Screaming cat


Sep 11, 2011

I own few custom made willow with decent "ping" but require a willow with
extra ping. Screaming cat Professional grade willows seem to have uniqe rebound has anyone have use one and what sort ping it has compare to hell4leather,
gm orignal bat.


I own few custom made willow with decent "ping" but require a willow with
extra ping. Screaming cat Professional grade willows seem to have uniqe rebound has anyone have use one and what sort ping it has compare to hell4leather,
gm orignal bat.


I have 2 Scats; check my old posts; let me know if you have any questions:

Scat # 1

Scat # 2
They really should stop calling them scats. I'd be much more likely to buy one.
the excrement of an animal.
1925–30; origin uncertain; compare British dial. (SW) scat to scatter, fling down, bespatter; Greek skat- (stem of skôr dung; see scato-) is unlikely source, given popular character of the word and unmotivated derivation pattern

"screamer" or simply "cat" would be much better. :D
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Please don't add any useless comments(Imran_A & Langer17), i haven't open this thread for any other reason but only people who own one of screaming cat bats to help me some information,,

Thanks for responce KashifJ,,,
is it worth 675 US dollar
How's ping compare to other top bats,

Thanks for responce KashifJ,,,
is it worth 675 US dollar
How's ping compare to other top bats,


It totally worth every single penny; if it wasn’t I wouldn't go for 2nd one.

I had CA TRD 12000 which I sold, and currently have Newbery Thruxton SPS too ... Scat is easily way far ahead from them, plus my friends compared Scat with other bats, so far all feedback is that Scat is way ahead
It depends, if you know what specs you want go for it but if you are a guess and trial (pick up any bat that feels good and buy it) then buy of shelf, the price is dear but feedback has been poitive, there still is a possibility that you will get a bat that won't be as good as bats of the shelf.