Junaid Khan vs Mohammad Amir


Tape Ball Regular
Jan 20, 2011
Salam Guys

I am not saying hes better than Amir or will be better than him but these are the first class stats of these two player just wanted to show some people

First Amir and than Junaid Khan


Amir was about 100 times better regardless of what the stats say.
Amir was about 100 times better regardless of what the stats say.

Obviously he is or was should i say o Amir learnt very quickly and there is no doubt in that guy's talent these stats are just to let people know if he is a good replacement or not
Amir proved his class on the international scene whereas Juniad has got alot to prove, so cannot really compare the two at the moment.
similar first class stats, time will tell if he's just as good. i hope he's better.
amir is/was/will be aamir.....no one can replace that talent...
Well..We'll see after Junaid starts playing International Cricket...
Hmmm. looks interesting.

Junaid has played more games which means he is more mature then Amir, more experience and has taken more wickets at a less economy and a better average then Amir.

This should be interesting but we need to see if he is international level yet. Also his action has a slight kink in it.

Pakistan to win the WC 2011 - Inshallah.
Hmmm. looks interesting.

Junaid has played more games which means he is more mature then Amir, more experience and has taken more wickets at a less economy and a better average then Amir.

This should be interesting but we need to see if he is international level yet. Also his action has a slight kink in it.

Pakistan to win the WC 2011 - Inshallah.

When you say international level do you mean talent or experience or how mature he is hope he learns quickly
Junaid Khan will be the new Junaid Khan.We can't mould him into an Aamer,we all know his talents.Way too early to make a comparison yet.Lets wait and see how Junaid fares in the World Cup,take it easy and play him against the minnows,if he performs,crank up the pressure a little and see how he does against stronger batting lineups.Also,its great that the Cup is in Asia,familiar sub-continental conditions will help not just him but the other youngsters participating.
Both have very similar First Class stats.
Who knows Junaid Khan may be just as good as Amir or even better.
Cant wait to see him in action
1 thing is for sure...Juanid's mentor won't be Butt and Junaid won't be taking the 'extra step' to make a few extra bucks n cheat his country :p
Woot Mohammad AAmir (So last Year )

Its Junaid's turn guys

And he has better stats too and he will hopefully do better than Amir and he will hopefully not cheat and betray the country and fans and also break their hearts shame on you Amir Shame
Woot Mohammad AAmir (So last Year )

Its Junaid's turn guys

And he has better stats too and he will hopefully do better than Amir and he will hopefully not cheat and betray the country and fans and also break their hearts shame on you Amir Shame

Ha man we shouldn't forget Amir

and don;t say hes so last year because Wo Ik Din Loot ke Ayega
Amir was about 100 times better regardless of what the stats say.
A bit early to judge. He hasnt even played a game for Pakistan yet.
Atleast watch him in action before you make such a judgement.
Im hoping he proves you wrong.
Woot Mohammad AAmir (So last Year )

Its Junaid's turn guys

And he has better stats too and he will hopefully do better than Amir and he will hopefully not cheat and betray the country and fans and also break their hearts shame on you Amir Shame
You do realize that Amir's first class figures include Test Matches right? Amir's FC average used to be 15 when he started. Dont go about hyping Junaid- he is not anywhere near Amir at this point at time. Maybe in the future, but definitely not right now
You do realize that Amir's first class figures include Test Matches right? Amir's FC average used to be 15 when he started. Dont go about hyping Junaid- he is not anywhere near Amir at this point at time. Maybe in the future, but definitely not right now

Ok Sir :manzoor0
oh my God
which kind of people u r
sooooooooo much hype even before his debut
dont over hype him....that could break the hearts of many fans if he flops (khuda na khuwasta)

dont have soooo much expectations from a debutant

i remember same hype was there for M irfan...but what happened???

no wonder if someone will come and make a thread "Junaid khan....all time greatest bowler in the history of cricket"
i thought only Indians go the habit to over hype their players a lot
but you people seems to have this habit too with a larger extent

Indians use to hype their player after a couple of good performances
and u guys are creating hype even before a debut of a player

u must need to learn the difference between playing domestic cricket on Pakistani pitches and playing on international level

not every one can take the pressure of playing at international level
many champs of domestic cricket came and then vanished....best example is ABDUR RAUF
i thought only Indians go the habit to over hype their players a lot
but you people seems to have this habit too with a larger extent

Indians use to hype their player after a couple of good performances
and u guys are creating hype even before a debut of a player

u must need to learn the difference between playing domestic cricket on Pakistani pitches and playing on international level

not every one can take the pressure of playing at international level
many champs of domestic cricket came and then vanished....best example is ABDUR RAUF

the umpire?
i thought only Indians go the habit to over hype their players a lot
but you people seems to have this habit too with a larger extent

Indians use to hype their player after a couple of good performances
and u guys are creating hype even before a debut of a player

u must need to learn the difference between playing domestic cricket on Pakistani pitches and playing on international level

not every one can take the pressure of playing at international level
many champs of domestic cricket came and then vanished....best example is ABDUR RAUF

Abdur rauf would have been successful if he had gone to punjabi movies...more like a hybrid of babrak shah and muhammad irfan.
he is already a legend
legend of PP

infact many great great bowlers of all time seek advice from him

I think you are Amir fan whos heart broken and can't stand other comparing him with others anyways what you say makes sense too so AL IS WELL
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To the opening poster. How can you compare someone whose played no international cricket with someone whose been around for over a year....strange !
in 5 years junaid might be established enough to not let amir back in the team
To the opening poster. How can you compare someone whose played no international cricket with someone whose been around for over a year....strange !

Sorry if you miss read it or understood it i compared the First class records not international
Why do we always start getting these comparison threads especially someone who hasn't played a single international match as yet?!
Why do we always start getting these comparison threads especially someone who hasn't played a single international match as yet?!

The guy who posted this was wanting to compare the first class records of both these players, and well he like many others hopes its another amir in the making (minus the controversy) as we head to the world cup.
You don't know that yet. Wait until he makes his debut.

A bit early to judge. He hasnt even played a game for Pakistan yet.
Atleast watch him in action before you make such a judgement.
Im hoping he proves you wrong.

Amir, while not that experienced, has already left massive boots to fill. One of, if not, the most naturally gifted cricketers Pakistan has ever produced.

He was a complete bowler at 18 (that is, he had every tool in a fast bowlers armoury). I know you're both hoping against hope, but do you realistically think Junaid will be close to Amir in terms of skill?
He can be effective and go on to do wonders.

Lets hope for the best.

JKs footage and stats are impressive.
I would like to see and have a strong feeling that JK will go on to do better than Aamir!

We could really do with that!
m just hopin tht he will not become another :irfan coz :irfan also had a very big hype on pp tht he will be next big thing, then he debuted in england seaming wkts but totally failed. same case with junaid who have a huge hype on pp n some of the folks already make him better than imran khan n some of them make him legend.. i hope tht he will debut like our expectation.. n :wasim gives him compliment tht he is better than me at this age like he gave to :amir in past.....
We have not seen Khan in action, but it seems comparision are not warranted at this point.

Aamir had a high IQ and his body was able to translate that IQ into physical manefistation.

Khan may seem like has the body, but it remains to be seen if he can learn as fast as Amir did.
Can't be bothered to start a new thread on this but what about Asad Ali? Junaid Khan has a 28avg in lA cricket but Ali has an amazing list A record (he's also racked up an ridiculous amount of FC wickets.. he's 22):

[b]Asad Ali:[/b]
	        Mat 	Inns 	Balls 	Runs 	Wkts 	BBI 	BBM 	Ave 	Econ 	SR 	4w 	5w 	10
First-class 	54 	99 	10622 	5634 	246 	7/98 	11/174 	22.90 	3.18 	43.1 	9 	16 	3
List A 	        37 	37 	1846 	1397 	69 	4/20 	4/20 	20.24 	4.54 	26.7 	6 	0 	0

[b]Junaid Khan[/b]
	Mat 	Inns 	Balls 	Runs 	Wkts 	BBI 	BBM 	Ave 	Econ 	SR 	4w 	5w 	10
First-class 	35 	63 	7110 	3562 	167 	7/46 	13/77 	21.32 	3.00 	42.5 	6 	13 	3
List A 	27 	27 	1302 	1056 	37 	4/16 	4/16 	28.54 	4.86 	35.1 	2 	0 	0

Also, note, we need a :junaid smiley.
hi guys, hes not over hyped, hes played on the A tours has a very mature game. I doubt his speed is over 145km but i couldn't really tell with the naked eye. I think that aizaz cheema would have been a better option. perhaps we can drop one of our two spinners and draft both of them in. seriously by dropping sohail tanvir our team looks a lot better. And Junain khan is good batsman too perhaps not as good as tanvir but can definetly play a supporting role.
Mohammed Amir is a once-in-a-generation bowler...at worst!
I would like to see and have a strong feeling that JK will go on to do better than Aamir!


Amir had developed an inswinger at 18.. Mitchell Johnson still doesn't have that ball and he's a lot more experienced in int. cricket and 10 years older lol. Junaid might be decent but we won't see another Amir for a long while. :wasim
I judge bowlers on basis of thier techniques and skills ..... and I have to say I have never seen a bowler with quality like amir at his age . What a waste of talent !

I hope junaid khan proves himself in big tournament ahead but amir .... I wish he was in WC squad to share new ball with Shoaib or Asif .
Guys stop comparing the two just think if Aamir was still in the team we could have got a sensational bowling line up
If he was as good as :amir he would have been called up 4 years ago not now........
Can't be bothered to start a new thread on this but what about Asad Ali? Junaid Khan has a 28avg in lA cricket but Ali has an amazing list A record (he's also racked up an ridiculous amount of FC wickets.. he's 22):

[b]Asad Ali:[/b]
	        Mat 	Inns 	Balls 	Runs 	Wkts 	BBI 	BBM 	Ave 	Econ 	SR 	4w 	5w 	10
First-class 	54 	99 	10622 	5634 	246 	7/98 	11/174 	22.90 	3.18 	43.1 	9 	16 	3
List A 	        37 	37 	1846 	1397 	69 	4/20 	4/20 	20.24 	4.54 	26.7 	6 	0 	0

[b]Junaid Khan[/b]
	Mat 	Inns 	Balls 	Runs 	Wkts 	BBI 	BBM 	Ave 	Econ 	SR 	4w 	5w 	10
First-class 	35 	63 	7110 	3562 	167 	7/46 	13/77 	21.32 	3.00 	42.5 	6 	13 	3
List A 	27 	27 	1302 	1056 	37 	4/16 	4/16 	28.54 	4.86 	35.1 	2 	0 	0

Also, note, we need a :junaid smiley.

So youre saying that we got two Aamirs in the domestic circuit. Zabardast!!
people if you keep on saying we will never see anyone like amir not have faith in ALLAH then you'll always be disappointed..just think who gave you amir
he may be a good bowler but he's nothing extraordinary like aamer .....

I hope he doesnt get reported for suspect action ...
these become irrelevant once you step in the field. what you do there matters most. hope he performs well when given chance. but he is a kid. so was aamir but all kidz are not like aamir.
This comparison is so wrong on so many levels its hard to believe

why compare him with Amir in the first place?

Amir is Amir. Junaid is Junaid. End.
Looks similar to Amir:

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_Pa0iKLX7qE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This comparison is so wrong on so many levels its hard to believe

why compare him with Amir in the first place?

Amir is Amir. Junaid is Junaid. End.

Brother they way you are saying it than its impossible to compare anything to anything or anybody to anybody
My point was not to compare them but show how similar their records are i never said one is better than other or something
Question to Amir 2 years ago : Can you tell us about Junaid Khan, is he a pace or swing bowler?

Mohammad Aamer: He has a really good record in domestic cricket, he's a medium pacer who swings the ball.
Inshallah Junaid will prove himself to be better than Aamir. Why can't he be better than Aamir? About a couple of years ago Aamir was also standing where Junaid is standing now. We want Junaid to be an honest and hard working cricketer who should give his 100% for his country. People should forget about Aamir, he is gone and finished.
I can never forget about Amir, Junaid Khan who? Pfffft.......lets wait till he actually plays and performs then we'll compare them
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Does anyone know aamir's stats before he started his international career

I calculated his bowling average by removing his test stats.

The average came out to be 15.85. 69 wickets for 1094 runs in 14 games. Though these would include any FC cricket he played after he started his test his career as well.
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The future of Pak bowling looks bright as always reagerdless of who is better we will have them both in our bowling attack in fifve years.
Can't wait to see that.
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first class stats are better and he seems more profilic at taking wickets but amir has proved it on the intl stage...even if it was helpful bowling conditions

both seem to be the most talented youngsters pak have recently produced
nobody should be judging until they see khan play...

am sure when amir was comming new to the scene people said the exact same thing or did they? wasnt on pp back then so i wouldnt know
lol.. this guy has not even played one single match and peopel are comparing him u never know maybe he is better then amir in international arena..

wen aamir came first i remember people used to compare him with other bowlers ect ect..
Slight off topic but some people talked he has a kink in his bowling and that is what I noticed. I know he has played in A games but all eyes will be on him in WC and so if he is successful I am 100% sure this kink will be throughly discussed in the media and by other teams


  • kink.GIF
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i want to know what pace would be junaid khan will be bowling!!!!

i hope he hits 90mph and be exciting as amir was!!
Does anyone know aamir's stats before he started his international career
I rememer the stats, condirmed:
10 first class matches before international with 56 wickets.

15 list a matches before interationl with 25 wickets.
They are absolutely confirmed

You can say thank you :D