Exactly, I got nothing against Nas or Khan but I was just merely pointing out that Khan gets called out on his Islamic beliefs; no one is perfect. If they call him out for all the haram give credit for the services he has done for humanity. To be fair Nas had his haters to back in the day.
Look at Floyd for instance, no one is obliged to share their wealth but Khan and Manny have done so to a great extent. It takes a big heart to give no matter what you have. When you're promoting various charity events where you're also encouraging other people to help x,y,z then you ought to be in the public eye also if you're a big name things like that easily get attention. Recently Khan had been helping build School's in Ghana, I only found out after the School sent him a tweet which includes pictures of the kids with pictures/images saying thank you. Sure it helps ones public image but who cares so long as he's doing the good deed, it's like recently some guy in Ameria took a big pay cut to ensure all his staff get a massive increase in salary and everyone was cussing him ohh publicity etc especially on Fox news i mean so what if he got publicity he did a good deed and that's what matters most.
I understand there are loads of us out there that are charitable under the radar but when you're a big name and you get more recognition for your deeds it's not your fault and there is positivity in that someone out there could follow in your footsteps when it comes to helping others.
Are you British? well that's just you being human really why do you want recognition for it?
Am not criticising him and Like I said am not even that hyped for the fight but i genuinely believe he could win the fight if it came to it.