IPL | Bangalore vs Kings Punjab at Mohali -12/05/08


Local Club Captain
Nov 30, 2007
Kings XI Punjab squad
Yuvraj Singh, DPMD Jayawardene, AK Argal, PP Chawla, P Dharmani, R Dhawan, Gagandeep Singh, K Goel, JR Hopes, SM Katich, U Kaul, SO Kukreja, B Lee, SE Marsh, KD Mills, WA Mota, IK Pathan, LA Pomersbach, RR Powar, N Saini, KC Sangakkara, RR Sarwan, VRV Singh, S Sohal, S Sreesanth, TM Srivastava

Bangalore Royal Challengers squad
R Dravid, Abdur Razzak, NC Aiyappa, B Akhil, KP Appanna, J Arunkumar, MV Boucher, S Chanderpaul, B Chipli, SP Goswami, W Jaffer, SB Joshi, JH Kallis, Z Khan, V Kohli, P Kumar, A Kumble, Misbah-ul-Haq, AA Noffke, DT Patil, DW Steyn, LRPL Taylor, R Vinay Kumar, CL White

Bangalore to bat first. Misbah ul Haq is back in the side. Anyone been reading Mallya's outburst against Charu Sharma and Dravid? Seems he wasn't allowed to choose any player but he'd put his foot down for Misbah and bought him.
Kings XI Punjab (Playing XI): Shaun Marsh, James Hopes, Yuvraj Singh(c), Mahela Jayawardene, Luke Pomersbach, Tanmay Srivastava, Irfan Pathan, Uday Kaul(w), Piyush Chawla, S Sreesanth, VRV Singh
Bangalore Royal Challengers (Playing XI): Jagadeesh Arunkumar, Virat Kohli, Mark Boucher(w), Cameron White, Rahul Dravid(c), Misbah-Ul-Haq, Praveen Kumar, Vinay Kumar, Zaheer Khan, Anil Kumble, Dale Steyn

pomersbach (punjab) in and so is misbah for banglore
with mallya woning the team there is now way we will continue to be poor ..... need to win today !
jusarrived said:
with mallya woning the team there is now way we will continue to be poor ..... need to win today !
Yeah, it's a must win situation although Bangalore cannot be in semis, too late.
Misbah MUST bat higher, its no good coming in with the run-rate at 4 and BR in deep trouble. I'd get him in at 4
It was Mallyas own doing.. he said.. he wasnt an expert, so let Dravid and Sharma go with selection

Then Mallya's friends said it was more like a TEST XI... so then Mallya went and bought Misbah without asking anyone.

Maybe explain why Dravid left Misbah out for so long !!
looked like Mizbi is already padded up and has helmet on. might be coming earlier
Dhonifan said:
Yeah, it's a must win situation although Bangalore cannot be in semis, too late.

forget semis..I wud be happy if we can manage couple of wins against the top teams ....think punjab is beatable !

loosing stuart binny to ICL & uthappa to mumbai is making all the difference here & persisting with kallis hasent helped either !
SameerM said:
It was Mallyas own doing.. he said.. he wasnt an expert, so let Dravid and Sharma go with selection

Then Mallya's friends said it was more like a TEST XI... so then Mallya went and bought Misbah without asking anyone.

Maybe explain why Dravid left Misbah out for so long !!

Misbah was left out for only the last match , he wasnt available for initial few !
#14 and #X not doing much there. Perhaps Dravid should have stayed there :)
4-0 after 2 overs
jusarrived said:
Misbah was left out for only the last match , he wasnt available for initial few !

I think he sat on the bench for two matches after he joined the squad. It wasn't until taylor left that he was given a chance.

Anyway, all that's in the past. Misbah comes in at no.3 with a point to prove. :batman:
can misbah rescue the disaster that is bangalore ?
Mizbi has changed bats or sponsor. The pic in banner has SS and today he is batting with a CA Plus 10000
asifp said:
yeah hoping for a big one from Misbah.

The other guy is clueless
Virat is not a bad batsman at all. He just needs some support at the other end.
SameerM said:
does it have TON imprinted on the side : 12thman?
I don't think so. I see nothing written on the outside edge.
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good shot Misbah, but please dont try to hit every ball out of the Park, Afridi style. Bat with sense, so far, so good
Without Kallis, Chanderpaul and Jaffer this team looks this team looks decent. Only if Dravid sits out now....

Dhonifan said:
Virat is not a bad batsman at all. He just needs some support at the other end.

couple of good hits, but still looks like a lost child
jusarrived said:
never seen B'lore @ 7.15 ..unbeliveable !
Is it a surprise with 3 test players out and the last one not in the middle yet? :p
Misbah hits 4 # 4000 in the IPL. And it has to be one of the best ones, made room and slapped it thru point.
444444444444444444444 Mishbah!!!!

I wish Kallis was playing, imagine the damage he'd be doing right now :|
WasimG said:
Is it a surprise with 3 test players out and the last one not in the middle yet? :p

never wanted jaffer & kallis in the team...but chandra & dravid are good for any format of the game IMO !
Oh Dang, what an unlucky way to get out!!!! , Jeez he was looking so good
Sparhawk said:
Misbah hits 4 # 4000 in the IPL. And it has to be one of the best ones, made room and slapped it thru point.

Possibly one of the best shot in IPL.
Misbah goes, i didn't see the dismissal. Comms ssaying its an unusual dismissal...
Sreesanth to Misbah-ul-Haq, OUT, Misbah why do these things always happen to you?? Sreesanth gets this one to nip back in sharply, Misbah goes back and across a little too far and trods onto his stumps before pushing it to the offside, how unlucky
Misbah really is an enigma, so intelligent and silly at the same time :)))
2 4's and kholi goes

chawala has conceded 13 runs & taken a wickt of his first 3 balls ..haha !
The game is as good as over for me but I hope Cameron White plays good all the way and doesn't let Dravid bat. I'd still want Bangalore to win cuz they have Misbah and Super duper Kings-XI superstars princess Punjab sucks.
50-3 in 6 overs is not a bad start. If these two can consolidate for 2-3 overs they should continue playing the shots.
Cryin Out Loud said:
In his brief innings Misbah has shown why he should be a fixture.
Everyone knows that except Dravid. Like its been said, Dravid needs slower batsmen like Kallis, Chanders and Jaffer to make him look good. Among Misbahs and Cameron Whites he'd hardly have any respect in this format.
WasimG said:
Everyone knows that except Dravid. Like its been said, Dravid needs slower batsmen like Kallis, Chanders and Jaffer to make him look good. Among Misbahs and Cameron Whites he'd hardly have any respect in this format.

Dravid's judgment, I am sorry to say, has been terrible in this series. :(

Edit: And that was a fulltoss from Chawla which he couldn't out away!
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The WagonWheel said:
I think he does some homework on how he wants to get out ....
I still remember how he was run out when he jumped to avoid the ball. That had to be the funniest thing ever. :))
WasimG said:
Everyone knows that except Dravid. Like its been said, Dravid needs slower batsmen like Kallis, Chanders and Jaffer to make him look good. Among Misbahs and Cameron Whites he'd hardly have any respect in this format.

I don think dravid still needs to prove anyting to anyone ..stop insultaing him by comparing himto misbah's and cameron white no matter which format of the game !
Cryin Out Loud said:
Wasn't that Inzi?
No it was Misbah. You'd expect something so stupid only from Afridi though. Infact it did happen to Afridi once except the throw from the fielder didn't hit the stumps.
Cryin Out Loud said:
Wasn't that Inzi?

lol nah that was against Harmison. He threw the ball at Inzi and he jumped and was run-out.
Or maybe you're talking about when Inzi stopped the ball with his bat against India and was given out obstructing the field (WRONGLY!)
jusarrived said:
I don think dravid still needs to prove anyting to anyone ..stop insultaing him by comparing himto misbah's and cameron white no matter which format of the game !
It MATTERS which format of the game, dude. Which is why Dravid didn't even make the national T20 squad. I'd be insulting Misbah if I compared this snail with him in this format.
jusarrived said:
I don think dravid still needs to prove anyting to anyone ..stop insultaing him by comparing himto misbah's and cameron white no matter which format of the game !

Dravid is my cricketing hero, but you cannot deny that his judgment and play here have been pretty bad.

And Misbahs' 2020 record is better than Dravids'.
Mohsin_Pak786 said:
lol nah that was against Harmison. He threw the ball at Inzi and he jumped and was run-out.
Or maybe you're talking about when Inzi stopped the ball with his bat against India and was given out obstructing the field (WRONGLY!)

That was in 05, but I think Misbah had something similiar in the Tests against India.

The fielder threw the ball and Misbah jumped to avoid the ball and the ball hit the stumps while he was mid air
Mohsin_Pak786 said:
lol nah that was against Harmison. He threw the ball at Inzi and he jumped and was run-out.
Or maybe you're talking about when Inzi stopped the ball with his bat against India and was given out obstructing the field (WRONGLY!)
Misbah got himself run out in india in test matches... escaping from the throw and jumping...