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Buying shares?

Arcadia's block is also the one TRP have a 15% free carry on for first drill. So excellent news there for TRP and i'd guess GBP.
lucky you i stayed in and am down alot..

Not really mate. I took a short-term punt on selling PXS for quick return on XEL before the reserves report, and was down 75% at one point.

Still believe in all of my investments (especially PXS) so fairly relaxed as I dont need the funds just yet....
Jaspa - talking about a punt...tempted to move funds from RRL into RMP? I moved 20% of RRL into RMP purely for the leverage it offers on Georgia and Puntland...
Risk v Rewards.

I thought about it, but happy that RRL is a low risk venture due to its existing reserves, as well as having significant potential upside itself.
MEDG/MEDU doing well

ECR - Director buying and they'll be presenting alongside WTI at next weeks Minesite (12th July @ Lombard Street nr Bank) if anyone is going to be in the area
MEDG/MEDU doing well

ECR - Director buying and they'll be presenting alongside WTI at next weeks Minesite (12th July @ Lombard Street nr Bank) if anyone is going to be in the area

I am break even now with ECR :).... although its a small punt.
It is a shockingly poor company with even worse management.

however they do have a few assets and in a bubble any boat with crap but promotional management can go up

these guys look like they are lining up the ducks to unleash 'hell' in terms of upcoming newsflow and management buying in the market this week is one signal i've been waiting for and the other looks like it has been slotted into place for next week with the presentation at Minesite an indication they are about to get on the front foot

still wary of a capital raising but they could sell shares in TheMac and that would itself cause a re-rating assuming it doesn't tank TheMac price

it is still rubbish but a small holding could reward if they promote it right

e.g. this supposed 400m tonnes of iron ore in Argentina, who sold it to them ? is it real ? will require lots of drilling out to prove up , but if some of the retail crowd do simple maths and start talking about a 400m tonne resource and valuations of $1/m tonne of resource for in-situ value you start looking at at £10m mkt cap company with cash and investments of £10m say and a potential resource with in-situ value of $200-400m

yes a lot of IF and BUTs and dodgy as hell

superg1 - 8 Jul'11

I don't quite get DEMG. They seem to have 1 product that will assist in hospital stay/ cost reductions etc etc. But the product is used for major surgery (£1100 each)meaning hospitals will only have a few each if they want them

I can't see the huge upside.

My local hospital bought 80 invo8 ADs (MST). The unit price is £500 all to do with reducing infections, which reduces hopsital stays etc. The company MST seem clueless but the product is great.

What am I missing on DEMG. I'm all for getting into promising shares.

As pharma says LPX has massive potential and is certainly one to watch.

I still haven't looked around the AIM much but will be doing shortly.

Any tips anyone
Sheba first mentioned on this thread at 1p. Taken over today at 6p after just 9 months.
so where does one re-invest ones profit ?

i'll be looking at CNR, TPJ, SRB, ORE within junior goldies
2nd December 2010, 15:22

Posted By pia786

Sheba Exploration SHE Bought some yesterday...

Sheba Exploration SHE

Bought some yesterday when the spread was 1.00/1.25

Now it is 1.55/1.85 !

Ridiculous spread but should deter 'traders'. Only long term risk-aware risk-seeking...
ECR sure is having a run

Sometimes it is most hated and rubbish shares can have biggest turnaround
Well done PIA....

SRB - any news on the horizon for them?

Since you like to stare risk in the face.... look into RMP they are offering a great leverage compared to RRL in Georgia and Puntland. Georgia spud is this week and heads of Puntland, RRL and Africa Oil are meeting in Kenya this week so expect some news.
SRB they had an RNS today. I went to AGM few days back. They are proving up their model. No S & V yet but like SHE they don't need to promote themselves to retail investors they have huge partners looking in who will take them over in a trade sale. It is nice having a $10bn partner who has a marginal investment project next door to yours and thus is keen to sponsor you to success on your own project for mutual benefit.
SRB they had an RNS today. I went to AGM few days back. They are proving up their model. No S & V yet but like SHE they don't need to promote themselves to retail investors they have huge partners looking in who will take them over in a trade sale. It is nice having a $10bn partner who has a marginal investment project next door to yours and thus is keen to sponsor you to success on your own project for mutual benefit.

pia - I will appreciate if you can provide a very brief idiots guide on how to interpret these results :)
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Todays result is just a small part of a jigsaw a few hundred metres in a 9000 metre drill programme trageting 9 major prospects

So that is 1000 metres per prospect it could be 10 holes of 100m depth or 5 holes of 200m depth per prospect

Today is a couple of drill holes at the Curruetela prospect. This is about 2-3km from the area where they had an existing mine Palito.

What seems to be emerging from this jigsaw piece is that Currutela seems to be on the same strike length and geological setting as Palito.

Palito had a resource of about 0.6m oz. Thus from simple extrapolation IF (big IF) they do prove that Curruetela is part of the same resource as Palito it shows that their geological interpretation is right and that given Curruetela is 3km away from Palito which itself is a 1 km long resource then the combined Palito-Currutela resource is potentially 3x the size of Palito i.e. 3 x 0.6m oz i.e. 1.8m oz

Given that the aim of the 9000m drilling programme was to find two more Palito style/size resources then to have got pretty much towards success on that target from 3 out of 9 prospects drilled and 2000m of 9000m drilled looks a very good start.

The drill intersections/widths/grades are not as important at this stage as they aren't trying to drill out a resource in the short to medium term simply prove up the geological model as this is a 'first pass' widely spaced drilling programme before they zero in on the best targets for resource definition drilling in the second pass narrow spaced drilling programme.
ECR is a demonstration that sometimes it is the crappest shares/companies which perform best not always the best companies whose shares perform best.
Interesting chart , ECR with a following wind could spike to 4p in short term

However looking at it in Fundamental terms now that Management are not diluting shareholders and assuming they can ramp the stock effectively I would say 20-40p would not be out of the question if that Iron Ore resource they are talking about is real.

You just have to look at other AIM iron ore juniors like BEM and BAO to see the potential and thus AIM herd should be suckers for a story like this IF (big IF) it is promoted correctly.

I may look to buy some more when the short term attention has faded, I don't want to buy any short term spike though.
Yes been in ECR for a while to keep an eye on it. First bought at 1.0 ish as a punt. But just a 0.5% position at moment.
TPJ have had excellent news overnight from their Australian partner (ASX:GOA) but not RNS-ed it themselves yet.
hey pia, just wanted to ask you about something since i thought you would give me best answer, i was applying to a grad position with an im firm and they gave three option for groups i could apply to.

fixed income, index, and solutions, i know what the first two are but im confused about what solutions would entail, i tried searching on there website and couldnt seem to find any thing useful, do u have any idea hwat it may be?

thanks, and if you could tell me quick pros and cons of each specialisation, and anything you think i definately should include in the "why do you want to work in this profession" type wordy questions, id really appreciate that too. thanks bro.

ELRaja - what site are you using for job ads if you dont mind me asking? Just milkround etc?
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Solutions - no idea but what springs to mind as possibility is either IT solutions or other back/middle office reconciliation department or possibly maybe a team which comes up with structured products/derivatives for an index team ? Does any of that fit into the context of the roles for which you have applied ?

Re : stock answers, sorry i am hopeless at those as all sorts of psychometric testing/assessment goes on to weed out anyone gaming the system so best to just answer with something that comes naturally to yourself and to be honest i was a plain vanilla equity guy so would have no insight into the arcane workings of those other product groups

In my day the internet was merely a dream but last time i looked efinancialcareers.com and linkedin were the best avenues. I have had several unsolicited approaches via linkedin in the last few weeks but can't be ***** working for anyone else right now.
ELRaja - what site are you using for job ads if you dont mind me asking? Just milkround etc?

milkround, monster graduates, reed, efinancial, amongst others, upload your cv to as many as possible and if its semi decent for two or three weeks recruiters will contact you too. after a few weels your cv goes lower down there search results and you get less and less hits, redo a few bits a reup it every month or two.

Solutions - no idea but what springs to mind as possibility is either IT solutions or other back/middle office reconciliation department or possibly maybe a team which comes up with structured products/derivatives for an index team ? Does any of that fit into the context of the roles for which you have applied ?

Re : stock answers, sorry i am hopeless at those as all sorts of psychometric testing/assessment goes on to weed out anyone gaming the system so best to just answer with something that comes naturally to yourself and to be honest i was a plain vanilla equity guy so would have no insight into the arcane workings of those other product groups

In my day the internet was merely a dream but last time i looked efinancialcareers.com and linkedin were the best avenues. I have had several unsolicited approaches via linkedin in the last few weeks but can't be ***** working for anyone else right now.

ill look into solutions some more tomorrow morning, and if i dont understand it i guess i wont be applying to it, lols.

ive never had a problem with the maths or english tests or the regular 2.1 from good uni and 300 ucas points, its just somehow i always get rejected "due to the very high standard of applications recieved".

i was just hoping there would be some magic phrases i could drop in to shift odds a bit more in my favour.

linkedin works really well if you have a professional network and some good experience, unfortunately i have neither.

have companies been approaching you, or are they recruitmant consultants?
Recruitment Consultants. Which is partly why they get ignored many of them are no doubt just database building.
Jim Cramer critique of Warren Buffet's stance on Gold

Jim Cramer Critiques Warren Buffett Over Anti Gold Bias
Jim Cramer, the host of "Mad Money" has critiqued the Sage of Omaha, Warren Buffett, and his anti gold bias. Buffett has said that gold isn't a sound long term investment because the precious metal has no 'utility'.

Warren Buffet

Cramer says that he has heard from people saying they will not invest in gold since it was $700 per ounce because they "missed it" or because "someone like a Warren Buffett has said how valueless or silly it is".

(GoldCore Editors note: George Soros cryptic comments about gold are similarly used by so called financial experts to dissuade people from owning gold)

"No one goes to Warren Buffett and says how have you done versus gold in the last 10 years. That is verboten. You are not allowed to ask him that."

Cramer said that this "makes it very difficult to make headway with people" about owning gold.

While Buffett snubs the value of gold, Cramer emphasizes the limited amount of gold bullion available and gold's rarity (see GoldNomics video), as well as the lack of new gold being mined. Cramer says that there is far less gold than there is Berkshire Hathaway B shares and that Buffett can just print the shares.

"Against all that is a grey beard investor who has already made a lot of money, who frankly could have his money devalued and still have a lot and I feel like ... you know what Warren ... give other people a chance to make some money here ok."

"Give other people a chance to protect their assets, give people a chance to buy insurance."

"I would rather buy the insurance policy of gold than the insurance policy of Geico ... pretty simple." (to laughter)

"It is such a shame that he (Buffett) does that, I mean all he has to do is say that I don't really understand it. "

"He did with Tech, like I saw when Intel was the equivalent of $2 and Microsoft was ... before the big run. I understood ... listen he said 'I don't understand tech'. That's fine."

He should say "I don't understand gold". He shouldn't pick Keynes, who of course got the gold market wrong repeatedly. He should just actually say "I don't understand it."

"He would does us all ... he is doing everyone a disservice by saying that it's a beauty contest."

Cramer is a divisive figure and liked and loathed by investors but these are excellent points about Buffett's and Munger's anti gold bias - points we have made previously.

Cramer's assessment of Buffett and his lack of appreciation of gold as financial insurance and bias against gold is an accurate assessment.

Buffett deserves the title 'Sage of Omaha' and is to be respected but his failure to appreciate gold's importance as a diversification in a portfolio and his repeated negativity towards gold (in contrast to his father Howard Buffett), will not be judged kindly in history.

It is never too late to do the right thing and to ensure his legacy Buffett should acknowledge gold has intrinsic value, has utility as money, as monetary asset, a finite currency and as financial insurance in a portfolio.

Cramer's interview is a must watch and it can be watched on the GoldCore YouTube Channel.
We're all in the same game, just different levels. Dealing with the same hell, just different devils.
Unless your name is Google? Stop acting like you know everything!

Risk v Rewards.

I thought about it, but happy that RRL is a low risk venture due to its existing reserves, as well as having significant potential upside itself.
MST Trading Statement


Sounds like a profit warning for first few paragraphs despite the decent growth and potential alluded to later.

Stock may dip and if it does dip too much I'll buy more. Otherwise will want to see strong commitment by Management that they believe what they are spouting i.e. by buying shares in the market

Hopefully this can just be put down to the growing pains of a rapidly developing small company

SUMM just keeps going and going... sold a tiddly bit today and re-invested in LKI which is due to report interims Friday. Historic results likely rubbish but they should be out of closed period and can go and talk themselves up in comparison to newly listed CFGP which is valued at about 3-5x them.

May be trying to be too clever though so have kept some dry powder in case LKI disappoints so I can buy more LKI. and SUMM is proper breaking out of multi-year resistance so frankly could shoot up to 20p in a flash if the right news comes (i might have reverse jinxed it by selling some... i hope) or go crashing back to 7-8p if they don't deliver the supposed news expected at upcoming conference...again i have bought myself some dry powder to invest in that lower down if it retraces
Jaspa hope you're well. Would love your opinion on RJ for £7m :-D

Tremendous stuff yaar. Finally some quality over quantity!

Strong rumours that Upson will also follow, possibly even today. Just a decent LB left, and we will be top half :)

ps Press conference at 9.30
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Jaspa, reckon some feel RJ is tainted from association with Blues. But us beggars can't be choosers looks vast improvement on our current lot. Have him any day over Stearman or Mancienne

Does show we gave LIQ away for peanuts though.
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Indeed. I dont know what has given me more pleasure: our ascent or the implosion of the Chinese mafia at Blues...
Gold looks like it could be due a good run.


So far gold juniors have lagged but junior producers :-


and junior explorers :-


which have lagged could play dramatic catch up at some point


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Evil Knievals diary entry today

As it happens, my flat is served by two nearby Cineworld (CINE) cinemas and my wife and I enjoy them. (She walks fifty yards behind me as I waddle to the nearest one in my pyjamas: she declines to be associated with my sort of public style. My only objection to this ‘visitor experience’ is that the seats are too small and made smaller by silly Coke and popcorn tub holders. I have often tried to snap these off but have found this creative act of vandalism quite impossible. My chief intention is to sit comfortably but another gain is that each seat that is ruined in respect of its tub-holding function is one less in which the outdoors feeding classes can function in their usual noisy manner.)

However, I have taken to reflecting upon Cineworld, now 193p – at which level I have shorted it. Net tangible assets are minus £60m. This is of course because Cineworld is yet another derivative of private equity rubbish (progenitor: Blubgurn Brown). So the business has financial gearing. However, it also has operational gearing. Gate money is currently about £340m p.a. and it does not take much of a decline in the gross profit before the bottom line – pre tax profit of the order of £30m – gets well and truly hammered.

There is good reason to think this hammering will occur since the citizens’ spending money is currently being radically cut back and, I am told, consumers are acutely conscious that £15 spent on a takeaway pizza is a better buy.

In the short term, the incidence of blockbuster films will determine matters. But, on a one year view, I would expect Cineworld to warn and warn again.

I have just been informed that Pursuit Dynamics (PDX)'s (supposed) principal source of revenue in 2011 remains that from Pacific Ethanol, a benighted company, ticker code PEIX on Nasdaq, which now trades at around $1. Given that it stood at the equivalent of $7 five months ago pursuant to a one for seven consolidation (in terms of Nasdaq rules) and is now capitalised at only $18m, it is hard to see how it could yield a profit of any material order in 2011 to Pursuit.

I went back to Trinity Mirror (TNI) and bought at 46p. So far, not so good. But one either believes that the NOTW demise is good for the Sunday Mirror or one does not. It is hard to see how it can be bad.

I shorted Thomas Cook (TCG) at 90p on yesterday’s profit warning. This business is spinning down into trouble. For it relies upon shops that are expensive to maintain and to close down and the customers are buying their (reduced) holidays over the internet. There is eye-watering debt. It does not look good.

Triple Plate Junction (TPJ) reported an exciting set of drilling results yesterday. There will be more news within a week. Goodness me, how Newmont must be regretting its blockheadedness a year ago. Triple Plate is probably still very cheap at 6.5p.

I sold Molycorp (MCP on Nasdaq) at $54 since I am told that its true valuation is about $20 – the excess has been caused by loony American retail investors getting in on rare earths. This price might therefore take time to ease back. But ease back it will.

I am staying short of SuperGroup (SGP) notwithstanding my elder daughter’s advice that SuperDry is OK. She lives near Westfield and is a bit of an expert at shopping – just as so many of her cosexualists are.

Yesterday I bought back Xcite Energy (XEL) at 157p simply to put some lolly in the tin. However, anyone would think that today’s news that a drilling rig is to be deployed and the subsequent rise constitute a profitable oil discovery. I doubt it. I therefore this morning sold Xcite again at 185p. The target remains 125p.

Finally, MWB now offers MWB Business Exchange (MBE) shareholders 1.75 MWB plus 12.7p cash. This, at the bid price for MWB, equates to circa 77p. I expect MWB’s Mr Balfour Lynn’s calculation is that this offer is still a steal as far as he is concerned but sufficiently close to the point where Regus decline to counteroffer. I hope he is wrong. I certainly would not sell MBE.
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re TPG apparently the CEO was on holiday this week so not able to report the news promptly or to do any press promo of what were excellent results which saw its Aussie partner (ASX:GOA) go up 30-40% in a week.

more news is expected at TPJ from their Vietnam projects imminently and Newmont hang in the background with 25% and no doubt eager to take these guys out
dopey here sold some SUMM at 9 today and its 12 now

All that rise without an RNS. Must be the power of TB again... It could climb to 15p by end of the week according to some on advfn.

Anything grab your attention in the short-term? I was looking at putting some of my SUMM gains into NYO over the next week. Persistent seller now seems to have gone, and due several milestone news items overdue, including the JORC.

Downside, as ever, is due to a poor/inexperienced management team and a weary army of pi's fed up of broken promises.

Risky but potentially huge.
I like emerging Ethiopian gold plays in absence of Sheba choice is STI or NYO. Either are good. STI probably have nearer term production potential and some nice partnerships. Nyota has a half decent resource with potential for more growth with bit of a market perception recovery aspect.
SShort term :-

LKI - Results Friday. Then harvest results due. chart looks like good set up. CFGP recent listing is valued about 4x LKI.

TPJ - next drill results from PNG due within week and then Vietnam results also. I used some SUMM proceeds to buy LKI and TPJ today.

GON - hope the big move is coming but waiting for chart to look better.
you have to love this game...

yesterday i was a fool for selling some SUMM, today i'm happy i did, who knows what the end of today will bring

do partly fear Tom Bulford will add some reality to the debate by re-iterating his 'buy up to 7.5p' comment tonight

some low grade scuttlebutt on BBs suggesting Cairn could farm-in to South Falklands Basin

may have some legs and if it was true FOGL and BOR would both fly IMO

had a 'non-RNS' today one of these RNS-A's which are basically marketing press releases.

one day prior to Interim Results makes me think they are saying 'hey look at us/keep an eye on us'

and you'd only want that attention if you knew you were going to say something good surely ?

GBP - have mentioned it a few times here

Well worth a look.

They just issued a 200 page report today on their deal to buy a Namibian oil company Jupiter Petroleum. As it is a Related Party Transaction with Directors of one company buying and selling from/to each other and being on both sides of the transaction a fairness opinion has to be sought from an independent auditor.


tucked away in the depths of the report the independent auditors seem to be suggesting GBP will get an excellent deal buying $80m of assets for $5m !

GBP currently trades in Australia at A$0.22 (ASX:GBP) and on LSE (AIM:GBP) at 14.5p

Mkt Cap is about £30m with quite a bit (half?) of that in cash

Other Namibian oilers such as TRP and CHAR listed on AIM valued at £75m* and £300m respectively

(TRP only have 15% free carry on one well whilst GBP/Jupiter will have 85% interest in their licence)
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VAL - Bulford email just out...

A journey to the source of hereditary disease

All of the cells in your body are capable of forming any type of tissue or organ. The actual type of tissue or organ that they form depends upon the DNA recipe and the action of the genes. If the cells are to form a liver, for instance, then liver genes will be active but others will not be.

The problem is that not all cells do what they are supposed to because genes that should be ‘switched on’ are ‘switched off’ or vice versa. What epigenetics seeks to establish is why this happens.

Epigenetics is the study of changes in gene activity that do not involve alterations to the genetic code but still get passed down to at least one successive generation. These patterns of gene expression are governed by cellular material – the epigenome – telling your genes to switch on or off. It is through the epigenome that factors like diet, stress and prenatal nutrition can make an imprint on your genes.

These changes may remain through cell divisions for the remainder of the cell’s life and may also last for multiple generations. However, there is no change in the underlying DNA sequence of the organism; instead, non-genetic factors cause the organism’s genes to behave (or ‘express themselves’) differently.

Is that clear? It may not be! So let’s go back to the human genome. You probably know that it is now possible to map the entire human genome – that is all the genetic material within us – in a matter of days and at a cost of a few thousand dollars.

By comparing the genes, and their activity, of healthy people with those suffering from disease scientists are starting to identify the genetic variations that increase our susceptibility to diseases such as cancers, diabetes, coronary heart disease and inflammatory bowel disease amongst others.

However, it is one thing to identify genes and relate gene expression to disease. Ideally we need to go one further step back in the process and ask why some genes express themselves and others do not.

Genes and their actions are programmed by DNA (short for deoxyribonucleic acid). DNA is a blueprint carried by genes that determines the construction of cells and organisms. By reading and altering this blueprint, epigenetics could allow us to kill diseases before they ever manifest themselves.

A tiny stock at the frontier of epigenetics

A penny share company working to make this a reality is Valirx (VAL). It has developed a hypergenomics platform that characterises disease by detecting genes that are active when they should not be. It also has ‘GeneICE’ technology that ‘silences’ (switches off) aberrant genes.

Chief executive Dr Satu Vainikka expects epigenetics, and its related discipline epigenomics, to become a cornerstone of new pharmaceutical and biotech research with cancer a prime target. Valirx has over one billion shares in issue – and the directors have been buying some of them only this week.

But at today’s price of 0.65p Valirx is still only valued at a tiddly £6.7m. I don’t pretend to know everything about epigenetics. But I think I get the basic idea – and I think it will pay to find out as much as I can. I’ll be watching the progress of this penny share very closely in the months ahead.

Good investing,

Tom Bulford
The Penny Sleuth
Grabbed a few hundred thousand VAL on Bulford getting behind it.

It is a sub £10m Mkt Cap bio and some bios such as SUMM, SAR and PYC have had huge runs but it has been a laggard but got some genuine looking technology and Director Buys today also should help get the story out.
VAL Directors awarded themselves a whole bunch of options yesterday. Bought shares in the market as well. They can let the brakes off now.
MST - Thought it sounded like a profit warning a couple of days back but a tick up today. hmm maybe 'not bad' = 'good' ?
SRB - RNS looks good to me, proof of concept of continuation of mineralisation between Palito and Curruetela. If this news gets noticed and promoted SRB is due a substantial re-rating IMO.


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LKI - RNS Interim results also looks good this morning. Profit for H1 and confident for harvest. Potential for a decent re-rating here now.


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SRB should see further results from the rest of the Currutela drill programme, which will be forthcoming over the next month. I was thinking of buying and hope to see this go higher.


SRB - RNS looks good to me, proof of concept of continuation of mineralisation between Palito and Curruetela. If this news gets noticed and promoted SRB is due a substantial re-rating IMO.

