FIFA World Cup 2018 Bid [Russia] and 2022 [Qatar]

Who Will Host the 2018 FIFA World Cup?

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Everybody's hating on Qatar. Bit harsh imo.
Doesnt seem too objective to me - and who stopped you from expressing your view? I havent.

It seemed like you were concluding the argument by saying "live with it." What else are we going to do? Obviously we have to live with it but we are discussing the merits of selection.

Seems fairly objective. Many points have been raised such as:
-Stadiums - why so excessive?
-Why team never qualifed for WC
-Why highest risk country got it?

You have yet to address any of these except telling us to look at some awesome scale drawings. This is not an attack on the Middle East as you are led to believe but when there were better and more practical bids, we question the merits Qatar was selected on.
Well what can I say ... I was pretty gutted in the early hours of this morning. About a month ago I was quietly confident that we would win the rights to host the 2022 tournament. But as the days went by things began changing. I still stayed up late into the night in the hope that we could pull it off. Qatar has come from absolutely nowhere and obviously it was $$$ that made the difference in the end. There is no doubt in my mind that we would have put on an unforgettable world cup. I just cannot fathom how we only managed one vote. Even US, Japan and Korea who have held world cups recently each managed more votes than us. Something just doesn't add up for me, but I am over it now.

If it wasn't going to be Australia, Qatar would have been my next choice. It will be the first Muslim country to host the world cup. And I can see myself making a trip to see the tournament.

As for Australia, I hope they do not lose hope and they attempt the 2026 World Cup.
It seemed like you were concluding the argument by saying "live with it." What else are we going to do? Obviously we have to live with it but we are discussing the merits of selection.

Seems fairly objective. Many points have been raised such as:
-Stadiums - why so excessive?
-Why team never qualifed for WC
-Why highest risk country got it?

You have yet to address any of these except telling us to look at some awesome scale drawings. This is not an attack on the Middle East as you are led to believe but when there were better and more practical bids, we question the merits Qatar was selected on.

Do you realize that this is the FIRST sane argument against Qatar in this thread?

Stadiums - well its the Arab Way! Its the World Cup and the stadiums are the prime focus for them - they have a complex of some sort - a bit like women in work place - they go over board to impress! From their point of view, they want to make an impression on the outside world. If anything we should encourage them so that thay get exposed to the outside world.

Team not qualified for WC - why does that matter? They are Football crazy nation - that should be enough? And who knows that given this honour, they may well be inspired to work hard and qualify for the next cup? What will you say then?

High Risk - The US military is sitting in Doha - smoe of the most high value targets a teerorist can dream of , yet we dont hear of any attacks. BTW, the High Risk aspect has more to do with Summer Temps then anything. From what I understand the stadia are supposed to have a revolutionary new Climate control system

My point, is give them a chance to prove themselves.

Apologies, if I came accross as an angry old man :)
Lol. Any ideas why?

For being in the GCC they sure don't like to cooperate much. For example the metro in Dubai, heard it was offered to be extended to Abu Dhabi but they refused. Sharjah reportedly also refused as well.

AD is busy pimping itself, neck-deep in development right now.

Dubai has no money anyway.

Sharjah :))) it's a ghetto.
What is the population of Qatar?

How many people went to games at the last World Cup?
A better reflection of some of the celebrations in Doha yesterday:

What is the population of Qatar?

How many people went to games at the last World Cup?

Dont know how many people went to South Africa, but streets are virtually empty when Qatar plays or when the big games were on in the World Cup. This a football mad nation - WITH Money.
Dont know how many people went to South Africa, but streets are virtually empty when Qatar plays or when the big games were on in the World Cup. This a football mad nation - WITH Money.

Also add to that..the gulf states such as Qatar, Bahrain and the UAE are not just about the mount of population they have...but due to their position on the world map they pride themselves on being a transit point for the world.

So the world basically travels through places like Dubai and Doha...they are very accessible and therefore already have a massive influx of foreigners from all over the world and are ideally placed to handle an even bigger influx of football fans from all over the world.
Dont know how many people went to South Africa, but streets are virtually empty when Qatar plays or when the big games were on in the World Cup. This a football mad nation - WITH Money.

OK - well lets just say four times as many people went to the last World Cup as is the population of Qatar.

What will homosexuals do to attend matches?



It's a horrible, $$$ orientated, decision.
OK - well lets just say four times as many people went to the last World Cup as is the population of Qatar.

What will homosexuals do to attend matches?



It's a horrible, $$$ orientated, decision.

Do you really think Women arent allowed to walk about or something? Seriously mate how ignorant are you? You do know that in places like Dubai and Doha you get women walking round in Bikinis right?
OK - well lets just say four times as many people went to the last World Cup as is the population of Qatar.

What will homosexuals do to attend matches?



It's a horrible, $$$ orientated, decision.

- I hope they don't do anything drastic, otherwise nobody asks for your sexual preference when you enter the country.

- You can't be serious.

- Qatar have a very good relationship with Israel.

I honestly can't believe you are putting these forward as issues.

China with its diabolical human rights record got to host an Olympics, but we have people whinging about Qatar.
OK - well lets just say four times as many people went to the last World Cup as is the population of Qatar.

What will homosexuals do to attend matches?



It's a horrible, $$$ orientated, decision.

I live and work with Jews - as long as they dont hold a prayer meeting in the open, there is no problem!

Women in Qatar are as free as in any other part of the world - fine some of their actions are dictated by the majority religion of the land - so whats wrong with that?

Homesexuals - depends on whether they want to hold a Gay Pride March - if not, they can do what they like - we have so many philipinos who are openly gay (looking) - no one bats an eyelid.
People seem to think that Doha is some Afghan cave or something so here's a few little pictures of Doha for the ignorants amongst us:



Doha is also building a new airport which is in fact already nearing completion:


The hotels in Doha are top rate and I know this from personal experience an example of this is the W Hotel in Dad is on the executive board for this hotel and so I have stayed there and know myself how good the standard is:



This is obviously a top end hotel but I know for a fact that they have already embarked on a massive programme of building hotels that suit ALL budgets.

Qatar and the middle east will deliver a world cup and facilities like this world has never seen before...because thats just how they do things.
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I live and work with Jews - as long as they dont hold a prayer meeting in the open, there is no problem!

Women in Qatar are as free as in any other part of the world - fine some of their actions are dictated by the majority religion of the land - so whats wrong with that?

Homesexuals - depends on whether they want to hold a Gay Pride March - if not, they can do what they like - we have so many philipinos who are openly gay (looking) - no one bats an eyelid.

OK - so everything has a condition attached to it. The WORLD cup should not be going somewhere like that. It doesn't encourage progress. The same way Russia will now not look to cure its racism in football, the middle east will not look to be more progressive in attitudes. It's sick.
OK - so everything has a condition attached to it. The WORLD cup should not be going somewhere like that. It doesn't encourage progress. The same way Russia will now not look to cure its racism in football, the middle east will not look to be more progressive in attitudes. It's sick.

did Cameron or Obama promise to take the troops out of Afghanistan if they got the World Cup?
I think MIG is actually being a a tiny bit inaccurate in a few of the things that he's saying here...Ir was actually a regular occurence in Dubai for example as well as in Doha to see women (who according to Legal Eye are restricted) on the p!ss...completely and utterly drunk...stumbling around wearing rather skimpy clothing with their arms wrapped around random guys a la any other western country.

Mate people do just as they wish in these countries, you just dont know how open these countries are and hopefully this world cup will be a massive eye opener for you.
did Cameron or Obama promise to take the troops out of Afghanistan if they got the World Cup?

As much as I support the ME in their world cup here, but I dont agree with your comment there. Lets not bring such politics into it...I say we concentrate on showing these ignorants how developed the ME actually is.
giving them a dose of their own hypocritical medicine.

nothing wrong with that.
OK - so everything has a condition attached to it. The WORLD cup should not be going somewhere like that. It doesn't encourage progress. The same way Russia will now not look to cure its racism in football, the middle east will not look to be more progressive in attitudes. It's sick.

I dont think you read my post in its entirety - open your eyes Bhai!
As much as I support the ME in their world cup here, but I dont agree with your comment there. Lets not bring such politics into it...I say we concentrate on showing these ignorants how developed the ME actually is.

I'm not denying the ME is developed - any country with so much money and so much slave labour would be.

The questions is, are they ready for a World Cup - as a nation of rights and on a football context, they are not.

Let's hope that in the next 12 years, Qatar develops to the stage where people can be openly gay, people can have a drink and dress how they wish.
I dont think you read my post in its entirety - open your eyes Bhai!

I did read your post - my problem is that my eyes are TOO open.

You said, basically, that it's OK to be Jewish or Gay so long as you don't make a public show of it. How would you feel about the WC going to a nation where Muslims were not allowed to be Muslims in public?
I did read your post - my problem is that my eyes are TOO open.

You said, basically, that it's OK to be Jewish or Gay so long as you don't make a public show of it. How would you feel about the WC going to a nation where Muslims were not allowed to be Muslims in public?

You mean like anywhere in Europe where they dont allow Hijab:D

Tell me this - in any world cup that you have seen, have any Gays gone into a city and marched thru it to proclaim gay rights? or have Muslims or Jews held prayer meetings?

Qatar And Israel have good relations as well.

I think you are applying some very high standards of Global Unity on Qatar when they dont exist anywhere in the world!
Let's hope that in the next 12 years, Qatar develops to the stage where people can be openly gay, people can have a drink and dress how they wish.

Well if thats the barometer...then umm all 3 things are already happening, so whats the issue exactly...
You have to obtain a permit to purchase alcohol! That's a simple thing, but made in to a massive issue there! They need to lighten up a lot of their laws and rules, big time, if they are to effectively welcome the world for an entire month (not like an F1 weekend)
Qatar and Israel have good relations and in fact the rest of middle east doesnt have an issue either. For example in Abu Dhabi that hosts the World Environmental Forum...they have direct Israeli ministers and representation visiting there all the time for this purpose as shown in this picture:


So im a little confused as to why you keep going on about this...

In the ME they realise if they want to be part of the global community then they have to treat everyone equally and welcome everyone and that includes the state of Israel. I completely agree with this and in fact if it was in my hands I would get Pakistan to recognise Israel as well...its silly not to.
You have to obtain a permit to purchase alcohol!

That is certainly not the case in Dubai or Abu Dhabi I can tell you that rightaway...if Doha has such a rule, then I can bet its in name only and nothing more than that and I'll bet that rule will be abolished, because these countries will do everything to make themselves attractive to the international world...thats what their mindset is like mate.
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You have to obtain a permit to purchase alcohol! That's a simple thing, but made in to a massive issue there! They need to lighten up a lot of their laws and rules, big time, if they are to effectively welcome the world for an entire month (not like an F1 weekend)

there will be significant leeway for the Western citizens, no doubt.

I'm sure they will arrange something for you if you plan to come here, don't worry.
You mean like anywhere in Europe where they dont allow Hijab:D

Tell me this - in any world cup that you have seen, have any Gays gone into a city and marched thru it to proclaim gay rights? or have Muslims or Jews held prayer meetings?

Qatar And Israel have good relations as well.

I think you are applying some very high standards of Global Unity on Qatar when they dont exist anywhere in the world!

The hijab thing is totally different, a ridiculous comparison.

It's not about the world cup - but the society full stop. All the WCs I can remember - Italy, USA, France, Japan/Korea, Germany and now South Africa, things like being gay, drinking, religion, way women dress etc are not an issue.
there will be significant leeway for the Western citizens, no doubt.

I'm sure they will arrange something for you if you plan to come here, don't worry.

I'm not worried - it doesn't bother me and I don't drink and unless I fly Qatar, I have no interest in coming in to the country (like Dubai, it doesn't appeal to me as it's a lego country)
The hijab thing is totally different, a ridiculous comparison.

things like being gay, drinking, religion, way women dress etc are not an issue.

Its not an issue in the ME either...i really dont get why youre not comprehending this...

There are gay people everywhere in the UAE and Qatar and some are very openly gay. Drinking happens to such an extent that as i said in a previous post you get people drunk to the hilt stumbling out of nightclubs. You get women walking around in skimpy skirts and even bikinis.

So tell me why youre not understanding this?
The hijab thing is totally different, a ridiculous comparison.

It's not about the world cup - but the society full stop. All the WCs I can remember - Italy, USA, France, Japan/Korea, Germany and now South Africa, things like being gay, drinking, religion, way women dress etc are not an issue.

Pls explain why?

If Muslim women visiting these places need to adhere to the laws of the land and not able to wear hijab then that is a problem!
Its not an issue in the ME either...i really dont get why youre not comprehending this...

There are gay people everywhere in the UAE and Qatar and some are very openly gay. Drinking happens to such an extent that as i said in a previous post you get people drunk to the hilt stumbling out of nightclubs. You get women walking around in skimpy skirts and even bikinis.

So tell me why youre not understanding this?

Of course it's an issue - if it wasn't an issue, why are things like being gay, having sex on the beech etc still crimes in the ME?
Pls explain why?

If Muslim women visiting these places need to adhere to the laws of the land and not able to wear hijab then that is a problem!

Because removing the hijab is not stopping her being a muslim.

And the consequences in the ME are far greater than in the west (which, at most, would be a slap on the wrist, not the chopping off of a wrist!)
Of course it's an issue - if it wasn't an issue, why are things like being gay, having sex on the beech etc still crimes in the ME?

Being gay is a crime in name only and it is there only to appease religious conservatives (who i deteste btw as you probably gathered lol).

Having sex on the beach is in fact a crime in many many countries around the world.
Because removing the hijab is not stopping her being a muslim.

And the consequences in the ME are far greater than in the west (which, at most, would be a slap on the wrist, not the chopping off of a wrist!)

You are quite wrong on both aspects.

For some Muslim women, Hijab is an important part of their belief - whether its right or wrong is not the issue - its their RIGHT

As for chopping hands - you being a legal person should know that NO where in the Muslim world is this practiced except in Saudi and ONLY in the case of armed robberies.

Hope you see the follies of blind hatred.
Because removing the hijab is not stopping her being a muslim.

And the consequences in the ME are far greater than in the west (which, at most, would be a slap on the wrist, not the chopping off of a wrist!)

Your ignorance knows no bounds...why dont you look up how many people have had their wrists chopped off in Qatar or the UAE...the answer zero.

Okay now rub your eyes clean and READ...women in these countries even walk round in bikinis...what part of this do you not understand, you can read right?
Jeez, are you both incapable of understanding the use of !. You're both being so defensive on the issues it clearly shows something to hide

An honest answer from people based there would be "yes, we do have issues but this is a great opportunity to iron them out". but no, you have both taken the "this is the same as living in the West" line, which is frankly untrue. Tell me - could I and my wife live exactly the same there than we do here in the UK?
Jeez, are you both incapable of understanding the use of !. You're both being so defensive on the issues it clearly shows something to hide

An honest answer from people based there would be "yes, we do have issues but this is a great opportunity to iron them out". but no, you have both taken the "this is the same as living in the West" line, which is frankly untrue. Tell me - could I and my wife live exactly the same there than we do here in the UK?


I, wife and kids have been living in this part of the world for the past 7 years !

I, wife and kids have been living in this part of the world for the past 7 years !

The same? Exactly the same?

If so, Qatar need to change and update their visitor website. I saw a job at a Uni there last year, perfect for me as it happens. When my (now) wife and I looked in to it, we were totally turned off by the country
Jeez, are you both incapable of understanding the use of !. You're both being so defensive on the issues it clearly shows something to hide

An honest answer from people based there would be "yes, we do have issues but this is a great opportunity to iron them out". but no, you have both taken the "this is the same as living in the West" line, which is frankly untrue. Tell me - could I and my wife live exactly the same there than we do here in the UK?

Yes you can live in exactly the same way and whats more you can do it without paying a single pence in taxes.

Yes there are issues but they are nowhere near as big as what you are talking about, what youre saying is just plain ignorance. The issues that do exist...well they should hopefully grab this opportunity to not only iron them out, but to also show ignorants just how wrong they were.
Yaar - pls pls take a day / 2days and visit Doha - look at the facilities, the ease of living, the tax free salaries etc - Westerners love the ME as the quality of life is incomparable to back home.
The same? Exactly the same?

If so, Qatar need to change and update their visitor website. I saw a job at a Uni there last year, perfect for me as it happens. When my (now) wife and I looked in to it, we were totally turned off by the country

Hmm not sure where you got your info from but i strongly suggest some more research into the issue, the place is full of foreign teachers.

For example the high school I attended in Dubai...the students were 90% white british and the teachers were also white british. I'm not saying that if youre not white british theres something wrong with you...what i meant was that our school was basically an offshore British was exactly like being in England and thats how foreigners live over there.
A case in point about why you should never mess with Putin...have a look at his victory speech in Zurich...the aggressive tone is just brilliant :)) and for those who were talking about corruption...forward it to 2:00 onwards..where he snaps at the media "it was a tough and fair fight"...I wouldnt challenge that version of events if i were you :p


Gotta love Putin absolute legend lol
Team not qualified for WC - why does that matter? They are Football crazy nation - that should be enough? And who knows that given this honour, they may well be inspired to work hard and qualify for the next cup? What will you say then?

I will say good on them. Truth be told, it stupid to award the WC 12 years earlier. Makes no sense, but its FIFA, I expect nothing less than stupidity. However, let them first qualify and then talk. Plenty of nations who do the hard work without getting the WC.

If Qatar was a small team, okay I could live with that. But the fact is, they have never qualified for one WC. And never placed well in the Asia Cup. I fear a 2010 scenario, and South Africa actually eclipsed expectations and yet could still not go to the next round.

High Risk - The US military is sitting in Doha - smoe of the most high value targets a teerorist can dream of , yet we dont hear of any attacks. BTW, the High Risk aspect has more to do with Summer Temps then anything. From what I understand the stadia are supposed to have a revolutionary new Climate control system

I don't mean military risk. I am speaking on technical risk which was assessed by FIFA. Things such as climate, weather, infrastructure and so forth. Qatar was only nation to have two high risk categories (the other being Russia with one high risk), many medium risks and relative to its competitors it was deemed the highest risk. Lets be honest, what is the point then of the technical assessment if it is just based on going to new places?

I am backing Canada's bid 2026. We may only have three football stadiums, but we have a stable economy and risks shouldn't be an issue. Football is not much of a criteria despite our terrible national team.

On a side note about England (who were not competing vs Qatar), apparently according to ESPN, they did not get it because of their "arrogance." They said flying in Cameron and William over the top but to be honest, is that really arrogance? To me, it looks like they want it more. Putin stayed away, but only because the day before he was whining how the bid is corrupted and England were to win. :)) Anyways, with the assumption England is arrogant, the source said "it won't come to England until attitude changes." What does that mean? You think these were grown men making an objective decision but it sounds like a school yard full of children.
I also dont understand when England say that their presentation was really good! if its down to one mpeg4 or powerpoint to decide this then there is another problem - surely backroom meetings are the ones that decide who wins - England should have known this
I also dont understand when England say that their presentation was really good! if its down to one mpeg4 or powerpoint to decide this then there is another problem - surely backroom meetings are the ones that decide who wins - England should have known this

I am sure they know that. Probably just a finer point but they also could mean their bid. Thing is they sent Bill and Cameron to get some votes but are now labeled arrogant for doing so? Arrogant for trying to play the game? You will notice when Russia won it, one very important figure that people don't realize was there. And that was Roman Abramovich who funds a lot of Russian football.

Sadly it is a political game and Sepp has now secured more votes in his re-election. I find it odd that an "impartial" President gives a speech before the vote and tells them he wants to see it in a new location. Process just seems wrong, and really FIFA wasted everyones time with these technical bids and assessments. They should have just picked from the start if they wanted someone new.
I am thinking of going to Qatar but from what I hear in Britain it's medieval. I have to say, at this point in time I wouldn't send my mother in law there.
The more I have read on english based forums over the past day I am over the moon that Qatar got the world cup - all they have gone on about is the alcohol, just STFU you mongs, this is a global football tournament not a pub crawl

As for Legal Eye's comments, I have read the very same from these forums as well

They mention gays BUT it isn't like gays have a separate stand for themselves so they won't have a problem unless they plan on doing the dirty in public, which would get them stopped in most countries (and rightly so)

The only issue I see with the games is the weather BUT Inshallah they can sort that out

Go QATAR 2022
I am thinking of going to Qatar but from what I hear in Britain it's medieval. I have to say, at this point in time I wouldn't send my mother in law there.


Make sure you keep your wallet sewn to your skin...
A decent post I read on another forum - a rare decent post I might add

This is about the england bid

Multi Millionaire footballers, 67 million just to premier league agents last year,
Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of us are bled dry in grass roots football
The hypocracy of our bid, talking nonsense of helping billions of youngsters through the empty rhetoric of* 'Football United' whatever that means.
I could not think of anyone better to represent the paper thin facade of our game where everything is syphoned off to the top than a Royal prince, an old Etonian prime minister and the grotesqe ubercelebrity of brand Beckham.
Shed no tears for any of them, they will continue to line their pockets, that should heal their pain at least.
Amir why is it stupid for the world cup to be awarded 12 years early? I think it is a good thing, gives Qatar plenty of time to get things ready and also hopefully by then the ignorant westerners will have removed their heads from their own backsides
I'm actually quite excited about Qatar, and I wish them all the best with the preparations. As with Russia, I can't warm up to the decision, maybe Russia as a country doesn't appeal to me. But oh well...who cares.
I'm actually quite excited about Qatar, and I wish them all the best with the preparations. As with Russia, I can't warm up to the decision, maybe Russia as a country doesn't appeal to me. But oh well...who cares.

Same here, Russia don't excite me BUT good luck to them

Excited about QATAR, got 12 years to start saving :afridi
A decent post I read on another forum - a rare decent post I might add

This is about the england bid

this is a post I read on a Trini forum - and likewise it's a rare decent post for that forum

People's emotions getting the better of them... he said Trinidad is a country with virtually no football history. Our 102 years of football matters only to us... the only other times we've made any kind of international noise was in 1973 and 2006, can't even count 1990. We already prove over and over that we are not a footballing nation... but nothing offends like the truth.

Surprisingly... Bates echoes my thoughts. Just earlier this evening I saying England should just decide to give the World Cup a rest. Let FIFA have they toy. It would never happen of course, but at least on principle. What going on with the TTFF in Trinidad is a microcosm of FIFA on the whole... dictatorial exercise of power without even the slightest pretense of objectivity. Forget about the deceit pulled on England by Warner, is anyone seriously willing to argue that England's bid was so bad that all they could muster was two first-round votes?

I understand people hate England and the US but put yuhself in their situation and the anger and sense of betrayal are understandable. Jack Warner will mess with the wrong person one of these days... and there might eventually be some accounting to be made by the other 23 ExCo members as well.
Amir why is it stupid for the world cup to be awarded 12 years early? I think it is a good thing, gives Qatar plenty of time to get things ready and also hopefully by then the ignorant westerners will have removed their heads from their own backsides

Just way too much time. 8 year is more than adequate. Furthermore, the economy we are in will be much much different in 4 years and I believe that will have a huge impact on hosting the WC. What countries standing, what not. Not saying Qatar won't be standing, they will be but potentially in that time a lot can change in the world and maybe a new nation emerges with better merit (then again, what does merit have to do with this bid - all about the moolah)?

Furthermore, it gives 4 years for Qatar to show they a real footy nation. Not just watching EPL on your TVs but I mean being able to qualify for the WC. WC should be capitalizing on waves. If a new nation has a good run next WC, then interest may be high but need a push. That push should be given to a nation who can at least make the WC so they have a platform to build on.

I just feel 12 years is little excessive. I am pretty sure the Olympics is only 8 years and that is a larger scale competition/event.
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Nope not convinced - I think giving countries more time can only be I a good thing and I think FIFA are being cautious because there were question marks over South Africa until the last minute
A better reflection of some of the celebrations in Doha yesterday:


I was lucky to be witnessing this in Doha Yesterday.......Literally a very crazy atmosphere on roads. Never seen so many land cruisers at single time.
Amir why is it stupid for the world cup to be awarded 12 years early? I think it is a good thing, gives Qatar plenty of time to get things ready and also hopefully by then the ignorant westerners will have removed their heads from their own backsides

They shouldn't need 12 years to get ready. That just shows what a joke it is to give it to them if they need that long to get ready.

England could host a WC tomorrow. That fact probably counted against them more than most.
England could host a WC tomorrow. That fact probably counted against them more than most.

Yeah I think you might have a point because as I said in another thread...fair enough England could host the World Cup tomorrow and thats a very good thing, however....the world cup isnt tomorrow, its in 8 years time and by then Englands newest stadium will be at least 15 years old...

Also people arent concentrating on some of the good things the Russians put forward such as visa free entry to ANYONE holding a valid world cup ticket. They have also put forward free transport for ALL ticket holders and fans between the various venues...these are two massive things and im not sure that any of the other bids had anything like that.
then Englands newest stadium will be at least 15 years old...

That is considered old? These buildings are meant to last 50+ years! Furthermore, you are forgetting the new grounds. Olympic Stadium will only be 6 years old and new WHL if they don't move into Olympic will be less than that. Liverpool with new owners have intention of completing Stanley Park and then Chelsea is looking to mvoe to a new ground....which should be no issue for Roman (the irony of Roman chairing the Russian bid and potentially providing a WC venue had England won :)) )

If you say what is true, then good on Russia. However, not all that it is. Vancouver did same thing but the transportation only runs during certain hours so you are somewhat restricted. And you can only travel the days you have tickets for that match day.
Apart from the olympic stadium...there isnt a single other concrete stadium commitment on the table from the England bid...WHL is a maybe since uptil recently spurs were even looking to move into the Olympic stadium I believe unless im mistaken....The new anfield has been on and off for God knows how long...the new Chelsea stadium hasnt even got concrete renderings yet. For a bid thats not really good enough.

Compare that to the 12 brand new stadiums Russia is building (with constuction already going at a fast pace) and the brand new stadiums of Qatar then yes 15 years is quite old in comparison to that.

I do see your point Amir and as you'll see i've said throughout that England had a very strong bid and under no circumstances did they deserve just 2 meagre votes. However I just feel that some people are ignoring a few of the other bids weaknesses and also ignoring some of the Russian bids strengths.
They shouldn't need 12 years to get ready. That just shows what a joke it is to give it to them if they need that long to get ready.

England could host a WC tomorrow. That fact probably counted against them more than most.

Who said they need 12 years to get ready? You are just making a false assumption

I was simply saying there is nothing wrong in announcing the winning country in advance

Also Qatar were not competing with england so not sure why you mention them in this instance
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If so, Qatar need to change and update their visitor website. I saw a job at a Uni there last year, perfect for me as it happens. When my (now) wife and I looked in to it, we were totally turned off by the country
I live in Qatar, and I work at a university here. And I can safely say that all of your posts are full of inaccuracies.

Qatar is a fantastic country. And I think you missed out on a great opportunity if what you have posted is true. I am not sure what put you off.

Sure, there are a few problems still left. But which countries don't have any problems?
I'll be honest - I wanted the Aussies to win it over Qatar.

Sporting events in Australia are always brilliant. However, lets give Qatar a shot. It could be one amazing experience for everyone involved in 2022. I am sure they will work hard in making this a fantastic tournament.

England probably would have been the best option for 2018, but its fun watching the Pommies whinge. :D

I'll be honest - I wanted the Aussies to win it over Qatar.

Sporting events in Australia are always brilliant. However, lets give Qatar a shot. It could be one amazing experience for everyone involved in 2022. I am sure they will work hard in making this a fantastic tournament.

England probably would have been the best option for 2018, but its fun watching the Pommies whinge. :D


Same here BUT the more I have read of the responses from the whingers I am delighted Qatar got it and I am already making tentative plans about going (obviously many factors permitting)
Qatar's Total Population - 1.3 Million
Total Attendance of 2010 WC matches - 3 Million

How will a country with such a small population cater for so many fans ?

Bakwaas of the highest order ..
Last edited:
Qatar's Total Population - 1.3 Million
Total Attendance of 2010 WC matches - 3 Million

How will a country with such a small population cater for so many fans ?

Bakwaas of the highest order ..

They will build the necessary facilities between now and 2022, its not that difficult to understand
I do see your point Amir and as you'll see i've said throughout that England had a very strong bid and under no circumstances did they deserve just 2 meagre votes. However I just feel that some people are ignoring a few of the other bids weaknesses and also ignoring some of the Russian bids strengths.

I agree. I don't have much issue with Russian bid. They are making progress. I just hate this argument "but England not spending for new stadiums." But why spend unnecessary money when you do not need too, right? The stadiums are good enough and 15 years is not old for a building. My house is 22 years, looks in great shape, people see it and would not mistaken it for a house that is 50 years old. I am sure England will clean everything up and make it nice before the WC (if they had it). So in conclusion on this point, Russia bid good, England bid good but they don't need knew stadiums just to appease people.

I do not agree with Qatar though. Many better bids and more practical (not suggesting I have any issues with the countries or their ability to host). Anyways, I am starting my own movement for a bid. CANADA 2026 - Football turns Red. Back the bid.
They will build the necessary facilities between now and 2022, its not that difficult to understand

I can't believe the ignorance and gharoor im seeing in some people, they just havent got the slightest clue of how developed that part of the middle east is and how it works they havent got the slightest idea.

The more interesting factor i've noticed is that ethnic white folk in fact know about the development of the middle east and at least so far as I have seen are not making ignorant statement (except for the availablity of alcohol perhaps)...however you then look at Pakistani origin British or American folk who you would think have a better understanding of these things...and it turns out a lot of them are in fact the most ignorant I have ever seen!

Quite a shock for me this...
I agree. I don't have much issue with Russian bid. They are making progress. I just hate this argument "but England not spending for new stadiums." But why spend unnecessary money when you do not need too, right? The stadiums are good enough and 15 years is not old for a building. My house is 22 years, looks in great shape, people see it and would not mistaken it for a house that is 50 years old.

Well with all due respect to your house I'm sure it was not going to be used as a venue for a world event of any type. The bar has been raised on these things in my opinion since the Sydney Olympics of 2000. Where they built some of the most state of the art brand spanking new venues. From there on end every host for major tournaments has followed suit:

FIFA World Cup 2002 in the far east saw some of the most modern brand new stadiums being built and used.

Euro 2004 in Portugal saw heavy investment in new stadiums such as the Estadio do Dragao in Porto and the Estadio da luz in Lisbon. As well as all the other smaller cities getting new Stadia.

World Cup 2006 in Germany also introduced a whole array of new stadiums and in some cases demolished existing stadiums to build brand new ones in their place.

Euro 2008 even in this tournament the Austrians and Swiss invested heavily building new stadiums even in small alpine towns where football wasnt even that popular!

Olympics 2008 in Beijing....I dont even have to say anything about this the Chinese just absolutely took the world by storm with their gleaming new stadia and facilities.

World Cup 2010 even in a country like South Africa with an economy so many times smaller than England even they build massive new stadiums that were top class.

Yes again I see your point England does have the facilities and they are good, very good facilities as well...however the bar has been raised, new stadiums these days are an absolute must and unfortunately England 2018 just was not delivering on that aspect of things...and I think that is one technical issue that was a weakness for them and one of the things they got very wrong.
They will build the necessary facilities between now and 2022, its not that difficult to understand
Well at the very least you have to acknowledge that this is a serious challenge. Hosting the World Cup basically in just one city (Doha) will present all sorts of logistical issues. "They have 12 years to build it" is a cop out and sounds more like you're being hopeful than anything else i.e. nothing concrete.
Well at the very least you have to acknowledge that this is a serious challenge. Hosting the World Cup basically in just one city (Doha) will present all sorts of logistical issues. "They have 12 years to build it" is a cop out and sounds more like you're being hopeful than anything else i.e. nothing concrete.

It is a serious challenge...heck it is a lot more than a serious challenge! However if you know the workings of that part of the Gulf you would know that not only will they get it done...but they will get it done to high standards the world has never seen before.
Well at the very least you have to acknowledge that this is a serious challenge. Hosting the World Cup basically in just one city (Doha) will present all sorts of logistical issues. "They have 12 years to build it" is a cop out and sounds more like you're being hopeful than anything else i.e. nothing concrete.

It is a challenge BUT why the assumption that they wont deliver?

This is Qatar, they have plenty of money and I have no doubts they will deliver what they promise - this isnt Wembley and it's awful mismanagement and its budget doubling

The reason I mention the 12 years thing is just that they know what they need to do and they have that amount of time to deliver it - plenty of time for them

Just because they dont have enough hotels right now, does not mean that they wont be built in time for the tournament? Even other bids were reliant on building extra facilities - it is not a new thing

People are saying having it effectively in one city is a bad thing, I actually think it works out well - fans dont have to fly or get lengthy train journeys to travel to other sides of the country, everything will be in very, very reasonable travelling distance. That means fans can have one base and then travel from that point to the various stadiums
I can't believe the ignorance and gharoor im seeing in some people, they just havent got the slightest clue of how developed that part of the middle east is and how it works they havent got the slightest idea.

The more interesting factor i've noticed is that ethnic white folk in fact know about the development of the middle east and at least so far as I have seen are not making ignorant statement (except for the availablity of alcohol perhaps)...however you then look at Pakistani origin British or American folk who you would think have a better understanding of these things...and it turns out a lot of them are in fact the most ignorant I have ever seen!

Quite a shock for me this...

It appears some people have this perception (wrongly) that Qatar is just one big sand dune with a few tents and camels - they will be in for a shock

I can't wait now
It is a challenge BUT why the assumption that they wont deliver?

What about a competitive football team? Can they build that too? :p
What about a competitive football team? Can they build that too? :p

Why is that a necessary?

Football is a global sport and should be spread around - not just kept in a restricted group amongst nations that are competitive - that is an absurd suggestion

We have seen plenty of whipping boys in the World Cup in that past - see Saudi Arabia getting thumped 8-0 to Germany so why should this tournament be any different