Modi conferred with 'Order of Zayed' in UAE, 'The King Hamad Order Of The Renaissance' in Bahrain


Local Club Regular
Mar 24, 2015
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was conferred with the 'Order of Zayed', UAE's highest civilian honour, on Saturday.

On his first visit to the UAE after winning the elections, Modi met His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, at the Presidential Palace in Abu Dhabi.

Modi was ceremonially awarded the UAE's highest civil honour, the 'Order of Zayed'. A commemorative stamp of Mahatma Gandhi on the occasion of his 150th birth anniversary was also released in the presence of government officials and Indian businesspersons.

In an exclusive interview to Khaleej Times, Modi had said: "I feel very honoured to receive the UAE's highest civil honour, the Order of Zayed. It is testimony to our growing partnership and is also an honour for the entire Indian nation of 1.3 billion people."
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday was honoured with "The King Hamad Order of the Renaissance" as he held talks with King of Bahrain Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa on various bilateral and regional issues.

Prime Minister Modi's visit to Bahrain is significant as it is the first visit of an Indian Prime Minister to the country.

"Ties built on deep civilizational linkages. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was warmly received by HM King of Bahrain Hamad bin Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa at the Al Gudaibiya Palace. Both leaders exchanged views on all matters of mutual interest," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said in a tweet.

"I humbly accept The King Hamad Order of the Renaissance. This is a recognition of India''s strong friendship with Bahrain, which goes back hundreds of years and is expanding rapidly in the 21st century," PM Modi said in a tweet.

"Wonderful meeting with H M Hamad bin Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa, King of the Kingdom of Bahrain. His Majesty and I reviewed the complete range of India-Bahrain relations and we look forward to increased cooperation for the mutual benefit of our citizens," he said in another tweet.

While receiving the award PM Modi said: "I feel very honoured and fortunate to be awarded The King Hamad Order of the Renaissance. I am equally honoured by your majesty's friendship for me and for my country. I humbly accept this prestigious honour on behalf of 1.3 billion Indians".

"It is an honour for entire India. This is a symbol of the close and friendly relations between the Kingdom of Bahrain and India," he added, as he expressed his gratitude for this "unique gesture".

PM Modi is on the third leg of his three-nation tour to France, the UAE and Bahrain.
Proof that Pakistan needs to urgently revisit its Israel policy
Muslims the world over know how rotten the Gulf monarchs are.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">There has perhaps never been a time in history where it was so painfully obvious that Muslim leaders are the greatest enablers and purveyors of the oppression of Muslim masses worldwide. <a href=""></a></p>— Omar Suleiman (@omarsuleiman504) <a href="">August 24, 2019</a></blockquote>
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On a separate note, it's ironic Modi has agreed to accept an award from the Arab royals even though indians are treated like subhumans in the gulf plus Modi doesn't even like Muslims but I guess he doesn't mind bending over for some petrodollars.
Muslims the world over know how rotten the Gulf monarchs are.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">There has perhaps never been a time in history where it was so painfully obvious that Muslim leaders are the greatest enablers and purveyors of the oppression of Muslim masses worldwide. <a href=""></a></p>— Omar Suleiman (@omarsuleiman504) <a href="">August 24, 2019</a></blockquote>
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On a separate note, it's ironic Modi has agreed to accept an award from the Arab royals even though indians are treated like subhumans in the gulf plus Modi doesn't even like Muslims but I guess he doesn't mind bending over for some petrodollars.

How does it even make sense? If he is bending over for dollars then he should be honoring these people like Imran did with Saudi Salman. It's the other way around. The Arabs realized that Indians play a huge role in their economies all the way from a servant to a CEO of a company along with
nurses, doctors, engineers. For some reason Modi seems to be the guy people in power want to be with. Just yesterday UAE awarded him their highest civilian award while Netanyahu was looking for a photo op in India with Modi to boost his popularity before Israeli elections.
How it is possible? Close friend of Israel got this.

They realized he's going to lead India for a long time. India is in an upward swing. It'll.also make the Indians in the gulf proud and happy. It's a win win
Proves my point in an earlier thread that the Muslim Ummah exists only in name. Religion does not bring people together- economic strategy & national interests does.The relationship between Pak & Arab countries is only that of a borrower & lender & it will be foolish of Pakistanis to go on talking about a mythical Ummah after seeing the response of the Arabian world to the Kashmir issue. Before expecting anything from anybody its in Pakistan’s own interests to become financially viable quickly.
If we can put aside the wailing over Muslim ummah, can I just point out how deep the relationship between India and the UAE has always been? Indian expats (as well as Pakistanis, but not to the same extent) have a had profound impact on the development of the UAE since it’s inception. By and large they are model citizens and as are most Pakistanis in the UAE. It is a proud moment for India.
Now the UAE Might have some political and business considerations but I would ask the Pakistani posters here to considering two things;
- a lot of Pakistanis were proud of staying out of the Yemen war when the UAE and KSA asked for our help, did these two countries repatriate every Pakistani home? They didn’t because it would be spiteful and bad for their economies.
- Considering that PTI also loudly opposed our involvement in Yemen when in opposition, is it not credit to PTI and UAE/KSA that despite this we were able to arrange a total 7 billion dollars in deferred oil payment facility?
Pakistan has no right to blame Islamic nations for deepening their bond with India when it itself chooses double standards in dealing with India and China over their treatment of muslims.

Must introspect to understand why the world at large is not buying into Imran's rhetoric.
The 'award' by itself is pretty much symbolic, but hopefully we continue on a trend of developing closer economic and military relations with other Islamic countries. Every such step in that direction is one more 'dhakka' against the fantasy wall of Ummah.
Take notes, Pakistan. Be like us and achieve a purely transactional relationship with the Arabs - it will be more dignified and beneficial to you.

Oh, and while you're at it also setup diplomatic relations with Israel. You've already thrown Uyghurs and Rohingyas under the bus with your dealings with China and Myanmar respectively - so nobody will bat an eyelid if you don't care about the Palestinians too, not that you need to cut off ties with them anyway.

Pass the baton of the Ummah to some other poor sod.
lecture was recorded more than a deacde ago.
the lecture is based upon Hadith.

I can't understand why most Indian believe that Pakistani didn't already knew everything and anything about Arab.

Pakistan has always maintained one narrative when it comes to Arab, protecting Madina and Ka'ba if it is attacked.

Again, another recent, perfect example would be, Pakistan not engaging or supporting Saudia and UAE in war in Yemen or Iran.
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I can't understand why most Indian believe that Pakistani didn't already knew everything and anything about Arab.

Pakistan has always maintained one narrative when it comes to Arab, protecting Madina and Ka'ba if it is attacked.

Again, another recent, perfect example would be, Pakistan not engaging or supporting Saudia and UAE in war in Yemen or Iran.

Any muslim individual or nation will defend madina or ka'ba if attacked ,its not even a point to be pointed or discussed its a statement even non muslims will know
MULTAN: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said on Sunday the United Arab Emirates (UAE) or any other country had the right to maintain bilateral relations with countries of their choice.

“International relations are above religious sentiments. The UAE and India have a history of relations in connection with investment. However, I will soon have a meeting with the UAE foreign minister to inform him about the prevailing situation in India-held Kashmir,” he said while responding to media queries regarding the grant of the UAE’s highest civilian award to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The minister said the US was ready to play the role of a mediator to resolve the Kashmir issue, but India was not ready to accept the US mediation.

He said India’s supreme court should decide seven petitions (against abolition of special status of Kashmir) without bowing to pressure exerted by Mr Modi.


“If the Indian supreme court delays its decisions on the Kashmir issue, it would be the murder of justice and violation of basic human rights,” he said.

Calls for meeting of international HR groups and heads of Muslim countries on Kashmir

“The world cannot remain unconcerned over the Kashmir issue and the UN Commission for Human Rights should visit India-held Kashmir without delay.”

Mr Qureshi said he had written a letter to the United Nations Commission for Human Rights asking it to send its representatives to occupied Kashmir to observe the situation there and play its role over the violation of human rights. “We also invite the commission to Azad Kashmir.”

A meeting of representatives of international human rights organisations and heads of Muslim countries should also be held to exchange views on (the situation in) occupied Kashmir, Mr Qureshi stressed.

He claimed that after a huge army deployment in held Kashmir, India was now planning to send workers of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh there, calling upon the international community top wake up to New Delhi’s designs.

The foreign minister said he would attend a meeting on human rights in Geneva on Sept 9 and inform the world about the atrocities in Kashmir.

He said that the Organisation of Islamic Conference and the heads of Muslim countries should take note of mosque shutdown in held Kashmir. “Kashmiri Muslims are not allowed to offer Juma prayer and earlier they were also not allowed to sacrifice animals on Eidul Azha.”

Although India was trying to change ground realties, the entire world had acknowledged that Kashmir was a disputed region and India’s act of revoking the special status was unconstitutional and a violation of UN resolutions,” Shah Mehmood Qureshi observed.

He said the UN Security Council held rejected India’s stance on the Kashmir question.

“Right now Turkey, Malaysia and all Islamic countries are supporting the Pakistan’s stance. The Iranian leadership has also taken a firm stand in favour of Kashmiri people. So far I have contacted foreign ministers of several Islamic countries and am getting in touch with remaining ones as well. I am hopeful the Muslim world will support the Kashmiris and play its role to end Indian atrocities there,” he said.

Stopping a delegation of opposition leaders from entering Kashmir was a chauvinist act of the Modi government and it had exposed the reality behind the facade of democracy in India.

“If nothing wrong is being done in Kashmir, why the government stopped the Indian politicians from going there? Opposition leader Ghulam Nabi Azad has asked if there is nothing to hide, why roads have been blocked there,” he said.

The foreign minister said the Modi government’s August 5 action had divided opinion in India and provided an opportunity to the Pakistani nation to unite.

He said despite tensions with India, he would like to assure the Sikh community the Kartarpur corridor would be opened on Sept 11. “We will welcome the Indian Sikhs. There are no restrictions on Sikh and Hindu communities in Pakistan and all religious minorities are free to perform their religious rites,” he said.

Mr Qureshi said he and Prime Minister Imran Khan would go to Umarkot on Aug 31 and inform the Hindu community about atrocities in India-held Kashmir.
A nothing award given by a dictatorship whose family have ruled the land since the 1700’s.

People need to understand these are not Islamic nations but installed regimes over Muslim populations .
Shame on UAE for doing this. Even Indian seculars like me don't support this decision. Maybe they should check how Muslims are being lynched on streets in my new India. Maybe then they will revisit their draconian decisions. What an incredibly sad day :facepalm:
Shame on UAE for doing this. Even Indian seculars like me don't support this decision. Maybe they should check how Muslims are being lynched on streets in my new India. Maybe then they will revisit their draconian decisions. What an incredibly sad day :facepalm:

They don’t care about Muslims being killed , themselves supporting many conflicts against Muslims . They do care about power & wealth , not much else .
A nothing award given by a dictatorship whose family have ruled the land since the 1700’s.

People need to understand these are not Islamic nations but installed regimes over Muslim populations .

From when did you become the judge of what is a islamic nation and what national awards means something?
From when did you become the judge of what is a islamic nation and what national awards means something?

Since I learnt how to spell strength:)))

Bahrain is majority Shia who hate the rulers . Everyone apart from the RSS knows it’s a dictatorship not an Islamic nation .
A nothing award given by a dictatorship whose family have ruled the land since the 1700’s.

People need to understand these are not Islamic nations but installed regimes over Muslim populations .

What ?? UAE is not an Islamic nation :ssmith
Present Arab rulers are literally puppets of the West.

Apart from Erdogan, nobody seems to have a backbone.
Only Pakistan is the beacon of Muslim world. The rest are all sleeping with the Devil :modi
Only Pakistan is highlighting Kashmir struggle, the rest aren't.

Duh, Kashmir is a geographical issue for Pakistan. Pakistan ain't highlighting the Uyghur struggle, much like Morocco isn't highlighting the Yemeni struggle, or Oman highlighting the Rohingya struggle.

A true Muslim leader nation will highlight them all without throwing anyone under the bus. In the meantime, all of these guys are posers.
Duh, Kashmir is a geographical issue for Pakistan. Pakistan ain't highlighting the Uyghur struggle, much like Morocco isn't highlighting the Yemeni struggle, or Oman highlighting the Rohingya struggle.

A true Muslim leader nation will highlight them all without throwing anyone under the bus. In the meantime, all of these guys are posers.

Imran isn't a Messiah nor Pakistan is Khilafat.

And just because you aren't speaking for one that does not mean you should not speak for the other.
Imran isn't a Messiah nor Pakistan is Khilafat.

And just because you aren't speaking for one that does not mean you should not speak for the other.

And that is the definition of hypocrisy.
If PM Khan isn’t on Twitter he’s on the phone - at least you can’t accuse him of not being persistent.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Prime Minister Imran Khan apprises UAE Crown Prince of troubling developments in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir over phone.<a href="">#KashmirHour</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Govt of Pakistan (@pid_gov) <a href="">August 30, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
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If PM Khan isn’t on Twitter he’s on the phone - at least you can’t accuse him of not being persistent.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Prime Minister Imran Khan apprises UAE Crown Prince of troubling developments in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir over phone.<a href="">#KashmirHour</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Govt of Pakistan (@pid_gov) <a href="">August 30, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

May be MBZ will take back the award from Modi.
If PM Khan isn’t on Twitter he’s on the phone - at least you can’t accuse him of not being persistent.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Prime Minister Imran Khan apprises UAE Crown Prince of troubling developments in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir over phone.<a href="">#KashmirHour</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Govt of Pakistan (@pid_gov) <a href="">August 30, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

He is persistent. He is sincere too. However there is a flaw in the strategy. It was an escalation too soon. Imagine if the UNSC meeting was next week and Kashmir was still under curfew for 30 days. India would be sweating bricks. All that Hitler, genocide rhetoric to attract the West would have been more efficient then. Now what's next in the escalation ladder? Rinse repeat? Can't be. They are pushing themselves to a position where they have no choice but to wage war. But that would expose the army and would spoil a perfect scenario of their man at the helm with the opposition in jails. Saying we are the best is easy but proving it isn't. Interesting times ahead.