Zaid Hamid humiliated on TV

Meh..still watched parts of it. Fun seeing him get smashed to pieces.
:facepalm: at the anchor, 3 psuedo intellectuals...

Zaid Hamid was the real winner!
Already posted in another thread..sickening assault on iqbal by the secularists
these ppl speak the truth.. it burns doesnt it? lol
common man: yes, I am interested in such debates I dont care abt petrol price and making ends meet

zaid hamid should be president, he is good speaker
I've been listening to Hassan Nisar a lot recently. He speaks the truth and he is not afraid to say what he believes. Zaid Hamid was glorifying Iqbal as if he was a Newton cum Einsten. Iqbal was a great philosopher and poet but that's pretty much all.
I've been listening to Hassan Nisar a lot recently. He speaks the truth and he is not afraid to say what he believes. Zaid Hamid was glorifying Iqbal as if he was a Newton cum Einsten. Iqbal was a great philosopher and poet but that's pretty much all.


read Allama b4 u make comments
zaid hamid handled himself with dignity from all the personal attacks

man has more class than the rest

quote about the great ahmad shah abdali did p155 me off though
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Man if Zaid Hamid is one extreme, Hassan Nisar is the other. According to him there is no hope and we are already finished.

Listening to him is mere depression. I agree we should not live in dream world, but we should not be hopeless. Through media awareness is increasing and I hope change will come in Pak sooner than latter.

To every fall there is a rise. We will rise inshaAllah..
Zaid Hamid got pwned hard, particularly by Hasan Nisar and by that Fauzia lady too, to a lesser extent. The 'Chapair maar kay Usama ko maar gaye, laash bhi lay gaye. Roz drone aata hay, aap say pooch kar aata hay?' statement was a classic and had it been anyone but Zaid Hamid, anyone with a scintilla of self respect and logic, he would have quietly apologized, gotten up and left. Kept rambling on about Iqbal and Liberal Dehshatgards(what the hell is that anyway?) without realizing that Iqbal would probably be the first person he'd have declared a liberal dehshatgard had he been alive today.
Zaid Hamid talks crap thats all he got no reason no explanation talking all about iqbal crap lol stop day dreaming you fool.
I am not a ZH supporter but when the rest of them started to slate Pakistan you could seem him boil and get frustrated.

His sincerity is amazing, less said about his theories the better.
Zaid Hamid talks crap thats all he got no reason no explanation talking all about iqbal crap lol stop day dreaming you fool.

sorry but i dont understand what your saying. Is talking about Iqbal crap? what particualrly about iqbal do you not like?

Im disgusted at this new wave of anti Iqbalism. pathetic and sick. The secualrists have sunk lower than even i thought they could. No doubt love for Pakistan isnt high on their agenda!! sick people!
is he (and other Mughal rulers) perceived as great in Pakistan?

hes percieved great by me and those with any sense of pashtun nationalism and love for islam i assume

considering he fought for all muslims at the battle of panipat he should be held in great esteem not mocked by other muslims...for ending the maratha power in india

truth be told along with sher shah suri and khushal khan khattak he is the greatest afghan to have ever lived
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Na screw it let's glorify him. Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato were inspired by Iqbal :sami

Yeah, no one in the world has the right to be seen as intellectual role-model because he can't compare with Aristotle or Newton. #sarcasm

And Hasan Nisar is just the other end of the same spectrum : one embodies the irrational sense of self-constructed bravado furnished by our 'we-is-Ghazi' mindset, and the other the epitome of cultural masochism and psychological self-depreciation which flatter the egos of our neighbours.

Also, don't know about the uploader's (nor the OP) intentions, when he uploads a video about some 'high profile' scientist - eg Hassan Nisar the man himself - saying that Pakistanis are animals.

You'll see a lot of Indians quoting and revering the Hoodbhoys and the Nisars of the worlds as walking truths, we all know why, but I'm really interested to see if they give the same verve when they want to upload some "pro India" à la Arundhati Roy or Pankaj Mishra.

Anyway, didn't see any debating, just void barking.
This has been discussed in another thread. I suggest to merge posts form the other thread into this thread.

Anyway I'll repeat here again my view. the show was totally imbalanced and just a blame game, the usual liberal vs fundamentalist stuff. I am no fan of ZH as he is not only a day dreamer but he mislead youth based on some prediciton book giving them false hopes, as a result the youth thinks every thing will be rosy once again automatically, nothing to fix in this country or in muslims. However every now and then ZH do have valid points. In this show besides his usual day dreaming he did point out that it was lack of rule of law mainly and also youth should have studied Iqbal to get their though process going etc etc.

The Fauzia Ali couple ios nto worth talking but HN though talk sense, but always full of pointing out symptoms/problems. In this program just to have argument against ZH a 'pagal' he ignored the good points from ZH and slated Iqbal which was poor attempt IMO. HN should balance his opinions by pointing out the reason/background oif the problems and then present solutions. No harm in saying every now and then that if we fix this and that in such n such way, inshAllah every thing will be ok. But like a broken record he keep on repeating his rhetorics.

As for Abdalis and ghauris, HN is dead right.
sorry but i dont understand what your saying. Is talking about Iqbal crap? what particualrly about iqbal do you not like?

Im disgusted at this new wave of anti Iqbalism. pathetic and sick. The secualrists have sunk lower than even i thought they could. No doubt love for Pakistan isnt high on their agenda!! sick people!

As a poet he is fine (I like some of his work as work of urdu poetry thats all and I dont consider him near the greats of urdu poetry and this is my personal opnion and my personal liking ) but again not great taking him as an ideology is piece of crap we have Quran and Hadith to follow and we have Sunnat-e-Nabwi so stop talking about Iqbal and look for proper figures as role models and stop telling me to follow some one who I would define in clear urdu " Jis ke qoul aur fail main tazaad na ho".
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As a poet he is fine (I like some of his work as work of urdu poetry thats all and I dont consider him near the greats of urdu poetry and this is my personal opnion and my personal liking ) but again not great taking him as an ideology is piece of crap we have Quran and Hadith to follow and we have Sunnat-e-Nabwi so stop talking about Iqbal and look for proper figures as role models and stop telling me to follow some one who I would define in clear urdu " Jis ke qoul aur fail main tazaad na ho".

he wasnt just merely a poet. he was a thinker, a scholar a philosopher and there is no harm in learning from those with wisdom. If the Quraan and Sunnah is all we should follow lets rip up the rgreat works by all Muslim philosophers and thinkers that emerged after the death of The Prophet Mohammed PBUH.

and I find this sudden love for the hadith and Quraan hypocritical. There is nothing wrong with understanding what iqbal said. You sound like a narrow minded idiot and no better than the so called fundamentalists you (im assuming) claim to abhor!

considering Iqbal was an Ashik-e-rasool who Loved the Prophet I find this wave of anti iqbalism disgusting and sick!!

and they had the gall to compare him to shakespeare! lol!! what a bunch of narrow minded pea brained fools!!
I agree with Zimm and Great Khan both.

Honestly, if you play the whole thing more than a couple of times you will notice that nobody is actually providing counter points to the other parties arguments except for one time when the lady debator negated ZH.
The whole thing played out more like a chest beating festival. Both parties had some valid and some not so valid comments but in the end the debate did not go anywhere.

The host did pose some very valid questions which were not answered. My personal take is we have been playing catch up with the world for a long time and now we are lagging way way behind. Our political/social/economic climate is not helping us at all no matter what ideology we stick with. The liberal countries mostly from the west are doing great and so are some of the conservative ones such as Iran (at least better than us) so there is no black and white way to look at it. You just have to have a proper system in place that ensures your nation grows and prospers and we do not have that due to various factors.

So while I believe its not a pre-requisite for us to stick to ideological beliefs of our forefathers such as Allam Iqbal and Quaide Azam to succeed we also cannot ignore them completely.

We need to review our structure at the grass roots level. If you have so much corruption and instability to being with, there is not much you can do. You just have to fix them first and then think about taking it to the next level. In other words, we have to do the hard yards first which at this point, I dont think anybody is willing to do and we are just being arm chair critics.
I am not a very big fan of Zaid Hamid, I do follow Hassan Nisar as he comes very open on certain issues, but even me after watching this video have to admit that Hassan and party completely went over-board in bashing the Great Iqbal. They dont even understand the concept of "Khudee", although what they are tryng to preach is what Iqbal has mentioned in his Kalaam. "Self respect" in every walk of life, is what is the predecessors were able to achive in Islam and hence they achived greater heights. Iqbal mentions those forefathers as the role models for the Islamic society of today.
Hasan Nisar and others got lost here and were idiotic. To me both sides are on extreme in this clip, there is no middle path these guys have, you can not be just plain liberal to achive success, you can achive success in materialism at the cost of morality, and yuo can not go on the other side of the spectrum where Zaid is, because then you will lose as well, and will commit some crimes in the name of religion. The best path s the middle path and I dont think any so-called scholar today understands what that middle path is for Islamic countries.

I am waiting for a scholar to come who can preach us that. These are self-proclaimed experts and just come on talk shows with raves and rants and all they do is blah blah blah.

Was anything they said here made any sense? they all talked about problems but, where is the solution? Hasan Nisar on one hand says that Arabs dont own Pakistanis as Muslims and why do we own them? but, on the other hand why is the host then even talking about us as Muslims, he should be then talking about us Pakistanis? completley stupid discussion. But, I would give it to Zaid for standing in the middle of the atatck by all corners, even from the host.

And hwo is that chooza "Ali something" , guy doe snot have ethics to talk to thers, some below the belt remarks, they started getting personal, this is where you lose it, if you start getting personal in a discussion. Zaid is sometimes non-sense too, goes over-board with his extremie thought, but here he did not go below the belt.

Iqbal can never be born again in this nation, we were blessed to have him. I ask Mr Nisar, what other personalities were way above Iqbal in the stature, from chinese or Japenses nation? come up with some names,
It looked more like script where the htree ganged up on poor Zaid :)
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Was anything they said here made any sense? they all talked about problems but, where is the solution? Hasan Nisar on one hand says that Arabs dont own Pakistanis as Muslims and hence we do we own them? but, on the other hand why is the host then even talking about us as Muslims, he should be then talking about us Pakistanis? completley stupid discussion.

Iqbal is the greatest Muslim intellectual for the last three centuries, you can denigrate the "national poet of Pakistan" (even if Persian-speakers still admire his Farsi verses too) but any objective individual will tell you that his "Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam" is a milestone in philosophical studies - the ummah' hasn't produced a singe philosopher of this calibre since Mullah Sadra of Persia in the 17th century, that's not even a debate, he is what we think he is : a monumental thinker.

And about the quoted part, that's my main criticism concerning Hassan Nisar : you criticize the West for its foreign policy (and not even lifestyle or Hollywood stars), and he'll go berserk "your car, computer, underwear, oxygen, ... every-thing's Western, you nude barbarian !"
I mean, you just can't say anything, and if you do, he'll cry about why the Ummah is sh1t, he'll go on his usual rant.

That's quite a sad level of cultural alienation - and to give you an example of how far he goes in taking a pro-Western bow, he justified, in this very video, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by saying that they saved lives... even the most patriotic Americans today will hide his face saying that, because everyone knows that the bombings were unnecessary as the Japanese emperor was about to announce his nation's defeat, defeat already predictable when the navy got owned - but the Americans had to show to the Soviets how strong they were, like Hassan Nisar had to vomit his anti-nationalistic venom as he always does so eloquently, even if he has to use a morally questionable rhetoric.
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he wasnt just merely a poet. he was a thinker, a scholar a philosopher and there is no harm in learning from those with wisdom. If the Quraan and Sunnah is all we should follow lets rip up the rgreat works by all Muslim philosophers and thinkers that emerged after the death of The Prophet Mohammed PBUH.

and I find this sudden love for the hadith and Quraan hypocritical. There is nothing wrong with understanding what iqbal said. You sound like a narrow minded idiot and no better than the so called fundamentalists you (im assuming) claim to abhor!

considering Iqbal was an Ashik-e-rasool who Loved the Prophet I find this wave of anti iqbalism disgusting and sick!!

and they had the gall to compare him to shakespeare! lol!! what a bunch of narrow minded pea brained fools!!

First of all for me he was just a mere poet for me and I dont know if he was Ashiq-e-rasool. I have read from several sources he was an alcoholic too so I may find iqbal a hypocrite one side saying something on the other side doing something. Secondly who are you to doubt my love of Prophet and Hadith and Quran you have no right to doubt it as you are not my judge but Allah so just keep my person away from all this debate it is not welcome.
I have read from several sources he was an alcoholic too so I may find iqbal a hypocrite one side saying something on the other side doing something.

The typical non-sense argument of some one being alcholic mean he can't say any thing good.
Allam Iqbal has been known to have consumed alcohol and was also accused of the murder of a prostitute that he allegedly had relations with but they did not find enough evidence to convict him. I believe since the court of law found him not guilty, he was not responsible for it but many historians have suggested he did it. But like Zimmz said, I think it is beside the point to question his personal activities when his contributions and philosphy had a major hand in the formation of Pakistan and his value to our cause is/was undeniable.
Allam Iqbal has been known to have consumed alcohol and was also accused of the murder of a prostitute that he allegedly had relations with but they did not find enough evidence to convict him. I believe since the court of law found him not guilty, he was not responsible for it but many historians have suggested he did it. But like Zimmz said, I think it is beside the point to question his personal activities when his contributions and philosphy had a major hand in the formation of Pakistan and his value to our cause is/was undeniable.

Here we go the ultimate liberal secularist attack on the founding father of Pakistan. :14:

What you need to understand is this mans vision was a major factor in the foundations of Pakistan and what the country stood for from it's very beginning. He prayed in the Cordoba masjid which inspired him to vision a new strong future for Muslims in the sub-continent without having to be slaves of anyone else. He wanted Muslims in this area to become masters of their own destiny by upholding the Islamic principles.

The secularist liberals have a totally different concept of Pakistan. These people believe Pakistan was founded on the wrong principles and believe Pakistan has failed today with the only way to change is one of joining hands and bowing down to those who don't submit to the One true God. It goes without saying this has failed and will continue to fail no matter how bad the condition of Pakistan is or gets because it goes against the foundations of what Pakistan is. It's time for these foolish people to realise they are in a losing cause. As ZH showed one lion is more than enough for many sheep, as Iqbal's ideas are too strong to be countered by the liberal sheep like thinking we see today from some in Pakistan.
What's wrong with the anchor? Openly saying Pakistan has been producing terrorists. That's quite a surprise, media there in Pakistan over the years has been very defensive on these matters even at times there was too much evidence against people but now i see him and a few other people really giving in to the Western stereotypes/judgement on Pakistan/Islam :13:

Another guy you have there who does a program every week in which he compares Pakistan to India and does nothing but praise us for things we don't even deserve that much praise :23:
The typical non-sense argument of some one being alcholic mean he can't say any thing good.

just read what I quoted before jumping in and being a non-sense. "Ashiq-e-Rasool" is the one who follows the saying and doing of rasool (SAW) aur jiske qoul or fail main tazaad ho wo role model nahi hua karta usay kuch aur hi kehtay hain .
Here we go the ultimate liberal secularist attack on the founding father of Pakistan. :14:

What you need to understand is this mans vision was a major factor in the foundations of Pakistan and what the country stood for from it's very beginning. He prayed in the Cordoba masjid which inspired him to vision a new strong future for Muslims in the sub-continent without having to be slaves of anyone else. He wanted Muslims in this area to become masters of their own destiny by upholding the Islamic principles.

The secularist liberals have a totally different concept of Pakistan. These people believe Pakistan was founded on the wrong principles and believe Pakistan has failed today with the only way to change is one of joining hands and bowing down to those who don't submit to the One true God. It goes without saying this has failed and will continue to fail no matter how bad the condition of Pakistan is or gets because it goes against the foundations of what Pakistan is. It's time for these foolish people to realise they are in a losing cause. As ZH showed one lion is more than enough for many sheep, as Iqbal's ideas are too strong to be countered by the liberal sheep like thinking we see today from some in Pakistan.

King Khan, I really dont understand the point you were trying to make when you quoted my post. Did you read my full post or perhaps I am not getting the spirit of your message here.
What's wrong with the anchor? Openly saying Pakistan has been producing terrorists. That's quite a surprise, media there in Pakistan over the years has been very defensive on these matters even at times there was too much evidence against people but now i see him and a few other people really giving in to the Western stereotypes/judgement on Pakistan/Islam :13:

Another guy you have there who does a program every week in which he compares Pakistan to India and does nothing but praise us for things we don't even deserve that much praise :23:

I think there are both sides of the fence but mainly you are seeing this from people who just want to make hay while the sun shines and support a different lobby.

I am not saying they are entirely wrong but it also does not behove to bend over backwards and shower praise on others even for stuff they are doing that our country simply cannot do as a Muslim country.
just read what I quoted before jumping in and being a non-sense. "Ashiq-e-Rasool" is the one who follows the saying and doing of rasool (SAW) aur jiske qoul or fail main tazaad ho wo role model nahi hua karta usay kuch aur hi kehtay hain .

I read it! In fact your post shows you as a hypocrite.
On one hand you are asking the fellow PPer how he can doubt your love for prophet and on the other hand you are doubting Iqbal's love for prophet. In the same post you even said you don't know about the Iqbal's love for prophet. You seem to be confused there.

Anyway hardly any muslim can claim he is perfectly following/practice Islam but this doesn't mean that person can't love Prophet. Genuin love is unconditional otherwise you'll say Abu Talib didn't love prophet because he didn't accepted Islam. Many people disobey their parents yet we can't say they don't love their parents.
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King Khan, I really dont understand the point you were trying to make when you quoted my post. Did you read my full post or perhaps I am not getting the spirit of your message here.

You wrote:

"We need to review our structure at the grass roots level"

Imo Pakistan does not need to review it's foundations at all. All that is required is to implement those foundations to make the nation more successful.

How would you change the structure and why?
Kk. First of all that's not my post you quoted. Second you have to be utterly naive to reach the conclusion you have.
My post did not imply any such thing.
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This statement would suffice to shut the secular, brainwashed buffons up for good in the program:

We were the lowest of all people and then Allah gave us glory by Islam, and if we seek glory in anything other that what Allah has given us, Allah will disgrace us. - Umar Ibn Khattab (RA)
What's wrong with the anchor? Openly saying Pakistan has been producing terrorists. That's quite a surprise, media there in Pakistan over the years has been very defensive on these matters even at times there was too much evidence against people but now i see him and a few other people really giving in to the Western stereotypes/judgement on Pakistan/Islam :13:

Another guy you have there who does a program every week in which he compares Pakistan to India and does nothing but praise us for things we don't even deserve that much praise

I'm nearly sure that you're talking about Moeed Pirzada, how education system is better in India, how the sun shines more in India, how the Ganges is clean in India, how Indians are astonishingly only found in India, ... right ?

I think the anchor wanted some 'masala', Kamran Shahid is generally not this kind of anti-patriotic individual.
Kk. First of all that's not my post you quoted.

Post #50, 1st line of last paragraph.

"We need to review our structure at the grass roots level"

Second you have to be utterly naive to reach the conclusion you have.
My post did not imply any such thing.

To be fair it was open to question but please go ahead and clarify what your proposal(s)/ideas are.
What's wrong with the anchor? Openly saying Pakistan has been producing terrorists. That's quite a surprise, media there in Pakistan over the years has been very defensive on these matters even at times there was too much evidence against people but now i see him and a few other people really giving in to the Western stereotypes/judgement on Pakistan/Islam :13:

The anchor is playing good-cop/bad-cop game here, the script as I said is written to go after that red topee guy,

Those nations who do not own their heroes are always boot-lickers, by heor I mean Iqbal for Pakistan, Gandhi for India etc etc,
We have a system of corruption which has seeped into our culture and it needs to be fixed. I think you just wanted to read in my post what you inferred. My post never implied any of the ideas you have taken the liberty to Conclude.
What most people are missing here is that the core crux of Zaid Hamid's argument is implementation of Shari'ah which has never been done ever in the history of Pakistan.

Systems of Kufr have dominated the nation for 6 decades as ZH mentions since the political, judicial, economic, & social systems have their roots from Colonial Era.

ZH was right though, this was a debate of ideologies and it could not be done with petty individuals like Ali Chisti, Fauzia sahiba, and Hasan Nissar who have no clue themselves about Islam as a Deen.
@Akher - I'm talking about this guy.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Lal Bahadur Shastri sure was a wonderful man but he is really a one off in Indian politics. I gotta say Pakistan is much more democratic than India if peeps over there are letting this guy praise India day in day out over Pakistan. In India, he'd be running to save his Salman.
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I didnt watch the video.
Zaid Hamid is a clown.. and he lies a lot too
saw a bit of it... not fully agreeing with hassan nissar guy but...

I certainly agree with the fact that Arabs laugh if we associate their achievements or successes with ourselves under the name of the non existent Muslim brotherhood
this is stupid. I dont even like Zaid Hamid, yet I cant stand the other 2 on the show..
its funny how this thread has been derailed into 'who was a better muslim' LOL.. ironic really, thats the society Pakistan lives in on a daily basis..

People who are undermining Iqbal should check his resume.. the man is truly a great.. At the same time hes not some orthodox sunni muslim everyone wants to believe.. his thoughts and beliefs were extremely open minded.. the man even believed in the theory of evolution.. which most muslims would consider kafir in this day and age..

I dont really know this Hassan Nizar guy or whether he always complains without bringing solutions to the table, but his points are very logical and valid, albiet abit overly emotional..

This Zaid Hamid guy reminds me of me when i was a kid.. i dont want to sound disrespectful but he seems to have barely any intellect.. Hes also overly proud of things he shoudnt be.. WAYYY too adoring of nuclear weapons lol.. put him into power and he will become another george bush
This Zaid Hamid guy reminds me of me when i was a kid.. i dont want to sound disrespectful but he seems to have barely any intellect.. Hes also overly proud of things he shoudnt be.. WAYYY too adoring of nuclear weapons lol.. put him into power and he will become another george bush

true this

I used to do this chest thumping till I was 15 years old

Then I grew up
@ ftbNo1- As an Indian we can understand your hatred for Zaid Hamid and Iqbal. Iqbal was not only a poet but he was a Genius and today all the Pakistanis owe their freedom to his foresight. People like Hassan and all these modern secularists in Pakistan today undermining Iqbal would be no where near the TV camera if there was no Iqbal.
@ ftbNo1- As an Indian we can understand your hatred for Zaid Hamid and Iqbal. Iqbal was not only a poet but he was a Genius and today all the Pakistanis owe their freedom to his foresight. People like Hassan and all these modern secularists in Pakistan today undermining Iqbal would be no where near the TV camera if there was no Iqbal.

And their arguments are ridiculous : "Iqbal ain't no Newton", lol, as if it was comparable (scientist vs poet-philosopher), I read Iqbal's "The reconstruction of religious thought in Islam" years back, and I perfectly remember than the French translator saying that you don't need to be Pakistani and/or Muslim to see Iqbal as one of the greatest philosopher of the modern world.

But hate can't read, can he.
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@ ftbNo1- As an Indian we can understand your hatred for Zaid Hamid and Iqbal. Iqbal was not only a poet but he was a Genius and today all the Pakistanis owe their freedom to his foresight. People like Hassan and all these modern secularists in Pakistan today undermining Iqbal would be no where near the TV camera if there was no Iqbal.
I am not undermining him bro.I hate ZH but not iqbal who wrote saare zahan se acha hindustaan humara.I am just saying he is a local idol while the person i mentioned are world idol.Their are more than 100 countries who gained indipendence and all of them had great leaders.But their is only one newton or einstien.Its deluding to compare them.As mentioned above Iqbal was a open minded man unlike that lal topi wala maskhara.
Iqbal's the same guy who wrote 'Tarana-e-Hind' ? :)

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

If yes, i support him.
To this day remains the favorite patriotic song of mine. Saare Jahan se achha, Hindustan humara :heart:
^Written by a proud Muslim^
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I am not undermining him bro.I hate ZH but not iqbal who wrote saare zahan se acha hindustaan humara.I am just saying he is a local idol while the person i mentioned are world idol.Their are more than 100 countries who gained indipendence and all of them had great leaders.But their is only one newton or einstien.Its deluding to compare them.As mentioned above Iqbal was a open minded man unlike that lal topi wala maskhara.

again..he is not an idol. we do not believe in idols,
Iqbal's the same guy who wrote 'Tarana-e-Hind' ? :)

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

If yes, i support him.

To this day remains the favorite patriotic song of mine. Saare Jahan se achha, Hindustan humara :heart:
^Written by a proud Muslim^
That portion was not there in original song. It was later added by RAW. : Zaid
Iqbal's the same guy who wrote 'Tarana-e-Hind' ? :)

You see, we don't idolize him, because we accept that even Iqbal made some mistakes. :D

Cheen o arab hamara hindustan hamara

Muslim hai hum watan hai sara jahan hamara

But ftbno1 says that Iqbal was an average poet, found in every nation in thousands ; India should have chosen Tagore or such. :)
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You see, we don't idolize him, because we accept that even Iqbal made some mistakes. :D

But ftbno1 says that Iqbal was an average poet, found in every nation in thousands ; India should have chosen Tagore or such. :)
Should have chosen what??Tagore's song in national song of india.He also won nobel prize unlike iqbal.Both are great writers but not equal to great scientists.
You see, we don't idolize him, because we accept that even Iqbal made some mistakes. :D

But ftbno1 says that Iqbal was an average poet, found in every nation in thousands ; India should have chosen Tagore or such. :)
I think the comments here are extreme in both ends.

He was a great poet and hence two countries recognize him. I don't think any other poet holds this respect.

However saying that, he only makes sense and we do not need anything else is what Zaid is implying from many of his interviews.

I do not think anyone in that show humiliated Iqbal but they just wanted to show Zaid to look at the real picture.

And yes, No one knows the solution.
Bhai what i intended to bring to table was the philosophy of Mr.Iqbal. What the Pathan brothers and ZH out there are preaching is totally opposite to Iqbal's views.

It's like they don't even know the man whom they are using to fight the so called secular demons. In that regard, they are the ones who are actually disgracing Mr.Iqbal because Iqbal was of the opinion that religion should have nothing to do with the business of the state. So it is quite dumb on their part :)

Oh tod marod k batein present kar rye hain, asal mey inhoney padha i kuch nyi
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This Zaid Hamid guy reminds me of me when i was a kid.. i dont want to sound disrespectful but he seems to have barely any intellect.. Hes also overly proud of things he shoudnt be.. WAYYY too adoring of nuclear weapons lol.. put him into power and he will become another george bush

You are seriously deluded pal. I don't want to sound disrespectful but you really are deluded if you think you have more intellect or courage than ZH. I don't think you have the capability to understand where he is coming from. You're the poster who suggested prostitution could be legalised in a Muslim nation. lol.

I am not undermining him bro.I hate ZH but not iqbal who wrote saare zahan se acha hindustaan humara.I am just saying he is a local idol while the person i mentioned are world idol.Their are more than 100 countries who gained indipendence and all of them had great leaders.But their is only one newton or einstien.Its deluding to compare them.As mentioned above Iqbal was a open minded man unlike that lal topi wala maskhara.

You don't really get the basics here do you? ZH is a freedom fighter and a patriot of Pakistan. If India and Pakistan went to another war you would side with India because you're Indian and ZH would stand side by side with us(Pakistani's). You would fall into the enemies camp and he would be a leader in the home camp. When it comes to a ZH and Indians, it's obviously ZH all the way.

It's obvious why Indians hate him because he speaks the truth about the India's disgusting crimes in Kashmir, their proxy terrorist warfare inside of Pakistan and their aim to control Afghanistan. Add to this his views on Islam and how Islam should be the guiding light for Pakistan not any secular liberal western ideology and ZH makes for a good person to attack. Sadly we have idiotic ignorant traitor like Pakistani's who also hate him, perhaps too much Bollywood or Hollywood has got the better of them but be real and accept the majority of the Pakistan youth totally understand where he is coming from even if they don't agree with everything.
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Bhai what i intended to bring to table was the philosophy of Mr.Iqbal. What the Pathan brothers and ZH out there are preaching is totally opposite to Iqbal's views.

It's like they don't even know the man whom they are using to fight the so called secular demons. In that regard, they are the ones who are actually disgracing Mr.Iqbal because Iqbal was of the opinion that religion should have nothing to do with the business of the state. So it is quite dumb on their part :)

Don't get excited because Iqbal wrote one poem. This was written mainly against the British but when it came to the crunch Iqbal wanted a new homeland for the Muslims run under the principles of Islam. This is why you see Pakistan.
You are seriously deluded pal. I don't want to sound disrespectful but you really are deluded if you think you have more intellect or courage than ZH. I don't think you have the capability to understand where he is coming from. You're the poster who suggested prostitution could be legalised in a Muslim nation. lol.

You don't really get the basics here do you? ZH is a freedom fighter and a patriot of Pakistan. If India and Pakistan went to another war you would side with India because you're Indian and ZH would stand side by side with us(Pakistani's). You would fall into the enemies camp and he would be a leader in the home camp. When it comes to a ZH and Indians, it's obviously ZH all the way.

It's obvious why Indians hate him because he speaks the truth about the India's disgusting crimes in Kashmir, their proxy terrorist warfare inside of Pakistan and their aim to control Afghanistan. Add to this his views on Islam and how Islam should be the guiding light for Pakistan not any secular liberal western ideology and ZH makes for a good person to attack. Sadly we have idiotic ignorant traitor like Pakistani's who also hate him, perhaps too much Bollywood or Hollywood has got the better of them but be real and accept the majority of the Pakistan youth totally understand where he is coming from even if they don't agree with everything.

An indian Zahid Hamid counter each and every arguement of your by saying that neither kashmir nor pakistan was your land.Your uncivilised barabarians came and degraded this pure land.They did crimes much worse than that done against kashmiris including converting your forefathers into islam forcibly.Such blind hatred can not be good for anyone.Crimes are done by both the sides to each other so their is no end to this debate.Weather you like it or not even you wont be able to survive in taliban kind of law which ZH is promoting.Just for a question what is your idology??
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Real Pakistanis love Zaid Hamid for his entertainment value. Really funny guy despite being a liar

Seems like Overseas Pakistanis take him seriouslly
Real Pakistanis love Zaid Hamid for his entertainment value. Really funny guy despite being a liar

Seems like Overseas Pakistanis take him seriouslly
Not a huge fan of Zaid Hamid.

But real Pakistanis also vote for Zardari, Nawaz Sharif and Altaf Hussain. Again, and again, and again.
An indian Zahid Hamid counter each and every arguement of your by saying that neither kashmir nor pakistan was your land.Your uncivilised barabarians came and degraded this pure land.They did crimes much worse than that done against kashmiris including converting your forefathers into islam forcibly.Such blind hatred can not be good for anyone.Crimes are done by both the sides to each other so their is no end to this debate.Weather you like it or not even you wont be able to survive in taliban kind of law which ZH is promoting.Just for a question what is your idology??

Well this imaginary Indian would be ignoring the present and focusing on the past. What ZH and many Pakistani's are discussing is the present, Kashmir, proxy warfare and Afghanistan are real and now. Perhaps you would like to come out of the history books and discuss he present before we go back? Crimes are being done now in Indian occupied Kashmir not in Free Pakistan administerd Kashmir so this both side argument is a complete fabrication. Oh and Islamic law/principles are not the Taliban law you have fed by your media. You need to step up your game here, these poor attempts to hide the crimes of India and make ZH and those who speak the truths like him as the bad guys doesn't wash.
Not a huge fan of Zaid Hamid.

But real Pakistanis also vote for Zardari, Nawaz Sharif and Altaf Hussain. Again, and again, and again.

that is the reality in a nutshell

great reply


was on a show in avt khyber when i was back...the anchor of the show was being made wait for 2 hours. we were due to start at 10, it was 12 o clock and it still had not started

he was not feeling well...i told him to point blank leave and watch them come back grovelling to you...he left...the next time it started before time...

he thanked me for telling him to do that and went on to say people living here do not value professionalism... and spent the entire show asking us about rules regulations and differences between pak and europe...

you do not let people like that have their make your own decisions and path...and watch them follow you like sheep

pakPrince say what you want but overseas pakistanis have more professionalism than those living over there... with great respect to those people...growing up in a society with rules and regulations is better than growing up in one without either or

the overseas pakistanis may not live there but they can see how corrupt worms like zardari and sharif have eaten away at the country over the years...
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I don't care whoever or whatever Zaid Hamid is, but the way Hasan Nisar talked about Iqbal is pretty shameful, he have valid points regarding our situation but disrespecting one of the two main pillars of your own country (other being Jinnah) is the a very cheap trick indeed. Go to any country and see how much credibility a person disrespecting their own founding fathers have in their own country. No day passes by when a pakistani makes me even more sad about my identity.
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Iqbal is venerated in Iran and by all Farsi-speakers. He's also venerated by the West (there's an Allama Iqbal Fellow in Cambridge, just as there's a Quaid-e-Azam chair at Oxford) and I believe there's also a street in Germany named after him. Not to forget the position he holds in Pakistan.

I've liked Hassan Nisar for the past couple of months but for him to ignore this and denigrate Iqbal to the status he did shows how little he cares about objectivity. He just wants to prove his point.
Not a huge fan of Zaid Hamid.

But real Pakistanis also vote for Zardari, Nawaz Sharif and Altaf Hussain. Again, and again, and again.

Well said bro, should be enough to shut up any 'REAL' Pakistanis
Well this imaginary Indian would be ignoring the present and focusing on the past. What ZH and many Pakistani's are discussing is the present, Kashmir, proxy warfare and Afghanistan are real and now. Perhaps you would like to come out of the history books and discuss he present before we go back? Crimes are being done now in Indian occupied Kashmir not in Free Pakistan administerd Kashmir so this both side argument is a complete fabrication. Oh and Islamic law/principles are not the Taliban law you have fed by your media. You need to step up your game here, these poor attempts to hide the crimes of India and make ZH and those who speak the truths like him as the bad guys doesn't wash.

You again failed to answer about your belief of an islamic state which you claim to be perfect.ZH does not need to tell us about our mistakes in kashmir.Unlike your people who are full of dulicity we accept them and punish the army men who do crime against humanity.You can not punish your armymen as they are your masters.Army was put inside kashmir only when your country started proxy war in 1990s if the people were so angry why was their peace before that.Our crimes against kashmiris are not more than what you are doing with balochs.No country can allow its part to be seperated.Your ZH calls kashmiris freedom fighters and say that ltte and balochis are terrorists.This is duplicity of higher order.In the end proxy war war started by India against Pakistan is figment of your imagination.We dont need to have proxy war with you as we defeated you in three full fledged wars.In 1971 90368 of your brave soldiers bowed down to us.I dont know weather they were ghazi or shaheed according to your islamic state.Still secular and liberal india gave away the spoils of war out of its deceny unlike your great heroes of the past.
^ A a very poor post written as expected from an Indian. Which 3 wars are you talking about? Yes in 1971 you took our soldiers as prisoners but that War also was started as a proxy War with the support of Mukti Bahni and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by India. In 1965 and in Kargil you got a beating from our Army so no need for chest thumping on such beatings. And you should also take into consideration the difference in sizes of our Army and yours. Realistically our Army with its size should have no chance against Indian Army but regardless of this we always give a tough fight and on more than one occasion a very good beating to your huge Army.