Naaray-e-Bhutto? Are these people serious?


PakPassion Administrator
Oct 6, 2004
I am just shocked at what PPP people are doing in the provincial and National assemblies - how can the speaker allow people chanting slogans in teh parliament like that ? Maybe happens in India as well but dont they feel this looks stupid?
These guys were always stupid, more stupider are those who gave them the right to rest their bons bons on em cushioned seats in a building which makes decisions on national issues.
I fail to see the stupidity in this. MIG bhai can you elaborate
Zeenix said:
I fail to see the stupidity in this. MIG bhai can you elaborate

Not once did we hear Jiya Pakistan naray in the Parliament.

All we hear is Jiye Bhutto.

Are they all working for Pakistan or parties?

Still fail to see the stupidity?
yesterday i heard in the new s they want to replace the name of quaid e azam by benazir one on a important road

baqwas man baqwas
Zechariah said:
Not once did we hear Jiya Pakistan naray in the Parliament.

All we hear is Jiye Bhutto.

Are they all working for Pakistan or parties?

Still fail to see the stupidity?

You do have a lot of hatred for the political parties don't you. First of all this was done by the people in Gallery and they are political workers and not elected representatives so they are free to say what they want. And Political workers WORK FOR THEIR RESPECTIVE parties.. Is it that hard to understand.
pakhimmat said:
yesterday i heard in the new s they want to replace the name of quaid e azam by benazir one on a important road

baqwas man baqwas

I heard they wanted to change the name of Nawabshah District.. Where did you get that piece of news from. Some trashy masala news.. undoubtly
Zeenix said:
I fail to see the stupidity in this. MIG bhai can you elaborate

What I saw was people taking oath and then someone shouting NaarayeBhutto - just sounds stupid - Pakistan isnt about Bhutto
MIG said:
What I saw was people taking oath and then someone shouting NaarayeBhutto - just sounds stupid - Pakistan isnt about Bhutto

So.. But Bhutto is about Pakistan. He was a pakistani leader who was a victim of Judicial Murder. And this is not Me or People's Party who is saying this. These are the words of People interviewed by GEO, who were the judges, the people who were incharge of Bhutto prison. They all said that it was a Judicial murder and they were pressurized into this. So if someone utters a word or two about the (possibly) most charismatic leader that Pakistan had after Jinnah, i don't really see a problem in this. Bhutto the person may have died but Bhutto as a philosphy still lives.
from_da_lost_dim3nsion said:
bhutto was a racist ! he hated Urdu speaking people of khi !

Although i am a pro nawaz person, but trust me Bhutto was the best leaders we had after Quaid-e-Azam. He was very daring, and only one of the few leaders who could see America, eye to eye.

He was killed, because of his great plans to unite the muslims of the world. He was not a Maulvi in the traditional sense, but he had done a lot for Islam in pakistan. Pakistan owes its nuclear assets to bhutto's vision. He got the money from Saudi, Libiya and named it Islamic bomb.

American's threatened him that if you go on with making the bomb, we will make a terrible example out of you. He ignored, and went on with his decision.

I think he was an excellent leader.
the way that the ppp peoples were shouting the assembly gave us the picture of fish market
from_da_lost_dim3nsion said:
bhutto was a racist ! he hated Urdu speaking people of khi !

i agree with u with this point otherwise he was a good politician
aabbasi said:
Although i am a pro nawaz person, but trust me Bhutto was the best leaders we had after Quaid-e-Azam. He was very daring, and only one of the few leaders who could see America, eye to eye.

He was killed, because of his great plans to unite the muslims of the world. He was not a Maulvi in the traditional sense, but he had done a lot for Islam in pakistan. Pakistan owes its nuclear assets to bhutto's vision. He got the money from Saudi, Libiya and named it Islamic bomb.

American's threatened him that if you go on with making the bomb, we will make a terrible example out of you. He ignored, and went on with his decision.

I think he was an excellent leader.
i am not denying the fact that he was a great leader may be the best after quaid, but thats not gonna stop me from pointing out his flaws(i.e his racist attitude towards urdu speaking ppl of khi)
from_da_lost_dim3nsion said:
i am not denying the fact that he was a great leader may be the best after quaid, but thats not gonna stop me from pointing out his flaws(i.e his racist attitude towards urdu speaking ppl of khi)

Like every other person he had his flaws, no doubt and understandably so. He was the one who started the Nuclear Program. He was the only leader who quite correctly went near to the then USSR then the US. The Friendship with China was his gift. How many leaders have we had, who could be so aggressive in the Security Council.
aabbasi said:
Although i am a pro nawaz person, but trust me Bhutto was the best leaders we had after Quaid-e-Azam. He was very daring, and only one of the few leaders who could see America, eye to eye.

He was killed, because of his great plans to unite the muslims of the world. He was not a Maulvi in the traditional sense, but he had done a lot for Islam in pakistan. Pakistan owes its nuclear assets to bhutto's vision. He got the money from Saudi, Libiya and named it Islamic bomb.

American's threatened him that if you go on with making the bomb, we will make a terrible example out of you. He ignored, and went on with his decision.

I think he was an excellent leader.

There is no doubt that he was a great leader and probably the second best after Mohammad Ali Jinnah (Quaid-e-Azam) but some of his flaws were unforgivable. Anyway, his execution wasn´t justified at all and Pakistanis still curse Zia-Ul-Haq for his cheap act :burn: .

May his soul rest in peace :9: ......
Zeenix said:
Like every other person he had his flaws, no doubt and understandably so. He was the one who started the Nuclear Program. He was the only leader who quite correctly went near to the then USSR then the US. The Friendship with China was his gift. How many leaders have we had, who could be so aggressive in the Security Council.
He was also a murderer who ordered the assassinations of his political rivals.
well, who ever has come into power in Pakistan has been a dictator in one way or other, be it military or private citizens. I firmly beieve every single one of them have abused the power, and have played their part in corruption. Irony is that a normal Pakistani can only waste energy on "Narray" but could not see through it the reality.....................
Care to share who he ordered to murder?

and isn't all the leaders (political and Esp.MOFO Religous leaders) in pakisan are Muderers and assissinator themselves?

Trust me, if you open up your eyes and see what happened to the greatest leader of pakistan after Jinnah, you will only see injustice. I am not a pro PPP or anything, I am just against the murder of Politcal Leaders, be it Bugti or Bhutto.

Sheikh said:
He was also a murderer who ordered the assassinations of his political rivals.
Zeenix said:
You do have a lot of hatred for the political parties don't you. First of all this was done by the people in Gallery and they are political workers and not elected representatives so they are free to say what they want. And Political workers WORK FOR THEIR RESPECTIVE parties.. Is it that hard to understand.

I don't have any hate for the political parties, and I know the people in the gallery were doing it, as political party workers of Pakistan People's Party they should say Narays for both Pakistan and Bhutto - that would be reasonable.
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Zechariah said:
I don't have any hate for the political parties, and I know the people in the gallery were doing it, as political party workers of Pakistan People's Party they should say Narays for both Pakistan and Bhutto - that would be reasonable.

Freedom of Expression.. :p
Sheikh said:
He was also a murderer who ordered the assassinations of his political rivals.

All unsubstantiated allegations. It goes like this. "Since Bhutto was a PM, hence he definitely would have killed many.". Do you really think that had Zia any real proof of the above, he would have used a fake case against Bhutto. Have you listened to what Justice Naseem Said, as how he was coerced to reject Bhutto appeal.
Zeenix said:
All unsubstantiated allegations. It goes like this. "Since Bhutto was a PM, hence he definitely would have killed many.". Do you really think that had Zia any real proof of the above, he would have used a fake case against Bhutto. Have you listened to what Justice Naseem Said, as how he was coerced to reject Bhutto appeal.

Obviously it was a poltical hanging...the last vote against Bhutto from the 9-member branch came from the person who had a personal grudge against Bhutto for not making him CJ...thus making it 5-4 in favour of hanging.

Bhutto did many great things for Pakistan externally, but internally he did create a mess to an extent.
Still waiting for the day these clowns are driven out of Sindh. Its a very steep task, but not impossible. PTI did very well in some pockets of Sindh, mainly due to the increase in young voters.

IMO, PTI should really look into conducting a fresh census, the last one had too many question marks. I'm sure that if a fresh census is conducted, the overall balance of power will shift towards urban Sindh at the provincial level, and also slightly less Punjab centric on a national level. PPP's survival currently hinges in rural Sindh having far more seats that urban Sindh.
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