Hundreds of houses and shops of Christians torched by Muslims in Lahore


Encapsulates the mentality behind these acts very well.
On Tribune , they posted this slideshow of people burning the houses

This one picture raised so many questions in my head


Lets say I am a religious person , offended by a Christian for making derogatory remarks and I decide to burn down the colony he lives in . A photographer takes my picture while I am at it , I would probably look angry , right ?

Not this guy ! He is happy , in the mood to celebrate like he just won a cricket match vs India . :kohli

I've been in Pakistan during riots and generally every moron from 12 yrs and upwards all think it's a blast. The vast majority of them probably don't even know what the protest is about but they can't wait to set a few tyres burning and anything else that gets in the way,
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I will still stick to my conspiracy theory and say rise of intolerance to minority has lot to do with current up coming election, and post election things will get cool down, as there will be coalition of two parties in power. :moyo Current violence is clearly helping the non-ruling parties' case at the moment. Everything has went down post BB's death.

- Noob theorist.
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I've been in Pakistan during riots and generally every moron from 12 yrs and upwards all think it's a blast. The vast majority of them probably don't even know what the protest is about but they can't wait to set a few tyres burning and anything else that gets in the way,

I agree, it becomes a form of entertainment for them. But what can you expect from people who live in poverty, are uneducated, don't have access to basic resources like clean water, health care etc., and are surrounded by lawlessness and corruption. There gullibility, apathy and lack of empathy makes them perfect targets for brain washing by the equally myopic and illiterate clerics who in turn use these acts as a show of their power and influence.
Dost, what you mentioned are all valid point.

But your argument is X is not the only reason so why tackle X ?

My argument is X is one of the reason and hence tackle X to reduce the contribution from X ?

Every thing which is creating or adding to the problem, we should try to avoid. Not that if there are other reasons then we should let X to add more to it.

Hope you get my point of argument now.

i agree with all of your points, just wanted to mention that it just get annoying that some just try to pick and chose the point to further their own agenda, and are quick to ignore other facts, without a doubt education leads to better life and better law and order.
I see Pakistan is making progress. It'll keep making this kind of progress until religion rules your state. I don't know why dumb people even go to Islamic nations and practice other faiths. Its like hanging a banner on yourself saying "Please come brutally murder us whenever you feel like you're bored and have nothing better to do with your time".
Eventually, education is the easiest and long term solution for any country's progress. Education leads to better health awareness, makes people saner, tolerable, futuristic and progressive. At the end, it leads to better govn't ... when public is smarter, it demands better leader. They are less likely to get manipulated.

It's very hard to educate people without very little funds to start with, but eventually, that's the best option for long term, not an instant solution of course. Instant solution would be the strict grip by law and order. < -- the real Law and Order, not religious Law and order.

without a doubt education is a long term solution, but it is not the only solution, religion will not be eliminated from the world, no matter what, it will exist, it has exist and it will continue to.

neither will imperialism or exploitation of a nation for resource, exploitation has always exist and it will continue to exist regardless of how educated the nation is, there is always a way around, and the usual suspects are the mos educated ones in the world.
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These lunatics only understand language of bullets.

The corrupt police are pathetic. They should have shot a lot of those with live rounds but instead they watched and done nothing.
We don`t need army , we need government . Laws exist , enforcement does not . What will these leaders do after having sucked every drop of blood ? Even the animals you slaughter to eat has to be well fed :facepalm:
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LAHORE: Of the 1,000 accused in the 2009 horrific Gojra riots, where eight Christians were burnt alive and 60 houses torched, not even one has been convicted thus far, The Express Tribune has learned.
On July 31 2009, Christian Colony in Gojra, Toba Tek Singh, was set ablaze by a Muslim mob. During the subsequent inquiry, a total of 185 witnesses submitted written statements, while five went abroad.

The police had registered two cases. In the first case, 70 people were nominated by the complainant, of which 68 were granted bail-before-arrest by the court. The remaining two – Atif alias Neeru and Ghulam Abbas – were detained. Atif and Abbas were on surety bonds worth Rs100,000 each.

Where is Mr Suo Motu ?

EDIT - here he is :

Chief Justice takes suo motu notice of Joseph Colony attack

Aal is well now , until the next attack , of course .
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A few homes were torched, .............., i dont see what the problem is

You don't see any problem because homes were not Muslim's ones? Are for you for real?

Did you take part in this incident by any chance? May be you would have seen this incident as problem if your home was torched by a mob.

I am really speechless with your thought process. I din't expect anyone PPers having this kind of thinking even though a large number of people in Pakistan think like this. Pakistan mess seems bigger to me... It will take few generations to get back to normal life. I feel very sad for fellow humans.
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Looks like the prosecution messed up here.

Pak court acquits 115 accused of torching Christians' houses

Lahore: A Pakistani court on Sunday acquitted all 115 suspects accused of torching a number of houses and shops of Christians in Lahore in 2013 over a blasphemy issue, citing lack of evidence.

Lahore's anti-terrorism court judge Chaudhry Muhammad Azam accepted the arguments of defence and ordered acquittal of the suspects, observing that evidence presented by prosecution against the suspects was "insufficient" to convict them.

On March 8, 2013, thousands of protesters armed with sticks, clubs and stones ransacked Joseph Colony and set over 125 residential properties, shops as well as some motorcycles and rickshaws and a church on fire after a word was spread in the locality that a Christian had committed blasphemy.

A clash between police and the arsonists had also left a number of people injured but no casualty was reported.

During Sunday's hearing, Defence lawyer Ghulam Murtaza argued that the prosecution had failed to provide a "single evidence" to establish the charges against his clients.

He said the prosecution had lingered the case for more than three years but could not come up with any solid evidence against the suspects. He requested the court to acquit the suspects because of want for proof.

A prosecution lawyer argued the evidence provided by the prosecution team is enough to convict the suspects.

"This incident not only spread a wave of terrorism in Lahore but also brought a bad to name to Pakistan," he said.

The judge, however, termed the evidence "insufficient" and acquitted all the suspects.

Hundreds of Christians were displaced following the incident. Initially police had booked more than 1,000 Muslims, 80 of them were nominated. Later, it arrested 115 suspects who were acquitted on Sunday.

Police had also arrested a Christian, who was accused of blasphemy. A trial court had tried him under blasphemy charges and sentenced him to death in 2014.

Imran Shahid had accused Sawan Masih of making blasphemous remarks.

However, Dilawar Masih, who lost his house and shop in the attack, said, "Both Imran and Sawan are close friends and the former has made the allegation only to settle a personal score because they had quarrelled over some petty matter."