PM Imran Khan at the UNGA: Incentivising Taliban will be win-win for all


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
Prime Minister Imran Khan urged the world community to incentivise the Afghan Taliban instead of abandoning them at this critical juncture and encouraged them to shun a selective approach towards human rights violations in various parts of the world.

Addressing the United Nations General Assembly via a video link, the prime minister highlighted various issues facing the world today, including Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, flight of looted money from poor countries to the rich states, and Islamophobia.

The prime minister while referring to a wave of oppression in the Indian-Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), said that Pakistan desired peace with its nuclear-armed neighbour but the onus was on New Delhi to create conducive environment for a meaningful engagement with Pakistan.

The prime minister told the 193-member UNGA that Pakistan was being blamed by some politicians in the United States and Europe for the current turn of events in Afghanistan despite the fact the country suffered the most by joining the war against terrorism after September 11, 2001 attacks in the US.

Imran said that the world must understand why the Taliban came back into power and why a 300,000 well-equipped Afghan army … gave up without a fight. “Unfortunately, in trying to force a military solution is where the US went wrong,” he added.

Imran regretted that Pakistan rendered immense sacrifices during the US-led war in Afghanistan but instead of appreciation, the country was blamed for the latest turn of events. “Imagine how we feel,” he asked. “There is a lot of worry in the US about taking care of the interpreters… What about us?”

Imran delved on the history of the Afghan war spanning over the last four decades. During the war against terror, Imran said that 50 militant groups were involved in attacking the state of Pakistan, besides there were 480 US drone strikes, which caused more collateral damage than killing militants.

“At one point, people like us were worried that will we survive this? There were bombs going all over Pakistan. Our capital was like a fortress. Had it not been for one of the most disciplined army in the world and one of the best intelligence agencies in the world, I think Pakistan would have gone down.”

He invited the whole international community to think what was the way ahead in Afghanistan. “There are two paths that we can take. If we neglect Afghanistan right now… there is a huge humanitarian crisis looming ahead,” he warned.

“And this will have serious repercussions not just for the neighbours of Afghanistan but everywhere. A destabilised, chaotic Afghanistan will again become a safe haven for international terrorists – the reason why the US came to Afghanistan in the first place,” he added.

Therefore, the prime minister emphasised that the only way was to strengthen and stabilise the current government. “If the world community incentivises them, and encourages them to walk this talk, it will be a win-win situation for everyone,” he said.

He reminded that Taliban had promised respect for human rights; an inclusive government; preventing their soil to be used by terrorists and had given amnesty. “These are the four things that the US-Taliban dialogue in Doha was all about,” he said.

“You cannot waste time. Help is needed there. Humanitarian assistance has to be given there immediately. The secretary general of the United Nations has taken bold steps. I urge you to mobilise the international community, and move in this direction,” the prime minister said.

He stressed that Afghanistan was passing through a critical time and if the world could incentivise them now then the 20-year presence of the coalition forces in Afghanistan would not be wasted.

Indian oppression

“Islamophobia is another pernicious phenomenon that we all need to collectively combat,” the prime minister told the UNGA. He called for convening a global dialogue under the auspices of the secretary-general on countering the rise of this phenomenon.

Imran said that the worst and most pervasive form of Islamophobia now ruled India. “The hate-filled ‘Hindutva’ ideology, propagated by the fascist RSS-BJP regime, has unleashed a reign of fear and violence against India’s 200 million strong Muslim community,” he said.

“Mob lynching by cow vigilantes; frequent pogroms, such as the one in New Delhi last year; discriminatory citizenship laws to purge India of Muslims; and a campaign to destroy mosques across India and obliterate its Muslim heritage and history, are all part of this criminal enterprise.”

The prime minister told the world community that India had embarked on what it ominously called the “final solution” for the Jammu and Kashmir dispute with a series of illegal and unilateral measures in the occupied territory since 5th August 2019.

“It has unleashed a reign of terror by an occupation force of 900,000; it has jailed senior Kashmiri leadership; imposed a clampdown on media and internet; violently suppressed peaceful protests; and abducted 13,000 young Kashmiris and tortured hundreds of them,” he pointed out.

Similarly, the prime minister added that the Indian occupation forces had carried out extrajudicial killing of hundreds of innocent Kashmiris in fake “encounters”; and imposed collective punishments by destroying entire neighbourhoods and villages.

Imran said that the most recent example of Indian barbarity was the forcible snatching of the mortal remains of the great Kashmiri leader, Syed Ali Shah Geelani, from his family, denying him a proper Islamic funeral and burial, in accordance with his wishes and Muslim traditions.

“We have unveiled a detailed dossier on gross and systematic violations of human rights by the Indian security forces in occupied Jammu and Kashmir,” Imran said. “Indian actions violate the resolutions of the UN Security Council on Jammu and Kashmir,” he added.

“It is unfortunate, very unfortunate, that the world’s approach to violations of human rights lacks even-handedness, and even is selective. Geopolitical considerations, or corporate interests, commercial interests often compel major powers to overlook the transgressions of their “affiliated” countries.”

The prime minister made it clear that Pakistan desired peace with India but sustainable peace in South Asia is contingent upon resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, in accordance with the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions, and the wishes of the Kashmiri people.

“The onus remains on India to create conducive environment for a meaningful engagement with Pakistan” by reversing its unilateral measures of August 5, 2019; stopping its oppression and rights violations against the Kashmiris and reversing demographic changes in the occupied territory, he said.

Covid and climate crises

Imran said that the world at present faced the triple challenge of the Covid-19, accompanying economic crisis, and the threats posed by climate change, adding that these threats not only exposed the fragility of the international system but also underscored the oneness of humanity.

“Pakistan has been successful so far in containing the Covid pandemic. Our calibrated strategy of ‘smart lockdowns’ helped save lives and livelihoods and kept the economy afloat. Over 15 million families survived through our social protection programme of Ehsaas.”

Imran described climate change as one of the primary existential threats to the planet. He pointed out that Pakistan’s contribution to global emissions was negligible, yet the country was among the 10 most vulnerable countries.

To address the triple crisis of Covid pandemic, economic downturn, and climate emergency, the prime minister proposed a three-pronged comprehensive strategy -- vaccine equity; adequate financing to developing countries; and the investment strategies to alleviate poverty and job creation.

Prime Minister Imran also proposed that the secretary-general convene a Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) summit in 2025 to review and accelerate implementation of the SDGs.Corruption

The prime minister drew the world’s attention towards the scourge of illicit financial flows from developing countries, which according to the UN’s Financial Accountability, Transparency and Integrity (FACTI) estimates, amounted to $7 trillion.

“This organised theft and illegal transfer of assets has profound consequences for the developing nations. It depletes their already meagre resources, accentuates the levels of poverty especially when laundered money puts pressure on the currency and leads to its devaluation,” Imran said.

Imran acknowledged that retrieving those stolen assets from the developed countries was impossible for poor nations, but warned that “in the not-too-distant future a time will come when the rich countries will be forced to build walls to keep out economic migrants from these poor countries”.

He urged the UNGA to take steps to address this deeply disturbing, and morally repugnant, situation. “Naming and shaming the ‘haven’ destinations and developing a comprehensive legal framework to halt and reverse the illicit financial flows are most critical actions to stop this grave economic injustice.”
NEW YORK — Prime Minister Imran Khan sought to cast Pakistan as the victim of American ungratefulness and an international double standard in his address to the United Nations General Assembly on Friday.

In a prerecorded speech aired during the evening, the Pakistani prime minister touched on a range of topics that included climate change, global Islamophobia and “the plunder of the developing world by their corrupt elites” — the latter of which he likened to what the East India Company did to India.

It was for India’s government that Khan reserved his harshest words, once again labeling Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist government “fascist.” But the cricketer turned posh international celebrity turned politician was in turn indignant and plaintive as he painted the United States as an abandoner of both Pakistan and neighboring Afghanistan.

“For the current situation in Afghanistan, for some reason, Pakistan has been blamed for the turn of events, by politicians in the United States and some politicians in Europe,” Khan said. “From this platform, I want them all to know, the country that suffered the most, apart from Afghanistan, was Pakistan when we joined the U.S. war on terror after 9/11.”

He launched into a narrative that began with the United States and Pakistan training mujahedeen — regarded as heroes by the likes of then-President Ronald Reagan, he said — during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. But Pakistan was left to pick up the pieces — millions of refugees and new sectarian militant groups — when the Soviets and the Americans left in 1989.

Khan said the U.S. sanctioned its former partner a year later, but then came calling again after the 9/11 attacks. Khan said Pakistan’s aid to the U.S. cost 80,000 Pakistani lives and caused internal strife and dissent directed at the state, all while the U.S. conducted drone attacks.

“So, when we hear this at the end. There is a lot of worry in the U.S. about taking care of the interpreters and everyone who helped the U.S.,” he said, referring to Afghanistan. “What about us?”

Instead of a mere “word of appreciation,” Pakistan has received blame, Khan said.

Despite Khan’s rhetoric espousing a desire for peace, many Afghans have blamed Pakistan for the Taliban’s resurgence in Afghanistan because of close links. The United Nations in August also rejected Pakistan’s request to give its side at a special meeting on Afghanistan, indicating the international community’s shared skepticism.

In his speech, Khan echoed what his foreign minister, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, told The Associated Press earlier this week on the sidelines at the U.N.: the international community should not isolate the Taliban, but instead strengthen the current Afghan government for the sake of the people.

He struck an optimistic tone about Taliban rule, saying their leaders had committed to human rights, an inclusive government and not allowing terrorists on Afghan soil. But messages from the Taliban have been mixed.

A Taliban founder told the AP earlier this week that the hard-liners would once again carry out executions and amputated hands — though this time after adjudication by judges, including women, and potentially not in public.

“If the world community incentivizes them, and encourages them to walk this talk, it will be a win-win situation for everyone,” he said.

Khan also turned his ire on that same community for what he perceives as a free pass given to India.

“It is unfortunate, very unfortunate, that the world’s approach to violations of human rights lacks even-handedness, and even is selective. Geopolitical considerations, or corporate interests, commercial interests often compel major powers to overlook the transgressions of their affiliated countries,” Khan said.

He went through a litany of actions that have “unleashed a reign of fear and violence against India’s 200 million strong Muslim community,” he said, including lynchings, pogroms and discriminatory citizenship laws.

As in years past, Khan — who favors delivering his speeches in his British-inflected English, in contrast to Modi’s Hindi addresses — devoted substantial time to Kashmir.

“New Delhi has also embarked on what it ominously calls the ‘final solution’ for the Jammu and Kashmir dispute,” Khan said, rattling off a list of what he termed “gross and systematic violations of human rights” committed by Indian forces. He specifically decried the “forcible snatching of the mortal remains of the great Kashmiri leader, ” Syed Ali Geelani , who died earlier this month at 91.

Geelani’s family has said authorities took his body and buried him discreetly and without their consent, denying the separatist leader revered in Kashmir a proper Islamic burial. Khan called upon the General Assembly to demand Geelani’s proper burial and rites.

Kashmir is divided between India and Pakistan and has been claimed by both since they won independence from the British empire and began fighting over their rival claims.

He said Pakistan desires peace, but it is India’s responsibility to meaningfully engage.

India exercised its right of reply after the last leader spoke Friday, saying it was upon Pakistan, not India, to demonstrate good faith in engagement. An Indian diplomat said Pakistan needed to look inward before making accusations, and stressed that Kashmir was inalienably India’s. Pakistan then exercised its own right of reply, excoriating India once more.

Modi is set to address the U.N. General Assembly in person on Saturday, a day after a bilateral meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden.
Interestingly enough, the word Pakistan appears 28 times in the above two posts, followed by 27 times for India.

Let's see how many times Modi mentions Pakistan in his address.
Again, the same old, cliched and silly speech by our PM. Imran Khan is the only leader in the country who is fixated with other countries i.e. India and Europe rather than his own country.

If he had given this much time, effort and attention to Pakistan, the lives of Pakistanis would be better. His government has broken the back of the ordinary man, made millions jobless and driven millions into poverty and here he is : lecturing India and the world about human rights, justice and peace. Fix your own country then people would take you seriously!

Because Imran Khan has nothing to show for, he constantly brings up India, Europe and Islamophobia to distract the masses! Shameful!
Again, the same old, cliched and silly speech by our PM. Imran Khan is the only leader in the country who is fixated with other countries i.e. India and Europe rather than his own country.

If he had given this much time, effort and attention to Pakistan, the lives of Pakistanis would be better. His government has broken the back of the ordinary man, made millions jobless and driven millions into poverty and here he is : lecturing India and the world about human rights, justice and peace. Fix your own country then people would take you seriously!

Because Imran Khan has nothing to show for, he constantly brings up India, Europe and Islamophobia to distract the masses! Shameful!

Very well said.

Not to forget he called OBL a Shaheed and is a closet Taliban supporter/sympathiser.
How can Imran expect a taliban government which came to power by a coup be accepted by other countries?
Also not achieving anything by bringing india in every speech and losing credibility for his nation.
How can Imran expect a taliban government which came to power by a coup be accepted by other countries?
Also not achieving anything by bringing india in every speech and losing credibility for his nation.

Are you saying that Millitary govts or dictatorships arent accepted by other govts?
Interestingly enough, the word Pakistan appears 28 times in the above two posts, followed by 27 times for India.

Let's see how many times Modi mentions Pakistan in his address.

The posts aren't written by Imran, they are transcripts from a newspaper so doing a count may not accurately reflect what he said, although yeah I agree he references India too much.

Modi made no direction mention to Pakistan this time around but I think he mentioned Afghanistan a lot of times in such a small speech.
Don’t the Taliban have any representative who can speak for them? So far it’s only coming from Imran Khan or Pak ministers on the help needed in Afghanistan.
India and Pakistan have clashed at the United Nations with Prime Minister Imran Khan slamming the rival for a "reign of terror" on Muslims, while an angry India sought to level unfounded accusations in response.

PM Imran Khan, addressing the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly, spoke of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's plan to "purge India of Muslims".

"The worst and most pervasive form of Islamophobia now rules India," Khan said in an address, delivered by video due to COVID-19 precautions.

"The hate-filled Hindutva ideology, propagated by the fascist RSS-BJP regime, has unleashed a reign of fear and violence against India's 200 million-strong Muslim community," he said.

PM Imran Khan was referring to Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party and the affiliated Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, a century-old Hindu revivalist movement with a paramilitary component.

Under Modi, India has rescinded the statehood of Kashmir, its only Muslim-majority region, pushed through a citizenship law that critics call discriminatory and has witnessed repeated flare-ups of religious-based violence.

Speaking on the day Modi was visiting the White House, PM Imran Khan — who has yet to speak to President Joe Biden — said that commercial interests with billion-plus India were allowing it to "get away with human rights abuses with complete impunity."

Responding to the premier's fiery speech, India’s First Secretary at the General Assembly Sneha Dubey exercised the right to respond and accused Pakistan of sheltering terrorists.

"This is the country which is an arsonist disguising itself as a firefighter," she said.

"Pakistan nurtures terrorists in their backyard in the hope that they will only harm their neighbours."

"Unlike Pakistan, India is a pluralistic democracy with a substantial population of minorities who have gone on to hold highest offices in the country," Dubey claimed.

She said that Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh “were, are and will always be an integral and inalienable part of India”. She emphasised that this includes the areas that are "occupied" by Pakistan.

Pakistan responds
Meanwhile, exercising the right of reply in response to the Indian representative's allegations, Pakistani representative Saima Saleem said Jammu and Kashmir is "neither a so-called integral part of India nor is it India's internal matter".

The Pakistani representative said India remains in occupation of an internationally recognised disputed territory, whose final disposition needs to be decided in accordance with the democratic principles of a plebiscite under the resolutions of the UN Security Council.

In order to divert attention from the ever-increasing international condemnation of India’s widespread and escalating human rights abuses in India-occupied Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi continues to level baseless allegations and rely on outright lies and obfuscation, she said.

"India’s compulsive obsession with Pakistan is neither new nor surprising. It has permeated its ruling elite and governance structures," the representative noted.

"But there is a method to this obsession as it underpins India’s electoral and foreign policy under the ruling RSS-BJP 'Hindutva' inspired government," she said.

The representative said the EU Disinfo Lab had graphically revealed how India has deployed such tools of deflection, deception and disinformation against Pakistan, including at the United Nations.

India’s violations of human rights in occupied Jammu and Kashmir are well documented in the two reports of the High Commissioner on Human Rights, the representative said.

'Witch hunt'
Since August 5, 2019, the High Commissioner has urged India to “unlock the situation and fully restore the rights that are currently being denied” to the people of India-occupied Kashmir, she said.

"Major human rights organisations, including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, have expressed similar serious concerns about India’s human rights violations, including in occupied Jammu and Kashmir," she said.

"In fact, a witch hunt has been launched against those who dare to report these crimes. Only last year, Amnesty International ceased work in India citing constant harassment at the hands of the government," she said.

The representative highlighted that Pakistan had recently released a comprehensive and well-researched dossier containing the entire range of gross, systematic, and widespread violations of human rights being perpetrated by Indian security forces in the occupied territory.

"We call upon the international community to take cognisance of the compelling evidence and hold India accountable for the heinous crimes," she said.

If India has nothing to hide, it must accept a UN Commission of Inquiry and agree to implement the Security Council resolutions stipulating a plebiscite to enable the people of Jammu and Kashmir to exercise their right to self-determination, she added.

India's 'four types of terrorism'
The representative said India was involved in at least four different types of terrorism.

First, India is resorting to “state terrorism” to suppress the people of India-occupied Jammu and Kashmir, she said.

"Since 1989, Indian occupying forces have killed more than 96,000 Kashmiris, widowed around 23,000 women, used rape as weapon of war, and orphaned more than 108,000 children," she noted.

Second, it is funding and supporting terrorist organisations like the TTP which are involved in numerous cross-border terrorist attacks against the Pakistani military and civilian targets, she said.

Third, India is financing and organising mercenary terrorist organisations against Pakistan to impede the economic growth and prosperity of the region, the representative said.

"India’s National Security Advisor (NSA), Mr Ajit Doval, has publicly admitted supporting and financing of such mercenaries," the representative said, noting arrested Indian spy, Kulbhushan Jadhav, had also confessed to organising such terrorism in Pakistan.

Fourth, India is being guided by a supremacist ideology that has mainstreamed Islamophobia and bigotry against minorities particularly Muslims in its political discourse, she added.

'Concerted campaign to destroy Muslim heritage'

In today’s incredibly intolerant India, the 200 million-strong Muslim minority faces frequent lynching by ‘cow vigilantes’; pogroms by RSS thugs, with official complicity; discriminatory citizenship laws to disenfranchise Muslims; and a concerted campaign to destroy mosques and the rich Muslim heritage of India, the representative said.

"The Indian delegation would do well to reflect on the deeply troubling trajectory their state is embarked upon, rather than indulging in patent falsehoods about Pakistan," she said.

"India must realise that it has continuously and miserably failed to suppress the Kashmiris living under its occupation from demanding their inalienable right to self-determination," Saleem added.
The response:

Interesting that India for all the nonsense about Pakistan being non-important entity has to spend so much time responding.

Guess IK's reach is a problem for them
Interesting that India for all the nonsense about Pakistan being non-important entity has to spend so much time responding.

Guess IK's reach is a problem for them
It absolutely hits their nerve.

Nobody has exposed India as Imran Khan has.
Don’t the Taliban have any representative who can speak for them? So far it’s only coming from Imran Khan or Pak ministers on the help needed in Afghanistan.

Taliban's victory over the assembled superpowers with all their resources speaks louder than any words, and Imran Khan to be fair to him, always insisted this would be the outcome. What he says may not be popular, but ultimately his words have been borne out.
It absolutely hits their nerve.

Nobody has exposed India as Imran Khan has.

Exposed? Lol. May be in the Pakistani echo chamber not elsewhere.

Your PM rants at UNGA and the reply comes from a junior level diplomat so openly calls pakistan a supporter of terrorism.

Thats the amount of importance given to your PM.

Hardly anyone cares about your so called expose. No world power bothers to support imran.
Sad that instead of offering condolences to any of Indias masses that died....Modiji talks about exporting vaccines instead lol.
Exposed? Lol. May be in the Pakistani echo chamber not elsewhere.

Your PM rants at UNGA and the reply comes from a junior level diplomat so openly calls pakistan a supporter of terrorism.

Thats the amount of importance given to your PM.

Hardly anyone cares about your so called expose. No world power bothers to support imran.

Why are you so beholden to world powers since India is not one of them? You use their buzzwords like terrorism and UNGA whatever that means, do you actually have any belief in India's own principles which don't chime with the west?
Sad that instead of offering condolences to any of Indias masses that died....Modiji talks about exporting vaccines instead lol.

Since India has inoculated 830mn plus doses and we have extra stock we will be helping others out.

If pakistan is in a position to donate vaccines, they should too.
Why are you so beholden to world powers since India is not one of them? You use their buzzwords like terrorism and UNGA whatever that means, do you actually have any belief in India's own principles which don't chime with the west?

What India is or isn't and its position among world powers can be guaged by world powers, since pakistan is nowhere near that status, pakistanis shouldnot pass judgement about India.

Terrorism is a world wide problem that has hit India too, so if we support action against supporters of terrorism by the west thats good for our own national security.
What India is or isn't and its position among world powers can be guaged by world powers, since pakistan is nowhere near that status, pakistanis shouldnot pass judgement about India.

Terrorism is a world wide problem that has hit India too, so if we support action against supporters of terrorism by the west thats good for our own national security.

So what India is or isn't can be gauged by world powers? This sounds like a familiar story.
Interesting that India for all the nonsense about Pakistan being non-important entity has to spend so much time responding.

Guess IK's reach is a problem for them

Yes some easy practice for our youth. She tored your crew apart including your PM.
Yes, cannot beat your leader's speech.

IK disappointed many with his wonderful and very powerful speech, yes not a surprise.

LOL what powerful? Same thing over and and over again. Oh Oh Kashmir, Oh oh India this India that.. End result ?? India still does what it wants in Kashmir and Pakistan like always is in financial trouble...

Move on, nothing is going to change, only thing that will change is a full Chinese control of Pakistan in the coming decades...
If only IK spent as much energy in developing modern industries in Pakistan as he spends on criticizing Modi and India...

Unlike many other countries Pakistan has the human capital (smart people) who can develop modern industries. Such a shame that the economic and security environment holds them back.
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Don’t the Taliban have any representative who can speak for them? So far it’s only coming from Imran Khan or Pak ministers on the help needed in Afghanistan.

The Taliban government hasn't yet been recognized by the UN. I believe it will take a majority vote of the General Assembly and no veto from a Security Council permanent member for this to happen.
Imran Khan: The PM that cares more about other countries

I'm honestly tired of hearing the same agenda in the PM's speeches. It is either India or the US. I wonder if he even understands most of the issues his own country is facing. He has repeated the same line "RSS, Nazi Like BJP party" and the "final solution" surely more than a 1000 times this year.

Judging from his speeches it seems like he simply wants to prove a point to the world. By antagonizing India and the US and showing Pakistan as a "victim" all the time. Why is he not concerned about the diminishing economy which has almost touched 200 rupees to 1 US dollar?

Why is not concerned about attacks on minorities and the suppression of freedom in our country? A non Muslim can very easily do nothing and be booked under the blasphemy rule, yet he accuses India of mistreating minorities. This is straight facts I am spitting.
I'm honestly tired of hearing the same agenda in the PM's speeches. It is either India or the US. I wonder if he even understands most of the issues his own country is facing. He has repeated the same line "RSS, Nazi Like BJP party" and the "final solution" surely more than a 1000 times this year.

Judging from his speeches it seems like he simply wants to prove a point to the world. By antagonizing India and the US and showing Pakistan as a "victim" all the time. Why is he not concerned about the diminishing economy which has almost touched 200 rupees to 1 US dollar?

Why is not concerned about attacks on minorities and the suppression of freedom in our country? A non Muslim can very easily do nothing and be booked under the blasphemy rule, yet he accuses India of mistreating minorities. This is straight facts I am spitting.


Is not a domestic politics forum.

Imran is not there to talk about home issues.

Treatment of Muslims in India is a worldwide concern.
I'm honestly tired of hearing the same agenda in the PM's speeches. It is either India or the US. I wonder if he even understands most of the issues his own country is facing. He has repeated the same line "RSS, Nazi Like BJP party" and the "final solution" surely more than a 1000 times this year.

Judging from his speeches it seems like he simply wants to prove a point to the world. By antagonizing India and the US and showing Pakistan as a "victim" all the time. Why is he not concerned about the diminishing economy which has almost touched 200 rupees to 1 US dollar?

Why is not concerned about attacks on minorities and the suppression of freedom in our country? A non Muslim can very easily do nothing and be booked under the blasphemy rule, yet he accuses India of mistreating minorities. This is straight facts I am spitting.

Your right off course , at the UNGA I wanted him to talk about the bribe the Police took off my cousins friends uncle in Bewal.
Double standards? While Kamala Harris talks of Pak terror role, Blinken 'appreciates' it over Afghanistan

Just as US Vice President Kamala Harris referred to Pakistan's role in cross-border terrorism during her meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Washington DC, her top diplomat was hosting Pakistani foreign minister in New York and "appreciating" Islamabad for its assistance in Afghanistan.

Observers expressed doubts about the sincerity of Washington's approach towards Pakistan, wondering if America is changing tone depending on the audience, when formulating its approach towards its now-estranged ally in South Asia. US President Joe Biden, significantly, is yet to call Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan.

While Harris brought up the issue of cross-border terrorism on her own during her meeting with Modi, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken held his first in-person talks with Pakistani foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi.

The two "discussed the way forward in Afghanistan," said a state department readout.

"Secretary Blinken reiterated the importance of coordinating our diplomatic engagement and facilitating the departure of those wishing to leave Afghanistan. The secretary noted that the United States appreciates Pakistan’s support and assistance with both of these efforts," it added.

In his remarks, Blinken said: "I’m very pleased to be meeting with my friend and counterpart from Pakistan, Foreign Minister Qureshi.

"Appreciate the work that Pakistan has done to facilitate the departure of American citizens who wish to leave as well as others, but a lot to talk about there as well as our own bilateral relationship, including the economic relationship between our countries and working in the region as a whole."

Indian foreign secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla, briefing reporters after the Modi-Harris meeting, said: “When the issue of terrorism came up, the vice president suo moto referred to Pakistan's role in that regard.”

Harris agreed that India had been a victim of terrorism for several decades, Shringla said, and there was "a need to rein in, and closely monitor, Pakistan's support for such terrorist groups".

“She asked Pakistan to take action so that this will not impact US security and that of India...She agreed with the prime minister's briefing on the fact of cross-border terrorism, and the fact that India has been a victim of terrorism for several decades now and on the need to rein in, and closely monitor Pakistan's support for such terrorist groups.”

For his part, Qureshi, during his talks with Blinken, raked up the Kashmir issue and sought legitimisation of the Taliban government in Kabul, warning the US against disengaging with Afghanistan.

Saying that a "new political reality" had emerged in Afghanistan, he pointed out: “While the Taliban should be held to their commitments, the international community has a moral obligation to help the Afghan people deal with the growing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.”

“The world should not repeat the mistake of disengaging with Afghanistan consistently. There is no military solution and Pakistan is committed to facilitating inclusive political settlement,” he wrote later on Twitter.
Modi does not need to mention Pakistan when the Indian media is obsessed with us. Agreed that IK's repetitive speeches are so boring now. His own government has done nothing on IoK issue at all other then cheap talk. If the UN wanted to do something about Kashmir they would have done so by now Mr idiot PM! By all means do much more for Pakistan please whilst exposing Hindutva terrorism Here is a vicious reply to the Indian joker India who runs away after being hammered. Indian people always run away like cowards when being attacked. From 1:50 after the Indian nonsense is over.

Yawn. Pakistan has zero credibility and influence. Have been at it for 73 years. Nobody cares.

In another thread (amnesia mode on): India does not give us cricket tour or IPL or let our stars perform in Bollywood. They owe us money now else extremism will increase in pakistan.
Modi does not need to mention Pakistan when the Indian media is obsessed with us. Agreed that IK's repetitive speeches are so boring now. His own government has done nothing on IoK issue at all other then cheap talk. If the UN wanted to do something about Kashmir they would have done so by now Mr idiot PM! By all means do much more for Pakistan please whilst exposing Hindutva terrorism Here is a vicious reply to the Indian joker India who runs away after being hammered. Indian people always run away like cowards when being attacked. From 1:50 after the Indian nonsense is over.
India talking of OBL, Pakistan of Kulbhushan...the arguments seem to be inspired by posts out here on PP. :ifti
Saying that a "new political reality" had emerged in Afghanistan, he pointed out: “While the Taliban should be held to their commitments, the international community has a moral obligation to help the Afghan people deal with the growing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.”

“The world should not repeat the mistake of disengaging with Afghanistan consistently.” he wrote later on Twitter.

More of the same, finding new excuses for Western taxpayers to keep sending money to the region. Taliban has taken power by the gun, now it is their responsibility to feed their citizens.

Disengage as quickly as possible, we are tired of wasting our money on ungrateful people.
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Imran Khan speech excerpt:
1. Free vaccine: One, vaccine equity: everyone, everywhere, must be vaccinated against Covid, and as soon as possible;
2. Debt forgiveness and more free money: Two, adequate financing must be made available to developing countries. This can be ensured through comprehensive debt restructuring; expanded ODA; redistribution of unutilized SDRs, and allotment of a greater proportion of SDRs to developing countries; and finally, provision of climate finance; and
3. Free investments: Three, we must adopt clear investment strategies which help alleviate poverty, promote job creation, build sustainable infrastructure, and of course bridge the digital divide.
Interesting that India for all the nonsense about Pakistan being non-important entity has to spend so much time responding.

Guess IK's reach is a problem for them

IK has been doing exceptionally well in bringing up Indian Extremism.

He's on the right path and must continue in this vein.
Eventually the penny will drop and the world will have to put aside financial reward and do the right thing.
I truly believe this
IK has been doing exceptionally well in bringing up Indian Extremism.

He's on the right path and must continue in this vein.
Eventually the penny will drop and the world will have to put aside financial reward and do the right thing.
I truly believe this

It seems some people are doomed to live their lives deluded, and hold on to their fantasies however long they may have been disappointed.

The West doesn't care about whining about "Indian Extremism" by the PM of a country that provided that provided arms to the Taliban Haqqanis who killed thousands of soldiers of the Western nations.
Imran Khan is correct on all points he talked about. A word of appreciation is needed for Pakistan's sacrifice. Pakistani lives are not cheap. They are humans too.
Every country has internal issues no country is perfect and Pakistan will come out on top if people face hardships and mend their ways. Terrorism breeds in when there is a different rule for Muslims and another rule for non-Muslims. These useless wars kill more innocent people than terrorists kill innocent people. I am now liking Imran Khan at least he is representing Pakistan well in the international forums.
LOL what powerful? Same thing over and and over again. Oh Oh Kashmir, Oh oh India this India that.. End result ?? India still does what it wants in Kashmir and Pakistan like always is in financial trouble...

Move on, nothing is going to change, only thing that will change is a full Chinese control of Pakistan in the coming decades...

Yes we saw India does what it wants on that video where one Muslim man confronts an army in protest then once he has been shot down, the hindu photographer stomps on his prone body. Bullying tactics of overwhelming force to terrorise a minority. Has India ever confronted a greater enemy with the same zeal?

As for China, stop crowing about their growing power in Asia, this only highlights India's selfish traits which have blown their chances in their own region. Who would trust them now?
Yes we saw India does what it wants on that video where one Muslim man confronts an army in protest then once he has been shot down, the hindu photographer stomps on his prone body. Bullying tactics of overwhelming force to terrorise a minority. Has India ever confronted a greater enemy with the same zeal?

As for China, stop crowing about their growing power in Asia, this only highlights India's selfish traits which have blown their chances in their own region. Who would trust them now?

Yes we will evict illegal bangladeshis from our land and if they turn violent they will be dealt with.

Indigenous Assamese have lost lives for centuries to keep their land and culture and the illegal immigrants wont be allowed to take it now.
Don't worry, even the Germans were deluded under Nazism but most eventually saw the light.
There is hope for you too

Ok on one hand Modi and RSS are Nazis but the Taliban that enforce various medieval laws on people and their cheerleaders are indigenous heroes and protectors of culture. How does that work?
Yes we will evict illegal bangladeshis from our land and if they turn violent they will be dealt with.

Indigenous Assamese have lost lives for centuries to keep their land and culture and the illegal immigrants wont be allowed to take it now.

1. Mominul had cleared nrc.
2. The encroachment case was under high court.
3. Police has its guidelines how to deal with violent protestors, and shooting to kill should be absolutely last resort.
4. it's surprising to see a bengali take delight in the plight of fellow bengalis.
Yes we saw India does what it wants on that video where one Muslim man confronts an army in protest then once he has been shot down, the hindu photographer stomps on his prone body. Bullying tactics of overwhelming force to terrorise a minority. Has India ever confronted a greater enemy with the same zeal?

Illegal Bangladeshi immigrants will be evicted no matter what.

The photographer has been already arrested for his actions.

I understand you try to give it a religious view but Assam vs Bangladeshi illegal immigrants is not a religious issue.
1. Mominul had cleared nrc.
2. The encroachment case was under high court.
3. Police has its guidelines how to deal with violent protestors, and shooting to kill should be absolutely last resort.
4. it's surprising to see a bengali take delight in the plight of fellow bengalis.

We are Indians first, Bengalis second.
Yes we will evict illegal bangladeshis from our land and if they turn violent they will be dealt with.

Indigenous Assamese have lost lives for centuries to keep their land and culture and the illegal immigrants wont be allowed to take it now.

We are Indians first, Bengalis second.

Given that, you are going for something like a sense of belonging to a greater community i wonder why you didn't say we are humans first. Also Mominul was an indian.
Given that, you are going for something like a sense of belonging to a greater community i wonder why you didn't say we are humans first. Also Mominul was an indian.

1. I did not say anything against Monimul.
2. Being an Indian first and then Bengali doesn't mean that being a human being can't take precedence over being an Indian.
3. I do think every country should enforce its immigration laws and not give illegal immigrants a pass. Being a good human being doesn't mean one should not support the enforcement of the laws of the land.
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So.... Being human means support occupation of land even if it is illegal?

Why stop there?

In the name of humanity, one should support robbery, kidnapping too.
Ok on one hand Modi and RSS are Nazis but the Taliban that enforce various medieval laws on people and their cheerleaders are indigenous heroes and protectors of culture. How does that work?

and just like the Taliban, other countries have to work with the RSS Fascists to ensure a more inclusive government. Two steps forward, remember
So.... Being human means support occupation of land even if it is illegal?

Why stop there?

In the name of humanity, one should support robbery, kidnapping too.

It was not decided the occupation of the land was illegal. The matter was under court. Also there are clear directives on how to handle violent protestors. Shooting to kill is the last resort. Police didn't follow its own rules.
It was not decided the occupation of the land was illegal. The matter was under court. Also there are clear directives on how to handle violent protestors. Shooting to kill is the last resort. Police didn't follow its own rules.

Kindly provide the case number/any documentation under hight court referring to the land occupation being not illegal.
It was not decided the occupation of the land was illegal. The matter was under court. Also there are clear directives on how to handle violent protestors. Shooting to kill is the last resort. Police didn't follow its own rules.

Who gave these directives? The police were attacked. Stones were pelted. 10 of them injured. Police retaliated in self defense.

If there is a stay order from court, then the Guwahati HC will take the police to the cleaners. No?

Merely filing a case in HC gives the illegal squatters no rights.
1. Mominul had cleared nrc.
2. The encroachment case was under high court.
3. Police has its guidelines how to deal with violent protestors, and shooting to kill should be absolutely last resort.
4. it's surprising to see a bengali take delight in the plight of fellow bengalis.

Mominul was not being evicted. He joined the mob and attacked the police. His house is intact.

Did the HC grant a stay? No one has reported that the HC granted a stay.

Police has the right to resort to force when attacked.

I have no relations with any bangladeshi. Never will i have one. Get up read history, these bangladeshis painted kolkata red with blood in 1946. Raped pillaged murdered hindus in east bengal. There is no bengali unity. There are indian bengalis and there are Bangladeshi Bengalis. The distinction is very clear.
Who gave these directives? The police were attacked. Stones were pelted. 10 of them injured. Police retaliated in self defense.

If there is a stay order from court, then the Guwahati HC will take the police to the cleaners. No?

Merely filing a case in HC gives the illegal squatters no rights.

It will require a stay order from court to prevent eviction.

The tactics that I see is, some people try the divide and rule policy.

If you were Muslims, they would have mentioned Muslim instead of Bengali.

People outside India forgets that Indians are Indians first. Religion, language or any other aspect comes after that only.
Taliban's victory over the assembled superpowers with all their resources speaks louder than any words, and Imran Khan to be fair to him, always insisted this would be the outcome. What he says may not be popular, but ultimately his words have been borne out.

Must be some victory now that Pakistan is asking for “aid” from the vanquished to help the victors.
Must be some victory now that Pakistan is asking for “aid” from the vanquished to help the victors.

Was the IMF at war with the Taliban then? I thought it was NATO. Perhaps get one of your smart Indian villagers to answer this, they might be more clued up.
Was the IMF at war with the Taliban then? I thought it was NATO. Perhaps get one of your smart Indian villagers to answer this, they might be more clued up.

You think the Western soldiers who died in Afghanistan were US, but IMF's money comes from Zimbabwe?
I thought the I in IMF stood for international. It's not called American Monetary Fund for a reason I presume.
I thought the I in IMF stood for international. It's not called American Monetary Fund for a reason I presume.

You should maybe do your own research and form an educated opinion. Depending on getting the information on a forum where there will be bias from the posters either ways is not the best way to learn.

Comeback form and opinion and if still not clear we can take this forward.

Also you are going in circles here because you either didn’t get what I said about the victors asking aid from the vanquished on purpose or by design.

Who does Imran expect aid from the Sierra Leone and Vietnam ?
India talking of OBL, Pakistan of Kulbhushan...the arguments seem to be inspired by posts out here on PP. :ifti

Pak should also have mention India sponsoring terrorism in Baluchistan as admitted by Gaurav Arya and Abhinandan. Ajit Doval is also on record admiiting to orchestrating terrorism in Pak. Pak has Kulbushan as we speak where as India has no one. The OBL capture in Pak is shrouded in accusations and counter accusations besides he never attacked India.
Yawn. Pakistan has zero credibility and influence. Have been at it for 73 years. Nobody cares.

In another thread (amnesia mode on): India does not give us cricket tour or IPL or let our stars perform in Bollywood. They owe us money now else extremism will increase in pakistan.

Who cares about Modi wagging his tail in front of the American's then returning empty handed. No one cares about boring Indian accusations of terrorism orchestrated through Pak either, heard them a zillion times. Additionally Indian moaning about 26/11 and all that fell on deaf ears too, remember??

Not sure how you link Bollywood with extremism?? I am happy for Pak not playing in the IPL or acting in boring Bollywood!
Who cares about Modi wagging his tail in front of the American's then returning empty handed. No one cares about boring Indian accusations of terrorism orchestrated through Pak either, heard them a zillion times. Additionally Indian moaning about 26/11 and all that fell on deaf ears too, remember??

Not sure how you link Bollywood with extremism?? I am happy for Pak not playing in the IPL or acting in boring Bollywood!

Last I heard, Pakistani nationals were sanctioned by UN and your govt is on call to defend against Fatf at a cadence to just avoid falling further in the blacklist.

For the second part, there are innumerable threads huffing and puffing about India not playing with Pakistan and frustrating rants about IPL all the way from how it is crap to how we can make PSL as good as IPL to how Pakistan can break its back.

Last I heard, Pakistani nationals were sanctioned by UN and your govt is on call to defend against Fatf at a cadence to just avoid falling further in the blacklist.

For the second part, there are innumerable threads huffing and puffing about India not playing with Pakistan and frustrating rants about IPL all the way from how it is crap to how we can make PSL as good as IPL to how Pakistan can break its back.


Next is that India has been thrown out of Afghanistan! Modi carrying an umbrella was shown no respect in America even according to Indian media. He was not greeted by anyone so then cluttered the usual claptrap of terrorism boring the audience to tears. Relax, we are not gonna go in any blacklist as hard as India may hope. Of course Pak nationals were sanctioned being the only nuke superpower they don't like us too much.

I am not a spokesperson for Pakistanis here that you are telling me what my compatriots think anymore then you are for India. I have always maintained that Pak has to strengthen it's own Cricket first and foremost, never mind what India does.

Once more how is Bollywood who I don't give a toss about related to extremism unless you think the ISI operate it?? Speak...
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Next is that India has been thrown out of Afghanistan! Modi carrying an umbrella was shown no respect in America even according to Indian media. He was not greeted by anyone so then cluttered the usual claptrap of terrorism boring the audience to tears. Relax, we are not gonna go in any blacklist as hard as India may hope. Of course Pak nationals were sanctioned being the only nuke superpower they don't like us too much.

I am not a spokesperson for Pakistanis here that you are telling me what my compatriots think anymore then you are for India. I have always maintained that Pak has to strengthen it's own Cricket first and foremost, never mind what India does.

Once more how is Bollywood who I don't give a toss about related to extremism unless you think the ISI operate it?? Speak...
Lol man. Appreciate your will to defend the indefensible.

Re: extremism quote
It is a Pakistani(diplomats) way of asking for help(well free stuff - being polite here to not hurt your ego further). Give us XXX else it will strengthen the hands of extremists and weaken democracy.
Lol man. Appreciate your will to defend the indefensible.

Re: extremism quote
It is a Pakistani(diplomats) way of asking for help(well free stuff - being polite here to not hurt your ego further). Give us XXX else it will strengthen the hands of extremists and weaken democracy.

There is nothing to "lol" about unless you can explain it? Was Modi not humiliated in the USA just a few days back? A country with so much poverty always on top of the begging list talking of "freebies" is beyond hilarious:)):))! What help were Pak diplomats asking for? It is India who is crying about terrorism and Afghanistan to Uncle Sam.

You are talking about Nawaz and Zardari's governments who were asking for handouts. IK has made it clear that he's not asking for anything at all. India is best at running away as we saw your Sneha do so when our lioness Saima spoke shutting her up. You guys always run away like cowards when it gets too hot to handle. Better not to embarrass yourself any further like your Modi did.

As for extremism you obviously don't know what is happening in your India with your Muslim's.
Good speech by IK. Whether people like it or not the Taliban won the war. The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is finished. Its not coming back.

The international community should now only have one interest in Afghanistan now. To ensure that its territory is not used against other countries. And the way to do that is by making recognition of their government conditional on that.

Also if any country cares about human rights in Afghanistan, then the way for them to have any influence on the Taliban's actions, is to incentivize them. Afghanistan needs money, and in return for money the Taliban would be willing to change some of their more draconian policies.
Again, the same old, cliched and silly speech by our PM. Imran Khan is the only leader in the country who is fixated with other countries i.e. India and Europe rather than his own country.

If he had given this much time, effort and attention to Pakistan, the lives of Pakistanis would be better. His government has broken the back of the ordinary man, made millions jobless and driven millions into poverty and here he is : lecturing India and the world about human rights, justice and peace. Fix your own country then people would take you seriously!

Because Imran Khan has nothing to show for, he constantly brings up India, Europe and Islamophobia to distract the masses! Shameful!

The speech to the UN normally relates to foreign affairs, and not the economy. As PM of Pakistan he is presenting Pakistan's view point to the international community.
What was really hilarious was the American's lecturing Modi on Gandhi's non violent philosophy! It was like telling Modi unlike the founding father of your country who believed in tolerance "you're a terrorist!":))):))):))) When he went to visit Biden no one welcomed him at the door neither did any top official see him off!

Even when a common man visits a friend someone welcomes them by standing at the door. With Modi the American's were saying "did you really have to come here?? :))):)))". When IK visited the USA Trump came himself to the door to welcome him.
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Modi in America was a classic case of "Begaani shaadi mein Abdullah deewana" :)) The free press of India are mercilessly laying in to him saying he has humiliated the country like no Indian PM has ever done previously. He went there to condemn terrorism when Muslim's are being killed every day in India. Does this foolish and illiterate man think the Americans and the world is not aware of what is happening in India.
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As for the Taliban peep's they have already won! India and even America can burn in their own rage and anger all they want. Afghanistan belongs to the Afghan's, it is up to them who governs the country. With America having left battered and bruised if India wants to send it's army next then go ahead. They world has two choices now, either engage with the Taliban or ignore them but they are not going anywhere.
The speech to the UN normally relates to foreign affairs, and not the economy. As PM of Pakistan he is presenting Pakistan's view point to the international community.
Whatever the forum, I am sick of this delusional man pretending that he cares about every human being on this planet except for the humans in his own country! Apri manji tellu dang phero!

For you information, he has talked about religion and God at the UN time and again. I do not see how that is related to foreign affairs! He likes to wear religion on his sleeves and his self-righteous attitude is nauseating.
Whatever the forum, I am sick of this delusional man pretending that he cares about every human being on this planet except for the humans in his own country! Apri manji tellu dang phero!

For you information, he has talked about religion and God at the UN time and again. I do not see how that is related to foreign affairs! He likes to wear religion on his sleeves and his self-righteous attitude is nauseating.

So here's a plan.
Switch your tv off. In fact go one further and log out of your computer too..
You should maybe do your own research and form an educated opinion. Depending on getting the information on a forum where there will be bias from the posters either ways is not the best way to learn.

Comeback form and opinion and if still not clear we can take this forward.

Also you are going in circles here because you either didn’t get what I said about the victors asking aid from the vanquished on purpose or by design.

Who does Imran expect aid from the Sierra Leone and Vietnam ?

I see you still couldn't answer my question, it's called the IMF, not Bank of America. Do you think there is a reason for that?
It's wishful thinking if anyone thinks the west will engage with taliban or pakistan both countries go against their interest and their new lapdog is india.

This pleading and begging by imran khan is getting ridiculous.

Instead of worrying of the gul khans and namak harams on our western border and gora sahibs in West when is he with pressing issues in pakistan hunger , poverty and lack of jobs for young people .
Opinion: Imran Khan: Don’t blame Pakistan for the outcome of the war in Afghanistan

Imran Khan is the prime minister of Pakistan.

Watching the recent Congressional hearings on Afghanistan, I was surprised to see that no mention was made of Pakistan’s sacrifices as a U.S. ally in the war on terror for more than two decades. Instead, we were blamed for America’s loss.

Let me put it plainly. Since 2001, I have repeatedly warned that the Afghan war was unwinnable. Given their history, Afghans would never accept a protracted foreign military presence, and no outsider, including Pakistan, could change this reality.

Unfortunately, successive Pakistani governments after 9/11 sought to please the United States instead of pointing out the error of a military-dominated approach. Desperate for global relevance and domestic legitimacy, Pakistan’s military dictator Pervez Musharraf agreed to every American demand for military support after 9/11. This cost Pakistan, and the United States, dearly.

Those the United States asked Pakistan to target included groups trained jointly by the CIA and our intelligence agency, the ISI, to defeat the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s. Back then, these Afghans were hailed as freedom fighters performing a sacred duty. President Ronald Reagan even entertained the mujahideen at the White House.

Once the Soviets were defeated, the United States abandoned Afghanistan and sanctioned my country, leaving behind over 4 million Afghan refugees in Pakistan and a bloody civil war in Afghanistan. From this security vacuum emerged the Taliban, many born and educated in Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan.

Fast forward to 9/11, when the United States needed us again — but this time against the very actors we had jointly supported to fight foreign occupation. Musharraf offered Washington logistics and air bases, allowed a CIA footprint in Pakistan and even turned a blind eye to American drones bombing Pakistanis on our soil. For the first time ever, our army swept into the semiautonomous tribal areas on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, which had earlier been used as the staging ground for the anti-Soviet jihad. The fiercely independent Pashtun tribes in these areas had deep ethnic ties with the Taliban and other Islamist militants.

For these people, the United States was an “occupier” of Afghanistan just like the Soviets, deserving of the same treatment. As Pakistan was now America’s collaborator, we too were deemed guilty and attacked. This was made much worse by over 450 U.S. drone strikes on our territory, making us the only country in history to be so bombed by an ally. These strikes caused immense civilian casualties, riling up anti-American (and anti-Pakistan army) sentiment further.

The die was cast. Between 2006 and 2015, nearly 50 militant groups declared jihad on the Pakistani state, conducting over 16,000 terrorist attacks on us. We suffered more than 80,000 casualties and lost over $150 billion in the economy. The conflict drove 3.5 million of our citizens from their homes. The militants escaping from Pakistani counterterrorism efforts entered Afghanistan and were then supported and financed by Indian and Afghan intelligence agencies, launching even more attacks against us.

Pakistan had to fight for its survival. As a former CIA station chief in Kabul wrote in 2009, the country was “beginning to crack under the relentless pressure directly exerted by the US.” Yet the United States continued to ask us to do more for the war in Afghanistan.

A year earlier, in 2008, I met then-Sens. Joe Biden, John F. Kerry and Harry M. Reid (among others) to explain this dangerous dynamic and stress the futility of continuing a military campaign in Afghanistan.

Even so, political expediency prevailed in Islamabad throughout the post-9/11 period. President Asif Zardari, undoubtedly the most corrupt man to have led my country, told the Americans to continue targeting Pakistanis because “collateral damage worries you Americans. It does not worry me.” Nawaz Sharif, our next prime minister, was no different.

While Pakistan had mostly defeated the terrorist onslaught by 2016, the Afghan situation continued to deteriorate, as we had warned. Why the difference? Pakistan had a disciplined army and intelligence agency, both of which enjoyed popular support. In Afghanistan, the lack of legitimacy for an outsider’s protracted war was compounded by a corrupt and inept Afghan government, seen as a puppet regime without credibility, especially by rural Afghans.

Tragically, instead of facing this reality, the Afghan and Western governments created a convenient scapegoat by blaming Pakistan, wrongly accusing us of providing safe havens to the Taliban and allowing its free movement across our border. If it had been so, would the United States not have used some of the 450-plus drone strikes to target these supposed sanctuaries?

Still, to satisfy Kabul, Pakistan offered a joint border visibility mechanism, suggested biometric border controls, advocated fencing the border (which we have now largely done on our own) and other measures. Each idea was rejected. Instead, the Afghan government intensified the “blame Pakistan” narrative, aided by Indian-run fake news networks operating hundreds of propaganda outlets in multiple countries.

A more realistic approach would have been to negotiate with the Taliban much earlier, avoiding the embarrassment of the collapse of the Afghan army and the Ashraf Ghani government. Surely Pakistan is not to blame for the fact that 300,000-plus well-trained and well-equipped Afghan security forces saw no reason to fight the lightly armed Taliban. The underlying problem was an Afghan government structure lacking legitimacy in the eyes of the average Afghan.

Today, with Afghanistan at another crossroads, we must look to the future to prevent another violent conflict in that country rather than perpetuating the blame game of the past.

I am convinced the right thing for the world now is to engage with the new Afghan government to ensure peace and stability. The international community will want to see the inclusion of major ethnic groups in government, respect for the rights of all Afghans and commitments that Afghan soil shall never again be used for terrorism against any country. Taliban leaders will have greater reason and ability to stick to their promises if they are assured of the consistent humanitarian and developmental assistance they need to run the government effectively. Providing such incentives will also give the outside world additional leverage to continue persuading the Taliban to honor its commitments.

If we do this right, we could achieve what the Doha peace process aimed at all along: an Afghanistan that is no longer a threat to the world, where Afghans can finally dream of peace after four decades of conflict. The alternative — abandoning Afghanistan — has been tried before. As in the 1990s, it will inevitably lead to a meltdown. Chaos, mass migration and a revived threat of international terror will be natural corollaries. Avoiding this must surely be our global imperative.