IPL | Mumbai vs Kings XI Punjab | Mumbai | 21/05/2008

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TruSachFan said:
i think it was sach's fault

come on polly finish this

Utthapa called and then send him back half way
pakistani pride said:
i think the slow batting in the middle overs cost them !

Nope. 10 to 1 they would have lost more wickets if they had tried. remember they had lost 4 wickets in the middle overs. Thye were right in line except that idot Utthapa who wasted 10 balls!
SameerM said:
uthapaaaaa gone!

YUVRAJ - the new WAQAR younis? :D
Waqar is a legend in everything that he does. Greatest bowler ever. Greatest captain ever. Greatest bowling coach ever. Greatest commentator ever.
22 runs with 4 wickets and 9 balls remaining

middle to low order collapsed after great opening from top 3
see when you bat slow up front it put pressure on the lower and middle order. they needed to attack a bit more when they had wickets in hand instead of taking easy singles !
VRV singh to bowl last over? still got a chance... 5 fours needed
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RV RV RV RV - come on boys cheer on the bowler - he needs som backin !
7 runs with 2 wickets and 4 balls remaining

RV RV RV RV RV RV for 2 more wickets off his last 4 balls.. comon :D
pakistani pride said:
see when you bat slow up front it put pressure on the lower and middle order. they needed to attack a bit more when they had wickets in hand instead of taking easy singles !

Anything to criticise Sachin aint it? i will spell it out so even you will understand. Tehy lost big hitters, needed to conserve wicket. They were still going at healthy rate. Only the moron Utthapa caused it to fall aprt, Required run rate was only 9 at that point.
RV RV RV pressurising the mumbai ducks........ ;-)

Punjabi roasting the ducks here.. is it eid already?
mumbai's roasted - all out in 20 overs

bad luck there... noone can be blamed really (CARS cue for u to let it rip)
hey mumbai supporters dont go just yet..

we have CHENNAI v's BANGALORE in 15 minutes ;-)
SameerM said:
hey mumbai supporters dont go just yet..

we have CHENNAI v's BANGALORE in 15 minutes ;-)
Its a boring game as RC drunkards from banglore will again lose
Yuvraj: "Sachin's wicket changed the game for us. Marsh and Pomersbach played brilliantly. I want to tell the crowd that the crowd support was too one sided towards Mumbai. Let me remind them that some of the Punjab players also play for India." He's clearly unhappy.

IPL is slowly breaking apart team spirit within the countries being represented e.g. Slapgate, Dravid has complained of these same fans now Yuvraj, these constant internal battles e.g. Shoaib vs Tanvir, Hafeez vs Tanvir, surely must be causing rifts in already an unstable team like Pakistan...
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rifts in pak cricket is normal !! it will add to the fire that pak needs - competitive hunger
Real men of genius...

We salute you Mr VRV Singh. When conventional wisdom said a game was over, you defied the laws of nature to single handedly revive the challenge of the opposition, not once, but time and time again. For this reason we salute you, a real man of genius.
Gujar said:
We salute you Mr VRV Singh. When conventional wisdom said a game was over, you defied the laws of nature to single handedly revive the challenge of the opposition, not once, but time and time again. For this reason we salute you, a real man of genius.
:))) :))) :)))
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