Mohammad Amir Speed watch (International Games)


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Jun 1, 2001
For those interested. Mohammad Amir speed watch:

136kph (wide)






Don't get the obsession with speed. I rather have a bowler like Asif who doesn't have much pace but can do magic with the ball than a bowler who has just pace but no skills with the ball. Pace is so overrated.
124kph (slower ball)
127kph (slower ball)
not recorded
Vastly superior bowler to trundler boult.
No competition really lol
2 easy catches dropped of his bowling :facepalm:
Needs to vary a bit, though IMO. 139 seems to be his average today.
Work in progress. Needs to work on his fitness to add speed.
His last over:

not rec
136KPH (wide)
139KPH (Wicket)

So should get to hopefully mid 145's regularly when fit!
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He's already delivering 145 kph. What else do you need?

Focus should be on swinging the ball now.

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He definitely didn't try to ball too fast, but the fact that he hit 145k's is great. I'm sure he can crank it up to around 147-150k's if he chooses.
I had forgotten after all these years how effortless he can make 140 look. Like Wahab and Gul, they storm in there and you can see the strain. But Amir's runup and delivery, it's just so easy and then you look at the gun.

I hope he improves more with more matches
Speed is just fine. He does not need to be too quick to be successful. Needs to find his swing though , without his swing he is just another bowler.
I think he's fine, bit more games and he'll increase it more. Looked fit as well!
Looks fit in a T20. By the time, he is in his 4th over, the 140s are gone. Need more strength in his arms to keep it up in a longer spell or in tests.
The guy will hit 150 soon, he needs to get back to his best fitness levels and bulk up a bit
As he'll play more matches he'll cross 150 mark, and it would've been different If Afridi had held on to that catch! First wicket = Williamson!
he was bowling a foot behind the line. Wonder how much affect does that have on his speed, if at all.
Great speed today from early comeback game. Expect he will get faster over time. Expect to see 150kph

Fastest I saw Milne bowl was 149kph and he is supreme pace bowler of this generation and of course on home pitches.

All round great performance from Amir.
re bowling so far behind the line

say a yard extra on a 22 yard pitch ? you could say it impacted speed by 4-5% ? so he could get into 150s quite easily if he goes for pace
re bowling so far behind the line

say a yard extra on a 22 yard pitch ? you could say it impacted speed by 4-5% ? so he could get into 150s quite easily if he goes for pace

That won't affect his pace as measured by the speed gun. It will give the batsmen an extra millisecond to react.
he was bowling a foot behind the line. Wonder how much affect does that have on his speed, if at all.

let me put it to you this way.

Suppose amir utilizes the crease and plays like 10 to 15 more matches. He will be atleast 3 to 5k faster. Ie his bowl of 145k would have been 150k

Not sure why is he not using the crease.
Don't get the obsession with speed. I rather have a bowler like Asif who doesn't have much pace but can do magic with the ball than a bowler who has just pace but no skills with the ball. Pace is so overrated.

But here we talking about King Amir not some phast bowler
For his first international match nearly after 5 and a half years, his speeds were good.

To expect him to clock 150k's in just his first outing was asking for a bit too much a little ridiculous.

Still to have even touched 145k's after such a long gap is a big thing and especially the more he will play the better he will get with time.

Let's give him this series to see how he does and assess him after it is over.
He was never express pacer. To be matching Wahab for pace is excellent enough.

If we can get Irfan back we will have 3 bowlers who can hit 90mph (144kph) on regular basis
His fastest was the 141kph lifter in his second over(last ball). That was Wahab like bounce.
It was pretty clear that he could have bowled quicker but I guess his control would have suffered. I think he did what he needed to, bowled some slower balls, quicker ones but generally kept it at 135 to 140kph.
Yeah good that his pace hasn't suffered much or at all from the 5 year break. With such a long break you may lose the intensity to bowl quick, but he has retained that intensity and hunger which is good to see.
The speed of the ball is measured out of the hand I believe not on average over the pitch so release point doesn't affect the measured speed.
Looks fit in a T20. By the time, he is in his 4th over, the 140s are gone. Need more strength in his arms to keep it up in a longer spell or in tests.
Lol, who said that big biceps lead to more speed?

It is the core, lower back, glutes and legs that need to be strong as they take majority of the stresd
This is all the speed that he needs.

His swing is what causes the most damage. Inswingers and outswingers at 145 KPH can be a daunting task.
Great to see his speed was pretty much the same as what it was 5 years ago :))

Chacha has his theory that shorter balls are quicker than what their reading suggests.

Dont know the exact technicalities on this one. Maybe [MENTION=139353]ChachaCricket[/MENTION] can shed more light on this

Chacha has his theory that shorter balls are quicker than what their reading suggests.

Dont know the exact technicalities on this one. Maybe [MENTION=139353]ChachaCricket[/MENTION] can shed more light on this

A speed gun does not take trajectory into account nor does it calculate velocity behind the ball.

It does not measure instantaneous speed right out of the hand as that would be highly inaccurate due to many reasons. It calculates the speed from release(point A) to within the first 10-20 feet(point B, determined by ICC), therefore a ball with flatter trajectory will reach point B faster than one angling down towards the pitch thus show as faster despite the fact the ball angled towards the pitch might be traveling at a faster velocity.

There are many other factors that could lead to inaccurate measurement(in some cases up to 10%) such as the placement of the speed gun, lateral movement etc. Read the article to understand in depth.
he was bowling a foot behind the line. Wonder how much affect does that have on his speed, if at all.

re bowling so far behind the line

say a yard extra on a 22 yard pitch ? you could say it impacted speed by 4-5% ? so he could get into 150s quite easily if he goes for pace

The speed is measured at the point of delivery when the ball leaves his hand. Where it is delivered from has no effect on the recorded speed
Also Amir does not need to bowl at 150kph. He never did and never will. His skills are his variety, seam and swing and not necessarily his pace.

A speed gun does not take trajectory into account nor does it calculate velocity behind the ball.

It does not measure instantaneous speed right out of the hand as that would be highly inaccurate due to many reasons. It calculates the speed from release(point A) to within the first 10-20 feet(point B, determined by ICC), therefore a ball with flatter trajectory will reach point B faster than one angling down towards the pitch thus show as faster despite the fact the ball angled towards the pitch might be traveling at a faster velocity.

There are many other factors that could lead to inaccurate measurement(in some cases up to 10%) such as the placement of the speed gun, lateral movement etc. Read the article to understand in depth.
Great insight bro, as always.
Get a lot to learn from you :mhk:mhk

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Also Amir does not need to bowl at 150kph. He never did and never will. His skills are his variety, seam and swing and not necessarily his pace.
He has bowled 150 and will do so once he attains confidence and rhythm.

It isnt a feat above him at all, as even when under pressure and seemingly lacking in rhythm, he bowled one at 145.

Probably has the best actions that I have ever seen, in terms of the correctness of technique

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erm ok.

You really aren't getting the point though are you.
Yes, he isnt reliant on pace alone but you do need it when there isnt any lateral movement on offer, like in today's match; hence the explaination.

A guy like asif would have been vulnerable today, despite the fact he possesses higher skill level in terms of extracting movement

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Lol, who said that big biceps lead to more speed?

It is the core, lower back, glutes and legs that need to be strong as they take majority of the stresd

It was a typical arm chair expert opinion.

By his theory Sohail Khan would be the fastest.
erm ok.

You really aren't getting the point though are you.

He does get the point... I'm sure he agrees that's hia skills in seam and swing set him apart from many of his competitors. He was just correcting your incorrect statement regarding him never bowling 150kph! He did it in Australia. There is video footage!
Those are some great speeds to be hitting first game back.
Probably has the best actions that I have ever seen, in terms of the correctness of technique

Completely agree.

You don't feel it until you notice the others bowling around him.

Compared to Gul and Riaz, his action is silky smooth yet he hits similar speeds to them. Incredible talent.
What set Amir apart in his early days, other then his pace and swing, was the bowling intelligence he possessed.

In a pressure situation, coming back after five years with a huge stigma and that too on foreign soil, it was heartening to see that he still retains that cricketing brain.

Michael Holding she a tear when Ami was exposed For spot fixing. He new the massive taken that this kid possessed. I remember in an interview when asked what he thinks of the slower delivery and whether he used bowl it I recall him saying that he would have a faster delivery and not a slower delivery. Today I could see that in Amir's bowling. He kept bowling at a steady pace, used the slower ball BUT importantly he used the quicker deliveries almost as a surprise ball.

This my friends is what Amir is all about! Few bowlers have it and the skill levels and intelligence this boy possesses is something to behold.

What a pity he didn't have the maturity and intelligence to say 'NO'
What set Amir apart in his early days, other then his pace and swing, was the bowling intelligence he possessed.

In a pressure situation, coming back after five years with a huge stigma and that too on foreign soil, it was heartening to see that he still retains that cricketing brain.

Michael Holding she a tear when Ami was exposed For spot fixing. He new the massive taken that this kid possessed. I remember in an interview when asked what he thinks of the slower delivery and whether he used bowl it I recall him saying that he would have a faster delivery and not a slower delivery. Today I could see that in Amir's bowling. He kept bowling at a steady pace, used the slower ball BUT importantly he used the quicker deliveries almost as a surprise ball.

This my friends is what Amir is all about! Few bowlers have it and the skill levels and intelligence this boy possesses is something to behold.

What a pity he didn't have the maturity and intelligence to say 'NO'

Agreed. Every ball has purpose and it shows.

Scary thing is he could still become a great (key word being COULD) considering his age.

Dale Steyn and Glenn Mcgrath debuted at the age of 22 for example.
Amir has missed out on 5 important learning years. The world of t 20 international cricket has underwent a very fast evolution in the last 5 years. The premier leagues around the world have helped players hone their skills to a ridiculous degree and that's an area all Pak players are struggling with not just amir.

The game has shifted drastically in batsmans favor. all of this has to be taken into consideration when evaluating amirs performance on his return.

I believe he would still do better in tests than limited overs. But he has a very steep curve ahead of him. So far I wont say he has disappointed but some people had just bigged him up too much.
Pace isn't everything, but its the one thing which is natural and can't be taught.
Today :
1. 143
2. 141
3. 139
4. 132
5. 132
6. 131
7. 146
8. 146
9. 128
10. 149
11. 132
12. 145

He is just as fast as he was 5 years ago. Great stuff. If he was Indian he would be bowling 125 kph by now.
22nd Jan, 2016 : 3rd T20i vs New Zealand

1. 143
2. 141
3. 139
4. 132
5. 132
6. 131
7. 146
8. 146
9. 128
10. 149
11. 132
12. 145
13. 142
14. 144
15. 136
16. 144
17. 145
18. 146
19. 141
20. 143
21. 143
22. 143
23. 144
24. 138
His speed has been great this series. Just need his rhythm back now.

He is still the best we have.
Bowled at a great pace, but he hasn't looked threatening at all and was probably lucky to get away with a few full tosses at the end (deserves some luck for the dropped catch in the first match).

That line outside off would be an excellent Test match line to bowl.

Not going to be as successful in LOI's.
A decent performance from Aamir considering the conditions and how long it's been since he's played at this level. And 149kph, that's excellent. Pace hasn't decreased at all, the rest will fall into place soon. He will most definitely be ready for the Test series in England.
He is real quick but has to keep up the pace don't think he will get that much bounce though.Hopefully his line improves as well.
He was our best fast bowler today.

Misused by our cricketing dull minded captain.

Impressed by his pace. M.A
My First post after a long long time

I think Amir hasnt been too shabby if you look beyond stats

Today he did hit 149 kph and it is clear that guy hast lost any pace and T20 is not the best place to judge skills

I will reserve my judgement till the end of ODI series