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Any Manga/Anime fans?


Local Club Star
Mar 10, 2011
Saw threads on Dragonball Z and Naruto but none on general Anime or Manga.

I'm following Bleach faithfully. Also Claymore.

In Anime Full Metal Alchemist, Eureka 7 and lot more
Used to watch Hellsing..was fascinated with Alucard.
id highly recommend it..especially if you're into the vampire genre
Naruto is only the one I follow. you say there are threads on it :O

link please :) :P
I was crazy about Dragonball Z when I was a kind. But, now I find it slightly juvenile.

I still like Naruto, though. Other series that I have followed and liked are Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop and Death Note.
Bleach manga is very good (almost along the likes of Naruto and One Piece) but their anime suck especially with the countless numbers of fillers after every arc. In terms of that, OP is heads above all but with poor animation. I have recently started watching and reading Bakuman (its an amazing story about the difficulties mangakkas face in writing and publishing manga) would definitely recommend it.
have never understood the fascination with it, seems the most juvenile and banal stuff out there.
Does anyone in India (don't know if it is telecasted anywhere else) watch animax?

They show some quality animes in that channel - Full Metal Alchemist, Inu Yasha, Samurai Deeper Kyo are three anime shows that I started following after catching them on animax.
have never understood the fascination with it, seems the most juvenile and banal stuff out there.

It depends on which ones you watch - certain anime are indeed quite banal and border on ridiculousness.

But, there are some classics in there, as well. Main positive about anime is that unlike western cartoon series, its target audience is not always kids and the writing and direction in the top ones is quality.

There are two series Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Bebop directed by Shinichirō Watanabe. Both are of 26 episodes only and while the first one is based on medieval Japan, the second in future.

The historical accuracy as well as futuristic ideas used in the two shows are brilliant and the direction is, quite frankly, better than most hollywood movies.
The Anime/Manga Discussion Thread

I noticed there wasn't a thread for this and after the discussion on the Hawks thread, I think we might need one.

Discuss your favorite animes/mangas -

My personal favorites:

Death Note
Full Metal Alchemist
Absolutely loved Death Note. It was great to see the battle between L and Light.
FMA Brotherhood was great too. It had a bit of everything. Haven't seen the other version.

Loved Bleach as well, shame that the Anime stopped half way through.

Currently am watching and reading Naruto, which is awesome. Though sometimes it gets a little boring. The anime especially with all those fillers. The manga at the moment is pretty awesome.

Who is Tobi? That's the big question going around the blocks right now. I think he's someone related to Kakashi.
Absolutely loved Death Note. It was great to see the battle between L and Light.
FMA Brotherhood was great too. It had a bit of everything. Haven't seen the other version.

Loved Bleach as well, shame that the Anime stopped half way through.

Currently am watching and reading Naruto, which is awesome. Though sometimes it gets a little boring. The anime especially with all those fillers. The manga at the moment is pretty awesome.

Who is Tobi? That's the big question going around the blocks right now. I think he's someone related to Kakashi.

Could be his brother? :malik

I have no idea. I think I read somewhere that the author plans to extend the manga for 1.5 years so we may not find out for a while.
Death Note is probably my favourite TV show ever. It had an epic battle between good and evil and the story lines and twists would leave me at the edge of my seat.

You knew Light was the bad guy but still supported him because originally he had good intentions.

Can anyone recommend something similar but quite short?? I heard bleach was good but there seemed to be 1000000s of episodes, too intimidating a task for me.
Death Note is probably my favourite TV show ever. It had an epic battle between good and evil and the story lines and twists would leave me at the edge of my seat.

You knew Light was the bad guy but still supported him because originally he had good intentions.

Can anyone recommend something similar but quite short?? I heard bleach was good but there seemed to be 1000000s of episodes, too intimidating a task for me.

Umm try Gantz. It's very dark and has mature content but the plot is extremely good. I haven't read it in a while but what I have read is similar in terms of themes.

Might also like Code Gease from what I've heard. It also has a psychological thriller feel to it.
I think we'll soon find out who Tobi is.

Yup code geass is similar to death note and it's pretty awesome. Another Anime in a similar genre is Monster, which I have heard is also pretty good.
I follow all those major anime like naruto , bleach , op, fmaB...and many more...
But from 3 months im watching anime of romance comedy slice of life type of anime and im liking it very much....i would recommend to everyone to watch School rumble ( one of the best romantic comedy anime ) , clannad/after story ( a must watch for those people who like romantic and slice of life anime , Ah! My Goddess , Love Hina ,
I am a big fan of Mitsuru Adachi's works. H2, TOUCH are two of my all time favorite sports mangas, it tends to bring the emotion out of readers. Everybody should give it a try if you are a baseball fan.
I follow all those major anime like naruto , bleach , op, fmaB...and many more...
But from 3 months im watching anime of romance comedy slice of life type of anime and im liking it very much....i would recommend to everyone to watch School rumble ( one of the best romantic comedy anime ) , clannad/after story ( a must watch for those people who like romantic and slice of life anime , Ah! My Goddess , Love Hina ,

I've actually a bit of School Rumble and it's pretty awesome. One of the few comedic animes that was actually very funny!

I am a big fan of Mitsuru Adachi's works. H2, TOUCH are two of my all time favorite sports mangas, it tends to bring the emotion out of readers. Everybody should give it a try if you are a baseball fan.

The only sport manga/anime I've come cross that I loved wereEyeshield 21 and Baby Steps. I think you might like those. I'll check out TOUCH - sound's interesting.
I think we'll soon find out who Tobi is.

Yup code geass is similar to death note and it's pretty awesome. Another Anime in a similar genre is Monster, which I have heard is also pretty good.

My friend recommended me Monster a while back and I thought I wouldn't like it but it is absolutely fantastic :afridi

The questions of morality and etc in it are awesome.
The only sport manga/anime I've come cross that I loved wereEyeshield 21 and Baby Steps. I think you might like those. I'll check out TOUCH - sound's interesting.

I have read almost all of the shounen, sports mangas. I liked Eyeshiels21, its a good one.

My Recommendation across all genres:
Naruto - Teenagers must read Manga but tend to be draggy after a while but still good.
GTO- fantastic manga about Greatest Teacher :) but with lots of dialogues.
Death Note - Great thrill ride, absolute must for manga fans.
Hajime No Hippo - Great Boxing Manga, one of the very best
H2 -- Fantastic Manga about baseball
Hayate- the combat butler - Romance , slapstick comedy, if you are in to that stuff.
Gantz- Dark Manga, I mean really dark not for the weak hearted.

Above are all my favs and must-reads.
My friend recommended me Monster a while back and I thought I wouldn't like it but it is absolutely fantastic :afridi

The questions of morality and etc in it are awesome.

I lost interest in Mangas like 2 years ago but always wanted to check Monster, I heard great reviews about it. Will check out if time permits. Good Recommendation.
Interesting chapter of Naruto. Seems like Tobi has Obito's sharingan, though I don't think he actually is Obito.
Just finished watching Death Note.

Was a pretty good show. Lost steam during the middle episodes, but really picked up after Light became Kira again!
Surprise surprise. Toby is Obito after all.

A lot of loopholes that Kishi has to explain now.

Btw what did you think of the chapter not having any words at all? Everything was expressed through expressions of characters.
Surprise surprise. Toby is Obito after all.

A lot of loopholes that Kishi has to explain now.

Btw what did you think of the chapter not having any words at all? Everything was expressed through expressions of characters.

As soon I saw the first page, I was like wth, who dis guy? And then they showed his face, and I was like :facepalm: who dis guy? And then I googled, and my reaction was:


But yes, several loopholes need to be addressed. I liked the no-words. Its a really cool technique once in a while and really emphasizes the "manga" nature. After all, a picture is indeed worth a thousand words!
Yes indeed I agree it was refreshing and should only be done once in a while.

You didn't know who Obito was? :O

They even did a whole arc on him :))

But yea one of the major loopholes is the one where Tobi was all grown up and really good to give a very tough fight to the 4th Hokage.

Now there are a couple of theories that my friend and I came up with.

One is that Tobi isn't actually Obito. It's just that his body has been possessed by one the Uchiha son of the sage of the six paths. (Don't really think this is the case though).

Then there is the Theory that Obito was actually trained by Madara (or the Uchiha son of the sage of the six paths) and became good enough to be able to challenge the fourth Hokage.

This is sort of possible, as if the time between Obito was crashed by the rock and Naruto being born was almost 5 years, then in that time Madara could have definitely trained him to become a real strong ninja.

Another theory is that there isn't just one Tobi. At one point it was probably Madara or someone else and then there is this new Tobi who is Obito.
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Yes indeed I agree it was refreshing and should only be done once in a while.

You didn't know who Obito was? :O

They even did a whole arc on him :))

But yea one of the major loopholes is the one where Tobi was all grown up and really good to give a very tough fight to the 4th Hokage.

Now there are a couple of theories that my friend and I came up with.

One is that Tobi isn't actually Obito. It's just that his body has been possessed by one the Uchiha son of the sage of the six paths. (Don't really think this is the case though).

Then there is the Theory that Obito was actually trained by Madara (or the Uchiha son of the sage of the six paths) and became good enough to be able to challenge the fourth Hokage.

This is sort of possible, as if the time between Obito was crashed by the rock and Naruto being born was almost 5 years, then in that time Madara could have definitely trained him to become a real strong ninja.

Another theory is that there isn't just one Tobi. At one point it was probably Madara or someone else and then there is this new Tobi who is Obito.

That's what I thought was the case. It just feels like there's more to this then meets the eye. I was expecting tobi to have more connections to naruto than kakashi because the build up just felt that we were in for an epic wow reveal. Tobi just doesn't feel it - he's been ahead of everyone for so long and to think its Obito doesn't make sense.

But on the other hand, the letters in the name do lead to me think, that perhaps there was a hint after all.



Remove the other O and arrange the letters - it spells Tobi :yk

In all seriousness, I was expecting it be Naruto's father :junaid
Lol how could it have been Minato? :))

He was already made clear that it wasn't happen, once he appeared in front of Naruto to let him know why he sealed the nine-tails and stuff in side him.

Actually there were quite a few hints that Tobi is Obito, first as you mentioned the name and then also the way Tobi spoke to Kakashi each time and their expressions whenever they contacted. So most probably Tobi is actually Obito.

But of course there is then that mystery of who the heck Sasuke and Orochimaru are going to meet? Who is this person, who knows it all?
Kishi is just trolling us all now!

It's probably a newly rebuilt Obito with Zetsu spores inside of him.
Interesting developments in the latest chapter.

One thing is clear that this Obito is the real Obito, though I'm not sure what made him want to take 'revenge'.

Maybe Madara put him under an illusion or he watched Rin die in front of him?
Whatver anyone says : Cowboy Bebop is the best anime of all times
Huge fan . Main anime favourites are DBZ/Digimon/Naruto/Bleach/One-Piece/Cowboy Bepop etc ,.

Other favourites include Neon Genesis Evangelion , Elfen Lied , Deadman Wonderland , Soul-eater.... Love-Hina :P , etc .
Guys, watch Shingeki no Kyojin. :bow:
Animation, music, story, ... everything's perfect, never been a Naruto fan but the best shonen since Death Note in my book.
In fact, if you look on the internet, it's getting exactly the same hype as Death Note, even if it'll be hard for the author to end it in the same epic way as DN but then not many can.
Currently 8 episodes.

Several hundred years ago, humans were nearly exterminated by titans. Titans are typically several stories tall, seem to have no intelligence, devour human beings and, worst of all, seem to do it for the pleasure rather than as a food source. A small percentage of humanity survived by walling themselves in a city protected by extremely high walls, even taller than the biggest of titans.

Flash forward to the present and the city has not seen a titan in over 100 years. Teenage boy Eren and his foster sister Mikasa witness something horrific as the city walls are destroyed by a colossal titan that appears out of thin air. As the smaller titans flood the city, the two kids watch in horror as their mother is eaten alive. Eren vows that he will murder every single titan and take revenge for all of mankind.

Warning : these scenes are more than common in the anime, which influenced my review in a positive way of course. Never get attached with a character, that's what you'll learn in the very first episode anyway. :D

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/fpM-CXF2SKQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Animes I liked :

- Death Note
- Evangelion
- Cowboy Bebop
- Ergo Proxy
- Texhnolyze
- Saint Seiya
- NHK Ni Yokouso
- Beck
- Chobits
- Great Teacher Onizuka
- Love Hina
- Elfen Lied
- Darker than Black
- Basilisk
- Boogeipop Phantom
- Serial Experiment Lain
- Monster
- Gungrave
- Desert Punk
- Vision of Escaflowne
- Trigun
- Seto No Hayanome
- Tentai Senshi Sunred
- RahXephon
- Chaos; head
- probably many, many more...

Spans a lot of genres (from comedy to horror), but these are the ones I found "special", in one way or the other.

I am a big fan of Mitsuru Adachi's works. H2, TOUCH are two of my all time favorite sports mangas, it tends to bring the emotion out of readers. Everybody should give it a try if you are a baseball fan.

In France/Belgium we got the animes pretty early (Dragon Ball in the late 80s/mid 90s) and Touch was one of the very first Japanime introduced.
That's the French opening theme

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/QRmBn8uEjZI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Brother used to tease me that I look like the guy. :yk
Well, they're twins, but the one with the messy haircut, the lazy one. :))
If you're interested, he made Cross Game recently, also on baseball and really good from what I heard (not seen yet).

Also liked "the Grand Prix" (which is totally forgotten nowadays), the ending song was particularly cool

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/jfmrMIWa_jA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

but my favourite was Saint Seiya

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/gEShwoNQnc8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Naruto Manga/Anime thread

Any one here read the manga or watch the anime?

By the looks of it in the manga the series should be finishing soon :(
i dont think so, there is still some mystery behind what sasuke and orchimaru really want.
The last few months with whole fight against Madara/Obito has been extremely awful, I don't even look forward to the weekly chapters anymore. Everyone has infinite chakra!
The last few months with whole fight against Madara/Obito has been extremely awful, I don't even look forward to the weekly chapters anymore. Everyone has infinite chakra!
Yeah, it has gotten pretty stupid :))

i dont think so, there is still some mystery behind what sasuke and orchimaru really want.
Yeah, I think they'll finish with a Sasuke v Naruto fight.
You'd think the final arc would have been more epic, but the villains have been a complete let down, Obito and Madara are both panzya** bitter girls, nothing compared to the aura and and fear emitted from Oro, Pein etc. Madara, the most over-hyped character was a let-down, they don't even show what he's doing. Naruto and co. have been doing the same thing every chapter, running out of chakra, supplying chakra, emotional speech, counterattack, fail and repeat. Obito's reasoning for all this.....:facepalm:

At least Bleach is interesting at the moment.
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Itachi v Sasuke was the ultimate build and arc imo.

The whole story from lead up, fight and twist was all brilliant.
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Itachi v Sasuke was the ultimate build and arc imo.

The whole story from lead up, fight and twist was all brilliant.

i am NOT a Naruto fan! I am Itachi's fan. an that fight made me a big fan of itachi....
Who here has seen ninja scroll? Awesome manga movie and then there were some of the vampire movies of which I've forgotten the names
Who here has seen ninja scroll? Awesome manga movie and then there were some of the vampire movies of which I've forgotten the names

dude, that movie was so violent! but i must say, naruto is a direct copy from ninja scroll in terms of technics.
Has anyone here watched Code Geass or Death Note? awesome anime.

Apart from that you guys need to follow "The Breaker" and its sequel "The Breaker: New Waves" they are great manhwa's
I don't think the manga is going to end. It's just like One Piece - it's going to keep on going, as long as it is doing well.

Unless of course in Bakuman there was a sign that it might end :yk

But yes the manga has gotten pretty stupid now days. The Anime on the other hand is awesome! Itachi is just too awesome.
Has anyone here watched Code Geass or Death Note? awesome anime.

Apart from that you guys need to follow "The Breaker" and its sequel "The Breaker: New Waves" they are great manhwa's

Loved Code Geass and Death Note.

Death Note's first half was good, but the second half was quite boring. Both the season of Code Geass were awesome.

Any one seen Sword Art Online?
Hmm, used to watch the anime, stopped somewhere around the great ninja war arc. Just havent had time to pick it back up. Got really boring, with all this mastering Jinchuuriki stuff.
Has anyone here watched Code Geass or Death Note? awesome anime.

Apart from that you guys need to follow "The Breaker" and its sequel "The Breaker: New Waves" they are great manhwa's

Death Note has to up there with one of the best anime ever! Loved it.

Also who here is a Fullmetal Alchemist fan? My number 1 :afridi
Naruto has been pretty ridiculous and repetitive lately. This current arc has been going on for 2 years now! I also dislike how every other chapter is basically a Naruto gushing moment. Yes we get how you all know how Naruto feels and acknowledge him, just get on with it.

For me my current favourite Anime is Attack On Titan. So epic. Has everything. Great action scenes, animation, suspense, narrative, characters, and my God, the soundtrack is just something else. Anyone who hasn't seen it yet I wholeheartedly recommend it. You can catch it on crunchyroll.com. They've just wrapped up the first 25 episodes of season 1.
Naruto has been pretty ridiculous and repetitive lately. This current arc has been going on for 2 years now! I also dislike how every other chapter is basically a Naruto gushing moment. Yes we get how you all know how Naruto feels and acknowledge him, just get on with it.

For me my current favourite Anime is Attack On Titan. So epic. Has everything. Great action scenes, animation, suspense, narrative, characters, and my God, the soundtrack is just something else. Anyone who hasn't seen it yet I wholeheartedly recommend it. You can catch it on crunchyroll.com. They've just wrapped up the first 25 episodes of season 1.

yeah thats a very good anime but story took a dip for me as soon as
eren turned into a Titan :(
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Stopped Naruto at the "Great War", so quite some time now... was getting really boring.

For me my current favourite Anime is Attack On Titan. So epic. Has everything. Great action scenes, animation, suspense, narrative, characters, and my God, the soundtrack is just something else. Anyone who hasn't seen it yet I wholeheartedly recommend it. You can catch it on crunchyroll.com. They've just wrapped up the first 25 episodes of season 1.

The best since Death Note.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/o2YR80lf2Uc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

^that scene (animation, soundtrack, ...) has more than the whole Naruto put together (minus Orochimaru).
I also tried to select a scene which wouldn't give away important info. as there are way better fights, but even the YouTube titles are major spoilers.

yeah thats a very good anime but story took a dip for me
as soon as eren turned into a Titan :(

Well, that's a SPOILER, edit it now. :moyo
Stopped Naruto at the "Great War", so quite some time now... was getting really boring.

The best since Death Note.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/o2YR80lf2Uc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

^that scene (animation, soundtrack, ...) has more than the whole Naruto put together (minus Orochimaru).
I also tried to select a scene which wouldn't give away important info. as there are way better fights, but even the YouTube titles are major spoilers.

Well, that's a SPOILER, edit it now. :moyo

Done :afridi
Stopped Naruto at the "Great War", so quite some time now... was getting really boring.

The best since Death Note.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/o2YR80lf2Uc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

^that scene (animation, soundtrack, ...) has more than the whole Naruto put together (minus Orochimaru).
I also tried to select a scene which wouldn't give away important info. as there are way better fights, but even the YouTube titles are major spoilers.

Yes that is an awesome scene. The whole of episode 21 however was just something else. I literally got chills and goosebumps. I'm not going to get too much in depth about it as some people here may not have had the chance to watch it yet but that episode, 10/10 easily.
Tower of God > Naruto/Bleach

Every chapter of ToG is epic. Highly highly recommended read.

Agree. ToG is awesome.

BTW, if Akher is reading, I gave a try to shinjeki no kyojun (sp?) and the first 20 chapters were interesting, although it fell flat and felt repetitive after the end of the jungle arc. I guess mangas are just not for me.

Except for the girl in the scarf <3
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Agree. ToG is awesome.

BTW, if Akher is reading, I gave a try to shinjeki no kyojun (sp?) and the first 20 chapters were interesting, although it fell flat and felt repetitive after the end of the jungle arc. I guess mangas are just not for me.

Except for the girl in the scarf <3

Do yourself a favour and watch the Anime instead. Completely different.
Anime Recommendations?...

I've not really explored much anime...

I saw Perfect Blue by Satoshi Kon and it was amazing...brilliantly animated and with a great storyline...a genuine psychological thriller...

I'm gonna explore the rest of Kon's library...

Paprika, Paranoia Agent, Magnetic Rose (written by him), Millennium Actress and Tokyo Godfathers...

Anyone able to recommend any thought provoking anime they have seen?...or any good Anime in general...Miyazaki I do know about :-)
I've only seen one fully and that was Death Note which I thoroughly enjoyed.

A few posters on PP recommended one called monster. Im about 15 episodes in and its really good. As I've not seen many I dont know how it stands up to the ones you mentioned but it seems highly rated.
I've only seen one fully and that was Death Note which I thoroughly enjoyed.

A few posters on PP recommended one called monster. Im about 15 episodes in and its really good. As I've not seen many I dont know how it stands up to the ones you mentioned but it seems highly rated.

I've heard Monster and Death Note are good also...gonna give it a try too...Japanese really are creative people...
4 brilliant Anime.

Death note
Code Geass Lelouch of the rebellion
Steins Gate( watch the first 4-5 episodes before making a decision)
Full metal alchemist brotherhood
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Naruto and Bleach. DBZ only the beginning part was the best. Kind of sucked after the Cell saga.
4 brilliant Anime.

Death note
Code Geass Lelouch of the rebellion
Steins Gate( watch the first 4-5 episodes before making a decision)
Full metal alchemist brotherhood

These two are class.
Naruto was one of my most favourite mangas as was death note.
I am defiantly a anime and Manga fan. I have watched many anime going from DBZ, To Fairy tail. The only manga I read is the Naruto manga. I am in and out of anime, there are times where I watch many and there are times where I don't watch any. Video games recently have caught my attention, I have recently finished Lightening Returns Final Fantasy 13.