Should Imran Khan accept the minus one formula?

Sanaullah doesn't see PTI chief's role in national politics anymore
"He is a miscreant," Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah says about former premier

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan will never be a key player in national politics again, Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah said Friday.

"He is a miscreant. He brought indecency into politics," the minister told Geo News' Shahzeb Khanzada as he slammed the PTI chief for his tirade against the ruling coalition.

Embattled Khan faces a slew of cases — from terrorism to murder — since his ouster in April last year through a no-confidence vote, but was able to hit back at the government.

But after the May 9 riots, when he was arrested, and his party workers resorted to extreme violence, the authorities began clamping down on his party, with scores of leaders parting ways with the PTI.

Sanaullah claimed that if PTI thinks its vote bank has increased post-May 9, it is living in a fantasy.

"The people have seen their real faces. He's a 'scourage' upon the nation whose only agenda is to cause destruction in the country."

When the authorities began arresting PTI workers for their alleged involvement in vandalism, the party called it political victimisation, with Khan vowing that come what may, he would win the next elections.

Sanaullah said the PTI chief had induced hatred in the youth. "Now, every sensible person is well-aware about his plans to spread chaos."

Is Elahi comfortable?
In the same show, in reference to PTI President Parvez Elahi, he said it is common practice to shift prisoners from jail to hospital when they are in pain.

PTI has been claiming that Elahi is unwell and is being denied his rights. His wife also claims the same and said that the manner in which Elahi was treated in the jail "is very painful".

But Sanaullah refuted the allegations.

He noted that the party had earlier levelled false allegations against jail authorities for harassing PTI's women workers, which the government and PTI's female workers themselves denied.

"According to the reports I received, Chaudhry Parvez Elahi is comfortable. He is being provided all facilities."

The News PK
Imran Khan has been completed neutared and rendered ineffective. His daily addresses to the nation are becoming very boring and ineffective. The army and PDM have successfully bought him back to the 2010 situation. He hasn't offered any hope or any strategy to his supporters, party workers, leaders on how he is going to get himself out of the mess he is in and how he is going to ressurect the party. At this rate, PTI supporters themselves are going to give up and move on. He has shown very poor leadership in this saga and has been on the defensive since May 9
Imran Khan has been completed neutared and rendered ineffective. His daily addresses to the nation are becoming very boring and ineffective. The army and PDM have successfully bought him back to the 2010 situation. He hasn't offered any hope or any strategy to his supporters, party workers, leaders on how he is going to get himself out of the mess he is in and how he is going to ressurect the party. At this rate, PTI supporters themselves are going to give up and move on. He has shown very poor leadership in this saga and has been on the defensive since May 9

Imran Khan wait for hos time. I do not understand why he is always on attack mode. After he lost power he only had to wait 1.5 years - Instead he went all attack on PDM, USA, and army. So many blunders he did is also the reason he is in all this mess.
Imran Khan has been completed neutared and rendered ineffective. His daily addresses to the nation are becoming very boring and ineffective. The army and PDM have successfully bought him back to the 2010 situation. He hasn't offered any hope or any strategy to his supporters, party workers, leaders on how he is going to get himself out of the mess he is in and how he is going to ressurect the party. At this rate, PTI supporters themselves are going to give up and move on. He has shown very poor leadership in this saga and has been on the defensive since May 9

What do you want him to do? Would you like a song and dance from him. The mafia have the guns and the guys with guns win. Unless you have another plan that you would like to share, it's inevitable that they would win with force. However this a phyric victory and whether it happens in the next year, decade or century PK will get freedom.
Imran Khan wait for hos time. I do not understand why he is always on attack mode. After he lost power he only had to wait 1.5 years - Instead he went all attack on PDM, USA, and army. So many blunders he did is also the reason he is in all this mess.

And you think that would have worked? You think Bajwa, Ganja Shaitan or Khusra Nadeem would have let him come back? No chance. He has exposed the army as being corrupt and duplicitous and not having PKs interest at heart, in any way or form. Today we all know that PK can never develop as long as the Generals are interested in power and not fighting wars.
Imran Khan has been completed neutared and rendered ineffective. His daily addresses to the nation are becoming very boring and ineffective. The army and PDM have successfully bought him back to the 2010 situation. He hasn't offered any hope or any strategy to his supporters, party workers, leaders on how he is going to get himself out of the mess he is in and how he is going to ressurect the party. At this rate, PTI supporters themselves are going to give up and move on. He has shown very poor leadership in this saga and has been on the defensive since May 9

The army and PDM who's supporters on this forum consider risking the lives of their loved ones on a dinghy across foreign oceans as a better option than living under their own choice of politicians? Someone is trolling here for sure, more than likely a pathetic kid of rich entitled twerps who never earned an honest living in their life. Not talking about you either so don't take it personally.
Imran Khan has been completed neutared and rendered ineffective. His daily addresses to the nation are becoming very boring and ineffective. The army and PDM have successfully bought him back to the 2010 situation. He hasn't offered any hope or any strategy to his supporters, party workers, leaders on how he is going to get himself out of the mess he is in and how he is going to ressurect the party. At this rate, PTI supporters themselves are going to give up and move on. He has shown very poor leadership in this saga and has been on the defensive since May 9

Yes. He is out of the game now although I must agree that his popularity is at an all-time high.

However, he had no option after 9th May. He could have done nothing. The odds were stacked against him.
Imran Khan wait for hos time. I do not understand why he is always on attack mode. After he lost power he only had to wait 1.5 years - Instead he went all attack on PDM, USA, and army. So many blunders he did is also the reason he is in all this mess.

Yea it’s very naive from him.

The disaster that this PDM government has brought meant that army would have had no other option but to look at other options and PTI would be at front seat. But now that’s not going to happen
Yes. He is out of the game now although I must agree that his popularity is at an all-time high.

However, he had no option after 9th May. He could have done nothing. The odds were stacked against him.

Pakistanis have the shortest memory in history. That is why essentially the same cabal of 4-5 families / institutions have been ruling Pakistan for half a century..

Imran khan will be forgotten in 5-6 months if no catalyst. I’m already seeing people talking less about him.
Imran Khan has been completed neutared and rendered ineffective. His daily addresses to the nation are becoming very boring and ineffective. The army and PDM have successfully bought him back to the 2010 situation. He hasn't offered any hope or any strategy to his supporters, party workers, leaders on how he is going to get himself out of the mess he is in and how he is going to ressurect the party. At this rate, PTI supporters themselves are going to give up and move on. He has shown very poor leadership in this saga and has been on the defensive since May 9

Looks like you are not aware of the gorund realities that who has more than 70% support. and yes use of brutal force has made things worse for him but on the ground his support has increased, any government(billo or maryazm) coming for next 5 years will be disaster, for not represeting true sentiments of the people. Look and see, 15 months was enough time, not a trailer. I would hope khan does not come in to power and leave a legacy adn this sinking ship is beyound him now. Let it sink without him.
And billo was doing Jalsa in swat two days ago, HAhahhahah it was evident who has ground support. But I hope agisnt hope that khan does not come to charge this sinking ship.
Let is be, Khan shoudl live a peaceful life.
The army and PDM who's supporters on this forum consider risking the lives of their loved ones on a dinghy across foreign oceans as a better option than living under their own choice of politicians? Someone is trolling here for sure, more than likely a pathetic kid of rich entitled twerps who never earned an honest living in their life. Not talking about you either so don't take it personally.

PDM supporters and use of brain cells do not work together. Keep that in mind.
And you think that would have worked? You think Bajwa, Ganja Shaitan or Khusra Nadeem would have let him come back? No chance. He has exposed the army as being corrupt and duplicitous and not having PKs interest at heart, in any way or form. Today we all know that PK can never develop as long as the Generals are interested in power and not fighting wars.

agreed, He was never coming nack into power but the greatest thing in out hx happened, and now people in Pujaba realized who sis the real probelem, Thats enough, Khan has exposed them badly. No he sjoudl leave th politics and enjoy his peacefull life. No need of risking his life for pathetic system.
agreed, He was never coming nack into power but the greatest thing in out hx happened, and now people in Pujaba realized who sis the real probelem, Thats enough, Khan has exposed them badly. No he sjoudl leave th politics and enjoy his peacefull life. No need of risking his life for pathetic system.

Are you saying the establishment was held in high regard before? why? I mean they simply collecting rent from US over the years
Imran Khan has unprecedented support from lower class in villages to upper middle class and higher class in cities. Its unprecedented to see the kind of mobilisation of crowd Imran achieved in the past year.

In past establishment have been able to throw away civilian leaders however at that time the state of economy was manageable so public didn't showcase much anger. Now establishment does not have public support, economy is a mess, the alternative to Imran Khan are simply duds that public really hate and international media is as free as ever and Imran is happily giving interviews to foreign media. With such an environment throwing Imran will not be as easy as some think it would be.
I'm speechless.

People are blaming Khan for the corrupt and incompetent PDM usurping power.

No coward wants to stand up for themselves and expects an old retired cricketer to fight and take on the Army, ISI, Media, Corrupt Judges and the disingeous PDM.

No offence Pakistan, but your people are a Nation of Cowards that would rather sell their dignity for money over any honour or principle.
I'm speechless.

People are blaming Khan for the corrupt and incompetent PDM usurping power.

No coward wants to stand up for themselves and expects an old retired cricketer to fight and take on the Army, ISI, Media, Corrupt Judges and the disingeous PDM.

No offence Pakistan, but your people are a Nation of Cowards that would rather sell their dignity for money over any honour or principle.

Majority are not but a large minority are and sadly most of them are in positions of power.

Imran Khan is never out of the game, because its no longer a game. The people have serious hate for PDM and Generals. When the nation goes into bankruptcy, the hunger will force people to come out. The PDM will run, the Generals will be changed and Imran will return.
Are you saying the establishment was held in high regard before? why? I mean they simply collecting rent from US over the years

not at all, but PMLN and co along with them has been exposed in a way that never happeened before. 90-95% does not liek them atm. never happened before.
Imran Khan is battling for his political survival after Pakistani authorities launched a crackdown on his party, with the popular former prime minister acknowledging that his path back to power is narrowing.

Since he was removed in a no-confidence vote last year, Khan has waged a relentless campaign to force elections, mobilising supporters around the country and challenging Pakistan’s powerful military — which he accuses of orchestrating his ouster — in a way few others have dared.

This high-stakes campaign now appears to have backfired. In recent weeks, authorities have detained thousands of his supporters and scores of senior leaders have quit his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party under pressure. The 70-year-old former cricketer, who is out on bail after being arrested last month, is battling dozens more cases from terrorism to murder allegations.

“Right now it’s a question of survival,” he told the Financial Times in an interview from his Lahore home. “To put it in cricketing terms, when you lose early wickets, you just put your head down and stay on the crease. You don’t play any flamboyant shots rights now. All we can do is survive this unprecedented crackdown.”

“Any supporters, our entire leadership [are] in jail, the rest are all hiding,” he continued. “So I’m at the moment quite isolated, because I can’t get in touch with anyone.”

Khan blamed the country’s army, which has long controlled Pakistani politics from behind the scenes, for the campaign, calling it “undeclared martial law” and claiming that he was more popular than ever. While national elections are due by October, analysts say polls could be delayed due to the economic and political turmoil.

“They will only hold elections when they think that my party is crushed. And that’s what’s going on right now,” Khan said. “If there are elections we would win.”

To his opponents, Khan is less a principled defender of democracy than a power-hungry opportunist and populist. Pakistan’s former celebrity cricket captain rose to the premiership in 2018 thanks in part to the army’s support, only for the relationship to sour while in office.

His military-backed government was frequently accused of using its own heavy-handed tactics to stifle dissent, including arresting rival leaders on corruption allegations.

Once ousted amid accusations that he mismanaged the economy, Khan railed against not only Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif — who he blames for Pakistan’s current economic crisis — but the army, even accusing a military official of conspiring in an assassination attempt on him last year.

Sharif’s government “realise that without the backing of the military establishment they are gone”, Khan said. “In fact, they are going along with this undeclared martial law because they are scared of elections.”

The crackdown started after Khan was arrested on corruption allegations in early May, prompting a wave of sometimes violent protests and vandalism against some military installations by PTI supporters. Khan denies the allegations.

Thousands of supporters were detained and a number of prominent PTI leaders, such as former ministers Shireen Mazari and Fawad Chaudhry, quit after being repeatedly arrested.

Several former PTI leaders said their ordeals only ended after they agreed to distance themselves from Khan. “I doubt if people will forgive Shehbaz Sharif and his government,” one of them said. “It is not clear who will lead Pakistan in future. Right now, the government is unpopular and it’s hard to tell if they will succeed.”

Media executives also said they were ordered to reduce coverage of the former prime minister. “Imran Khan has disappeared from the TV screens,” said the head of one large Pakistani news organisation. “We cannot use his name or that of his party.”

The UN’s human rights commissioner and others have condemned the current crackdown. Pakistan’s army did not respond to a request for comment but has previously dismissed criticism of its actions, including plans to try alleged vandals in military courts.

“It is time that [the] noose of law is also tightened around the planners and masterminds” of what it called a “politically driven rebellion against the state”, the army said this month.

Some PTI exiles led by former general secretary Jahangir Tareen have since formed a rival party, the Istehkam-e-Pakistan party.

Bilal Gilani, executive director of pollster Gallup Pakistan, said the army may tacitly encourage rivals like these in order to weaken the PTI’s support. He added that the crackdown had damaged Khan’s standing among people loyal to the military.

“Among the chattering classes, the perception is that the PTI is finished,” Gilani said. Khan “could lose a lot of political power despite being very popular”.

Sharif’s government has dismissed Khan as a passing fad.

“Imran Khan’s rise was mainly due to his presence on social media,” said Qaiser Ahmed Sheikh, a member of parliament from Sharif’s party, the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz. “Once his popularity ended, lots of people along the grassroots will look for an alternative. The PTI just had a very short-term existence.”

Yet analysts have warned against writing off Khan’s prospects for a comeback. He too argued that the attempts to stifle him were “unsustainable”.

The crackdown “is completely against the culture of this country”, he said. “And so there’s a big backlash also coming . . . We just have to weather the storm. I don’t think this can last.”

Financial Times
Imran Khan is battling for his political survival after Pakistani authorities launched a crackdown on his party, with the popular former prime minister acknowledging that his path back to power is narrowing.

Since he was removed in a no-confidence vote last year, Khan has waged a relentless campaign to force elections, mobilising supporters around the country and challenging Pakistan’s powerful military — which he accuses of orchestrating his ouster — in a way few others have dared.

This high-stakes campaign now appears to have backfired. In recent weeks, authorities have detained thousands of his supporters and scores of senior leaders have quit his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party under pressure. The 70-year-old former cricketer, who is out on bail after being arrested last month, is battling dozens more cases from terrorism to murder allegations.

“Right now it’s a question of survival,” he told the Financial Times in an interview from his Lahore home. “To put it in cricketing terms, when you lose early wickets, you just put your head down and stay on the crease. You don’t play any flamboyant shots rights now. All we can do is survive this unprecedented crackdown.”

“Any supporters, our entire leadership [are] in jail, the rest are all hiding,” he continued. “So I’m at the moment quite isolated, because I can’t get in touch with anyone.”

Khan blamed the country’s army, which has long controlled Pakistani politics from behind the scenes, for the campaign, calling it “undeclared martial law” and claiming that he was more popular than ever. While national elections are due by October, analysts say polls could be delayed due to the economic and political turmoil.

“They will only hold elections when they think that my party is crushed. And that’s what’s going on right now,” Khan said. “If there are elections we would win.”

To his opponents, Khan is less a principled defender of democracy than a power-hungry opportunist and populist. Pakistan’s former celebrity cricket captain rose to the premiership in 2018 thanks in part to the army’s support, only for the relationship to sour while in office.

His military-backed government was frequently accused of using its own heavy-handed tactics to stifle dissent, including arresting rival leaders on corruption allegations.

Once ousted amid accusations that he mismanaged the economy, Khan railed against not only Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif — who he blames for Pakistan’s current economic crisis — but the army, even accusing a military official of conspiring in an assassination attempt on him last year.

Sharif’s government “realise that without the backing of the military establishment they are gone”, Khan said. “In fact, they are going along with this undeclared martial law because they are scared of elections.”

The crackdown started after Khan was arrested on corruption allegations in early May, prompting a wave of sometimes violent protests and vandalism against some military installations by PTI supporters. Khan denies the allegations.

Thousands of supporters were detained and a number of prominent PTI leaders, such as former ministers Shireen Mazari and Fawad Chaudhry, quit after being repeatedly arrested.

Several former PTI leaders said their ordeals only ended after they agreed to distance themselves from Khan. “I doubt if people will forgive Shehbaz Sharif and his government,” one of them said. “It is not clear who will lead Pakistan in future. Right now, the government is unpopular and it’s hard to tell if they will succeed.”

Media executives also said they were ordered to reduce coverage of the former prime minister. “Imran Khan has disappeared from the TV screens,” said the head of one large Pakistani news organisation. “We cannot use his name or that of his party.”

The UN’s human rights commissioner and others have condemned the current crackdown. Pakistan’s army did not respond to a request for comment but has previously dismissed criticism of its actions, including plans to try alleged vandals in military courts.

“It is time that [the] noose of law is also tightened around the planners and masterminds” of what it called a “politically driven rebellion against the state”, the army said this month.

Some PTI exiles led by former general secretary Jahangir Tareen have since formed a rival party, the Istehkam-e-Pakistan party.

Bilal Gilani, executive director of pollster Gallup Pakistan, said the army may tacitly encourage rivals like these in order to weaken the PTI’s support. He added that the crackdown had damaged Khan’s standing among people loyal to the military.

“Among the chattering classes, the perception is that the PTI is finished,” Gilani said. Khan “could lose a lot of political power despite being very popular”.

Sharif’s government has dismissed Khan as a passing fad.

“Imran Khan’s rise was mainly due to his presence on social media,” said Qaiser Ahmed Sheikh, a member of parliament from Sharif’s party, the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz. “Once his popularity ended, lots of people along the grassroots will look for an alternative. The PTI just had a very short-term existence.”

Yet analysts have warned against writing off Khan’s prospects for a comeback. He too argued that the attempts to stifle him were “unsustainable”.

The crackdown “is completely against the culture of this country”, he said. “And so there’s a big backlash also coming . . . We just have to weather the storm. I don’t think this can last.”

Financial Times

With all these guys predicting the demise of IK, surely elections will be free and fair and IK will lose:)):))
Working towards it -


Former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan on Wednesday was booked in the murder of slain lawyer Abdul Razzaq Shar Advocate in Quetta.

A day earlier, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister Ata Tarar held Imran Khan accountable for the killing.

Speaking during a press conference in the federal capital, the PML-N leader revealed that Imran Khan would be implicated in the murder of Advocate Abdul Razzaq.

Police sources said that the former premier was booked in the murder of the senior lawyer on an application filed by the son of Abdul Razzaq Shar Advocate, Siraj Ahmed Advocate.

The Jameel Shaheed police station lodged the FIR against the PTI chief in connection with the murder of Abdul Razzaq Shar Advocate.

The senior lawyer was killed on Quetta's Airport Road area. Police reports indicate that the assailants unleashed a hail of 14 bullets upon the lawyer's vehicle before swiftly fleeing the scene.

The Supreme Court lawyer had submitted an application against Imran Khan for violating the Constitution. The slain lawyer had demanded the registration of a treason case against the former premier.

A division bench of the Balochistan High Court (BHC) had admitted the petition and the hearing on the case was scheduled for today. However, the case could not be heard because of the absence of the bench.

Members of the legal fraternity observed a boycott of courts against the killing of the senior lawyer. Rahib Buledi, a senior lawyer leader, strongly condemned the killing of senior members of the legal fraternity and lashed out at the Balochistan government.

Balochistan Home Minister Mir Ziaullah Langove condemned the attack and directed the police to arrest the culprits behind the attack. The killing of the senior lawyer was widely condemned by the political parties and members of civil society.
Lawyer murder case: BHC quashes FIR against Imran Khan.

QUETTA: The Balochistan High Court (BHC) on Monday dismissed a first information report (FIR) filed against Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan in the murder case of senior Supreme Court lawyer Abdul Razzaq Shar.

BHC Chief Justice Naeem Akhtar Afghan and Justice Gul Hasan Tareen announced the verdict on the plea of the Insaf Lawyers Forum (ILF) and suspended the arrest warrant issued against Khan by the judicial magistrate.

Taking to X, formerly Twitter, Khan's counsel Naeem Haider Panjutha announced the news: "Alhamdulillah, the court has dismissed the FIR registered against Imran Khan in Bijli Road police station in Quetta, once again Imran Khan has been vindicated in a false case, congratulations to all Pakistan on the victory of justice."

Establishment has no choice but to negotiate with Khan. Or wait for the country to die slow death. The country is facing enormous financial challenges.
I believe it's time for Imran to consider accepting the "minus one" formula in the best interest of the country.
I believe it's time for Imran to consider accepting the "minus one" formula in the best interest of the country.
Tables have turned in past few days - inflation and hydro bills, out of control dollar plus massive debt to be paid back has put Khan back in the driving seat. Company has no choice but to negotiate with Khan.

Khan is the only guy with backing huge backing of awaam who can actually steer this country through rough road providing he is given 10 years of control. Awaam will only accept him as the PM. Other leaders or parties don’t matter considering the poor miserable show of 16 months by 13 party gang.

Khan is willing to die so its a win win situation for him.
Establishment has no choice but to negotiate with Khan. Or wait for the country to die slow death. The country is facing enormous financial challenges.
Establishment is looking for NRO but IK isn’t ready to give it.

Army, particularly Pakistani army isn’t capable anymore to steer Pakistan out of economy crisis no matter what they try. Only an elected government with people’s mandate can. It isn’t 90’s anymore.

IK has already won.
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan has appointed an eminent human rights lawyer, Geoffrey Robertson KC, to represent him in the international courts in cases related to his "unlawful detention and human rights abuses", it emerged on Friday.

Khan's decision to hire an international counsel — who has also previously represented Australian journalist Jullian Assange — comes at a time when he remains behind bars at the Attock District jail since his conviction by a trial court in the Toshakhana case on August 5 for failing to properly declare gifts he received while in office. The PTI chief was sentenced to a three-year jail term with a Rs100,000 fine — a judgment that kept him from contesting upcoming elections.

While the Islamabad High Court had overturned the said conviction, he remains behind bars due to his judicial remand in the cipher case till September 13, as he was booked by the Federal Investigation Agency for revealing state secrets under the Official Secrets Act.

The decision to bring Robertson on board was confirmed by the party on its X account, where it shared a screenshot of a post by the Doughty Street Chambers — a set of barristers’ chambers based in the United Kingdom.

"PTI Chairman, Former Prime Minister @ImranKhanPTI has appointed the eminent Human Rights Barrister Geoffrey Robertson KC of @DoughtyStreet Chambers to advise and represent him in international courts in relation to unlawful detention and human rights abuses," the post on X read.

Pakistan has to repay $10 billion by Dec '23

With remittances down, will it matter who is calling the shots?
There is no PTI without Imran Khan and everyone knows this, even Shah Mahmood Qureshi.
In a recent interview, Imran Khan's opponent Pervez Khatak was asked whether Imran Khan would seek an NRO. He replied, "No, I know Imran".

The reason is that people support Imran Khan.
It won’t be in govt control if courts bar Imran from polls: Kakar
Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar says being the caretaker prime minister, he could not undo judicial outcomes
ISLAMABAD: Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar has said it will not be in the interim government’s control if Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan is legally barred from contesting the upcoming polls by courts.

In an interview with the BBC during his visit to London, the premier said: “The fate of Imran Khan is not final as yet. There are judicial remedies available to him… And if all options are utilised judicially, then yes, there is a possibility that he may legally be barred from that process which is beyond the control of the caretaker government.”

To a question regarding the PMLN supremo Nawaz Sharif and Shehbaz Sharif, he reiterated that if any individual was barred from the elections, it would not be due to an executive decision as that could only be through judicial outcome. He said that being the caretaker prime minister, he could not undo judicial outcomes. Asked whether Nawaz would be arrested on his return from London, Kakar said the law-enforcement agencies would have to deliberate whether he had a protective bail or any other legal remedies available.

He said the PTI as a political party was not barred from participating in the elections.

I have never seen care taker PM doing state visits abroad and meeting foreign dignitaries. Must be a first. An interim position before next election, what mandate does he have. Ofcourse he has the mandate that matters.
IK being tortured on prison by a criminal Junta hoping that he breaks before NS cones back. NS and the Junta can't compete with IK and need him dead
IK being tortured on prison by a criminal Junta hoping that he breaks before NS cones back. NS and the Junta can't compete with IK and need him dead
All the surveys are still pointing that PTI's vote bank is not getting down.

Now my concern is that if someone were to harm IK it's likely that the party would gain advantage in form of vote bank as Zardari got in 2008 GE.

So is the actual threat to IK coming from within the party?

Things moving from minus-1 to minus-2 situation​

ISLAMABAD: As the situation develops, the 2024 general elections may see the top two politicians of the country -- Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif -- not eligible to contest the polls.

Presently, both are disqualified to contest elections or from holding any public office. Generally, minus-one has recently been discussed vis-a-vis Imran Khan and it was speculated that Nawaz Sharif would be able to clear his convictions to take part in the upcoming polls.

The PMLN still believes so but the latest verdict of the Supreme Court of Pakistan on SC’s Practices and Procedures Act 2023 has dampened Nawaz Sharif’s chances to clear his conviction.

The SC though upheld the Act, did not endorse its Sub-section (2) of Section 5, which was about granting a right of appeal retrospectively. The said sub section was declared ultra vires the Constitution. With the right to retrospective appeal denied, Nawaz Sharif could not appeal against his lifetime disqualification from participation in politics.

With the sub-section (2) of Section 5 having been struck down by the apex court, the PMLN is now banking on another controversial law -- the Election Act 2017 as amended in 2023 during the PDM government -- to insist that Nawaz Sharif’s disqualification for life is no more relevant.

In the Election Act, an amendment was introduced in Section 232 (Qualifications and Disqualifications) of the Election Act, 2017 to set the period of disqualification to five years. It said that the disqualification period under Article 62 of the Constitution would not exceed five years.

No level-playing field for arsonists: PM Kakar
Says those hoping 'recent events' can be brushed aside and arsonists should be treated like others are 'mistaken'
Interim Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar has reassured that the caretaker government was committed to offering a level-playing field to all political parties, but refuted any notion that recent events should be forgotten or that arsonists should receive the same treatment as other political players.

In a tacit reference to the May 9 incidents, PM Kakar stated that it was not possible to provide a level-playing field and grant people a license to burn down everything just because they believe everything should be forgotten now that the caretaker government has assumed power. “It cannot happen.”

Those thinking that the recent events can be forgotten and the arsonists should also be treated like other political players were mistaken, the caretaker premier made it clear.

While expressing hope that the date of the elections would soon be announced, he said that he couldn’t do anything to create a level-playing field for a certain party, asking if everyone remembered the level-playing field of 2018 when the South Punjab front was formed.

The premier pointed out that maintaining social order was impossible if someone claimed to support democracy while threatening to burn down the parliament or assault the Prime Minister House.

The law doesn’t see it that way, he stressed.Speaking hypothetically, he stated that if an individual were to burn down 10 Downing Street under the pretence of exercising democratic rights, and subsequently demanded their rights without facing legal consequences, “I’ll see how such an incident is responded” in the UK.

PM Kakar further questioned, "If JUI-F were engaged in similar actions, would the public perceive them in the same way they currently do for a political party?" In such a scenario, people would have branded them as radicals and called for military strikes with F-16 fighter jets.

He asked about the potential reaction if the PML-N, PPP, or any other party had carried out the same actions. “Isn’t it the rule of law that they [PTI officials] are being tried under procedures,” he questioned.

‘No special treatment given to Nawaz’

PM Kakar also responded to criticisms surrounding the provision of a biometric facility to former premier Nawaz Sharif upon his return from London, arguing that no special measures were taken, as Nawaz was entitled to the same benefits as any other natural-born citizen.

"To present a normal database procedure as if there was no level-playing field" was incorrect, he stated.

Furthermore, in another allusion to PTI, the interim premier pointed to previous instances of political imbalance, he questioned whether anyone remembered the level-playing field during the formation of the South Punjab front in 2018 and the subsequent events that unfolded.

Generally, the PM said, the caretaker government’s job was to assist the election process and largely provide a level-playing field to all the political parties as per the government’s standards.Still, he said, questions would be raised and parties wouldn’t find it as per their standards.

The premier said that the interim government didn’t want any major political party to be excluded from the political process unless they were legally barred from doing so.

“If courts' decisions bar me or you, whether rightly or wrongly, we will have to accept it under the system,” PM Kakar said. It has happened in the past, it’s happening right now and it will happen in the future, he said.
