Keep punching the straw man. Who cares what Allah's gender is. In Holy Quran, Allah addresses himself as a he. So I called him a he.First Answer:
Allah states that Allah is not comparable to any creation (He or She or otherwise)
Surah Ash-Shuraa - 11 -
˹He is˺ the Originator of the heavens and the earth. He has made for you spouses from among yourselves, and ˹made˺ mates for cattle ˹as well˺—
˹He is˺ the Originator of the heavens and the earth. He has made for you spouses from among yourselves, and ˹made˺ mates for cattle ˹as well˺—multiplying you ˹both˺. There is nothing like Him, for He ˹alone˺ is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing.
Simple words which means Genders don't apply.
Second Answer:
According to your logic if the Masculine pronoun is used and Allah is Masculine THEN Feminine is used for Tree so using your logic, is Tree Feminine?

You are avoiding the question of how Rain and Cloud formed. Does it naturally form in nature or some magical power is throwing buckets of water down and throwing hail at unsuspecting people on Earth?