[PICTURES/VIDEOS] Protests taking place in Pakistan after fall of PTI regime

Yes we need to go back to those same criminals that’s looted and plundered the country for decades. That’s exactly the change the common man needs isn’t it?

There is no other choice. Best time for a new political party to come into the fold.
The common man has shown that they are willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. You don't have a million turn up in the middle of Ramadan for fun.

Yes, we have. A million out of 220 million is nothing. Still, lets see what happens in the elections. That are not too far away.
Lets face it, the problems listed are not exclusive to Pakistan; you will find the same problems such as inflation, lack of quality jobs, crime etc in Amreeka and elsewhere. The difference is that said countries have a stable government and their leaders have not plundered their country, nor are they ruled by family dynasties.

The people out in support of IK are not because they want low prices, better jobs etc - it’s because they have had enough of corrupt and crooked leaders.

Naya Pakistan is born, a new uprising has begun.
Yes, we have. A million out of 220 million is nothing. Still, lets see what happens in the elections. That are not too far away.

You want to know the power of a million strong? It has you guys admitting that elections are not too far away
The common man has shown that they are willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. You don't have a million turn up in the middle of Ramadan for fun.

The jobless, unproductive, bored people that showed up in these jalsas certainly have more credibility and relevance than overseas Pakistanis who are incapable of walking the talk.
The jobless, unproductive, bored people that showed up in these jalsas certainly have more credibility and relevance than overseas Pakistanis who are incapable of walking the talk.

Well said. Even though I'm one of the overseas Pakistanis, I'm sick of hearing Pakistanis in the West preach about how IK is the only solution to Pakistan's problems.

I believe Allah (SWT) has given IK what he deserves in the holy month of Ramadhan and the warranted reality check that all these blind PTI fans deserve.
Well said. Even though I'm one of the overseas Pakistanis, I'm sick of hearing Pakistanis in the West preach about how IK is the only solution to Pakistan's problems.

I believe Allah (SWT) has given IK what he deserves in the holy month of Ramadhan and the warranted reality check that all these blind PTI fans deserve.

Yes IK is bad for the country but two criminal family dynasties who have looted and plundered the country for umpteen years are much better aren’t they?
Yes IK is bad for the country but two criminal family dynasties who have looted and plundered the country for umpteen years are much better aren’t they?

Of course you won't get an answer for that from these crook supporters. Khandaani based political ghulami is deeply engraved in their minds (wadera aka-ghulam jahalat mindset). It's a big joke which these folks know it so well deep down, but hey bagherti comes to crooks naturally be it politicians or their fans.
No they didn’t, when the people vote it’s called a general election.

Go pull wool over the eyes of your crooked and corrupt brethren.


People vote for representatives in a general election. General elections happen once every 5 years. In that 5 year period the people voted into the parliament represent the voters and as such those same representatives that were voted in by the majority of Pakistani's have kicked out Imran Khan and democratically elected a new prime minister.
People vote for representatives in a general election. General elections happen once every 5 years. In that 5 year period the people voted into the parliament represent the voters and as such those same representatives that were voted in by the majority of Pakistani's have kicked out Imran Khan and democratically elected a new prime minister.

Did the people vote for a coalition to oust IK? No. Did people vote for Shabaz Shareef as PM? No.

Save the semantics, I understand how Parliamentary and representative democracy works, and its flaws and benefits for the corrupt and crooked, hence the fear of calling a GE now.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">My request to all those attending our jalsa in Karachi is to carry our Pakistan flag as this is now a fight for Pakistan's sovereignty & haqeeqi (real) democracy, & against US-instigated regime change, supported by local Mir Jafars. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%BE%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%B9%DA%88_%D8%AD%DA%A9%D9%88%D9%85%D8%AA_%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%88%D8%B1?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور</a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1514916156670607367?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 15, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
People vote for representatives in a general election. General elections happen once every 5 years. In that 5 year period the people voted into the parliament represent the voters and as such those same representatives that were voted in by the majority of Pakistani's have kicked out Imran Khan and democratically elected a new prime minister.

You've really been scraping the barrel of late.
Did the people vote for a coalition to oust IK? No. Did people vote for Shabaz Shareef as PM? No.

Save the semantics, I understand how Parliamentary and representative democracy works, and its flaws and benefits for the corrupt and crooked, hence the fear of calling a GE now.

What an absurdly stupid argument. Did the people vote for a coalition to make IK the prime minister in the first place?

You think you understand how it works but you don't. The flaws work both ways beta ji. Imran Khan never had the majority to become a prime minister and it was representative democracy that helped him become one and it is the same representative democracy that removed him.
Yeas a big Big big Jalsa in Karachi tomorrow Billo Mori better watch out it will be rock and roll
What an absurdly stupid argument. Did the people vote for a coalition to make IK the prime minister in the first place?

You think you understand how it works but you don't. The flaws work both ways beta ji. Imran Khan never had the majority to become a prime minister and it was representative democracy that helped him become one and it is the same representative democracy that removed him.

Nice try, but don’t wriggle out of this one like a snake, uncle ji.

The people didn’t choose this outcome, but they will choose their reps at the next GE, which is why crook/corrupt supporters like you are bricking a GE.
People who try to explain representative democracy do not understand democracy itself. A representative is voted based on pledges and the notion they represent the will and the view of their electorate that voted for them. What we have right now is an abuse of representative democracy because the respective electorate didn’t vote or instruct a coalition let alone Shabaz Shareef as PM.

PDM is nothing but a coup of the corrupt.
Nice try, but don’t wriggle out of this one like a snake, uncle ji.

The people didn’t choose this outcome, but they will choose their reps at the next GE, which is why crook/corrupt supporters like you are bricking a GE.

The people didn't chose the outcome even when Imran was elected as PM. If that was the case why didn't Imran Khan call for elections 3 years ago? If it's wrong now, it was wrong then as well. If it was right then, it is right now as well.
Yeas a big Big big Jalsa in Karachi tomorrow Billo Mori better watch out it will be rock and roll

I think with Karachi you'll get a big turnout, Lahore too. But if he can crack some other regions it will be a huge step. I woudl focus on Hyderabad/Nawabshah/Mirpur Khas after Lahore. He cannot lose momentum. That region is for the taking.

I'd also like to see him go up towards Larkana and Sukkur and then maybe focus on the Quetta side. I really think while he has the momentum he needs to try and focus on the areas that he could turn.
The people didn't chose the outcome even when Imran was elected as PM. If that was the case why didn't Imran Khan call for elections 3 years ago? If it's wrong now, it was wrong then as well. If it was right then, it is right now as well.

It’s wrong now because there was no GE preceding it.

Do you even understand how GE’s work? Look up hung parliament before you try teaching democracy.
uberkoen - it's ok to admit it, just tell us you're terrified of the elections :)

I know many PDM supporters who think they should avoid the elections at all costs.
I'm sorry if you don't understand how representative democracy works but if you need a lesson I can teach you.

Your nature has been shown here snd yes you are complicit.
Not sure I should be debating anything with spline who supports murderers.
It’s wrong now because there was no GE preceding it.

Do you even understand how GE’s work? Look up hung parliament before you try teaching democracy.

OMG. What does GE have to do with it. I can't believe I have to break it down for you.

1. General elections happen once every five years and people select representatives who are basically their voices in the parliament.

2. Elections happened in 2018 and Imran khan won 30% of the votes. The representatives of the people got together and formed a coalition government and voted Imran Khan into power.

3. In 2022, the same representatives who still have about a year left of their tenure understood the fact that Imran Khan was incompetent and thus decided to end the coalition and a motion of no confidence was successful which is a democratic and constitutional way of removed a prime minister.

4. The same representatives that voted in Imran Khan then voted in Shahbaz Sharif as prime minister.

I hope this helps you understand how things work the basics.
uberkoen - it's ok to admit it, just tell us you're terrified of the elections :)

I know many PDM supporters who think they should avoid the elections at all costs.

Why would anyone be terrified of the elections? Elections are meant to happen once every five years and they will happen when they're due. It's a simple concept really. Not sure why it's so difficult to grasp for some people
Your nature has been shown here snd yes you are complicit.
Not sure I should be debating anything with spline who supports murderers.

honestly, with your knowledge or well, the lack of it, you shouldn't be debating with anyone.
OMG. What does GE have to do with it. I can't believe I have to break it down for you.

1. General elections happen once every five years and people select representatives who are basically their voices in the parliament.

2. Elections happened in 2018 and Imran khan won 30% of the votes. The representatives of the people got together and formed a coalition government and voted Imran Khan into power.

3. In 2022, the same representatives who still have about a year left of their tenure understood the fact that Imran Khan was incompetent and thus decided to end the coalition and a motion of no confidence was successful which is a democratic and constitutional way of removed a prime minister.

4. The same representatives that voted in Imran Khan then voted in Shahbaz Sharif as prime minister.

I hope this helps you understand how things work the basics.

Uncle ji, time you need a zimmer frame.

I see you didn’t address the point of a hung parliament in your drivel.

You have squat understanding of democracy let alone general elections. No wonder you live in abject fear of a general election. People tend to fear what they do not understand.

Uncle ji, time you need a zimmer frame.

You have squat understanding of democracy let alone general elections. No wonder you live in abject fear of a general election. People tend to fear what they do not understand.


I see, now that you've understood how representative democracy works and the fact that GE's are supposed to happen once every 5 years and basically understand the fact that you're wrong and don't have a foot to stand on you come out with this gem which doesn't counter any of the arguments made but just blatantly try and insult me because obviously there is no way for you to now make an actual point.
Why would anyone be terrified of the elections? Elections are meant to happen once every five years and they will happen when they're due. It's a simple concept really. Not sure why it's so difficult to grasp for some people

This guy is a joke.

Rest of you, a GE can be called within 5 years by the PM; however a term can no longer be more than 5 years.

Meaning elections are scheduled to happen after the term has expired, but can be called early. In this case, the crooks do not want an early election because not only do they know they will lose, but they have time to further plunder Pakistan and of course, drop criminal proceedings against their cronies.
I see, now that you've understood how representative democracy works and the fact that GE's are supposed to happen once every 5 years and basically understand the fact that you're wrong and don't have a foot to stand on you come out with this gem which doesn't counter any of the arguments made but just blatantly try and insult me because obviously there is no way for you to now make an actual point.

You are in damage control mode now. You got schooled uncle ji.

I am glad to have taught you something. As they say, never too late in life to learn something.

Enjoy the rest of your Easter weekend.

You are in damage control mode now. You got schooled uncle ji.

I am glad to have taught you something. As they say, never too late in life to learn something.

Enjoy the rest of your Easter weekend.


lol. Running off like your friend bewal did on the sehat card topic. I can't say that I'm surprised.

Can you answer the following questions though

1. How often are general elections held in Pakistan?

2. What is the term of an elected parliamentarian in Pakistan?

3. Why did Imran Khan accept the coalition votes when it was time to become Prime Minister but him and his followers reject these now that he has been removed?

4. Why should we spend the tax payers money in having elections earlier than what is legally mandated?
lol. Running off like your friend bewal did on the sehat card topic. I can't say that I'm surprised.

Can you answer the following questions though

1. How often are general elections held in Pakistan?

2. What is the term of an elected parliamentarian in Pakistan?

3. Why did Imran Khan accept the coalition votes when it was time to become Prime Minister but him and his followers reject these now that he has been removed?

4. Why should we spend the tax payers money in having elections earlier than what is legally mandated?

The audacity for crooks to say ‘running away’ when they themselves went into hiding when IK was in power only to crawl out of the woodworks when he was ousted.

You couldn’t make it up.

The audacity for crooks to say ‘running away’ when they themselves went into hiding when IK was in power only to crawl out of the woodworks when he was ousted.

You couldn’t make it up.


Not answering very basic questions. I wonder why? Actually I don't. I know why because you know you're wrong.
I think with Karachi you'll get a big turnout, Lahore too. But if he can crack some other regions it will be a huge step. I woudl focus on Hyderabad/Nawabshah/Mirpur Khas after Lahore. He cannot lose momentum. That region is for the taking.

I'd also like to see him go up towards Larkana and Sukkur and then maybe focus on the Quetta side. I really think while he has the momentum he needs to try and focus on the areas that he could turn.
because the majority there is absolute jaahils
this could be waste of time and resources
because the majority there is absolute jaahils
this could be waste of time and resources

Jaahil or not, you do have to reach out to all areas. I feel a show of force in these regions could hurt the other parties, even switching a few seats will go a long way.
Jaahil or not, you do have to reach out to all areas. I feel a show of force in these regions could hurt the other parties, even switching a few seats will go a long way.

IK is planning something else he also know that show of force alone won't get anything just wait for 2 3 months
Some detractors of Imran Khan are trivializing his popularity. The size of the crowd shows he can sweep the elections if they are conducted in the near future. But if the elections are scheduled for 2023, Imran's challenge is to keep the fervor going till then.
because the majority there is absolute jaahils
this could be waste of time and resources
They are citizens of Pakistan and have more credibility and right to vote on which candidate/party is most suitable to serve their constituency.

'Waste of time and resources'. This is common Pakistani value in your eyes. Shabaash.
They are citizens of Pakistan and have more credibility and right to vote on which candidate/party is most suitable to serve their constituency.

'Waste of time and resources'. This is common Pakistani value in your eyes. Shabaash.
Have you ever visited Interior Sindh I have they literally worship PPP very hard rock to crack for PTI and IK knows as well
What if PTI do jalsa in Interior Sindh and it goes flop will bring bad repute to tehreek think like a politician not an arm chair critic
Have you ever visited Interior Sindh I have they literally worship PPP very hard rock to crack for PTI and IK knows as well
What if PTI do jalsa in Interior Sindh and it goes flop will bring bad repute to tehreek think like a politician not an arm chair critic

Good point maybe they can test the waters somehow? We’re there massive protests in those cities last Sunday?
One day left till the Karachi jalsa and several thousand people gathered tonight.
KARACHI: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) is all set for a massive political power show at Bagh-i-Jinnah, where former prime minister Imran Khan would address the masses, ARY News reported.

As part of a countrywide protest campaign against the ouster of its government, the PTI has announced public meetings in various cities.

A stage has been set at the venue in the shadow of the Quaid’s mausoleum.

“The stage has been built using 100 containers,” said MPA Shahzad Qureshi, one of the organisers. “We have never seen such a huge stage for any rally in Karachi.”

He said that because of the recent political crisis, everyone — from a poor labourer to an industrialist of the city and from youngsters to old ones — wanted to see a glimpse of their leader Imran Khan.

The PTI chief and former prime minister Imran Khan has arrived in Karachi at 7 pm today for the public meeting. He will address the rally at around 10:00pm.

“My request to all those attending our jalsa in Karachi is to carry our Pakistan flag as this is now a fight for Pakistan’s sovereignty & haqeeqi (real) democracy, & against US-instigated regime change, supported by local Mir Jafars,” Imran Khan tweeted.


The Karachi police have also made detailed security arrangements and as admitted by the PTI leadership, the party extended every possible help for the security.

However, the party itself has a pool of over a thousand volunteers for all arrangements, including security, seating and movement of shuttle service from the designated points to bring families to Bagh-i-Jinnah.

Traffic plan

Traffic Police have also announced the substitute routes for public rally of PTI.

Traffic coming through Shahrah-e-Quadeen will be diverted to Khalid Bin Waleed Road.
Motorists coming from University Road will be diverted onto Shaheed Millat Expressway.
Traffic coming from Jail Chowrangi to Jamshed Road will be diverted towards Soldier Bazaar and Business Recorder Road. The public will not be allowed to go from Regal Chowk to New MA Jinnah Road, Corridor 3.
Buses, minibuses and other heavy traffic coming from Nazimabad and Teen Hatti will not be allowed to go to Gurumandir from Lasbela.
Traffic coming from MA Jinnah Road’s Tibet signal will be diverted from Capri to Soldier Bazaar No. 1, Bahadur Yar Jang Road. Heavy traffic will be prohibited from Liaquatabad No. 10 to Teen Hatti and Gurumandir.
Parking facility and routes for participants

Parking lots will be available at the Tai Karate Ground, China Ground on Kashmir Road, Excise Chowrangi (Jigar Muradabadi), Nishtar Park and Mazar-e-Quaid (VIP) Gate.
The participants coming from within Sindh can come from Sohrab Goth and reach the Tai Karate Ground by passing through Water Pump, Liaquatabad, Post Office, Gurumandir and Nishtar Park.
The participants from Central District can come via Liaquatabad Post Office, Gurumandir, and park their vehicles at the Tai Karate Ground.
Similarly, the rally participants from the South district and Korangi can arrive via Sharea Faisal and Sharea Quaideen and park their vehicles near the Khudadad Colony Underpass at the Society Office traffic signal.
The participants arriving from the West district via Pak Colony can drive through Shah Nawaz Bhutto Chowk, Rexer Lane traffic signal, Garden Chowk and MA Jinnah Road, and park their vehicle at the Tai Karate Ground.
The participants coming from the Thatta and Malir districts and District East via Sharea Faisal can park their vehicles near the Dawood Engineering University (Islamia College) via Karsaz, Stadium Road and the New Town Jail Road flyover.

Iv heard the build up is massive so far. This will be huge.

Crowd waiting

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">My request to all those attending our jalsa in Karachi is to carry our Pakistan flag as this is now a fight for Pakistan's sovereignty & haqeeqi (real) democracy, & against US-instigated regime change, supported by local Mir Jafars. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%BE%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%B9%DA%88_%D8%AD%DA%A9%D9%88%D9%85%D8%AA_%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%88%D8%B1?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور</a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1514916156670607367?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 15, 2022</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<div style="width: 100%; height: 0px; position: relative; padding-bottom: 55.000%;"><iframe src="https://streamable.com/e/s5ancu" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;"></iframe></div>
The opposition needs to simply stay United for 1 year, and all this would have been forgotten
Cult-followers always draw big crowds. It is called hero worshipping and delusional faith.
Cult-followers always draw big crowds. It is called hero worshipping and delusional faith.

People follow Imran because of his honesty. This is not something readily associated with the Sharif/Bhutto names. You know that well.
The opposition needs to simply stay United for 1 year, and all this would have been forgotten

Thieves are only united amidst the process of stealing. The divide happens at time of sharing the fruits of steal.

PDM has completed the steal process and I personally don't see them united for even another month let alone a year.
There is NO honour amongst that set of thieves.

This will be a good test of how much brains do these guys have.
If they are able to not stick together for even an year, then either some of the leaders of this alliance are dumb or have weak leadership.

If they are able to stick around, then one needs to give them credit. An Alliance of secular and Islamic, left and right, conservative and liberal somehow managing to stick together for 1 year will be huuuuge
Considering it is a pretty warm evening and folks are under fasting state while also committed to performing Ramadan's duties, it has been a great turnout. May Almighty lead Imran and Pakistan to great heights.
The opposition needs to simply stay United for 1 year, and all this would have been forgotten

Forgotten? Wouldn't it be the same people voting come election time? So the same people will forget what happened and miraculously support united choors and thieves? You don't seem to talking logically here. And you really think PDM will stay united when already first couple of days circus between them have already started?

Bhutto/Sharif can never pull such crowd ever because their popularity is only among the ghuuskhoors who support corruption in Pakistan and ignorant section who are mentally obsessed and life long servants of corrupt khaandani based political parties. Shamelessness has no limit.
Considering it is a pretty warm evening and folks are under fasting state while also committed to performing Ramadan's duties, it has been a great turnout. May Almighty lead Imran and Pakistan to great heights.

So what if the Karachities don't come to watch cricket matches? They turn up when it counts!
So what if the Karachities don't come to watch cricket matches? They turn up when it counts!


<div style="width: 100%; height: 0px; position: relative; padding-bottom: 55.000%;"><iframe src="https://streamable.com/e/koeg65" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;"></iframe></div>
Have you ever visited Interior Sindh I have they literally worship PPP very hard rock to crack for PTI and IK knows as well
What if PTI do jalsa in Interior Sindh and it goes flop will bring bad repute to tehreek think like a politician not an arm chair critic

He did one a while back in Larkana that got a big crowd. Also the reason PPP wins in interior is that no one else really campaigns their.

If you look at the results from Larkana and Sukkur in the last election in provincial assembly, its closer than one expected even though PPP won majority of seats their.


Same thing with the National Assembly seats in Larkana and Sukkur.


Its not impossible for PTI to win their. And especially if PDM is not holding elections it wont hurt to do jalsas in Larkana and Sukkur.
This is a live stream

<iframe width="700" height="713" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/5t1v1dJ5nvM" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This will be a good test of how much brains do these guys have.
If they are able to not stick together for even an year, then either some of the leaders of this alliance are dumb or have weak leadership.

If they are able to stick around, then one needs to give them credit. An Alliance of secular and Islamic, left and right, conservative and liberal somehow managing to stick together for 1 year will be huuuuge

Or maybe they think they can benefit. Zardari said today PPP wont take ministries in the govt. Its possible he stabs PML N in the back, this way his party can make a comeback in Punjab.
Once again ARY viewing figures will be substantially higher than other channels then. I think they will definitely show the speeches.

Live stream is the way massive crowds from lower middle class to burgers all in the Jalsa PtI is the party of masses a National party I repeat National not a provincial party like PPP :)))
Cult-followers always draw big crowds. It is called hero worshipping and delusional faith.

No whipping them today?

Huge numbers. Amazing to see the majority of Pakistanis do not want to be slaves or be ruled by crooks.
Fantastic turnout. These rallies are a proof that Pakistan is done with Bhutto/Sharif clan.

Have asked PDM supporters here to show us similar turnout for their beloved crook criminals, but we get no response from them with proof of such huge PDM gatherings. So much for the "people's choice government"
Folks are still turning up. I wish if there was a video coverage of roads/streets leading to this event:<
When is SS going to have a jalsa? He's going to have to use smoke and mirrors to match these IK crowds! :)))
On another note if these supporters are unemployed then there must be a few crooks who are actually employed in Pakistan! No wait ... :)))
All this support and "people" and PTI still lost NCM and is out of power. Sour grapes? Our overseas brothers need to calm down. These jalsas/protests do not paint any type of picture regarding elections. IK (and PTI too until IK is part of that party) is never going to be in power again. Lol
Forgotten? Wouldn't it be the same people voting come election time? So the same people will forget what happened and miraculously support united choors and thieves? You don't seem to talking logically here. And you really think PDM will stay united when already first couple of days circus between them have already started?

Bhutto/Sharif can never pull such crowd ever because their popularity is only among the ghuuskhoors who support corruption in Pakistan and ignorant section who are mentally obsessed and life long servants of corrupt khaandani based political parties. Shamelessness has no limit.

Yes, this will be forgotten in an years time. The people on the streets will always vote PTI. They won’t be the game changers. The game changers are the swing voters who will decide who to vote closer to election. Their vote will depend on their biggest concern at that point. These are the people sitting at home right now. In the current political climate they might be willing to vote PTI.

But if the election is an year down the line, you never know what is the most burning topic for these people at that moment.

This is how elections and voting works in any country.
Writing in Urdu because it had its own chass "muqtadar halqay IK ki awaami taqaat dekh k bhokla gye ha" just watched out what will happen this will result in something dangerous not the Michael Jackson's dangerous
All this support and "people" and PTI still lost NCM and is out of power. Sour grapes? Our overseas brothers need to calm down. These jalsas/protests do not paint any type of picture regarding elections. IK (and PTI too until IK is part of that party) is never going to be in power again. Lol

Because they did not have a majority in the last election. However they have been on an upward trend.

1997 election - 1% of vote - 0 seats won
2002 election - 1% of vote - 1 seat won
2008 election - boycott election
2013 election - 17 % of vote - 35 seats
2018 election - 32 % vote - 149 seats

And for the next election in places like Karachi they do not need lotas like Amir Liaqat. However you are right they might never be in power again because PDM has cut a deal with the neutrals.
Yes, this will be forgotten in an years time. The people on the streets will always vote PTI. They won’t be the game changers. The game changers are the swing voters who will decide who to vote closer to election. Their vote will depend on their biggest concern at that point. These are the people sitting at home right now. In the current political climate they might be willing to vote PTI.

But if the election is an year down the line, you never know what is the most burning topic for these people at that moment.

This is how elections and voting works in any country.

The thing is IK is converting these swing voters in to Street hard-core support my entire family right now is at the Karachi jalsa first time ever people from our family have ever attended any political event and my house hold is not an anomaly it's visible in many families I know off.
The thing is IK is converting these swing voters in to Street hard-core support my entire family right now is at the Karachi jalsa first time ever people from our family have ever attended any political event and my house hold is not an anomaly it's visible in many families I know off.

I think in Karachi its game over for MQM. Why exactly will people their vote for them anymore now they have cut a deal with Zardari? Which is why in the jalsa they were chanting Zardari ka jo yaar hai, woh ghaddar hai