Kashmir Solidarity Day 5th February


ODI Debutant
Apr 19, 2010
Happy Kashmir day to all Kashmiris on pakpassion :). To bad this holiday had to be on sunday
kashmir solidarity day isnt it?

Kashmir Solidarity Day has been observed on 5 February each year since 1990 in Pakistan as a day of protest against Indian control of part of Kashmir. It is a national holiday in Pakistan. Kashmir Day was first proposed by Qazi Hussain Ahmad of the Jamaat-e-Islami party in Pakistan in 1990. Pakistan considers Kashmir as the core issue, between India and Pakistan, leading to three wars and devoting a major portion of their national incomes to defense budget

happy kashmir day kashmiri dudes and dudetes
Happy Kashmir Day. Pray for Pakistan, so, Pakistan can be prepared for Kashmir, Insha'Allaah!

Hang in there, our Kashmir brothers and sisters!
Happy Kashmir Day to all Kashmiri's, your love and strength and courageous bravery will never be forgotten, Allah (S.W.T.) favours the patient and righteous, may the beautiful land see peace soon InshAllah <3
To be honest, i just read this somewhere that 5th of feb is Kashmir Day....... So happy Kashmir Day :) once again
its a solidarity day observed in pakistan and indian occupied kashmir
against indian occupation
Happy Kashmir Day?

Am I the only one who think this is not the way to observe this day? There's no happiness in it.
Kashmir Solidarity Day 5th Feb

ISLAMABAD: Kashmir Solidarity Day is being observed throughout the country to express unity with the people of Occupied Kashmir in their fight against Indian subjugation.

The day (February 5th) has been observed in Pakistan since 1990 to pay homage to Kashmiri martyrs and highlight the plight for their birth right to self-determination, promised to them by the international community under the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council. The day is observed as a public holiday.

A minutes silence was observed throughout the country at 10.00am by which began with the sounding of sirens. The Prime Minister will host a dinner in honour of prominent Kashmiri leaders in Islamabad. A briefing will be arranged for all foreign mission in Islamabad on the latest situation in Occupied Kashmir, while all major missions abroad will arrange receptions for Pakistanis and Kashmiris.

Rallies, processions, seminars and photo exhibitions have also been arranged by Pakistani missions abroad. Packets containing rations will be given to each family living in refugee camps on behalf of the people of Pakistan.

A painting exhibition on Kashmir culture will be held at Lok Virsa where Kashmiri songs will be played and photos will be displayed. National Council of Arts would arrange Art Bazaar on Kashmir, puppet show and distribution of poster and badges.

Rallies, demonstrations, human chains by men, women and children were seen at various points across the country as well as in Azad Kashmir and the connecting points between Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir to express solidarity with the struggling Kashmiris. Screening of video documentaries on Kashmir with emphasis on human rights violation also being showed.

Efforts are afoot to draw the attention of international community towards Indian atrocities and barbarities, stressing it to play role in resolution of the Kashmir issue. Special functions being held in educational institutions to apprise the new generation with the Kashmir issue and heroic struggle of the Kashmiri nation for their rights. Essay writing competition with relevance to the Day in schools, colleges and universities are also being arranged.

Television channels and Radio airing special programmes to highlight the different aspects of the Kashmir issue, particularly Indian atrocities against innocent Kashmiris.



It may take another 60 years or 600 years but Kashmir will be free one day Godwilling.

This official day is another opportunity to speak on behalf of the oppressed.
it is a shame that Pakistan allows Indian movies and television, does trade and is about to offer most favoured nation status to India. this is no way of showing kashmir solidarity. give solid solidarity dont give lip service.
God bless the people of Kashmir. Amen!
May Allah help Kashmir gain freedom from barbaric India. Ameen!

Ameen, Summa Ameen

So how did some people spend this daywhich expresses solidarity with our Kashmiri brothers in Occupied Kashmir...watch Bollywood movies? :poodle
ISPR releases song "Sangbaaz" expressing solidarity with people of India-held Kashmir

The Inter-Services Public Relations on Saturday released a song as an expression of solidarity with the people of India-held Kashmir.

The song was released hours ahead of Kashmir Day, which is observed in Pakistan supporting the right of self-determination for the people of India-held Kashmir.

The ISPR paid a rich tribute to the youth of held Kashmir and their struggle in the song titled "Sangbaaz" (stone pelters). The song is picturised using actual footage from inside India-held Kashmir.

The song starts with the popular chant of "We will take our freedom, from India we will take our freedom", which is frequently heard in protests in the region.

"O Kashmir, your beauty depicts your pain, there are tears in your eyes and chains around your feet," are the starting lyrics of the song.

“You can pluck out my eyes but can never snatch my dreams,” is the punch line of the song.

The song describes the oppression and hardships that the people of India-held Kashmir are subjected to by Indian forces. It also highlights the resilience and valour of Kashmiri youth.
<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">5 Feb...Solidarity with Kashmiris. Atrocities in Held Kashmir must stop. Kashmiris be given their right of self determination=UN Resolutions <a href="https://t.co/b3VTJI89o4">pic.twitter.com/b3VTJI89o4</a></p>— Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor (@OfficialDGISPR) <a href="https://twitter.com/OfficialDGISPR/status/827906948620251136">February 4, 2017</a></blockquote>
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Source: http://www.dawn.com/news/1312695/is...-solidarity-with-people-of-india-held-kashmir
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I’m in Azad Kashmir for the <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/QeATrophy?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#QeATrophy</a> and I’m in awe of this place. It’s rightly called heaven on earth. On this <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/KashmirSolidarityDay?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#KashmirSolidarityDay</a> , I pray for my brothers and sisters. We stand with you.</p>— Fawad Alam (@iamfawadalam25) <a href="https://twitter.com/iamfawadalam25/status/1092692445157117953?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 5, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">On <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/KashmirSolidarityDay?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#KashmirSolidarityDay</a> let’s all make a prayer for our brothers and sisters in Kashmir. &#55357;&#56911;&#55356;&#57340;</p>— Wahab Riaz (@WahabViki) <a href="https://twitter.com/WahabViki/status/1092692401108467712?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 5, 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">We Pakistanis &#55356;&#56821;&#55356;&#56816; salute the perseverance of our valiant kashmiri brothers and sisters.&#55357;&#56469;<br><br>We &#55356;&#56821;&#55356;&#56816; acknowledge the pain of our Kashmiri brethren .2day n every other day of the year, v stand 2gether in support of our Kashmiri brethren.❤<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/KashmirSolidarityDay?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#KashmirSolidarityDay</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/5Feb?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#5Feb</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/KashmirDay?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#KashmirDay</a> <a href="https://t.co/mWw74TbIpe">pic.twitter.com/mWw74TbIpe</a></p>— Junaid khan 83 (@JunaidkhanREAL) <a href="https://twitter.com/JunaidkhanREAL/status/1092680299664850944?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 5, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I’m in Azad Kashmir for the <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/QeATrophy?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#QeATrophy</a> and I’m in awe of this place. It’s rightly called heaven on earth. On this <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/KashmirSolidarityDay?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#KashmirSolidarityDay</a> , I pray for my brothers and sisters. We stand with you.</p>— Fawad Alam (@iamfawadalam25) <a href="https://twitter.com/iamfawadalam25/status/1092692445157117953?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 5, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">On <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/KashmirSolidarityDay?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#KashmirSolidarityDay</a> let’s all make a prayer for our brothers and sisters in Kashmir. &#55357;&#56911;&#55356;&#57340;</p>— Wahab Riaz (@WahabViki) <a href="https://twitter.com/WahabViki/status/1092692401108467712?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 5, 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">We Pakistanis &#55356;&#56821;&#55356;&#56816; salute the perseverance of our valiant kashmiri brothers and sisters.&#55357;&#56469;<br><br>We &#55356;&#56821;&#55356;&#56816; acknowledge the pain of our Kashmiri brethren .2day n every other day of the year, v stand 2gether in support of our Kashmiri brethren.❤<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/KashmirSolidarityDay?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#KashmirSolidarityDay</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/5Feb?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#5Feb</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/KashmirDay?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#KashmirDay</a> <a href="https://t.co/mWw74TbIpe">pic.twitter.com/mWw74TbIpe</a></p>— Junaid khan 83 (@JunaidkhanREAL) <a href="https://twitter.com/JunaidkhanREAL/status/1092680299664850944?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 5, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Is this Junaid Khan the bowler advocating sedition in India?
Probably a few feel good speeches in certain parts of the world. Get real, those living in IOK are not Pakistanis at all and neither are we able to accommodate them in the current scenario. As I have said before most Kashmiris want complete freedom so let hem fight for it.
Probably a few feel good speeches in certain parts of the world. Get real, those living in IOK are not Pakistanis at all and neither are we able to accommodate them in the current scenario. As I have said before most Kashmiris want complete freedom so let hem fight for it.

Are you misinformed on this subject or just choose to ignore the UN resolution of which Pakistan is a party?
Are you misinformed on this subject or just choose to ignore the UN resolution of which Pakistan is a party?

I know it all. Obviously you don't realise your UN has never resolved any issue at all. It is a meaningless organisation.
I know it all. Obviously you don't realise your UN has never resolved any issue at all. It is a meaningless organisation.

Doesnt matter if they havent solved any issue or not. Pakistan is a party to its resolution which cannot be denied no matter how you feel about it personally.
Doesnt matter if they havent solved any issue or not. Pakistan is a party to its resolution which cannot be denied no matter how you feel about it personally.

I feel that Kashmiris should get want they want. There is no point in going on about a useless and obsolete organisation like the UN. They would have long resolved Kashmir if they had wanted to.
I feel that Kashmiris should get want they want. There is no point in going on about a useless and obsolete organisation like the UN. They would have long resolved Kashmir if they had wanted to.

...Kashmiris want to be part of Pakistan in majority as [MENTION=131678]Madplayer[/MENTION] will confirm.
[MENTION=142169]PakLFC[/MENTION] your comments about Kashmir are embarrassing. [MENTION=131678]Madplayer[/MENTION] and I are Kashmiris we know the situation thank you.
...Kashmiris want to be part of Pakistan in majority as [MENTION=131678]Madplayer[/MENTION] will confirm.

[MENTION=142169]PakLFC[/MENTION] your comments about Kashmir are embarrassing. [MENTION=131678]Madplayer[/MENTION] and I are Kashmiris we know the situation thank you.

Truth is always embarrassing to people like you. The Kashmir quagmire is not as simple as you think although India will have to eventually pull out of the valley.
Truth is always embarrassing to people like you. The Kashmir quagmire is not as simple as you think although India will have to eventually pull out of the valley.

Nobody said it is simple. However I think [MENTION=131678]Madplayer[/MENTION] and I know the truth more than you. Let’s hold a plebiscite.
Nobody said it is simple. However I think [MENTION=131678]Madplayer[/MENTION] and I know the truth more than you. Let’s hold a plebiscite.

No! The truth is that the UN would have easily resolved this issue by now if they had wanted. What has stopped them from implementing this plebiscite for 70 years? You are to naive to understand that only a final and decisive winner-takes-all war will settle all Indo-Pak matters permanently.
...Kashmiris want to be part of Pakistan in majority as [MENTION=131678]Madplayer[/MENTION] will confirm.

[MENTION=142169]PakLFC[/MENTION] your comments about Kashmir are embarrassing. [MENTION=131678]Madplayer[/MENTION] and I are Kashmiris we know the situation thank you.

I live in NY, but it doesn't mean I know what every new yorker wants. Just because you used to live in Kashmir doesn't mean you're the spokeperson for them.
I live in NY, but it doesn't mean I know what every new yorker wants. Just because you used to live in Kashmir doesn't mean you're the spokeperson for them.

Lol there are surveys from Kashmir that show most of them want independence,
I live in NY, but it doesn't mean I know what every new yorker wants. Just because you used to live in Kashmir doesn't mean you're the spokeperson for them.

Exactly! This is what I have been saying that not every Kashmiri wants a merger with Pak but most do want to leave India. Kashmiris often play the Pakistani card for political mileage. Most want independence from both countries.
Exactly! This is what I have been saying that not every Kashmiri wants a merger with Pak but most do want to leave India. Kashmiris often play the Pakistani card for political mileage. Most want independence from both countries.
Yep i am sure most of Pakistan would have no issues if Kashmir wants to be independent..
Yep i am sure most of Pakistan would have no issues if Kashmir wants to be independent..

If Pak and India both left their administer Kashmir India would invade the entire valley including what at the moment is Pak Kashmir the next day. This is the reason Pak can not leave coz I don't trust India to be fair. I have no problem in Kashmir being independent if that is what the people want. Only condition is as in that case the Kashmiris will have their own country so they must all leave Pakistan. They can't have it both ways, they can't have all the cake!. If Pakistan can't have Kashmir then they can't have an inch of Pakistan either.
Yep i am sure most of Pakistan would have no issues if Kashmir wants to be independent..
You are naive to believe this. 8/10 Kashmir valley districts support Pakistan. Srinagar (capital) dominates headlines and is pro independence. Try going to Baramulla, bandipora, Shopian, Kulgam, Anantnag, Ganderbal and Kupwara where the majority is pro Pakistan.

All these dodgy surveys serve a purpose to comfort India. The pro independence movement has been promoted by India through lots of hard work which is successing as some of the foolish Kashmiri youth have become anti-Pakistan (minority).

Why should pakistan support independence? Makes zero sense at all.

In Kashmir, at present, it is a safer option to say one is pro independence than pro Pakistan.As I said, hold a plebiscite where Kashmiris in valley can vote without fear of reprisals from Indian army.

There’s also forgetting that Doda, Bhaderwah, Rajouri, Kishtwar in Jammu region are pro Pakistan.
[MENTION=131678]Madplayer[/MENTION] your thoughts on my post?
What many Pakistanis need to realise is not everyone of us is obsessed with the valley. Not every Pakistani like me is desperate for Kashmir To become part of Pakistan. When millions in Pak go hungry we are in no position to accommodate so many further people. Our Kashmir is alreeady so very under developed as compared to Indian Kashmir from what I have seen, we have developed nothing there at alll. Those Pakistanis who love Kashmiris so much should go and live across the border in Sri Nagar and other parts of IoK. I have never really been desperate for Kashmir to become part of Pakistan at all. What I am eager to see is India liberate the valley so those people can live peacefully and progress, they obviously don't want to be part of India. After having spoke to so many Kashmiris I have concluded it's best if they don't become a part of Pakistan.
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At the Masjid I attend there are many Pakistanis who have softened their stance on the Kashmir issue. Like me they have realised that most Kashmiris want complete independence which should be granted. I don't even want the pro Pakistan Kashmiris anymore. If this problem is ever resolved all Kashmiris must leave Pakistan and live permanently in their "beautiful valley". Shah Gilani type Kashmiris who says "hum Pakistani hein Pakistan hamara hai" is wrong!. You are not Pakistani even if you want to be and millions of Pakistanis like me don't want or need your valley or people. What I agree with is as Muslim's we are obliged in liberating themselves from India. Many Pakistanis will be surprised to see if they investigated that many of us no longer want Kashmir.
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Purvez Musharrraf was absolutely correct when saying "Kashmiris first choice is independence". There is nothing wrong with that at all and it should be granted. I will be more then happy for that to happen so that these people can live happily and peacefully. For the few who want to be part of Pakistan millions of Pakistanis don't want them or their valley.
What many Pakistanis need to realise is not everyone of us is obsessed with the valley. Not every Pakistani like me is desperate for Kashmir To become part of Pakistan. When millions in Pak go hungry we are in no position to accommodate so many further people. Our Kashmir is alreeady so very under developed as compared to Indian Kashmir from what I have seen, we have developed nothing there at alll. Those Pakistanis who love Kashmiris so much should go and live across the border in Sri Nagar and other parts of IoK. I have never really been desperate for Kashmir to become part of Pakistan at all. What I am eager to see is India liberate the valley so those people can live peacefully and progress, they obviously don't want to be part of India. After having spoke to so many Kashmiris I have concluded it's best if they don't become a part of Pakistan.

😂😂😂😂 “development.” You sound like a spokesman for Pdp Or NC!!

At least we now know it’s you that don’t want Kashmir to become Pakistan rather than the people 😂
At the Masjid I attend there are many Pakistanis who have softened their stance on the Kashmir issue. Like me they have realised that most Kashmiris want complete independence which should be granted. I don't even want the pro Pakistan Kashmiris anymore. If this problem is ever resolved all Kashmiris must leave Pakistan and live permanently in their "beautiful valley". Shah Gilani type Kashmiris who says "hum Pakistani hein Pakistan hamara hai" is wrong!. You are not Pakistani even if you want to be and millions of Pakistanis like me don't want or need your valley or people. What I agree with is as Muslim's we are obliged in liberating themselves from India. Many Pakistanis will be surprised to see if they investigated that many of us no longer want Kashmir.

I see myself as Pakistani first. I agree that nationalist should cut leave Pakistan and India if they want their independence. They won’t as India is encouraging that behaviour.
Purvez Musharrraf was absolutely correct when saying "Kashmiris first choice is independence". There is nothing wrong with that at all and it should be granted. I will be more then happy for that to happen so that these people can live happily and peacefully. For the few who want to be part of Pakistan millions of Pakistanis don't want them or their valley.

Musharraf had no clue.

8/10 Kashmir valley districts are mainly pro Pakistan.
Musharraf had no clue.

8/10 Kashmir valley districts are mainly pro Pakistan.

Even if you are naive enough to believe that millions of Pakistanis like me don't want them or their valley anymore. Yes, our Kashmir is incredibly under developed. Everyone knows that apart from you:vk
I’m at a state where I could care less what Kashmir and its people want whether they want to join Pakistan or stay independent. A good part of me thinks that those buggers don’t even know what they want which is what lead to this mess in the first place. I feel the Kashmiri’s are just leadin Pakistan on to fight it’s bloddy war against India and so in the end they can just go independent. Part of me just wants to loot and suck Kashmir dry since we have all kinds of problems and the last thing on my mind is Kashmir. Those guys should just suck it up and just fend for themselves.
I’m at a state where I could care less what Kashmir and its people want whether they want to join Pakistan or stay independent. A good part of me thinks that those buggers don’t even know what they want which is what lead to this mess in the first place. I feel the Kashmiri’s are just leadin Pakistan on to fight it’s bloddy war against India and so in the end they can just go independent. Part of me just wants to loot and suck Kashmir dry since we have all kinds of problems and the last thing on my mind is Kashmir. Those guys should just suck it up and just fend for themselves.

What they want is endless attention from both Pak and India. This is what provides them with oxygen, they can't live without being in the news all the time. Even if they got what they want whatever that is most Kashmiris will continue whining saying the majority wanted something else. Exactly what I have said that they want the Pak army to fight their battle where our soldiers die to liberate them so it's high time we called their bluff. I am amazed that India doesn't pull out of the valley where their soldiers are being killed for no reason and where Delhi is spending so much on a dead cause. As a Punjabi I also once insisted that Kashmir must become a part of Pakistan then after speaking to many of them realised that most wanted independence from both Pak and India. Not one Pakistani soldier should die for Kashmir anymore...not one! Problem with most Pakistanis is they just don't want to hear the truth or an alternative view. Anyone like me who speaks of Kashmiri independence is told most Kashmiris want to join us when that is just not true. Millions of Pakistanis have changed their view after speaking to Kashmiri people and an in depth analysis, I don't want them or their valley anymore even if some of them want a merger with Pak. They are not Pakistanis and never really were!

Kashmir should be an independent state where all people irrespective of faith can happily live and work together. Let the Hindu pundits return to their ancestral land as well ending all animosity permanently between Kashmiri people. Pakistan needs to let go of this obsession and monkey on our back to progress rapidly. India also needs to let go of the valley for it's own benefit as well.

Kashmir and it's people are a massive burden on Pakistan, nothing else. I recall going to a Cricket match in Birmingham once where many Pakistanis were telling Kashmiris not to support Pak coz they are not one of us! Many views of Pak people are changing.
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Kashmir should be an independent state where all people irrespective of faith can happily live and work together. Let the Hindu pundits return to their ancestral land as well ending all animosity permanently between Kashmiri people. Pakistan needs to let go of this obsession and monkey on our back to progress rapidly. India also needs to let go of the valley for it's own benefit as well.

Kashmir and it's people are a massive burden on Pakistan, nothing else. I recall going to a Cricket match in Birmingham once where many Pakistanis were telling Kashmiris not to support Pak coz they are not one of us! Many views of Pak people are changing.

The reason India is spending a lot of money is the same reason why Pakistan is doing the same. Just to save face and theyvfeel they have no other option. I say screw Kashmir and maybe join hands with India which is only going to be beneficial for both countries. The whole World including Kashmir just wants to see India and Pakistan fight against each other as everyone else profits but India and Pakistan.
Kashmir should be an independent state where all people irrespective of faith can happily live and work together. Let the Hindu pundits return to their ancestral land as well ending all animosity permanently between Kashmiri people. Pakistan needs to let go of this obsession and monkey on our back to progress rapidly. India also needs to let go of the valley for it's own benefit as well.

Kashmir and it's people are a massive burden on Pakistan, nothing else. I recall going to a Cricket match in Birmingham once where many Pakistanis were telling Kashmiris not to support Pak coz they are not one of us! Many views of Pak people are changing.

Yes i agree with this 100%

Your thoughts please?
Happy Kashmiri Solidarity Day to all my dearest friends in Pakistan!

Jeevay Pakistan.
Jeevay Bharat.

For Peace and love.
The reason India is spending a lot of money is the same reason why Pakistan is doing the same. Just to save face and theyvfeel they have no other option. I say screw Kashmir and maybe join hands with India which is only going to be beneficial for both countries. The whole World including Kashmir just wants to see India and Pakistan fight against each other as everyone else profits but India and Pakistan.

I agree that is has become a childish game of who gives up first. As a Pakistani we should see sense and end this obsession with Kashmir saving money that can be spent on settled area's of Pakistan. Let the Kashmiri and Indian soldiers continue killing each other until the end of time. The world is not forcing Pak and India to fight each other rather as I say Kashmir has become a chest thumping match between the two. Pakistanis also need to acknowledge that Kashmir is a dispute and always was, they are not Pakistanis and neither do most want to be. Lets face it in the west Kashmiri so-called Pak wannabe's are always in the news for the wrong reasons. They are always embarrassing Pakistani people with their backwardness and criminal activuties.
I believe if Pak were to pullout of the Kashmir quagmire India will eventually have to do the same. India will then see how Pak is spending money on settled area's of Pakistan leaving India fighting the Kashmiris on its own.

Your thoughts please?

I think there are some really pathetic posts on this thread especially by an Indian who is pretending to be a Pakistani and a Pakistani who is just dancing to his tunes and making a fool out of himself unknowingly.

Calling Kashmiris attention seekers, criminals etc. is quite shallow given the fact that the bloodshed that we are facing since so many decades is real and not an attention seeking gimmick. Perhaps some of the posters here have had some bad personal experiences with Kashmiris which is making them say all of this because logically speaking it makes no sense. If they want to have nothing to do with Kashmir then they should also support the idea of leaving Azad Kashmir alone. Its plain stupid. We didnt ask for any of this to happen to us. India and Pakistan did this to us from the get go. You cant just wake up one day and say "hey i've dragged you in this mess but i dont wanna do this anymore so you are on your own". I hope most people dont think this way.
I think there are some really pathetic posts on this thread especially by an Indian who is pretending to be a Pakistani and a Pakistani who is just dancing to his tunes and making a fool out of himself unknowingly.

Calling Kashmiris attention seekers, criminals etc. is quite shallow given the fact that the bloodshed that we are facing since so many decades is real and not an attention seeking gimmick. Perhaps some of the posters here have had some bad personal experiences with Kashmiris which is making them say all of this because logically speaking it makes no sense. If they want to have nothing to do with Kashmir then they should also support the idea of leaving Azad Kashmir alone. Its plain stupid. We didnt ask for any of this to happen to us. India and Pakistan did this to us from the get go. You cant just wake up one day and say "hey i've dragged you in this mess but i dont wanna do this anymore so you are on your own". I hope most people dont think this way.

Dude ignore the haters, most Pakistanis don't share those views. I don't even think paklfc is Pakistan, I always believed he was a false flagger.
I agree with [MENTION=142256]Pakistanian[/MENTION] 🤗Pakistan stands with Kashmir always!
Kashmiris will vote for Pakistan in a referendum (Kashmir valley, Chenab valley, Azad Kashmir).
Genuine question to those who think J&K will cede from India one day - you guys have been doing and saying the same things for years now and nothing has changed, what makes you think things will be any different in the future?

I'm not someone who denies the Kashmiris hatred of India or even the abuses which have taken place at the hands of the security services however nothing the separatists or their supporters have done in the last 15-20 years have got you guys any closer to your goal. Einstein's insanity quote comes to mind.

The only things which could make India agree to the demands of the Kashmiris is:

1 - If economically the financial pain of keeping hold of J&K exceeds the benefits of keeping it - India sees the valley as being really important strategically and have and are investing billions in the hydro sector there. To let it go would be to let go all of that. Sure there's a financial cost in maintaining the status quo but the Indian yearly budget is now $410 billion (and rising quickly) - spending a few % of that each year in J&K isn't going to bankrupt the nation. Also if you take into consideration things like the electricity generated in J&K then the overall cost is mitigated significantly. India may be a country with lots of poor people but as a state it's far wealthier than it was 20 or even 10 years ago. It can afford this conflict easily - others can't.

2 - If diplomatically international pressure becomes too much and it starts to impact the Indian economy. For example, imagine the Gulf nations getting together and saying to India "hold a plebiscite in J&K or we'll no longer sell you oil, hire your workers and we'll send all present workers back". But of course that will never happen because the Gulf nations don't really care, nor do the Americans, the EU or China. Even Turkey only gives token statements about Kashmir these days.

3 - If the military pressure becomes too much. Well in the post 9/11 world we live in Pakistan can no longer offer the same level of support to various terrorist groups like they used to in the late 80s and through the 90s. Also the chances of conventional war between the two neighbours, thankfully, are so small that we won't see another Operation Gibraltar type situation again. A conventional war would bankrupt Pakistan and from India's pov it would set the economy back years.

In the 80s and 90s we had a situation where India was pretty much bankrupt and militancy in the region was rife - India's position was perilous and untenable and had things continued who knows what could have happened.

But the situation is now completely different - each passing day, month and year of the status quo actually increases the Indian state's hold on the region.

I guess the question is what leverage can Pakistan or the anti India Kashmiri groups possibly apply to India to make the latter want to come back to the negotiating table? You guys have no financial clout, very little diplomatic clout and militarily at best both sides cancel each other out. So what is left - prayer, hope, dreams?
Genuine question to those who think J&K will cede from India one day - you guys have been doing and saying the same things for years now and nothing has changed, what makes you think things will be any different in the future?

I'm not someone who denies the Kashmiris hatred of India or even the abuses which have taken place at the hands of the security services however nothing the separatists or their supporters have done in the last 15-20 years have got you guys any closer to your goal. Einstein's insanity quote comes to mind.

The only things which could make India agree to the demands of the Kashmiris is:

1 - If economically the financial pain of keeping hold of J&K exceeds the benefits of keeping it - India sees the valley as being really important strategically and have and are investing billions in the hydro sector there. To let it go would be to let go all of that. Sure there's a financial cost in maintaining the status quo but the Indian yearly budget is now $410 billion (and rising quickly) - spending a few % of that each year in J&K isn't going to bankrupt the nation. Also if you take into consideration things like the electricity generated in J&K then the overall cost is mitigated significantly. India may be a country with lots of poor people but as a state it's far wealthier than it was 20 or even 10 years ago. It can afford this conflict easily - others can't.

2 - If diplomatically international pressure becomes too much and it starts to impact the Indian economy. For example, imagine the Gulf nations getting together and saying to India "hold a plebiscite in J&K or we'll no longer sell you oil, hire your workers and we'll send all present workers back". But of course that will never happen because the Gulf nations don't really care, nor do the Americans, the EU or China. Even Turkey only gives token statements about Kashmir these days.

3 - If the military pressure becomes too much. Well in the post 9/11 world we live in Pakistan can no longer offer the same level of support to various terrorist groups like they used to in the late 80s and through the 90s. Also the chances of conventional war between the two neighbours, thankfully, are so small that we won't see another Operation Gibraltar type situation again. A conventional war would bankrupt Pakistan and from India's pov it would set the economy back years.

In the 80s and 90s we had a situation where India was pretty much bankrupt and militancy in the region was rife - India's position was perilous and untenable and had things continued who knows what could have happened.

But the situation is now completely different - each passing day, month and year of the status quo actually increases the Indian state's hold on the region.

I guess the question is what leverage can Pakistan or the anti India Kashmiri groups possibly apply to India to make the latter want to come back to the negotiating table? You guys have no financial clout, very little diplomatic clout and militarily at best both sides cancel each other out. So what is left - prayer, hope, dreams?

The right of self-determination keeps us going
Genuine question to those who think J&K will cede from India one day - you guys have been doing and saying the same things for years now and nothing has changed, what makes you think things will be any different in the future?

I'm not someone who denies the Kashmiris hatred of India or even the abuses which have taken place at the hands of the security services however nothing the separatists or their supporters have done in the last 15-20 years have got you guys any closer to your goal. Einstein's insanity quote comes to mind.

The only things which could make India agree to the demands of the Kashmiris is:

1 - If economically the financial pain of keeping hold of J&K exceeds the benefits of keeping it - India sees the valley as being really important strategically and have and are investing billions in the hydro sector there. To let it go would be to let go all of that. Sure there's a financial cost in maintaining the status quo but the Indian yearly budget is now $410 billion (and rising quickly) - spending a few % of that each year in J&K isn't going to bankrupt the nation. Also if you take into consideration things like the electricity generated in J&K then the overall cost is mitigated significantly. India may be a country with lots of poor people but as a state it's far wealthier than it was 20 or even 10 years ago. It can afford this conflict easily - others can't.

2 - If diplomatically international pressure becomes too much and it starts to impact the Indian economy. For example, imagine the Gulf nations getting together and saying to India "hold a plebiscite in J&K or we'll no longer sell you oil, hire your workers and we'll send all present workers back". But of course that will never happen because the Gulf nations don't really care, nor do the Americans, the EU or China. Even Turkey only gives token statements about Kashmir these days.

3 - If the military pressure becomes too much. Well in the post 9/11 world we live in Pakistan can no longer offer the same level of support to various terrorist groups like they used to in the late 80s and through the 90s. Also the chances of conventional war between the two neighbours, thankfully, are so small that we won't see another Operation Gibraltar type situation again. A conventional war would bankrupt Pakistan and from India's pov it would set the economy back years.

In the 80s and 90s we had a situation where India was pretty much bankrupt and militancy in the region was rife - India's position was perilous and untenable and had things continued who knows what could have happened.

But the situation is now completely different - each passing day, month and year of the status quo actually increases the Indian state's hold on the region.

I guess the question is what leverage can Pakistan or the anti India Kashmiri groups possibly apply to India to make the latter want to come back to the negotiating table? You guys have no financial clout, very little diplomatic clout and militarily at best both sides cancel each other out. So what is left - prayer, hope, dreams?

All these separatists cannot think of being under Hindu Majority rule in Delhi. Its unimaginable for them. That keeps them going I guess.

Not to forget that vultures always prays upon the wounded. Whenever Kashmiris suffer bullet injures from Indian army, these vultures are there to prey upon their kith and kin into joining them. They do not care about their future. If they did, they would be in schools and jobs contributing to society rather than encouraging them to join the bands of militants and stone pelters.
Kashmiris are educated and intelligent. The fact that they are rebelling is more a testament to the treatment by India.
The right of self-determination keeps us going

What keeps you guys going is obvious however what’s your roadmap to an actual solution? One that may actually succeed.

You haven’t achieved anything of note in recent years - surely you must agree that doing what you’ve been doing yet expecting different results is mad?
I blame the Kashmiri nationalists who India has supported to divide the support.

Make Kashmir valley, Chenab valley, Pir Panjal become part of Pakistan and leave the rest the same.
The federal government has decided to mark September 27 as "Kashmir Solidarity Day" to express solidarity with the people in India-occupied Kashmir against Indian brutalities.

According to a notification issued by the interior ministry on Wednesday, the day will be observed under the theme "Let us save the innocent children of India-occupied Jammu and Kashmir".

"Prime Minister Imran Khan has very kindly approved September 27, Friday, as Kashmir Solidarity Day for holding public rallies across Pakistan to express their feelings with the people of India-occupied Jammu and Kashmir," read the notification.

The ministry has advised all concerned quarters to plan activities to make it a successful event.

The Kashmir Cell of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has recommended several key messages, including "I am terrorised; I need food, medicine and care; I want my father back; We want to play too; I deserve a childhood too". It also proposed two trends "#HumansofKashmir" and "#ChildrenunderSeige".

PM Imran is scheduled to address the UN General Assembly on the same day. He has already announced that he will highlight the Kashmir issue in his address, exposing the ethical and legal bankruptcy of India’s Aug 5 decision to annex the occupied valley.

Black Day on Oct 27
The federal government has also decided to observe October 27 as "Black Day" to express solidarity with Kashmiris in their plight caused by the Indian government.

According to another notification by the interior ministry, the national flag will be hoisted at half-mast throughout the country on the day.

Each year, the Kashmiri disapora living all over the world, observe a Black Day on Oct 27 to express solidarity with their brethren in India-occupied Kashmir. The day is meant to draw the attention of the world community to the plight of the hapless Kashmiri people under India’s brutal occupation.

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday said that the "unprecedented length" of restrictions imposed in occupied Kashmir have "fully exposed the fiction of India's democracy and its scant regard for basic human norms," Radio Pakistan reported.

As the nation observes Kashmir Solidarity Day to express support for the people of the valley and their inalienable right to self-determination under the United Nations resolutions, in a message, the premier said the occasion is being observed to reaffirm support for Kashmiris who have been "subjected to an inhuman lockdown and communications blockade for six months now".

The premier is expected to address a special session of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Legislative Assembly in Muzaffarabad.

Human chains will be formed at Kohala, Mangla, Holar and Azad Pattan points linking Pakistan and AJK. Meanwhile, in the federal capital, citizens will form a human chain at D-Chowk.

Various rallies, public meetings and seminars are also being held across the country on the occasion. Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah and Governor Imran Ismail attended a rally in Karachi.

Annually, February 5 is observed as a day of solidarity with Kashmiris. This year, however, it comes after India stripped the region of its special status and imposed a lockdown.

The Indian government had on August 5, 2019, repealed Article 370 of its constitution, stripping occupied Kashmir of its special status. It also divided up occupied Jammu and Kashmir into two union territories; one Jammu and Kashmir, and the other the Buddhist-dominated high altitude region of Ladakh. The bifurcation of the territory came into effect on October 31 last year.

A strict lockdown and communications blackout has been in place in occupied Kashmir since August 5. Forcing people offline has crippled the economy and made it impossible to pay utility bills, make applications or just send a message to family outside the stricken zone.

Last month, limited mobile data services and internet were temporarily restored in the region.

'Battle of hope against overwhelming odds'
In his message on the occasion, President Dr Arif Alvi said the nation is expressing soldiarity with the people of occupied Kashmir "who have rendered unmatched sacrifices for their legitimate right to self-determination over the course of past seven decades in an indomitable struggle for freedom from oppression".

"It has been a battle of hope against overwhelming odds, of courage against fear, and of sacrifice against tyranny; but through all of it, the Kashmiri people have persisted, unrelenting and proud like they have always been, to deny India the perverse gratification of subjugating them," he said.

Alvi said that Pakistan will continue to extend "political, moral and diplomatic support" to Kashmiris until they are given their legitimate right to self-determination as per the UNSC resolutions.

'True manifestation of Indian state-terrorism'
Prime Minister Imran said Kashmirs, the ummah, Pakistan as well as the international community have rejected "India's travesty of law and justice".

"India has turned 8 million Kashmiris into prisoners in their own land through the deployment of over 900,000 occupation troops. History has few precedents of such suffocation and violation of the fundamental rights at this scale. Tens of thousands of innocent people have been arbitrarily detained and thousands of young boys abducted and incarcerated at undisclosed locations.

"This is a true manifestation of Indian state-terrorism," he said.

He said that India had been exposed before the world as a "majoritarian and authoritarian polity".

The premier said that that country demands that the military siege and communications blackout in the region be lifted and India's illegal actions are rescinded, adding that those who are under arrest should also be released.

Additionally, he said that international human rights organisations and international media should be given access to the region to evaluate the human rights situation.

"We urge the international community to play its role in ensuring respect for the fundamental human rights and freedoms of the Kashmiri people and averting grave risks to global peace and security posed by India’s belligerent rhetoric and aggressive action," Prime Minister Imran said.

He said that Pakistan would always stand shoulder to shoulder with Kashmiris.

"Pakistan will continue its full moral, political and diplomatic support until the Kashmiri people have realised their legitimate right of self-determination in accordance with the United Nations Charter and the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions."

International community should do more
In his message, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi urged the international community to do more for the people of occupied Kashmir "in this time of trial and tribulation", Radio Pakistan reported.

The foreign minister said that "each additional second on the lockdown clock is a burden on the world’s collective conscience".

He also urged India to allow a UN fact-finding mission to visit occupied Kashmir and assess the reports of human rights violations in the region.

A day ahead of Kashmir Solidarity Day, the National Assembly unanimously passed a resolution calling for India to reverse the annexation of Jammu and Kashmir. The Senate also unanimously adopted a resolution assuring its support to the people of occupied Kashmir in the struggle for their right to self-determination.

<iframe src="https://streamable.com/s/4bgwf/kapsba" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Salman Irshad: "Today is 5 Feb, Kashmir Day where Pakistanis have announced they will show solidarity with Kashmir. Since 6+ months, there is a curfew in Kashmir due to which our brothers and sisters in occupied Kashmir are facing difficulties. They don't have things to eat and drink and their lives have been made into a living nightmare. I appeal to the whole world to raise a voice on the Kashmir issue so that Kashmir's problems can be figured out and they people can live according to their wishes. Kashmiris have always wished to be a part of Pakistan and I am hopeful that occupied Kashmir will soon be a part of Pakistan."
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The world’s prolonged silence on the atrocities committed against Kashmiris is heartbreaking, with innocent civilians suffering for numerous years. Praying for humanity to prevail. My thoughts & prayers are with the people today <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/KashmirSolidarityDay?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#KashmirSolidarityDay</a></p>— Shahid Afridi (@SAfridiOfficial) <a href="https://twitter.com/SAfridiOfficial/status/1224938978115227648?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 5, 2020</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
ISLAMABAD: Prince Thumbumuzi Dlamini, son-in-law of the late South African president Nelson Mandela, on Tuesday regretted that the people of Occupied Kashmir were being subjected to brutal repression by India and hoped that normalcy would return to the valley soon.

“Nelson Mandela had a clear stance on the [Kashmir] dispute and we understand the sentiments of its people,” Dlamini, a prince of Eswatini or Swaziland, said during a meeting with Senator Faisal Javed in Islamabad.

In 1998, Mandela had raised the issue of Kashmir at the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit in Durban.

He had pointed out that the issue of Kashmir remained a “concern for all of us” and insisted on its resolution through peaceful negotiations – much to the ire of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which had denounced the South African leader for speaking on the matter.

Dlamini, who is an elder brother of the reigning king of Swaziland, Mswati III, is on a visit to Pakistan along with Senator Prince Magudvulela.

He praised the efforts of Prime Minister Imran Khan in raising the plight of Kashmiris in the world.

“PM Imran Khan’s meeting with Nelson Mandela was a historic event,” he added, referring to the premier attending a dinner hosted by the late South African leader in 1997.

Dlamini informed the senator that PM Imran had several fans in South Africa.

“The cricket ties between Pakistan and South Africa are of a historic nature,” he noted, adding that he had met the head of the South African cricket board and informed him that Pakistani fans wanted the Proteas team to visit their country.

AJK journalists briefed on govt’s efforts to highlight Kashmir issue

“Hopefully, the South African cricket team will come to Pakistan soon.”
Senator Javed expressed his gratitude to Dlamini for lending his support to Pakistan on the issue of Kashmir.

The delegation also met National Assembly Deputy Speaker Qasim Suri, who informed them current situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

The national assembly deputy speaker said the Indian government had deprived Kashmiris of their legitimate right of identity by revoking Articles 370 and 35A of the Indian constitution.

He noted that a lockdown had been imposed in the valley for the last 183 days.

“The entire Kashmiri leadership is in prison and media freedom has also been curtailed to suppress the voice of the Kashmiri people,” he added.

“Kashmiris are compelled to live in a miserable state in extreme weather conditions because of the ongoing lockdown in the valley as they are being deprived of all basic necessities of life, including food, medicine and fuel.”

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday said Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s annexation of occupied Kashmir would eventually lead to its independence.

The prime minister was addressing a special session of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Legislative Assembly as the nation observed Kashmir Solidarity Day on Wednesday.

The premier said he believed occupied Kashmir would achieve independence as a result of the action Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had taken in the region on August 5, 2019.

"If he had not taken that step, we could not have said anything to the world," the premier said, adding that prior to the events of August 2019, no one was paying attention to Indian atrocities in the valley.

"On that day Modi made a fatal mistake, one that he could not step back from," the prime minister said.

"Hopefully Kashmir will now move towards independence," Prime Minister Imran said. "Our job now is to inform the world about what is happening in the valley on all forums," he added.

"They [India] cannot continue in this manner any longer. They have detained eight million people in an open jail."

The prime minister warned that India's situation will continue to deteriorate with time.

"In desperation, Modi said that he will defeat Pakistan in 11 days. The head of a country, giving such a statement when both countries in question are nuclear powers, cannot be normal.

"His [Modi's] only aim is to please his Hindutva base. The last refuge of every scoundrel is patriotism. They hide behind nationalism and then make such claims," Imran said. "Worried people make such statements, and they are now worried."

He urged the world to not play into India's trap, predicting that they will either use terrorism as an excuse or conduct a false-flag operation to inflict more torture on the people of occupied Kashmir.

"They would have proceeded to do so had we not raised the issue in front of the whole world. They have stated that they wish to change the region's demography, from a Muslim-majority to a Muslim-minority.

"We should not give them any chance. This is a political, and a diplomatic fight as well as in the media. And for the first time since the 60s, international media is presenting Pakistan’s stance," he added.

Commenting on "Islamic terrorism", Imran said: "Religion and terrorism are not linked. Since 9/11, Muslims have been persecuted due to Islamic terrorism. Therefore, we have to be very careful about what their game plan is."

Imran acknowledged that the issue "drifted" after it was raised at the UN General Assembly, at a time when it was at its peak, due to the "storm that was headed to Islamabad" – an apparent reference to the Maulana Fazlur Rehman-led sit-ins against the government last year.

However, the issue has now entered the world's political arenas, Imran said. "We will inform them of what is going on in the occupied valley."

The premier ended his address by reiterating that Modi's actions will lead to freedom for occupied Kashmir.

US mediation will benefit India: AJK premier
Earlier, Azad Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister Raja Farooq Haider warned Prime Minister Imran against accepting United States' offer to mediate on the Kashmir dispute, saying that such a move would only benefit India.

During his address in the AJK Legislative assembly, Haider said that after August 5, 2019, today was the first time Pakistan had expressed solidarity with Azad Jammu and Kashmir and its people.

“As a Kashmiri I want to make a request to you. Begin national reconciliation in Pakistan. Raise yourself above everyone else and take everyone along," Haider said.

"You are the prime minister of the country. We respect you and have some expectations from you. Please end these fights on TV talk shows, this has really divided the country.”

Haider said the West had put Pakistan in "shackles" which "we need to remove". "This can only happen when there is national unity and consensus of opinion in the country," he added.

The AJK premier said that his government was cognisant of the challenges being faced by Pakistan and was thankful that, despite the difficulties, Islamabad continued to stand by the Kashmiris.

"I hope you didn't mind anything I said," the AJK premier said as he wrapped up his address.

"We are with you and will not let Pakistan’s flag come down in Kashmir."

Prime Minister Imran began his address by responding to the AJK premier's address, saying he was a democrat because the history of the world had proven that democracy was the best system.

He said that as far as "consensus-building" was concerned, he stood with the AJK premier but added that "reconciliation with the corrupt" was something he did not support.

"One thing I want to tell the AJK parliament is that don't lose hope," he said, adding: "Losing hope means you have lost faith in God."

"Indeed it is a very difficult time for the country. But I have no doubt the country will not only manage to find its way out of these difficult times but will eventually become a great nation."

The assembly session began with the AJK and Pakistan anthems. Legislative Assembly Speaker Shah Ghulam Qadir welcomed Prime Minister Imran as well as the other government officials who were accompanying the premier.

Regional president of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Barrister Sultan Mahmood said that the Kashmir issue has been internationalised, adding that the premier had raised it at every forum.

Prime Minister Imran Khan stands alongside Prime Minister of Azad Jammu & Kashmir Raja Muhammad Farooq Haider Khan in Muzaffarabad on Wednesday. — PM Office Twitter
Earlier, upon his arrival in Muzaffarabad, the prime minister was presented with a guard of honour.

Prime Minister Imran was accompanied by Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan Ali Amin Gandapur and Chairman of Special Committee on Kashmir Syed Fakhar Imam.

Across Pakistan, today is being marked as a day of solidarity to express support for the people of Kashmir and their inalienable right to self-determination under the United Nations resolutions.

Read: 6 months on, IOK still under India's clampdown — here's everything you need to know

Earlier, in a message, the premier said the occasion is being observed to reaffirm support for Kashmiris who have been "subjected to an inhuman lockdown and communications blockade for six months now".

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Salman Irshad: "Today is 5 Feb, Kashmir Day where Pakistanis have announced they will show solidarity with Kashmir. Since 6+ months, there is a curfew in Kashmir due to which our brothers and sisters in occupied Kashmir are facing difficulties. They don't have things to eat and drink and their lives have been made into a living nightmare. I appeal to the whole world to raise a voice on the Kashmir issue so that Kashmir's problems can be figured out and they people can live according to their wishes. Kashmiris have always wished to be a part of Pakistan and I am hopeful that occupied Kashmir will soon be a part of Pakistan."

He could have skipped the last sentence there. Let the Kashmiri themselves decide what they want.
Another waste of time protest falling on deaf ears that no one cares about. Only option is to land our troops in IoK threatening a nuclear war thereby forcing the world to listen. Anyone who thinks India is afraid of such protests is the most stupid person on earth. IK is looking like a proper coward here when saying sending our troops in to IoK will make us look bad or wrong. When we say all of Kashmir is a part of Pakistan can then send our troops there. The new Indian law in IoK has changed the entire scenario Mr Khan so wake up and smell the coffee. We are back to 1947 now.
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