Rate the avatar above you

0/10 How dare you insult Epic Sax Guy!

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KHy7DGLTt8g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
^^infinity/10 .........love Imran Khan hence PTI................so i can put a numerical value on it so infinity................respect +.......

but text on ur avatar is hard to read............needs more contrast

I am sure there are better Afridi pics available on internet :)
looks so much like a bunch of postcards my older brother got on some trip years ago when he was in High School (and I Primary)...he got so many that we used them for Blue Peter competitions lol
Ahh memories

EDIT: that was originay for firework's avatar, but I. The time between writing and posting so many posts were posted

6/10 looks cool, but no idea what it is man...joker?
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8/10, strong light brown eyes.. I bet you get all the bishes. But the eyebrow needs work.

And it's The Joker