Gen Asim Munir takes over as Pakistan's 17th COAS

IK destroyed Bajwa? :)))

Bajwa made a fool out of IK by getting an extension and retiring on his own time. Meanwhile IK was to become the first PM of Pakistan to lose the peoples confidence. IK was thrown out of the NA and out his PM seat.

LOL IK destroyed them both :))), Bajwa destroyed IK

Also, Bajwa ordered Imran to let Nawaz go abroad in return for PML-N's backing of NA bill for prolonging COAS tenure. Khan got played!
Khan fired Munir after he told the then premier Khan of Punjab CM and Farah Gogi's (first lady's best friend) corruption.

Khan is the ultimate king of making horrible decisions. The king of own goals!

According to Moed Pirzada, Asim Munir as DG ISI back then had badly misbehaved with the Iranian intelligence officials who then complained about Asim Munir to the COAS and IK. IK then made the decision to have Asim Munir replaced

These assertions that Munir told IK about Buzdar, Farah Gogi, Bushra bibis corruption is just PDM propaganda. If Asim Munir is so against corruption then why is he so happy supporting the PDM government now? Munir is also very well known to have a volatile temperament with severe anger management issues which we are now seeing today with the brutal crackdown on pti, it's workers and supporters and their families
According to Moed Pirzada, Asim Munir as DG ISI back then had badly misbehaved with the Iranian intelligence officials who then complained about Asim Munir to the COAS and IK. IK then made the decision to have Asim Munir replaced

These assertions that Munir told IK about Buzdar, Farah Gogi, Bushra bibis corruption is just PDM propaganda. If Asim Munir is so against corruption then why is he so happy supporting the PDM government now? Munir is also very well known to have a volatile temperament with severe anger management issues which we are now seeing today with the brutal crackdown on pti, it's workers and supporters and their families

I saw that vlog too. I tend to believe Moeed. There is alot of stuff going on about Munir. For example his Sialkot speech. We don't know what he said. We only have Haider Mehdi and Adil Rajas word for it.

I cant for the life of me believe a chief would debase himself in such a way in front of his troops. But if it is true then this guy is on another level. However I have heard that it wasn't as bad although he did say some of the things. Not sure what to believe.

I will stick with my analysis above for now until things change based on other analysis. Wajahat Khan's interview with the Print was also really good..I take him very seriously..
I saw that vlog too. I tend to believe Moeed. There is alot of stuff going on about Munir. For example his Sialkot speech. We don't know what he said. We only have Haider Mehdi and Adil Rajas word for it.

I cant for the life of me believe a chief would debase himself in such a way in front of his troops. But if it is true then this guy is on another level. However I have heard that it wasn't as bad although he did say some of the things. Not sure what to believe.

I will stick with my analysis above for now until things change based on other analysis. Wajahat Khan's interview with the Print was also really good..I take him very seriously..

Also IK found out that ISI had put bugs, spying devices, call recording devices in the PM house, Bani Gala, Zaman Park under Munirs watch. That would **** off any self respecting prime minister
I think that is what Imran does the best.

The army showed him his place

Don't think he still gets it. Imran said when I scold the army it's like I am scolding my children. I think he misunderstood the relationship. Army is the only BAAP in Pakistan.
According to Moed Pirzada, Asim Munir as DG ISI back then had badly misbehaved with the Iranian intelligence officials who then complained about Asim Munir to the COAS and IK. IK then made the decision to have Asim Munir replaced

These assertions that Munir told IK about Buzdar, Farah Gogi, Bushra bibis corruption is just PDM propaganda. If Asim Munir is so against corruption then why is he so happy supporting the PDM government now? Munir is also very well known to have a volatile temperament with severe anger management issues which we are now seeing today with the brutal crackdown on pti, it's workers and supporters and their families

This is coming from Faisal Vawda who was a witness to it. A few other PTI leaders have also said something similar.
This is coming from Faisal Vawda who was a witness to it. A few other PTI leaders have also said something similar.

I believe Moeeds sources better as he says his came from a source close to Bajwa. I think it was probably a combination of everything.

Either way this impasse needs to end and the heavy handedness needs to stop. It's not the 80's or 90's where they had alot of support from the people.
Don't think he still gets it. Imran said when I scold the army it's like I am scolding my children. I think he misunderstood the relationship. Army is the only BAAP in Pakistan.

Never underestimate the power of the people.
IK destroyed Bajwa? :)))

Bajwa made a fool out of IK by getting an extension and retiring on his own time. Meanwhile IK was to become the first PM of Pakistan to lose the peoples confidence. IK was thrown out of the NA and out his PM seat.

LOL IK destroyed them both :))), Bajwa destroyed IK

Yes, Bajwa is humiliated and can't leave his house. IK remains a hero for 80% of PKs. IK destroyed Bajwa and Bajwa knows it. He accused the Nooras of betraying him, that is next level humiliation
Yes, Bajwa is humiliated and can't leave his house. IK remains a hero for 80% of PKs. IK destroyed Bajwa and Bajwa knows it. He accused the Nooras of betraying him, that is next level humiliation

ik is surronded by police, bajwa is roaming the world.
Also IK found out that ISI had put bugs, spying devices, call recording devices in the PM house, Bani Gala, Zaman Park under Munirs watch. That would **** off any self respecting prime minister

NSs man wanted to know what IK was talking about.
ik is surronded by police, bajwa is roaming the world.

IK is surrounded by a million police, look at the fear of the criminals of a 70 year old man. Loved by millions, so much so that the constitution has been suspended by the mafia. IK will remain a legend forever, Bajwa stands humiliated in his own lifetime and when we get proper freedom, he won't be able to live in PK. Mush serves a lesson to the Generals
IK is surrounded by a million police, look at the fear of the criminals of a 70 year old man. Loved by millions, so much so that the constitution has been suspended by the mafia. IK will remain a legend forever, Bajwa stands humiliated in his own lifetime and when we get proper freedom, he won't be able to live in PK. Mush serves a lesson to the Generals

Well put.

The fact that this man continues to stand up to the forces of evil continues to win him admirers - this must be a source of irritation for many.
Don't think he still gets it. Imran said when I scold the army it's like I am scolding my children. I think he misunderstood the relationship. Army is the only BAAP in Pakistan.

Army has been allowed to be the daddy because the people allowed it.

Pakistan has been a very highly patriotic nation. The army has been seen as some sort of great army which has kept Pakistan safe since its creation. The truth is Pakistan's nuclear capability has kept it from being destroyed like Iraq, Syria, Libya. General Zia no matter his wrongs or poor choices, fooled the Americans to turn a blind eye and made the 'Islamic bomb' a reality. Zia was then murdered as he then thought Pakistan could start a revival of the Muslim world.

Since Mushy the army made a lot of money from the Americans, mainly the generals. They fell in love with this wealth and since sold their soul to the Americans.

America wouldn't have bombed thousands inc hundreds of children to death by drones if the armed forces objected. They will do anything the Yanks order them now.

Munir is just an extension of the corrupt generals before him. He was selected by PDM but approved in Washington because he was the most willing to carry out their agendas.

They keep calling him a Hafiz of the Quran, he may well be but clearly is struggling to understand what he has memorized.

It may take a year or two but there is no way this man will complete his tenure. The main reason is the Yanks are in decline and its likely Trump will win the next election and he will want to make money from Pakistan not get involved in worrying about the safety of their nuclear capability.

If Trump doesnt win, Pakistan , maybe before but sooner or later will default. The money will slow down from Washington and the money from the public will also be lesser. The Generals will have a choice , go without such cash or sell out Pakistans nuke capability, which is the end game here.
IK is surrounded by a million police, look at the fear of the criminals of a 70 year old man. Loved by millions, so much so that the constitution has been suspended by the mafia. IK will remain a legend forever, Bajwa stands humiliated in his own lifetime and when we get proper freedom, he won't be able to live in PK. Mush serves a lesson to the Generals
again now you are just diverting, First you say Ik destroyed Bajwa, when infact it was the otehr way around, than you say Bajwa cant leave his house which again is the other way around. Now you are again just typing random stuff.
Here's some advice if you wish to see your posts on PP

Stop writing abusive posts, calling names etc
One is a charismatic cricketer-turned-politician rallying crowds of devoted supporters against his removal from power.

The other is a quiet general who privately wields significant clout and leads an army that likes to hold the final say in Pakistan’s governance.

Imran Khan’s 13-month-long tussle with Pakistan’s government and military leadership has tipped the country into a political crisis and increasingly resembles a personal duel with Gen Asim Munir.

At the heart of their clash is an apparent falling-out that neither man has acknowledged publicly, stemming from a threat to investigate Mr Khan’s family for alleged corruption that reportedly led to Gen Munir’s sacking from Pakistan’s powerful Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) spy agency in 2019.

In a country where the army is publicly spoken of with respect and gratitude, Mr Khan has in recent days launched outspoken personal attacks on the army chief, alleging that Gen Munir is threatening “democracy, our constitution, fundamental rights”.

“He’s basically dismantling the future of this country to protect himself,” the 70-year-old said last week.

The former Pakistan cricket captain has waged a relentless protest campaign since he was forced from power in April 2022 by a parliamentary no-confidence vote.

His allegations that he was squeezed out in a US-backed conspiracy, aided by top generals and his political rivals, have found widespread sympathy even though he has provided little evidence.

Refusing to go quietly, he has rallied massive crowds and demanded snap polls. He has also been shot in an assassination attempt, been hit with scores of legal cases and earlier this month was arrested.

Mr Khan has increasingly singled out Gen Munir as the architect of what he says is a campaign of persecution to keep him from returning to power.

Gen Munir took the army’s top post in November, taking over from Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa, but the two had clashed earlier.

The general had long been a high flyer, winning the sword of honour as a cadet, and going on to a career of prestigious commands.

He was head of military intelligence, looking after the army’s internal affairs, and then head of the ISI.

It was as ISI chief that he is reported to have first clashed with Mr Khan, who was then prime minister.

Gen Munir is reported to have informed Mr Khan he wanted to investigate allegations of corruption around his wife and her circle.

Then, in June 2019, he was removed from his post only eight months into what was meant to be a three-year term.

The army offered no explanation for the reshuffle, which saw Gen Munir shipped off to lead an army corps in Punjab and replaced with a hardliner.

‘Described as a straight arrow’

Farzana Shaikh, of London’s Chatham House think tank, said: “Munir has been described as a straight arrow by people who know him and he clearly ran into difficulty with Khan when he decided as head of the ISI to bring to his attention that there were corruption allegations against members of his family.

“It came pretty close to the bone because members of the family centre on Khan’s wife. So Khan is said to have dismissed Munir on those grounds, although Khan has never referred to the reasons, or explained why.

“It’s well known that the two men clashed and this clash is now playing itself out in this latest battle.”

Mr Khan now blames the army chief for scheming to keep him from power, suggesting he fears for his post if Mr Khan regains office. Neither the army or Gen Munir have responded to Mr Khan’s claims.

The current Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) government has watched in dismay as Mr Khan has grown in popularity in opposition, even after being hit with scores of cases, ranging from corruption to terrorism.

Imran Khan wins a respite

He won a respite earlier this month when the supreme court ruled his arrest was unlawful. Yet the pause is only likely to be temporary, said Michael Kugelman, South Asia Institute director at the Wilson Centre think tank.

He said: “It’s doubtful the civilian and military leadership will be deterred by the supreme court decision.

“They don’t want Khan to have a chance to return to power, and this means another arrest could be likely, or also an attempt to try to get him disqualified from office.”

Mr Kugelman added: “With Khan having specifically singled out the current army chief as the one trying to undermine him, a one-on-one battle between powerful army chief and popular opposition leader could soon play out.”

That would be a tough fight for Mr Khan, with the military considered the most powerful political force in the country, and having a long history of choosing favourites to rule.

“Typically in these battles the military prevails, but with the armed forces on the defensive in ways they haven’t been in years, who knows what direction this confrontation will take,” Mr Kugelman said.

Power of the military
Mr Khan knows well the power the military can bring to bear. He was a favourite of the generals himself in the past and accused of persecuting his own political rivals when in power.

Indeed, he has made it clear his gripe is with the army chief, rather than the institution, or the system that allows the army to call the shots, said Dr Shaikh.

She said: “Really what Imran Khan is aggrieved about is a military institution which has now withdrawn its support from him. What he really wants is a military that’s onside.”

Neither side appears ready to back down yet.

As the duel continues, Mr Khan is likely to be bogged down in more legal cases and find attempts to sow division in the upper ranks of his party and split off his allies.

‘Imran Khan is our lion’

Meanwhile, whatever the government or the military throws at him, he seems to rise in popularity.

“Imran Khan is our lion and a great leader who speaks for Pakistan,” said one supporter called Adil Khan at a protest against Mr Khan’s arrest earlier this month.

“We want elections and nothing else,” said another young follower called Jazib Ali. “These rulers do not want it because their defeat is writing on the wall.”

All this while the country is in an economic crisis and struggling to avoid default. As one leading daily newspaper recently complained in an editorial: “There is an immediate need to defuse the prevailing tensions at this point. The country cannot bear the stress much longer.”
Very good article. Question is what will remain of Pakistan by the time stronger of these two men win. Aseem Munir cannot put up with Imran Khan. For now that's the status. Certainly the trust element is lost for now. But you cannot keep the most popular party in the country out of power either. I guess the only logical conclusion is that elections would get indefinitely postponed.

It seems we are either heading towards people's revolution. Has to be biggest in history of Asia, Pakistan's own Arab spring in support of Imran. Unlikely.

The other possibility is end of Imran Khan's politics with Al Qadir case and other 150 cases. So PTI could be minus Imran but with Imran managing through remote control.

Faint possibility is Munir and Imran ironing out the differences and Imran fully surrendering to supreme authority. Which he has done before.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The article claims that I had made Gen Asim resign as DG ISI because he had shown me my wife Bushra begums corruption cases .<br><br>This is completely false. Neither did Gen Asim show me any proofs of my wife's corruption nor did I make him resign because of that.…</p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="">May 21, 2023</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir asserted on Monday that the recent attacks on military installations and memorials were “intolerable” as he announced that May 25 would be observed across the country as “Pakistan Martyrs Day”.

The army chief passed these remarks in a ceremony held at the General Headquarters, Rawalpindi, to honour the martyrs, a press release issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said.

During the ceremony — which was attended by a large number of senior military officers and families of martyrs — Gen Munir awarded military honours to the officers and men of the Pakistan Army for their “bravery and outstanding service to the nation during operations”.

The military’s media wing quoted the COAS as saying: “Undoubtedly, we are living in a free atmosphere due to the martyrs’ sense of duty and great sacrifices.

“The sacrifices of martyrs and services of ghazis are our valuable asset and pride.”

Pakistan Army, Gen Munir stated, was an institution that always remembered every person associated with it and their families, “and our relationship as a family is a proud and exemplary one”.

He added that every soldier and officer of the Pakistan Army put their duties and responsibilities first, “regardless of regional, linguistic, and political prejudices and distinctions”.

“A strong army guarantees the security and unity of the country,” the COAS stressed. He also expressed grief at the recent attacks on military installations and memorials — during the violence on May 9 — and termed such actions “intolerable”.

The ISPR added that 51 kins of martyrs received Sitara-e-Imtiaz (military) while 22 officers and jawans were awarded Tamgha-e-Basalat. Two officers were awarded the United Nations Special Medal.

Pakistani posters thought PDM controls the Establishment/Army.. as expected it ended ip being the opposite.
Was watching Haider Mehdi's Vlog with Israr Kasana. He claims that some of the people being locked up for e.g. Khatijah Shah and others are related to powerful millitary families, Sharif's, Jahangir Tareen, Mohsin Naqvi. Even Shahbaz Sharif, Jahangir Tareen and the family of the ex army chief personally approached Asim Munir to forgive and not jail some of the people they knew but Munir is aggressively telling everyone to get lost and that i will not spare anyone.

His point was that right now the PDM is happy that the Army Chief is on their side against the PTI but in reality he is on no one side and is just consolidating the Army's authority and telling everyone he means business and don't even think of saying anything against the army. The guy is a very ruthless belligerent individual and has every capability and even intention to impose martial law in the country and to turn against the PDM parties as well and subject them to the same treatment as PTI eventually.
Was watching Haider Mehdi's Vlog with Israr Kasana. He claims that some of the people being locked up for e.g. Khatijah Shah and others are related to powerful millitary families, Sharif's, Jahangir Tareen, Mohsin Naqvi. Even Shahbaz Sharif, Jahangir Tareen and the family of the ex army chief personally approached Asim Munir to forgive and not jail some of the people they knew but Munir is aggressively telling everyone to get lost and that i will not spare anyone.

His point was that right now the PDM is happy that the Army Chief is on their side against the PTI but in reality he is on no one side and is just consolidating the Army's authority and telling everyone he means business and don't even think of saying anything against the army. The guy is a very ruthless belligerent individual and has every capability and even intention to impose martial law in the country and to turn against the PDM parties as well and subject them to the same treatment as PTI eventually.

That was happening during PTI as well Army was on their side and they changed..
That was happening during PTI as well Army was on their side and they changed..

PDM has to be very careful because if they don't get the economy under control, you never know if the army decides to impose martial law. The Sharif's have had a history of fighting with every army chief during their tenure.
PDM has to be very careful because if they don't get the economy under control, you never know if the army decides to impose martial law. The Sharif's have had a history of fighting with every army chief during their tenure.

That’s inevitable , it will happen with every government coming in. The Establishment takes way too much from the pie for anyone in the government to keep quiet consistently, not to forget so many decisions are always kept with COAS it seems.
General Syed Asim Munir, COAS visited Quetta Garrison where he addressed officers of Command & Staff College Quetta.

While addressing the officers, COAS emphasized upon operational preparedness for conventional, sub-conventional and 5th Generation Warfare.

COAS said, “Those who are making futile efforts to drive a wedge and weaken the unbreakable bond between the people of Pakistan and its Armed Forces will never be able to succeed Insha Allah.” Armed Forces of Pakistan remain perpetually indebted to the valiant and proud people of Pakistan who, through the recent manifestation of their unique love for their Armed Forces across the length and breadth of the country, have given a befitting reply to the nefarious designs of the enemy and their collaborators.

COAS further stated that the nexus between the internal collusive elements and external forces to create instability has amply been exposed to the people of Pakistan”. Pak Army, being one of the strongest armies of the world, with the blessings of Allah and undaunted support of proud people of Pak, can neither be deterred nor coerced by anyone, Alhamdolillah.
PTI is basically an Imran Khan fan club. The people who idolized him as a cricketer followed him into politics.

Over time, Imran realized that the entire nation is not in love with him so in order to win votes, he needs to bribe lota politicians into his party so that he can take advantage of their vote banks.

They were bribed by the various mafias and shady businessman that Imran befriended. They funded him and in return, he promised favors after he wins the election.

These favors included important ministries and protection of their corruption.

He also started polishing boots because he knew he does not stand a chance without their support.

His downfall, as I explained earlier, proved to be his arrogance. He was brought into power by the army but once he came into power, he refused to listen to anyone.

In Imran’s head he is always right and no can question him. If anyone does, he is an enemy. He takes a U-turn on each and everything and you are supposed to believe him before and after the U-turn.

The army was extremely patient with him, they gave him more freedom and leverage than any PM before him but he went too far with his false allegations, accusations and the hatred that he spread in the masses.

After being handed over the federal government in 2018, he should have kept quiet and focused on his performance.

His first speech as PM was wonderful and it felt like he has finally matured, but it just proved to be a drama because he failed to live up to his own words.

Had he kept his mouth shut, PDM would not have been formed, his own past would not have come back to haunt him like this, the army would still be on his side and he would still be the PM with a very good chance of winning another term.

Beautiful post

My sentiments exactly
Problem is some just cannot understand why Imran is so popular in Pakistan.

Sooner they accept it, easier it will be for them to move on with life.

Looks like establishment wins always in Pakistan.There will never be civilian supremacy as Military will always be the one true ruler's of Pakistan
The caretaker Punjab government has placed before the Lahore High Court documents showing that a ministerial committee that met last year to modify the terms and conditions for corporate farming under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), had not recorded its formal minutes.

The provincial government submitted the record in the case challenging its decision to hand over 45,267 acres on lease to the Pakistan Army for corporate farming, as the decision taken in this meeting formed the basis for the handing over of the land.

Justice Abid Hussain Chattha, who is hearing a public interest petition, had stayed the handing over of the land.

Asked about the names of the provincial ministers who attended the Oct 14, 2022 meeting — held before the dissolution of the provincial assembly by Chaudhry Parvez Elahi — a law officer said Mohsin Leghari and Raja Basharat were in attendance, though the latter did not put his signatures on the attendance sheet.
COAS Asim Munir, British CGS discuss regional security issues

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir on Wednesday met Chief of General Staff (CGS) UK Army General Sir Patrick Nicholas Yardley Monrad and discussed regional security issues, ARY News reported, quoting military’s media wing.

According to Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), CGS UK Army General Sir Patrick Nicholas Yardley Monrad Sanders called on COAS General Syed Asim Munir at General Headquarters (GHQ) today.

Upon arrival, CGS UK Army laid floral wreath at Yadgar-e-Shuhada. “A smartly turned out contingent of Pakistan Army presented the guard of honour to the visiting dignitary,” the statement said.

During the meeting, regional security issues and matters of mutual interest were discussed.

The visiting dignitary acknowledged the sacrifices and achievements of Pakistan Army in fight against terrorism and efforts for bringing peace and stability in the region.

Earlier, the CGS UK had also called on Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, General Sahir Shamshad Mirza at Joint Staff Headquarters, Rawalpindi.

It is pertinent to mention here that the British Army’s Chief of the General Staff (CGS), General Sir Patrick Sanders arrived in Pakistan on a five-day visit.

Gen Munir praised the country’s vast resources and the enthusiasm of its youth, urging them to remain steadfast in faith, unity and discipline.

Acknowledging the myriad of challenges faced by the nation, from geopolitical wrangling to internal threats, the COAS struck a defiant tone. “Let me caution them all, in the words of our great Quaid, ‘There is no power on earth which can undo Pakistan’,” he said, asserting that the army stood ready to defend Pakistan’s sovereignty at all costs.

Gen Munir also took the occasion to express solidarity with the people of held Kashmir, condemning the international community’s lack of action against Indian actions in the region.

“It is for the conscience of the international community to realise that Indian excesses in Kashmir have gone unaddressed and the right to freedom and self-determination is being denied at the altar of geopolitical necessity,” he added.

He also expressed gratitude to the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, “who are resiliently fighting against the savages of terrorism and proxies for over two decades”.

Addressing India, the COAS made it clear that Pakistan knew how to defend its freedom and would not be cowed by aggressive designs. “I must say that we gained freedom after a great struggle and we know how to defend it,” he said and also urged Afghanistan to ensure its soil isn’t used against Pakistan.

Highlighting the importance of regional cooperation, Gen Munir mentioned strengthened ties with long-standing allies such as China, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Turkiye, Qatar and Iran.

Towards the end of his address, Gen Munir urged the nation to “stand united and rise above self to serve Pakistan in whatever ways it demands of us”. He added: “Always remember, Pakistan is our identity, and the rationale to exist — Pakistan hai, to hum hain!”
‘There is no power on earth which can undo Pakistan’,

This is what we called a psychotic pill given again and again for making Pakistani people delusional. Pakistan was already broken in 1971 thanks to Pak Army.

“I must say that we gained freedom after a great struggle and we know how to defend it,”

They did not even know if Indian missile was traveling inside Pakistan territory until it fell on the ground.

Muslims from India did face hardships . They started their lives from ground zero in Pakistan. I am not sure about people living in Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan etc. They are labelled as anti Pakistan because they told the truth about Pakistan corrupt generals.

A nation of begging and having a passport ranked 4th from bottom are more than enough reasons to declare Pakistan as an undo/failed state operating on surgieries.

No law and order. Same old crooks are back.
I saw that vlog too. I tend to believe Moeed. There is alot of stuff going on about Munir. For example his Sialkot speech. We don't know what he said. We only have Haider Mehdi and Adil Rajas word for it.

I cant for the life of me believe a chief would debase himself in such a way in front of his troops. But if it is true then this guy is on another level. However I have heard that it wasn't as bad although he did say some of the things. Not sure what to believe.

I will stick with my analysis above for now until things change based on other analysis. Wajahat Khan's interview with the Print was also really good..I take him very seriously..
Moeed tried defraud his father on his deathbed apparently. Not sure how you can trust him.
He has enforced the rule of the army and eliminated PTI thuggery.

That’s his power. Undoubtedly the most powerful Army General in modern history of Pakistan
He has instigated the thuggery. He has killed people and banned its biggest party. He wanted his own commander dead in Lahore and today stands out as an idiot who can't string sentence together. The only thuggery comes from your criminals.
He has instigated the thuggery. He has killed people and banned its biggest party. He wanted his own commander dead in Lahore and today stands out as an idiot who can't string sentence together. The only thuggery comes from your criminals.
No. he has dealt with a fitna before it got out of hand

There are ways to defeat an ideology;
you can either kill their mastermind in some sort of hit mission, create a martyr out of him and inevitably allow that ideology to grow into a legendary status. That’s a bad move

Or, you can do what general Asim Munir did. Arrest the man causing the issue. Let his followers cry and scream for a bit. Arrest his followers and drive them into submission. Watch his followers abandon and disown that spearhead trouble maker. Give it a bit of time, let things normalise. Then, arrest the man again and put him into a position of no return back into power. Watch the masses cower out of doing anything against the law that you have laid down. Allow the man to watch (behind prison bars) how NO ONE from his so called die hard supporters who pledged to sacrifice their lives for his cause come out and actually do so. Allow the man to watch how his loyal supporters are no longer daring to speak up in his favour. This is a ‘death’ or defeat that the man experience on a daily basis with each passing hour.

General Asim Munir has absolutely check mated Imran Khan. He is without a doubt the most powerful general in Pakistan’s modern history
Whilst he is cleaning house in Pakistan

You are left sitting here crying, and will probably never be allowed entry in Pakistan

No. he has dealt with a fitna before it got out of hand

There are ways to defeat an ideology;
you can either kill their mastermind in some sort of hit mission, create a martyr out of him and inevitably allow that ideology to grow into a legendary status. That’s a bad move

Or, you can do what general Asim Munir did. Arrest the man causing the issue. Let his followers cry and scream for a bit. Arrest his followers and drive them into submission. Watch his followers abandon and disown that spearhead trouble maker. Give it a bit of time, let things normalise. Then, arrest the man again and put him into a position of no return back into power. Watch the masses cower out of doing anything against the law that you have laid down. Allow the man to watch (behind prison bars) how NO ONE from his so called die hard supporters who pledged to sacrifice their lives for his cause come out and actually do so. Allow the man to watch how his loyal supporters are no longer daring to speak up in his favour. This is a ‘death’ or defeat that the man experience on a daily basis with each passing hour.

General Asim Munir has absolutely check mated Imran Khan. He is without a doubt the most powerful general in Pakistan’s modern history
So boot Licker. PK has been independent for 76 years. In that time our saviours have controlled everything. So lets look at our history. And tell us who is the fitna? Who lost BD? Who murdered Bhutto, an elected PM? Who took the dollars and got 80,000 of its own citizens killed? Any ideas. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
No. he has dealt with a fitna before it got out of hand

There are ways to defeat an ideology;
you can either kill their mastermind in some sort of hit mission, create a martyr out of him and inevitably allow that ideology to grow into a legendary status. That’s a bad move

Or, you can do what general Asim Munir did. Arrest the man causing the issue. Let his followers cry and scream for a bit. Arrest his followers and drive them into submission. Watch his followers abandon and disown that spearhead trouble maker. Give it a bit of time, let things normalise. Then, arrest the man again and put him into a position of no return back into power. Watch the masses cower out of doing anything against the law that you have laid down. Allow the man to watch (behind prison bars) how NO ONE from his so called die hard supporters who pledged to sacrifice their lives for his cause come out and actually do so. Allow the man to watch how his loyal supporters are no longer daring to speak up in his favour. This is a ‘death’ or defeat that the man experience on a daily basis with each passing hour.

General Asim Munir has absolutely check mated Imran Khan. He is without a doubt the most powerful general in Pakistan’s modern history
Ok saaf elections krwa do.

Awaam will tell who muted who. Awaam has the right to call out who is a fitna, not some general whose main job is to protect and serve its citizens. His salary gets paid by awaam’s money. He is doing the opposite and terrorizing the citizens which in return has damaged and tarnished the most loved institution. Awaam has the right to elect or mute whoever they want.
So boot Licker. PK has been independent for 76 years. In that time our saviours have controlled everything. So lets look at our history. And tell us who is the fitna? Who lost BD? Who murdered Bhutto, an elected PM? Who took the dollars and got 80,000 of its own citizens killed? Any ideas. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
That’s besides the point. They ended a big fitna recently

Hats off to them
That’s besides the point. They ended a big fitna recently

Hats off to them
What stupid answer. We lost have the country because of the clowns, they killed an elected PM because the Americans told them to do so, they killed 80,000 because the Americans told them so. We have no law and order because they have guns and hands and they kill people. Bajwa **** himself against Ind( according to Nooras) and IK had to order the retaliation.
That is the point. You losers have the memory of a goldfish. You and they have lost. The public hate you and you are like bank robbers, you will take what you want but you will have to hide yourselves and the loot.
Ok saaf elections krwa do.

Awaam will tell who muted who. Awaam has the right to call out who is a fitna, not some general whose main job is to protect and serve its citizens. His salary gets paid by awaam’s money. He is doing the opposite and terrorizing the citizens which in return has damaged and tarnished the most loved institution. Awaam has the right to elect or mute whoever they want.
All these points this loser is making is fro media cells he follows. Let the PK decide if IK is a danger to the country, Munir was appointed by a guy on the run and the same criminals have destroyed PK.
All these points this loser is making is fro media cells he follows. Let the PK decide if IK is a danger to the country, Munir was appointed by a guy on the run and the same criminals have destroyed PK.
What points have I made? I have stated the cold, harsh truth

Asim Munir decimated Imran Khan without actually causing any physical harm to him.
What points have I made? I have stated the cold, harsh truth

Asim Munir decimated Imran Khan without actually causing any physical harm to him.
So a guy with 500,000 soldiers beats a man with no army :D :D :D :D :D
Thanks for that
So a guy with 500,000 soldiers beats a man with no army :D :D :D :D :D
Thanks for that
They have been beating the Zardaris/Bhuttos and Sharifs before Imran as well. Imran is no special case, but his defeat is probably the most humiliating out of the lot because Khan thought he was invincible. Great humbling by Asim Munir
What stupid answer. We lost have the country because of the clowns, they killed an elected PM because the Americans told them to do so, they killed 80,000 because the Americans told them so. We have no law and order because they have guns and hands and they kill people. Bajwa **** himself against Ind( according to Nooras) and IK had to order the retaliation.
That is the point. You losers have the memory of a goldfish. You and they have lost. The public hate you and you are like bank robbers, you will take what you want but you will have to hide yourselves and the loot.
Who is me? I could honestly care less. I’m just stating it as I see it
They have been beating the Zardaris/Bhuttos and Sharifs before Imran as well. Imran is no special case, but his defeat is probably the most humiliating out of the lot because Khan thought he was invincible. Great humbling by Asim Munir
As you said before you are here to learn- well the cases against NS were investigated and followed through by Rehman Malik, and the cases against AZ were investigated by Saif Ur Rehman. Look it up. The Generals used both against each other but the issue is that all 3 have been exposed by Kaptaan. All 3 blackmailed each other because all 3 were commiting crimes. Watch the Khawaja Asif interview on Munir plotting against IK in Apr 2019. You are just an illiterate, ignorant person so these facts are wasted on you.

One of the most iconic themes in Movie history. The Jedi temple march. Dedicated to General Asim Munir and the special forces troops of Pakistan. Class personified
Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir on Friday said the Pakistan Army, law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and the nation could never be coerced by the “cowardly tactics of terrorists”, according to a press release from the military’s media wing.

The Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) press release said the army chief made the remarks while interacting with officers and troops during a visit to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Bannu district.

Calling out terrorists hampering peace in the country, the COAS said such elements “have a misbelief that they can challenge the iron resolve of the soldiers and writ of the state”.

“We have fought for long and will continue to fight the menace of terrorism till the end. The nation pays rich tribute to those who have laid their lives and their sacrifices will forever be honoured,” the ISPR quoted him as saying.

LAHORE: Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir has assured the business community that money exchanges would be brought under the purview of taxation, said President Lahore Chambers of Commerce and Industries Kashif Anwar.

A delegation of Lahore Chambers of Commerce and Industries headed by its President Kashif Anwar called on COAS General Asim Munir to discuss the country’s economic situation.

Detailing the matters discussed in the meeting, Anwar said the COAS assured transparency in dollar exchange and interbank rates.

During the meeting, General Asim Munir highlighted the pivotal role of Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC), emphasising its potential to attract substantial investments of up to $100 billion from countries such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, and others.

Interesting to see them involved in economics now, Given their track record which reminds us to approach these promises with caution.
Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir met the army chief of Saudi Arabia, General Fayyadh Bin Hamed Al Ruwaili, on Friday and discussed various areas of mutual interest.

According to a statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), Gen Ruwaili and his high-powered military delegation called on Gen Munir.

“During the meeting, both sides deliberated upon various areas of mutual interest, bilateral cooperation including defence and security matters,” the military’s media affair wing said.

It added that the delegation also met Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee General Sahir Shamshad Mirza at the Joint Staff Headquarters earlier today.

The Saudi delegation’s visit to Pakistan comes days after COAS Munir had apprised the business community of Saudi Arabia’s decision to invest $25bn in Pakistan under the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) aimed at attracting investment in the agriculture sector by offering land and ensuring exports.

Sindh Caretaker Chief Minister Justice (retd) Maqbool Baqar on Friday okayed a comprehensive joint operation by Pakistan Army and Sindh Rangers’ against dacoits in the province’s Katcha (riverine) area, ARY News reported.
Just goes to prove that the Pak military's true purpose is to serve foreign govts. Even their supposedly most hated "enemies".
Chief of Army Staff Gen Asim Munir on Wednesday said the Pakistan Army would continue to play its role in upholding peace and stability in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and facilitating a “secure environment for economic development”.

The army chief made this statement during his address at the provincial Apex Committee meeting in Peshawar.

His remarks come on the heels of an increase in terror attacks in KP. On September 6, four security personnel embraced martyrdom and over 16 militants were killed in an operation to repulse militants from the Chitral district.

The participants also paid rich tribute to the Shuhada and their families.

“We have to synergise our efforts for the peace and prosperity of our beloved country,” the ISPR statement quoted the army chief as saying.

He underlined that the Pakistan Army would continue to play its role in ensuring peace and stability in KP to provide a secure environment for economic development.

Chief of Army Staff Gen Asim Munir on Wednesday said the Pakistan Army would continue to play its role in upholding peace and stability in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and facilitating a “secure environment for economic development”.

The army chief made this statement during his address at the provincial Apex Committee meeting in Peshawar.

His remarks come on the heels of an increase in terror attacks in KP. On September 6, four security personnel embraced martyrdom and over 16 militants were killed in an operation to repulse militants from the Chitral district.

The participants also paid rich tribute to the Shuhada and their families.

“We have to synergise our efforts for the peace and prosperity of our beloved country,” the ISPR statement quoted the army chief as saying.

He underlined that the Pakistan Army would continue to play its role in ensuring peace and stability in KP to provide a secure environment for economic development.

An illegal appointment to keep the mafia in power.
Army Chief General Asim Munir has said that the life and welfare of a Pakistani citizen comes before any other country and any worldly interest.

The National Apex Committee has taken the final decision to deport all foreigners residing illegally in Pakistan.

A National Apex Committee meeting was held under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Anwarul Haq Kakar, in which civil and military officials, heads of sensitive institutions, four provincial IGs and chief secretaries participated. In the meeting, the overall law and order situation of the country was reviewed.

The Apex Committee has taken the final decision to deport all foreigners residing illegally in Pakistan under the National Action Plan.

According to the sources, the Army Chief emphasized in the meeting that the life and welfare of a Pakistani citizen comes before any other country and any worldly interest.

Source: Express
Action against illegal activities to continue with full force: COAS

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir said on Friday law enforcement agencies and the government would continue enforcement actions against “spectrum of illegal activities with full force to deny pilferage of resources and economic losses”.

The Army chief made these remarks on his visit to Karachi, where he attended a meeting of the provincial apex committee along with Caretaker Chief Minister Sindh, Justice (Retired) Maqbool Baqar, according to a statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).

During the Apex Committee meeting, COAS was briefed about revised National Action Plan, operation in riverine (Kacha) areas of Sindh, security of foreign nationals employed on CPEC/Non-CPEC/private projects, repatriation of illegal foreigners, foreign currency regularisation measures, Karachi Transformation Plan, progress on the SIFC initiatives in Sindh, and Green Sindh initiatives.

During the meeting, COAS emphasised, “LEAs and other government departments will continue the enforcement actions against spectrum of illegal activities with full force to deny pilferage of resources and economic losses that the country suffers due to these activities,” the military’s media wing said.

Army chief underscored the need for synergy among all relevant departments for gainful effects of the landmark initiatives, it added.

The participants of the meeting affirmed that state institutions, government departments, and people “are united for progress and prosperity of the province”.

Earlier, upon arrival, COAS was received by Commander Karachi Corps.

COAS Munir meets Palestinian envoy, expresses concern over Israel’s ‘unabated violence’ in Gaza

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Asim Munir on Tuesday expressed grave concern over the “indiscriminate killing” of Palestinians in Gaza and called on the international community to put an end to the “unlawful use of force” by the Israeli military.

He passed these remarks during a meeting with Palestinian Ambassador to Pakistan Ahmed Jawad Rabei at the General Headquarters in Rawalpindi, the military’s media wing.

According to the Palestinian health ministry in Gaza, more than 5,700 people, including over 2,000 children, have been killed in relentless Israeli bombing since October 7. A humanitarian crisis has gripped the besieged enclave, with hospitals shutting down due to a shortage of fuel.

In a press release issued today, the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) said the army chief expressed condolences over the loss of Palestinian lives.

Safety of each Pakistani of paramount importance, cannot be compromised ‘at any cost’: COAS

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Asim Munir on Thursday said the safety and security of every Pakistani was of paramount importance and could not be compromised “at any cost”.

He passed these remarks while talking about the repatriation and deportation of illegal foreigners residing in Pakistan during the National Security Workshop, the military’s media affairs wing said.

Earlier this month, the government gave an ultimatum to all undocumented immigrants, including Afghan nationals, to leave Pakistan by the deadline or else, risk imprisonment and deportation to their respective countries.

The decision was taken in an apex committee meeting headed by caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar and attended by COAS Munir, among others. The committee also decided that movement across the border would be subject to passports and visas, while electronic Afghan identity cards (or e-tazkiras) would only be accepted until October 31.

According to a statement issued by the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) today, the COAS held an interactive session with the participants of the National Security Workshop at the General Headquarters in Rawalpindi.

The National Security Workshop is an annual event held at the National Defence University. It was attended by 98 participants, including parliamentarians, senior civil and armed forces officers and representatives of the civil society.

During the workshop, the participants were briefed about regional and internal security dynamics and the national security environment, the ISPR said.

It stated that the forum was apprised regarding the host of measures being taken to curb activities of illegal spectrum including smuggling, power theft, narcotics prevalence, border control measures, and repatriation of illegal foreigners from Pakistan.

“Safety and security of each Pakistani is of paramount importance which cannot be allowed to be compromised at any cost,” the ISPR quoted the army chief as saying.

While addressing the participants, Gen Munir said, “Armed Forces of Pakistan and its security and intelligence setups have fought the menace of terrorism in an exemplary manner despite sustained and varied support of inimical forces.

“Success will be ours InshAllah with the continued support of the people of Pakistan,” he added.

The COAS also emphasised that “intelligentsia and civil society have a greater responsibility to ensure that our people, especially youth stay aware and steadfast against hostile propaganda onslaught being launched through soft offensive against the state institutions of Pakistan”.

He further highlighted the “economic positivity” generated by multiple proactive steps, especially the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC).

“The army is fully engaged in enabling National and Provincial responses in different domains in step with other institutions of the state for the collective good of the people of Pakistan.

“We are a resilient nation that has endured the tests of time on its path to achieving peace and stability,” the COAS added.

So an operation to seize properties from land grabbers and return them to the rightful owners, ie. the establishment. This will allow for free and fair distribution of land among retiring generals.
Alvi lauds COAS, caretakers over efforts to bring in foreign investment
Addressing a ceremony in Karachi, president says with these efforts the country's economy is improving
President Dr Arif Alvi on Saturday emphasised the commendable efforts of the current caretaker federal government and Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir in their pursuit of attracting foreign investment through joint-ventures to strengthen Pakistan's economy.

Alvi, whose Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) is at loggerheads with the country’s powerful circles over May 9 riots, emphasised that with these effective decision-making by the army chief and the interim government, the country was moving towards economic stability.

In a firm commitment to safeguard Pakistan's economic interests and enhance security, General Munir had announced in September that law enforcement actions against a wide range of illegal activities would intensify, with close collaboration between law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and government departments.

Speaking at the 15th Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan (REAP) Recognition Ceremony, held at a local hotel in Karachi and attended by Sindh Governor Mohammed Kamran Khan Tessori, President Alvi lauded the business community for its potential to fortify Pakistan's economy. He underlined the untapped potential of the nation, which could flourish with responsible actions.

President Alvi congratulated REAP on its remarkable journey, transforming exports from $300 million to an impressive $3 billion. He encouraged REAP members to explore joint-ventures and prioritise the development of value-added rice products.

COAS attends closing ceremony of 43rd PARA Central Meet

The 43rd Pakistan Army Rifle Association (PARA) Central Meet concluded on Tuesday with a grand closing ceremony at the Army Marksmanship Unit (AMU) in Jhelum. General Syed Asim Munir, Chief of Army Staff (COAS), graced the occasion as the chief guest, and the event took place from October 3 to November 7, 2023.

According to Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), this mega shooting event brought together over 2,000 participants from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Civil Armed Forces, including Rangers (Sindh & Punjab), Frontier Corps, and Gilgit-Baltistan Scouts, as well as civilians.

The COAS, along with Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Baber Sidhu, who was the guest of honour, presented trophies and medals to the deserving winners and runners-up in various categories.

Terrorists, facilitators to be dealt with full might of the state: COAS Asim Munir

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir, NI (M), presided over the 82nd Formation Commanders Conference at GHQ, which was attended by Corps Commanders, Principal Staff Officers and all Formation Commanders of Pakistan Army, ARY News quoted ISPR on Thursday.

The forum paid rich tribute to the supreme sacrifices of martyrs including officers and men of the Armed Forces, Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) and Pakistani citizens.

The participants were briefed on professional matters, national security challenges and measures being undertaken to counter traditional and non-traditional security threats, a press issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).


COAS Munir reaffirms support to govt for durable economic recovery​

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Asim Munir on Friday reiterated Pakistan Army’s full support to the government in durable economic recovery of the country.

The army chief expressed these views during a meeting of the Apex Committee of the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) chaired by caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar. The meeting reviewed the steps taken by the council for promoting investment in the country.

The meeting was attended by members of the interim cabinet, caretaker chief ministers, and high government officials.

During the meeting, various ministries briefed the participants on the measures being taken by them to ensure timely achievement of the set targets. The meeting expressed satisfaction over the progress in this regard.

The participants also reviewed the projects related to investment in oil and gas sectors, and privatisation of public entities running in losses.

Source: Dunya News

Middle East conflict in focus as Saudi commander meets COAS Munir​

Commander of the Royal Saudi Land Forces (RSLF) Lieutenant General Fahd bin Abdullah Al-Mutair called on Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir at the General headquarters in Rawalpindi, the military's media affairs wing said on Monday.

According to the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), during the meeting, both sides discussed various areas of mutual interest including cooperation in the fields of defence, security and military training as well as the regional situation and the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

Currently, Qatar, Egypt, the United States, the European Union and other countries are working to extend the temporary ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. During the temporary ceasefire agreement, both sides swapped dozens of hostages.

Since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas conflict on October 7, over 15,000 Palestinians — including more than 6,200 — lost their lives during the Israeli aggression and bombardment on civilian sites, including hospitals.

The visiting dignitary appreciated the Pakistan Army’s role in fighting the menace of terrorism and paid rich tribute to the sacrifices made in bringing peace to the region.

Gen Munir thanked the dignitary and said: “Pakistan deeply values its strategic and brotherly ties with the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia.”

Earlier on arrival at the GHQ, a smartly turned-out contingent of the Pakistan Army presented the guard of honour to the visiting dignitary.

Source: GEO

SIFC under army chief emerges as game changer​

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – The Special Investment and Facilitation Center (SIFC) set up about five months ago by the Pakistan government has turned out to be a game changer for the national economy, ensuring billions of dollars' investment.

Friends of Pakistan are set to invest 60 billion dollars in Pakistan in the near future.

The success is attributed to the leadership of army chief Gen Syed Asim Munir who assumed his office a year ago amidst economic challenges. Passing through multiple challenges, Pakistan has gained success on different fronts and removed the shadows of uncertainty.

Following the establishment of the SIFC, Pakistan is progressing through economic stability. The stock market is breaking all records and producing good results and the rupee is also strengthening against the US dollar. Efforts are afoot by the caretaker government to curb inflation.

In a bid to exploit the condition of Pakistan, the rivals sowed confusion and frustration with the help of social media.

Under the dynamic leadership of Gen Asim Munir, the armed forces started initiatives to transform the hopelessness into a robust and stable Pakistan. Stern action is under way against the smuggling mafia which was hitting the national economy, making life of common man miserable.

The agriculture sector also is producing good results.

As many as 464 terrorists were arrested or killed during the intelligence-based operations. A campaign was also launched against the foreigners living illegally in Pakistan and more than two and a half million such people were repatriated to their native countries.
Chief of Army Staff General Asim Munir left Pakistan for an official visit of the United States on Sunday.

The departure was announced by the Inter-Services Public Relations in a statement. However, the duration of the visit has not been specified.

“This is General Syed Asim Munir’s first visit to USA as COAS,” the statement said.

“During his visit, General Syed Asim Munir is scheduled to meet the senior military and other government officials of USA,” the statement said.

Source: AAJ News

Our army chief goes to America while America backs the killing of innocent Palestinians. Maybe he is going to tell Biden off for supporting the Israeli war criminals
Army Chief Gen Asim Munir left for Washington on Sunday for his inaugural visit to the United States since assuming the role last year.

The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) confirmed in a statement that this was Gen Munir’s first visit to the United States as the Chief of the Army Staff (COAS), during which he is scheduled to meet senior US military and government officials.

Since the brief note announcing the visit only said he had left Islamabad, speculations focused on the team accompanying the army chief and his meetings in Washington.

The military chief’s itinerary includes meetings with the US Secretary of Defence, Secretary of State, and the National Security Adviser at the White House.
The American envoy conveyed Washington’s resolve to “stand with Pakistan” in its fight against terrorism and the challenges posed by the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

Another senior US diplomat, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Elizabeth Horst, is also visiting Pakistan, but it’s not clear if she met the army chief before he flew out to Washington.

Notably, the army chief has engaged with several US officials since taking office, including discussions with US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin in October and a meeting with US Central Command chief Gen Michael Erik Kurilla in July, where the latter recognised Pakistan’s efforts for regional peace and stability.

“Secretary Austin and Gen Munir discussed areas of mutual interest as well as recent regional developments,” the Pentagon said in a statement after the Munir-Austin meeting.

In July, Gen Kurilla called on the COAS in Rawalpindi and recognised Pakistan’s “continued efforts” to bring peace and stability to the region.

Speculation surrounding Gen Munir’s visit to the United States first began in November last year, when he assumed office. Earlier this year, both US and Pakistani officials confirmed that a visit was on the cards, but could not give a timeline.

Source : DAWN NEWS