MS Dhoni is better than Michael Bevan - He is the BEST finisher of the game

Sorry, can't say the same about you..who says Raina is better than Bevan..


I said Raina's inning in Mohali is better than Bevan's effort against NZ in an inconsequential match where Australia was already out of the finals.

Raina's inning helped India reach the finals of World Cup.
Fair enough and I take that comment as not personal from you. :p

It is not a personal comment .. it is my impression after your repeatedly calling me names "stupid of the highest order". Now that is not ON.. you can't call people names because their arguments are not good.. I hope mods delete that post.. .

When everyone asked you to show innings of Bevan that you consider better than Dhoni's WC final innings you brought this one.

Forget Bushroda, Do you consider this ODI innings of Bevan is better than Dhoni's WC final innings ?

Why forget him ? Does he not reply in the same thread ? Do you not jump in when I was replying to him ? He even rated Raina's innings better than Dhoni's .. if you were so proper in jumping in, you could have replied to his post also that you don't agree.. or do you also feel Raina was better than Bevan (innings)

or you only are here to prove my replies to him as wrong?

I have given my 'data' points, and as I said earlier, don't want to be really drawn into this comparison of innings where both are providing different data points.

I look at an innings purely considering it a meaningful ODI.. and give less weightage to it being final/SF.. that's my approach.. if you give more weightage to match's tournament context, I don't grudge you... you are right in your own way.. but where do we stop ? final/SF/QF ?

Also show me which Cricket Analyst also rates this ODI better than Dhoni's innings.

There has been no cricket analyst who compared the two innings.. I brought cricket analysts, on what data points they consider.. read my post.. but yes, it is part of your habit to read selectively and extrapolating.

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I said Raina's inning in Mohali is better than Bevan's effort against NZ in an inconsequential match where Australia was already out of the finals.

Raina's inning helped India reach the finals of World Cup.

Of course.. I just did not put (innings) in bracket every time.. but I got you did not mean overall.. but innings only.

Tell me what could Bevan have done in that VB game DIFFERENTLY or BETTER to make his team reach final ? When we talk SL bowlers, we agree it's not Dhoni's fault that SL had poor bowlers, but why not here ?

I look at an innings purely considering it a meaningful ODI.. and give less weightage to it being final/SF.. that's my approach.. if you give more weightage to match's tournament context, I don't grudge you... you are right in your own way.. but where do we stop ? final/SF/QF ?
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Again Cut the crap, please.

You compared those two innings. You brought Bevan's innings.

So, I am asking you. I don't care what Bushroda thinks.

Secondly, you brought up Cricket Analysts rate this and that. I asked you to give me who did. You do not have a name.

So why do you argue when you can't black your claim ?
Of course.. I just did not put (innings) in bracket every time.. but I got you did not mean overall.. but innings only.

Tell me what could Bevan have done in that VB game DIFFERENTLY or BETTER to make his team reach final ? When we talk SL bowlers, we agree it's not Dhoni's fault that SL had poor bowlers, but why not here ?
In my comparison I have not gotten into bowler being poor. Straight data

Why don't you challenge that?

It is not a personal comment .. it is my impression after your repeatedly calling me names "stupid of the highest order". Now that is not ON.. you can't call people names because their arguments are not good.. I hope mods delete that post.. .

Thanks for accepting it atleast.
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Thanks for accepting it atleast.

Ha ha ha.. I didn't accept it.. sorry to disappoint you (again ??) .. I said "you can't call people names just because their arguments are not good".. it doesn't mean the arguments are not good.. it only means that irrespective of their arguments being bad, you can;t call them names..

You can comprehend it anyway you like..
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Ha ha ha.. I didn't accept it.. sorry to disappoint you (again ??) .. I said "you can't call people names just because their arguments are not good".. it doesn't mean the arguments are not good.. it only means that irrespective of their arguments being bad, you can;t call them names..

You can comprehend it anyway you like..
Ignored other part of the post.

Must be difficult to answer. Isn't it?
So, I am asking you. I don't care what Bushroda thinks.

Ha ha ha.. still you cared to reply when he was arguing with me.. and jumped in to reply without understanding the full context..

I think it was you who said people in public forum can't just say and others have right to question their opinion.. why be so selective in not opposing his opinion ? Just because he was opposing someone who you were opposing too ?

Your saying "don't care what he thinks" doesn't match with your posts..
Ignored other part of the post.

Must be difficult to answer. Isn't it?

It is certainly made more difficult by other absurd parts of your post.. you make it difficult for others to concentrate on logical part of your post by supplying absurd interpretation and allegations along with it.. and they always fall flat..

Separate them so that logical part can come out.. why blame me ?
Ha ha ha.. still you cared to reply when he was arguing with me.. and jumped in to reply without understanding the full context..

I think it was you who said people in public forum can't just say and others have right to question their opinion.. why be so selective in not opposing his opinion ? Just because he was opposing someone who you were opposing too ?

Your saying "don't care what he thinks" doesn't match with your posts..
What is so difficult to answer a straight question ? You could have answered it instead of going on for 5 posts. Says something.

My question is not about opinion. You compared two innings and claim one is better.

I gave you data to show you its not.

So you can say it's my opinion and you can not prove it. I will not ask you further.
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It is certainly made more difficult by other absurd parts of your post.. you make it difficult for others to concentrate on logical part of your post by supplying absurd interpretation and allegations along with it.. and they always fall flat..

Separate them so that logical part can come out.. why blame me ?
My posts are always multi quoted to make things separate. Don't find excuse.

If you can not tell straight.
My posts are always multi quoted to make things separate. Don't find excuse.

If you can not tell straight.

separate the posts.. absurd comment/allegation Vs logical... coz I will read one post as a whole..

i like to reply each part differently.. but the more absurd one gets priority.. once I reply to it, the other part may get sidetracked.. but that is not deliberately done.

and i suppose the other part i already replied much earlier. if you din't read it.. not my fault. don't ask the same question again and expect an answer everytime.
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What is so difficult to answer a straight question ? You could have answered it instead of going on for 5 posts. Says something.

My question is not about opinion. You compared two innings and claim one is better.

I gave you data to show you its not.

So you can say it's my opinion and you can not prove it. I will not ask you further.

Either you should stick to not jump in others discussion and only question on your points


when you jump in, read the whole context because the discussion has taken subplots too.. (from yesterday when you left.. like Raina Vs Bevan)

At the same time, you expect me to answer both you and him on entirely different points of comparison..

Let us discuss one point.. we can create Raina Vs Bevan in a different thread to be better, which I have no intention to participate in.. Bushroda asked me in the same thread.. and I had to answer.. while I was replying to him, you picked one of my posts and started agreeing with him that why I am not a logical poster.. when I question you on it, you say "I don't care what Bushroda thinks"..
hope you understand why I spent 5 posts to get the simple point across.

Now tomorrow someone else will come and ask me Yusuf Pathan as better than Bevan, will I keep replying to everyone ?
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Okay, I will ask again. No side thing


Also I already said I was not interested in proving the innings better.. as we both have different data points..

Let us not push our data points down each other's throats.. and agree to disagree on it..
Okay, I will ask again. No side thing


Yes, I do.. but if someone rates reverse, I will agree with him too.. coz he is not wrong.. these two are very close innings.. I will rate Bevan's just a bit more.. and since I am not the final authority, and I also understand the other points such as WC final is imp, I will not say Dhoni > Bevan (innings) is wrong either.

Please don't ask me to prove your data points as WRONG.. coz they are not wrong either. I have given my 'data' points, if you feel they are wrong, please do so.. I will not question your judgment too, because I can understand your reasons..

Also I will not like to be drawn further into innings I have been saying repeatedly, I have already made a mistake by being involved in it.

I hope it is the last time I am asked this, and if I don't reply to future questions of the same kind, you can understand my reluctance.


No cricket analyst has cared to judge them, I agree.. But I never said an expert has rated Bevan's innings better than Dhoni's .. read my post.. I said the 'data' points experts I know use include wicket loss/.... etc. more than % of runs scored.

No one apart from me I know who has judged it better than Dhoni.. because no one cared to compare ..

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Also I already said I was not interested in proving the innings better.. as we both have different data points..

Let us not push our data points down each other's throats.. and agree to disagree on it..

You don't have any data point. You just have "Fellings".

Originally Posted by vicky_iisc
Better than Dhoni's WC2011 :

You are the one who claimed it not me. Now when your claim is trashed with data you decided to run away.

Still, better than arguing without any data. Good luck next time.
First of all never reply inside one's post as when I reply it will not be included. Use quote tags.

It is always fair to say you rate Bevan's innings better and you accept other's opinion too.

But it's not right to argue for 100's of posts and then when you can not win, go back to that stance. You should have done that when people challenged you.

Good you realized you did a mistake of trying to prove your opinion.
First of all never reply inside one's post as when I reply it will not be included. Use quote tags.

It is always fair to say you rate Bevan's innings better and you accept other's opinion too.

But it's not right to argue for 100's of posts and then when you can not win, go back to that stance. You should have done that when people challenged you.

Good you realized you did a mistake of trying to prove your opinion.

Ha ha ha.. I never tried to prove it down to others.. for long.. Right from the time I posted these innings, I realised my mistake, and said I will not like to be drawn into comparison of two nearly good innings.. and it was my mistake to start comparing.. if you care to read all my posts you will realise it.. but ofcourse.. that would hurt to accept that I said it earlier too...

Mistake was not that there was anything wrong with my opinion.. mistake was trying to convince others.. on such close/subjective matter.. that too to people who were experts in selective reading and ignoring other's data as "Feelings"

I have reasons to consider it.. and I posted them too.. don't insult them saying they are only my feelings.. wicket loss/pitch/bowlers/working with tailenders.. you may not agree but these are data points too.. just different from your % of runs data point.

I will not reply further on this. If you still are adamant on ignoring my data, you can..

PS: How to use quote tags ?
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Ha ha ha.. I never tried to prove it down to others.. for long.. Right from the time I posted these innings, I realised my mistake, and said I will not like to be drawn into comparison of two nearly good innings.. and it was my mistake to start comparing.. if you care to read all my posts you will realise it.. but ofcourse.. that would hurt to accept that I said it earlier too...

Mistake was not that there was anything wrong with my opinion.. mistake was trying to convince others.. on such close/subjective matter.. that too to people who were experts in selective reading and ignoring other's data as "Feelings"

I have reasons to consider it.. and I posted them too.. don't insult them saying they are only my feelings.. whereas your 'data' is the real one..

I will not reply further on this. If you still are adamant on ignoring my data, you can..

PS: How to use quote tags ?
Again "data" is not mine. If you want to see, you will see the same data and so as Obama.

But opinion is yours and only yours. If you can not have proper backing then you can not impose it on others. So you shouldn't argue if you can't back it up.

Just tell that "IT's my opinion and can't back it up". No one will argue with you then.

Regarding Quotes, go advanced and use quote tags to separate a post .
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Again "data" is not mine. If you want to see, you will see the same data and so as Obama.

But opinion is yours and only yours. If you can not have proper backing then you can not impose it on others. So you shouldn't argue if you can't back it up.

Just tell that "IT's my opinion and can't back it up". No one will argue with you then.

I thought of not replying to you.. so ..but I will say this :

"No, my opinion is not without reasons, it's just that those reasons you don't accept as valid, I don't have time to now prove the commonly accepted norm of those reasons again, just to prove you wrong"

"I have reasons which I posted why I have this opinion and if those reasons are false, only then I will take it back"..

Reasons : Number of wicket loss/working with tailenders ... etc. I already posted them 100 times.. not sure you don't get time to read them.. but it's ok.. you have your own reasons to ignore them.. :)

How to use quote tags ?
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Originally Posted by vicky_iisc said:

Just shows how deceptive it is, just to conclude performances based on match scores. Vicky has presented the match as if Bevan dominated against Bond and a very tough bowling side. Does anyone want to know what Bevan scored against Bond in that particular match? Runs scored:3; Balls faced=9 !!!!!!!!!!! What about Nash, the other strike bowler? 2 runs off 3 balls!!

That is what selective highlighting of match leads you to. Bevan did not have to face Bond and Nash at all in that match, else it may have been a different story altogether. Bevan made most of his runs against Adams and Harris and plundered them. It was a good innings, but nothing like Vicky is making it out be.
I thought of not replying to you.. so ..but I will say this :

"No, my opinion is not without reasons, it's just that those reasons you don't accept as valid, I don't have time to now prove the commonly accepted norm of those reasons again, just to prove you wrong"

"I have reasons which I posted why I have this opinion and if those reasons are false, only then I will take it back"..

Reasons : Number of wicket loss/working with tailenders ... etc. I already posted them 100 times.. not sure you don't get time to read them.. but it's ok.. you have your own reasons to ignore them.. :)

How to use quote tags ?
I have discarded those claims with data. Number of wickets falling argument is responded. I don't have my reason. My points can be backed with data.

Again trying to prove your feeling ?

I am ready to analyze them. Claim one by one.

Check post before for quote tag use.
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Just shows how deceptive it is, just to conclude performances based on match scores. Vicky has presented the match as if Bevan dominated against Bond and a very tough bowling side. Does anyone want to know what Bevan scored against Bond in that particular match? Runs scored:3; Balls faced=9 !!!!!!!!!!! What about Nash, the other strike bowler? 2 runs off 3 balls!!

That is what selective highlighting of match leads you to. Bevan did not have to face Bond and Nash at all in that match, else it may have been a different story altogether. Bevan made most of his runs against Adams and Harris and plundered them. It was a good innings, but nothing like Vicky is making it out be.

He already realize that. It's just his ego which is stopping him to agree.

He has claimed big and now can't step back. So now catching every straw.
Of course.. I just did not put (innings) in bracket every time.. but I got you did not mean overall.. but innings only.

So you still believe that Bevan's inning against NZ was better than Raina inning in Mohali?

Tell me what could Bevan have done in that VB game DIFFERENTLY or BETTER to make his team reach final ?

Probably, play a similar inning in earlier matches when his team still had a chance. What's the point of all the heroics when you are completely shut out of the tournament. Many people have accused Tendulkar of playing for the records what about Bevan in this case?

When we talk SL bowlers, we agree it's not Dhoni's fault that SL had poor bowlers, but why not here ?

I am the one having beer & seems you are the one getting high.

SL with a bowling attack of Malinga & murali is poor!!!!

Enough said
You just read opinions of Pakistanis in Pakpassion how much they rate NON-WC-VICTORY over India.

You seem to be living in your own La La Land. You can do a poll here & ask if Pak would prefer to win Mohali match and lose a 3 Game ODI series. You will get you answer.
Infact he is best ODI batsman ever, not only the best finisher
Its amazing that how similar Dhoni and Bevan stats are, with two differences - one, on the strike rate, which is fine considering that in 90s strike rates used to be lower, though even then we had players like SRT, Anwar who had strike rate of high 80s. The other difference is the significant higher number of fours and sixes, which puts Dhoni in a different league.
Sealing the deal, Bevan was great but MSD is greatest at finishing.
Dhoni is Better Than Bevan - He is the BEST Finisher in the Game

What an innings by MS Dhoni against Australia today! He delivers once more with the early wickets having already fallen. Loved that helicopter shot that he played in the last over:D. Well and truly amongst his best innings` ever. The most different thing here was that he ended up pulling up a muscle before he even faced a ball. He batted till the end and is now of course keeping the wickets. A strong man he is!

George Bailey dropping him in the 49th over, after he had got to his hundred, which cost them dearly.
great century from him today in a tough situation
Feel bad for him, India has lost a few ODIs recently in which he performed big. That hundred against Pakistan in 1st ODI of the 3 match series earlier this year was breathtaking, we lost that. Now after this scintillating 139. :facepalm:

India continues to let its centurions down. :sachin
Think quite frankly he's the best ODI player ever, and probably best ODI batsman too.
Bevan was unbelievable, moreso his stats givem the era he played in. Also the quality of opposition he faced far superior to what dhoni has to face not that i am taking anything away from his ability. Bevan is the best finisher, no contest.
Dhoni is Better Than Bevan - He is the BEST Finisher in the Game

What an innings by MS Dhoni against Australia today! He delivers once more with the early wickets having already fallen. Loved that helicopter shot that he played in the last over:D. Well and truly amongst his best innings` ever. The most different thing here was that he ended up pulling up a muscle before he even faced a ball. He batted till the end and is now of course keeping the wickets. A strong man he is!

George Bailey dropping him in the 49th over, after he had got to his hundred, which cost them dearly.

Out of his nine centuries, three have been wasted by his team as of now, and the way this team goes about in business at time, there may come a few more I am afraid.

Regardless of that, a great innings it was! What a player he is! Waiting patiently for the right time to slog is his greatest ability. He scored his 50 off 77 balls, hence the last 89 runs of just 44 balls!
Take a bow MSD!

He's got so much faith in his ability. Never gets panicked. :bow:
Seemed rustic this tournament. It was important for him to get some time in the middle.
This inns should help him and the team as well.
MS Dhoni's ODI record when India have won batting 2nd :-

Innings 59
Runs 2293
Not Outs 38
Average 109.19
Strike Rate 90.63
Humble man. Admire him for his knocks. Always been a pleasure to watch him bat.
MS Dhoni's ODI record when India have won batting 2nd :-

Innings 59
Runs 2293
Not Outs 38
Average 109.19
Strike Rate 90.63

38 times he's ensured he's there till the end to steal the stumps.
38 times he's ensured he's there till the end to steal the stumps.

In a good few of them he would have come in with only a handful of runs to get. So those figures are a little misleading, Dhoni's real average in winning chases can't be more than about 60 - which is still amazing and still marks him out as the best finisher in the history of ODI cricket. But he's no Bradman, I think it's fair to say that we have seen many other brilliant finishers and that Dhoni is only slightly ahead of them.
But he's no Bradman, I think it's fair to say that we have seen many other brilliant finishers and that Dhoni is only slightly ahead of them.

Not sure if Bradman was a great ODI finisher. :13:

And no, great finishers have been pretty rare and he is not 'slightly' but far ahead of the rest in what he does.
Today's knock was a more of a calculated innings than sheer brilliant innings. Clearly showed his finishing capabilities. The greatness of MS is, he adjusts according to situations.

Great ODI player and ODI captain.
In a good few of them he would have come in with only a handful of runs to get. So those figures are a little misleading, Dhoni's real average in winning chases can't be more than about 60 - which is still amazing and still marks him out as the best finisher in the history of ODI cricket. But he's no Bradman, I think it's fair to say that we have seen many other brilliant finishers and that Dhoni is only slightly ahead of them.

Please name these "many" other brilliant finishers who are only slightly behind Dhoni.
Please name these "many" other brilliant finishers who are only slightly behind Dhoni.

I would say that Bevan and Klusner came close. As good as Dhoni is, he isn't as superior to those two as the stats might indicate (an average of 109 would surpass Bevan's and Klusner's by about 50, and nobody could say with a straight face that he is twice the player they were, the differences at elite level simply are not that large), even though he is clearly better than both. It's not every day that Dhoni comes in with 200 still to get and stays long enough to hits the winning runs. And of course the sport has moved on, so strike rates can only be measured relatively - Dhoni's SR of 90 would be right amongst the top, I would imagine, but is scoring at that rate really so remarkable when you need to go at 9, 10 an over most of the time in the final few overs of a chase? A strike rate in the mid-70s from fifteen years ago wouldn't have been as ugly as it sounds today because they would have only been needing 7 or 8 an over in the final few overs. In the same way a strike rate of 90 today looks brilliant stacked up against a strike rate of 74 in 2000, but it's really no more than par for the course, what is required to seal victory.
I would say that Bevan and Klusner came close. As good as Dhoni is, he isn't as superior to those two as the stats might indicate (an average of 109 would surpass Bevan's and Klusner's by about 50, and nobody could say with a straight face that he is twice the player they were, the differences at elite level simply are not that large), even though he is clearly better than both. It's not every day that Dhoni comes in with 200 still to get and stays long enough to hits the winning runs. And of course the sport has moved on, so strike rates can only be measured relatively - Dhoni's SR of 90 would be right amongst the top, I would imagine, but is scoring at that rate really so remarkable when you need to go at 9, 10 an over most of the time in the final few overs of a chase? A strike rate in the mid-70s from fifteen years ago wouldn't have been as ugly as it sounds today because they would have only been needing 7 or 8 an over in the final few overs. In the same way a strike rate of 90 today looks brilliant stacked up against a strike rate of 74 in 2000, but it's really no more than par for the course, what is required to seal victory.

glorifying the past.... a usual trend.

why we just can't accept that, the past batsman were either not capable of hitting/didn't have the mindset to go bersek (though talent was present)?
I would say that Bevan and Klusner came close. As good as Dhoni is, he isn't as superior to those two as the stats might indicate (an average of 109 would surpass Bevan's and Klusner's by about 50, and nobody could say with a straight face that he is twice the player they were, the differences at elite level simply are not that large), even though he is clearly better than both. It's not every day that Dhoni comes in with 200 still to get and stays long enough to hits the winning runs. And of course the sport has moved on, so strike rates can only be measured relatively - Dhoni's SR of 90 would be right amongst the top, I would imagine, but is scoring at that rate really so remarkable when you need to go at 9, 10 an over most of the time in the final few overs of a chase? A strike rate in the mid-70s from fifteen years ago wouldn't have been as ugly as it sounds today because they would have only been needing 7 or 8 an over in the final few overs. In the same way a strike rate of 90 today looks brilliant stacked up against a strike rate of 74 in 2000, but it's really no more than par for the course, what is required to seal victory.

Klusener only had a small peak, he is not even in the league of Bevan and Dhoni. Dhoni has long surpassed Bevan - their differences are not just about strike rates. Dhoni is a big hitter of boundaries and sixes than Bevan ever was, and has much more capacity to steer tall chases (even accounting for the eras).
Once again the disease of bigging up players from older era strikes ... pretty sure that there are plenty who would think Bradman is a better ODI finisher without having played any ODI's :faceplam:
Once again the disease of bigging up players from older era strikes ... pretty sure that there are plenty who would think Bradman is a better ODI finisher without having played any ODI's :faceplam:
Bradman scored a 240 odd at 90 strike rate in his era and regularly scored 100s at 70+sr, give him some credit..that's even good in this era.
Once again the disease of bigging up players from older era strikes ... pretty sure that there are plenty who would think Bradman is a better ODI finisher without having played any ODI's :faceplam:

Bradman had a career S/R of approximately 59 (and nearly 65 during the pre War era), which is as good as Lara and Ponting. The average S/R of the thirties used to be around 37.5. There is no doubt whatsoever that Bradman would have been very good at ODIs. He would be heads and shoulders above other ODI players of his era, if they happen to play ODIs.
Dhoni is the greatest finisher of all time in ODI, no doubt about that.
Bradman had a career S/R of approximately 59 (and nearly 65 during the pre War era), which is as good as Lara and Ponting. The average S/R of the thirties used to be around 37.5. There is no doubt whatsoever that Bradman would have been very good at ODIs. He would be heads and shoulders above other ODI players of his era, if they happen to play ODIs.

First of all Bradman's real s/r is unknown because about 20% of his inngs weren't scored to include balls faced.

Secondly I'am talking about those who firmly think that he would be better than MSD or any modern ODI player. There is no shortage of such people .... I hope you are not one of those !!

Thirdly ... Sehwag has a Test Match S/R of 81 which is significantly better than BCL and SRT ... do you think he is a better player than the other 2 ?
Bradman scored a 240 odd at 90 strike rate in his era and regularly scored 100s at 70+sr, give him some credit..that's even good in this era.

Take a look at that bowling quality and numerous other things that have changed for better over 80 years !. Such as fielding . Also fast scoring does not mean that player will become a good ODI finisher.

Here is a video of the "Strike" bowler in that match :)) ... and we make fun of Vinay kumar
In my lifetime when watching this beautiful sport, I've never seen a better, calmer, composed, confident and such assured finisher of the game. He is without doubt the greatest.
glorifying the past.... a usual trend.

why we just can't accept that, the past batsman were either not capable of hitting/didn't have the mindset to go bersek (though talent was present)?

Adam Gilchrist ring a bell? Viv Richards ring a bell? Boundary not being 60 yards ring a bell? All rules and pitches not being made for batsman ring a bell?

Please, that statement is so ignorant in so many different ways.
Arguably the best ODI captain from the subcon and one of the best keepers Asia has produced as well. The way he judges whether the ball will hit the stumps or not is pretty uncanny.

I rate Bevan as a better finisher but if I'm picking an all-time ODI XI, Dhoni will get the finisher's spot because he allows any side to have tremendous balance.

However, he is quickly deteriorating now and this might be his final good knock. India will need to find a finisher, a keeper and a captain in order to try and fill the void left by him.
Two players name in entire history?? If there have been many brilliant finishers then who are others. Some names...

Matthews and Faulkner will go down as good finishers when their careers are done, if not great one.

Middle-order bats like Inzi and Yuvraj have also been very good at finishing games off. Not calling any of these players better than Dhoni but just naming some good finishers.
Adam Gilchrist ring a bell? Viv Richards ring a bell? Boundary not being 60 yards ring a bell? All rules and pitches not being made for batsman ring a bell?

Please, that statement is so ignorant in so many different ways.
Technology rings the bell, video footage rings the bell, no doubt he might have scored a run, but his weakness would have been found out as well.
Adam Gilchrist ring a bell? Viv Richards ring a bell? Boundary not being 60 yards ring a bell? All rules and pitches not being made for batsman ring a bell?

Please, that statement is so ignorant in so many different ways.

60 overs ring a bell? '75, '79, '83 english pitches, ring a bell? no 3rd umpire hence benefiting the batsman ring a bell?

each era comes with its own pros and cons. no era is "easier" than the other. but it is the modern cricketers who have EVOLVED the game of cricket.
Matthews and Faulkner will go down as good finishers when their careers are done, if not great one.

Middle-order bats like Inzi and Yuvraj have also been very good at finishing games off. Not calling any of these players better than Dhoni but just naming some good finishers.

razzaq was too a good finisher.
Well... If any of the names above can win a world cup final with enormous pressure of playing at home, then I will start the comparison. There were and are a lot of great batsmen. However, Michael Bevan was the best at finishing games and showed the world how to do it. Dhoni has followed in his footsteps and perfected it
Bevan is a great finisher probably the best imo but Dhoni along with his captaincy finishes the matches and just for that reason he is better in an overall situation for India. Aus could do without Bevan don't see India doing it without Dhoni.