosques were built on sites of temples and the Hindu's were "booty-whipped"" is true, then I don't see why it is wrong for India to arm itself against a supposed Islamic threat...given that any Muslim country would probably do the same against a potential Hindu threat if given the opportunity.

The solution is pretty much simple, and very hard fact. Only the nation under one government can eradicate any division of religions, sects, castes,....etc, under one banner. Two countries in one subcontinent is never ending story, and unless, both parties strongly encourage the unity of policies which must be very legal benefit for both countries, and given the situation of Kashmir which made it pretty clear of no chance of repairing any damaged relationship whatsoever. The only solution is one of both countries must invade and run the nation under one banner. That's only hope. In order to restore justice, peace and harmony not only in Pakistan and India, and also Kashmir as we saw the result of under Indian soldiers, and the only hope for Pakistan to must succeed Gadhwah Hind, and run the whole subcontinent under one banner.

To think that division of more and more sects, castes...etc, if anything, increase the inevitable wars imposed on them.

Pakistan has never attacked India in the past, and still hasn't, and sure, the possibility of war anytime soon, but India has achieved Nuclear weapon, and as we are aware of USA involvement in Middle East, Asia, South America, and go on, and if Pakistan hasn't achieved Nuclear weapon, then we will never know what would have been the consequence. However, India has had every right to have nukes to protect from any thread, and from Pakistan position, this could have been perceived as the exercise the authority of using wrong ways by any means necessary, and therefore, Pakistan was right not take any chance. From what i see in today situation, it appears Pakistan was chosen as nation, from India for Middle East purpose right after Gadhwah Hind. It all starts to make sense now.
The solution is pretty much simple, and very hard fact. Only the nation under one government can eradicate any division of religions, sects, castes,....etc, under one banner. Two countries in one subcontinent is never ending story, and unless, both parties strongly encourage the unity of policies which must be very legal benefit for both countries, and given the situation of Kashmir which made it pretty clear of no chance of repairing any damaged relationship whatsoever. The only solution is one of both countries must invade and run the nation under one banner. That's only hope. In order to restore justice, peace and harmony not only in Pakistan and India, and also Kashmir as we saw the result of under Indian soldiers, and the only hope for Pakistan to must succeed Gadhwah Hind, and run the whole subcontinent under one banner.

To think that division of more and more sects, castes...etc, if anything, increase the inevitable wars imposed on them.

Pakistan has never attacked India in the past, and still hasn't, and sure, the possibility of war anytime soon, but India has achieved Nuclear weapon, and as we are aware of USA involvement in Middle East, Asia, South America, and go on, and if Pakistan hasn't achieved Nuclear weapon, then we will never know what would have been the consequence. However, India has had every right to have nukes to protect from any thread, and from Pakistan position, this could have been perceived as the exercise the authority of using wrong ways by any means necessary, and therefore, Pakistan was right not take any chance. From what i see in today situation, it appears Pakistan was chosen as nation, from India for Middle East purpose right after Gadhwah Hind. It all starts to make sense now.

Pakistan has attacked us once even after both countries had nukes! I'm guessing that was a typo.
This is PakPassion, not ICF. If you have evidence to back, then feel free to do. Rather than derailing the thread and expecting to get away or trying to find technical excuse out of this thread to make sure to escape from actual point of this thread is not gonna cut it here. You are good member, and i expect you to provide concrete evidence, or even if you don't, then there's nothing wrong with backing off.

Respectfully disagree, the issue with Pak's nuclear history was not something i started, merely contended. And i have provided links to back up any claims i made, unlike a few fellow posters.

After all, we all here to seek the truth, to clear any misunderstanding between us, and therefore, we can build the beginning of healthy relationship which is important and must be aggressively encouraged given the history of Pak - Ind.

Absolutely agree. I would hope everyone hear follow the same, me included.
Agree. But people here are looking for war. I'm seeing posts on how Pakistan will take over our cities and which cities it will nuke. I don't know whether those posts should be deleted or not. It adds nothing to the discussion, its just meant to rile people up.

After RAW involvement in Afghanistan to Balochistan, and Kashmir situation. You really blame them for their rightly outburst in this thread?

India talks about peace, but does the opposite, as Kashmir situation isn't even addressed yet. Leave the Kashmir as the sign of trust to gain from Pakistan. Otherwise, what is happening in Kashmir is what give the wrong impression to Pakistan and what Pakistan will be, Kashmir in no time if the nuke has been taken away from Pakistan, and which is probably top priority USA is pushing at the moment.
Respectfully disagree, the issue with Pak's nuclear history was not something i started, merely contended. And i have provided links to back up any claims i made, unlike a few fellow posters.

Absolutely agree. I would hope everyone hear follow the same, me included.

The discussion of why Pakistan, and the benefit for Pakistan to have nuke is already on other threads.

This thread is about why India develop and acquire the bomb? Too far, the response has been thrown in very technical answers without real answer of this thread topic which is yet to be address after numerous and very long discussion posts.
Pakistan has attacked us once even after both countries had nukes! I'm guessing that was a typo.

Care to educate us. I am not really aware of that. (to be honest)

After all, that's what we are here to discuss.