[PICTURES/VIDEOS] Protests taking place in Pakistan after fall of PTI regime

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Amazing pull that IK has on Pakistan - fills me with hope again.
Because they did not have a majority in the last election. However they have been on an upward trend.

1997 election - 1% of vote - 0 seats won
2002 election - 1% of vote - 1 seat won
2008 election - boycott election
2013 election - 17 % of vote - 35 seats
2018 election - 32 % vote - 149 seats

And for the next election in places like Karachi they do not need lotas like Amir Liaqat. However you are right they might never be in power again because PDM has cut a deal with the neutrals.

They got 32% votes in 2018 because other parties were on their knees due to corruption cases and "people" did not have first hand experience of IK's government. Now, most of the people know what he is capable of with all his fake promises and incompetency, so that upward trend is going to go downwards this time, unfortunately for our overseas brothers. Lol
They got 32% votes in 2018 because other parties were on their knees due to corruption cases and "people" did not have first hand experience of IK's government. Now, most of the people know what he is capable of with all his fake promises and incompetency, so that upward trend is going to go downwards this time, unfortunately for our overseas brothers. Lol

Only time will tell. The question people will have to ask is PTI worse than the other parties? Interior Sindh and Central Punjab might be a lost cause, however PTI can sweep KPK, Karachi, and win decent number of seats in rest of Punjab. That might be enough to win the election. Especially when PDM does not improve the country.
I think in Karachi its game over for MQM. Why exactly will people their vote for them anymore now they have cut a deal with Zardari? Which is why in the jalsa they were chanting Zardari ka jo yaar hai, woh ghaddar hai

MQM is/was the dumbest member of all this shameful coalition. Everyone but those dumba$$es could see this coming. Well deserved. If this whole drama is part of a plan/game being played by "neutrals", hats off.
All this support and "people" and PTI still lost NCM and is out of power. Sour grapes? Our overseas brothers need to calm down. These jalsas/protests do not paint any type of picture regarding elections. IK (and PTI too until IK is part of that party) is never going to be in power again. Lol

Aha which crystal ball are you looking through? One gotten with the biryani ke plate at mediocre PDM jalsas?

Imran Khan is pulling record crowd and record ppl are genuinely upset with the criminal family clan making a mockery out of Pakistani democracy. "IK is never going to be in power again. Lol".... Lol is honestly what one can do with this statement of yours. These turnout mean everything and they are a huge embarrassment and humiliation for corrupt Bhutto/Sharif family based ghulams here claiming IK is finish.
I wonder if this is a drama stage setup by "neutrals" to get rid off all the crooks. It may sound as if Imran is out of favor, but who knows if this is part of the game plan, "ek ball say 3 wicket".
All those musketeers party must be thinking what blunder they have done public has completely forgotten inflation bad governance negligence under IK a new spirit in PTI and a lota free spirit
This whole drama has resulted one thing- those who were against Imran for high inflation are back with him. Is this a game to provide Imran 2/3 majority in the assembly, let see.
With massive public in IK favour I doubt whether that ran away stooge dare to comeback 😤
MQM is/was the dumbest member of all this shameful coalition. Everyone but those dumba$$es could see this coming. Well deserved. If this whole drama is part of a plan/game being played by "neutrals", hats off.

Don't think so. I think Bajwa and his cronies are against him at least.

PTI social media members had houses raided in the middle of night. Even before Shehbaz took his oath. Their have been media blackout claims. Nawaz is about to come back to Pakistan.

Shireen Mazari and others have been taking veiled shots at the neutrals.
I wonder if this is a drama stage setup by "neutrals" to get rid off all the crooks. It may sound as if Imran is out of favor, but who knows if this is part of the game plan, "ek ball say 3 wicket".

They are crooks themselves. They are the ones who installed Nawaz in the first place. Higher chance they are worried that if IK becomes more powerful he will come after them.
Don't think so. I think Bajwa and his cronies are against him at least.

PTI social media members had houses raided in the middle of night. Even before Shehbaz took his oath. Their have been media blackout claims. Nawaz is about to come back to Pakistan.

Shireen Mazari and others have been taking veiled shots at the neutrals.

I beg to disagree. The blackout is partial! If Bajwa was against Imran, he could go one step further and completely neutralize Imran which he has not. It could be all smoke and mirrors!
The thing is IK is converting these swing voters in to Street hard-core support my entire family right now is at the Karachi jalsa first time ever people from our family have ever attended any political event and my house hold is not an anomaly it's visible in many families I know off.

1 year is a long time in politics. Things change. World changes. People forget such things.

If you are from the UK, this is an equivalent to Corbyn in 2017 and 2019. How things changed for him. A couple of mistakes or a couple of good policies by the govt and the whole game changes on its head.

IK’s best bet is an immediate election. But you never know what will happen in an year
Only time will tell. The question people will have to ask is PTI worse than the other parties? Interior Sindh and Central Punjab might be a lost cause, however PTI can sweep KPK, Karachi, and win decent number of seats in rest of Punjab. That might be enough to win the election. Especially when PDM does not improve the country.

PTI has been in power in KPK since last 8 years if I remember correctly. The people are not happy with PTI government in KPK from what I know and from what I gathered when interacted with KPK people. This is also evident from the recent election that took place in KPK (between PTI and JUI I think), and the opposite party won that election convincingly.

In Sindh, it's between PPP and PTI. PMLN has outside chance there, but these 2 parties have more following there.
1 year is a long time in politics. Things change. World changes. People forget such things.

If you are from the UK, this is an equivalent to Corbyn in 2017 and 2019. How things changed for him. A couple of mistakes or a couple of good policies by the govt and the whole game changes on its head.

IK’s best bet is an immediate election. But you never know what will happen in an year

Corbin didn’t have this level of support and the stories were not out and put crooks like the PDM.

Otherwise I agree things can happen, things can be manipulated.
PTI has been in power in KPK since last 8 years if I remember correctly. The people are not happy with PTI government in KPK from what I know and from what I gathered when interacted with KPK people. This is also evident from the recent election that took place in KPK (between PTI and JUI I think), and the opposite party won that election convincingly.

In Sindh, it's between PPP and PTI. PMLN has outside chance there, but these 2 parties have more following there.

In the last KPK local polls PTI won.

The ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has won the second phase of local government elections in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, dealing a heavy blow to the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F), which registered huge gains in the first phase of voting over three months ago.

In the second phase, polling also took place in 1,830 union councils. Till late Friday, the results from 48 tehsil councils were compiled, out of which PTI candidates had been declared winner in 19. However, the party claims victory in 32. In the second place ithe JUI-F was trailing with victory in 8 tehsil councils.

They are followed by the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) with 5 wins; Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), 3; Awami National Party (ANP), Qaumi Watan Party (QWP) and independents 2 each, and the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), the Rah-e-Haq Party (RHP) and Majlis Wahdat-e-Muslimeen (MWM) one each.

People blocked from attending

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">People are reporting traffic being blocked heading towards Mizar-e-Qaid(Jalsa Gah). <a href="https://t.co/Mfb7cMh13e">pic.twitter.com/Mfb7cMh13e</a></p>— Siasat.pk (@siasatpk) <a href="https://twitter.com/siasatpk/status/1515354580107866122?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 16, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
People blocked from attending

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">People are reporting traffic being blocked heading towards Mizar-e-Qaid(Jalsa Gah). <a href="https://t.co/Mfb7cMh13e">pic.twitter.com/Mfb7cMh13e</a></p>— Siasat.pk (@siasatpk) <a href="https://twitter.com/siasatpk/status/1515354580107866122?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 16, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

They will not be able to stop ppl. Jalsa place is packed
PTI has been in power in KPK since last 8 years if I remember correctly. The people are not happy with PTI government in KPK from what I know and from what I gathered when interacted with KPK people. This is also evident from the recent election that took place in KPK (between PTI and JUI I think), and the opposite party won that election convincingly.

In Sindh, it's between PPP and PTI. PMLN has outside chance there, but these 2 parties have more following there.

Best way to know what people think is opinion polls. This is the latest Gallup Poll from January 2022. PTI is leading in KPK, PML N in punjab, PPP in Sindh. However for National its showing PTI has the lead.

You need to visit Pakistan, and stay here for more than 1 month to have a real picture of what Pakistani locals (actual voters) really think about PTI and IK. Lol

I'll not argue more about this with you, as the point stands until you get to know about the ground realities here.

So the people who protested last Sunday were not locals? These masses showing up at Peshawar and Karachi are not locals?
So the people who protested last Sunday were not locals? These masses showing up at Peshawar and Karachi are not locals?

As I said, you need to visit Pakistan to know about actual views of locals.

1- A large number of locals in these jalsas are there just for fun, and not going to vote for PTI. So these number of "people" do not have any impact on election.
2- These "people" do not represent even 5% of Pakistan's population.

As I said to a poster above, I'll not argue more about this with you, as the point stands until you get to know about the ground realities here. Because it's like banging your head against a wall. You guys need to suffer what the local's suffer first, and then put your opinions forward.
So the people who protested last Sunday were not locals? These masses showing up at Peshawar and Karachi are not locals?

What I have seen from IK haters regarding the jalsas are the following:

The images are photoshopped. Very few people actually came.
Anyone can bring this many people to a jalsa. If PDM wants they can do a bigger one.
These are unemployed people who have nothing better to do.
Jalsas are irrelevant. The silent majority hates IK and they will vote against him in the election.
Yea they lost that one, and they won the next won. The latest one reflects their popularity more than the old one right?

Well, if it takes general elections for you to get the reality checks, then they are not far away. At most, 1.5 years and you will know where PTI stands in Pakistan.
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As I said, you need to visit Pakistan to know about actual views of locals.

1- A large number of locals in these jalsas are there just for fun, and not going to vote for PTI. So these number of "people" do not have any impact on election.
2- These "people" do not represent even 5% of Pakistan's population.

As I said to a poster above, I'll not argue more about this with you, as the point stands until you get to know about the ground realities here. Because it's like banging your head against a wall. You guys need to suffer what the local's suffer first, and then put your opinions forward.

Do you know what it takes to go to these jalsas?

These are Ramadan nights, people have been fasting all day so you think they have so much time to go to this jalsa for "fun"?
As I said, you need to visit Pakistan to know about actual views of locals.

1- A large number of locals in these jalsas are there just for fun, and not going to vote for PTI. So these number of "people" do not have any impact on election.
2- These "people" do not represent even 5% of Pakistan's population.

As I said to a poster above, I'll not argue more about this with you, as the point stands until you get to know about the ground realities here. Because it's like banging your head against a wall. You guys need to suffer what the local's suffer first, and then put your opinions forward.

"A large number are only there for fun and won't vote for PTI"? You must really know some deep ground realities, or else it's the most naive statement one can make, but being delusional is a prominent forte of anti Imran brigade so no surprise. Just by saying "I know ground reality" doesn't mean iota, it only proves your association lies with lotas (PDM) :)

I mean these supporters aren't getting biryani ke plate either at PTI jalsas like PDM so not sure what they are there for... O right just for "fun" what expert analysis :) Glad you didn't claim its all overseas Pakistani attending all these jalsas

O mine what tsunami of people who are jobless, only there for "fun" and "won't vote for PTI"... anti-IK brigade here who claim to know it all and all these citizens showing up at IK jalsas know nothing. Like seriously being delusional is one thing, but trying to be smart about it is outright stupidity. One can only use face-palm emojis at such statements
Those who say, "believe me" or "I spoke to folks from such and such city/province" to spread their agenda/narrative against the most popular man in Pakistan, need to know one thing: Overseas Pakistanis don't live on mars. They do visit Pakistan and know the ground realities. Jobless, needy, middle class, or "Farigh" - they are all behind Imran, and especially after this episode, the bond has become stronger. Grow up and have guts to admit the strength of Imran in Pakistan politics.
Do you know what it takes to go to these jalsas?

These are Ramadan nights, people have been fasting all day so you think they have so much time to go to this jalsa for "fun"?

Ok, so lets make a list of what else most of the people do in Ramadan nights.

1- They play night cricket tournaments.
2- They do gossip till sehri time.
3- They do chat with their friends till sehri.

I think this should be enough to get the point what do I mean by fun. Going out in jalsas in Ramadan nights is the most productive type of fun for most of the people.
*** Most of the cricket is played in the evening by youth. LOL at assuming that everyone regardless of age/gender is playing cricket during Ramdhan. Now go ahead and take a glimpse of people in this Jalsa - yound or old, men or women, all have participated with passion.
It takes courage to go out and be in such a large congregation forgetting heat and suffocating environment regardless of health conditions. I know personally many folks who are attending this Jalsa despite having medical issues. It is so childish to compare a leisure cricket outing in Ramadan vs this participation.
Ok, so lets make a list of what else most of the people do in Ramadan nights.

1- They play night cricket tournaments.
2- They do gossip till sehri time.
3- They do chat with their friends till sehri.

I think this should be enough to get the point what do I mean by fun. Going out in jalsas in Ramadan nights is the most productive type of fun for most of the people.

Absolute blagger. The points above happen mostly between iftari and sehri.

People were arriving at these jalses while having a fast, long before iftari. They didn't just appear spontaneously after Maghrib Azaan.
Bear in mind, this was the crowd despite PPP and MQM trying to create roadblocks and obstacles for PTI's supporters. You can only imagine what the actual turnout would have been if everyone was allowed to attend the event freely.
Have you seen how many gathered in Lahore today just to watch the speech? Next wee in Lahore could top both Karachi and Peshawar.
My mamu was at the Jalsa. The word is Imran has hit home strong. The Awaam are in awe of him and PTI crew. They feel a genuine connection between a party who genuinely want to run the country to work for the Awaam .
My mamu was at the Jalsa. The word is Imran has hit home strong. The Awaam are in awe of him and PTI crew. They feel a genuine connection between a party who genuinely want to run the country to work for the Awaam .

The PDM coup has backfired. Not only has it galvanised a movement/revolution, but has also established a connection with IK and disfranchisement with corruption and crooks. SS will never sleep a peaceful night's sleep ever again.

Literally from these pictures and videos a new Pakistan is born. That too in Ramadan, subhanallah!
The PDM coup has backfired. Not only has it galvanised a movement/revolution, but has also established a connection with IK and disfranchisement with corruption and crooks. SS will never sleep a peaceful night's sleep ever again.

Literally from these pictures and videos a new Pakistan is born. That too in Ramadan, subhanallah!

Yes. Definetly can Sence a revolution on the cards, we as British Pakistanis and other oversees with Pakistani connections have to be part of this and help imran drive home the truth. The crooks and the Mafia will learn a harsh but brutal lesson at the end that the power of a united Awaam will be be a force to reckon with. Long live IMRAN KHAN.

What's with all the singing and music in Ramadhan?

It’s not some rap or love songs or sharabi ghazals.

Mostly patriotic songs.

What they need is to reduce the number and time of speeches before IK takes the podium.
Awam could potentially lose the steam, passion and interest.
A few of maximum of two minutes speeches should be OK. Today Asad Umer set a good example of that. Make it short n sweet with powerful content AND don’t repeat the obvious.

People want to see and hear their leader - make that happen with no unnecessary delay. Hit the iron while it’s hot.
The PDM coup has backfired. Not only has it galvanised a movement/revolution, but has also established a connection with IK and disfranchisement with corruption and crooks. SS will never sleep a peaceful night's sleep ever again.

Literally from these pictures and videos a new Pakistan is born. That too in Ramadan, subhanallah!

I think criminals of PDM ganging up and forceful withdrawal of IK by ghuuskhoor judiciary has seriously jolted the entire nation and they want to make a change
Its amazing to see such unity and response. If anything this has made many more pro-PTI, and has made future PTI prospects much more stronger whether Imran Khan is there or not. His honesty, integrity, commitment to nation and intellectual mind has gained many followers and hopefully within his party there will be people following his footsteps who will wipe out future khandaani criminals of Bhutto and Sharif clan from politics for good.
Yes. Definetly can Sence a revolution on the cards, we as British Pakistanis and other oversees with Pakistani connections have to be part of this and help imran drive home the truth. The crooks and the Mafia will learn a harsh but brutal lesson at the end that the power of a united Awaam will be be a force to reckon with. Long live IMRAN KHAN.


You bet. A number of my family are flying out in next week, and Inshallah I will join them too. But first Hyde Park tomorrow in support of naya Pakistan!

Pakistan Zindabad!
This crowd must translate into an Iran 1979 violent uprising against the PDM and Bajwa. Puraman Ehtejaj does not inspire any fear otherwise.
I think criminals of PDM ganging up and forceful withdrawal of IK by ghuuskhoor judiciary has seriously jolted the entire nation and they want to make a change
Its amazing to see such unity and response. If anything this has made many more pro-PTI, and has made future PTI prospects much more stronger whether Imran Khan is there or not. His honesty, integrity, commitment to nation and intellectual mind has gained many followers and hopefully within his party there will be people following his footsteps who will wipe out future khandaani criminals of Bhutto and Sharif clan from politics for good.

Absolutely! His supporters, old and new, have put aside economic hardship beacuse they are willing to sacrifice for the greater good Pakistan! I have never seen such unity, passion, and commitment like this in Pakistan!

The Renaissance of Pakistan has commenced!
Absolutely! His supporters, old and new, have put aside economic hardship beacuse they are willing to sacrifice for the greater good Pakistan! I have never seen such unity, passion, and commitment like this in Pakistan!

The Renaissance of Pakistan has commenced!

As good as this is he needs his top pr guys coming up with new but good stuff each time. Don’t reveal everything in one go save something. He must I mean it, focus on all regions.
As good as this is he needs his top pr guys coming up with new but good stuff each time. Don’t reveal everything in one go save something. He must I mean it, focus on all regions.

Agreed. Besides from IK, the other speakers should be different in my opinion. Mix it up, the speeches will at least be different.

And they should focus on the area where the jalsa is. For example this was in Karachi I would have liked to see more attacks on MQM, and the lota's from karachi like Amir Liaqat.
IK is hinting at General Bajwa being the recipient of the US message from Donald Wu to remove IK. Dangerous Game IK is playing here.
IK is hinting at General Bajwa being the recipient of the US message from Donald Wu to remove IK. Dangerous Game IK is playing here.

Bajwa has to resign. He is too compromised and the mafia and the Americans have something on him. No way could a General that was called a Coward by the Nooras have laid down and surrendered without being blackmailed
IK is hinting at General Bajwa being the recipient of the US message from Donald Wu to remove IK. Dangerous Game IK is playing here.

He's hinting the obvious. Which other country treats a democraticly elected government in the manner imrans PTI have been treated.

He knows he's on to a collision course with the establishment but there's no alternatives, as he wants to get back in to power. Something eventually will give, either the establishment will eventually crack after rise of the people power or it will be the end of imrans political drive to the top. One thing for sure, victorious or not, imran has changed the mindset of the Nation.
IK is hinting at General Bajwa being the recipient of the US message from Donald Wu to remove IK. Dangerous Game IK is playing here.

He's hinting the obvious. Which other country treats a democraticly elected government in the manner imrans PTI have been treated.

He knows he's on to a collision course with the establishment but there's no alternatives, as he wants to get back in to power. Something eventually will give, either the establishment will eventually crack after rise of the people power or it will be the end of imrans political drive to the top. One thing for sure, victorious or not, imran has changed the mindset of the Nation.

What Bajwa is doing dangerous, not IK.

Bajwa has to resign. He is too compromised and the mafia and the Americans have something on him. No way could a General that was called a Coward by the Nooras have laid down and surrendered without being blackmailed

Bajwa's power is finished once he takes of the uniform. So expect the knives to sharpen as his last day comes closer.
Who can IK now reallt this is mind boggling for PDM and all envelope journos
Three big Jalsas and still peaceful! Way to go IK and PTI team.
Kaptaan more conciliatory yesterday. PK is like a powder keg and one through away comment from Kaptaan could lead to catastrophe for all. He gave clear red lines, Same treatment for all in Foreign funding case, free and fair elections and no to servitude
Back in 2014, PTI carried out protests for over 120 days. They had full media coverage; support of public; pressure from Tahir ul Qadri; funding of establishment, agencies, tycoons, foreigners, wealthy PTI leaders and citizens.

Yet government continued to work and PTI's crowd diminished with time. PM was only ousted after civil military conflict during Dawn Leaks. Current PTI has nothing but charity from its cult followers and it's facing several cases. Let's see how long this nonsense lasts.

The funny thing is Imran Khan realizes what his supporters are. In his latest address to the supporters in Karachi, he referred to his followers as "keyboard warriors"
Back in 2014, PTI carried out protests for over 120 days. They had full media coverage; support of public; pressure from Tahir ul Qadri; funding of establishment, agencies, tycoons, foreigners, wealthy PTI leaders and citizens.

Yet government continued to work and PTI's crowd diminished with time. PM was only ousted after civil military conflict during Dawn Leaks. Current PTI has nothing but charity from its cult followers and it's facing several cases. Let's see how long this nonsense lasts.

The funny thing is Imran Khan realizes what his supporters are. In his latest address to the supporters in Karachi, he referred to his followers as "keyboard warriors"

Exactly how it makes us wonder how long will this puppet government of criminals of this so called new political party PDM will last. Wait are they still together or back to being PPP, Noon, meem, woow etc?

Cult follower suits more to people who are boot lickers of the same family members running the political party show for decades. I mean it really takes deep drill of cult in the head to support the same family for decades in a country where democracy should be thriving. If you can't see how big of a joke this supporting family dynasty system of criminals is, then political analysis from such cults are always going to be a big joke.

Every terminology anti IK brigade use simply fire backs at them and fits pujari of family based politicians much better.
My estimate is that somewhere bnetween 400k and 500k showed up in and around the jalsa site yesterday and it could have been the same in Peshawar. Is this fair or am I way off?
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Thank you Karachi for your momentous & passionate support for our jalsa last night. This is our fight for democracy & the sovereignty of Pakistan & against a US-initiated regime change conspiracy abetted by local abettors & corrupt political mafia. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%BE%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%B9%DA%88_%D8%AD%DA%A9%D9%88%D9%85%D8%AA_%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%88%D8%B1?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور</a></p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1515648453375782917?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 17, 2022</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Back in 2014, PTI carried out protests for over 120 days. They had full media coverage; support of public; pressure from Tahir ul Qadri; funding of establishment, agencies, tycoons, foreigners, wealthy PTI leaders and citizens.

Yet government continued to work and PTI's crowd diminished with time. PM was only ousted after civil military conflict during Dawn Leaks. Current PTI has nothing but charity from its cult followers and it's facing several cases. Let's see how long this nonsense lasts.

The funny thing is Imran Khan realizes what his supporters are. In his latest address to the supporters in Karachi, he referred to his followers as "keyboard warriors"

Well said.

The 2014 jalsa fizzled out and became an embarrassment for Imran. He didn’t know how to call it off without conceding defeat so he used the APS tragedy to put an end to his circus.
My estimate is that somewhere bnetween 400k and 500k showed up in and around the jalsa site yesterday and it could have been the same in Peshawar. Is this fair or am I way off?

Absolutely massive

Spoke to a few family members who were there last night and they told me they havent felt this sort of spirit of patriotism in many years.
My estimate is that somewhere bnetween 400k and 500k showed up in and around the jalsa site yesterday and it could have been the same in Peshawar. Is this fair or am I way off?

These people who are on the streets fighting for democracy and justice are the same people who give bribe and will engage in unlawful practices to get their way.

They have nothing better to do. If they did, they won’t have time for this nonsense. They are only disrupting the lives of their fellow citizens.

At the end of the day, they will achieve nothing.
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People comparing the 2014 Dharna to the Jalsas today have no idea what they are talking about.

Back then an argument could be made that inspite of PML N rigging in the 2013 elections, pti were still small and in the end in actual terms did not win more votes than PML N to win a majority.

This time the entire country can see how blatantly the opposition has accepted US embassy help, funds to buy out the MNAs, media necessary to overthrow the pti govt and how the US pressurized Bajwa to stay out of it.

There is real anger and feeling on the streets against the PDM right now and if need be if the PDM insists on conducting themselves 90's style and indulge in cooked pti prosecution, then these people will do a 1979 Iran style uprising if need be.
People comparing the 2014 Dharna to the Jalsas today have no idea what they are talking about.

Back then an argument could be made that inspite of PML N rigging in the 2013 elections, pti were still small and in the end in actual terms did not win more votes than PML N to win a majority.

This time the entire country can see how blatantly the opposition has accepted US embassy help, funds to buy out the MNAs, media necessary to overthrow the pti govt and how the US pressurized Bajwa to stay out of it.

There is real anger and feeling on the streets against the PDM right now and if need be if the PDM insists on conducting themselves 90's style and indulge in cooked pti prosecution, then these people will do a 1979 Iran style uprising if need be.

? If US embassey gave money than why those mnas mot vote against pti?

176 votes did not have pti votes, these allainced party votes
? If US embassey gave money than why those mnas mot vote against pti?

176 votes did not have pti votes, these allainced party votes

US embassy officials met all the pti dissidents, allies let alone PPP, PML-N politicians. There is a very well documented trail and photographic trail of evidence. If only the state institutions had not decided in advance under instructions from higher powers they did not want to investigate it one bit.
These people who are on the streets fighting for democracy and justice are the same people who give bribe and will engage in unlawful practices to get their way.

They have nothing better to do. If they did, they won’t have time for this nonsense. They are only disrupting the lives of their fellow citizens.

At the end of the day, they will achieve nothing.

They have nothing better to do? We can tell seeing tsunami of people coming out in support of Imran Khan is making you folks sweat.....'taangein kaap rahein hai' of crook PDM supporters.

Just complaining about it that these are jobless, nothing better to do crowd is just an illogical whine, we are not talking hundreds but millions and millions. What it means is that nation is fed up of corrupt mafia taking over the country and this time around they are not going to sit back. This trend will continue and same tsunami of Pakistani will throw this puppet govermemt out in the garbage bin where it belongs, they will keep coming out and will hopefully soon be demanding for these corrupt Bhutto/Sharif family based criminals to be hanged in the open and make an example out of them. That will be the best thing that could happen to Pakistan if we make an example out of these criminals family based menace and get rid of it for good.
Fantastic to see the huge numbers coming out to show their patriotism, above all else the rejection of these chors who are desperately trying to weasel their back to power to loot the nation bone dry.

The awaam have responded have decreed that these chors are not welcome.
US embassy officials met all the pti dissidents, allies let alone PPP, PML-N politicians. There is a very well documented trail and photographic trail of evidence. If only the state institutions had not decided in advance under instructions from higher powers they did not want to investigate it one bit.

There are photos of imran meeting american embassey people aswell.

Plz first figure out who took bribe, the pti members that turned on pti or the oppositing parties
Usual people come in every thread and destroy it.

Deleting rubbish.
Just imagine if the Pakistan - Australia matches were still on going, there would huge sellout protesting crowds inside and outside the stadium
My mamu who attended the karachi jalsa is planning to Attend the Lahore jalsa as well. Imran and his PTI members have really hit home with large parts of the Awaam. Their honesty and meaningful connection with the Awaam sets them apart from the crooks.