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Fauzia Kasuri quits PTI

he would be 67 years old...(18 years political experience/dhakkay and still had to rely on lotas)

ZAB cleaned sweep twice when he was 50's... (his first and second attempt)
Forget about ZAB, he can't beat NS in smartness...and NS is nothing as compared to Zardari...

ZAB could have become a great leader of this country but alas he turned into a civilian dictator. Don't even compare the present incompetent and corrupt Zardari League to ZAB (He was atleast educated and intelligent with good oratory skills even if he had his weaknesses and made some horrible decisions)

Unlike ZAB, IK also excelled in another field (sport)! ZAB had the advantage of having already been FM and been groomed by Ayub/military before he founded his party, i.e. he was already a seasoned politician. IK on the other hand had to start his political career from scratch. Yes it's taken him a while but there are no shortcuts in politics for those who don't want to ride on the shoulders of others. Besides there is no such thing as retirement age in politics. Let's see how NS does this time around.

And if IK is no ZAB, ZAB also was no Jinnah as far as leadership skills, sincerity, honesty and personal integrity are concerned
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who are these unsavoury people she didnt want joining pti

dont think pti would argue too much seeing at the amount of people they've converted in kpk
apparently she was offered the position of "adviser to pti chairman" today, when ik's sister met FK today...
of course FK did not accept that...
again BZ shows what is wrong with Pakistanis and Pakistan's politics. People like him wants people to join other parties when they quit their party for whatever reason, and when they do, same people make fun of them and call 'em lotas. SMH

I understand if she thinks she was hard done and wants to quit PTI, that's her right but I don't understand why would she wanna join another party? Where's the ideology now?
We Want Imran Khan To Be The Next Prime Minster Of Pakistan
PTI gave reserved seats to two ladies:

1. Dr Shireen Mazari
2. Munazza Hassan

Why not Fauzia Kasuri? The answer is:

Reserved seats nominations were on the basis of merit; Education and Women Wing Elections... Fauzia Kasuri couldn't qualify for WW Elections last year because her application for revocation US Citizenship got late and mean while Munazza Hassan got elected instead of her. (These were intra party elections)

IK promised her respect, but never at the cost of breaking rules. Dr. Shireen Mazari is a PhD from Uni of Columbia, and has 40 yrs experience in Defense, where as Munazza Hassan might not be as good as Fauzia Kasuri, but she won WW Elections...!!

Fauzir Kasuri did her MBA from Uni of North Carolina, and also Masters in IR from Uni of Punjab. But keeping intra party elections and the whole process in mind, it was never hidden from FK. Everybody expected more seats from punjab, but if they couldn't get more seats, then FK should respect merit selection, rather making it an ego problem...!!

IK can not break rules of PTI to please any member. System should be stronger than people...!!
Factual clarification regarding the resignation of Ms Fauzia Kasuri from the Party

It is with great regret that PTI has been compelled to issue the following factual clarification regarding the resignation of Ms Fauzia Kasuri from the Party. PTI has the highest regard for her work for the Party and feels it is the right of every individual to decide for themselves whether they can continue working for the ideology of PTI or not. However, it is equally the right of PTI to clarify some erroneous statements made by Ms Kasuri – given her long association with the Party one would prefer to leave out the phrase “false allegations”.

(1) The Founding members of PTI were the following: Imran Khan, Naeemul Haque, Ahsan Rasheed, Hafeez Khan (now in Canada), Mowahid Hussain Syed (now in US), Mahmood Awan (now in US), Nausherwan Burki (now in US). These seven members founded the Party in April 1996. No one else is a “founding member” while many may be very old members.

(2) Ms Kasuri was disqualified from contesting the intra-party elections because she had not even begun the process of surrendering her US nationality at the time of the elections – 21st March 2013. She had been a member of the Constitution Committee of PTI as well as the central PSC and was well aware of the restrictions on dual nationals holding Party office. The relevant laws which led to her disqualification from the intra-party elections are:

S. 5(1) of the Political Parties Order 2002 states the following:

“5. Membership of political parties.- (1) Every citizen, not being in the service of Pakistan, shall have the right to form or be a member of a political party or be otherwise associated with a political party or take part in political activities or be elected as an office-bearer of a political party:

Provided that a person shall not be appointed or serve as an office-bearer of a political party if he is not qualified to be, or is disqualified from being, elected or chosen as a member of the Males-e-Shoora (Parliament) under Article 63 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan or under any other law for the time being in force.”

Article 63(1)(c) of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan states the following:

Disqualifications for membership of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament):

(1) A person shall be disqualified from being elected or chosen as, and from being, a member of the Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament), if:-…
(c) he ceases to be a citizen of Pakistan, or acquires the citizenship of a foreign State; or…”

[The matter had been discussed in great detail by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in the case of Syed Mehmood Akhtar Naqvi v Federation of Pakistan, PLD 2012 SC 1089, which also affirmed the literal constructions of the above-mentioned legislation.]

(3) A day after the intra party elections, 22 March 2013, Ms Kasuri went to the US Consulate Lahore to begin the process of citizenship renunciation and herself circulated the letter issued. Letter from US Consulate testifying to the same is also attached.

(4) She then demanded a reelection of the intra party elections to accommodate her, which could not be done legally as elections had been held according to the rules. Also, legally citizenship ceases to exist after the final certificate has been issued by the concerned government so her eligibility was legally not restored by 22nd March 2013 when she made the demand.

(5) The PTI Women Priority list was finalized by 31st March 2013 and she was informed that she was No 4 in the Punjab List for the National Assembly. She not only accepted the order but took part in the election jalsas and other activities. The expectation was that PTI would win enough NA seats in Punjab to accommodate a number of the women on the Priority List. The list was sent to the ECP to meet their deadline. It was displayed publicly on the ECP notice board subsequently. Ms Kasuri, at the time of scrutiny, also raised slogans against other PTI women candidates, in front of all political parties’ candidates. The Party took note but allowed this transgression of Ms Kasuri’s to pass.

(6) It was only after the election results came out that Ms Kasuri started her campaign of maligning the party and the women selected by the leadership for the Reserved Seats. Despite this, the Party leadership took a lenient view and refused to take action against her by issuing a show cause notice.

(7) On the day of her resignation she spoke to the Chairman and expressed an interest in NA 48 but the Chairman made no commitment. However, the Chairman’s sister personally visited her on her own as they were old friends, to try and keep her within the party on grounds of ideology. It was only later that the revelation was made about her already having had meetings with the women of the Sharif family.

(8) Ms Kasuri also hurled allegations of financial misconduct by some senior and founding members of the Party. These are absolutely male fide allegations with no base in fact. All PTI funds are audited by one of the top Chartered Accountancy firms in the country.

(9) Her allegations of there being a mafia group controlling the Chairman are also baseless. The only people surrounding Chairman Khan, while he is recovering from his accident, are his family. All other members of the Party are busy doing their work in different parts of the country. Mr Naeemul Haque as Head of the Chairman’s Office is the only PTI member by his side in Lahore.

PTI still feels Ms Kasuri made a hasty and emotive decision to go public about her perceived grievances and many PTI members have been served show cause notices or removed from the Party for the same - but it was her choice. However, it would have been better had she not sought to hurl baseless allegations while concealing the real facts about her intra party disqualification and her placement on the Women Reserved Priority List.

Hopefully this would show to many how the media is running an anti-PTI campaign.
I am feeling sorry for Javed Hashmi...he made a mistake of life...

wasted time in opposition (+ jail) during mush era...wasted time in opposition during 3 years in PPPP time
and now again in opposition under PTI

and used a --- paper to compete for PM election (this point is true for Ameen Faheem)

If FK joins the PML-N, she will get her due respect...from Balqees Nawaz Sharif (for her services during restoration of judges) and also PML-N realized that PML-N need to mobilize the women vote and they do not have dedicated women workers who can get them there...

Plus, she will be in NA sitting on ruling bench ... while ik and co will be on losers' benches...

she must join PML-N

NEWS FLASH !!! JH didnt left party for a national assembly seat !
that clarification was long over due. So-called founding member now put in her place !

non-sense slogans of "the mother of PTI" can now rest in peace ! So long Ms. Fauzia, you and N-League deserve each other ! :)
that clarification was long over due. So-called founding member now put in her place !

non-sense slogans of "the mother of PTI" can now rest in peace ! So long Ms. Fauzia, you and N-League deserve each other ! :)

They think their false propaganda will turn us against our leader.

They might forget but we don't that this man dropped his own cousin from the team and they were not on speaking terms for years, but Imran Khan did not apologise for it.

They might forget but we don't that just recently he did not speak in favour of his relative Inamullah Niazi when he was not given a party ticket.

They might forget but we don't that he did not even bend the rules for the legharis and when the party decided to not give them tickets he did not interfere, even though he knew those were 100% guaranteed seats.

They might and will forget everything but those who love Pakistan and have followed Imran from the very start know the type of man he is.
We Want Imran Khan To Be The Next Prime Minster Of Pakistan

This is just a lie

4 others allowed to participate in elections with their dual nationality!

There should be one criteria for all...won the election and get the seat...why so many leaders got post without any election?

Shireen Mizarai never even participated in election.

and even the loser of election is at #3...whats its take to lose? :)

PTI is just a bunch of hypocrites...
Good that 10/15 pti seats stolen , esp of hamad khan :)
There is no harm in reaching out to other party where she may feel needed despite of her tremendous contribution to PTI; her contribution should not be overlooked for PTI [my comment to PTI supporters].

It's her right to consider the alternate option as how she sees fit wanting to contribute anyhow can; however, she has been made it clear that she is no longer needed for the party which is no harm in admitting considering there are candidates preferred over her in to serve the party and the nation.

My prayer is with her; hoping she is assigned with her prestigious role if offered by Nawaz Sharif continuing to contribute for the party and the nation. The party is; however, may that be, but it's fact that you must be committed to party to serve the nation. I hope she remains asset to the nation through the PMNL party.

Let's support her decision and hope for the best.
that clarification was long over due. So-called founding member now put in her place !

non-sense slogans of "the mother of PTI" can now rest in peace ! So long Ms. Fauzia, you and N-League deserve each other ! :)

This kind of comment is sickening at best. I was expecting this from PTI supporters. I support Imran Khan, but PTI supporters have been downright embarrassment and exhibit some of Jaahiliyah traits; as this has been happening in several forums, Allahu Alim.

You do realize there are some honest workers in PMNL party who serve the nation to the fullest, Alhamdulillah!. The better cause is still those who join the party to prevent the ruler from oppressing as it has been mentioned in hadith that we should strive to get closer to the ruler to prevent him from oppressing. There is no harm in that.

The problem is not the party; rather it's democratic system and through the system; that's how most of honest workers can serve the nation. Most of people have played vital roles in improving the infrastructure of the cities and regions in Punjab under the PMNL. In comparable to Karachi, they are well advanced - heading to the right direction, Alhamdulillah!. Let's hope for the similar performance from PTI workers because Imran Khan alone can't change unless people from his party contributes to make the nation better place, Insha'Allaah!.

PTI is still new; and is limited with roles. PTI should concentrate on the cities they are assigned with roles to improve now.

Please, avoid some of Jaahiliyah traits in the future. I don't mean to offend you at all.

Assalamu Alaikum!
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Good thing that PTI finally issued a clarification on FK. I am sad to see her leave, but the way she has gone about all this is totally wrong. PTI and Imran have followed rules, and rightly so.

Now, it is funny to see PPP jiyalas and MQM zombies trying to act all concerned about this. Crawl back into your holes. This is a party that is not controlled by one man, unlike zardar and nawaz leagues. Rules are not bent for anyone in PTI. But I'm sure zardari leaguers wont understand this.

And guess what MQMers, people can leave PTI without being killed. Does that happen in MQM?
This kind of comment is sickening at best. I was expecting this from PTI supporters. I support Imran Khan, but PTI supporters have been downright embarrassment and exhibit some of Jaahiliyah traits; as this has been happening in several forums, Allahu Alim.

You do realize there are some honest workers in PMNL party who serve the nation to the fullest, Alhamdulillah!. The better cause is still those who join the party to prevent the ruler from oppressing as it has been mentioned in hadith that we should strive to get closer to the ruler to prevent him from oppressing. There is no harm in that.

The problem is not the party; rather it's democratic system and through the system; that's how most of honest workers can serve the nation. Most of people have played vital roles in improving the infrastructure of the cities and regions in Punjab under the PMNL. In comparable to Karachi, they are well advanced - heading to the right direction, Alhamdulillah!. Let's hope for the similar performance from PTI workers because Imran Khan alone can't change unless people from his party contributes to make the nation better place, Insha'Allaah!.

PTI is still new; and is limited with roles. PTI should concentrate on the cities they are assigned with roles to improve now.

Please, avoid some of Jaahiliyah traits in the future. I don't mean to offend you at all.

Assalamu Alaikum!

sickening? can you please elaborate on that.

She is leaving the party simply because of NA seat. All her arguments are about that eluded NA seat which she deserved the most, while I respect her contributions but disagree with her assessment. Anyhow, now she is contemplating a move to other party for what? .... to get that NA seat. I like your beliefs about serving the nation and your hadith but this my friend is a simple power struggle. In local language, we call it "lota". PML-N is full of "lotay" already, they accepted 147 lotay from Q league in March-2013 only. So yeah, those "lotay" and N-league deserve each other !
Watch this thread carefully, people, this is how jyhaalas are born.
They think their false propaganda will turn us against our leader.

They might forget but we don't that this man dropped his own cousin from the team and they were not on speaking terms for years, but Imran Khan did not apologise for it.

They might forget but we don't that just recently he did not speak in favour of his relative Inamullah Niazi when he was not given a party ticket.

They might forget but we don't that he did not even bend the rules for the legharis and when the party decided to not give them tickets he did not interfere, even though he knew those were 100% guaranteed seats.

They might and will forget everything but those who love Pakistan and have followed Imran from the very start know the type of man he is.

the thing is that people cannot speak up against Nawaz and Zardari, such is their stature in their respective parties. Even staunch politicians like Aetizaz Ahsan, Amin Faheem, Safdar Abbasi and his wife Naheed. These were core group of trusted people in BB's time yet were sidelined and ignored by Zardari. Yet none of them had the audacity to speak publically against Zardari. Nawaz is a similar case, does not tolerate criticism within party. Altaf Hussain is simply a DON so anyone daring to speak against him loses his life.

Their is no democracy in their party so this type of a fallout is new for them. PML-N, MQM and PPP supporters will never understand this !
Factual clarification regarding the resignation of Ms Fauzia Kasuri from the Party

It is with great regret that PTI has been compelled to issue the following factual clarification regarding the resignation of Ms Fauzia Kasuri from the Party. PTI has the highest regard for her work for the Party and feels it is the right of every individual to decide for themselves whether they can continue working for the ideology of PTI or not. However, it is equally the right of PTI to clarify some erroneous statements made by Ms Kasuri – given her long association with the Party one would prefer to leave out the phrase “false allegations”.

(1) The Founding members of PTI were the following: Imran Khan, Naeemul Haque, Ahsan Rasheed, Hafeez Khan (now in Canada), Mowahid Hussain Syed (now in US), Mahmood Awan (now in US), Nausherwan Burki (now in US). These seven members founded the Party in April 1996. No one else is a “founding member” while many may be very old members.

(2) Ms Kasuri was disqualified from contesting the intra-party elections because she had not even begun the process of surrendering her US nationality at the time of the elections – 21st March 2013. She had been a member of the Constitution Committee of PTI as well as the central PSC and was well aware of the restrictions on dual nationals holding Party office. The relevant laws which led to her disqualification from the intra-party elections are:

S. 5(1) of the Political Parties Order 2002 states the following:

“5. Membership of political parties.- (1) Every citizen, not being in the service of Pakistan, shall have the right to form or be a member of a political party or be otherwise associated with a political party or take part in political activities or be elected as an office-bearer of a political party:

Provided that a person shall not be appointed or serve as an office-bearer of a political party if he is not qualified to be, or is disqualified from being, elected or chosen as a member of the Males-e-Shoora (Parliament) under Article 63 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan or under any other law for the time being in force.”

Article 63(1)(c) of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan states the following:

Disqualifications for membership of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament):

(1) A person shall be disqualified from being elected or chosen as, and from being, a member of the Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament), if:-…
(c) he ceases to be a citizen of Pakistan, or acquires the citizenship of a foreign State; or…”

[The matter had been discussed in great detail by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in the case of Syed Mehmood Akhtar Naqvi v Federation of Pakistan, PLD 2012 SC 1089, which also affirmed the literal constructions of the above-mentioned legislation.]

(3) A day after the intra party elections, 22 March 2013, Ms Kasuri went to the US Consulate Lahore to begin the process of citizenship renunciation and herself circulated the letter issued. Letter from US Consulate testifying to the same is also attached.

(4) She then demanded a reelection of the intra party elections to accommodate her, which could not be done legally as elections had been held according to the rules. Also, legally citizenship ceases to exist after the final certificate has been issued by the concerned government so her eligibility was legally not restored by 22nd March 2013 when she made the demand.

(5) The PTI Women Priority list was finalized by 31st March 2013 and she was informed that she was No 4 in the Punjab List for the National Assembly. She not only accepted the order but took part in the election jalsas and other activities. The expectation was that PTI would win enough NA seats in Punjab to accommodate a number of the women on the Priority List. The list was sent to the ECP to meet their deadline. It was displayed publicly on the ECP notice board subsequently. Ms Kasuri, at the time of scrutiny, also raised slogans against other PTI women candidates, in front of all political parties’ candidates. The Party took note but allowed this transgression of Ms Kasuri’s to pass.

(6) It was only after the election results came out that Ms Kasuri started her campaign of maligning the party and the women selected by the leadership for the Reserved Seats. Despite this, the Party leadership took a lenient view and refused to take action against her by issuing a show cause notice.

(7) On the day of her resignation she spoke to the Chairman and expressed an interest in NA 48 but the Chairman made no commitment. However, the Chairman’s sister personally visited her on her own as they were old friends, to try and keep her within the party on grounds of ideology. It was only later that the revelation was made about her already having had meetings with the women of the Sharif family.

(8) Ms Kasuri also hurled allegations of financial misconduct by some senior and founding members of the Party. These are absolutely male fide allegations with no base in fact. All PTI funds are audited by one of the top Chartered Accountancy firms in the country.

(9) Her allegations of there being a mafia group controlling the Chairman are also baseless. The only people surrounding Chairman Khan, while he is recovering from his accident, are his family. All other members of the Party are busy doing their work in different parts of the country. Mr Naeemul Haque as Head of the Chairman’s Office is the only PTI member by his side in Lahore.

PTI still feels Ms Kasuri made a hasty and emotive decision to go public about her perceived grievances and many PTI members have been served show cause notices or removed from the Party for the same - but it was her choice. However, it would have been better had she not sought to hurl baseless allegations while concealing the real facts about her intra party disqualification and her placement on the Women Reserved Priority List.

Hopefully this would show to many how the media is running an anti-PTI campaign.

attached letter.
So she poivided this letter after the intra-party elections not before like she was saying. I don't know why would you lie when you know you can easily be exposed...
More accusations from Ms. Fauzia Kasuri. Says Zahra Shahid had differences with party leadership and she too was a victim of injustice when she was President of WW, Sindh.


And then people expect Insafians to be sympathetic with her :facepalm:
More accusations from Ms. Fauzia Kasuri. Says Zahra Shahid had differences with party leadership and she too was a victim of injustice when she was President of WW, Sindh.


And then people expect Insafians to be sympathetic with her :facepalm:

I think Insaafians should take a neutral approach, no so aggressive if you will. If she doesn't deserve sympathies, she doesn't deserve insults either.
The Lotas in PTI are in there for a reason and that is to finish IK and this is exactly what is going to happen in future.....And yes Zehra shah was murdered by Arif alfi, even on teen talwar in Karachi it was PTI's goons who did aerial firing......IK cannot win hearts of Pakistani people by playing such dirty games......
NEWS FLASH !!! JH didnt left party for a national assembly seat !

Breaking news...
Nawaz Sharif is still his leader!

so technically, Nawaz sharif is the leader of the president of PTI

"Doob marnay ka muqam for PTI members"
Factual clarification regarding the resignation of Ms Fauzia Kasuri from the Party

It is with great regret that PTI has been compelled to issue the following factual clarification regarding the resignation of Ms Fauzia Kasuri from the Party. PTI has the highest regard for her work for the Party and feels it is the right of every individual to decide for themselves whether they can continue working for the ideology of PTI or not. However, it is equally the right of PTI to clarify some erroneous statements made by Ms Kasuri – given her long association with the Party one would prefer to leave out the phrase “false allegations”.

(1) The Founding members of PTI were the following: Imran Khan, Naeemul Haque, Ahsan Rasheed, Hafeez Khan (now in Canada), Mowahid Hussain Syed (now in US), Mahmood Awan (now in US), Nausherwan Burki (now in US). These seven members founded the Party in April 1996. No one else is a “founding member” while many may be very old members.

(2) Ms Kasuri was disqualified from contesting the intra-party elections because she had not even begun the process of surrendering her US nationality at the time of the elections – 21st March 2013. She had been a member of the Constitution Committee of PTI as well as the central PSC and was well aware of the restrictions on dual nationals holding Party office. The relevant laws which led to her disqualification from the intra-party elections are:

S. 5(1) of the Political Parties Order 2002 states the following:

“5. Membership of political parties.- (1) Every citizen, not being in the service of Pakistan, shall have the right to form or be a member of a political party or be otherwise associated with a political party or take part in political activities or be elected as an office-bearer of a political party:

Provided that a person shall not be appointed or serve as an office-bearer of a political party if he is not qualified to be, or is disqualified from being, elected or chosen as a member of the Males-e-Shoora (Parliament) under Article 63 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan or under any other law for the time being in force.”

Article 63(1)(c) of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan states the following:

Disqualifications for membership of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament):

(1) A person shall be disqualified from being elected or chosen as, and from being, a member of the Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament), if:-…
(c) he ceases to be a citizen of Pakistan, or acquires the citizenship of a foreign State; or…”

[The matter had been discussed in great detail by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in the case of Syed Mehmood Akhtar Naqvi v Federation of Pakistan, PLD 2012 SC 1089, which also affirmed the literal constructions of the above-mentioned legislation.]

(3) A day after the intra party elections, 22 March 2013, Ms Kasuri went to the US Consulate Lahore to begin the process of citizenship renunciation and herself circulated the letter issued. Letter from US Consulate testifying to the same is also attached.

(4) She then demanded a reelection of the intra party elections to accommodate her, which could not be done legally as elections had been held according to the rules. Also, legally citizenship ceases to exist after the final certificate has been issued by the concerned government so her eligibility was legally not restored by 22nd March 2013 when she made the demand.

(5) The PTI Women Priority list was finalized by 31st March 2013 and she was informed that she was No 4 in the Punjab List for the National Assembly. She not only accepted the order but took part in the election jalsas and other activities. The expectation was that PTI would win enough NA seats in Punjab to accommodate a number of the women on the Priority List. The list was sent to the ECP to meet their deadline. It was displayed publicly on the ECP notice board subsequently. Ms Kasuri, at the time of scrutiny, also raised slogans against other PTI women candidates, in front of all political parties’ candidates. The Party took note but allowed this transgression of Ms Kasuri’s to pass.

(6) It was only after the election results came out that Ms Kasuri started her campaign of maligning the party and the women selected by the leadership for the Reserved Seats. Despite this, the Party leadership took a lenient view and refused to take action against her by issuing a show cause notice.

(7) On the day of her resignation she spoke to the Chairman and expressed an interest in NA 48 but the Chairman made no commitment. However, the Chairman’s sister personally visited her on her own as they were old friends, to try and keep her within the party on grounds of ideology. It was only later that the revelation was made about her already having had meetings with the women of the Sharif family.

(8) Ms Kasuri also hurled allegations of financial misconduct by some senior and founding members of the Party. These are absolutely male fide allegations with no base in fact. All PTI funds are audited by one of the top Chartered Accountancy firms in the country.

(9) Her allegations of there being a mafia group controlling the Chairman are also baseless. The only people surrounding Chairman Khan, while he is recovering from his accident, are his family. All other members of the Party are busy doing their work in different parts of the country. Mr Naeemul Haque as Head of the Chairman’s Office is the only PTI member by his side in Lahore.

PTI still feels Ms Kasuri made a hasty and emotive decision to go public about her perceived grievances and many PTI members have been served show cause notices or removed from the Party for the same - but it was her choice. However, it would have been better had she not sought to hurl baseless allegations while concealing the real facts about her intra party disqualification and her placement on the Women Reserved Priority List.

Hopefully this would show to many how the media is running an anti-PTI campaign.

Only thing thats correct is that she was not founding members as most of them already left.

Regarding intra party election, PTI failed to answer why 4 others were allowed to participate in elections while FK was not

There is no such law in PTI's constitution.

Umer Asad is in hospital and he is not a family member of IK...

so all in all letter is 90% incorrect. as expected
FK was asked by PTI's so called leadership and she collected 1M+ USD for party just for this election...

I have been checking USA forums, peoples are really disappointed with PTI and IK...

she made so many mistakes:

1- She believed in PTI
2- Trusted IK
3- Expected any goodwill in return
4- left his USA citizenship for Pakistan

to me she got what she deserved.
More accusations from Ms. Fauzia Kasuri. Says Zahra Shahid had differences with party leadership and she too was a victim of injustice when she was President of WW, Sindh.


And then people expect Insafians to be sympathetic with her :facepalm:

actually thats very accurate...

PTI is controlled by lotas
PTI is losing a lot of credibiltiy since the elections, need to get a grip and act togehter.

One thing is for sure, lotas and seasoned politicians are taking over PTI.

Finaly, BlackZero, give it a break yaar, we get it, you hate IK and PTI.
PTI is losing a lot of credibiltiy since the elections, need to get a grip and act togehter.

One thing is for sure, lotas and seasoned politicians are taking over PTI.

Finaly, BlackZero, give it a break yaar, we get it, you hate IK and PTI.

I do not hate IK or PTI.

I asked my elders to vote for pti when pti participated first time...

yes, now, i am anti-pti .... so many reasons...including:
- ik let himself used by ji and musharraf
- ik supported musharaff
- ik is proven to be a demagogue
- ik opened the gates for lotas...(except very few, rest are all lotas)
- ik wants pakistan to surrender to FATA
- while pti is itself a lota party with shady characters, still they blame other parties.

list is too big...
in fact, i am anti any right wing parties including (pml-n, ji, jui, conservatives, republicans ..etc).

okay asifp, i wont post in this thread anymore...

however, will be back in some other thread...pointing something else
FK was asked by PTI's so called leadership and she collected 1M+ USD for party just for this election...

I have been checking USA forums, peoples are really disappointed with PTI and IK...

she made so many mistakes:

1- She believed in PTI
2- Trusted IK
3- Expected any goodwill in return
4- left his USA citizenship for Pakistan

to me she got what she deserved.

n she's re-joining PTI :)))

eat your heart out, chawal's fan
^ Dont laugh yet. I'm sure BZ and other so called political philosophers here will come up with some other "points to ponder" about PTI's corrupt leadership.
W Salam Raamu. How is everything?

True, I havent been posting much. Havent seen you in a while either waisay :)
shukar ALLAH ka, everything's good except our team's performance :/

yeah, that tailored defeat in elections was a big blow to my PP career :( :P
^ Dont laugh yet. I'm sure BZ and other so called political philosophers here will come up with some other "points to ponder" about PTI's corrupt leadership.

BZ still post on this forum?

He has not jumped out from bridge after seeing the performance his Aunt Ashiq Awan and his beloved hero Malik?

Bara hee dheet hai yeh BZ..
And she quits PTI again for the 3rd time this time joins PSP

And she quits PTI again for the 3rd time this time joins PSP


A case of 3 strikes and you're out? Being American she's gone baseball rather than Cricket.

Can understand where she's coming from, from an idealistic point of view, but Imran Khan has moved on from Idealism to electability.

Wasn't there talk of Mustafa Kamal making Imran khan the Chairman of PSP??
A case of 3 strikes and you're out? Being American she's gone baseball rather than Cricket.

Can understand where she's coming from, from an idealistic point of view, but Imran Khan has moved on from Idealism to electability.

Wasn't there talk of Mustafa Kamal making Imran khan the Chairman of PSP??

Nah that's not gonna happen i don't think PSP-PTI merger is on cards there is more of a chance that MQM-PSP merge or form alliance just before GE
I don't know why but this clearly shocks me, i mean you create so much drama and quit party that you supported for almost 2 decades (definitely not her fault entirely) and she joins PSP after all that??? :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
I don't know why but this clearly shocks me, i mean you create so much drama and quit party that you supported for almost 2 decades (definitely not her fault entirely) and she joins PSP after all that??? :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

and PSP is also a lota party full of imports from MQM :)) she criticized PTI for lotas :)))
I always thought PSP were the acceptable face of the old MQM, but going by your comments, they're not much better.

I'd heard many moons ago that Mustafa Kamal won some award for being the worlds greatest mayor, and found him to be slightly more conciliatory in his tone with the rest of Pakistan than Altaf Bhai, have I badly misread him?