Your analysis and choices from your perspective makes sense and its understandable.
Limited Choices:
Your first limitation is not realizing that your choices are limited. Imagine being in North Korea where all access to information is limited so a person's worldview will be limited. In the Western world, the information is limited and I will give you a few specific examples:
- Research: In the Western world, you cannot do doctoral research unless your topic is approved and the topics which are suppressed are all related to LGBTQ. It is impossible for any major university to authorize studies into negative impact on people and children due to LGBTQ influence. Any researcher who does not follow the line is shunned
- Social Media: Censorship applies for certain topics e.g. Palestine, Kashmir, Muslim oppression of Hindus. I had a Twitter Account with significant following and used to post about Kashmir, someone from BCCI (Delhi) reported me multiple times on posting tweets about Kashmir and then on posting a picture of Virat Kohli (copyright) and twitter shut my Account down and said that unless I resolve my issue with BCCI Account will be shut...This is before Elon Musk. When leader of Hamas was killed, Facebook posts reporting the news not commenting were shut down, any mention of a name was automatically censored....Any presentations on LGBTQ, analysis of Judaism on YouTube is shut down by a single person reporting e.g. quoting verses of Talmud on YouTube will get a strike
I know that you will argue that your information is not censored and curtailed and that's fine.
The reason people have a problem with Islam is because it is the only thing resisting runaway dismantling of society norms and ripping of the social fabric.
The reason you would rather convert to Christianity is because its docile and doesn't put up any resistance (in Indian society) and you have grown up to see it.
Your real issue with Islam is its visible resistance e.g. men with Beards, women with Hijabs which you believe are not melting into Indian culture and society. You have little problem with Salman Khans of this world who have a Muslim name and also worship Hindu deities but you have a major problem with "Abdullah" the Fruit seller who looks Muslims despite being Indian for 10 generations and refuses to shave his Beard and stands know that he is not breaking any laws.
By "you" I mean majority of Hindus and the counter argument that I have Muslim friends etc won't wash.
India has made a lot of progress its commendable but by cozing upto Secular/Liberal Western culture and I would say even submitting to it.
From my perspective, the Secular/Liberal Western world order is in terminal decline and on its last breath and its evident to many of us who are born or grown up here. Israel is on the wrong side of demographics and simply cannot sustain what is going on in the future. America is tired and weary and will not be in a posiiton to enforce its will on the world (as it once did) for too long and Americans are sick of being the "World Cop"...the MAGA moment is simply a sign of how most Americans feel about their Foreign policy, many Americans may not be Trump supporters but hate the endless wars and foreign interventions.
Then to have a Macro-level worldview, you need to distinguish between
Muslims and
Muslim Governments which are failed states, corrupt and self serving. When you actually look at
Islam on a world level, you will realize that the future clearly belongs to
I am not in a habit of insulting religions or people and this is not meant to be that way but Hindus are a minor docile subset of people on a world scale who have always submitted and will do in the future. For now, India has made a huge error in aliging its interests with US and we do see Indians everywhere in America and in seemingly positions of importance but even deep down you know that
Islam and
Hinduism is not the same and consequently
Muslims and
Hindus are not comparable.
Hindus will change and submit to whatever god (US, Russia, China, Israel) while Muslims due to their faith won't do and therein my friend is the difference.
Islam didn't start 1400 years ago but even if we were to make the assumption that it did then right until 1924 it was dominant in some form or another as a major world power and will be again. Don't bet against Islam because the ideology cannot be defeated, cannot be subjugated.
You may be in a position to economically boycott "Abdullah" the Fruit seller OR burn down the Autorickshaw of "Khalid" but you won't be able to sustain it for too long so enjoy your dominance and oppression of Muslims while you can